5e Character Class: The Lightbringer

by LadyJadz

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Many adventurers fight against the forces of darkness, endeavoring to bring the light to the world. Very few of those adventurers, however, do so quite as literally as the Lightbringers. A reclusive order of warriors, the Lightbringer Vanguard have pledged to scour darkness from the world wherever they encounter it, and to destroy all those who dwell within such darkness. Unlike paladins, who gain divine power and smite their foes with it, the Lightbringers gather their power from the pure energy of the sun, and use its radiance to empower their martial efforts.

Power of the Sun

The Lightbringer Vanguard do not have sole command over the power of the light. Rather, they seek those with the natural talent to command radiance and draw forth inner brilliance. Often, in moments of extreme stress or danger, a person with the talent will spontaneously develop a radiant aura, channeling tremendous power through themselves in a burst of raw light that leaves them exhausted, near death, and usually very confused. The Vanguard watches for these sudden displays, visible for miles, and makes a point of tracking down the person and teaching them how to control their power and how to channel it, as well as teaching them the creed of the Lightbringers and their purpose in the world.

Inner Talent

Lightbringers do not need to devote themselves to a god or a divine ideal, and they don't even need to be a part of the Lightbringer Vanguard. Anyone who has a strong connection to the light and the sun may experience the sudden surge of power that heralds the onset of their radiant aura, and may learn how to channel that power themselves, without anyone else's assistance. However it happens, though, a Lightbringer is a force to be reckoned with.

Class Features

As a lightbringer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per lightbringer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per lightbringer level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons with the light or finesse properties
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constutition, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Religion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) five javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • a highly polished brass mirror


If the multiclassing rules are in use for your campaign, you may not multiclass into or out of lightbringer unless you are taking a prestige class.

Radiant Aura

You learn the sacred flame and word of radiance cantrips. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

As a bonus action, you can cause light to pour forth from your body. This effect functions identically to the light spell, but with a range of Self.

At 3rd level and every third level after that, the radius of bright light and dim light cast by your Radiant Aura increases by 10 feet each (30ft at 3rd lvl, 40ft at 6th, etc), up to a maximum of 80ft of bright light and another 80ft of dim light at 18th level.

Blessing of the Light

At 1st level, while you are in an area of bright light, you gain a +1 bonus to AC against attacks from attackers who can see you. You may use a shield and still gain this benefit.

You become proficient in your choice of Perception or Investigation, and you have expertise with the chosen skill.

Additionally, you have advantage on vision-based skill checks if both you and the target of your check are in an area of bright light.

Searing Light

At 2nd level, your command of the light has developed into the ability to enhance the potency of your radiant strikes.

Once per turn when you deal radiant damage, you may choose to deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to the target. Both you and your target must be in bright light for this ability to be used. Creatures that cannot see you, or that are immune to the Blinded condition, are immune to this extra damage.

Each time you use this ability, your current and maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to your level until you complete a long rest.

The damage dealt by this ability increases as you go up in level, as shown on the class table.

The Lightbringer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Searing Light Damage
1st +2 Radiant Aura, Blessing of the Light -
2nd +2 Searing Light, Radiance Charge 1d8
3rd +2 Spectrum of Radiance 2d8
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2d8
5th +3 Improved Radiance 3d8
6th +3 All-Seeing Light 3d8
7th +3 Spectrum of Radiance Feature 4d8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4d8
9th +4 Empowering Light 5d8
10th +4 Spectrum of Radiance Feature 5d8
11th +4 Greater Radiance 6d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6d8
13th +5 Spectrum of Radiance Feature 7d8
14th +5 Concentrated Radiance 7d8
15th +5 - 8d8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8d8
17th +6 Spectrum of Radiance Feature 9d8
18th +6 Master Radiance 9d8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10d8
20th +6 Paragon of Light 10d8

Radiance Charge (1/Rest)

Starting at 2nd level, your Radiant Aura infuses you with the energy of light, allowing you to perform wondrous effects. You start knowing two such effects: Blinding Radiance and Protecting Radiance. When you use your Radiance Charge, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Radiance Charge again. Radiance Charge can only be activated while you and your targets are in an area of bright light and all of your targets can see you. This bright light does not have to be created by your Radiant Aura.

As you increase in level, you may gain new uses of your Radiance Charge.

Some of your radiance features require the target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects, or require you to make an attack roll to hit. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Radiance save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Constutition modifier

Radiance attack modifier = proficiency bonus +

your Constutition modifier

Blinding Light: As an action, choose a number of creatures equal to your Constutition modifier who are within 30 ft of you. Each of those creatures must make a Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the end of your next turn.

Protecting Light: As a bonus action, roll your current Searing Light dice and grant that many temporary hitpoints to one creature of your choice within 30 ft of you.

Spectrum of Light

At 3rd level, as your connection to the light grows deeper, you choose one of the Spectrums of Radiance to devote yourself to: the Spectrum of Scorching Light, the Spectrum of Cleansing Light, the Spectrum of Nurturing Light, the Spectrum of Prismatic Light, or the Spectrum of Cosmic Light, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your spectrum grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, and 17th level.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Improved Radiance

Starting at 5th level, you gain a second use of your Radiance Charge feature per short or long rest. You cannot use the same feature more than once between each rest.

All-Seeing Light

By 6th level, you have become attuned to the light that flows in you to such a point that you are immune to the Blinded condition.

If a creature within 5 feet of you takes damage from your Searing Light ability, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your Radiance Charge DC or be Blinded until the beginning of your next turn.

Starting at 15th level, a creature that fails their saving throw is Stunned in addition to being Blinded.

As long as your Radiant Aura is active, you can see in areas of magical darkness as if the darkness was not there, though you do not count as being in an area of bright light.

At 11th level, you have blindsight within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura instead.

At 17th level, you have truesight within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura.

Empowering Light

Beginning at 9th level, your Radiant Aura protects you from harm that would befall you from the minions of darkness. While you are in an area of bright light, you have resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws you make against the spells and abilities of undead and fiends who are within the radius of your Radiant Aura’s bright light. Additionally, while your Radiant Aura is active, you may use your reaction in response to being hit with a melee attack to cause all creatures within 5 feet of you to take 4d8 radiant damage. You may use this feature once per short or long rest.

Greater Radiance

Starting when you reach 11th level, your radiance now suffuses your entire body. The following lightbringer features change, as noted:

Blinding Light can target (CON mod x 2) creatures.

Protecting Light can now target (Constutition modifier) creatures per use.

You also gain two additional Radiance Charge features, Wall of Light and Radiant Smite:

Wall of Light: You may use an action to cast wall of fire anywhere within the bright light of your Radiant Aura, except the wall deals radiant damage instead of fire. You must maintain concentration on it like normal, and the wall ends when your Radiant Aura ends, regardless of its remaining duration. Constutition is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Radiant Smite: You may use a bonus action to cast either the blinding smite or branding smite spell as a 4th level spell. These spells end when your Radiant Aura ends, regardless of their remaining duration. Constutition is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Concentrated Radiance

Starting at 14th level, you gain a third use of your Radiance Charge abilities between each short or long rest. You still may not use the same ability more than once between each rest.

Master Radiance

At 18th level, you have almost reached the pinnacle of heavenly light. Several of your class features change, as noted:

On your turn, choose any number of creatures within your Radiant Aura’s bright light, up to a max of twice your Constitution modifer. Any number of the chosen creatures are Blinded until the beginning of your next turn, and any number of the chosen creatures gain temporary hit points equal to your lightbringer level. A creature cannot be Blinded by this ability if they were already Blinded at the beginning of the current turn.

Empowering Light can now be activated in response to any attack, and it deals 6d8 radiant damage to the attacker and to any creature within 5 feet of the attacker (aside from you), as long as the attacker is in an area of bright light. You may activate this reaction an additional time per short or long rest.

Wall of Light and Radiant Smite are now cast as if they were 6th level spells.

Paragon of Light

At 20th level, you have mastered every aspect of the light. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your type changes to Celestial.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your base movement speed.
  • When you roll initiative, you may choose to use a Radiance Charge feature without expending a per rest use.
  • While in bright light, damage you deal ignores resistance to radiant damage and treats immunity to radiant damage as if it were resistance instead.
  • Once on each of your turns when you deal radiant damage, you may choose to deal that much radiant damage again to the same target. Only one creature can take this extra damage, even if the original radiant damage hit multiple targets. You cannot use this to deal Searing Light damage more than once per turn.

Spectrums of Radiance

As each Lightbringer proceeds down the path of the light, there comes a point in their training where they are faced with a choice of what aspect of the light they want to embody. Just as a beam of sunlight is actually a spread of hues moving as one, the Lightbringers are made up of those of many different paths moving towards the same goals.

The Spectrum a Lightbringer chooses is based off of the different types of light seen at different parts of the day, whether it is the dawn breaking after a long night, the harsh sun of midday that burns all before it, the soft afternoon sun that gently warms, the sun as it breaks through the clouds, revealing the full majesty of colors that are normally hidden within it, or even the spectral radiance produced by the stars and the aurora.

Spectrum of Scorching Light

With a mighty blade of radiant energy, the lightbringers of the Scorching spectrum represent the overwhelming strength of the sun, and crash upon their enemies like the dawn breaks the night. The light produced by a Scorching lightbringer's Radiant Aura is the warm red, yellow, and orange tones of a sunrise, and those within it feel a sense of warmth and renewed vigor.

Might of the Dawn

Starting when you enter this Spectrum at 3rd level, while in bright light your melee attacks deal additional radiant damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Raiment of the Dawn

Also at 3rd level, you learn a ritual that allows you to forge a mystical connection to your equipment. Choose a suit of armor, and either one weapon, two weapons, or a weapon and a shield. You must be proficient in all the items chosen this way. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. During that time, you must be wearing a suit of armor you are proficient with, and within reach of your weapon(s) and/or shield throughout the ritual. At the conclusion, you touch your equipment and forge the bond.

Once you have bonded a set of equipment to you, you gain several benefits. First, you can’t be disarmed of the items in the set unless you are incapacitated. Second, you may use a bonus action while your Radiant Aura is active to summon it to you (which can be the same bonus action as you use to activate your Radiant Aura), causing the weapon(s) and/or shield to teleport instantly to your hand(s) and the armor to appear on your body, as if you had just donned it. The equipment appears in a burst of light and clap of thunder. If you are already wearing armor or wielding something in that hand, the equipment falls to the ground at your feet instead.

You may also use a bonus action to banish your bonded equipment, sending it to a place of your choice within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura.

At 9th level, you may have two sets of equipment bonded in this way. Summoning one banishes the other.

At 17th level, once per short rest you may choose to have your equipment appear as part of an attack action, even if your Radiant Aura isn't active. Doing so causes your Radiant Aura to activate.

Action Surge

Starting at 7th level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. Once while in bright light, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you use it again.

Extra Attack

Also at 7th level, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you may attack twice, instead of just once.

Speed of the Dawn

At 10th level, when you activate your Radiant Aura or use a Radiance Charge feature, you may, as part of the same action, make a single melee attack. If the attack is successful, the target is Blinded until the end of your next turn. Additionally, if a melee attack you make reduces a target to 0 hit points while you and the target are in an area of bright light, you may activate one of your Radiance Charge features.

Fury of the Dawn

At 13th level, once per long rest you can cause your weapons to burn with a golden flame, allowing you to deal your Searing Light damage with every attack you make until the beginning of your next turn. Each attack reduces your current and maximum hit points by half of your lightbringer level, instead of the normal reduction for using your Searing Light.

Power of the Dawn

Starting at 17th level, when you activate your Radiant Aura, you may choose a creature within the bright light radius of the aura. For one minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious, you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature, and may use your reaction when that creature makes an attack to deal your Searing Light damage to that creature. You may have no more than one creature under the effect of this feature at once, and using it on a new creature causes the effect to end on the previous creature. Each time you use the reaction granted by this feature, your current and maximum hit points are reduced by your lightbringer level until you finish a long rest.

Spectrum of Cleansing Light

Choosing to focus their efforts on the creatures that dwell in the darkness, rather than the more broad efforts of combating the darkness of their brethren, Lightbringers who follow the Cleansing Light Spectrum are implacable foes of undead, fiends, and similar creatures. The light produced by a Cleansing lightbringer's Radiant Aura is the harsh, bright white light of midday, crisp and almost cold, and those within it feel unable to hide or escape from the baleful glare of the lightbringer's power.

Power of the Zenith

Beginning when you take this Spectrum at 3rd level, you gain another Radiance Feature:

Cleansing Light: Spend an action to Turn Undead, as the cleric feature of the same name, but only while your Radiant Aura is active, and any undead turned by this ability cease being turned if your Radiant Aura ends. Any creature turned by this effect is Blinded until they are no longer turned.

Additionally, any lights within arm's reach of you constantly draw towards the nearest undead you are aware of.

Radiance of the Zenith

At 7th level, your mimicry of the sun has become literal. The bright light cast by your Radiant Aura becomes sunlight. While your aura is sunlight, you can use the Power of the Zenith feature to turn fiends, in addition to undead, and any creature you successfully turn takes 1d10 + your Constutition modifier radiant damage.

Fury of the Zenith

At 10th level, your war against creatures of darkness allows you to more easily dispatch them. You gain benefits against the following creature types: aberrations, fiends, monstrosities, oozes, and undead. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage against creatures of those types, and you have advantage on saving throws against the spells and abilities used by creatures of those types. You can communicate with creatures of those types as if you shared a language, both through written and spoken means. Additionally, Cleansing Light now affects creatures that are any of those types.

When you activate your Radiant Aura, if any creatures of those types are within 1 mile, the radius of bright light you cast increases by 5 feet, and your aura pulses with light, showing you the general direction and distance of those creatures. This doesn't pinpoint the exact location of these creatures.

Cleansing Light

At 13th level, while in bright light you may cast the spell investiture of flame, except it deals radiant damage instead of fire and grants immunity to necrotic damage instead of fire damage. Once the spell ends, you must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Zenith's Aegis

Starting at 17th level, you may use a bonus action to choose a creature within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura (or within 10 feet if your aura is not active). For one minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious, all of your weapon attacks against it deal an additional 1d10 radiant damage, and creatures within the bright light cast by your Radiant Aura have advantage on saving throws made against the creature. Once the ability ends, you must use another bonus action to activate it again. Only one instance of this ability may be active at any time.

The Lightbriner Vanguard (organization)

In a remote location, usually the top of a mountain or other area of constant bright sunlight, is located the Halls of the Vanguard, which is where the Lightbringers are based. From there, they send small groups of silver-armored, golden-cloaked warriors (known as Dawncloaks by the populace) out into the world in order to hunt down and destroy evils. The Vanguard teaches their members that asceticism and meditation are the ways to avoid falling to the darkness, so they tend to be very aloof from the people around them. Most of the Vanguard are also xenophobic isolationists, seeing darkness in anything they don't understand. They're led by the High Harbinger, who is said to be able to see anything the light touches (and thus know where the darkness is, as his sight is blocked in those places). The Vanguard is tolerated in most places they go, because of the good that they do in eradicating evil and darkness, but they're zealots, and most of the major governments know this. The Vanguard is overwhelmingly human and elf, with dwarf, halfling, and gnome making up the next laegest groups. Other races are represented, but only a couple members are not one of those five. The major antagonist to the Lightbringer Vanguard in many worlds is the Unseen Darkness, a group devoted to attempting to plunge the world into permanent night (their members claim, of course, that they are trying to make everyone equal, because in the darkness only your words and actions matter, not what you look like, but the Vanguard knows better than to believe the words of darkness worshipers). The symbol of the Lightbringer Vanguard is a ring of flaming swords in the shape of a sunburst.

Initiation rituals for the Vanguard include being locked in a tomb overnight with a single candle for illumination that must remain lit until morning, or fighting with a torch in one hand that must remain lit. Initiates of the order also tend large signal fires and keep lights burning constantly atop their sanctuaries.

Ranks in the Lightbringer Vanguard are Candle, Torch, Flame, Unwavering Flame, Bonfire, Doomweaver, Harbinger, and High Harbinger.

Spectrum of Nurturing Light

Though all Lightbringers are warriors, some of them choose to shelter the innocent from the ravages of darkness, placing themselves between those who would do harm and those they target. These lightbringers gain abilities that heal and protect those under their charge. The light produced by a Nurturing lightbringer's Radiant Aura is the cool blue, purple, and red of sunset, and those touched by the light feel comforted and soothed, their aches and pains seemingly less acute.

Compassion of the Twilight

Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the cure wounds spell once while you are Radiant, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. You must finish a short or long rest before using this feature again.

If you spend an entire short rest within arm's reach of a quantity of food and/or drink, at the end of the short rest you may cast purify food and drink on it without using a spell slot or components.

You also gain proficiency in the Medicine skill.

At 9th level, you may cast cure wounds twice with this feature between rests, and each time you may cast it as a 3rd level spell.

At 15th level, you may cast cure wounds three times between rests with this feature, and each time you may cast it as a 5th level spell.

Protection of the Twilight

At 7th level, you may use your reaction to designate a creature within the bright light cast by your Radiant Aura as your protection target. As long as both you and your target are within bright light, that creature gains +2 AC and doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks for moving. You may have no more than one protection target at once, but may use another reaction to change which creature you are protecting. You cannot choose yourself as the target of this ability.

Guidance of the Twilight

At 10th level, all allied creatures within the bright light of your Radiant Aura have advantage on death saving throws, and only need to succeed on two (rather than three) in order to stabilize.

Resurgence of the Twilight

At 13th level, you may cast the spell mass healing word as a 5th level spell, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. You may only target creatures within the bright light created by your Radiant Aura. After doing so, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

Twilight Apotheosis

Starting at 17th level, you may choose a creature within the bright light cast by your Radiant Aura (or within 10 feet if your aura is not active). For one minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious, that creature is proficient with all saving throws and gains a +1 bonus to armor class, and you may use a bonus action to cause that creature to heal 1d10 + your Constitution modifier hit points. Only one creature may benefit from your Twilight Apotheosis at a time, and you may not choose yourself as the beneficiary. Once this ability ends, you must finish a short or long rest to use it again.

Spectrum of Prismatic Light

Not content with the standard radiance that the light they channel produces, some Lightbringers choose to explore more fully the possibilities of this energy, and discover that light is made up of many colors, and thus contains many different properties. These prismamancers bend and shatter their light, harnessing the variety of colors to keep their opponents guessing. The light produced by a Prismatic lightbringer's Radiant Aura is a kaleidoscopic array of colors, like the glitter of a rainbow or the sun as seen through stained glass. Those within it feel more inclined to express their emotions, as if being freed from restraint.

Spread of the Prism

Starting when you choose this Spectrum at 3rd level, you may cast chaos bolt once while in an area of bright light, with the effect appearing to be a rainbow of colors. You regain the ability to do so after a short or long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

At 7th level, you may cast chaos bolt as a 3rd level spell, and you can choose to deal radiant damage instead of the normal damage of the spell.

At 9th level, spells cast with this feature affect all creatures of your choice within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura.

Breath of the Prism

Also at 3rd level, you learn the dancing lights cantrip. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell. While dancing lights is active, you may choose to have spells you cast use the dancing lights as their origin, instead of yourself.

Elements of the Prism

Also at 3rd level, choose a color from the following. Until you use an action to change your choice of color or end this ability, all radiant damage you would deal from lightbringer class features is replaced by the damage type associated with that color (damage that would trigger any of your lightbringer features still triggers those features). You also can cast the cantrip associated with the color you chose, and your radiant aura becomes tinted by the color:

Red - Fire - fire bolt

Orange - Acid - acid splash

Yellow - Lightning - shocking grasp

Green - Poison - poison spray

Blue - Cold - ray of frost

Indigo - Force - true strike

Violet - Psychic - mage hand

When you deal damage of the type you have chosen, and that damage reduces a creature to zero hit points, you may choose to use one of your Radiance Charge features without expending a use of the feature.

Mesmerizing Prism

At 7th level, while in bright light you may cast hypnotic pattern a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.

Fury of the Prism

At 10th level, you may cast the chromatic orb spell, with Constitution as your spellcasting ability. You may target anyone within the bright light of your radiant aura, and it uses the damage type you chose with Elements of the Prism. Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.

At 15th level, you may cast the spell twice between each short or long rest.

At 19th level, you cast the spell as a 4th level spell.

Piercing Prism

At 13th level, you may use your reaction on your turn in order to have all spells you cast that deal damage of the same type as your Elements of the Prism choice ignore damage resistance. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest to do use it again.

Shattering Prism

At 17th level, you may use an action to cast prismatic spray, targeting all creatures (besides yourself) within the bright light of your Radiant Aura and using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. You may not use this feature again until you complete a short or long rest. You may exclude up to (Constitution modifier) creatures from the effects, but doing so causes you to take a level of exhaustion.

Spectrum of Cosmic Light

Some Lightbringers, instead of concentrating on the raw fury of the sun's radiance, instead pull their power from the distant twinkling lights of the stars, and harness the energy of the astral sea to enhance their speed to that of light itself, allowing them to go where they want, just like light itself. The light produced by a Cosmic lightbringer's Radiant Aura is the greens and blues of an aurora at the poles, and those within it feel an expanding of their minds, as if they are staring into the night sky and an endless field of stars.

Cosmic Inertia

At 3rd level, your base movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you may Dash or Disengage as a bonus action. You also add your Constitution modifier to your high jump distance and your Constitution score to your long jump distance, and, while in bright light you ignore falling damage.

At 15th level, this movement increase becomes 30 feet instead, and you always ignore falling damage.

Piercing Sight

When you choose the cosmic spectrum at level 3, you are able to sense and control the strange spectrums of light that thread the reaches of void. If you so choose, you can see through cloth, paper, skin or foliage up to a thickness of a half inch, and you can finely control how deep you pierce into these materials. Any material you can see through provides no cover or obscuration and doesn't block investigation or perception checks.

At level 7 you can see through loose dirt, wood, flesh or leather and up to 3 inches.

At level 10 you can see through packed earth, bone, stone, ceramics up to 6 inches.

At level 13 you can see through previously mentioned materials up to a foot in thickness and all metals except lead, gold, mithril and adamantium of up to half an inch of thickness.

At level 17 you can see through most solid substances of up to 3 feet in thickness and all metals up to 3 inches.

Cosmic Impetus

At 7th level, you may, as a bonus action while in bright light, move to any unoccupied space you can see within the bright light radius of your Radiant Aura. You do not provoke opportunity attacks for this movement, but you must have a clear path to your destination. You must then complete a short or long rest to use this ability again.

Cosmic Steps

At 10th level, while your Radiant Aura is active, you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain and do not take damage for moving over nonmagical environmental hazards. If a magical environmental effect or difficult terrain allows a saving throw, you have advantage on that save.

Cosmic Doorways

Starting at 13th level, you may cast the dimension door spell once, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

At 15th level, you may bring along two willing creatures, instead of just one, when using this feature.

At 17th level, you regain uses of this ability after a short or long rest.

At 19th level, you may bring along any number of creatures within arm's reach.

Cosmic Portals

At 17th level, you may cast plane shift, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before using it again.


Thanks to the wonderful people on r/UnearthedArcana for their amazing input and ideas that helped make this class as good as it is.

Created by LdayJadz for use with the 5th edition rules for the world's greatest roleplaying game.


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