Succubus/Incubus PC Race

by Okra the Bugbear

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A FIENDISH ENTITY WHO'S ALLURING NATURE IS second only to their cunning. Generally found in the lower planes, this race thrives through means of manipulation and conquest using their charismatic personality and beguiling nature.

Eyes for Desire

Every creature is plagued with desires or passions, some even locked away from the rest of the world. Succubi and incubi have discerning eyes when it comes to ascertaining creatures with such desires, and seek to draw them out.

Once they have obtained this information, they use it to slowly widdle away at the creatures inhibitions, encouraging them to enact their wildest fantasies and desires. Once the creature starts though, the succubus or incubus generally cannot help but take a passenger seat and enjoy the show.

One and the Same

The greatest threat to any lore or story is the inevitable process of changes made to it with each telling. The succubi and incubi are no exception. While widely regarded as simply the male and female forms of the same type of fiend, these creatures actually are one and the same. They can, over time, switch between succubus and incubus forms.

The process of changing their sex is not a quick process and generally takes about a month to complete the full transformation normally. It is for this reason many succubus and incubus decide on a gender they prefer, acknowledging it as their true form.

Soul Brokers

Souls can be quite the enticing morsel for these creatures, though not in the way one might normally expect. Stories of these winged fiends devouring the souls of the wicked is an over-simplification of what they truly do. They enjoy worming their way into the lives of living creatures and wait patiently for their time to strike. They make deals and pacts with the most tempting of souls in exchange for - well their soul.

They generally do not claim the souls immediately, giving them a time frame of when they will come to collect, generally ranging from a few years to until they naturally reach their end. It is by performing this act they can ensure their own survival, prolonging their life and beauty. The most skilled succubus and incubus can eventually make their way into a position of power within the Nine Hells, given enough time and souls.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Being a master of manipulation and corruption means very little if everyone is scared of you. It is for this reason the succubi and incubi have developed techniques to obfuscate their clear fiendish nature. They will conceal their bat-like wings, horns, tails, and any other physical features not seen as normal for a general human to possess.

The ability to shapeshift though does not come without a price, as it mutated their physiology enough to leave them susceptible to certain effects that would be reserved for the likes shapeshifters, such as lycanthropes.

Succubus/Incubus Names

Unlike many of the denizens of the Abyss and the Nine Hells who derive their names from the infernal or abyssal language, the names of Succubus and Incubus tend to derive from actual humanoid names, sometimes with a hint of the infernal or abyssal language mixed in. If they are prone to switching between their genders, they will also choose a different name for their other form.

Incubus Names: Aeranin, Brenel, Dharith, Dracynir, Dynryn, Joranix, Kylliar, Ryzed, Salyx, Suron, Vohron, Yhrolan, Zaelnear Zohnigar, Zohnoth

Succubus Names: Berintia, Cahrless, Carileth, Felvyn, Lynnlith, Meznila, Qhessha, Qinnessa, Risney, Tinsea, Vhestila, Xenlienne

Succubus/Incubus Traits

Your succubus/incubus character has the following racial traits.

Ability Scores. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Succubus & incubus mature at the same rate as humans, though they tend to live for a number of indeterminate years as long as they continue to feast on souls periodically.

Alignment. Succubus & incubus tend to be seen as creatures of carnal and chaotic nature; however, even they live with a strict set of rules when it comes to collecting souls. As such many tend to fall into the category of Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil.

Size. Succubus & incubus have about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your fiendish heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fiend. Your creature type is fiend, rather than humanoid. You also have resistance to fire damage.

Charming Influence. You gain proficiency in your choice of either the Persuasion or Deception skill.

Soulful Gaze. Your eyes pierce through the flesh and physicality of creatures and peer directly into their soul. As an action, you can study the soul of a creature within 10 feet of you and learn a general idea of what they truly most desire. Some possible desires might be: wealth, love, hunger, knowledge, or forgiveness. This trait has no effect on creatures lacking a soul, such as constructs.

You can use this information anytime while the creature still craves this desire. You gain advantage on Charisma checks while interacting with that creature, and it has disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed by you when enticing the creature towards their desire.

Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

    Concealed Nature. You have physical features that accentuate your fiendish nature, including a pair of bat-like wings. You have a flying speed of 30 feet while you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armor.

As a bonus action, you can reveal or conceal any number of your fiendish features, making their benefits, if any, inert while concealed. You can't sprout your wings while wearing armor that doesn't accommodate for them.

You are considered a shapechanger for spells and effects that specify them, such as the moonbeam spell or truesight.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Abyssal, and Infernal.


Optional, additional feats that can be used to customize or spruce up your character. Feats with a prerequisite of being a Tiefling are also available to any fiend creatures as well, as long as they meet all other prerequisites.

Kiss of Death

Prerequisites: Succubus/Incubus

You can make a special unarmed strike that siphons part of a creature's soul through a kiss. If the target is charmed by you, your attack automatically succeeds -this is not a critical hit. On a hit, you deal necrotic damage equal to 1d8 + your level. If the target is a construct or undead, this feature has no effect.

The target's maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. The target regains these missing hit points at the end of a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its maximum hit points to 0.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you use this feature again.


Created and designed by Okra the Bugbear

Art: Succubus Illustrated by Mark Winters ©Wizards of the Coast

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