Astrologian Cleric

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Astrologians interpret the star’s signs and the fickle expressions of fate. They combine these studies into a deck of cards--the Arcana. By invoking the card’s powers, an astrologian can interpret where fate will flow and can direct it to aid their allies

Bonus proficiencies

Your time studying the stars, globes, and cards have allowed you to learn some additional tools or languages. You gain your choice of one language and one tool proficiency, or two tool proficiencies from the following lists.

tools/game sets: Cartographer’s tools, Navigator's tools, Tinker’s tools, playing card set, dice set

languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan


The key to your art is the draw. You have a deck of cards--known as the Arcana--which you pull from at random. Once a card is pulled and its effect used, the card is magically returned and the deck shuffled, ensuring that the next pull is also random.

You can draw from the deck as a bonus action. When a card is drawn, roll a d6. The number shown determines the card’s effect. The card must be used on a willing target within 30ft which you can see.

You can use draw a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.

1 - The Bole

The Bole is a symbol of the enduring and augments defenses. It grants resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn.

At Astrologian level 5, this card provides resistance to all damage except for Necrotic, Radiant, Psychic, and Force damage.

At Astrologian level 11, this card provides resistance to all damage except Psychic and Force damage.

At Astrologian level 17, this card provides resistance to all damage.

2 - The Spire

The spire is a rallying symbol. Within it, each Astrologian can see the banners of their allies. One gifted the spire can take an extra action on their next turn which can only be used to make a single weapon attack or cast a cantrip.

3 - The Spear

The spear is at the forefront of the battlefield; it is an inspiration to strike true. One gifted the spear can add 1d4 to their attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

The die rolled for The Spear increases to 1d6 at Astrologian level 5, 1d8 at level 11, and 1d10 at level 17.

4 - The Ewer

The Ewer grants revitalization. A creature under its blessing receives temporary hit points is equal to 1d6 + your wisdom modifier.

The die/dice rolled for The Ewer increases to 1d8 at Astrologian level 5, 2d6 at level 11, and 2d8 at level 17.

5 - The Arrow

The Arrow moves swiftly through the battlefield and so too do those it is bestowed upon. Anyone under the effect of the Arrow can take an extra action on their next turn which can only be used to take the dash, disengage, or dodge action.

6 - The Balance

The Balance are the scales upon which individuals are judged. With it in hand, you tip the scales in your party's favor. Anyone granted the balance can add an additional 1d4 to all damage rolls that they make until the end of your next turn.

The die rolled for The Balance increases to 1d6 at Astrologian level 5, 1d8 at level 11, and 1d10 at level 17.

Channel Divinity: Star Gazing

By 2nd level, you have learned to tap into the stars to replenish your ability to read fate. As an action, you can take a moment to read the heaven’s movements (even if it’s daytime). In doing so, you gain insight into the cards once more. Roll 1d4, you regain an additional number of draws equal to the result.

You can only replace expended uses of draw with this feature and cannot gain draws in excess of your Wisdom modifier

At Astrologian level 10, this die increases to 1d6.

Channel Divinity: Synastry

By 6th level, your aptitude as a healer has grown, allowing you to support multiple allies at once.

As an bonus action, you channel magic to a willing creature within 30 feet. For the duration, they receive half of the hit points from all single target healing spells you cast. Additionally, any multi-target healing spells you cast may include them as a target, even if they are otherwise out of range. Synastry lasts for 1 minute or until you or the target move more than 30 feet away from one another.


By 8th level, you have gained greater insight over card readings. While taxing, you can temporarily hold two futures in your mind at once and select the one you view most favorable.

After you draw, you can use a reaction to choose to roll a second time and take either result. If you roll a duplicate you may reroll until you have 2 options.

Once you use this feature, you must take a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Heart of the Cards

Also at 8th level, your intuition has become so refined that you may know which card you will draw before your fingers so much as trace the top of the deck. Scholars debate whether Astrologians capable of this technique are simply unconsciously reading the stars and know what they are about to get or if their willpower is affecting fate itself.

When you use your draw feature but before you roll the die to determine which card you will draw, you can use a reaction to choose which card you will draw instead of determining it randomly.

Once you use this feature, you must take a long rest before you can use it again.

Royal Road

The Royal Road is an Astrologian technique which only those truly versed in star reading can master. It involves holding the fates of a whole group and their foes in addition to the multitude of greater and lesser stars together and forming a cohesive prediction.

Starting at 18th level, you can use a reaction after using your draw ability and seeing which card has been drawn. All allies within 30ft of your draw target gain the effect of the card you bestowed. You regain use of this feature after a long rest.


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