Race - Kobold


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Kobolds are meticulous creatures with sorcery in their blood, a variety of reptile with a strong work ethic. Discounted as pests or worse by many others, kobolds are a long-suffering race with many talents and clever tricks. Only the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose.

For kobolds, awakening the potential of sorcery within themselves is a birthright. Nothing could be more natural.

Cold-blooded Reptiles

Kobolds are short, cold-blooded reptilian humanoids with bony frames, small tails, and scaly skin. They stand approximately 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weigh 35 to 45 pounds. Sinewy, double-jointed legs, naturally bent and poised for sudden speed, contribute to their height.

Kobolds have strong teeth, and their hands and feet have long digits tipped with very small claws. A kobold’s face is like a crocodile’s, with a jaw that can open wide enough to hold a whole melon. Constantly alert and wide, the eyes of a kobold range in color from burnt ochre to red. A ridge of small, hornlike bone juts above each brow and sweeps backward, the protrusions growing larger and more pronounced toward the rear of the skull.

Most kobolds of the same tribe tend to have similar coloration. Two tribes that merge eventually, crossbreed enough to create a new look, although occasional outliers and throwbacks are born that bear the appearance of one of the original tribes.

Use the Scale Color table to randomly determine the predominant appearance of kobolds in a tribe.

Scale Color
d100  Scale Color
01-05 Black
06-10 Blue
11-25 Brown
26-30 Gray
31-35 Green
36-40 Orange
41-55 Orange-brown
56-60 Red
61-75 Red-brown
76-85 Tan
86-90 White
91-00 Patterned (roll twice, ignoring duplicate results and results of 91 or higher)
Art by WotC
Scale Pattern
d20         Scale Color        
1-4 Mottled
5-8 Reticulated
9-12 Shaded
13-16 Spotted
17-20 Striped

Strength in Numbers

Kobold society is split into workers and experts, the vast majority being workers and only a few become experts. Despite having specialized skills, kobold experts are treated the same as any other worker. They enjoy different challenges than a miner might but are expected to serve the tribe like any other member. In times of warfare, all adults are expected to fight.

Kobold society is strongest when work is abundant and their labor forces are a marvel to behold. When fast at work, kobolds function like a hive of ants. Despite the swarming masses of bodies devoted to one task, they rarely trip over each other, instinctively knowing where to apply their help most efficiently, using their tails to help avoid collisions.

Arcane Magic Users

Unlike some other humanoids, kobolds don't fear or shun arcane magic. They see magic as part of their connection to dragons, and are proud to be blessed with the ability to wield such power. Young kobold sorcerers are trained by elders, and the training has an almost religious significance. Most kobold sorcerers are of the draconic bloodline origin and specialize in either damaging magic (which can also be used in mining), augmentation (of materials or allies), or divination (to find raw materials and foresee threats to the tribe).

The main reason why kobolds depend on arcane magic rather than divine is Kurtulmak's imprisonment, which makes it difficult for him to grant spells to mortals and for those mortals to receive his favor. Furthermore, kobolds are so frail that a single hit from a human's weapon can kill one of them, so a tribe has little use for healing magic, and a sorcerer can meet most of the tribe's other magic-related needs. Kobold shamans are very rare; priests of Kurtulmak, when they reveal themselves, are easily recognized by orange garb (usually just a roughly torn sash or cloak) decorated with an image of a gnome's skull.

Deadly Art

The only experts who receive special attention for their efforts are kobold trapmakers. These inventors are highly valued because their creations protect kobold lairs and tribal lands without the need for open warfare.

Among kobolds, traps are an art form and few artisans are as obsessed with the minute details of their work as a master kobold trapmaker. These creatures revel in the intricacies of their inventions. Kobolds rarely indulge in creativity over function, but exceptions are made for a cunning trap. One-upmanship is definitely present among kobold trapmakers. They find ingenious ways to incorporate bizarre spells, technological advances, and unexpected twists into their traps. In fact, the inventive ways in which kobolds defend their lairs compares favorably to the technological and magical marvels created by their hated foes, the gnomes.

Kutulmak: God of Kobolds

The god of kobolds was a vassal of Tiamat. When the gnome god Gari Glittergold stole a treasure from Tiamat's hoard, she sent Kurtulmak to retrieve it. Garl lured his pursuer into a maze-like cavern, then collapsed the exits behind him, trapping Kurtulmak for all eternity.

Kurtulmak is a hateful deity, one who despises all life except for kobolds. He especially hates Garl Glittergold, gnomes, and fey creatures that enjoy playing pranks. He taught the first kobolds how to mine, tunnel, hide, and ambush. He is dominated by his emotions-intelligent, but not wise. Arrogant and prone to gloating, he carries grudges, has a huge chip on his shoulder, and spends a lot of time fashioning elaborate revenge scenarios against those who have disrespected him.

Art by Kobold Press

Kobold Names

Kobold names are derived from the Draconic tongue and usually relate to a characteristic of the owner, such as scale color, distinctive body parts, or typical behavior. For example, "Red Foot," "White Claw," and "Scurry" are Common translations of often-used names. A kobold might change its name when it becomes an adult, or add additional word-syllables after important events such as completing its first hunt, laying its first egg, or surviving its first battle.

Names: Abu, Akra, Arix, Dalbe, Digge, Gan, Gulti, Hahzi,

Hipli, Katla, Kelo, Kott, Kovlo, Nila, Okku, Sak, Sibu,

Sidre, Sivlo, Snett, Snin, Snubla, Snupu, Soss, Tik,

Tuks, Vix, Zatre, Zihze

Kobold Traits

Your kobold character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.

Age. Kobolds reach adulthood at age 6 and can live up to 120 years but rarely do so.

Alignment. Kobolds are fundamentally selfish, making them evil, but their reliance on the strength of their group makes them trend toward law.

Size. Kobolds are between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh between 35 and 45 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Evasive Skitter. If you are forced to make a Dexterity saving throw due to an area of effect you can use your reaction to move up to half your normal movement speed, provoking opportunity attacks as normal, before the spell effect is concluded. Possibly making the effect miss you.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

Dragonwrought Kobold

Some kobolds are born a dragonwrought kobold, proof of the race’s innate connection to dragons. Their scales become tinted with a color that matches its draconic heritage. These are the largest kobolds, and step outside the regular kobold society, being hailed as proof and as messengers of their dragon ancestors.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 1.

Draconic Heritage. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Heritage table. You gain damage resistance to the type associated with this type of dragon, and you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to influence them.

Draconic Heritage
Dragon Resistance
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Green Poison
Red Fire
White Cold

Power Within. You know one cantrip of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Draconic Rite of Passage

If a dragonwrought kobold decides to tap into their blood and awaken the draconic powers within, they must undertake a draconic rite of Passage, unlocking the powers of their draconic blood.

Choose a level 1 spell from the sorcerer spell list, you can cast this spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spells.

Art by That Art Jack

Kobold Expert

Kobold experts are the specialists of kobold labor forces. Such individuals are responsible for development and research in a kobold tribe. They are most often the smallest of the tribe since they don't have the physical labor of the workers and not the build of the dragonwrought. They are most often seen picking apart their enemies at range, either with wit or with a trusty crossbow.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Ingenuity. You gain proficiency in Artisan's tools of your choice.

Additionally, you gain advantage on any ability checks to make, disarm, or disassemble mechanical traps.

Meticulous. You have proficiency in the Investigation skill.

Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one language of your choice.

Kobold Worker

Most kobold workers are miners, the group that makes up the vast majority of any tribe. Enduring, but always ready to protect their tribe, toge

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Kobold Weapon Training. You have proficiency with spears, and their damage die changes to a d8. You can also treat them as Finesse weapons, as long as you use them with one hand.

Opportunistic Teamwork. If an ally attacks a target during their turn, you may expend your reaction to make a single attack against the same target with advantage as long as the creature is within range. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Created by u/SwEcky
Art by Wizards of the Coast

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