Wizard - Bladesinger Revised

by Homebrew Barcana

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Arcane Tradition: Bladesinger Revised

This is a homebrewed revision to Green Ronin Publishing’s Bladesinger arcane tradition for wizards as presented in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG) . You can find my other SCAG revisions here. It allows for you to be the exquisite swordmage that can bravery defend their people and land.

Bladesingers are elves who bravely defend their people and lands in times of war. This arcane tradition allows for you to be the exquisite swordmage by using a series of intricate, elegant manuevers that fend off harm and allow the you to channel magic into devastating strikes and cunning defenses.

Restriction [Faerûn]: Elves Only

Only elves and half-elves can choose the bladesinger arcane tradition as it is a closely guarded secret in Faerûn.

Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the campaign in mind. The restriction reflects the story of bladesingers in the Forgotten Realms, but it might not apply to your DM's setting or your DM's version of the Realms.

Training in War and Song

When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with light armor and two one-handed melee weapons of your choice. If you're proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.

You also gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don't already have it.


Starting at 2nd level, you can invoke a secret elven technique called the Bladesong as a bonus action. While your Bladesong is active, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield:

  • You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) .
  • Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  • You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. The bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) .

Your Bladesong lasts for 1 minute. Your Bladesong ends early if you are knocked unconscious, if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a single weapon. You can also dismiss your Bladesong at any time you choose as for free (no action required) .

You can use this feature twice. You regain these uses each time you complete a short or long rest.

The number of uses increases by 1 at 14th level.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Song of Celerity

Starting at 10th level, whenever combat stirs, you can act unnaturally fast. Whenever you roll for initiative and aren't surprised, you can choose to immediately invoke your Bladesong. In addition, whenever you make a melee attack against a creature while your Bladesong is active, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Song of Defense

Beginning at 10th level, you can direct your magic to absorb damage. Whenever you take damage while your Bladesong is active, you can use your reaction to expend one spell slot and reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to five times the spell slot's level.

Song of Victory

Starting at 14th level, while your Bladesong is active, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage of your melee weapon attacks.

Homebrew Barcana | Bladesinger Revised
This is unoffical Fan Content permitted under Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.

©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Credits & Change Log

Last Update: May 1st, 2019

Version 1.4
  • Training in War and Song allows weapons to be spellcasting foci for wizard spells.
  • Bladesong can be ended for free (no action required).
  • Song of Celerity now grants a consistent benefit while your Bladesong is active.
Version 1.3
Version 1.2
  • Tweaked Bladesong benefits and increased the number of uses at later levels.
  • Changed Song of Celerity based on /u/HerpDerp1909 's suggestion and set it at 10th level instead of 6th level.
  • Removed Persistent Song.
  • Added a Hit point increase benefit to Training in War and Song.
  • Returned the Song of Victory.
Version 1.1
  • Improved existing features.
  • Fixed wording with Bladesong.
  • Removed Song of Victory.
  • Added Persistent Song at 14th level and Song of Celerity at 6th level.
Version 1
  • As presented in Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.

Designer Notes

Greetings, I have always been interested in the Bladesinger archetype, but it felt underwhelming. I, along other wizard players, have agreed that a revision should occur, and that revision should not replicate the Eldritch Knight fighter nor the War Magic wizard. Thus, I created this revision as of December of 2018.

As the features go, the potential of the class does not seem to scale as well as the other arcane traditions provided in both the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything. The benefits of playing a bladesinger seemed to help Eldritch Knight more than the wizard as it was intended to. The Bladesong feature proves useful, but the rest of the features may need to be improved or additional features may need to be added to support playing this arcane tradition in longer campaigns.

For 2nd level, you are granted two features. Training in War and Song did not provide enough support to capture the bladesingers that are described to utilize multiple styles as described under the Bladesinger Styles section (page 142 of Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide) nor did it assist in the sustain of a class that has a d6 hit die unlike sorcerer's Draconic Bloodline would. Bladesong is the defining feature of this archetype, and it is great on its own. However, I saw a

need to have occur more often, or, at least, it should last longer than how it starts at 2nd level at later levels. I believe additional uses could solve both issues. Although, two uses proves to be enough uses at lower levels through playtesting.

The Extra Attack at 6th level helps the bladesinger being a front line spellcaster. If I were to change it, then I think I would cause the Eldritch Knight to be competing with it more than it should. An additional feature at 6th level may overload the early benefits of the arcane tradition, so I decided,

alongside the feedback I obtained, to include additional features at later levels, i.e. 10th level and/or 14th level.

At 10th level, the Song of Defense proves great for bladesingers in reducing damage taken akin to Monk's Slow Fall feature. It should not be changed. Although, I did include another feature to be gained at this level to aid with the previously mentioned issues. Upon researching previous implementations of the Bladesinger in other editions of Dungeons & Dragons, I found another song that bladesinger used to utilize. Song of Celerity would aid in the lack of mobility benefits that bladesinger had. I thought about using this song to aid in my revision to this arcane tradition. User HerpDerp1909 (/u/HerpDerp1909) provides the best solution to include this would-be feature without overstepping the benefits of your Bladesong. However, I did not wish to take away from War Magic wizards, so I did not include the initiative bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier. I did include the other suggestions.

The final benefit of being a bladesinger comes from Song of Victory. With my current feedback on this revision, I realized the true potential of this feature. Since Dexterity proves important to this arcane tradition in addition to Intelligence, I understand how replacing more of the need for Dexterity would be undermining it due to how its presented in both features and lore. I decided, like the Extra Attack, to leave it unchanged. Furthermore, with the current revisions, the later levels are supported more than before, so I may not need to change it anyways.

If you have any suggestions to improve upon the current version of this revision to Bladesinger, please go to this Unearthed Arcana subreddit link.

Homebrew Barcana | Bladesinger Revised
This is unoffical Fan Content permitted under Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.

©Wizards of the Coast LLC.


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