Old Ones Domain

by Dr. Blight

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Old Ones Domain

Most of the Outer Gods and Old Ones have remained in the shadows for aeons untold, operating only through the select few who make pacts with them so that they may grow in power. After enough deals have been struck and their influence has grown, a small number of these beings--such as Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, and Azathoth-- have grown into powerful deities all their own, armed with devout clerics and paladins rather than small time cultists. Now with churches and temples being erected in their honor, who knows what these far off horrors, with their obscure intentions and unknowable ideals, may do with their new found influence...

Clerics who follow these deities are masters of control; whether that be controlling the battlefield, the minds of others, or otherworldly creatures, these clerics are fully capable of managing whatever situation they may find themselves in.

Manipulative in every way, clerics of this domain are rarely to be trusted.

Old Ones Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st fog cloud, tasha's hideous laughter
3rd darkness, crown of madness
5th hunger of hadar, fear
7th stinking cloud, enemies abound
9th cloud kill, dream

The Mind of Man

At 1st level, you have an understanding of the inside of the mind that most others do not. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against humanoids, and your domain spells that require Wisdom saving throws have their range doubled.

Madness From Beyond

Also at 1st level, you cause whispers from the Outer Planes to seep into our world. When you cast a spell that heavily obscures an area, you cause these whispers to emanate from within it. All creatures that start their turn in these heavily obscured areas have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws until they leave the area.

Additionally, your domain spells that heavily obscure areas have their radius doubled.

Channel Divinity: Haunter of the Dark

At 2nd level, your god, whoever or whatever it may be, has granted you the use of some unspeakable horror from the depths of time and space to devourer your foes.

When you use your Channel Divinity, you can summon this immaterial creature inside any heavily obscured area within 100 ft of you. All creatures that end their turn in this heavily obscured area, excluding the caster, must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 + your cleric level in slashing damage, or half that on a success.

At 12th level, the damage increases to 2d8 + your cleric level.

This beast stays in the area for 1 minute. If the area becomes no longer heavily obscured, the creature disappears.

Thought Sifter

At 6th level, you have been granted the ability to peer into the minds of others.

As an action, you can cast detect thoughts as if it were a cleric spell without expending a spell slot. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once) per long rest.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Duel Minded

At 17th level, some aberrant force has permeated through your mind. You can sometimes hear its otherworldy thoughts, though you cannot understand any of them. This alien mind, however, seems to want to help you, allowing you to focus your mind where it's needed rather than on one spell.

When you cast a spell that requires concentration, you may choose for this 2nd mind to concentrate on it for you. Spells being concentrated on by this entity last until the duration is up and are not dismissed if you cast another spell that requires concentration, though you may choose for it dismiss the spell its concentrating on as a bonus action.

You may only have 1 spell affected in this manner at a time, and it must be from your domain spell list.


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