Barbarian - Path of the Dragon

by KibblesTasty

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Path of the Dragon [v1.2]

Barbarians tap into primal powers, and a Barbarian of this path taps into one of the most ancient and primeval of them all: the power of dragons.

Some say this path was born during the Dracorage by mortals tapping into the primal rage as it washed across the world, others say that only those with latent dragon blood coursing through them can walk this path. What all can agree on is the result is a being to be feared.

As with most Barbarian, ones following this path tend toward Chaos, as they contain potent destructive power that paces at the edges of the cage, just waiting to be unleashed. Some, particularly those rare individuals that channel metallic colors, may be exceptions to this tendency.

Path of the Dragon

Barbarian Level Feature
3rd Dragon Form
6th Unleashed Savagery
10th Dragonhide
14th Tyrant of the Skies

Dragon Form

When you choose this path at 3rd level, when you enter a rage, you can choose to make your Rage bonus damage deal elemenetal damage matching your draconic type. Additionally, you can you take on aspects of a draconic being, growing savage natural weapons as claws grow from your hands, fangs sprout from your maw, and a vicious lashing tail grows from your back. Your claws deal 1d4 slashing damage, your fangs deal 1d8 piercing damage, and your lashing tail deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the reach property.

Whenever you attack with one of your natural weapons using the Attack action on your turn, if you are not carrying any weapon or shield, you can make a single unarmed strike with your claws as a bonus action.

When you gain this feature, you pick a color, and gain resistance corresponding to the element type of that
color on the following chart while raging.

Dragon Color Element Type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Green Poison
Red Fire
White Cold

When you enter a rage, if you choose to deal elemental damage with your rage, and choose not to transform, you can instead focus your powers into intesifying your elemental power, increasing your Rage bonus damage increases by 1.

Unleashed Savagery

Starting at 6th level, once during a rage, as an attack as part of the Attack action, you can unleash your Rage into pure energy, exhaling a blast of elemental power. Creatures within 15 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your strength modifier. A creature takes 6d6 damage of the Elemental Type of your Dragon Color on a failed save.

The damage and range of this breath weapon increases at 10th level (to 8d6 in a 30 foot cone), and 14th level (to 10d6 in a 60 foot cone). Starting at 18th level, you can use this breath weapon twice per rage, but only per turn.

Primal Weapons

Additionally at 6th level, the natural weapons you gain while raging now count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.


Starting at 10th level, the marks of your Draconic path no longer entirely fade when you are not raging, and heavy scales grant you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical sources even when you are not raging. Additionally, you gain resistance to your Dragon Color's Elemental Type when not raging.

Tyrant of the Skies

By 14th level, when you enter a rage, you can massive dragon wings sprout from your back. If you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.

If you choose to manifest natural weapons and wings when you enter a rage, you can choose entirely take on a draconic form while raging, becoming Large sized. When you take on a full draconic form, you choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it.

Metallic Dragons

The chromatic dragons are typically more connected to the primal powers of wrath that the Path of the Dragon invokes, but your DM may let you select metallic colors as well for your dragonform.

In such a case, the colors still map to the resistances and breath weapon types as the actual kinds of dragons do.

Variant: An Actual Dragon

For some, the Path of a Dragon might still fall short of their draconic dreams. While it is a bit more out there, this subclass can be used as a reasonable fit for playing an actual young dragon (starting out as something more akin to a Wyrmling).

In this case, you always have access to your natural weapons, even if you are not raging, but cannot wield normal weapons or armor. At your DM's discretion, appropriate barding may by made.

While this potentially slightly stronger, it makes little difference in the long run.

Path of the Dragon Quirks

The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Path to choose from - these can be either preexisting, signaling their fated path toward this Path, or appear after the first time they've assumed dragon shape.

d6 Quirk
1 You keep your treasure in your bedroll.
2 You have dragon like horns that never go away after your first rage.
3 You occasionally refer to mortals as morsels.
4 You prefer your food having been treated by your element of choice.
5 Your burps can be a little bit... elemental.
6 You occasionally feel the need to practice your roaring.
  • Subclass created by KibblesTasty
  • Art: Forrest Imel (Licensed Stock Art)

Fan Content Policy

This work is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Supported By

Creation is made possible by generous patrons:

  • Ara Enzeru
  • Austin Fox
  • Corgi B.
  • David Ramero
  • Spenser Birney

...and many more!

Want to support KibblesTasty in keeping this updated and creating more homebrew like this? You can join them here on Patreon.

Thank you!

Change Log v1.1

  • Natural weapons made unarmed strikes. Claw changed to d4. Can make a single claw attack as a bonus action.
  • Breath weapon moved to 6th level feature, scaling tweaked.
  • Immunity removed; grants resistance.

Change Log v1.2

  • Manifesting natural weapons is now optional.
  • You can choose to make your rage damage match your dragon elemental type.
  • If you choose not to manifest natural weapons, your Rage damage increases by 1 instead.
  • 6th level feature divided into two features clarity.
  • Breath weapon changed to meet the more modern style - it now replaces only one attack rather than a whole action. In exchange, the scaling of the damage has been reduced somewhat.
  • The breath weapon now scales in range so it becomes big and blast when you level up.
  • The level 14 now lets you become large and turn all the way into a dragon. Doesn't really change much, besides you can easily carry someone around while flying around doing dragon things. If you want.

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