Head of John [Monastic Tradition]

by BobTheSeagullKing

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Monastic Tradition

Way of the Head of John

"An internal style focused on hardening the self. After preparation and training, practitioners block the flow of ki at precise points. The chief feature of this style is using the head as a blunt weapon.

I have seen acolytes shatter bone with their headbutts in practice and an elder monk break a temple wall with the fierce application of his forehead. Little more must be said on its raw martial power."

- Manual of Hands and Feet, Musko Reeve

Monks of the way of the Head of John forgo even the traditional tools of monks; ignoring their hands and feet in favour of pure brute force from their heads. Practice and meditation grant supernatural resilience and power behind their headbutts. Even with their hands tied up, their unusual style allows them to remain deadly combatants.

Head of John Features

Monk Level Feature
3rd Brutal Application, Stubborn Technique
6th Worldly Might
11th Astute Observation, Thickened Skull
17th Godly Projection

Brutal Application

Starting at 3rd level you can project an intense amount of force through your forehead. You can use your head in place of your hands/feet when you are making unarmed strikes. Additionally, you can choose to align your meridians with the enemy.

When you make an unarmed attack using your head you can choose to make a special unarmed attack. If you do so roll 1d4 and add the result to the damage taken by the enemy. Then, roll another 1d4 and either take damage equal to the result of this roll, or reduce your next attack roll by the result as the brutal headbutt you perform leaves you and the enemy reeling.

This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.

Stubborn Technique

At 3rd level your dedication to this unusual martial style has granted you several benefits. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist being knocked unconscious or stunned. Additionally, the length of time you are able to hold your breath for is doubled.

Worldly Might

From 6th level the force behind your headbutts become supernaturally empowered. Once per turn you can use one of the following:

Concussive Blast: When you make a special unarmed attack using your head, you can increase the damage dealt by your Strength modifier (minimum of 1) and reduce the result of your die roll by your Strength modifier, you cannot reduce your roll below 1.

Thoughtful Heading: When you make a special unarmed attack using your head, you can bind your mind to the target's. Attack rolls made by that target against you have disadvantage, and you can't be surprised by things the target can see, until the end of your next turn.

You can use these features a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 1 ki point to use this feature again.

Astute Observation

Starting at 11th level your training has unlocked the hidden meridians inside your head, granting you deep insight into the workings of the mind.

As a bonus action you choose a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) within 30ft that you can see; the DM must tell you if they are hostile, neutral, or friendly towards you, and if they have been compelled through magic or coercion to act as such. No other information can be gleaned using this feature.

You can use this feature once per long rest. Optionally, you can spend 2 ki points to use this feature again.

Thickened Skull

From 11th level your head and mind become ever more resilient towards external threats. You gain advantage on rolls to resist being blinded or deafened, do not need to breathe, and can choose to roll an additional martial arts die when determining the impact your special unarmed strike has against the target and yourself.

Godly Projection

At 17th level no martial force can compare to a strike from the head you make with pure destructive intent.

When you make a special unarmed attack using your head you can expend 2 to 10 ki points. You create a 10 * (the number of ki points spent) ft cone from yourself. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and takes force damage equal to (half the number of ki points spent) rolls of your Martial Arts die on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


This monastic tradition is an adaptation of the Head of John martial style from the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons, created by Tom Parkinson-Morgan.


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