Aurora 'The Avenger' Shaw

by Lucian Astaroth

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Legend of the High Seas

Aurora 'The Avenger' Shaw came about her name when her crew led a mutiny against her and abandoned her on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Not the first to be marooned, but the first to offer her soul to The Leviathan, a deep sea entity who's power rivals deities.

A Deep-Water Deal

In return for a lifetime of servitude, the leviathan granted her powers that made her a ruler of the high seas. She could command her ship to move and come to life, breathe in the water and communicate with the creatures of the ocean. Most importantly, it offered her revenge against the crew that wronged her.

When her ship came alive and started attacking them, her crew thought it cursed and fled. The ship then sailed out to sea with a skeleton crew, or so the stories say.

Her influence spanned the high seas, though since her last sighting 80 years ago, she has faded into folklore and legend, becoming another cautionary tale.

It is said that if you betray your fellow shipmates or worse your captain whilst on the seas, Aurora will hunt you down and make you pay, marooning you on the same godforsaken island she suffered on, until you die from the unbearable heat or go mad.

All stories have truth however, and some say she still waits on the edge of the ocean, amassing an army of the betrayed, and will one day come and take her place as Queen of the Ocean.

Aurora's Lair

Aurora's Lair is her ship, The Marooner. A strong seaworthy vessel, it's more than capable of holding its own against a boarding party, but relies on its Mistress to bring about its full potential.

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Aurora takes a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects:

  • Aurora looks towards a creature on the ship, willing it to walk the plank. The creature must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or throw themselves off of the nearest section of the ship.
  • The surface of the boat in a 20ft. radius circle begins to splinter and groan as icy spears protrude, functioning as spike growth but dealing cold damage instead.
  • A freezing mist begins to coalesce all over the ship, and the souls of the traitors the ship has claimed begin to whisper. Each creature of Auroras choice within 60ft. of the ship must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or take 18 (4d8) psychic damage and be frightened, or take half damage and are not frightened on a success. Whilst frightened this way, they are vulnerable to cold damage.

Regional Effects

The region around The Marooner is altered , creating the following magical effects:

  • A thick fog spreads for 1 mile around the ship, in which faint voices of the damned can be heard. There is a 100ft. radius clearing of fog directly around the ship.
  • Aquatic creatures within 1 mile of the ship that have an intelligence score of 3 or higher immediately flee, sensing the presence of lost souls.
  • When a creature dies within 1 mile of the ship, roll a d100. On a roll of 1-10, the creature's soul is absorbed into The Marooner, used to fuel the ship and becomes one of the many voices in the fog. Nothing short of a Wish spell can save a soul from this fate.

When Aurora or The Marooner dies, all of these regional effects fade immediately, but return when it repairs itself.

  • Created by u/LucianAstaroth
  • This is Version 2.0 of Aurora Shaw
  • Art: Pirate Nation by Shenfei

Aurora 'The Avenger' Shaw

Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil

  • Armor Class 18 (+2 Studded Leather)
  • Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
  • Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 40 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Str +6, Con +8, Wis +7, Cha +11
  • Damage Resistances cold, lightning, thunder
  • Condition Immunities charmed
  • Skills Acrobatics +10, Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +10
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20
  • Languages Common, Primordial
  • Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Leviathan's Blessing. Worship of one of the gods of the sea, the Leviathan, has brought a great many gifts to Aurora. She can breathe underwater and has innate spellcasting abilities while at sea.

Innate Spellcasting. Aurora's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). Aurora can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components.

1/day each: chain lightning, maroon, control weather, call leviathan

Sea God's Protection (3/Day). If Aurora fails a saving throw while at sea, she can choose to succeed instead.

Skeleton Crew. Whilst on the Marooner, Aurora can summon up to two Pirate Skeletons at the start of each of her turns, and can command them at the start of each of her turns (requiring no action on her part). She can't have more than 10 Skeletons active at once, and usually has four patrolling at any one time.

Spellcasting. Aurora is a 10th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). Aurora has the following spells prepared:

Cantrips (At will): mage hand, mending, ray of frost

1st-5th level (Two 5th-level slots): armour of agathys, hex, hold person, call lightning, counterspell, mizzenmast (special), control water, creeping frost, drown, watery sphere, maelstrom


Multiattack. Aurora makes two attacks from any combination of Icy Depths and Tempest's Edge.

Icy Depths. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) cold damage, the target's speed is halved until the end of its next turn, and their next attack is at disadvantage.

Tempest's Edge. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) lightning damage, and the target is unable to take reactions until the start of their next turn.

Pocket Bomb (Recharge 5-6). Aurora lobs a bomb to a point on the ground she can see within 40 feet of her. Each creature within 15ft. of that point must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 19 (3d12) thunder damage and is pushed 15ft. away from that point. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed.


Arcing Parry. Aurora adds 6 to her AC against one attack, and if this causes the attack to miss, Aurora can make a Tempest's Edge attack against them.

Legendary Actions

Aurora can take 3 legendary actions. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Aurora regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

Discharge. A targeted creature affected by Tempest's Edge must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the start of their next turn.

Flash Freeze. One creature Aurora can see within 60 feet of her affected by Icy Depths must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) cold damage and be restrained in ice until the end of its next turn.. While restrained this way, they are vulnerable to thunder damage.

Shock and Awe. Aurora uses either Tempest's Edge or Pocket Bomb if it's recharged.

Cast a Spell (Costs 1-3 Actions). Aurora cast a spell, with cost depending on the slot used. cantrips cost 1 action, slots of 5th level cost 2 actions, and innate spells of 6th level or higher cost 3 actions. Alternatively, Aurora uses an action granted to her by a spell (such as call lightning), at that spell's action cost.

The Marooner

Gargantuam Construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 20 (Natural Armour)
  • Hit Points 310 (20d20 + 100)
  • Speed swim 80ft.

20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Con +10
  • Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
  • Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons, psychic, poison
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned, prone, exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Borne of the Sea. Whilst in the ocean, The Marooner is able to draw on the energy and matter around it to repair itself at an elevated rate. The Marooner regains 20 hp at the start of each of its turns provided it has at least 1 hp, and can attempt a saving throw against an ongoing effect at the same time. If The Marooner falls to 0 hp it crumbles away in the sea, reforming in 8 hours at the bottom of the ocean where it sunk, and then sails to Aurora's location.

Antimagic Susceptibility. An area of the Marooner enclosed within an antimagic field is incapacitated. If targeted by a dispel magic spell, The Marooner must make a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconcious for 1 minute.

Awoken. The Marooner has been brought to life by a permanent casting of the spell mizzenmast, and as such is able to take actions and can see everything happening on her. However, The Marooner has no mind to speak of, and so automatically saves against spells or effects that force it to make an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throw.

Tied to her Mistress. If Aurora is not stood on the deck of The Marooner for 24 hours she returns to an inanimate object, retaining only her hit points and AC. Additionally, The Marooner follows Aurora's commands without failure, and if given no commands, attacks any creatures threatening her Mistress.


Multiattack. The Marooner makes 2 attacks from any combination of rigging, cannons and plank.

Cannons. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 120/800 ft. on either side of The Marooner, one target. Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. This attack deals double damage to structures.

Plank. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft. from the deck of The Marooner, one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target creature must make a DC 18 Con save or be stunned until the start of their next turn.

Rigging. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 30ft. radius from The Marooner, one target. Hit: The target is restrained (Escape DC 18) and is pulled 20 feet closer to the deck of the ship at the end of each of its turns.

Fly. The Marooner can briefly will the sea to propel it out of the water, leaping in a 60ft. arc out of the water (60ft. high and long).

Pirate Skeleton

Medium Undead, Neutral Evil

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
  • Speed 30ft., climb 20ft., swim 30ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 9 (-1) 6 (-2)

  • Damage Vulnerability Bludgeoning, Thunder
  • Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9
  • Languages understands common, cannot speak
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Underhanded Tactics. If another pirate skeleton is attacking the same enemy, they crit on a roll of 19-20.


Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage and 3 (1d6) cold or lightning damage.

Thundercannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) thunder damage.


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