Taung Species

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Visual Characteristics

Skin Color Gray
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Distinctions Bony and ridged skulls, tendrils and fin-like protrusions on the back of their heads

Physical Characteristics

Height 5'8" +2d8"
Weight 165 lb. x(2d4) lb.

Sociocultural Characteristics

Homeworld Coruscant, Mandalore (adopted)
Language Mando'a

Biology and Appearance

Taung are a humanoid species of tall and strong sentient simians. Physically, the Taung are extremely resilient and are able to endure hardships many other species are unable to, which benefits their warlike nature as well as their tendencies to conquer planets.

Society and Culture

Taung society is one steeped in war, and the Taung are warriors above all else. Nomadic and clan-based, the Taung greatly value strength and honor, with pragmatism and ruthlessness being common traits amongst them. Originally waging war as a means of ritual worship to their god Kad Ha'rangir, the Taung eventually became the Mandalorians, and - under the leadership of Mandalore the Indomitable - the act of war itself became the center of Mandalorian worship, and to wage war is to be divine.

Despite their volatile nature, the Taung are far from primitive, and maintain a high priority in procuring the latest technological advancements whenever possible.

The Mandalorian armor that has become iconic throughout the galaxy originally began with the culture's Taung founders, with their unique helmets and war masks being forged in the image of the Taung's face, including slanted outer angles and a pointed chin. However, the armor is quite sparse among the Taung as they believe that unarmed combat brings the highest honor.


Taung names reflect their practical nature, typically choosing names that correspond to traits they deem desirable. Their names are rarely gender specific and can apply to either male or female. Their surnames reflect that of the clan they hail from.

Names. Adenn (merciless), Atin (stubborn), Kot (strength), Kotep (brave), Tor (justice), Verd (soldier)

Surnames. Cadera, Fett, Keldau, Lok, Ordo, Vizla

Taung Traits

As a Taung, you have the following special traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.

Age. Taung reach adulthood at 13 and live to around 85, though they rarely live even half the length as they naturally can due to their deadly lifestyles as Mandalorians.

Alignment. The Taung live by the traditions and honor-bound code of the Mandalorians, making them tend towards a lawful alignment, typically neutral or dark.

Size. Taung typically stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh around 210 lbs. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Claws. You are proficient with your claws, which deal 1d4 kinetic damage on a hit.

Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Additionally, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws.

Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Taung Weapon Training. You gain proficiency in one vibroweapon and one blaster of your choice.

Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Force Insensitive. While Taung can be manipulated by many force powers, they cannot sense the Force. You can not use force powers or take levels in forcecasting classes.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Galactic Basic and Mando'a. Mando'a is primarily a spoken language and is very expressive with simple grammar.


  • Total: 24/25
  • ASI: 12
  • Toughness: 5
  • Claws: 1
  • Relentless Endurance: 4
  • Weapon Training: 1
  • Intimidation: 2
  • Force Insensitive: -1/-2

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