Downtime in the Sprawl

by Zed Fraank

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Downtime in the Sprawl

Basics of downtime

  • Each Character can make 2 moves each downtime
  • Characters are unable to perform moves while their harm is greater then 2100 during downtime
  • Characters with harm at 2100 or less clear their harm clock before downtime moves
  • Characters can spend 1 Cred after rolling to get +1 to the roll or reroll 1 die

Old Basic Moves Examples

Hit the Street

When you go to a contact for help, roll Style

Go under the Knife

When you have new cyberware installed by a street doctor, roll Cred spent (max +2)

Conduct an Operation

When you lead a planned and coordinated operation, roll Edge

Lie Low

Each character pays half their cred, or five, whichever is greater. Lower all Corporate Clocks by one.

New Moves

When you work a Long Term Project

When you fix up your gear, create something new, or build a profile, create or advance a progress clock. Describe how you are working towards your goal and roll +relevant stat as determined by the conversation between you and the MC

7+: Advance the project clock 1 segment

10+: Gain 1 hold

You may spend 1 hold when you have time to spare to put extra effort into the project, choosing from the list below

Name Effect
Hired Hand Advance the project clock 1 Segment and spending 1 Cred
Blood, Sweat, and Tears Advance the project clock 1 Segment and take 1 Harm ignoring armor
Careful Work Advance the project clock 1 Segment and spend a downtime move
Make Noise Advance the project clock 1 Segment and choose a Corporate or Threat clock, advance their clock 1 Segment


When you work to improve your capabilities gain experience

Describe how you're improving your skills and mark experience. You can only train once per downtime.

Network (Style)

When you hit the clubs, put your ear to the ground, and connect with the public, spend 1 Cred and roll Style

10+: Choose 3 from the list below

7-9: Choose 1 from the list below

Name Effect
Fast friends Add a new contact
A new opportunity Describe a potential job
Successful gamble Gain 2 Cred
Smooth operator You don't attract unwanted attention, complications, or consequences
Something useful Gain either [intel] or [gear]

Stanch the Wounds (Cool)

When you operate on the wounds of your ally, roll Cool

7+: Remove all Harm

7-9: Choose 1 from the list below

Name Effect
Damaged Wetware Add a negative tag to a piece of their cyberware
Long Recovery They lose one of their downtime actions
Still not at 100% They take -1 ongoing to Meat rolls until the end of the next mission
Pricey work It costs 1 Cred

Off your Back (Edge)

When you cover your tracks, get new IDs, and erase your name, roll Edge

7+: Reduce a Corporate or Threat Clock by 1 Segment

7-9: Choose 1 from the list below

Name Effect
Get Hurt Take 1 Harm ignoring armor
Costs you Lose 1 Cred
Hot Goods Lose something valuable
Through work Lose your other downtime action