Rat n' Mice (Race)

by astrarche

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By @genasilesbians

"It's just rats." — Genasilesbians.


Ratfolk and Mousefolk tend to live in underground tunnels, in the spaces between the underdark and the surface. They shy away from humanoid settlements on the surface due to prejudice, and typically live in their own communities.

Ratfolk, are larger and more physically capable and tend to be more adventurous, servings as guards, soldiers, or scouts. Mousefolk are homelier, and often take jobs as farmers, blacksmiths, or crafters. They live in largely peaceful societies, well within their means.

Rat and Mousefolk have historically had skirmishes with more territorial groups of Kobolds who occupy the same territory. They act mostly to defend their land, and are willing to make trades and agreements to avoid conflict. Societies further underground will usually establish trade with Drow, Duergar, and Svirfneblin.

Some Mousefolk have broken off and made towns in rural, hilly areas of the surface. They live a quiet existence, without much contact other than wanderers and the occasional Hill Dwarves. These Mousefolk tend to have a negative view of their underground brethren.

Shared Traits

All Rodentfolk share the following commonalities:

Ability Score Increase. You may increase your
Dexterity score by 2.

Age. Rodentfolk age slightly faster
than humanoids, generally
reaching maturity around
15 and living to
be around 60.

Alignment. Being a species
largely outside of society,
Rodentfolk tend towards
chaotic alignments. They
have no natural inclinations
towards good, evil
or neutrality.

Speed. You have a base
walking speed of 30 ft.

Darkvision. You have
Darkvision to a range
of 60 ft.

Scamper. Rodentfolk
are quick, with a natural
inclination to run away
from danger. As a bonus action,
you can use the Dash action; this
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Over Any Obstacle. You have a climbing speed of 20 ft.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write, Common and Undercommon.


One of the two variants of Rodentfolk are the clever, cunning and adventurous Ratfolk.

Ability Score Increase. You may increase your Intelligence score by 1.

Size. Ratfolk are typically around 5 feet tall, with a slight hunch. Your size is Medium.

Natural Scavenger. You gain proficiency in Stealth and Investigation.


Ability Score Increase. You may increase your Wisdom score by 1.

Size. Mousefolk are typically far smaller than Ratfolk, around 3-4 feet in stature. Your size is small.

Field Scout. You gain proficiency in Survival and Investigation.

Handy. You gain a tool proficiency of choice.

Art Credit

Mouse by Unknown.
Ratfolk by PAIZO.