Neural Network Monster A Day 64 - Ach S

by stuntmantan

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Also sometimes called "corpse reeds" or "river stalks," achs are a somewhat rare medicinal plant found along tributaries and fast flowing streams. All parts of the plant, from the seeds, roots, and leaves, can be used to prepare common home remedies, treating ailments like indigestion or headaches. Because of their scarcity, these fibrous greens can fetch a high price at village markets, often graded based on size, color, and freshness. However, folk tales speak of particularly old and robust achs, capable of curing all manner of diseases. These S-class plants are from which the species get its grisly name, as they are rumored only to grow near fresh corpses of the drowned. Attempts to verify this legend have thus far yielded no conclusions, although the idea of a potent medicine only growing from the bodies of the dead is not a new one. Indeed, from a certain perspective, all plants of good health and stature grow from the decaying bodies of those that came before, although rarely as directly and explicitly as the stories of the river achs.

Ach, S-Class

Small plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 9
  • Hit Points 14 (4d6)
  • Speed 10 ft., swim 20 ft.

10 (+0) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)

  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, cold, piercing
  • Senses passive Perception 9
  • Languages --
  • Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

False Appearance. While the ach remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal plant.


Rake. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) slashing damage.

Consume Body. The ach grabs one unsecured incapacitated creature of Medium size or smaller within 5 feet of it. The creature is now restrained. While the creature is restrained in this way, the ach can use its action to regain 7 (2d6) hit points. The ach can only restrain one creature at a time. If the creature is dying, it must immediately make a death saving throw. If the creature is stable, it is unstabilized and resumes dying.


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