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Chiron (A batfolk race)

Chirons are small bipedal bat-like humanoids who live in tropical areas in caves and trees in communal groups called colonies or flocks. It takes a long time to gain the trust of a Chiron, but once trust is gained the trusted person is treated like family. You can often tell how close a Chiron is to another person by how physically close they are willing to get to them. Chirons are omnivorous, favoring fruits, insects, fish, and edible flowers. They consider raising animals to kill for food to be barbaric and still largely live a hunter-gatherer style of life. Often eating mamals is a weird and new concept to them. Chiron tend to favor classes that often have a connection with nature or self improvement such as druids, rangers, monks, or barbarians. Chiron share a lot with their animal counterparts such as the ability to perch on to branches or rough cave ceilings when sleeping, sensing where things are with sound, and of course their flight.
Names. Chiron tend to use names with two parts, the first is an adjective that describes their appearance or the conditions under which they were born such as: Cloudy, Bright, Silver, Grey, Small, Quick, or Brave. Their second name is usually a body part or noun that pertains to bats such as Echo, Wing, Claw, Foot, Ear, Fang, Branch, or Glide. They may chose to use either part of their name as a nickname. They don't typically pass down last names as other societies do, instead considering any Chiron they encounter to be family.

Chiron traits

Your Chiron character has the following racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Chiron reach maturity around age 16 and rarely live longer than 70 years.
Alignment. Most Chiron are neutral. They are communal creatures who care more about the welfare of their flock than others. Rarely they might bond in this way with others outside of their family.
Size. Chiron are shorter and lighter than humans. They rarely grow above 3 feet tall, and weigh about 35-45 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages.You can read, write, and speak Common and one other language of your choice.
Wild Instincts. You gain proficiency in Perception.
Wings. Adapted to life in trees and caves, Chiron use their small size and light body to hide in places others would be unable to reach. Their hands consist of three shorter digits that function like a human hand, and their other fingers are about the length of their body joined with a thin membrane. You gain a fly speed of 25 feet. In order to use this fly speed you must not be wearing heavy armor or medium armor made of metal (or other inflexible materials). Whenever you are flying you are unable to perform any action that requires hands such as swinging a weapon, using a shield, using a spell focus, or performing fine hand motions required for somatic components. You can hold items with your feat, but not use them.

Echolocation. You have superior senses in dark and dim conditions. As long as you are neither silenced nor deafened you can use your echolocation see up to 60 feet away as if it were brightly lit. You can't discern color or flat images such as written words in darkness. Spells and magical effects meant to trick the senses such as darkness, invisibility, and illusions still trick your echolocation.

Chiron Quirks

Optional: You may use the Chiron Quirks table to determine a personality quirk for a Chiroptan character or to inspire a unique mannerism.
d10 : Quirk
1 You find certain kinds of traditional human food to be repulsive. Like the meat of mammals or vegetables not native to your home.
2 You carry around a pouch of dried insects that you snack on. Others find it gross.
3 You can’t sleep well unless you are hanging upside down.
4 You place worth on shiny things like bits of glass and rocks even if others find them worthless.
5 You are used to sleeping in large communal areas and find it hard to sleep on your own.
6 You are uncomfortable and awkward around the furless races.
7 Your ears often betray your emotional state.
8 Your voice increases with pitch the more excited you get.
9 Sometimes you describe things and people in terms of how they sound or smell rather than how they look.
10 Due to your communal nature you are quick to share with others, and expect the same in turn.

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