OLD - SW5E Starship statblocks

by DrakeRyzer

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These were made for an old version of Starships of the Galaxy

Shipyard of the Galaxy



Tiny Class Starships

Droid Tri-Fighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Colla Designs and Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries
Line Droid starfighters
Model Tri-Fighter
Class Droid Starfighter
Value 65,300 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 18 x 11 ft

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity
Cargo Capacity

Era and Affiliation

The droid tri-fighter, also known as the tri-droid fighter or simply tri-fighter, was a deadly Confederacy droid starfighter designed as a fast, agile and powerful space-superiority starfighter, built to excel in dogfighting. It would be used in large numbers throughout the Clone Wars.

Five years after the conclusion of the Clone Wars, tri-fighters could still be seen harassing the nascent Galactic Empire under the command of dissidents.

Design and Development

The droid tri-fighter was designed by the Colicoid Creation Nest—makers of the deadly droideka—and manufactured by Colla Designs and Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries. The droid's ridged, three-armed design was based on the skull features of a fearsome predator native to the planet Colla IV.

The bracing arms surrounded the fighter's droid pilot housed in a rotating, gyroscopic core.[6] The droid tri-fighter had three independent thrusters, providing it with great agility, and a powerful reactor and control/communications transceiver that gave the craft unusual range for a fighter drone.

It was armed with one heavy laser cannon protruding from the central ball, and a light laser cannon for each of the three arms. They could fire independently or together and could slightly tilt on rails to improve its deadly aim. Two to six missiles of variable payloads were housed within each arm. The nose-like cannon made the droid tri-fighter similar in appearance to the DSD1 dwarf spider droid also used by the Confederacy.

Operational History

The droid tri-fighter was introduced into the Confederate Navy relatively late in the conflict, and its usage would further deplete Trade Federation coffers. One of its first recorded uses was on Praesitlyn, where they fought against the T-19 starfighters of the Praesitlyn Defense Force. Tri-fighters were also deployed at Sullust, Saleucami, Dathomir and Belderone. It would prove troublesome for even Jedi pilots, as evidenced when three tri-fighters came close to overcoming Jedi ace Saesee Tiin before being taken out by Anakin Skywalker.

Many tri-fighters fought during the Battle of Coruscant, where they destroyed ARC-170 squadrons. Swarms of them also fought in the battle within the city, harassing Jedi and clone pilots. Following the execution of the Separatist Council by Darth Sidious's new apprentice, Darth Vader, these units were de-activated. At least one derelict tri-fighter was located in an Imperial junkyard during the Galactic Civil War.

Starship Traits

The Tri-Fighter has the following starship traits.


The Tri-Fighter has 5 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Universal: Droid Brain

And has 4 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Universal: Premium Droid Brain
  • Weapons: Three Fixed Hardpoints
Tiny Starships

Droid Tri-Fighter

Tier 2 Tiny starship

  • Armor Class 14 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 7 (3d4-3)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 450 ft., turning 50 ft.

11 (+0) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Skills Piloting +4, Technology +4, Mechanic’s Kit +4
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Heavy Laser Cannon (1) - Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1) - Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to one action.

Heavy Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attacks: +7 to hit, range 600/1200, one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) energy damage.

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 13 (3d8), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Droid Starfighter Swarm. When an ally of the Tri-Fighter hits a hostile ship that it can see with a weapon attack, the Tri-Fighter can use its reaction to make one weapon attack against that ship if it is able to.

Tiny Starships

Hyena Droid Bomber

Product Information

Manufacturer Baktoid Armor Workshop
Line Droid starfighters
Model Hyenda-class Bomber
Class Droid Starfighter
Value 222,195 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 41 ft

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity
Cargo Capacity

Era and Affiliation

The Hyena-class bomber, also known simply as the Hyena droid bomber, Hyena Droid or Hyena bomber, was a droid bomber used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a heavy ordnance craft during the Clone Wars. The Hyena bomber also was used as a fighter, but only when needed. Due to its restricted availability, the Hyena-class bomber was missing in many key battles. The bomber was first introduced in 22 BBY as a cheaper, more maneuverable bomber by Baktoid Armor Workshop and saw service in different campaigns during the Clone Wars.

Design and Development

The Hyena-class bomber was similar in design to the Vulture-class fighter, but had a broader fuselage and two "head" units. Hyena bombers had wider and sturdier hulls with huge wings to gain stability during flight. Like vulture droids, it could transform its shape into walking mode. Unlike the Vulture Droid however, the Hyena bomber's wings separated in the middle while in "walker" mode. Underneath the second, immobile head, there appeared to be a red photoreceptor protruding from the blue hull. The Hyena-class bomber was capable of carrying four proton bombs, six proton torpedoes and six concussion missiles inside the bomb bay beneath the hull. The Hyena bomber also carried two light laser cannons which eliminated the need for fighter escort.

Operational History

The Hyena-class bombers were seen during the Battle of Falleen, early in the Clone Wars. The Separatists completely eradicated the Republic force stationed there and proceeded to attack the fortress of the King. There, they shelled the capital, but could not penetrate the defensive shield surrounding the palace of the Falleen King.

After a Separatist Starship flew over Florrum, the Hyena bomber proved itself as a fighter. The Separatists deployed Hyena bombers along with other droid starfighters with the mission to shoot down Aayla Secura's recon ship that was tasked with a recon mission. The gunship shot down all of the bombers and other craft including Bounty hunter Shahan Alama, then returned to Secura's ship.

The Hyena-class bombers also found use during a battle on planet Kadavo. Lead by Asajj Ventress in her ship the Trident, a squad of bombers was tasked with destroying a Kadavo slave processing facility. The bombers managed to take out one support cable causing the structure to become unstable and toppled several Togruta slaves into lava. The bombers then turned around and began to attack again, but were then destroyed when a Clone trooper shot a proton bomb underneath one of the bombers.

Starship Traits

The Hyena Bomber has the following starship traits.


The Hyena Bomber has 6 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Universal; Droid Brain

And has 5 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Universal; Premium Droid Brain
  • Weapons: Four Fixed Hardpoints
Tiny Starships

Hyena Droid Bomber

Tier 3 Tiny starship

  • Armor Class 13 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 21 (4d4+8)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 150 ft.

8 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Skills Piloting +4, Technology +4, Mechanic’s Kit +4
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Light Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


Bomblet Deployer (1)


The ship can take up to one action.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +6 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 12 (3d8-1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 11 (2d8-1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Bomblet. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: Deploys 1 to 4 bomblets: these detonate when they physically connect with an object, when the firing gunner detonates them remotely using their reaction, or 1 minute after they are deployed. When a bomblet detonates, each ship within 100 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Failure: 12 (3d8-1), or half as much on a success, kinetic damage.


Droid Starfighter Swarm. When an ally of the Hyena Bomber hits a hostile ship that it can see with a weapon attack, the Hyena Bomber can use its reaction to make one weapon attack against that ship if it is able to.

Tiny Starships

Vulture Droid starfighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Haor Chall Engineering and Baktoid Armor Workshop
Line Droid starfighters
Model Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I
Class Droid Starfighter
Value Trade Federation, 23,100 cr
CIS, 22,675 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 12 x 8 ft

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity
Cargo Capacity

Era and Affiliation

The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I (also known as the Vulture-class droid starfighter or simply as the vulture droid) was a droid starfighter used by the Trade Federation. Later, in much greater numbers, it was utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It participated heavily in the Clone Wars, at engagements such as the Battles of Kamino and Coruscant.

Like most of the Trade Federation's armed forces, it carried no living pilot, but rather a droid brain that was linked to a central control computer, often aboard a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship. Each Trade Federation battleship carried 1,500 such droid starfighters.

Design and Development

The Vulture-class was designed by Haor Chall Engineering, which was founded by the fanatical Xi Char, a religious order dedicated to high-precision manufacturing. As a result, it represented classic Xi Charrian design— an insectoid appearance, multiple weapons emplacements, and a compact body that offered only a small target for enemy fighters.

The vulture droid carried four blaster cannons and two energy torpedo launchers, and could reach 1200 kilo-meters per hour in a planet's atmosphere. When not in flight, the ship could transform into a walking weapons platform, used for ground patrol and troop support. While in this mode, the droid starfighter could also latch onto surfaces in zero gravity, allowing it to launch directly from the external hull of a capital ship.

Operational History

The droid starfighter endured rigorous testing before being deployed in the Trade Federation Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY.

Only months before Darth Sidious gave the order for Naboo's blockade, through machinations with the Trade Federation he commissioned Trinkatta Starships of Esseles in the Darpa sector to outfit 50 Vulture-class droid starfighters with hyperdrives—which the Republic had outlawed for that type of small fighter. The Sith Lord wished for the starfighters to be used to take over the planet Brentaal, which would then have allowed the Trade Federation to control with impunity two major galactic trade routes: the Perlemian and the Hydian Way. The pre–Clone Wars plot was foiled when the Jedi High Council, unbeknownst to the Republic Senate (members of which might have been implicated), sent a team headed by Qui-Gon Jinn to investigate what party or parties had placed the illegal order.

During the Clone Wars, many Vulture-class droids were painted with the blue and white hexagonal insignia of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, although many were seen in the early and middle stages of the war with Trade Federation brown coloring,[28] and were upgraded with buzz droid missile launchers, which they opened their wings to launch.[13] Other manufacturers, chiefly Baktoid Armor Workshop, began production of the Vulture which had originally been built solely by its Xi Char developers.

Starship Traits

The Vulture Droid starfighter has the following starship traits.


The Vulture Droid starfighter has 4 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Universal: Droid Brain

And has 3 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Universal: Premium Droid Brain
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints
Tiny Starships

Vulture Droid - TF

Tier 1 Tiny starship

  • Armor Class 15 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 3 (2d4-2)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

8 (-1) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Skills Piloting +4, Technology +4, Mechanic’s Kit +4
  • Challenge 1/8 (25)



Light Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to one action.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +7 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 17 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 8 (2d8-1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Droid Starfighter Swarm. When an ally of the vulture droid hits a hostile ship that it can see with a weapon attack, the vulture droid can use its reaction to make one weapon attack against that ship if it is able to.

Vulture Droid - CIS

Tier 1 Tiny starship

  • Armor Class 15 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 3 (2d4-2)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

8 (-1) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Skills Piloting +4, Technology +4, Mechanic’s Kit +4
  • Challenge 1/8 (25)



Burst laser cannon (1) Concussion missile launcher (1)


The ship can take up to one action.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 6 (3d4-1) energy damage.

Concussion missile launcher. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 17 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 12 (3d8-1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Droid Starfighter Swarm. When an ally of the vulture droid hits a hostile ship that it can see with a weapon attack, the vulture droid can use its reaction to make one weapon attack against that ship if it is able to.

Tiny Starships


Small Class Starships

A-wing Interceptor

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line A-Wing series
Models RZ-1 and RZ-2
Class Interceptor
Value RZ-1, 189,550 cr,
RZ-2, 487,550 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions RZ-1, 31 x 21 ft.
RZ-2, 25 x 15 ft.
Hyperdrive Class 1
Navcomputer "Astromech"

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, also known as the RZ-1 A-wing starfighter, was a wedge-shaped starfighter manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering, which took design inspiration from the Republic starfighters of the Clone Wars. Based on the original R-22 prototype, the early rebel movement adopted the fighter against the Galactic Empire, letting these so-called RZ-1s see action during the Age of the Empire and the Galactic Civil War.

The updated RZ-2 variant would replace the RZ-1 after the Battle of Endor, and would see use thirty years later during the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order.

Design and Development

The RZ-1 A-wing starfighter was manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering. The RZ-1 was based off the original R-22 prototype developed by Kuat as a replacement for the Republic's Aethersprite starfighter. Rejected by the Empire, Rebel cells acquired several R-22s and stripped them down to boost the fighter's speed and acceleration to counter the Empire's new TIE/IN interceptor. These RZ-1's would come to play a key role in the Alliance's victory at Endor.

The RZ-2 A-wing starfighter rose out of the stunning performance of the Rebel RZ-1 during the Galactic Civil War. With the original RZ-1 based on Kuat Systems Engineering's original R-22 Spearhead, the company resurrected its forgotten prototype to create the RZ-2. The RZ-2 incorporated and standardized years of Rebel field modifications, made the chassis slimmer for more speed, and featured generations of improvements to its many systems.

Operational History

Some of the earliest uses of the RZ-1 included use in forces secretly allied with Bail Organa one year after Order 66. Years later, a group of A-wing fighters were part of Commander Jun Sato's Phoenix Cell, which was part of a larger rebellion.

A-wings were deployed by the Alliance Fleet at the Battle of Endor. Once Han Solo's strike team brought down the Death Star's shield generator, two A-wing pilots flew into the Death Star, but broke off to draw TIE fighters away from Calrissian. Green Leader Arvel Crynyd was hit by fire and crashed into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor, resulting in its destruction. A-wings were also employed in the Battle of Jakku.

By the time the RZ-2 was used by the Resistance during their war with the First Order, it was already decades old. With the New Republic cutting A-wing production to a minimum, the Resistance acquired several fighters to be used for everything from reconnaissance patrols to bomber escort missions

Starship Traits

The A-wing RZ-1 and RZ-2 Interceptors have the following starship traits.


The RZ-1 has 8 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modification:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 7 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Engineering: Flare Pods
  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot
  • Universal: Premium Thrusters, Premium Reactor, Prototype Reactor
  • Weapons: One Fixed Hardpoint

The RZ-2 has 1 additional modification slot filled with the following modification:

  • Universal: Advanced Reactor
Small Starships

A-wing interceptor - RZ-1

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Interceptor role

  • Armor Class 16 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 17 (5d6)
  • Shield Points 9 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 500 ft., turning 50 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Interceptor. The ship’s flying speed increases by 50 feet, (included in the statblock).


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d6, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 17 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 18 (3d10+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Flare Pods. (2/maintenance) When this ship is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, a deployed mechanic can use their reaction to release a flare. When they do so, your ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The deployed mechanic can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

A-wing interceptor - RZ-2

Tier 3 Small starship, unaligned, Interceptor role

  • Armor Class 20 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 20 (6d6)
  • Shield Points 10 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 550 ft., turning 50 ft.

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +8
  • Skills Piloting +8
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (3/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d8, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Versatile Snubfighter (3/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can use their reaction to have advantage on the roll. A deployed crew member can choose to use this feature after they make their roll, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +8 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 19 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 19 (3d10+3), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Flare Pods. (3/maintenance) When this ship is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, a deployed mechanic can use their reaction to release a flare. When they do so, your ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The deployed mechanic can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Small Starships

ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Incom and Subpro Corporations
Line ARC series
Model ARC-170
Class Heavy Starfighter
Value 190,800 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 42 x 65 ft.
Hyperdrive Class 1.5
Navcomputer "Astromech"

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1-3
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, also known simply as the ARC-170 starfighter, is a heavy-duty model of starfighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and was considered the latest in fighter technology. Jointly manufactured by Incom Corporation and Subpro, it would continue to see usage into the reign of the Galactic Empire, but would eventually be phased out by the newer TIE line.

Design and Development

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter is a multipurpose starship designed for both intense battle and longer deep-space missions. It measured 12.71 meters in length, contained a hyperdrive, and propelled itself in realspace utilizing two powerful engine systems. It was piloted by a crew of three—a pilot, co-pilot, and tail gunner, along with an astromech droid. Long-range scanners and sensors were contained in the vessel's nose.

During battle, the craft's S-foils opened to expose heat sinks and radiators to help cool the ship, and the two main forward medium laser cannons located on the underside of its outer wings were uncommonly large and powerful. Its laser cannons could punch through a capital ship's armor, and its twin blaster cannons provided a rear firing arc manned by its tail gunner. Furthermore, proton torpedo launchers increased the craft's usefulness in ship-to-ship combat, and added to its already extensive repertoire in its ability to serve as a bomber.

Operational History

The ARC-170 starfighter was initially created by Incom/Subpro for the Galactic Republic as a multipurpose starship, and was a successor to the Clone Z-95 Headhunter. It participated in numerous battles during the latter half of the Clone Wars, such as during the Battle of Malastare, in which it guarded BTL-B Y-wings armed with the experimental electro-proton bomb while some of them strafed the Separatist ground forces. They also participated in the Battle of Kamino and the Battle of Sullust.

ARC-170s continued to see use in the Imperial Navy at least five years after the proclamation of the New Order as the newer TIE line came into production. Squadrons of ARC-170s were deployed from an older-generation Venator-class Star Destroyer to assist Governor Wilhuff Tarkin and the Executrix during the Campaign at Salient. It also served as a predecessor of the T-65B X-wing starfighter.

Starship Traits

The ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter has the following starship traits.


The ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter has 8 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 7 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot, Sensor Dampener
  • Universal: Secondary Crew Slot, Tertiary Crew Slot
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints
Small Starships

ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Bomber role

  • Armor Class 14 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 27 (5d6+10)
  • Shield Points 27 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 6
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 100 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d6, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to four actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +6 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 12 (3d6+2) energy damage.

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 13 (2d10+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Sensor Dampener. (2/maintenance) A deployed operator can attempt to dampen the sensors of a ship they can see within 1,000 feet. The target ship must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is blinded for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic on the affected ship can repeat this save, ending the effect on a success.


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Small Starships

B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Slayn & Korpil
Line B-Wing series
Models A/SF-01 and B-wing/E
Class Heavy Assault Starfighter
Value A/SF-01, 176,400 cr,
B-wing/E, 473,400 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 56 x 24 x 55 ft
Hyperdrive Class 2
Navcomputer "Astromech"

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity A/SF-01, 1
B-wing/E, 2
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The B-wing starfighter was one of the largest and most heavily armed starfighters/bombers in the Rebel Alliance's fleet. The name B-wing came from the craft's appearance to a "B", when upright, the outline of the upper half and the lower half makes a B shape, although its swordlike shape in attack mode has earned it the nickname "Blade-wing", which may be another reason for the "B" prefix.

Design and Development

The development of the B-wing began shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The small-unit starfighter tactics of the Rebellion were having a greater effect on the forces of the Imperial Navy than many Imperial commanders thought possible. As a response to this threat, the Empire began to produce and deploy more capital ships with a primary role of anti-starfighter defense. The primary vessel used for this strategy was the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, a starship with which the Alliance was already quite familiar.

The B-wing/E was designed at Shantipole Research Station, a Verpine facility deep in the Roche asteroid field. Rebel operatives foiled an attempt by Imperial spies to steal the design specs for the craft, and the craft was brought to production by Slayn & Korpil.

Operational History

Despite its limited numbers at the time, it was a key Rebel craft in the Battle of Endor, where a squad of these fighters took down two Imperial-class Star Destroyers. After the battle, the B-wing's modular design allowed it to be retrofitted with sprayers for firefighting duty on Endor, to extinguish the fires caused by the falling debris.

B-wings continued to serve in the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic and Galactic Alliance fleets as a heavy assault starfighter. B-wings were present in the Invasion of Bakura. The B-wing fighter also featured significantly in the campaign against Warlord Zsinj, where the B-wings of Nova Squadron were instrumental in defeating Razor's Kiss and Iron Fist. General Salm's Defender Wing was partially retrofitted with B-wings during the campaign against Zsinj. Also, at least one flight, Lancer Squadron, was present at the liberation of Coruscant, where it supported an army group led by General Han Solo. A wing of B-wings also served against Delak Krennel and his Ciutric Hegemony.

Starship Traits

The A/SF-01 B-wing and B-wing/E Starfighter have the following starship traits.


The B-wing/E has 9 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 8 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot
  • Universal: Ejection Pod, Premium Hull, Premium Reactor, Secondary Crew Slot
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints
Small Starships

B-Wing/A/SF-01 Starfighter

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Strike Fighter role

  • Armor Class 15 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 32 (5d6+10)
  • Shield Points 64 (fortress)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 3
  • Speed 250 ft., turning 200 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d6, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Ion Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6+0) energy damage.

Ion Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6+0) pulse damage.

Proton Torpedo. (8/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 17 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 11 (2d10+0), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Ejection Pod. (1/maintenance) When this ship is reduced to 0 hit points but not destroyed outright, it can use its reaction to eject the pod from the ship. The pod includes emergency rations and supplies that can support one creature for 1 day, in both hot and cold climates. The pod is Tiny size and has a flying speed of 150 feet, a turning speed of 50 feet, an AC of 10, and 5 hit points. The pod includes one unit of fuel.

Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Small Starships

B-Wing/E Starfighter

Tier 3 Small starship, unaligned, Strike Fighter role

  • Armor Class 17 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 44 (6d6+18)
  • Shield Points 88 (fortress)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 3
  • Speed 300 ft., turning 200 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (3/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d8, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to three actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +8 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6+0) energy damage.

Ion Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +8 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6+0) pulse damage.

Proton Torpedo. (8/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 18 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 11 (2d10+0), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Ejection Pod. (1/maintenance) When this ship is reduced to 0 hit points but not destroyed outright, it can use its reaction to eject the pod from the ship. The pod includes emergency rations and supplies that can support one creature for 1 day, in both hot and cold climates. The pod is Tiny size and has a flying speed of 150 feet, a turning speed of 50 feet, an AC of 10, and 5 hit points. The pod includes one unit of fuel.

Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Versatile Snubfighter. (3/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can use their reaction to have advantage on the roll. A deployed crew member can choose to use this feature after they make their roll, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.

Small Starships

Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line Delta-series
Models Delta-7 and Delta-7b
Class Light Interceptor
Value Delta-7, 92,900 cr,
Delta-7b, 93,400 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 26 x 13 ft
Hyperdrive Class 1 (booster ring)

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, more commonly known as the Delta-7 Aethersprite light interceptor or Jedi starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi, was an interceptor commissioned just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY.

The Delta-7b was a variant design featuring a relocated astromech droid slot and a slightly enlarged hull. The Delta-7B also had a set of pop-out S-foils that could be extended for certain flight maneuvers.

Design and Development

It was designed by engineer Walex Blissex. Due to limitations in technology at the time of its creation, the starfighter's size did not allow for a built-in hyperdrive, and instead had to rely on other spacecraft or an external hyperdrive docking ring for faster-than-light travel.

The very first models of Aethersprite would not allow for a full-size astromech droid navigator. Instead, the astromech droids were integrated directly into the starfighter, with only the truncated droid's head visible. Later though, a newer model of Aethersprite, the Delta-7B, would allow for a factory-model astromech-droid navigator.

The Delta-7B initially saw use as Delta-7's were lost in battle. The Delta-7B had 4 twin laser-cannons (2 above the "triangular"-shaped hull, and 2 right below the "upper" cannons, on the underside of the hull). It also typically depended on other spacecraft or an external hyperdrive ring for faster-than-light travel.

Operational History

The Delta-series predated the Jedi's use of the Delta-7, which began testing at around 27 BBY, and came into service shortly before the Clone Wars. The Delta-6 Sprite-class starfighter was used around the time of the Invasion of Naboo, and the Delta-12 Skysprite was released on the civilian market following the launch of the Outbound Flight project; it would seem that this starfighter was also tested by the Jedi as Obi-Wan Kenobi flew one himself just before the launch.

Anakin Skywalker flew at least one yellow and gray Delta-7B that was damaged during the Battle of Bothawui and later recovered. The fighter was also present for the Battle of Ryloth, and Skywalker later piloted the vessel during the Battle of Malastare, where it was seemingly destroyed by a monstrous Zillo Beast. Usually flying alongside as his wingmate was Ahsoka Tano, who used a red, green, and white Delta-7B.

Obi-Wan Kenobi flew a Delta-7B with an almost identical color scheme to his previous Delta-7 and utilized the same astromech droid, R4-P17.

Starship Traits

The Delta-7b Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor has the following starship traits.


The Delta-7b has 7 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 6 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Communications, Enhanced Scanner
  • Universal: Premium Thrusters, Premium Reactor
  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint
Small Starships

Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor

Tier 1 Small starship, unaligned, no role

  • Armor Class 15 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 14 (4d6)
  • Shield Points 7 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Force Piloting. When the Delta-7 makes an Intelligence (Piloting) check, it uses it's Wisdom modifier it's Intelligence modifier.



Light Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +6 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) energy damage.

Delta-7b Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor

Tier 1 Small starship, unaligned, no role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 18 (4d6)
  • Shield Points 9 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Force Piloting. When the Delta-7b makes an Intelligence (Piloting) check, it uses it's Wisdom modifier it's Intelligence modifier.



Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) energy damage.

Small Starships

ETA-2 Actis-class Interceptor

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line ETA-series
Models ETA-2
Class Starfighter
Value 182,200 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 18 x 14 ft
Hyperdrive Class 1 (booster ring)
Navcomputer Astromech

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, also known as the Jedi interceptor or Jedi starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi pilots, was a Republic starfighter used late in the Clone Wars that shared design elements with the Republic's Delta-7 and Delta-7B starfighters, as well as the TIE fighters of the later Galactic Empire. The Galactic Alliance would later come to utilize a successor, the Eta-5 interceptor.

Design and Development

The Eta-2 Actis was designed by Kuat Systems Engineering, following up on its success with the Aethersprite. It included and improved upon many design elements of the latter. The only prominent drawback was the removal of shields, though this trade-off reduced production cost and lightened the craft. More importantly, it was much smaller than its predecessor, allowing far more Eta-2 ships to fit into hangars that could only hold a handful of Delta-7 and Delta-7B craft.

Like the simultaneously developed ARC-170 and Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters, the Eta-2 incorporated S-foils to radiate excess engine heat in the thick of combat, reducing the likelihood of damage to the craft. Occasionally, though not always, the lifting panels were opened during normal flight to further reduce stress on the engines. Such a design element carried with it certain flaws, however; this area of the hull was lightly armored, and extremely vulnerable to laser fire and buzz droid sabotage.

Operational History

The first prototype of the craft was deployed during the initial skirmishes with the Valahari people, and the craft was used by Anakin Skywalker to combat the advanced Tempest Zero starfighter used by Tofen Vane. The prototype proved itself in the Battle of the Veil Nebula where it managed to shoot down Vane's craft and thus aid in a Republic victory against the Separatist forces. This concept led to much wider production and widespread deployment in the Republic Navy than the Delta-7 and Delta-7B had seen, since the Delta-7 and Delta-7B had been designed exclusively for the Jedi. It would also inspire the design and size rules that made the TIE fighters of the later Empire so cheap, modular, and effective.

The Eta-2 became one of the first starfighter models in use by the Imperial Navy. Squadrons of Eta-2s flew in formation above Coruscant as part of the security detail after the Galactic Empire had been established.[8] When Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, he would receive a new black Eta-2. Vader piloted this Eta-2 during some of his early missions for Emperor Palpatine as the Great Jedi Purge continued, sometimes flanked by V-wing starfighters.

Starship Traits

The ETA-2 Actis-class Interceptor has the following starship traits.


The ETA-2 has 8 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 5 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner
  • Universal: Premium Thrusters, Premium Reactor, Prototype Reactor
  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint
Small Starships

ETA-2 Actis-class Interceptor

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Interceptor role

  • Armor Class 16 (Lightweight)
  • Hit Points 17 (5d6+5)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 500 ft., turning 50 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d6, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Force Piloting. When the ETA-2 makes an Intelligence (Piloting) check, it uses it's Wisdom modifier it's Intelligence modifier.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Ion Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) energy damage.

Ion Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 12 (3d6+2) pulse damage.


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Small Starships

M3-A Scyk Fighter

Product Information

Manufacturer MandalMotors
Line M3-A Scyk Fighters
Models M3-A Scyk
M3-A "Heavy" Scyk
Class Starfighter
Value M3-A Scyk, 90,700 cr
M3-A "Heavy" Scyk, 89,750 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 21 ft
Hyperdrive Class 2
Navcomputer Basic Navcomputer

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The M3-A Scyk fighter was a light interceptor, the lightest of all the starfighter designs produced by its Mandalorian manufacturer, MandalMotors. It was named after the Scyk lizard of Tatooine.

The Scyk was designed shortly after the Clone Wars. It was produced under unusual circumstances, MandalMotors was not allowed to do business under the auspices of the Galactic Empire until an Imperial "adviser" was placed on the company's board of directors. Although MandalMotors operated under the supervision of the Galactic Empire, deception and bribery allowed it to produce ships for such organizations as the Hutt clans and Zann Consortium.

Design and Development

Although the Scyk barely provided more amenities to its pilot than a TIE/LN starfighter did, it had two strong points - it was cheap and its weapon mount was designed to handle nearly anything. Its standard equipment consisted of a weapon, an engine, a reactor, a capacitor and a weak shield generator. Its laser cannon could be easily swapped for an ion cannon, concussion missiles or a proton torpedo launcher.

Large organizations used this versatility to create wings of starfighters with complementary weapon mixes, while individual pilots benefited by replacing or upgrading damaged weapons anywhere in the galaxy. Apart from that, it had very little room for modifications and additional equipment.

Operational History

Smugglers and thugs in employ of the Hutt cartels or similar organizations loved the Scyk fighter for its essential traits of speed and maneuverability. In the hands of a skilled pilot the M3-A Scyk fighter was a deadly weapon. Pilots of the Black Sun learned this in the Battle of Tansarii Point Station in which many of them were killed by spacers hired by the Car'das authorities who were in charge of security aboard the station. The spacers flew a completely unmodified M3-A Scyk fighter, relying only on skills and maneuverability.

The Scyk fighter was one of the biggest sellers to such groups, as it was dangerous enough to be worthwhile, but not advanced enough to attract Imperial attention. The production of this ship stopped around the time Alliance to Restore the Republic became active.

Starship Traits

The M3-A Scyk has the following starship traits.


The M3-A has 6 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 5 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Hyperdrive Slot, Navcomputer Slot
  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint
Small Starships

M3-A Scyk Fighter

Tier 0 Small starship, unaligned, no role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 11 (3d6)
  • Shield Points 6 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 100 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +5
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take one action.

Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 11 (3d10), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

M3-A "Heavy" Scyk Fighter

Tier 0 Small starship, unaligned, no role

  • Armor Class 12 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 17 (3d6+6)
  • Shield Points 17 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 3
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 100 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +5
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Ion Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take one action.

Ion Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +5 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) pulse damage.

Concussion Missile. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 16 (3d10), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Small Starships

TIE Advanced x1

Product Information

Manufacturer Sienar Fleet Systems
Line TIE Series
Models Twin Ion Engine Advanced x1
Class Starfighter
Value 186,600 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 30 ft
Hyperdrive Class 4
Navcomputer 10 jump limit

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The TIE Advanced x1, also known as "TIE/x1", was an advanced prototype starfighter touted as a replacement for the standard TIE Fighter, it was tested by Darth Vader and X1 at the battles of Yavin and Mustafar respectively. While it never made it into production, many of its best design features were later incorporated into the TIE/sa bomber and TIE/IN interceptor. Further development of the Advanced continued, eventually leading to the TIE Avenger and TIE Defender.

Design and Development

Wishing to cut all ties with his Jedi past after his fateful duel, Darth Vader contacted Raith Sienar with a set of specifications for a new starfighter. Sienar and his team rose to the challenge and, after producing an early prototype, eventually presented Vader with the TIE Advanced x1 model.

The TIE Advanced x1 featured a Sienar Fleet Systems I-s3a solar ionization reactor and paired P-s5.6 twin ion engines like the original TIE Fighter. However, the x1 had an original spaceframe, with an elongated rear deck and reinforced durasteel-alloy hull. The x1's most important innovation was the use of "bent-wing" solar array wings, like those used on the TIE/sa bomber, which had the advantages of increased surface area for more power while also reducing the craft's profile, compared to the TIE/LN starfighter's hexagonal panel wings.

Operational History

At least one TIE Advanced ended up piloted by Juno Eclipse, back when she was still part of the Imperial forces as a member of the Black Eight Squadron. Because of Vader's positive reception to the X1's design, there was hope among the Imperial Naval hierarchy that it would be mass-produced in massive numbers. Vader continued to fly it often, even after it was discontinued, and even went to some lengths to have it recovered and repaired when damaged during the trench run at the Battle of Yavin 4.

Armed with the references of a pleased Darth Vader, Sienar then presented his x1 to the Imperial Navy for mass distribution. The Empire, however, decided not to order the TIE Advanced x1 in large quantities, citing their excessive cost. Privately, some Imperial Navy strategists admitted that the Navy was afraid to purchase a fighter with a hyperdrive, fearing that it would give bureaucrats an excuse to slash orders for new capital starships. In the end, only a few squadrons were equipped with x1's. Nonetheless, Vader improved on the x1 design, eventually creating a modified version of the design that was also rumored to possess solar strakes to the panels.

Starship Traits

The TIE Advanced has the following starship traits.


The TIE Advanced has 8 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 7 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot
  • Universal: Premium Reactor, Premium Thrusters, Prototype Thrusters
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints
Small Starships

TIE Advanced

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Strike Fighter role

  • Armor Class 15 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 22 (5d6)
  • Shield Points 22 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 6
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +8
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Cluster Missile Launcher (2)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +9 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) energy damage.

Cluster Missile Launcher. (16/maintenance) Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 19 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Failure: 12 (2d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Small Starships

TIE Defender

Product Information

Manufacturer Sienar Fleet Systems
Line TIE Series
Models Twin Ion Engine Defender
Class Starfighter
Value 1,108,350 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 30 ft
Hyperdrive Class 2

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

he TIE/D Defender, commonly known as the TIE Defender and referred to as the TIE Defender project when it was in development, was an advanced experimental TIE line starfighter manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems for the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire. Unlike previous TIE models, the starfighter featured a hyperdrive as well as deflector shields, and was easily recognized by its three wings mounted around an aft section of the cockpit. These specifications made the fighter much more difficult to destroy than standard TIE fighters.

Design and Development

The TIE Defender was considered a fighter-bomber; it was armed with heavy cannons and missiles. The ship was introduced as a result of Grand Admiral Thrawn's new fighter initiative at the Imperial Factory on Lothal in the year 2 BBY, launched to deal with the growing rebel threat, and was supported by both Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Emperor Palpatine. As the project was to be less expensive than Project Stardust, and due to the constant delays of Director Orson Callan Krennic, many Imperials started to consider using the fundings of Project Stardust for Thrawn's TIE/D Defender instead.

As development of the TIE Defender progressed, a new, faster and stronger variant was produced, which was classified as the TIE Defender Elite, with the prototype being tested by Commander Vult Skerris. The speed and maneuverability of this craft was drastically increased compared to the earlier Defender prototypes, along with stronger shields, better hyperdrive, and the addition of six missiles mounted onto the wings.

Operational History

In the year 2 BBY, the Galactic Empire, at the instigation of Grand Admiral Thrawn, began preparations to mass produce TIE Defenders at the Imperial Factory on the planet Lothal. With the help of Ryder Azadi's Lothal resistance, the Spectres stole the starfighter's schematics. Upon seeing the Defender's specifications, Captain Hera Syndulla of Phoenix Cell feared that if the Empire were to mass produce them, their pilots wouldn't have a chance against them.

Thrawn's project was supported by high-ranking Imperial officials, such as Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit. Although most of the Empire's R&D funding was tied up in Project Stardust, supervised by Director Orson Krennic, Tarkin and other Imperial leaders had become dissatisfied with its progress, which had turned into a costly operation while yielding little results. This allowed Thrawn and Tarkin to acquire the funding necessary to begin production of the TIE Defender on Lothal.

Starship Traits

The TIE Defender has the following starship traits.


The TIE Defender has 10 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 9 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot, Tractor Beam
  • Universal: Advanced Reactor, Premium Reactor, Prototype Reactor
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints, Ionizing Rounds
Small Starships

TIE Defender

Tier 4 Small starship, unaligned, Strike Fighter role

  • Armor Class 20 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 30 (7d6)
  • Shield Points 60 (fortress)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 6
  • Speed 550 ft., turning 50 ft.

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +9
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (4/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Standing By. (1/maintenance) On their turn, a deployed crew member can take one additional action on top of their regular action and a possible bonus action.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) - Ion Cannon with Ionizing Rounds (1) - Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +9 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+3) energy damage.

Ion Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +9 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+3) pulse damage. If the TIE Defender scores a critical hit with this weapon, or has advantage on the attack roll and both d20 rolls would hit, it can force the target to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is ionized until the start of your next turn. If the damaged ship is medium or larger, it has advantage on the saving throw. If the damaged ship is tiny, it instead has disadvantage.

Proton Torpedo Launcher. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 19 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 14 (2d10+3), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Tractor Beam. The TIE Defender can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of medium or smaller size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If the TIE Defender attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The TIE Defender can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Versatile Snubfighter. (4/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can use their reaction to have advantage on the roll. A deployed crew member can choose to use this feature after they make their roll, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.

Small Starships

TIE Fighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Sienar Fleet Systems
Line TIE series
Models TIE
Class Light Starfighter
Value TIE 72,450 cr
TIE/LN 61,300 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 21 x 21 ft.
Hyperdrive TIE class 15
Navcomputer TIE 2-jump memory

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The newly formed Galactic Empire required a cheap and efficient starfighter that could be mass-produced. Sienar Fleet Systems especially impressed Emperor Palpatine with TIE starfighters, which cost only a fraction compared to other proposals.

The TIE/LN space superiority starfighter or TIE/LN, was the signature starfighter of the Galactic Empire and symbol of Imperial space superiority. Instantly recognizable from the roar of its engines, the TIE/LN exuded Imperial power and prestige across the galaxy, seeing use throughout the Empire's political existence.

Design and Development

Developed, manufactured, and mass produced by Sienar Fleet Systems by SFS company head Raith Sienar. The basis for the TIE fighter can be traced back to Kuat Systems Engineering's Alpha-3 Nimbus starfighter. Like their predecessors, TIEs employed two vertical wings similar in appearance to V-wing starfighters; however, the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor bore even more similarities with its central cockpit pod, twin ion engines and common weapons technology.

The TIE Fighter was tougher than the final TIE/LN version, but also cost more, featured weak shields, a small hyperdrive and two one-shot concussion missile launchers. Unfortunately some of these systems were incompatible with the Twin Ion Engine and required a secondary power supply to operate. The TIE model was slower than the TIE/LN, and its laser cannons were not as powerful.

Operational History

With TIE pilots instructed to ignore their own well-being in order to achieve their objectives, the fighters were extremely fragile and their pilots expendable. With the Imperial Navy's vast size and unchallenged reign over the galaxy, the use of swarm tactics and subsequent mass production and refreshment of the vessels barely put a dent into Imperial manpower and industrial capacity. The low cost of production also spurred the craft's use. As a result, many features were sacrificed to facilitate mass production by Sienar Fleet Systems factories.

Wilhuff Tarkin, an excellent pilot in his own right, was known to think very poorly of the TIE fighter due to its cramped cockpit and seemingly disposable nature. Imperial fighters also acted as psychological deterrents to potential seditious activities, with their roaring engines inspiring fear in those who heard them, leading to Imperial commanders to order their pilots to purposely fly low over areas that needed reminding of Imperial might.

Starship Traits

The TIE and TIE/ln Starfighters have the following starship traits.


The TIE Fighter has 6 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint.

And has 4 mod slots filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot
  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

The TIE/LN Starfighter has 4 mod slots filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner
  • Universal: Ejection Pod
Small Starships

TIE Fighter

Tier 0 Small starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 11 (3d6)
  • Shield Points 6 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 100 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +5
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take one action.

Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +6 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (2/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 16 (3d10), or half as much on a success, energy damage. This can be used twice.

TIE/ln Starfighter

Tier 0 Small starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 11 (3d6-3)
  • Shield Points — (none)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 100 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +5
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Light Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take one action.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) energy damage.

Small Starships

TIE Interceptor

Product Information

Manufacturer Sienar Fleet Systems
Line TIE Series
Models Twin Ion Engine Interceptor
Class Starfighter
Value 157,550 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 32 ft

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The TIE/IN starfighter, simply known as the TIE Interceptor or T/I, was a TIE Series starfighter used by the Galactic Empire. The TIE Interceptor was identifiable by its arrow-shaped solar collection panels, a distinct difference from the hexagonal solar arrays of its predecessor, the TIE Fighter. The Interceptor was one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy at its prime, nearly rivaling the Alliance's RZ-1 A-wing interceptor.

Design and Development

The TIE Interceptor was created by Sienar Fleet Systems upon realization that the TIE Advanced x1 would be too costly to mass-produce, and was also the Empire's direct response to the Rebel Alliance's introduction of faster starships.

The TIE/IN interceptor featured four very recognizable pointed solar panels, and was a far deadlier opponent than the standard TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. Lacking both shields and a hyperdrive, it made up for its lack of defensive capabilities with a top speed of 1,250 kph, owing to the upgraded engines providing considerably improved maneuverability and speed. In addition, four laser cannons on its wingtips allowed for far more firepower to overload the shields on an enemy craft. With the Empire placing its elite pilots into Interceptor cockpits to maximize the craft's effectiveness, Interceptors were ideally suited for their main function: chasing down and eliminating rebel starfighters. Some interceptors belonging to elite pilots featured additional red and dark grey markings.

Operational History

Two months following the defeat at Yavin, a squadron of Interceptors with concussion warhead mounts ambushed Rebel scouts. Upgraded versions with shields and hyperdrives under the command of Colonel Bircher ambushed three members of Gray Flight—Leia Organa, Wedge Antilles, and Tess Alder. Eleven of the Empire's starfighters were destroyed when the Gray Flight launched proton torpedoes at them. A member of Bircher's flight called for retreat, but the Colonel refused and gave the order for evasion pattern Delta Delta Victor. The Interceptors then broke off pursuit as their Star Destroyer prepared to fire.

The Rebels escaped and the Imperials tracked them to their next rendezvous. Bircher once again led them into combat. More of his interceptors were destroyed by a Rebel trap, forcing Bircher to activate his craft's hyperdrive and go to rendezvous coordinates Beta One.

Starship Traits

The TIE Interceptor has the following starship traits.


The TIE Interceptor has 7 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 6 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner
  • Universal: Premium Reactor, Premium Thrusters
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints

TIE Interceptor

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, interceptor

  • Armor Class 16 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 17 (5d6-5)
  • Shield Points — (—)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate
  • Speed 450 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Skills Perception +5, Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)

Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.

Modifications. The TIE Interceptor has 5 out of 8 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following modifications; enhanced scanner, two fixed hardpoints, gauss rounds (burst laser cannon), and premium thrusters.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) - Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +7 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 11 (3d6+1) energy damage. On a roll of a 1 or 2 on a damage die, the ship rerolls the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.

Concussion Missile Launcher. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 17 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 17 (3d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Retro Thrusters (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

X-Wing Starfighter - T-65

Product Information

Manufacturer Incom Corporation
Line X-wing series
Models T-65A and T-65B
Class Starfighter
Value Model A, 112,700 cr,
Model B, 193,700 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 41ft Long
Hyperdrive Class 1
Navcomputer Astromech

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

The Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter was the primary all-purpose starfighter of the Rebel Alliance and its successor governments. Known for its versatility and exceptional combat performance, it was a favorite with Rebel and New Republic pilots. Possessing deflector shields, a hyperdrive, an R2 astromech for repairs and navigation, and a complement of proton torpedoes, the X-wing allowed the Rebellion to launch raids in Imperial space with improved odds of a successful mission.

Design and Development

The X-wing was originally designed by Incom Corporation for the Empire by Vors Voorhorian. It was directly descended from the old Z-95 Headhunter, built by Incom and Subpro, with lessons learned from the ARC-170 starfighter of the Clone Wars. The fighter was advertised by the Galactic Defense Review prior to 1 BBY. After the Galactic Empire planned to nationalize the Incom Corporation, the entire engineering team defected to the Rebel Alliance with the prototypes hidden on Fresia.

The T-65B X-wing starfighter was a modified version of the standard X-wing starfighter produced by Incom Corporation. They were faster, more updated fighters compared to their predecessors. Its development began in secret when the Incom Corporation first started sympathizing with the Rebellion's cause. It was present early in the rebellion and later became a symbol for Alliance tactics. "Hit fast and hard, and take advantage of all opportunities presented to you."

Operational History

The X-wing played a major role in the Galactic Civil War following its capture on Fresia and the defection of its designers to the Alliance. It was most heralded as the fighter that destroyed the Death Star at the hands of Luke Skywalker. Later in the war, it would form the backbone of the Alliance Starfighter Corps, defending Alliance ships and leading attacks on Imperial vessels and installations. Most importantly, it could perform on near equal terms with the Empire's high-performance TIE fighters when handled by an experienced pilot.

Pilots of Rogue Squadron favored using the multi-role X-wing fighter, flying it as often as they could on most missions; they only employed other craft for highly specialized missions, such as missions that required ion cannons. The X-wing was so predominantly flown by Rebel and New Republic forces that it became a symbol of their faction, much like the TIE fighter and Star Destroyer were symbols of the Galactic Empire.

Starship Traits

The T-65A and T-65B X-Wing Starfighter have the following starship traits.


The T-65A has 7 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 6 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Flare Pods, Ejection Pod, Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot
  • Weapons: One Fixed Hardpoint

The T-65B has 1 additional modification slot filled with the following modification:

  • Universal: Premium Thrusters
Small Starships

X-Wing Starfighter - T-65A

Tier 1 Small starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 13 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 18 (4d6+)
  • Shield Points 18 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 6
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 100 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +5
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +5 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 11 (3d6+1) energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 12 (2d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Ejection Pod. When this ship is reduced to 0 hit points but not destroyed outright, it can use its reaction to eject the pod from the ship. The pod includes emergency rations and supplies that can support one creature for 1 day, in both hot and cold climates. The pod is Tiny size and has a flying speed of 150 feet, a turning speed of 50 feet, an AC of 10, and 5 hit points. The pod includes one unit of fuel.

Flare Pods. (1/maintenance) When this ship is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, a deployed mechanic can use their reaction to release a flare. When they do so, your ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The deployed mechanic can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

X-Wing Starfighter - T-65B

Tier 2 Small starship, unaligned, Strike Fighter role

  • Armor Class 15 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 22 (5d6+5)
  • Shield Points 22 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 6
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +7
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (2/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d6, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Proton Torpedo Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +8 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 11 (3d6+1) energy damage.

Proton Torpedo. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 18 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 12 (2d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Ejection Pod. When this ship is reduced to 0 hit points but not destroyed outright, it can use its reaction to eject the pod from the ship. The pod includes emergency rations and supplies that can support one creature for 1 day, in both hot and cold climates. The pod is Tiny size and has a flying speed of 150 feet, a turning speed of 50 feet, an AC of 10, and 5 hit points. The pod includes one unit of fuel.

Retro Thrusters. (1/maintenance) When an attacker that a deployed pilot or operator can see deals damage to this ship with a weapon, they can use their reaction to immediately move the ship up to 50 feet in a direction of their choice, halving the damage this ship takes. The orientation of the ship does not change.

Flare Pods. (2/maintenance) When this ship is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, a deployed mechanic can use their reaction to release a flare. When they do so, your ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The deployed mechanic can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Small Starships

V-wing "Alpha-3" starfighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line V-Wing series
Models Alpha-3 Nimbus-class
Class Interceptor
Value V-Wing, 82,150 cr
Bomber, 84,100

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 26 x 13 ft
Navcomputer Astromech

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 1
Cargo Capacity 2 tons
Consumables 10 portions

Era and Affiliation

Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wings were first deployed by the Galactic Republic in the final days of the Clone Wars—serving in the Battle of Coruscant against the Confederacy of Independent Systems—and continued to see use under the Galactic Empire. V-wings were also utilized as escort fighters for Emperor Palpatine's personal Theta-class T-2c shuttle.

Design and Development

Both the Delta-7 and the Alpha-3 models were designed by the engineer Walex Blissex, who would later co-design the Rebel Alliance's A-wing fighter with Jan Dodonna. The V-Wing featured folding wings similar to those fitted on the later Eta-2 interceptors. But when landing, the wings fold downward to form as landing gear. On each wing was a radiator panel which helped aid in heat disposal during combat. Nestled between each wing and the hull were two twin laser cannons, which could swivel on the vessel's wing hubs to provide a wide range of fire. A single forward concussion missile launcher could be fitted to the prow.

The V-wing starfighter was too small to feature an integrated hyperdrive, and like their jedi-owned counterparts, it required transportation into combat zones by carriers such as the Venator-class Star Destroyers. Additionally, V-wing fighters were also capable of using Syluire-45 hyperspace transport rings to go long distances like the Eta-2 and both Delta-7 models.

Operational History

The small silhouette, high speed, and great agility of this fighter made it hard to target and a very effective ship despite its small size. They were later succeeded by the Imperial TIE Fighter and its variants, as well as the Rebel RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, all of which incorporated aspects of the V-wing into their designs.

V-wings were speedy and evasive targets, even for the advanced droid tri-fighters used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the last days of the Clone Wars. Mass-produced for Loyalist forces, V-wings participated in large-scale fleet operations and assisted in the defense of Republic worlds during the Clone Wars.

Following the end of the Clone Wars, V-wing squadrons flew under the banner of the Galactic Empire. Three V-wings, flown by elite pilots, escorted the self-appointed Emperor Palpatine's shuttle during his voyage from Coruscant to Mustafar and again on the return trip, culminating at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. These elite V-wings were modified for hyperspace travel and equipped with upgraded shields.

Starship Traits

The V-Wing Interceptor has the following starship traits.


The V-Wing has 7 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modification:

  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint

And has 6 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner
  • Universal: Premium Thrusters, Premium Reactor
  • Weapons: One Fixed Hardpoint
Small Starships

V-wing starfighter

Tier 1 Small starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 14 (4d6)
  • Shield Points 7 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +6 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 17 (3d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

V-wing Bomber

Tier 1 Small starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 14 (lightweight)
  • Hit Points 14 (4d6)
  • Shield Points 7 (quick-charge)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 50 ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Astromech Synergy. (1/maintenance) When a deployed crew member makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they can roll a d4, and add it to the roll. This feature can only be used by one deployed crew member.



Thermite Cannon (1)


Bomblet Deployer (1)


The ship can take up to two actions.

Thermite Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +6 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 11 (3d6+1) thermite damage.

Bomblets. (4/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: Deploys 1 to 4 bomblets: these detonate when they physically connect with an object, when the firing gunner detonates them remotely using their reaction, or 1 minute after they are deployed. When a bomblet detonates, each ship within 100 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Failure: 17 (3d10+1), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Small Starships
Medium Class Starships

Firespray-31 patrol craft

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line Firespray
Models Firespray-31
Class Patrol Craft
Value Stock, 270,000 cr
Modified, 499,600
Bounty Hunter, 1,093,600 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 71 x 70 ft
Hyperdrive Stock, Class 3, Class 15 Backup
Modified, Class 1.5, Class 8 Backup
Bounty Hunter, Class 1, Class 8 Backup
Navcomputer Stock, Basic navcomputer
Modified, +1 navcomputer
Bounty Hunter's, +1 navcomputer

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 5
Passengers 3
Cargo Capacity Stock, 100 tons
Modified, 50 tons
Bounty Hunter's, 50 tons
Consumables 120 portions

Era and Affiliation

The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, or Firespray-class starship, was a patrol and transport starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering initially for use by the Republic Correctional Authority built shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The most well known of the starships was Jango and Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I.


As a prisoner transport, the ship featured numerous holding cells and devices made for the most exotic of creatures. A trademark of the ship was that it landed horizontally with the drive engines facing the surface and the cockpit facing upward. To transition to normal flight mode, the ship rotated so that the cockpit faced forward while the drive engines faced rearward.

The stock ship was well armed and armored for its size, with on-board storage space and room for several passengers and/or cargo. Roughly as fast as Koensayr's Y-wing starfighter/bomber, the ship had more than enough speed and maneuverability to intercept smugglers and other renegades.

Kuat Systems Engineering keen to expand the market for the ship, they had started to promote how easily the ship could be customized and upgraded to fulfill a myriad of roles.

Operations and Development

Kuat Systems Engineering produced six prototypes. However, all but one were destroyed when Jango Fett staged a prison break on Oovo IV. Jango kept the sole remaining Firespray, renaming it Slave I. Kuat Systems Engineering, suffering from the financial loss of the prototypes, eventually mothballed the project and concentrated instead on starship upgrades.

Many years later, K.S.E. found themselves on a more secure financial footing, and again desired to enter the starship market. The company then re-introduced the Firespray-class, hoping to build upon the reputation of the remaining prototype and its legendary pilot, Boba Fett.

Starship Traits

The Firespray-31 and Modified Firespray-31 patrol crafts have the following starship traits.


The Firespray-31 has 14 modification slots while the Modified Firespray-31 has 17, and the Bounty Hunter Firespray-31 has 19, including those granted by its size and role. They have the following stock modifications:

  • Operations: Hyperdrive Slot
  • Suites: Barracks
  • Modified Firespray-31; Weapon: Fixed Hardpoint

The Firespray-31 has 12 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Engineering: Flare Pods
  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Navcomputer Slot, Tractor Beam
  • Suites: Holding Cells , Storage Compartment
  • Weapons: Four Fixed Hardpoints

The Firespray-31 - Modified has 14 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Engineering: Flare Pods
  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Enhanced Scanner, Navcomputer Slot, Sensor Dampener, Tractor Beam
  • Suites: Holding Cells , Mechanic's Shop
  • Universal: Premium Hull
  • Weapons: Five Fixed Hardpoints

The Firespray-31 -
Bounty Hunter has 2
additional mod slots,
filled with the following

  • Operations:
    Heavy Ion Cannon
  • Universal:
    Premium Reactor
Medium Starships

Firespray-31 patrol craft

Tier 1 Medium starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 11 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 45 (6d8+12)
  • Shield Points 45 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 8
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 150 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Evasive Maneuvers. (2/maintenance) When the Firespray-31 rolls for initiative, it can immediately move. This movement happens before the initiative order is determined. The amount the ship moves is determined by rolling a d4 and multiplying it by 50 feet. The ship then gains that many feet that it can move or spend to turn.



Light Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (2)


Light Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions and up to 2 attack actions, it cannot make an attack action with any weapon more than once.

Light Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +4 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (16/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 14 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 21 (3d12+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Tractor Beam. (1/maintenance) The Firespray-31 can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the Firespray-31 attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Firespray-31 can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Flare Pods. (1/maintenance) When the Firespray-31 is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, it can use its reaction to release a flare. When it does so, the ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The Firespray-31 can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Medium Starships

Firespray-31 Patrol Craft - Modified

Tier 2 Medium starship, unaligned, Gunboat role

  • Armor Class 13 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 59 (7d8+24)
  • Shield Points 59 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 8
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 150 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +5, Dexterity +1
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Evasive Maneuvers. (4/maintenance) When the Firespray-31 rolls for initiative, it can immediately move. This movement happens before the initiative order is determined. The amount the ship moves is determined by rolling a d4 and multiplying it by 50 feet. The ship then gains that many feet that it can move or spend to turn.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (2)


Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1) Seismic Charge Deployer (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions and up to 2 attack actions, it cannot make an attack action with any weapon more than once.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +5 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 16 (3d8+3) energy damage.

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +4 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (16/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 14 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 22 (3d12+3), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Seismic Charge. (8/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: Deploys 1 to 8 seismic charges: these detonate when they physically connect with an object, when the firing gunner detonates them remotely using their reaction, or 1 minute after they are deployed. When a seismic charge detonates, each ship within 300 feet must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Failure: 22 (3d12+3), or half as much on a success, kinetic damage.

Sensor Dampener. (2/maintenance) The Firespray-31 can attempt to dampen the sensors of a ship they can see within 1,000 feet. The target ship must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is blinded for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic on the affected ship can repeat this save, ending the effect on a success.

Tractor Beam. (2/maintenance) The Firespray-31 can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the Firespray-31 attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Firespray-31 can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Flare Pods. (2/maintenance) When the Firespray-31 is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, it can use its reaction to release a flare. When it does so, the ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The Firespray-31 can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Medium Starships

Firespray-31 Patrol Craft - Bounty Hunter

Tier 3 Medium starship, unaligned, Gunboat role

  • Armor Class 15 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 67 (8d8+32)
  • Shield Points 67 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 8
  • Speed 350 ft., turning 150 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +7, Dexterity +1
  • Skills Piloting +8
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Evasive Maneuvers. (6/maintenance) When the Firespray rolls for initiative, it can immediately move. This movement happens before the initiative order is determined. The amount the ship moves is determined by rolling a d4 and multiplying it by 50 feet. The ship then gains that many feet that it can move or spend to turn.

Evasive Maneuvers. When the Firespray takes damage while at 0 hit points, it makes a Destruction saving throw, instead of automatically failing.



Burst Laser Cannon (1) Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1) Concussion Missile Launcher (2)


Rapid-fire Laser Cannon (1) Seismic Charge Deployer (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions and up to 2 attack actions, it cannot make an attack action with any weapon more than once.

Burst Laser Cannon. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: +6 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 17 (3d8+4) energy damage.

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +5 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (16/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 16 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 23 (3d12+4), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Seismic Charge. (8/maintenance) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: Deploys 1 to 8 seismic charges: these detonate when they physically connect with an object, when the firing gunner detonates them remotely using their reaction, or 1 minute after they are deployed. When a seismic charge detonates, each ship within 300 feet must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Failure: 22 (3d12+3), or half as much on a success, kinetic damage.

Sensor Dampener. (3/maintenance) The Firespray can attempt to dampen the sensors of a ship they can see within 1,000 feet. The target ship must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is blinded for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic on the affected ship can repeat this save, ending the effect on a success.

Tractor Beam. (3/maintenance) The Firespray can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the Firespray attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Firespray can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).

Heavy Ion Cannon. (3/maintenance) The Firespray can fire the heavy ion cannon at a target as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is stunned for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is targeted, it has disadvantage on the initial saving throw. If a ship of tiny size is targeted, it instead has advantage.


Versatile Transport. (6/maintenance) When the Firespray makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it can use its reaction to have advantage on the roll. It can choose to use this feature after it makes its roll, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.

Flare Pods. (3/maintenance) When the Firespray is forced to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, it can use its reaction to release a flare. When it does so, the ship has advantage on the triggering saving throw. The Firespray can choose to use this feature after the roll is made, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If they already have advantage on the saving throw, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Medium Starships

YT-1300 Light Freighter

Product Information

Manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation
Line YT-series
Models YT-1300
Class Light freighter
Value Stock, 221,200 cr
Modified, 462,500

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 113 ft Long
Hyperdrive Stock, Class 2, Class 15 Backup
Modified, Class 1.5, Class 8 Backup
Navcomputer Stock, Basic navcomputer
Modified, +1 navcomputer

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 6
Passengers 0
Cargo Capacity 100 tons
Consumables 120 portions

Era and Affiliation

The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Corellian freighter, was a type of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation that saw operation in the galaxy during the final days of the Galactic Republic and the reign of the Galactic Empire. By the year 0 BBY, it was considered an outdated model. The Millennium Falcon, a smuggling vessel that became part of the Rebel Alliance fleet, was a YT-1300 of the YT-1300f variety.

Design and Development

Conceived by a panel of CEC shipbuilding experts with help from Narro Sienar, the YT-series went on to become one of the most popular space transport hulls ever produced, revolutionizing the interstellar shipping industry with its unparalleled application of modular design. Whole sections could be mass-produced and arranged into new configurations as needed without extensive retooling. This saved CEC enormous amounts of credits by allowing the starships to be brought to market at extremely competitive prices.

While all YT-1300s looked similar from the outside, the interior of the ship could be configured in a number of ways thanks to the modular design. Two of the most popular designs, and which saw the greatest levels of production, were the freight (YT-1300f) and passenger (YT-1300p) configurations. It was not uncommon to find ships with a mixture of both passenger and cargo configurations belonging to more entrepreneurial captains however, and later in the life-cycle of the YT-1300 product line the CEC execs grew wise to this fact.

Operational History

The Corellian YT-1300 was used as a freighter and transport, and some saw service as intermodal tugs in orbital freight yards. The vessel's side-mounted cockpit and front-facing mandibles allowed it to push containers, although the design was modular enough to allow enterprising captains to modify their ships. Standard YT-1300s possessed powerful engines and stock hyperdrives. It had a central passage tube that ran from the ventral to the dorsal hull. At each end was a transparisteel window labeled as an observation deck, but weapon turrets could be installed.

Starship Traits

The YT-1300f and Modified YT-1300 light freighters have the following starship traits.


The YT-1300f has 12 modification slots while the Modified YT-1300 has 16, including those granted by its size and role. They have the following stock modifications:

  • Operations: Hyperdrive Slot
  • Suite: Living Quarters
  • Modified YT-1300; Suite: Storage Compartment

The YT-1300f has 10 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Engineering: External Docking System
  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Navcomputer Slot, Tractor Beam
  • Suites: Escape Pod, Three Storage Compartments
  • Weapons: Fixed Hardpoint, Turret Hardpoint

The Modified YT-1300 has 14 mod slots, filled with the following modifications:

  • Engineering: External Docking System
  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Enhanced Scanner, Navcomputer Slot, Tractor Beam
  • Suites: Barracks, Escape Pod, Mechanic's Shop, Recreation,
  • Universal: Premium Reactor
  • Weapons: Three Fixed Hardpoints, Two Turret Hardpoints
Medium Starships

YT-1300f light freighter

Tier 0 Medium starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 12 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 33 (5d8+5)
  • Shield Points 33 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 8
  • Speed 300 ft., turning 150 ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Strength +3
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Laser Cannon (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Laser Cannon Turret. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +4 to hit, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) energy damage.

Tractor Beam. (1/maintenance) The YT-1300f can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the YT-1300f attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The YT-1300f can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).

Modified YT-1300 light freighter

Tier 2 Medium starship, unaligned, Freighter role

  • Armor Class 14 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 36 (7d8+5)
  • Shield Points 36 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 8
  • Speed 400 ft., turning 150 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Strength +6, Dexterity +3
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Evasive Maneuvers. (4/maintenance) When the YT-1300 rolls for initiative, it can immediately move. This movement happens before the initiative order is determined. The amount the ship moves is determined by rolling a d6 and multiplying it by 50 feet. The ship then gains that many feet that it can move or spend to turn.



Light Laser Cannons (2)


Concussion Missile Launcher (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Laser Cannon Turret. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: +4 to hit, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) energy damage.

Concussion Missile. (8/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 22 (3d12+3), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Tractor Beam. (2/maintenance) The YT-1300 can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of huge or gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the YT-1300f attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The YT-1300 can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).

Medium Starships
Large Class Starships

CR90 Corellian corvette

Product Information

Manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation
Line CR Corvettes
Model CR90, CR92a
Class Corvette
Value CR90, 1,456,000 cr
CR92a, 1,711,500 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 492 x 160 ft
Hyperdrive Class 2
Navcomputer Basic Navcomputer

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 200
Passengers 600
Cargo Capacity CR90, 1,500 tons
CR92a, 1,000 tons
Consumables 240,000 portions
Maximum Hanger Capacity 20 Docking Bay units

Era and Affiliation

The CR90 corvette, commonly referred to as the Corellian corvette or the Rebel blockade runner, was a small, multi-purpose capital ship manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation.

The CR90 had a wide variety of users throughout the galaxy, from pirates to corporations to galactic navies, and had a known operational life from at least as early as 52 BBY to as late as 137 ABY. It possessed the same legendary adaptability as other CEC products, which allowed it to serve in roles as mundane as freight hauling or as a high-profile diplomatic escort.

The CR92a Assassin-class corvette, better known as the modified corvette, was a small warship first produced some time before the Battle of Hoth and used primarily by the Imperial Navy.

Design and Development

Designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation as a diplomatic ship, it would see use within the annals of the late Galactic Republic, Imperial Senate, and later as a combat craft in both the early rebellion and Rebel Alliance. Measuring 150 meters in length. It featured two dual and four single turbolaser turrets, and had the ability to reach a maximum speed of 950 kph. Although the ships were not built as carriers, three RZ-1 A-wing interceptors could be attached to the docking rings, allowing for a small escort. They would serve as the backbone of the early rebellion and Alliance. Though not particularly heavily armed, CR90s possessed enough forward firepower to destroy a Gozanti-class cruiser quite easily.

Operational History

The CR90 line was in service during the Clone Wars. Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan owned a CR90 corvette called the Tantive IV, which he used to travel to Toydaria to negotiate a relief effort for the blockade on Ryloth.

After the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, the CR90 continued to see service within the Empire, with several such cruisers parked at the R/M Facility Four deepdock at Belderone. Additionally, the corvette would continue to be used by Bail Organa during his tenure in the Imperial Senate.

Two CR90 Corvettes were part of the Botajef Defense Force, which was mobilized against the Empire when Governor Quesl declared the secession of Botajef from the Empire. Commodore Thrawn was able to put a stop to them with minimal casualties, capturing Quesl aboard his corvette using a tractor beam.

Bail Organa traveled in the Tantive IV when he recovered R2-D2 and C-3PO from the rebels who operated on Lothal. Organa's rebel movement also used a number of CR90s. Ahsoka Tano, under the codename "Fulcrum", traveled in one when the rebels handed the Rodian informant Tseebo over to her.

Starship Traits

The CR90 Corellian corvette has the following starship traits.


The CR90 Corellian corvette has 19 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Operations: Hyperdrive Slot, Navcomputer Slot
  • Suites: Two Living Quarters

And has 15 mod slots, filled with the following modifications

  • Engineering: External Docking System
  • Operations: Enhanced Communications, Enhanced Scanner
  • Suites: Docking Bay, Escape Pod, Medbay, Security Suite, Storage Compartment
  • Weapons: Four Fixed Hardpoints, Two Turret Hardpoints

The CR92a has 3 additional modification slots filled with the following modifications:

  • Weapons: Three Fixed Hardpoints
Large Starships

CR90 Corellian corvette

Tier 0 Large starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 11 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 60 (7d10+14)
  • Shield Points 60 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 10
  • Speed 250 ft., turning 200 ft.

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Heavy Laser Batteries (2)


Laser Batteries (1)


Laser Batteries (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Heavy Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Laser Battery. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 11 Dex save, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 7 (2d4+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters (Costs 2 non-attack Actions). The CR90 mobilizes the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 1d4 small starfighters, up to 4 total. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the CR90.

Large Starships

CR92a Assassin-class corvette

Tier 1 Large starship, unaligned, No role

  • Armor Class 10 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 76 (8d10+16)
  • Shield Points 76 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 10
  • Speed 250 ft., turning 150 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4
  • Skills Piloting +4
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)



Quad Laser Batteries (2)


Laser Batteries (2)


Laser Batteries (2)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Quad Laser Battery. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Laser Battery. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 12 Dex save, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 7 (2d4+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Proton Torpedo Array. (16/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 14 Dex save, range 900/1,800, one target. Failure: 20 (4d8+2), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Tractor Beam. (1/maintenance) The CR92a can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of small or tiny size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If a ship of gargantuan size is tractored, it instead has advantage. If the CR92a attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The CR92a can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Blockade Runner. (3/maintenance) As a reaction to being hit with an attack roll from a Large or larger ship, the CR92a can use its reaction to immediately move forward an amount equal to half its flying speed (rounded down) and then roll a d4 and subtract it from the triggering attack roll, potentially causing it to miss.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters (Costs 2 non-attack Actions). The CR90 mobilizes the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 1d4 small starfighters, up to 4 total. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the CR92a.

Large Starships

Raider-class corvette

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards
Line Raider-class corvettes
Model Raider-class
Class Corvette
Value 2,743,000 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 500 ft Long
Hyperdrive Class 2 - Class 15 Backup
Navcomputer Navcomputer +1

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 600
Passengers 0
Cargo Capacity 500 tons
Consumables 240,000 portions
Maximum Hanger Capacity 20 Docking Bay units

Era and Affiliation

The Raider-class corvette was a starship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards in 6 BBY. The 150 meter-long corvette was used by the Galactic Empire to support the TIE fighters used to engage the fleet of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Lira Wessex, chief designer of both the Venator-class and Imperial-class Star Destroyers, designed the Raider-class corvette to fill a tactical void the Empire had against the Rebel Alliance's starfighter-oriented strategies. The hardy corvette was armed with dual heavy laser cannons, turbolasers, and ion cannons, with some variants carrying concussion missiles.

Design and Development

The Raider-class corvette was produced by starship construction company Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Empire's naval forces; its design was reminiscent of the dagger-shaped hulls of larger ships used by the Galactic Empire, such as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Lira Wessex, daughter of famed engineer Walex Blissex and designer of the Venator and Imperial Star Destroyers, noted a lack of a vessel to complement the Imperial TIE fighters in the interception of single-pilot starfighters—a tactic the Alliance to Restore the Republic later used to great effect during the Galactic Civil War. Lira Wessex designed and presented the Raider-class corvette to fill the tactical breach, and in 6 BBY production of the corvette by Kuat Drive Yards began.

Operational History

Two Raider-class corvettes were part of an Imperial task force ordered to eliminate insurgents in the Umbara system led by Admiral Carlou Gendling. Gendling's inability to act decisively resulted in the destruction of one corvette and critical damage to the other corvette. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, one Raider II-class corvette, the Corvus, was utilized by the elite Inferno Squad, led by Captain Iden Versio and by the time of the Battle of Endor, it was still used by the squad. During the evacuation of Yavin 4, one corvette was aboard the hangar of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Rebel pilot Evaan Verlaine was assigned to infiltrate the Destroyer and buy time for the evacuation. She took the corvette, which she rammed into the mighty vessel, ejecting at the last moment. The impact was enough to knock the Destroyer off course when it fired, causing the blast to level the top of a nearby mountain. The act bought enough time to finish the evacuation.

Starship Traits

The Raider-class corvette has the following starship traits.


The Raider-class corvette has 26 modification slots, including those granted by its size and role. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Operations: Hyperdrive Slot, Navcomputer Slot
  • Suite: Living Quarters, Luxury Quarters
  • Weapons: One Fixed Hardpoint

And has 21 mod slots, filled with the following modifications

  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Enhanced Communications, Enhanced Scanner, Sensor Dampener
  • Suite: Armory, Docking Bay, Escape Pod, Security Suite
  • Universal: Premium Thrusters
  • Weapons: Twelve Fixed Hardpoints
Large Starships

Raider-class corvette

Tier 2 Large starship, unaligned, Corvette role

  • Armor Class 12 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 85 (9d10+18)
  • Shield Points 85 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 10
  • Speed 300 ft., turning 150 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +6
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Concentrated Fire. Once per turn, when a deployed gunner makes an attack roll against a ship of size Large or larger that was hit by an attack from an allied ship of size Large or larger since the end of the target ship’s last turn, they have advantage on the attack roll. If the deployed gunner already had advantage on the attack roll, they can instead reroll one of the dice once.

Sensor Dampener. (2/maintenance) The Raider can attempt to dampen the sensors of a ship it can see within 1,000 feet. The target ship must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is blinded for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic on the affected ship can repeat this save, ending the effect on a success.



Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1) Concussion Missile Array (1)


Laser Batteries (2) Ion Batteries (2)


Laser Batteries (2) Ion Batteries (2)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Heavy Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 14 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Hit: 11 (2d4+6), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Laser Battery. Makes 2 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 13 Dex save, range 450/900, one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Ion Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 13 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 19 (6d4+4), or half as much on a success, ion damage.

Concussion Missile Array. (16/reload) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 15 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 31 (6d8+4), or half as much on a success, energy damage.


Blockade Runner. (6/maintenance) As a reaction to being hit with an attack roll from a Large or larger ship, the Raider can use its reaction to immediately move forward an amount equal to half its flying speed (rounded down) and then roll a d6 and subtract it from the triggering attack roll, potentially causing it to miss.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters (Costs 2 non-attack Actions). The Raider mobilizes the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 1d8+1 TIE/LN Fighters, up to 9 total, and up to 1 TIE/x1 Advanced. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the Raider.

Large Starships
Huge Class Starships
The ISDs are incorrect currently

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards
Line Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Model Imperial I-class
Imperial II-class
Class Star Destroyer
Value Imperial I-class - 117,877,500 cr
Imperial II-class - 117,810,000 cr
Tector-class - 117,627,500 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 5,249 ft Long
Hyperdrive Class 2 - Class 8 Backup
Navcomputer Navcomputer +1

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 4,000 - 48,000
Passengers 40,000
Cargo Capacity 10,000 tons
Consumables 9,600,000 portions
Maximum Hanger Capacity 300 DBU
640 MWU,
Tector-classa - 100 DBU

Era and Affiliation

The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Imperator-class, was originally used by the Republic Navy toward the end of the Clone Wars, and served alongside the Tector-class Star Destroyer in a few task forces during the conflict. It was at the time one of the largest warship classes in the Republic Navy. It later became a mainstay of the Imperial Navy and was also fielded to a lesser degree by the Empire's successor-states. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer served as successor to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer.

Design and Development

The Imperator-class was designed as a massive, powerful, mid-sized warship, and appeared in limited numbers during the Clone Wars, where it served in several Republic task forces. As the war neared its end in 19 BBY, the production lines of new Imperator-class and Tector-class destroyers expanded, while the lines for the older, lighter Venator-class slowed down. Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Imperator model was renamed Imperial-class and production of the class was increased even further and refined. By 5 BBY, Kuat Drive Yards had started manufacturing the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer after the run of the Imperial I-class ended with the Devastator.

Operational History

Imperial-class Star Destroyers had a distinguished career in the Imperial Starfleet, where they symbolized the Empire's military might (for better or worse). Eventually, these Star Destroyers rendered older vessels, like the Venator-class, obsolete.

Capable of laying waste to entire worlds (provided those worlds did not have planetary shields), the Imperial-class became infamous as the prime enforcer of Imperial rule, and even served as a small, peacekeeping battleship. According to official records, over 25,000 were eventually produced.

Many Imperial II-class participated at the Battle of Hoth, such as the Avenger and Stalker. During the final years of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine's rule, this starship was instrumental in the implementation of the Tarkin Doctrine.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Tector-class Star Destroyer served within the Imperial Navy. The Tector-class vessel Harbinger was part of the Galactic Empire's fleet defending the second Death Star over the Forest Moon of Endor.

Starship Traits

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer has the following starship traits.


The Imperial-class Star Destroyer has 28 modification slots, including those granted by its size. It has the following stock modifications:

  • Operations: Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot, Navcomputer Slot
  • Suites: Escape Pod, Four Barracks
  • Weapons: Two Fixed Hardpoints

The Imperial I-class and Imperial II-class have 28 mod slots, filled with the following modifications

  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Enhanced Communications, Tractor Beam
  • Suites: Armory, Twpo Living Quarters, Two Docking Bays, Mechanic's Workshop, Medbay, Mess Hall, Security Suite
  • Universal: Premium Reactor
  • Weapons: Fourteen Fixed Hardpoints, Point Defense System

The Tector-class exchanges two Docking Bay suites for the Premium and Prototype Hull universal modifications.

Huge Starships

Imperial I-class Star Destroyer

Tier 2 Huge starship, unaligned, Battleship role

  • Armor Class 12 (deflection)
  • Hit Points 126 (11d12+44)
  • Shield Points 126 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 200 ft, turning 300 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +7
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Point Defense System. When a hostile ship comes within 100 feet of a point defense system or ends its turn there, it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a ship takes 2d6 energy damage. If a ship is in the area of more than one point defense system, it is affected only once.



Heavy Laser Battery (1) Burst Laser Battery (1) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Heavy Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Burst Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Rapid-Fire Laser Battery. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 10 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Ion Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, ion damage.

Tractor Beam. (2/maintenance) The Star Destroyer can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of medium or smaller size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If the Star Destroyer attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Star Destroyer can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Damage Control. (8/maintenance) Once per turn, as a reaction to being dealt damage by a ship weapon, the Star Destroyer can use its reaction and roll a d6 and subtract it from the damage roll.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters (Costs 2 Non-attack Actions). The Star Destroyer mobilizes some of the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 4d6+4 TIE/LN Fighters, up to a total of 48 and 1d6+1 TIE/SA Bombers, up to a total of 12. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the Star Destroyer.

Huge Starships

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

Tier 2 Huge starship, unaligned, Battleship role

  • Armor Class 11 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 137 (11d12+55)
  • Shield Points 137 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 200 ft, turning 300 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +7
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Point Defense System. When a hostile ship comes within 100 feet of a point defense system or ends its turn there, it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a ship takes 2d6 energy damage. If a ship is in the area of more than one point defense system, it is affected only once.



Heavy Laser Battery (3) Burst Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Battery (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Heavy Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Burst Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Ion Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, ion damage.

Tractor Beam. (2/maintenance) The Star Destroyer can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of medium or smaller size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If the Star Destroyer attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Star Destroyer can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Damage Control. (8/maintenance) Once per turn, as a reaction to being dealt damage by a ship weapon, the Star Destroyer can use its reaction and roll a d6 and subtract it from the damage roll.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters (Costs 2 Non-attack Actions). The Star Destroyer mobilizes some of the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 4d4+4 TIE/LN Fighters, up to a total of 36, 2d8+2 TIE/IN Interceptors, up to a total of 24, and 1d8+2 TIE/SA Bombers, up to a total of 12. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the Star Destroyer.

Huge Starships

Imperial Tector-class Star Destroyer

Tier 2 Huge starship, unaligned, Battleship role

  • Armor Class 11 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 148 (11d12+66)
  • Shield Points 148 (directional)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 12
  • Speed 150 ft, turning 350 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +7
  • Skills Piloting +6
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)


Point Defense System. When a hostile ship comes within 100 feet of a point defense system or ends its turn there, it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a ship takes 2d6 energy damage. If a ship is in the area of more than one point defense system, it is affected only once.



Heavy Laser Battery (1) Burst Laser Battery (1) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


Heavy Laser Batteries (2) Burst Laser Batteries (2) Rapid-Fire Laser Battery (1) Ion Battery (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Heavy Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 Dex save, range 600/1,200, one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Burst Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Rapid-Fire Laser Battery. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 10 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Ion Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 11 Dex save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 26 (6d6+5), or half as much on a success, ion damage.

Tractor Beam. (2/maintenance) The Star Destroyer can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored for 1 minute and immediately gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation. At the start of each of a tractored ship’s pilot’s turns, a tractored ship gets pulled 100 feet towards the tractoring ship, without changing the ship’s orientation, and then repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a ship of medium or smaller size is tractored, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. If the Star Destroyer attempts to tractor a ship larger than it, and the ship succeeds on the saving throw, it can instead use the tractor beam to tractor itself to the ship, gaining the tractored condition. The Star Destroyer can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).


Damage Control. (8/maintenance) Once per turn, as a reaction to being dealt damage by a ship weapon, the Star Destroyer can use its reaction and roll a d6 and subtract it from the damage roll.

Huge Starships
Gargantuan Class Starships

Executor-class Star Dreadnought

Product Information

Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards
Line Star Dreadnoughts
Model Executor-class
Class Star Dreadnought
Value 1,634,900,000 cr

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 62,400 ft Long
Hyperdrive Class 2 - Class 8 Backup
Navcomputer Navcomputer +2

Cargo and Crew

Crew Capacity 80,000 - 300,000
Passengers 40,000
Cargo Capacity 2,000,000 tons
Consumables 576,000,000 portions
Maximum Hanger Capacity 2,000 DBU
3,200 MWU

Era and Affiliation

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought, colloquially known as the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, was a heavy warship class in the Star Dreadnought league, often used as command ships and flagships in the Imperial Navy. At their prime, they were among the largest vessels in the galaxy, and were almost invincible in combat, although they were costly to operate.

Design and Development

The Executor-class was the brainchild of Lira Wessex, the brilliant and ambitious engineer who already had the designs of the Venator-class and Imperator-class (later renamed Imperial-class) Star Destroyers to her credit. Following her work on the already-impressive Imperial-class, Wessex sought to improve on the design.

Adhering to Kuat Drive Yards' philosophy of psychological effect in starship design, or "terror styling," she believed that the immense size of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer was largely responsible for its ability to intimidate opponents. Working on that theory, she began designing a starship that would dwarf all her previous works. Though KDY had designed and built extremely large warships in the past, such as Star Dreadnoughts like the Mandator-class and battlecruisers like the Procurator-class, the result obtained by Wessex was utterly gargantuan.

Operational History

The Executor went on to become the most feared and famous of its class by virtue of its status as Darth Vader's command ship. Because of the Executor's stance as the lead ship of Darth Vader's fleet, Death Squadron, Death Squadron's fleet insignia also bore the image of an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. In addition, four Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts, including the Executor itself, were known to have been in service to the Empire by the time of the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY. However, the vessel was destroyed at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, after an A-wing starfighter rammed through its bridge and it subsequently crashed into the Death Star II.

Starship Traits

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought has the following starship traits.


The Executor-class Star Dreadnought has 58 modification slots, including those granted by its size and role. It has the following modifications:

  • Engineering: Emergency Generator
  • Operations: Backup Hyperdrive, Enhanced Communications, Enhanced Scanner, Hyperdrive Slot, Navcomputer Slot, Sensor Dampener, Tractor Beam
  • Suite: Armory, Four Docking Bays, Escape Pod, Holding Cell, Interrogation Chamber, Seven Living Quarters, Luxury Quarters, Two Mechanic's Shops, Medbay, Recreation, Security Suite
  • Universal: Anti-Boarding System, Premium Reactor, Surge Protector
  • Weapons: Twenty-Two Fixed Hardpoints, Point Defense System
Gargantuan Starships

Executor Star Dreadnought

Tier 3 Gargantuan starship, Warship role

  • Armor Class 12 (reinforced)
  • Hit Points 217 (14d20+70)
  • Shield Points 434 (fortress)
  • Shield Regeneration Rate 10
  • Speed 250 ft., turning 250 ft.

22 (+6) 10 (-1) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Strength +10
  • Skills Perception +8, Piloting +8, Technology +8
  • Tools Mechanic's kit +8
  • Senses blindsight 1,000 feet
  • Challenge Challenge (Xp)

Improved Scanner. (15/repair) The executor has advantage on INT (Investigation) and WIS (Perception) checks that rely on scanners.

Superior Firepower. (15/repair) When the executor deals damage to a Large or larger ship with a ship weapon, it can increase the damage by rolling a d8, and add it to the damage roll (no action required).

Superweapon (forward). (1/repair) The executor can fire all it's main battery weapons at once, which has a limited firing arc. The barrage forms a line 10,000 feet long and 100 feet wide. Each ship in the line must make a DC 18 DEX saving throw. On a failed save, a ship takes 10d10 (55) energy damage, or half as much on a successful one.

Prime Doctrine. (1/repair) When the executor rolls initiative, it can attempt to frighten other ships. Each crew member deployed on a hostile ship must make a DC 16 WIS saving throw. On a failed save, affected crew members have disadvantage on the first ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make each round for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they repeat this save, ending this effect on a success. Additionally, on a successful save, they become immune to this feature for one day.

Point Defense System. When a hostile ship comes within 100 feet of the executor or ends its turn there, it must make a DC 12 DEX saving throw. On a failed save, the ship takes 2d6 energy damage.


Forward-facing Burst Laser Batteries (2) - Ion Battery (1) - Rapid-Fire Laser Batteries (3) - Concussion Missile Array (1)

Port-facing Burst Laser Batteries (3) - Ion Battery (1) - Rapid-Fire Laser Batteries (3) - Concussion Missile Array (1)

Starboard-facing Burst Laser Batteries (3) - Ion Battery (1) - Rapid-Fire Laser Batteries (3) - Concussion Missile Array (1)


The ship can take up to four non-attack actions as well as many attack actions as it has weapon hardpoints.

Burst Laser Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 DEX save, range 300 / 600, one target. Hit: 34 (6d8+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Ion Battery. Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 12 DEX save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 34 (6d8+7), or half as much on a success, ion damage.

Rapid-Fire Laser Battery. Makes 3 Ranged Ship Attacks: DC 11 DEX save, range 300/600, one target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Concussion Missile Array. (128/repair) Makes 1 Ranged Ship Attack: DC 14 DEX save, range 600/1,200, one target. Failure: 46 (6d12+7), or half as much on a success, energy damage.

Tractor Beam. (Forward) (3/repair) The executor can activate a tractor beam as an action, which has a range of 1,000 feet and a forward firing arc. Each ship within the firing arc must make a DC 18 STR saving throw. On a failed save, a ship is tractored. As a bonus action, the Executor can move a tractored ship 100 feet in any direction. As an action, a pilot of a tractored ship can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Ships of smaller size have disadvantage on the saving throw. The executor can end the tractor beam at any time (no action required).

Self-Destruct Mechanism. The executor can activate the self-destruct mechanism as an action, setting a timer up to 10 minutes in length. When the timer expires, the ship explodes, dealing 14d20+6 thermite damage to each enemy within 2,000ft.

Sensor Dampener. (2/repair) As an action, the executor can attempt to dampen the sensors of a ship it can see within 1,000 feet. The target ship must make a DC 18 CON saving throw. On a failed save, the ship is blinded for 1 minute. As an action on each of their turns, a deployed mechanic on the affected ship can repeat this save, ending the effect on a success.


Countermeasures. Once per round, the executor is forced to make a saving throw against an effect that would cause it to be blinded, ionized, shocked, stalled, or stunned, it can use a reaction to add its Intelligence modifier to the roll (minimum of +1).

Emergency Generator. (1/repair) When the executor is reduced to 0 shield points but not destroyed outright, it can use a reaction to have it drop to 1 shield point instead. Alternatively, if the ship has 0 shield points, the executor can use an action to restore shield points equal to twice its Intelligence modifier.

Power Backup. (1/repair) When the executor is reduced to 0 hit points but not destroyed outright, it can use a reaction to have it drop to 1 hit point instead.

Versatile Dreadnought. (15/repair) When the executor makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it can use its reaction to have advantage on the roll.

Legendary Actions

Deploy Starfighters. (4/repair) (Costs 2 non-attack Actions). The executor mobilizes some of the starfighters traveling within it. It deploys 4d8+4 TIE/LN Fighters, 2d8+2 TIE/IN Interceptors, 2d8+2 TIE/SA Bombers, and 1d8 TIE/D Defenders. These starfighters appear in any unoccupied spaces within 50 feet. of the Executor.

Gargantuan Starships

Keeping this here just in case I need it.

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought has 53 out of 53 modification slots, including those granted by its size and role. It has the following modifications; anti-boarding system, armory, backup hyperdrive, countermeasures, four docking bays, emergency generator, enhanced communications, enhanced scanner, escape pod, twenty-two fixed hardpoints, holding cell, hyperdrive slot, interrogation chamber, seven living quarters, luxury quarters, two mechanic's shops, medbay, navcomputer slot, point defense system, premium reactor, power backup, recreation, security suite, self-destruct mechanism, sensor dampener, surge protector, and tractor beam.

Image Credit
Wookiepedia sources
Ansel Hsiao (Fractal Sponge)


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