Academic Background

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Academic Background

After many years of studying, classroom time and research, you hold a prestigious position at an institution of higher learning. Your time is split between teaching, research and writing. You specialize in one subject and pass down that knowledge to younger minds. When you are not teaching, you spend your time searching for information on the subject for which you are so passionate about.

Area of Expertise

To determine what subject your academic prowess is, roll a d8 or choose from one of the following from the table below.

d8 Area of Expertise
1 Nature
2 Philosophy
3 The Planes/Astronomy
4 Political Science
5 Religion
6 Linguistics
7 Engineering/Technology
8 Anthropology

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills that align with your area of expertise.

Tool Proficiencies: Choose one tool that aligns with your area of expertise.

Languages: One language of your choice, except for those whose area of expertise is linguistics. They may choose up to four languages.

Equipment: A small notebook, bottle of ink and pen, signet ring of university, set of common clothes and teaching robes.

Feature: Sharing Knowledge

While you love research and have a knack for it, your true skill comes from sharing this information, whether through speaking or via the written word. When talking about your area of expertise in the classroom or social situations, your charm and passion have your audience hanging on your every word. You also have a way with writing, making even the most mundane aspects of your research interesting and compelling to the reader.

Suggested Characteristics

As an academic, you are not only expected to teach students, but research and publish works on the subject you are an expert in. Balancing both aspects of you life can be hard to juggle sometimes, as you are equally ardent about learning as much as possible about your field and passing that knowledge onto others.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I know all there is to know about my subject.
2 Knowledge is the lifeblood of academia.
3 I will take the time to answers my students questions to the best of my ability.
4 I will do whatever it takes to become the dean of the university.
5 Research is what I love to do.
6 I am horribly awkward in social situations.
7 Students have fresh ideas and I take the time to listen to them.
8 Libraries are great, but they are no substitute for being out in the field.
d6 Ideal
1 Control. He who knows the most has complete control, and can use that power as they see fit. (Chaotic)
2 Knowledge. Expert knowledge is valued and respected by both students and faculty. (Neutral)
3 Discovery. Researchers know that even dead ends often teach the field something. (Any)
4 Search for Truth. The ideal academic is one in which striving after truth is the first and most important responsibility of scholars. (Neutral)
5 Logic. One's emotions cannot distract us from thinking clearly and logically. (Lawful)
6 Influence. With knowledge comes the ability to shape the minds of those who wish to learn (Any)
d6 Bond
1 It is my responsibility to teach my students all I can.
2 Research and writing are my way to become immortal.
3 I will do whatever it takes to find the lost book of secrets.
4 I am loyal to my university no matter what.
5 I care not where my research takes me, no matter the cost.
6 Real life experience is what I want to give my students.
d6 Flaw
1 My curiosity can sometimes lead me into dangerous situations.
2 I've never been outside the university in my adult life.
3 Sometimes I get so lost in my research I forget where I am.
4 I am susceptible to the charms of my younger students.
5 I lack in social graces and often insult people without meaning to.
6 My expertise in my field sometimes comes off as arrogant.

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