Addict Background

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Addict Background

You have slowly become addicted to an opium like substance over the years. You are a functioning addict, which allows you to hold down a job, but you need the drugs on a daily basis to function or suffer withdrawal effects. You have tried over the years to kick your habit, but eventually fall back into the clutches of your addiction.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight.
  • Language: Two languages of your choice.
  • Equipment: Set of common, empty vial, bedroll, and an empty pouch.

Feature: Ability to Survive

Over the years you have been able to do whatever you needed to support your habit. You have taken employment wherever you could find it. You have taken all sorts of jobs, some legal, some not so much. This extended resume leads you to have a plethora of knowledge on a great many skill sets. The player may choose one of the following jobs as the one they worked at the longest or liked the best and gain some sort for benefit from that profession. Players may also come up with their own. Discuss with the DM what this area would be.

Job Beneift
Farm Hand Advantage on Animal Handling checks
Cook Gain a set Cook's Tools
Petty Thief Advantage in Sleight of Hand checks
Fortune Teller Advantage on Deception checks
Peddler Advantage on Persuasion checks
Tanner Gain a set of Leatherwork's tools
Blacksmith Apprentice Gain a set of Blacksmith's tools
Sailor Proficiency in water vehicles
Usuer Advantage of Intimidation checks
Gambler Gain a Dice and Playing Card set
Gravedigger Darkvision up to 15 feet

Negative Feature: Addiction

Upon each long rest, roll for an addiction saving throw, Constitution vs DC 12 if you do not an any of your drug of choice in your inventory. Success removes 1 DC from the next addiction save, failure results in +1 exhaustion.

Suggested Characteristics

Your addiction has eventually taken away anything and everyone that matters to you, but you have learned the skills to hide your disease from others. Your ability to keep up this facade depends on whether or not you have been able to use that day. You can be charming and wise or angry and hateful depending on if you have had your daily fix. Normally neutral, your emotions can swing wildly depending on if you've had that fix you crave.

d8 Personality Trait
1 My life is one of constant pain.
2 I can be quite charming when I want to be.
3 I am a ‘black and white' person. Every situation is all-or-nothing.
4 You can pay me in coin or product.
5 It's when I am hurting that my emotions get the best of me.
6 I'm not the one with the problem, you are!
7 If I was a better person, I wouldn't be this way.
8 I refuse to conform to societies and pride themselves on being different than others.
d6 Ideal
1 Narcissist. All that matters in this world is what I want. (Evil)
2 Hopeful. I know there is a chance for me to beat this. (Good)
3 Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble. (Neutral)
4 Repentant. I try to help others to make up for my behavior. (Lawful)
5 Hedonistic. Things are fine the way they are, so I see no reason to change. (Chaotic)
6 Callousness. It's not my fault, I was under the influence. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 My only relationship is with my drug of choice.
2 I work only with good people so I can learn how to be a better person.
3 I forget the person I used to be. I want to find that person again.
4 My dealer is who matters to me.
5 I failed someone I cared for, and need to make it right.
6 My family has shunned me. I am trying to earn my way back into their good graces.
d6 Flaw
1 I am the most selfish person in the world.
2 I will lie, cheat, and steal to support my habit.
3 I enjoy my freedom which makes me unreliable.
4 I have an old injury which is why I need my 'medicine'.
5 Loss of sibling haunts me to this day.
6 I will manipulate any person or situation to get what I want.

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