Blood War Magic Items

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Glaive of the Barbazu

Weapon (glaive), very rare

A weapon used by the bearded devil and is incredibly hard to find as the devils horde these closely. Made from the few remaining trees in Avernus, the pole is a rich brown charred wood with a gold inlay running up it, and is approximately 7 feet tall. Affixed in a socket-shaft atop the pole is a massive 2 foot single sided blade. The blade is made of an unknown silver metal, rumored to be found only in the lower layers of Baator.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, unless you are using this weapon against a Fiend (Demon), in which case you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

If the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, the target loses 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each time the glaive hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 1. Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.

Amulet of Superiority

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Created by both devils and demons, there are numerous types of these amulets, the strength of which is determined by the color of the stone set inside it. These amulets are given to the lowest ranks of armies as an attempt to overcome the innate abilities of the Greater fiends. The amulets are tooth shaped, with the stone set inside of it and a wire wrapped around it. The stone softly pulses, and it looks as if the wire is the only thing keeping the stone inside the amulet.

While attuned to an amulet, you gain the following abilities, based on the color and strength of the stone. You may only be attuned to one amulet at a time.

Color   Ability
Red Your weapon attacks are now considered magical even if the weapon is non-magical.
Orange You gain a +1 to attack rolls, this does not stack with weapon enhancements.
Yellow You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls, this does not stack with weapon enhancements.
Green You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
Blue Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
Indigo Target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon's type.
Violet You gain truesight up to a range of 5 feet.

Scythe of Plane Opening

Weapon (scythe), very rare (requires attunement)

A vicious looking weapon, this scythe almost seem to radiate evil. This scythe was carried by greater demons to allow them to cut portals through the air. Twisted as if it had been quenched in the River Styx itself. The deep black metal of the shaft weaves it's way to the curved blade at the top. Small runes are carved into the blade, each representing one of the planes of existence.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon.

While attuned to this weapon, you can use an action to tear open a portal to another plane of existence. You will be unable to discern which plane the portal leads to until you step through and the portal is one way and stays open for 1 minute. The DM rolls a d100 to determine what plane of existence the portal leads to and this ability can only be used once every 24 hours.

Roll Plane of Existence
00-05 Acheron
06-39 The Nine Hells
40-45 Gehenna
46-50 Hades
51-55 Carceri
56-89 Abyss
90-95 Pandemonium
96-100 Material Plane


Martial Melee Weapon

  • Cost 25 gp
  • Damage 2d4 slashing
  • Weight 6 lb
  • Properties Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
  • Special You can grapple a creature with the hook on this scythe, this replaces one of your attacks. The target must be within reach and a Large or smaller creature. If the target is 10 feet or more away from you when you grapple them with the Scythe, they have 0 movement unless they move closer to you. They can not use this movement to sweep around you and must move directly towards you if they wish to move at all. Once they are within 5 feet of you, they can no longer move closer and their speed returns to 0.

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