5e - Weapon Builder & Kibbles Not-quite-common Weapons

by KibblesTasty

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Creating Weapons Guide

At first glance, it seems that the weapon selection in 5e D&D is quite limited, but with a little knowledge of the system, you can largely expose that template that builds those weapon, and from there, well, the local blacksmith is the only limitation to the weapons you can find!

Weapon Creation Template

To create a weapon, you take a d6, go through five steps to determine the final damage and properties of the weapon.

Step 1: Select one of...
Property Modifier Notes
Simple --
Martial +d2 Becomes martial weapon.
Step 2: Select one of...
Property Modifier Notes
Light -d2
None --
Versatile -- +d2 when wielded with two hands.
Two-Handed +d2
Step 3: Select all that apply...
Property Modifier Notes
Reach -d2
Finesse -d2 Free if the weapon is Light or has no other properties.
Thrown --
Heavy +d2 Requires two-handed.
Step 4: Set Damage Die/Dice...

You can divide your damage die into smaller dice that equal the same total. For example, a d12 can become 2d6 or 3d4.

Step 5: Select Damage Type
Type Effect
Slashing --
Piercing --
Bludgeoning --
  • Dividing the damage die will raise the average damage by 0.5, but is considered equal by the template (as can be seen with Greataxe and Greatsword)
  • Thrown can be ranged weapons instead of melee weapons (example: Dart)
  • The DM can waive the restriction on Heavy property requiring Two-Handed property.
  • Finesse is odd to account for that Rapiers were designed to be too strong.

Not-so-common Weapons.

Taking the formula, we can now make all the missing weapons of the game world. While these weapons should not necessarily be assumed to exist and are not starting gear, perhaps you can craft them, convince the local blacksmith to give your idea a go, or find these as loot early in your adventures - the strongest of these weapons tend to still fall below the threshold of Uncommon, but some will be more powerful for some builds than common starting gear weapons.

Below are some results of the template. Note that all weapons (even if they are created by the template) only count under existing weapon proficiency at the discretion of your DM.

Simple Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Finesse Spear 1 gp 1d4 2 lbs. Finesse, Versatile (1d6).
Sturdy 10-Foot Pole 1 sp 1d6 9 lbs. Reach, Two-handed.
Chain 5 gp 1d4 10lbs. Reach.
Heavy Greatclub 3sp 1d10 15 lbs. Two-handed, Heavy.
Martial Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
War Spear 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs. Versatile (1d10).
Long Chain Flail 15 gp 1d6 piercing 12 lbs. Reach.
Finesse Glaive 20 gp 1d4 slashing 5 lbs Versatile(1d6), Reach, Finesse.
Saber 25 gp 1d8 slashing 2 lbs. Finesse
Broadsword 15 gp 2d4 slashing 3 lbs. --
Katana 20 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lbs. Vestatile (2d4), Finesse

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