Beginner’s Spellcasting Cheatsheet

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Beginner's Spellcasting Cheatsheet






What You Need


    Verbal (V) Chanting of mystic words. If you are gagged or under the influence of silence, verbal spells are a no go.

Somatic (S) Hand gestures. Need to have at least one hand free or casting is not happening.

Material (M) Stuff you need to cast the spell. You can use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus unless it cost you gold. Then you will need to find someone to buy it from. You have to have a hand free to grab the components.

Spellcasting Focus Something neat you use to cast your spell, such s a wand, orb, gem or holy symbol for you religious types.

Component Pouch A small, watertight leather belt pouch that has a bunch of spaces to hold all stuff, like guano, mistletoe and fireflies, that you need to cast your spells.

Casting Time

    Action Normal action, the Wizard’s version of hitting something with sword.

Bonus Action Especially swift spell casting. You can’t cast another spell, except a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

Reaction These spells take a fraction of a second, and the spell description will tell you exactly when you can cast it.

Longer Casting Times (Ritual) Some spells take minutes or even hours. You must spend your action every round maintain your concentration to the casting of the spell.

What Happens Next

    Attack Roll d20 + your spellcasting ability modifer + your proficiency bonus.

Spellcasting Modifers by Class: Bard-Charisma, Cleric-Wisdom, Druid-Wisdom, Paladin-Charisma, Ranger-Wisdom, Sorcerer-Charisma, Warlock-Charisma, Wizard-Intelligence.

Saving Throw DC = 8 + your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus + any special modifiers.

Who/Where Can I Target

    Have a Clear Line to the Target You must have a clear path to it so it can’t be behind total cover.










Targeting Yourself If the spell targets a creature of your choice, you may target yourself, unless it requires the target be hostile (and no matter how much you hate yourself it can’t be you) or the spell specifically states it can’t be you.

Someone Else Now we get into Area Of Effect (AOE). There’s all sorts of pretty shaped spells come in.

Area of Effect Types

   Cone A cone extends in a direction you choose from its point of origin. A cone’s width at a given point along its length is equal to that point’s distance from the point of origin. A cone’s area of effect specifies its maximum length. A cone’s point of origin is not included in the cone’s area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.

Cube You select a cube’s point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. The cube’s size is expressed as the length of each side. A cube’s point of origin is not included in the cube’s area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.

Cylinder A cylinder’s point of origin is the center of a circle of a particular radius, as given in the spell description. The circle must either be on the ground or at the height of the spell effect. The energy in a cylinder expands in straight lines from the point of origin to the perimeter of the circle, forming the base of the cylinder. The spell’s effect then shoots up from the base or down from the top, to a distance equal to the height of the cylinder. A cylinder’s point of origin is included in the cylinder’s area of effect.

Line A line extends from its point of origin in a straight path up to its length and covers an area defined by its width. A line’s point of origin is not included in the line’s area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.

Sphere You select a sphere’s point of origin, and the sphere extends outward from that point. The sphere’s size is expressed as a radius in feet that extends from the point. A sphere’s point of origin is included in the sphere’s area of effect.

How Long Do the Spells Last (Duration)

    Time Expressed in rounds, minutes, hours, or years

Instantaneous It’s like, you know, instant. Can’t be dispelled.

Concentration If concentration is lost so is the spell. The caster can end concentration at any time, no action required!

Final Can and Cannot Items

    Can Cast in armor if your are proficient in that armor type.

Have multiple different spell effects add together.

Move and attack while concentrating.

Cannot Stack same spell effects.

Cast two concentration spells at the same.


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