Bag of Tricks (Gold)

by Jherik

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Bag of Tricks (Gold)

Wondrous Item, Major, Rare

0.5 lb.

Image Courtesy of Dungeon Master Guide page 154

This ordinary bag, made from fine gold cloth, appears empty. Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the presence of a small, fuzzy object.

You can use an action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you determine by rolling a d100 and consulting the table. The creature vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.

The creature is friendly to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature.

Once three fuzzy objects have been pulled from the bag, the bag can't be used again until the next dawn.

d100 Beast CR Source
1 Baboon 0 MM p318
2 Badger 0 MM p318
3 Bat 0 MM p318
4 Cat 0 MM p320
5 Crab 0 MM p320
6 Crow 0 WDMM p302
7 Deer 0 MM p321
8 Eagle 0 MM p322
9 Flying Monkey 0 TOA p220
10 Frog 0 MM p322
11 Giant Fire Beetle 0 MM p325
12 Goat 0 MM p330
13 Hawk 0 MM p330
14 Hyena 0 MM p331
15 Jackal 0 MM p331
16 Lizard 0 MM p332
17 Octopus 0 MM p333
18 Owl 0 MM p333
19 Pig 0 SKT p143
20 Quipper 0 MM p335
21 Rat 0 MM p335
22 Raven 0 MM p335
23 Scorpion 0 MM p337
24 Sheep 0 SKT p142
25 Spider 0 MM p337
d100 Beast CR Source
26 Vulture 0 MM p339
27 Weasel 0 MM p340
28 Blood Hawk 1/8 MM p319
29 Camel 1/8 MM p320
30 Doplhin 1/8 VGM p208
31 Flying Snake 1/8 MM p322
32 Giant Crab 1/8 MM p324
33 Giant Rat 1/8 MM p327
34 Giant Weasel 1/8 MM p329
35 Mastiff 1/8 MM p332
36 Mule 1/8 MM p333
37 Pony 1/8 MM p335
38 Stirge 1/8 MM p284
39 Axe Beak 1/4 MM p317
40 Boar 1/4 MM p319
41 Constrictor Snake 1/4 MM p320
42 Cow 1/4 VGM p207
43 Diatryma 1/4 WDH p191
44 Draft Horse 1/4 MM p321
45 Elk 1/4 MM p322
46 Giant Badger 1/4 MM p323
47 Giant Bat 1/4 MM p323
48 Giant Centipede 1/4 MM p323
49 Giant Frog 1/4 MM p325
50 Giant Lizard 1/4 MM p326
d100 Beast CR Source
51 Giant Owl 1/4 MM p327
52 Giant Poisonous Snake 1/4 MM p327
53 Ox 1/4 VGM p208
54 Panther 1/4 MM p333
55 Riding Horse 1/4 MM p336
56 Rothe 1/4 VGM p208
57 Wolf 1/4 MM p341
58 Yak 1/4 SKT p172
59 Zebra 1/4 TOA p106
60 Ape 1/2 MM p317
61 Black Bear 1/2 MM p318
62 Crocodile 1/2 MM p320
63 Giant Goat 1/2 MM p326
64 Giant Wasp 1/2 MM p329
65 Reef Shark 1/2 MM p336
66 War Horse 1/2 MM p340
67 Brown Bear 1 MM p319
68 Crag Cat 1 SKT p240
69 Dire Wolf 1 MM p321
70 Giant Eagle 1 MM p324
71 Giant Flying Spider 1 WDMM p150
72 Giant Hyena 1 MM p326
73 Giant Octopus 1 MM p326
74 Giant Raven 1 SKT p66
75 Giant Spider 1 MM p328
d100 Beast CR Source
76 Giant Toad 1 MM p329
77 Giant Vulture 1 MM p329
78 Lion 1 MM p331
79 Snow Leopard 1 TFTYP p183
80 Tiger 1 MM p339
81 Aurochs 2 VGM p207
82 Cave Bear 2 MM p334
83 Giant Boar 2 MM p323
84 Giant Constrictor Snake 2 MM p324
85 Giant Crayfish 2 TFTYP p235
86 Giant Elk 2 MM p325
87 Hunter Shark 2 MM p330
88 Polar Bear 2 MM p334
89 Rhinoceras 2 MM p336
90 Sabertooth Tiger 2 MM p336
91 Giant Ice Toad 3 TFTYP p235
92 Giant Scorpion 3 MM p327
93 Giant Snapping Turtle 3 TOA p222
94 Killer Whale 3 MM p331
95 Elephant 4 MM p322
96 Giant Subterranean Lizard 4 TFTYP p236
97 Giant Crocodile 5 MM p324
98 Giant Shark 5 MM p328
99 Mammoth 6 MM p332
100 Giant Ape 7 MM p323

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