The Monk Pack

by DumpStat

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Monk Pack

The Monk is a character type that wouldn't have a backpack full of useful little items. While they might have no pack at all, relying on training, ki, and the kindness of others to sustain him out in the world, every adventurer has a couple simple items they take on the road with them. The monk satchel lands right in the middle. It allows the monk to start off with a few items, so we need to be careful what we put in it.

Item Cost Weight
Monk Satchel 2 gp 2 lb.
Arm/Leg Wrappings 1 sp 1/10 lb.
Bedroll 1 gp 7 lb.
Climbing Kit 8 gp 17 lb.
Journeybread 10 gp 1/2 lb.
Mediation Book 5 sp. 1/2 lb.
Waterskin 2 sp 5 lb. (full)

Monk Satchel. A monk satchel is a bag, often with a strap that is often worn so that it diagonally crosses the body, with the bag hanging on the opposite hip, rather than hanging directly down from the shoulder. Small items such as pins, vials and darts can be fastened to the strap. The back of the satchel extends to form a flap that folds over to cover the top and fastens in the front. Made from a specially cured leather, a satchel is 12 in. high, 15 in. wide and 4.5 in. deep and can hold up to 25 lbs. It has custom designed hooks on each side where one may fasten rope, a bedroll, or other bulky items that wouldn't normally fit inside.

Arm/Leg Wrappings Traditional cloth wrappings worn by monks.

Bedroll. A basic sleeping bag made of a square blanket or quilt sown together at the bottom and along one side, which enables user to get into the bag and then pull it over themselves. The outside has a very thin layer of leather, making it waterproof. It can be rolled up tightly and slung over one’s back or fastened to a backpack.

Climbing Kit This kit is made up of the following items: 50 feet of rope, a set of pulleys (2), 10 pitons, a small hammer, a small grappling hook, set of crampons.

Journeybread. A specially designed biscuit that fills the stomach and provides all necessary nutrients with only a few small bites, so you can carry food for a long journey without weighing yourself down. The bard pack includes 2 pieces of journeybread.

Meditation Book. A small book containing the daily prayers and meditations, written in the native language of the owner.

Waterskin. A container that is made from the bladder of a cow or goat, it can hold up to 4 pints of liquid.


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