
by MapacheSoñoliento

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Demi-Human Race for D&D 5e

A Simple History

Demi-Humans have never been treated with much respect due to the fact that they are half human and half animal. It is speculated that the first Demi-Humans started showing up only 200 years after the human civilization came to be. When they were first discovered they were treated as equals to the humans, but as time went on the humans began to treat them more like slaves, and so that is where they stand today. Most Demi-Humans today are either slaves, or escaped slaves that have become adventurers.


Demi-Humans look very much like normal humans, aside from the animal ears, eyes, and tails... these can look very different from Demi-Human to Demi-human depending on their traits which can be seen in the looks of their ears, eyes, and tails, such as having a larger, more muscular tail with the Pack Animal trait or having more ovular pupils with the Cat's Eyes trait

Demi-Human traits

Demi-Humans can vary greatly, these are your Demi-Human traits

Size- An adult Demi-Human usually weighs a bit less than a normal human and is usually a bit shorter too

Speed- Demi-Humans tend to move more swiftly than a majority of races. Your walking speed is 35 feet

Age- Demi-Humans mature at a slightly faster rate than humans, reaching maturity at around 16 years and they live up to around three centuries on average

Alignment- Demi-Humans, with their part animal nature, tend to be very curious and independent but can vary in their morality, most end toward chaos and neutrality, but it isn't uncommon to see good and lawful Demi-Humans pop up.

Ability Score Increase- With how different Demi-Humans can be there is no defined natural talent in every single one. You may increase one ability score by 2 and another ability score by 1

High Variety- Demi-Humans tend to vary wildly depending on their parents, you may choose 3 traits from the High Variety Traits list

High Variety Traits

You have acccess to many special traits as a Demi-Human, here is a list of ones you can pick

Cat's Eyes- You gain proficiency in perception and you get 60ft of Darkvision.

Monkey's Tail- Your tail is far stronger, able to be used almost as an extra limb. You may wield one handed weapons using this tail without proficiency or you may use a shield at half the extra armor class.

Echolocation- Your ears are specially adapted to hearing high frequency sounds that you can emit, you gain 30ft of blindsight.

Armored Body- Your body is extra tough. When not wearing armor your AC equals 13+ your dexterity or constitution modifier, whichever is higher.

Pack Animal- You are naturally stronger than most, you count as one size larger for determining your carrying capacity.

Extra Cute- You are a natural at persuasion and charming. You gain proficiency in persuasion and can cast the charm person spell once per long rest with this feature using charisma as your spellcasting modifier.

Slow Metabolism- As a bonus action on your turn you may expend up to half your level wort of hit dice and heal yourself the amount you roll, You may use this ability once per long rest.

Thick Skull- You may make an unarmed strike attack with your head that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, this attack uses strength and you have proficiency with it.

Wolf's Nose- You gain proficiency in perception and can easily track people through any environment, you gain advantage on any rolls made to track a person whose scent you are familiar with.

Discharge- You have the ability to discharge a chemical stored in your body that irritates the vital organs of your target. you gain a natural attack that deals 2d4 acid damage to a target within your range, your normal rage is 20 feet and your long range is 60 feet, this attack uses your dexterity modifier and upon a failed con save from your target they are inflicted with the blind condition until your next turn, if they make make the save there is no effect. The DC for this save equals 8 + your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Thick Skin- You have the exceptionally thick skin of a wolverine, granting you resistance against poison and your choice of fire, acid, piercing, or slashing damage.

Naturally Talented- You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and gain an extra +1 to an ability score not already chosen

Small and Sneaky- You gain proficiency in stealth and acrobatics and are one size smaller, but yu can move through the space of any creature larger than you


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