
by MoleMage

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A lizardfolk shaman reaches into one of the many pouches hung from her belt, handing a small healing tonic to a wounded ally. With her other hand, she shapes a bolt of lightning to strike out at a foe.

A pale elven man with ebon hair travels about, carrying messages about the future. For some reason, anyone who is rude to him discovers their food stores spoiled the next morning.

A gnome walks forest paths, their cat at their side. With a whisper, both vanish into shadows, but magical assaults continue to fling forth.

Witches are skilled alchemists and spellcasters rolled together. When potions and poisons do not work, curses and banes often can.

Outcast Spellcasters

Witchcraft is an odd form of magic. From the perspective of a witch, they magic through many of the same principles as a wizard, though they shun the written spell in favor of memorizing spells specifically. However, most of the world sees witches as somehow more dangerous and eldritch than wizards. One of the reasons for this is the witchcraft tradition of brewing potent poisons from arcane ingredients, and part of it is tradition; witches are often the earliest magic users to develop in a culture and they are seen as less civilized than others.

Also suspect are the witches' attachments to animals traditionally considered bad omens, such as ravens, cats, crows, or spiders. While a witch can have any type of familiar, just as a wizard can, these strange occult creatures are their preference.

Alchemical Mystics

The core of the witch's art is not spellcasting, as would be believed, but rather alchemy. While all witches eventually learn proper magic as part of their training, they start out as alchemists, and that is generally considered their greatest power. Witch tradition calls for a focus on potions and poisons, but all witches eventually branch out. At the highest levels, a witch considers spellcasting and alchemy to be one and the same; alchemical formule are simply spells captured in bottles.

Creating a Witch

When creating your witch, consider how they fit into the world. Do they come from a culture that reveres them, even as they instill fear in the general population? Or are they a witch in secret hiding from those who would destroy them if discovered? What are their traditions that your witch follows, and what trappings do they use when readying formulae or casting spells? How did your witch learn their witchcraft?

Work with your DM to determine how witches are viewed in the world. Most places have few witches and only on the fringes of society, though others might have well-liked witches in leadership positions, and some rare cultures may have many witches.

Quick Build

You can make a witch quickly by following these suggestions. First, your highest ability score should be Intelligence, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the Hermit background.

The Witch
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Formulae Known Formulae Produced Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Alchemy, Apprentice Formulae, Coven 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Malediction 3 2 2 2 -- -- -- --
3rd +2 Familiar 4 3 3 3 -- -- -- --
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 -- -- -- --
5th +3 Coven Feature 5 4 4 4 2 -- -- --
6th +3 Witch Home 5 4 4 4 2 -- -- --
7th +3 Hagkin 6 5 5 4 3 -- -- --
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 6 5 4 3 -- -- --
9th +4 Journeyman Formulae 7 7 6 4 3 2 -- --
10th +4 Coven feature 7 7 6 4 3 2 -- --
11th +4 Greater Malediction 8 8 7 4 3 3 -- --
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 8 7 4 3 3 -- --
13th +5 -- 9 9 8 4 3 3 1 --
14th +5 Familiar Improvement 9 9 8 4 3 3 1 --
15th +5 Coven Feature 10 9 9 4 3 3 2 --
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 10 9 9 4 3 3 2 --
17th +6 Expert Formulae 11 10 10 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 True Malediction 11 10 10 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 10 11 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Occult Mastery 12 10 11 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As a Witch, you gain the following features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Witch level after 1st.


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
  • Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, one other type of Artisan's Tools or one musical instrument

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • an explorer's pack and alchemist's supplies


You have more than a passing familiarity with the art of alchemy, allowing you to mix up potent concoctions. See the end of this class for descriptions of the different formulae you can learn.

Formula Categories

Each formula belongs to one of five categories: Bomb, Device, Elixir, Munition, or Poison. You can only learn formulae from the Elixir and Poison categories, plus one additional category specified by your Coven.

Formulae Known

At 1st level, you know 2 Apprentice Formulae of your choice from the Elixir or Poison categories, or the category available to your Coven. You may use these formulae any time you produce formulae. The Witch table shows when you learn new formulae of your choice from those categories. You can only learn a formula if you have the required alchemy proficiency (Apprentice, Journeyman, or Expert). For instance, when you reach 9th level in this class, you can learn one new formulae from the Apprentice or Journeyman categories.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the formulae you know and replace it with another from the available categories, which also must be of a proficiency for which you have the cor

Formulae Produced

Each day after you complete a long rest, you may produce a number of Alchemical Products as indicated on your Formulae Produced column in the Witch table. You must have alchemists supplies on hand in order to produce your formulae. Unless otherwise noted, an Alchemical Product retains potency for 24 hours until the next time you complete a long rest (whichever comes first), at which point it becomes inert and its materials can be reclaimed for future products. You cannot produce formulae belonging to categories you do not have access to.

Alchemical Ability

Intelligence is your alchemical ability for your witch formulae. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a chef spell you cast when making an attack roll with one.

Formula Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Formula attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier


At 1st level, you are initiated in the ways of the witch. Choose a coven, such as the Coven of the Bat, Coven of the Cat, Coven of the Crow, Coven of the Spider, or Coven of the Toad. Your choice grants you features when you select it and again at levels 5, 10, and 15.

Coven Alchemy

Each coven has an associated category of alchemical formula that the witch can learn from in addition to the elixirs and poisons available to all witches. You can choose your formulae known from any formulae in that category, provided you also have the requisite alchemical knowledge (Apprentice, Journeyman, or Expert).


By 2nd level, you have learned to draw on the connections between things to cast spells. See Chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for general rules about spells, and the end of this class for the witch spell list.

Spell Slots

The Witch table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st level spell cure wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the witch spell list. The spells known column of the Witch table shows when you learn more witch spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the witch spells you know and replace it with another spell from the witch spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your witch spells, since their power derives from your cunning and focus. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a witch spell you cast when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any witch spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus (see "Equipment") as a spellcasting focus for your witch spells.


At 2nd level, your mastery of witchcraft allows you to impose a curse on a creature. As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see within 60 feet and spend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. Choose one of the following options each time you use this feature:

  • Banality: The creature has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws made to concentrate. If it loses concentration on an effect due to damage, it takes 2 necrotic damage. This damage is increased by 1 for each spell slot above 1st, to a maximum of 6 for a 5th level slot.
  • Frailty: The first time the target creature fails a saving throw against a spell or alchemical effect for the duration, it takes additional necrotic damage. This damage is 2d6 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus an additional 1d6 for each spell level above 1st, to a maximum of 6d6 for a 5th level spell slot.
  • Sloth: The creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet, plus an additional 5 feet for each spell level above 1st, to a maximum of 30 feet for a 5th level spell slot. A creature whose speed is reduced to 0 may still move by taking the Dash action.
  • Weakness: The creature's weapon damage is reduced by 2. This effect reduces damage by an additional 1 for each spell slot above 1st, to a maximum of 6 for a 5th level slot.

Your malediction lasts for up to one minute on the affected creature. You must concentrate on your Malediction, as if concentrating on a spell.


At 3rd level, you know the spell find familiar. It does not count against your spells known, and you may cast it as a ritual without providing the expensive material components. Choose one of the following additional benefits. Your choice cannot be changed once it has been made.

Spell Familiar

Choose one spell from the Witch spell list which is of a level for which you have spell slots, and which need not be a spell that you know. Your familiar knows this spell and may cast it by expending one of your spell slots as long as it is within 100 feet of you. You and your familiar may not both cast a spell in the same round. Your familiar does not gain the benefit of any magic items or features you possess which modify spellcasting, and cannot perform ritual casting.

You can exchange the spell your familiar knows each time you gain a level in this class. At 14th level, your familiar knows two such spells instead of one. You can exchange either or both spells each time you gain a level in this class.

Alchemy Familiar

Your familiar knows a single formula from the formula types available to you, which need not be a formula that you know. Each time you produce formulae following a long rest, your familiar produces that formula once. Your familiar gains the Journeyman Formulae and Expert Formulae features at the same time you do, allowing it to learn, produce, and use higher alchemical formulae.

You can exchange the formula your familiar knows each time you gain a level in this class. At 14th level, your familiar knows and produces two such formulae instead of one. You can exchange either or both formulae each time you gain a level in this class.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat (see Chapter 6 for a list of feats).

Witch Home

At 6th level, you develop a connection to a small abode, known as your witch home. Your home occupies a hidden place away from settlements in the type of terrain you chose. It can only by found by yourself, those you give directions to, or lost travelers. It always has sufficient food and water for up to 6 people. Your home moves around, but is always found in the same type of terrain, and you can find it with two hours of travel in that type of terrain.

Desert Home

You are attuned to the hot sands and barren cliffs of a desert. You have resistance to fire damage, and never suffer penalties for environmental heat.

Forest Home

You are attuned to the shadowy depths of the forest. You are not harmed by naturally occuring thorns, vines, or toxic plants, and have darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If you already had darkvision, its range instead increases by 30 feet.

Swamp Home

You are attuned to the verdant cycles of the swamp. You can breathe both air and water, and you have resistance to poison damage.

Winter Home

You are attuned to frozen glaciers and tundras. You have resistance to cold damage, and never suffer penalties for environmental cold.


At 7th level, you have advantage on any type of ability check or saving throw made to interact with hags or resist their spells or abilities.

Journeyman Formulae

At level 9, you have mastered the alchemical sciences sufficiently to be able to produce formulae of the journeyman tier. When you select your formula for this or any future levels, you may select from those formula. Many apprentice formulae have additional benefits if crafted by a journeyman Alchemist. 11th level feature

Greater Malediction

At 11th level, you deepen your mastery of witchcraft. You no longer need to concentrate on Malediction, but you may still only have one Malediction in effect at a given time. Additionally, you can use your Malediction ability without expending a spell slot. If you do, its effects are reduced.

  • Banality: The creature does not have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws made to concentrate. It still takes 2 necrotic damage each time it fails a Constitution save made to concentrate.
  • Frailty: The damage is reduced to 1d6 necrotic damage.
  • Sloth: The creature's speed is reduced by 5 feet.
  • Weakness: The creature's weapon damage is reduced by 1.

Expert Formulae

At 17th level, you have mastered the alchemical sciences sufficiently to be able to produce formulae of the expert tier. When you select your formulae for this or any future levels, you may select from those formula. Many apprentice and journeyman formulae have additional benefits if crafted by an expert Alchemist.

True Malediction

At 18th level, your perfect your mastery of witchcraft. When you use your Malediction feature without expending a spell slot, you gain the benefits of expending a 1st level spell slot. If you expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower to use your Malediction, you calculate its effects as if you had spend a spell slot one level higher. Each Malediction effect has an increased effect if cast at an effective 6th level slot.

  • Banality: The save DC for Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration is additionally increased by 5.
  • Frailty: The effect deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage (for a total of 8d6).
  • Sloth: The creature cannot take the Dash or Disengage action. They may make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC at the end of their turn to end this Malediction.
  • Weakness: The creature's weapon damage is reduced by half instead.

Occult Mastery

At 20th level, you have mastered the occult. You know a single 6th level spell from the Witch spell list and a single alchemical formula of any tier from the categories available to you. Each time you complete a long rest, you may choose to gain a 6th level spell slot or to produce that formula once as a Master formula.

You are considered to have the Master Formulae feature only when using the formula that you produced with this feature. This feature does not allow you to produce any other formulae as Master formulae or to use Master Formulae created by another alchemist.

Witch Covens

The choice of which coven to join dictates a great deal of what that witch can accomplish in their career, from the heavy focus on curses followed by witches of the Coven of Crow to the skilled healers of the Coven of the Toad.

Coven of the Bat

The Coven of the Bat focuses on the application of alchemy and magic in divination, and also excels at communication.

Coven Alchemy

You can learn formulae for devices in addition to other formulae available to you as a Witch.

Bonus Languages

When you first pick this Coven at 1st level, you learn two additional languages of your choice.

Occult Sight

At 1st level, you can cast the spell detect magic at will without expending a spell slot.


At 5th level, you can hear echoes of the future if you concentrate. As an action you may begin concentrating, as if on a spell. Until the start of your next turn, you can attempt to hear events from the near future. Whenever a creature rolls a d20, record the result. If the creature rolls with Advantage or Disadvantage, record only the die that was kept. At the start of your next turn, you no longer need to concentrate on this effect, and at any time during the next minute you can replace a single d20 roll with any one of the recorded results (no action required). The remaining results are lost.

Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you have completed a short or a long rest.

Tonal Control

At 10th level, you have perfect control over your tone while speaking. You have advantage on Charisma checks made to befriend or convince humanoids, as well as Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made to manipulate the emotional state of animals and Charisma (Performance) checks involving speaking or singing.

True Diviner

At 15th level, you have mastered the art of using magic to seek out truth. Choose a Divination spell of 5th level or lower from any class's spell list. You may cast it once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so whenever you complete a long rest.

Coven of the Cat

The Coven of the Cat are naturals at destructive forms of magic and also capable of magically assisted stealth.

Coven Alchemy

You can learn formulae for bombs in addition to other formulae available to you as a Witch. You are proficient in attacks made with alchemical bombs.

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level when you choose this coven, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, simple weapons, and light armor, as well as with short swords.

Shadowed Tread

Also at 1st level, you have become as silent as a stalking cat. When you take the Hide action, you only need to be lightly obscured by shadows and you may add your Intelligence bonus in addition to your Dexterity (Stealth) check.

Yowling Curse

At 5th level, you learn to enhance your attacks, formulae, and spells. When you deal damage on your turn, you can use your bonus action to add 1d6 to the damage you deal to one target. This improves to 2d6 at 10th level and 3d6 at 15th level. Yowling Curse deals an additional 1d6 damage if the target of your attack is not aware of you.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence bonus. You regain all uses whenever you complete a long rest.


At 10th level, you can call down a devastating burst of magic. As an action, designate a number of creatures within 100 feet of you equal to your Intelligence modifier. Each must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, creatures take 5d6 force damage. On a successful save, they take half damage. The damage of this effect increases by 1d6 for each affected creature that fails their saving throw.

Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.

Nine Lives

At 15th level, you have tapped into the seemingly untouchable nature of cats. Whenever you make a saving throw, you can expend a spell slot as a reaction to gain a bonus to that saving throw equal to twice the level of the spell slot. If your saving throw succeeds, you gain temporary hit points equal to the result of your roll.

Coven of the Crow

Witches of Coven of the Crow are masters of cursing magic, and have strong ability to travel long distances.

Coven Alchemy

You can learn formulae for devices in addition to other formulae available to you as a Witch.

Exploring Winds

At 1st level when you pick this coven, you are blessed with a greater ability to travel long distances. Your move speed increases by 5 feet, and your overland travel, along with anyone you guide, is 50% faster as blessed winds guide your path.

Raven's Gaze

Also at 1st level, you can cause creatures to be less resistant to your magic and alchemy. When you use an alchemical formula or spell, you may grant a single target of that effect disadvantage on their saving throw. You can use this feature twice. You regain both uses whenever you complete a short or a long rest.

Curse of the Crow

At 5th level, your maledictions resonate with the bad luck of the crow. Whenever a creature affected by your Malediction feature makes a saving throw against one of your spells or formulae, you may choose to grant them disadvantage on that saving throw. If you do, the malediction ends at the start of that creature's next turn.

As the Crow Flies

At 10th level, you can use your action to take the shape of a tiny raven or revert to your normal shape. The tiny raven has a move speed of 10 feet and a fly speed of 50 feet. Your game statistics, other than your size and move speed, are unchanged while transformed. You cannot cast spells or use alchemical formulae while transformed, but you retain the benefits of any other class features you possess and can use them if the raven form is physically capable of doing so. When you transform, your equipment merges into your new form.

Endless Curse

At 15th level, you can maintain a second Malediction. The additional Malediction requires concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. Only one Malediction can be applied to a given creature at a time.

Coven of the Spider

Witches of the Coven of the Spider are illusionists and deceivers.

Coven Alchemy

You can learn formulae for munitions in addition to other formulae available to you as a Witch.

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level when you join this coven, you gain proficiency in the rapier, heavy crossbow, and hand crossbow.

Web of Lies

Also at 1st level, you learn to enhance your deceptions magically. When you make a Charisma (Deception) check, you may add 1d6 to the result. This improves to 2d6 at level 10. This bonus does not stack with similar bonuses to ability checks, such as from Bardic Inspiration or the spell guidance.

Natural Illusionist

At 5th level, the saving throw DC for your Illusion spells is increased by 1, and you have advantage on all saving throws against spells from the Illusion school. In addition, choose one illusion spell from any class's spell list for each spell level you have. You learn the chosen spells, which do not count against your limit of spells known, and they count as Witch spells for you. Whenever you gain a new spell level, you also learn a new illusion spell in this fashion.

Widow's Kiss

At 10th level, you learn to afflict a creature with an intense devotion to you. You may cast the spell dominate person once at 5th level without expending a spell slot or providing components. You regain the ability to do so whenever you complete a long rest.

Additionally, as a reaction when you take damage, you can cause a creature affected by your dominate person spell to take half of that damage as psychic damage. Damage redirected in this way does not grant the creature an additional saving throw.

Many Faces

At 15th level, you cannot be easily identified. Unless you choose to allow it, creatures who see you cannot remember specific details about your appearance. Other details about you, such as actions you take in their presence or unusual objects you are carrying, are unaffected by this ability.

Coven of the Toad

The Coven of the Toad understands medicine better than any other group, and can use it to great effect both when healing and poisoning.

Coven Alchemy

You can learn formulae for bombs in addition to other formulae available to you as a Witch. You are proficient in attacks made with alchemical bombs.

Natural Healer

At 1st level when you first select this Coven, your healing elixirs are enhanced. You know the formula for Restorative Tonic, and it does not count against your limit for formulae known. Whenever a creature gains healing from your Restorative Tonics, they may add their own Constitution bonus (minimum 1) to the amount of healing.

Bonus Cantrip

Also at 1st level, you know the cantrip poison spray. Your range is doubled when using this cantrip.

Toxic Strikes

At 5th level, your poisons, weapon attacks, and poison spray cantrip are enhanced. Whenever you hit with an attack or a creature fails its saving throw against one of your alchemical poisons or your poison spray cantrip, you deal an additional 1d8 poison damage. This additional damage applies even if the normal effect of the alchemical poison would not deal damage.

Toxic Hide

At 10th level, whenever a creature strikes you with a weapon attack, you use your reaction to curse them with a toxic rebuke. The attacker must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 poison damage.

Healing Secretions

Also at 10th level, you can restore a creature with a simple touch. As an action, you can touch a creature within 5 feet of you and restore a number of hit points to it equal to your Witch level. You can use this feature twice. you regain both uses whenever you complete a short or a long rest.

Toxin Eater

At 15th level, you can convert healing into poison and vice versa. Whenever you receive healing that would exceed your hit point maximum, you can cause a creature within 30 feet of you to take three times the excess as poison damage. Whenever you receive poison damage, you can use your Reaction to instead gain healing equal to half of the damage you would have taken.

Witch Spell List

New spells are indicated in italics, and appear only on the witch spell list unless otherwise noted. Descriptions follow the spell list.

1st Level
  • Animal Friendship
  • Bane
  • Charm Person
  • Command
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Corrupt Food and Drink
  • Create or Destroy Water
  • Cure Wounds
  • Detect Evil and Good
  • Detect Magic
  • Detect Poison and Disease
  • Disguise Self
  • False Life
  • Hellish Rebuke
  • Hex
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Sleep
  • Speak with Animals
  • Witch Bolt
2nd Level
  • Alter Self
  • Animal Messenger
  • Barkskin
  • Beast Sense
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Calm Emotions
  • Continual Flame
  • Crown of Madness
  • Darkness
  • Darkvision
  • Detect Thoughts
  • Enthrall
  • Knit Flesh
  • Locate Animals or Plants
  • Nystul's Magic Aura
  • Protection from Poison
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • See Invisibility
  • Spider Climb
  • Silence
3rd Level
  • Bestow Curse
  • Conjure Animals
  • Fear
  • Feign Death
  • Gaseous Form
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Magic Circle
  • Plant Growth
  • Slow
  • Speak with Plants
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Vermin Swarm
  • Water Breathing
4th Level
  • Blight
  • Compulsion
  • Confusion
  • Conjure Woodland Beings
  • Control Water
  • Dominate Beast
  • Eye of the Hag
  • Giant Insect
  • Polymorph
  • Stoneskin
5th Level
  • Antilife Shell
  • Baneful Word
  • Cloudkill
  • Commune with Nature
  • Contagion
  • Dream
  • Geas
  • Insect Plague
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Seeming
6th Level
  • Circle of Death
  • Drain Youth
  • Eyebite
  • Find the Path
  • Flesh to Stone
  • Mass Suggestion
  • Wall of Thorns

Baneful Word

5th level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

With a malign utterance, you cause a creature in range to suffer a powerful curse. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they take 10d8 necrotic damage and their maximum hit points are reduced by half the damage dealt. On a successful save, they take half as much damage and their maximum hit points are not reduced.

Corrupt Food and Drink

1st level transmutation (ritual)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: V S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-foot radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range becomes rotten and stagnant. Creatures eating rotten food must make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until they complete a short or a long rest, and receive no sustenance from consuming it. Alchemical elixirs are considered magical drink for the purposes of this spell.

Drain Youth

6th level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (The chrysalis of a moth)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You attempt to drain the youth from a humanoid you touch. While this spell lasts, you may use a bonus action on your turn to deal 3d10 necrotic damage to the target as long as they are within 100 feet of you, and gain an equal number of temporary hit points. This spell ends if you end your turn and have not used this effect, or if the target is ever more than 100 feet away from you or if it has total cover from you.

If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, you steal one year of life from your target; their current age increases by one year and your current age decreases by one year or you remain your current age for an additional year (your choice).

Eye of the Hag

4th level divination

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S M (A tigerseye worth at least 500gp, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 year and 1 day

You transform a tigerseye into a magical relic known as an Eye of the Hag. While this spell lasts, you can use your action to swap your vision between the eye and your normal body, as long as you are on the same plane as it. While looking through the eye, you are blind with regards to your own body. The eye has darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and it can identify creatures concealed by illusion or transmutation magic as well as shapechangers who are not in their normal form. It does not give any insight into the true form of such creatures, merely reveals that they are hidden.

Knit Flesh

2nd level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S M (A needle and thread)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

The wounds of a creature you touch begin to close. When you cast this spell and at the end of each of your turns, the target regains 1d6 hit points. As an action while the spell lasts, you can transfer this effect to another creature you touch. For the duration of this spell, the target is immune to any effects which are ended by receiving healing.

This spell ends early if you ever end your turn more than 30 feet away from the current target, or if the current target falls to 0 hit points.

Vermin Swarm

3rd level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You summon two swarms of vermin in spaces within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears: A swarm of bats, a swarm of insects, a swarm of rats, or a swarm of ravens. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the swarms as a group, which has its own turns. It understands and obeys any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The stats for swarms can be found in the Monster Manual (page 337-339).

Multiple swarms can occupy the same space or split apart as part of movement. When combined, treat them as a single swarm with hit points equal to the combined hit points of all swarms, and their attacks deal the combined damage of all component swarms. When separating, each component swarm receives an equal portion of the current hit points.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can summon an additional swarm for each spell slot level above 3rd.

Alchemical Formulae

Reading the entries

Each entry in this section represents one formula that you could learn to create. They are separated into five groups: Bombs, Devices, Elixirs, Munitions, and Poisons. Each is also further subdivided into three tiers: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Expert.

Some entries have a greater effect when produced by an alchemist with a higher degree of mastery. This is notated after the description.

Some entries specify a prerequisite. If the prerequisite is a formula, you must know that prerequisite before you can learn the new formula.

Whenever an entry references an alchemical tier, it is referring to the Apprentice Formulae, Journeyman Formulae, Expert Formulae, and Master Formulae class features of the different alchemical classes. Each is considered to be one tier above the next.


Alchemical bombs are explosive deliverers of damage or occasionally battlefield alteration. Unless otherwise noted, using a Bomb is treated as a ranged weapon attack. If a class feature or other effect allows you to make more than one attack, you may still only use one alchemical bomb per turn (but you may make attacks with other weapons available to you with your remaining attacks). Alchemical bombs use Dexterity for attack rolls and do not add an ability to damage rolls. All bombs are consumed upon use.


An alchemical device straddles the line between tool and material product. Each alchemical device specifies the type of action needed to activate it, if any. Unless otherwise noted, an alchemical device can be used any number of times while it retains potency. Some alchemical devices can only be used by alchemists, while some can be used by anyone.


Elixirs are potions designed to produce a beneficial change in the drinker. Unless otherwise noted, using an Elixir is done with the Use an Item action. Elixirs are dangerous if consumed together. If you attempt to drink a non-instantaneous elixir while already affected by a non-instantaneous elixir, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 15 plus the number of elixirs you are under the effect of. If you fail this saving throw, you lose the benefits of both elixirs and gain one level of exhaustion. You have disadvantage on this saving throw if you are under the effects of two or more non-instantaneous elixirs. All elixirs are consumed upon use.


Munitions are specialized ammunition for a variety of ranged weapons. A single production of a munition creates multiple individual pieces of ammunition, allowing them to be used multiple times before running out. Unless otherwise noted, the alchemist may choose what type of ammunition to produce each time they produce a munition, but all pieces of ammunition for a given production must be of the same type (if an alchemist could create five Sparkshot rounds per production, they could produce it twice, generating 5 arrows and 5 sling bullets, but they could not produce 3 arrows and 7 sling bullets, nor could they produce it once and split those five rounds across two types).


Alchemical poisons produce a harmful change in the creature to which they are applied. Often the effect of an alchemical poison is rare or impossible in nature. Each alchemical poison specifies how to apply the poison to a creature. Unless otherwise noted, an alchemical poison contains a single dose. Alchemical poisons can be used by creatures proficient in poison use, even if they are not alchemists. Poisons are further divided into five categories.

Injury Poisons

An alchemist or any character proficient in a poisoner's kit can apply an injury poison to a weapon or three pieces of ammunition as an action while holding both the vial of poison and the weapon. Injury poisons can last on a weapon or piece of ammunition for up to 8 hours unless scraped or rinsed off. The poison's effects are applied up to three times if applied to a weapon, or once for each piece of ammunition, when that weapon deals damage to a creature.

Contact Poisons

An alchemist may apply a contact poison to an object or surface as an action while adjacent to the object or surface. Make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check when applying the poison. This is the DC for other creatures to notice the poison's presence with Perception or Investigation when observing the surface. The poison remains potent for up to 8 hours on the surface unless scraped or rinsed off. During that time, the first creature to touch the surface without some sort of barrier such as gloves suffers its effects.

Further, contact poisons may be applied to a weapon or single piece of ammunition in the same fashion as an injury poison, but they only apply the first time that weapon deals damage, instead of up to three times.

Inhaled Poisons

An alchemist can attempt to force a creature to inhale a poison as an action while within 5 feet of the creature. Make a melee Dexterity attack roll against the creature. On a hit, the target inhales the poison and suffers its effects. On a miss, the poison is still consumed. This attack roll always hits if the target is grappled or restrained. Attack rolls with inhaled poisons can critically hit, doubling the damage dice as normal.

Creatures can also be tricked into inhaling such poisons through other means.

Ingested Poisons

Ingested poisons only have an effect when eaten or drank by the creature. An alchemist or character proficient in the poisoner's kit can lace a food or drink item with an ingested poison as an action. Unless otherwise noted, such poisons can only be detected through deliberate testing with a poisoner's kit or alchemist's kit, or through the use of magic.

Other Poisons

Poisons in this category have unique rules, such as creating a persistent cloud or being thrown into the victims eyes. Refer to the descriptions of each such poison for more details.

Adjacent Targets

Most alchemical bombs also affect adjacent targets. Unless otherwise noted, an adjacent target is any target within 5 feet of the original target. If an alchemical bomb can target a space instead of a creature, any creature in that space is also considered to be adjacent to the space.

Using alchemical products if you are not an alchemist

Most alchemical formunlae can be used by non-alchemists, but only alchemists know how to do so safely. Creatures other than an alchemist with the requisite tier of mastery have disadvantage on any ability checks, saving throws, or attack rolls related to using the alchemical product (but not being targeted by one). Some types of alchemical formulae have additional rules when used by non-alchemists.

Some formulae call for a formula attack roll. If you are not the crafting alchemist, your bonus for this roll is equal to your bonus in that alchemist's alchemical ability. For example, if an alchemist or witch crafts a formula and another character makes an attack roll for it, that character would use their own Intelligence bonus. Unless otherwise noted, only alchemical characters are proficient in formula attack rolls.

Bombs: If a creature other than an alchemist rolls a 1 on their d20 to attack with an alchemical bomb, the bomb instead goes off in their space as if they had successfully attacked themselves with the bomb. If an alchemical bomb allows the targeting of a space with no attack roll, non-alchemists must still make an attack roll against AC 5 in order to target that space. Any calculations that include level or ability bonuses use the crafting alchemist's bonuses unless otherwise noted.

Poisons: A creature proficient with a poisoner's kit may use alchemical poisons as if they had Apprentice level alchemy. If they are 11th level or higher, such creatures may instead use alchemical poisons as if they had Journeyman level alchemy. A creature whose d20 result is a 1 when attempting to make an ability check to use an alchemical poison accidentally applies the poison's effects to themselves, consuming the poison. Creatures proficient with a poisoner's kit never accidentally poison themselves, even if they otherwise have disadvantage for using advanced alchemical poisons.

Multiclass Alchemists

Multiclassing is possible with alchemical class in much the same way as with spellcasting classes. Use the standard multiclassing rules for experience, hit points and hit dice, proficiency bonus, proficiencies, and class features such as Channel Divinity, Extra Attack, and Unarmored Defense. There are specific rules for multiclassing as multiple alchemical classes, as noted below.


Your capacity for alchemy depends partly on your combined levels in all your alchemical classes and partly on your individual levels in those classes. Once you have the alchemy feature from more than one class, use the rules below. If you muticlass but have the Alchemy feature from only one class, you follow the rules as described in that class.

Formulae Known. You determine what formulae you know for each class individually, as if you were a single-classed member of that class. If you are an Alchemist 4/Witch 2, for example, you know three formulae from your Witch levels, and you have a formula book containing 7 alchemical formulae from your levels in Alchemist.

Each formula you know or are able to produce is associated with a specific class. If that class grants special features which modify that formula, such as the Catalyst feature of the Alchemist or the Potent Munitions feature of the Grenadier, it applies only to formulae learned through that class.

Alchemical Tier and Formulae Produced. You determine your alchemical tier and number of produced formulae by adding together all your levels in alchemist, half your levels (rounded up) in witch, half your levels (rounded down) in Grenadier, and one third your levels (rounded down) in Chirurgeon Rogue or Philosopher Wizard. Use this total to determine your alchemical tier and the number of formulae you can produce during a long rest by consulting the Multiclass Alchemists table.

This table includes only those formulae produced during a long rest. If a class feature, such as the Alchemist's Rapid Alchemy or the Grenadier's Ammunition Stores, allows you to produce additional formulae, those are in addition to the formulae indicated on the table.

Table: Multiclass Alchemists

Lvl. Formulae
1 2 Apprentice
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 7 Journeyman
6 8
7 9
8 9
9 10
10 10
11 11 Expert
12 11
13 12
14 12
15 13
16 13
17 14 Master
18 14
19 14
20 15

Table: Multiclassing Proficiencies

Class Proficiencies Gained
Alchemist Alchemist's supplies, light armor, simple weapons, alchemical bombs
Witch Alchemist's supplies

Alchemical Formulae

This section describes the various alchemical formulae available to your character. The section begins with the lists of the five types of alchemical formulae. The remainder are the descriptions of the formulae, presented in alphabetical order.


  • Alchemical Acid
  • Alchemical Fire
  • Dazebomb
  • Smokestick
  • Endothermic Blast
  • Tanglefoot Bag
  • Thunderstone
  • Voltaic Bottle
  • Psychoactive Spores
  • Sands of Sleep
  • Tempest Orb
  • Volcanic Flask
  • Alchemical Antimatter
  • Perfect Solvent


  • Alertgem
  • Arcane Lens
  • Glowmuck
  • Rod of Purifaction
  • Flask Familiar
  • Sight Mirror
  • Rod of Negation
  • Photonic Sculpture
  • Alchemical Lodestone
  • Chroma Goggles
  • Collapsing Bead
  • Hand of Midas
  • Philosopher's Stone


  • Adaptive Tonic
  • Elixir of the Chameleon
  • Eyesight Tonic
  • Purification Elixir
  • Restorative Tonic
  • Accelerating Tonic
  • Elixir of Wrath
  • Ironhide Concoction
  • Philtre of Mental Fortitude
  • Elixir of Flight
  • Ichor of Undeath
  • Restorative Mists
  • Soul Infusion
  • Troll's Blood Elixir


  • Burstshot
  • Flareshot
  • Sparkshot
  • Vineshot
  • Acidshot
  • Burnshot
  • Razorshot
  • Screamshot
  • Barbshot
  • Forceshot
  • Freezeshot
  • Ghostshot
  • Sunshot


  • Alchemical Ether
  • Blindpowder
  • Crippling Poison
  • Viletoad Toxin
  • Demon's Breath
  • Truth Serum
  • Widowbite
  • Choking Cloud
  • Mindshatter Unguent
  • Wyvernstrike Venom
  • Angel Tears
  • Deathfog

Formula Descriptions

Accelerating Tonic

Journeyman Elixir

This tonic, when drunk, causes the consumer's metabolism to accelerate, granting them various benefits as they move faster for a time. For one minute after consumption, the target may take an additional action on each of its turns. The additional action may only be used to take certain actions depending on the alchemical tier of the crafter. When the effect of this elixir ends, the drinker cannot move or take actions on their next turn. Once a target has benefited from this tonic, they must complete a long rest before they may do so again. Attempting to drink another one causes them to retch violently for one turn, becoming unable to move or take actions.

  • Journeyman: Advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Action may be Dash, Disengage, or Use an Item.
  • Expert: +2 Armor Class. Action may be Dodge or Hide.
  • Master: +2 Weapon attack rolls. Action may be used to make a single weapon attack.


Journeyman Munition

This munition may be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, the shot deals an additional 2d4 acid damage on a hit. This is increased to 3d4 if the target is not wearing armor or wielding a shield (natural armor and unarmored defense do not count as armor for this purpose).

  • Journeyman: Generates 5 rounds of ammunition.
  • Expert: Generates 7 rounds of ammunition.
  • Master: Generates 10 rounds of ammunition. Deals an additional 1d4 acid damage on a hit.

Adaptive Tonic

Apprentice Elixir

Alchemists work with volatile elements as a matter of course. This tonic is designed to prevent the worst effects an alchemist suffers. For one minute after drinking this tonic, you are partially protected from elemental attacks. The next time you take fire, acid, cold, electric, or poison damage, this elixir activates, granting resistance to that damage type temporarily.

  • Apprentice: Resistance only applies to triggering damage source.
  • Journeyman. Resistance lasts for remaining duration of elixir.
  • Expert. Duration of elixir is now one hour.
  • Master. Elixir can now protect against the first two damage types from the list.

Alchemical Acid

Apprentice Bomb

A strange vial of yellowish liquid proves to be a potent acid. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 30 and a long range of 120. On a hit, it deals its primary damage, and the creature and all adjacent creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, affected creatures take the secondary damage at the start of their next turn. You can choose to target a space instead of a creature with this bomb.

  • Apprentice: 2d6 acid primary, 2d4 acid secondary.
  • Journeyman: 3d6 acid primary, 3d4 acid secondary.
  • Expert: 5d6 acid primary, 5d4 acid secondary.
  • Master: 6d6 acid primary, 6d6 acid secondary.

Alchemical Antimatter

Master Bomb

Some compounds, when added to their opposite, destroy one another in spectacular explosion. Alchemical antimatter is a special compound whose opposite is any matter. This bomb has a close range of 20 and a long range of 60. On a hit, the bomb annihilates nearby creatures. The target and adjacent creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. The target of a direct hit makes this save with disadvantage. On a failed save, victims take 40 necrotic damage. On a successful save, they take half damage.

Alchemical Ether

Apprentice Poison (Inhaled)

A colorless liquid gives off fumes which cause unconsciousness. When this poison is inhaled by a creature, roll the primary effect. If the total is equal to or greater than the creature's hit points, that creature falls unconscious until they take damage or the duration has elapsed.

  • Apprentice: 4d10 primary effect, 1 minute duration.
  • Journeyman: 6d10 primary effect, 10 minute duration.
  • Expert: 10d10 primary effect, 30 minute duration.
  • Master: 12d10 primary effect, 1 hour duration.

Alchemical Fire

Apprentice Bomb

A seemingly innocuous flask with a brownish liquid explodes on contact in a flash of intense heat. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 30 and a long range of 120. On a hit, it deals fire damage to the target, and any creature adjacent to the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take half of the original fire damage dealt. You can choose to target a space instead of a creature with this attack.

  • Apprentice: 2d10 damage.
  • Journeyman: 3d10 damage.
  • Expert: 5d10 damage.
  • Master: 6d10 damage.

Alchemical Lodestone

Expert Device

Magnetic forces are not well understood, but alchemists have discovered ways to reproduce them. The main one of these is the alchemical lodestone, a strange magnetic object which responds to the will of its wielder. Alchemical lodestones can be used for the following effects:

Push or pull distant metal As an action, the wielder expends one charge from the lodestone to cause a metallic object within 60 feet to be pushed back 20 feet or pulled 20 feet closer. If the object is worn or carried by a creature, the lodestone loses an additional charge and that creature can make a Strength saving throw to resist this effect. If they fail the save, they can let go of a carried item or be pulled along with it, or are pulled along with a worn item.

Launch projectile Treat this use as throwing an alchemical bomb. The wielder can expend one charge from the lodestone and a piece of metallic ammunition or other small piece of metal (such as a ball bearing or caltrop) to make a ranged attack against a target with a short range of 150 and a long range of 600. If the attack hits, the target takes an appropriate type of damage equal to 1d12 + the alchemical ability modifier of the lodestone's creator.

Locate metals As an action, the wielder of the lodestone can become aware of any metallic object weighing at least 5 pounds within 30 feet. The range is doubled for each time the object's weight doubles (a 10 pound object can be sensed from 60 feet away, a 20 pound object from 120 feet, and so on). This does not consume a charge.

Locate North The wielder of the lodestone always knows which direction is magnetic north, without requiring an action or a charge spent.

  • Expert: 5 charges, plus your alchemical ability modifier.
  • Master: 10 charges, plus your alchemical ability modifier. Range of locate metals is doubled.


Apprentice Device

This small gemstone is formed of crystallized metals and typically set on a small stand or candleholder. An alchemist may spend 1 minute activating the alertgem. Once activated, the gem glows brightly if any living creature enters its radius which was not there when the gem was originally activated. This effect lasts until the gem is moved more than 5 feet from where it was set up or until it loses potency. If a gem is moved, it may be reactivated in the same fashion.

  • Apprentice: 20 foot radius.
  • Journeyman: 40 foot radius.
  • Expert: 60 foot radius. The alchemist may choose specific creatures to be ignored by the gem, rather than all creatures within the radius.
  • Master: 120 foot radius. The gem now produces a short ray of light pointing at each detected creature.

Angel Tears

Master Poison (Ingested)

This untraceable poison infects a person's mind with visions of their most evil acts, and causes them to break down as it connects them to holy planes. A creature which ingests angel tears must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Each time they fail a save, they take 3d6 damage, which alternates between dealing radiant damage and psychic damage. This effect lasts for up to one minute, until the victim makes three successful saves in a row, or until the poison is neutralized by some means. A Wisdom (Medicine) check against the alchemy save DC of the creator of angel tears may be used to force the victim to vomit the poison up, which ends its effects but gives the victim one level of exhaustion.

Arcane Lens

Apprentice Device

A specially designed crystal observes magical auras and translates them into the visible spectrum. Using an arcane lens takes an action. If you are not the original crafter of the lens, you must also make an Arcana check (DC 15) in order to use this item (the original crafter of a specific lens need not make a check). While you view the world through the lens, you can identify magical auras, but you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) rolls made to see things which are not magical and on all attack rolls, as the lens blurs and obscures non-magical objects. This otherwise works as though it were detect magic cast by the user of the lens.


Expert Munition

This ammunition for a bow, crossbow, or blowgun has a number of lifelike barbs hidden along its length. When you hit with a piece of barbshot, the barbs emerge, trapping the piece of ammunition in the victim.

A creature with a barbshot stuck in them takes 2 piercing damage each time they move more than half their speed in a turn or take the Attack, Cast a Spell, or Dodge action or any Reaction. A creature can pull a piece of barbshot out, which deals 2d6 piercing damage immediately but ends this effect, or a piece of barbshot may be removed safely as an action by making a Medicine check against the alchemy save DC of the ammunition's creator. Barbshot breaks down naturally after one minute, falling out without additional harm.

Multiple pieces of barbshot stuck in the same target do not cause additional damage, though each must be removed separately.

  • Expert: 5 rounds of ammunition.
  • Master: 7 rounds of ammunition.


Apprentice Poison (Other)

This light powder is meant to be thrown into the eyes, causing blindness. Make a formula attack roll against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, that creature is blinded for the duration or until they spend an action clearing the powder from their eyes using water or another liquid.

  • Apprentice: Until the end of your next turn.
  • Journeyman: One minute.
  • Expert: Creature now take 3d6 acid damage when clearing the powder from their eyes.
  • Master: Creature now takes 4d6 acid damage when clearing the powder from their eyes. If creature does not clear the powder from their eyes for the full duration, they are permanently blinded.


Journeyman Munition

This special ammunition for any weapon causes the target to ignite. When hit by a piece of burnshot, the target takes an additional 1d4 fire damage and must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are ignited, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns for one minute or until they or a creature within 5 feet of them spends an action to douse the flames.

Burnshot cannot ignite a creature which is already on fire due to burnshot.

  • Journeyman: 5 rounds of ammunition
  • Expert: 7 rounds of ammunition
  • Master: 10 rounds of ammunition

Choking Cloud

Expert Poison (Other)

This heavier-than-air gas forms a stable circular cloud up to 15 feet in diameter when released. An Expert alchemist can throw the cloud like a bomb to a space up to 50 feet away, or any creature opening the container the cloud is mixed in causes it to fill the space surrounding that container.

Creatures that begin their turns in the cloud must make a Constitution saving throw or spend their turn gasping and choking. Creature that don't need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. If a creature fails their save by 5 or more, they also take the primary poison damage of this formula.

A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the cloud in 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round. Otherwise, the cloud dissipates after one minute has passed.

  • Expert: 2d10 poison damage
  • Master: 3d10 poison damage

Chroma Goggles

Expert Device

These specially crafted lenses allow a creature to see additional spectrums. While a creature wears these goggles, their passive Perception is increased by 5, and they have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet. When the wearer uses their action to Search, they automatically sense invisible creatures, unless those creatures are hidden from them by mundane means.

  • Expert: No additional effects.
  • Master: The chroma goggles automatically reveal invisible creatures with no action required.

Collapsing Bead

Expert Device

This clear marble appears to be made of glass, but closer inspection reveals infinite fractal structures beneath its surface. If shattered, the bead rapidly expands to create a pocket dimension with an opening 5 feet in diameter. Any creature can place objects into the opening for 1 minute. When the minute is up, the confection shrinks down to its original size, which has negligible weight. While this device retains potency, breaking the marble as an action causes it to reopen its pocket dimension. A marble created in this way which has lost its potency can be made potent again by giving up a formula produced during a rest, allowing access to its contents again. A collapsing bead with no contents crumbles to dust when it loses potency.

An alchemist may only maintain a limited number of collapsing beads at a time. Attempting to produce more than this limit fails, with the new beads immediately collapsing into dust. Collapsing beads interact with other pocket dimensions in the same fashion as a bag of holding.

  • Expert: Up to 200 pounds worth of weight, fitting in a space up to 5 feet by 10 feet. Limit of two collapsing beads.
  • Master: Up to 500 pounds of weight, fitting in a space up to 10 feet by 20 feet. Limit of four collapsing beads.

Crippling Poison

Apprentice Poison (Injury)

A creature afflicted by crippling poison must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they suffer various penalties for one minute. An affected creature may make another Constitution saving throw at the end of their turn. Once they have accumulated a certain number of successes, this effect ends. A creature which has made their saving throw against Crippling Poison is immune to further applications of Crippling Poison for 24 hours.

  • Apprentice: The creature's move speed is reduced by 10. They need one successful saving throw to end the poison.
  • Journeyman: The creature's melee attack rolls are additionally reduced by 1d4.
  • Expert: The creature's weapon damage rolls are additionally reduced by your alchemical ability modifier (minimum 1). They need two successful saving throws to end the poison.
  • Master: Double the effects of each previous tier. They need three successful saving throws to end the poison.


Apprentice Bomb

Caustic fog confuses the senses and misleads the mind. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 20 and a long range of 60. On a hit, the primary target is dazed, gaining disadvantage on the next attack roll or ability check they make before the end of their next turn, and creatures adjacent to the primary target must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer the same effect.

  • Apprentice: No additional effects.
  • Journeyman: The daze effect now applies to saving throws. Affected creatures have their move speed reduced by half.
  • Expert: The radius of the bomb expands, now affecting all creatures up to 10 feet away from the primary target.
  • Master: The effects now apply to all attacks, checks, and saving throws for the duration.


Master Poison (Other)

This toxic cloud causes living creatures to rapidly decay within it, while leaving inorganic materials unaffected. Deathfog fills a sphere up to 20 feet in diameter when released. A Master alchemist can throw deathfog like a bomb to a space up to 50 feet away, or any creature opening the container the deathfog is held in causes it to fill the space surrounding that container.

Living creatures that begin their turns in the deathfog must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take 6d8 necrotic damage as their flesh begins to decay, and they suffer a cumulative -2 penalty to future saves against deathfog, which is removed when they finish a long rest. On a successful save, they take half damage and do not suffer a penalty on future saving throws.

Deathfog heavily obscures the area it occupies. It can only be dispersed by a gale wind (at least 40 miles per hour), which will cause the fog to disperse in one round.

Demon's Breath

Journeyman Poison (Inhaled)

This inhaled toxin causes the body to overheat to an extremely dangerous degree. When this poison is inhaled by a creature, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take the primary damage. On a successful save, they take the secondary damage.

  • Journeyman: 2d6 poison and 2d6 fire primary, 1d6 poison and 1d6 fire secondary
  • Expert: 3d6 poison and 3d6 fire primary, 2d6 poison and 2d6 fire secondary
  • Master: 4d6 poison and 4d6 fire primary, 3d6 poison and 3d6 fire secondary

Elixir of Flight

Expert Elixir

With the right combination of ingredients, the alchemist can create a potion that greatly reduces a drinkers weight, allowing them to make impossible jumps almost like flight. For one minute after drinking this elixir, the drinker gains a fly speed, but they must begin and end their turn on solid ground. If the drinker has a fly speed from another source, their fly speed is instead increased by half the value.

  • Expert: 30 foot fly speed.
  • Master: 60 foot fly speed.

Elixir of the Chameleon

Apprentice Elixir

A quick use of this elixir causes the target's skin to blend and color with their surroundings. For 1 minute after drinking this elixir, you receive a bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and may attempt to hide even if only partially obscured.

  • Apprentice: +2 bonus.
  • Journeyman: +5 bonus. Duration increased to 10 minutes.
  • Expert: +10 bonus. Duration increased to 1 hour.
  • Master: Duration increased to 24 hours.

Endothermic Blast

Journeyman Bomb

A small metallic bead sloshes with internal liquid. When cracked, the liquid rapidly absorbs heat from its surroundings, chilling nearby targets. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 30 and a long range of 120. On a hit, it deals the primary damage, and the target and adjacent creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, their movement speed is halved until the end of their next turn. You can choose to target a space instead of a creature with this bomb. If you do, you automatically hit.

  • Journeyman: 3d8 cold damage.
  • Expert: 5d8 cold damage.
  • Master: 6d8 cold damage.

Eyesight Tonic

Apprentice Elixir

Some alchemists prefer to use these as eye-drops rather than a potion you drink, but the effect is the same. The user of an eyesight tonic gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and a bonus to passive Perception for one minute.

  • Apprentice: +2 bonus.
  • Journeyman: +5 bonus. Duration increased to 1 hour.
  • Expert: Duration increased to 24 hours.


Apprentice Munition

This special ammunition is designed to brightly illuminate and mark targets, but the volatile materials used in its crafting allow it to burn victims also. Flareshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property which deals piercing damage. When fired, the shot deals an additional 1 fire damage on a hit, and the target sheds bright light for 20 feet for one minute or until the ammunition is removed. While so illuminated, a target cannot benefit from hiding or being invisible.

A creature can attempt to remove a flareshot as an action if they are within five feet of it, but it is dangerous. Such creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take 1d6 fire damage as the bright chemicals burn them.

  • Apprentice: Generates 3 rounds of ammunition.
  • Journeyman: Generates 5 rounds of ammunition.
  • Expert: Generates 7 rounds of ammunition.
  • Master: Generates 10 rounds of ammunition.

Flask Familiar

Journeyman Device

The creation of an artificial life form is one of alchemy's stranger secrets. Alchemists who choose to master it find that they can make small golem-like creatures to serve as lab assistants, scouts, or even combat partners, but they are not without certain risks. A flask familiar is a semi-biological construct grown in a flask and bonded to an owner through the contribution of a drop of blood. The bond must be then be renewed each morning through alchemical processes.

Treat a flask familiar as a homunculus (MM 188) with the following modifications: the homunculus is treated as an alchemist one tier below your own when determining whether it receives disadvantage on the use of alchemical items. When making a skill check, the homunculus uses your proficiencies but its own proficiency bonuses. The homunculus does not poison targets with its bite attack.

A flask familiar remains potent until it is destroyed, and can be reconstituted with all its memories and personality intact by producing this formula again. A master can benefit from only a single flask familiar at a time. Unlike other alchemical devices, the flask familiar only functions for the alchemist who originally produced it.

  • Journeyman: +2 proficiency bonus
  • Expert: +3 proficiency bonus
  • Master: +4 proficiency bonus


Expert Munition

Forceshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, it targets a line 5 feet wide with a length equal to the long range of its weapon. Creatures in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take force damage equal to the normal damage of the weapon, plus 1d6.

  • Expert: Generates 5 rounds.
  • Master: Generates 7 rounds.


Expert Munition

Freezeshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, it deals an additional 3d8 cold damage to its target, and they must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained for one minute. A creature restrained by this effect can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect early.

  • Expert: Generates 3 rounds.
  • Master: Generates 5 rounds.


Master Munition

You create 5 rounds of ghostshot for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, ghostshot targets an AC of 10 instead of its target's normal AC. On a hit, it deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage.


Apprentice Device

Open flame light sources are dangerous in an alchemical lab, and magical alternatives are typically expensive or short-lived. So it is that alchemists developed glowmuck as a safe alternative. When produced, it takes the form of a semi-solid lump not unlike wet clay in consistency. Glowmuck requires no action to activate. It simply glows constantly until it loses potency. It can be covered up but not extinguished. A single production of glowmuck can be smeared on a surface, where it will stick for as long as it remains potent, producing light.

  • Apprentice: 20 feet of bright light and 20 feet of dim light
  • Journeyman: 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light
  • Expert: 40 feet of bright light and 40 feet of dim light
  • Master: 50 feet of bright light and 50 feet of dim light

Hand of Midas

Master Device

This uneven lump of metallic material is the secret behind creating gold, a common goal for alchemists everywhere. When produced, the Hand of Midas has 5 charges. While holding the Hand of Midas, a master alchemist can use it in the following ways:

  • As an action, expend one or more charges and touch the Hand to a piece of lead or similarly dense metal weighing no more than one tenth of a pound per charge spent. The lead is transmuted into gold over the course of one minute. This transmutation is permanent if not interrupted by powerful magic.
  • As a bonus action, touch the hand to any nonmagical metallic object weighing up to 5 pounds. That object immediately decays into dust. Objects created from precious metals such as copper, silver, gold, mithril, or adamantium are immune to this effect.

Ichor of Undeath

Expert Elixir

The creation of undead is not exclusively the domain of the necromantic arts. Alchemists and witch doctors have long known that it is possible to create zombies through application of specific chemical processes and a lengthy period of time. Ichor of Undeath is a concentrated version of that process that happens much more quickly. Ichor of undeath can be applied to a corpse of a Medium or Small humanoid within 5 feet as an action. Over the next 60 seconds, the corpse's body absorbs the ichor and it animates into a zombie which obeys the verbal commands of whoever injected it with the ichor. The zombie remains active and potent until the ichor's effects wear off. A given alchemist can only have a number of zombies equal to their Intelligence modifier animated by ichor of undeath at any one time.

If a living creature drinks ichor of undeath, they gain some semblance of zombification temporarily. While the effect lasts, the target has resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical weapons, and they gain temporary hit points equal to the crafting alchemist's level. When the effect ends, they become poisoned for one minute as their body tries to readjust to proper life.

  • Expert: Zombies last for 24 hours. The false undeath lasts for 1 hour.
  • Master: Zombies last for one week. The false undeath lasts for 8 hours.

Ironhide Concoction

Journeyman Elixir

Drinking this thick potion causes the consumer's skin to harden, taking on properties similar to iron in order to protect them from attacks. For one minute after consumption, the drinker's armor class is increased by 2, and they take reduced damage from slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing attacks (calculated before resistance and vulnerability).

  • Journeyman: 1 damage reduction
  • Expert: 3 damage reduction
  • Master: 5 damage reduction

Mindshatter Unguent

Expert Poison (Injury)

This potent poison, once introduced to the bloodstream, causes extreme mental anguish. When a creature is damaged by a weapon coated with this poison, or if that creature has the poison applied directly to their blood via a needle or similar object, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes the primary damage and is stunned until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes only half as much damage and is not stunned. Creatures that have been affected by mindshatter unguent in the last minute have advantage on their saving throws.

  • Expert: 2d10 psychic damage
  • Master: 3d10 psychic damage

Perfect Solvent

Master Bomb

One of the great goals of alchemy is creating a formula that perfectly dissolves any object immersed in it. While the limitations of chemistry do not seem to allow such a creation, the addition of magic means it is technically possible. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 30 and a long range of 120. On a hit, it deals 3d6 acid damage and 3d6 force damage, and the target and adjacent creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take additional acid damage equal to your alchemical ability score and additional force damage equal to your alchemical ability score.

If the damage from perfect solvent reduces a target to 0 hit points, they are disintegrated along with all non-magical items they are carrying (as if by the spell disintegrate). Objects targetted by this spell automatically take the full damage of the bomb, and non-magical objects do not benefit from any damage resistance, damage threshold, or damage immunity to acid or force damage when targeted by perfect solvent. If this formula targets an object larger than its area, its damage destroys a 10-foot cube worth of that object. Perfect solvent can target a space on the ground with 120 feet without requiring an attack roll.

Philosopher's Stone

Master Device

This strange iridescent stone is a crystalline representation of all that alchemy is capable of. A philosopher's stone (also known as an alchemist's stone) has 5 charges when it is crafted. Unlike other alchemical devices, the philosopher's stone does not fully lose its potency after one day. Instead, all of its charges are lost whenever it would normally lose potency. An alchemist cannot produce multiple stones simultaneously. Instead, each time they produce this formula, 5 additional charges are added to the stone. The philosopher's stone grants certain benefits when worn close to the skin.

  • The wearer of an alchemist's stone does not age on any day when they wear the stone, nor do they need to consume food or drink on that day. This effect functions even if the stone has no charges.
  • By expending one charge from the stone, the wearer can reduce their physical age by one day. They cannot reduce their age below the youngest adult age for their race in this fashion.
  • By expending three charges from the stone, the wearer can spend hit dice as if they had completed a short rest. These hit dice are recovered in the normal way.
  • By expending two charges from the stone, the wearer can cause one weapon or piece of ammunition to become magical and grant a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for one hour. This effect does not work on magical weapons and does not stack with other effects that cause weapons to become magical.

Philtre of Mental Fortitude

Journeyman Elixir

This potion protects the drinker against mental invasion. For the duration of the effect, all psychic damage the target takes is reduced, and they have advantage on saving throws against certain mental effects.

  • Journeyman: 2 psychic damage reduction, advantage against charm
  • Expert: 5 psychic damage reduction, advantage against frightened
  • Master: 10 psychic damage reduction, immune to charm and frighten effects

Photonic Sculpture

Journeyman Device

This unusual crystal is capable of capturing and later re-emitting an image. While it retains potency, an alchemist may activate the photonic sculpture as an action to capture a perfect image of an area from the perspective of the crystal. For up to a week afterward, an alchemist can resummon that image or dismiss it with another action. While the image is summoned, it creates an illusory representation of the area. Objects hidden from the crystal during the initial capture are not represented in the created image.

Creatures that see the illusory image can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your alchemical save DC to recognize it as an illusion.

An alchemist can give up one of their daily alchemical productions to extend the usability of a photonic sculpture that has already captured an image by one day. A photonic sculpture can only benefit from one such extension each day.

Psychoactive Spores

Expert Bomb

By carefully collecting spores from hallucinogenic mushrooms and purifying them through alchemical processes, alchemists can create a bomb that directly affects the minds of its victims. This bomb has a close range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes the primary damage and the target and adjacent creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, all targets are deafened and perceive every creature nearby as indistinguishable shapeless masses of constantly-shifting color until the end of their next turn. Any time a creature affected by this effect takes damage, they also take the secondary damage. Creatures immune to charm are also immune to the secondary effect of psychoactive spores. Psychoactive spores can target a space on the ground within 60 feet without requiring an attack roll.

  • Expert: 5d6 psychic damage primary. The secondary damage is equal to the crafting alchemist's alchemical ability score.
  • Master: 6d6 psychic damage. The secondary damage is equal to the crafting alchemist's alchemical ability score plus proficiency bonus.

Purification Elixir

Apprentice Elixir

Used by alchemists who need to switch from one elixir to another quickly, the purification elixir has an additional benefit in purging unwanted magical or alchemical effects from the drinker. When you drink this elixir, you immediately end the effects of any other alchemical elixir affecting you of this item's tier or lower. Additionally, if you are suffering from any effect which allows for a saving throw every turn to end it, you may make an extra saving throw when drinking this elixir. If you are an alchemist of at least this item's tier, you have advantage on that saving throw.


Journeyman Munition

Razorshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, it releases a rapidly-crystallizing, razor-sharp liquid that deals 1d10 slashing damage to the target even on a miss. Razorshot's damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

  • Journeyman: 5 rounds of ammunition
  • Expert: 7 rounds of ammunition
  • Master: 10 rounds of ammunition

Restorative Mists

Expert Elixir

This healing elixir is formulated for dispersal in a cloud of mist. When used, the alchemist throws the elixir to any space within 60 feet. All creatures adjacent to the target location regain hit points equal to the primary effect plus the crafter's alchemical ability modifier. Restorative mists has no effect on undead or constructs.

  • Expert: 2d10 hit points
  • Master: 3d10 hit points

Restorative Tonic

Apprentice Elixir

A simple potion allows the drinker to regain some of their health. A restorative tonic, when drank, restores hit-points equal to the primary effect plus your alchemical ability modifier. Restorative tonic has no effect on undead or constructs.

  • Apprentice: 1d10 hit points
  • Journeyman: 2d10 hit points
  • Expert: 4d10 hit points
  • Master: 6d10 hit points

Rod of Negation

Journeyman Device

This seemingly simple iron rod acts as a grounding device for magical energies, and when applied correctly can cancel out or even entirely prevent spells from taking effect. To activate this device, the user must make an Intelligence check with a DC of 15. The alchemist who crafted the rod applies twice their proficiency bonus to this check. The rod has two functions:

  • Spell canceling. As an action the user touches the rod to a creature or object under the effects of a spell. The DC to activate the rod for this function is increased by twice the level of the highest level spell affecting the target. On a success, one spell is removed per charge expended from the rod, starting with the highest level spell affecting the target.
  • Spell prevention. As a reaction when another creature casts a spell within 30 feet of the wielder of this rod, the wielder can attempt to counter the spell cast, as with counterspell. The DC to use this function is increased by twice level of the spell being cast. If the Intelligence check succeeds, the spell is prevented from being cast. Regardless of whether the check succeeded or failed, the rod loses one charge per level of the spell it attempts to counter.

The number of charges the rod possesses varies based on the crafting alchemist's tier.

  • Journeyman: 3 charges
  • Expert: 6 charges
  • Master: 10 charges

Rod of Purification

Apprentice Device

The rod of purification is the greatest boon of the alchemist on the go. When any liquid is stirred with the rod, minor contaminants are removed and the liquid becomes safe for consumption. Using the rod takes 1 minute during which you must continuously stir up to one gallon of liquid. Doing so causes the liquid to be safe for consumption, as with purify food and drink. Soaking food in liquid purified by this device for at least 10 minutes causes it to also become purified.

If the rod of purification is produced by an alchemist with at least expert skill, it also reacts with magical liquids. If an affected liquid would produce an effect in its drinker which could be removed by break enchantment, the rod changes color, indicating the potential effect. It does not reveal what the effect is.

Sands of Sleep

Expert Bomb

By concentrating certain compounds into a crystalline dust, alchemists can create a sand-like powder which causes drowsiness on contact with living creatures. This bomb can target any space within 60 feet without making an attack roll. Roll the primary effect. All creatures affected by this bomb with fewer current hit points than the result falls unconscious for one minute, until they take damage, or until someone uses an action to wake them.

  • Expert: 9d8 effect
  • Master: 12d8 effect


Journeyman Munition

Screamshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, it deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage to the target, and the target and adjacent creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are deafened for one minute.

  • Journeyman: Generates 3 rounds.
  • Expert: Generates 5 rounds.
  • Master: Generates 7 rounds.

Sight Mirror

Journeyman Device

WHen you produce this formula, you create a pair of mirrors that are two halves of a single object. While they retain potency and are within range of one another, each mirror shows the reflection that would normally appear in the other.

When you produce sight mirror, you can expend certain expensive components to increase the length of time that they remain potent. If you expend rare chemicals worth at least 200 gold pieces, the sight mirrors remain potent for one month, instead of losing their potency the next time you rest. If you expend rare chemicals worth at least 1000 gold pieces, the sight mirrors remain potent for one year instead.

  • Journeyman: 500-foot range
  • Expert: 1-mile range
  • Master: 1000-mile range


Apprentice Bomb

A simple looking stick contains a thick cloud of smoke. When you activate this alchemical bomb, you may do so in your space or throw it to a space within 30 feet. When you do, the bomb's radius quickly fills with opaque black smoke, blocking all vision (including darkvision). The cloud lasts for 1 minute or until blown away by a strong wind.

  • Apprentice: 10-foot radius.
  • Journeyman: 15-foot radius.
  • Expert: 15-foot radius. Can no longer be dispersed by powerful wind.
  • Master: Smokestick additionally blocks smell and sound in its area.

Soul Infusion

Master Elixir

The soul is a strange property untouchable by science, but the mystic components of alchemy allow a clever alchemist to manipulate it in some ways. A soul infusion can be used in two ways. If drunk by a living creature, that creature gains temporary hit points equal to the crafting alchemist's level for one hour, and benefits from the effects of a revivify spell if it is slain within the next hour. If applied to the body of a creature that has died within the last 10 days, it forms a link between that body and its departed soul, reproducing the effects of a raise dead spell.


Apprentice Munition

Sparkshot can be created for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, it deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage to the target, and 1d4 lightning damage to another creature within 10 feet of the target.

  • Apprentice: Generates 3 rounds
  • Journeyman: Generates 5 rounds
  • Expert Generates 7 rounds
  • Master: Generates 10 rounds


Master Munition You create 5 rounds of sunshot for any ranged weapon with the ammunition property. When fired, sunshot deals an additional 5d8 radiant damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, its damage is increased by 1d8 and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is stunned for up to one minute. Targets stunned by sunshot can repeat their saving throw at the end of each of their turns.

Tanglefoot Bag

Journeyman Bomb

A sack made of animal skin contains rapidly-setting glue. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 20 feet and a long range of 60. On a hit, the target is grappled for the bomb's duration. All creatures adjacent to the primary target must make a Dexterity saving throw, and are also grappled by this effect on a failed save. A creature can use their action to make a Strength saving throw to end this effect for themself or an adjacent creature.

  • Journeyman: Bomb lasts until end of next turn.
  • Expert: Bomb lasts for up to one minute. Affected creatures can reattempt the saving throw as an action to end the effect early.
  • Master: Affected creatures are instead restrained for the same duration.

Tempest Orb

Expert Bomb

Wind is one of the more difficult elements to bottle in any amount of force, but it can be done with dedication and skill. A tempest orb has a close range of 30 feet and a long range of 120 feet. On a hit, the target takes the bomb's primary damage, and targets in adjacent spaces must make Dexterity saving throws or take the bomb's secondary damage. The main target and targets who fail their saves also suffer disadvantage on their next attack roll before the end of their next turn, as the buffeting winds disrupt their focus. Tempest orb can target a space on the ground within 120 feet without requiring an attack roll.

  • Expert: 4d6 slashing and 4d6 bludgeoning primary, 2d6 slashing and 2d6 bludgeoning secondary
  • Master: 5d6 slashing and 5d6 bludgeoning primary, 3d6 slashing and 3d6 bludgeoning secondary


Journeyman Bomb

A small stone contains concentrated sound, erupting when it strikes a hard surface. This alchemical bomb has a close range of 30 feet and a long range of 120 feet. On a hit, it deals its damage to the target. The target and all adjacent creatures must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are pushed away from the center of the blast (the target is pushed away from you) or are knocked prone (each affected creature's choice).

  • Journeyman: 3d8 thunder damage, 10-foot knockback
  • Expert: 5d8 thunder damage, 10-foot knockback
  • Master: 6d8 thunder damage, 20-foot knockback

Troll's Blood Elixir

Master Elixir Trolls are famous for their incredible regenerative properties, lending their name to this formula, which is actually a special alchemical compound rather than actual troll blood. The drinker of a troll's blood elixir regains health continuously for one minute. Each round at the start of their turn, provided they are not dead, the drinker regains 5 hit points plus the crafting alchemist's alchemical ability modifier. This effect also causes them to regrow lost limbs over the space of the full minute, or instantly reattach a severed limb if it is held to the stump where it was removed, similar to the regenerate spell. Once a creature has drunk this elixir, they cannot benefit from it again until the next time they complete a long rest.

Truth Serum

Journeyman Poison (Other)

This odorless, tasteless, clear solution is designed to be absorbed through the target's skin or by ingestion. It can be applied to an unwitting target as an action with a Sleight of Hand check opposed by their Perception check, or hidden in food through whatever means. Once affected, a target must make a Charisma saving throw each time they attempt to speak a deliberate lie for the next minute. On a failed save, they tell the truth about that subject instead.

Volcanic Flask

Expert Bomb

This flask contains heat-producing formula that creates a patch of molten sludge, harmful to anyone entering the area. Volcanic flask has a close range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes the primary damage, and the target and adjacent targets must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take the secondary damage. Further, the target's space and all adjacent spaces are filled with a molten slurry. The slurry counts as dangerous terrain, and anyone beginning their turn within it or who enters it for the first time during their turn automatically takes the secondary damage. The slurry lasts for 30 seconds. Volcanic flask can target a space on the ground within 60 feet without requiring an attack roll.

  • Expert: 4d8 fire primary, 2d6 fire secondary
  • Master: 5d8 fire primary, 3d6 fire secondary

Voltaic Bottle

Journeyman Bomb

A small glass phial seems to contain a tiny lightning bolt. When thrown, the lightning escapes, arcing to nearby targets. This alchemical bomb can target any space within 60 feet, and does not require an attack roll. When it lands, the nearest creature within 10 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take the bomb's primary damage. On a successful save, they take half damage. The lightning then arcs to another creature within 10 feet and repeats its effect with the damage reduced by one die until it has no dice remaining or no creature within 10 feet of its previous target.

  • Journeyman: 3d8 lightning primary
  • Expert: 4d8 lightning primary
  • Master: 5d8 lightning primary

Viletoad Toxin

Apprentice Poison (Contact)

When this poison affects a creature, the creature takes the primary damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for up to one minute. A creature can repeat this save at the end of each of their turns. Each failed save causes them to take the secondary damage. Once they have succeeded on a certain number of saving throws, the effect ends, and the creature is no longer poisoned.

  • Apprentice: 2d6 poison primary, 2 poison secondary. Two saving throws to end.
  • Journeyman: 3d6 poison primary, 3 poison secondary. Two saving throws to end.
  • Expert: 5d6 poison primary, 5 poison secondary. Three saving throws to end.
  • Master: 6d6 poison primary, 6 poison secondary. Four saving throws to end.


Apprentice Munition

Vineshot can be created for any type of bow or crossbow. When fired, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained by rapidly growing vines for up to one minute. An entangled creature can attempt a Strength saving throw as an action to break the vines, or the vines can be removed by dealing 5 slashing or fire damage to them. Vines have an AC of 5 and automatically fail all saving throws.

  • Apprentice: Generates 2 rounds
  • Journeyman: Generates 3 rounds
  • Expert Generates 5 rounds
  • Master: Generates 6 rounds


Journeyman Poison (Injury)

When this poison affects a creature and at the end of each of their turns while widowbite lasts, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take the primary damage. On a successful saving throw, they take the secondary damage. Widowbite ends when a creature succeeds on a saving throw or after 5 failed saves, whichever comes first.

A creature which has successfully saved against Widowbite, whether on the initial save or a subsequent save, is immune to further applications of Widowbite for 24 hours.

  • Journeyman: 2d6 poison primary, 1d6 poison secondary
  • Expert: 3d6 poison primary, 1d6 poison secondary
  • Master: 4d6 poison primary, 2d6 poison secondary. Widowbite now ends only after 2 successful saves or 10 failed saves.

Wyvernstrike Venom

Expert Poison (Injury)

This fast-acting poison is an alchemical synthetic of the venom produced by wyverns. When it affects a creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take the primary damage. On a successful save, they take half as much damage.

  • Expert: 5d10 poison damage
  • Master: 6d10 poison damage

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