The Aeshyr Race

by Spartan127

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The Aeshyr

The Aeshyr were a technologically advanced - and psionically adept - race of spacefarring, sentient humanoids - ones who's advancements led many to believe they had come from a region either deep into the cosmic void....or perhaps beyond the stretch of the known multiverse.

Their influence stretched far beyond hundreds of thousands of planetary systems - and potentially even beyond galactic borders, with ancient structures and artifacts uncovered on a vast multitude of differing worlds. Their influences can be seen with technologically stabilizing worlds, uplifting base creatures with sentience, and being powerful enough to challenge the gods themselves. Their command over technology and magic was so great, that many of their artifacts and structures remain today - despite their absolute absence.

It is unknown what befell the Aeshyr Empire, No physical remains of the Aeshyr exist in the current era (that are known). The entirety of their race seemingly disappeared overnight in a calamity now called "The Vast Error" - with no record amongst any sentient species as to where they went - and even the gods and higher powers have forgotten all record of their existence.

If not for the few physical and holographic records kept in the ancient libraries of the Aeshyr - their interactions and strife with the gods would have been rendered as mere myth.

They were known to be a physically superior, and seemingly semi-metallic, race of hyperintelligent beings - whose very thoughts could command, manipulate, and dominate the weave of magic, the minds of others, and reality itself to suit their needs.

A Mysterious History

The Aeshyr? You mean the foreclaimers, the seeders, the mortal powers, or the ones that came before... they have many names, and they differ from world to world. I can't tell you much, but i can tell you one thing: they don't exist - at least - not anymore.

-- Eonin Makalor, Head Aeshyr Researcher of Pryxis Academy of Dweomer

The Aeshyr are only known through the remnants of their empire that exist on worlds where their technology is abundant. Many Scholars, sages, mages, and learned people have dedicated their lives to studying and understanding the long lost people.

So far, not much is known without physical study, it is known, however, that the Aeshyr had existed during the times even before the Dawn War - the era in which the gods and primordials fought for control over the multiverse - which ended with the primal spirits severing the material plane from the rest of the multiverse, and dictated that no divine or primordial powers could directly influence it.

Many scholars find it literally in-credible and preposterous that a mortal race could exist before the times of the dawn war, as that would make the Aeshyr almost as old as the multiverse itself.

Some speculate that maybe the Aeshyr had some part to play in the events leading to the dawn war, as the few records found and studied seem to indicate that they were at war with both the primordials and the gods.

Even more scholars say that the evidence found seem to point to the Aeshyr originating from beyond the known multiverse, potentially even being the ones to first seed life on many worlds - which led to the origins of most sapient species.

And still, most scholars speculate that the Aeshyr are nothing more than a myth fabricated by the misinterpretations of the histories and genesis stories of several cultures, races, and peoples.

And to the common man, all that is known is that the technology left over from these supposed "mortal powers" fetch a heavy price worth dying for. Plundering ruins and ancient sites are a very lucrative, and dangerous, profession.

Mythical Physicality

A race of androgynous super peoples who can mind-sex you? Sign me up!

-- Hugh, Kenku Highwayman

Regardless of what scholars and mages believe, the Aeshyr were a very real race, one that existed during the days of the dawn war, and whose influence allowed a multitude of worlds to be terraformed and their races given sentience.

Their ability to manipulate both the material and ethereal is prominent through their psionic capabilities and physical adaptability - it is known that many Aeshyr varied in the way they were able to manifest these abilities,

They not only were capable of manifesting psionic and magical powers, but also had the ability to personally morph their genetic makeup; therefore, able to mutate their bodies to suit the environments in which they inhabited.

Most Aeshyr carried with them some form of base psionic abilities, but the race was known to be fluid in the way they could adjust their bodies to suit their needs throughout their lives.

The fluidity of the Aeshyr has led many scholars to believe that most sentient races were derived from either the intermingling or permanent mutations brought upon by their genetic psionic abilities. Even more credible to this theory is the fact that the Aeshyr are a completely androgynous race that can reproduce with any gender or race through a form of parthenogenesis.

Although they have no definable gender, they are not asexual and do in fact require a partner to reproduce. However, Aeshyr reproduction is very different from other forms of sexual reproduction, as they receive and pass on genetic markers and memories through a process known as melding - where they psionically bond with their partner to pass on DNA. Physical contact is not necessary for this melding process, but the Aeshyr can physically morph themselves to facilitate physical copulation.

Strife Against Divinity

I know not of these "Aeshyr", nor have I encountered a power that recalls any war. You must be deluded in your studies.

-- Melchar, God of Storms & War

The Aeshyr consider gods, primordials, immortals, and similar powers to be flawed in their concepts and ideologies, and believe most beings to be unworthy of strict worship - instead vying more towards animism and belief in cosmic fate or technological superiority.

This does not necessarily translate to the Aeshyr not believing in higher powers; instead, they fully are aware of their existence, and still choose to put their faith in their own actions. In fact, the Aeshyr have been known to fight against the gods throughout time, and foil plans several centuries in the making just to spite the powers-that-be.

Some Aeshyr are still known to become clerics, paladins, or warlocks - not out of worship or faith, but more out of a business pact to further their own needs. Some higher powers take advantage of these pacts to further certain goals that their faithful followers would be unwilling to carry out.

Even some Aeshyr have been known to ascend to a state of godhood in order to achieve certain goals that were unable to be achieved through mortal means - but instead of relying upon worship for power, they instead relied upon "omni-bonding" - in which the ascended Aeshyr psionically bonded with a multitude of other Aeshyr to reach a higher state of power, effectively channeling their collective consciousness into one being.

However, sometime around 50,000 years ago - around the time of their disappearance - all trace of the Aeshyr were scuttled from the memories of the Divine, even the gods of secrets and forbidden knowledge have only a slight inkling of who and what the Aeshyr were.

The Eternal Mortals

The longest lifespan we've seen in records of the Aeshyr was astounding - one of their elders was known to have witnessed the Dawn War firsthand ... and survived it.

-- Eonin Makalor, Head Aeshyr Researcher of Pryxis Academy

Due to the everfluid nature of the Aeshyr, their psionic abilities and genetic makeup innately prevent death from old age, and many can live so long as their physical bodies remain intact.

Even if their physical bodies die, their memories and life essence can be transferred to their offspring through the bonding process - albeit, with the offspring's own sentience remaining in control, the offspring can access any memories or even mentally consult their predecessors through mental meditation.

In the same essence, Aeshyr have no need to sleep, but they can if they wish. Instead, Aeshyr rely upon a form of meditative trance similar to an Elf's: where they relive their own experiences and those of their ancestors through a semi-conscious state.

Aeshyr also do not require physical sustenance, instead relying upon absorbing the cosmic energies around them - namely the magic of the weave, or similar sources.

Legendary Technology

How do you think this thing works? Last time I messed with one of these things, I nearly blew up a city. With any luck, this artifact could do something much similar.

-- Sige, Tabaxi Scientist

The Aeshyr, being a race of spacefarring beings, were incredibly potent in their ability to harness the natural sciences, and also were known to blend their psionics into their technologies.

Many ruins left over from the Aeshyr seem to be practically indestructible without an amount of energy equal to that of planet shattering magic.

Not only is their technology seemingly indestructible, but many of their archives and libraries contain articles of information that store memories and skills into physical objects.

A few of these information devices are capable of transferring the culminated knowledge of several generations of Aeshyr within less then 6 seconds - granting mastery over subjects that would take a lifetime to master.

The most common information devices found in Aeshyr archives are:

  • Memory Shards - Small rectangular or circular crystalline disks capable of holding the memories of only a handful of individuals - up to 10.
  • Neurocrons - Crystalline, three dimensional cubes, tetrahedrons, or spheres that can hold the memories, and skills of up to 100 individual lives.
  • Bond Beacons - Massive technological objects akin to obelisks, pillars, or small pyramids that can hold the collective memories, skills, experiences, and consciousnesses of a great multitude of individuals. Estimated to be able to hold up to 1,000 individuals.
  • Metamatrixes - Superstructure objects that can take any form - holding up to over 10,000 individuals.

With these information devices, it's necessary for those in contact that are not Aeshyr to be able to be intelligent enough to understand the information presented - and also strong willed enough to resist going mad from the overflow of collective memories.

Apart from the astounding informational consolidation, the Aeshyr were also known to be able to create extremely powerful energy-based weapons, astoundingly protective armor, spacefarring ships, planetary terraforming devices, and solar defense systems capable of harnessing the power of stars and planetoids.

Sadly, many of these devices are still inactive and unable to be effectively utilized by the sentient races that find them - for now.

A Practical Society

You know, considering how often we've plundered the ruins, haven't you noticed that - besides the weapons, memory shards, neurocrons, and a few statues - there's absolutely no paintings, or art of any kind? Makes you think, what were they so focused on? Now that i think about it ... where do they bury their dead?

-- Zook Sheppin, Wizard Gnome

Aeshyr were extremely efficient and hyperfocused on their work. Their goal was advancing their civilization by thoroughly ascending their technology and biology, using energies harvested from the stars, the weave, and even souls.

Distractions or interruptions were not tolerated and were removed quickly. Aeshyr do not possess the concept of overly artistic creativity. To them, inefficient social constructs that do not lend to the furthering of their goals do not belong in their society - and any art found must serve a practical purpose alongside it's artistic values.

If a member of Aeshyr society is crippled, disabled, or injured beyond normal care, their memories are preserved and their bodies disposed of unceremoniously. They don't grieve losses and don't hold funerals, as those emotions are merely a distraction from their important work -especially when their life essence is already preserved.

Most of the time, the Aeshyr may only establish a relationship with members of another race if it furthers their goals, but more likely they will simply destroy them through highly efficient warfare or psychological destruction instead.

The Aeshyr established massive labrynthian cities where the lands surrounding them supported their goals through either resources or tactical location. Most of these cities; however, have become buried by the sands of time.

Knowledge and Power

The vast mass of knowledge that the remnants of the Aeshyr have provided is astounding ... With what we've learned, we have extended the reach of our people to beyond the stars, furthered our understanding of magic and science, and we have so much more to learn!

-- Eonin Makalor, Head Aeshyr Researcher of Pryxis Academy of Dweomer

The Aeshyr's focus on mental and genetic manipulation granted them the abilities to alter the worlds around them in ways only seen in most higher powers - albeit, very limitedly. However, the combined efforts of many Aeshyr were capable of amassing great technologies, uplifting base creatures with sentience, and even manipulating the fabric of the weave and space-time.

Because of their studious yet martial nature, most Aeshyr were spellcasters & combatants of some form, but were suited for almost any class that could suit their needs. The most common classes were Artificers, Fighters, and Wizards. The most powerful of Aeshyr were Mystics.

The studies brought upon by the Aeshyr have created a multitude of technological, scientific, and mystic advancements, leading to the invention (or rather, rediscovering) of space travel, genetic manipulation, medical advancements, superior firepower, and many more.

The now absent Aeshyr have allowed the races of the World of Pryxis to usher in a new golden age - with more advancements being discovered by those with both the intelligence and willpower to find them.

Many scholars hope and wish for even one Aeshyr to remain alive somewhere in the cosmos - so that the full capabilities of their technology may be realized. What these scholars don't know: is that not everything that is buried is meant to be unearthed.

Given enough time, exploration, and luck, maybe one of their race may yet be discovered...

Aeshyr Names

Being a race of completely androgynous, powerful, and result-oriented species - the Aeshyr have names that resemble the tasks they undertake in some fashion. There are 2 parts to every Aeshyr name: the Base name and the Title name.

Base names are derived from happenings, circumstances, and virtues that may have been present during the birth of the Aeshyr - and are typically the names kept throughout their life.

Title names are typically chosen by the parent at first - but it is a very common (and encouraged) practice for the Aeshyr to adopt a new title name once their own purpose has been discovered. Tasks, beliefs, or roles are reflected by title names in some way.

  • Base Name Examples: Light, Dark, Dawn, Dusk, War, Peace, Hate, Hope, Noon, Midnight, Death, Life, Time, Space, Justice, Vengeance, Wrath, Zeal, Star, Sun, Rain, Wind.

  • Title Name Examples: Bearer, Justicar, Exemplar, Counsular, Luminary, Harbinger, Learner, Magi, Sage, Director, Diadact, Meddler, Mender, Hunter.

All Aeshyr full names are separated by a hyphen between each name. Such as "Dark-Harbinger", "Noon-Didact", "Light-Bearer", and "Midnight-Magi."

Aeshyr Traits

All Aeshyr share similar traits from birth as a result of their race's origins.

Ability Score Increase. You gain 6 points to distribute to your ability scores. (No scores may go above 20 points in this way).

Age. Aeshyr reach adulthood by 25, and they do not become frail, nor die, from old age.

Alignment. Aeshyr typically gravitate towards neutrality, although some have dedicated their lives to certain projects or advancements where different approaches are necessary - as such, the Aeshyr can fill any alignment role meant to suit their needs.

Size. Aeshyr range from under 6 to over 7 feet tall and have slender, yet defined builds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to both subterranean caves and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can discern all colors while in darkness.

Aeshyr Bond Trance. Aeshyr don’t need to drink, eat, or sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious - and aware of their surroundings - for 4 hours a day. While trancing, you can dream in a lucid state; such dreams are actually mental exercises that recall your own memories as well as those of your ancestors. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep, as well as a full day of sustenance.

You can enter a bond trance with another living sentient being to pass on memories, feelings, and experiences - if they're willing. You also may use this bond trance to initiate a mating ritual to pass on genetic material - this bond can be maintained within your telepathy distance.

Genetic Telepathy. You can communicate via two-way telepathy with any number of creatures that are within 60 feet of you - this telepathy can convey audial, visual, and tactile messages.

Genetic Psionics. You know the mage hand cantrip, and the hand is invisible when you cast the cantrip with this trait.

When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the identify spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the mind spike spell once (as a 2nd level spell) with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write common, and Aeshyra - which when written, is a complex 4 dimensional language that conveys mental imagery and memories, When Spoken it sounds like overlapping hums and chants of a guttural nature.

Mutations. Instead of subraces, the Aeshyr utilize genetic and psionic manipulation to shift and alter their bodies at will to suit their needs - these mutations typically develop over time and are usually permanent.


As Aeshyr grow both in age and power, their bodies reflect the locations, races, and experiences they have encountered - resulting in supernatural genetic mutations meant to further their reach.

Some Mutations have level requirements, or will need other mutations as prerequisites. Some mutations grant access to spells, these spells count as innate psionics. The ability score bonuses offered by mutations can go above 20, but cannot exceed 24.

You gain 1 mutation at 6th level, a 2nd mutation at 12th level, and a 3rd mutation at 18th level.

Common Mutations

Common Mutations have no starting requirements.

Muscle Enlargement. You gain a +1 to your Strength.

Agility Enhancement. You gain a +1 to your Dexterity.

Metallic Skin. You gain a +1 to your Constitution.

Synaptic Fusion. You gain a +1 to your Intelligence.

Awareness Filter. You gain a +1 to your Wisdom.

Pheromonal Aura. You gain a +1 to your Charisma.

Gills. Your body grows a set of gills to filter oxygen from water. You gain the ability to breathe underwater.

Lucidium Eyes. Your eyes mutate nightvision lenses. You Gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

Setae Glands. You grow glands on your palms and feet that produce nearly microscopic fibers. You gain a Climbing speed of 30 feet.

Beastial Alteration. You grow fangs, claws, and horns - which can be retracted at will. Your unarmed strikes made with your new fangs, claws and horns deal 1d6 piercing or slashing damage.

Carbonized Wings. You sprout a pair of fully functional wings from your back, which may appear as either bird, bat, or insect wings. You gain a Flying speed of 30 feet.

Prehensile Tail. Your spine and nerves elongate from the base of your back and form a tail-like appendage. You can use your tail to hold objects no larger than half a cubic foot, weighing no more than 5 lbs. You cannot wield a weapon or shield with your tail. You have advantage on Dexterity (acrobatics) checks while you aren’t holding an object with your tail.

Tetrabrachial. Your shoulder blades shift and duplicate, growing 2 additional arms from beneath your current arms. Your additional arms grant you the ability to utilize the two-handed weapon damage of a versatile weapon while also wielding a light weapon or shield in your other hands. You may also wield 2 two-handed, or heavy weapons at once.

Uncommon Mutations

Uncommon Mutations require the Aeshyr to be level 12.

Adrenalized Fascicles. (Requires Muscle Enlargement) (+1 Strength) Your body becomes muscularly reinforced. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Digitigrade Locomotion. (Requires Agility Enhancement) (+1 Dexterity) Your legs and spine mutate to allow double knee movement. Your base movement speed is increased by 30 feet. You can forgo having any items in your hands to drop into a quadrupedal stance, doubling your movement speed.

Tempered Epidermis. (Requires Metallic Skin) (+1 Constitution) Your metallic skin hardens further. You gain a natural +1 AC, and you reduce the damage of all incoming physical (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing) damage by your constitution modifier.

Keen Trance. (Requires Synaptic Fusion) (+1 Intelligence) Your mind has expanded in the methods it functions, you can now use your Bond Trance in a way that most Aeshyr cannot. Once per day, you can cast Detect Thoughts for up to 1 minute, while also utilizing your Bond Trance. Doing this allows you to immediately know if you're hearing a truth or a lie. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Perception Nullifier. (Requires Awareness Filter) (+1 Wisdom) You adapt in your ability to null all form of genetic markers given off by your presence. Once per day, you can cast Pass Without a Trace on yourself for up to 1 minute. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Balming Presence. (Requires Pheromonal Aura) (+1 Charisma) Your ability to manipulate your own pheromone levels allows you to alter the states of other creatures. Once per day, you can cast Calm Emotions for up to 1 minute. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Blind Sense. (Requires Darkvision, or Lucidium Eyes) Your mind has evolved to witness the world without your physical eyesight. You Gain blindsight to a range of 30 feet - your darkvision increases by 30 feet.

Toxic Blood. You gain immunity to disease and poison, additionally, your blood acts as a natural poison - DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage.

Genetic Shapeshifting, As an action, you can change your appearance and voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change.

You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you've never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have (within humanoid reason). Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die.

Regenerating Body. Your cells have the capability to go into overdrive when your body is subjected to harm. You regain 1 of your class's Hit Dice + your constitution modifier in HP every round. Additionally, if any of your limbs are severed - including your head - if the stumps of each end are put together, they will sew themselves back on and heal within 1 round.

Mutations past 20th level

If your characters can reach past level 20, the mutations continue every 6 levels - with a 4th mutation at 24th level, and a final 5th mutation at 30th level.

Rare Mutations

Rare Mutations require the Aeshyr to be level 18.

Metabolic Overdrive (Requires Adrenalized Fascicles.) (+1 Strength) Your body mutates to facilitate rapid body growth and manipulation. Once per day, you can cast Enlarge/Reduce on yourself. The abilities of enlarge/reduce stack with the abilities of "Adrenalized Fascicles" to allow superior physicality. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Super-Perambulation (Requires Digitigrade Locomotion.) (+1 Dexterity) Your genetics have adapted to allow an extreme natural increase in the way your body moves - namely a decrease in lactic acid and body mass. Once per day, you can cast Haste on yourself. The abilities of haste stack with the abilities of "Digitigrade Locomotion" to allow superior dexterity - even when using it in your quadrupedal stance. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Nerve Sheathing. (Requires Tempered Epidermis.) (+1 Constitution) Your body has adapted to null all forms of pain you encounter by enveloping your nerve endings in a protein sheath. You gain an additional natural +2 to your AC (resulting in +3 AC) - and are now unable to feel pain.

Ancestral Interposition (Requires Keen Trance.) (+1 Intelligence) Your mind has evolved to enter a bond trance to personally interact with the memories and experiences of your genetic lineage - offering whatever support they can. Once per day, you can cast Divination to consult your ancestral predecessors. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Presence Refraction (Requires Perception Nullifier.) (+1 Wisdom) You have mutated to disappear to the surrounding world on command, nulling all form of genetic markers and your physical presence. Once per day, you can cast Greater Invisibility on yourself for up to 1 minute. The abilities of Greater Invisibility stack with the abilities of "Perception Filter" to allow oneself to disappear entirely. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Psychedelic Aurora (Requires Balming Presence.) (+1 Charisma) Your pheromones have mutated to facilitate a massive increase in oxytocin levels, and to replicate the chemical composition of psychedelics. Once per day, you can cast Hypnotic Pattern - but without a physical pattern present, instead using your psychedelic oxytocin hormones. The ability recharges after a long rest.

Sixth Sense of the Spirit. (Requires Blindsight, or Blind Sense) Your mind has now evolved to look beyond the mere material world, and acknowledge what lies beyond. You gain Truesight out to 30 feet - your darkvision and blindsight both increase by 30 feet,

Mythril Marrow. (Requires Regenerating Body) Your bones have developed a synthetic mythril-marrow compound. When falling you can roll 1d20 + your level to reduce the amount of fall damage you take, and if subjected to an attack or ability that would break your bones or sever your limbs, you have advantage against it. Additionally, any unarmed strikes deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage, and all other physical attacks you make now deal an additional die of damage.

Restrictions on Rare Mutations

Rare mutations are all restricted to being built upon previously existing mutations due to their extremely powerful nature.

Aeshyr Feats

The following feats are typically available to the Aeshyr Race, but due to the genetic nature of the Aeshyr, any race may take the following feats - under extreme DM discretion.

Hereditary Knowledge

You have learned of the martial and technological prowess the Aeshyr have passed down to you through the ages - you know of their fighting styles, and their arsenal. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with 2 weapons of your choice.
  • You gain proficiency with shields.
  • You innately know how to operate and wield any form of Aeshyr armor, devices, tools, war tech, or weaponry, - gaining proficiency in such items, even if you don't normally have proficiency in such.

Aeshyr Disciple

Prerequisites: 8th level, Cha 14 or higher

Your mind has expanded to feel the more prevalent psionic forces innate to the Aeshyr - furthering your psychic powers and your ability to manipulate reality around you. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can cast the protection from energy and fabricate spells once each with this feat and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Additionally, you gain access to the forceful hand feature.

Forceful Hand. As an action, you can concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell). While concentrating in this way, the range of your innate Mage Hand doubles, and you can carry up to 100 pounds with it.

You can use your Mage Hand to make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the hand, On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

This damage increases to (3d6) at 11th level, (4d6) at 17th level.

With 20+ levels: (5d6) at 23rd level, and (6d6) at 29th level.

Aeshyr Exemplar

Prerequisites: Aeshyr Disciple, 12th level, Cha 16 or higher

Your meditative training has furthered you down the path of the Aeshyr, and now the psionic powers that were only accessible to some of the best of your people are now yours to command. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can cast the creation and telekinesis spells once each with this feat and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on your innate psionic abilities when you take damage.

Spontaneous Mutation

Either through studying Aeshyr technology, or unlocking a genetic marker in your DNA, you have mutated. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain the Bond Trance ability from the Aeshyr Race abilities if you do not already have it.
  • You may choose one Mutation from the mutation list to apply to your character - you must still meet existing prerequisites for certain mutations.

You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different mutation.

A Warning on Balance Issues

The Aeshyr are a highly overpowered race, and were mainly made to be a reference for plot hooks and utilized as NPCs.

If a DM allows a character to play as an Aeshyr, one must consider the direction in which the campaign will be geared towards. Look through the beginning of this document and consider the following points:

  • The Aeshyr were known to be at war with the Gods in the beginning times - how does this one feel about the presence of the divine?
  • The Aeshyr are all but extinct - having vanished overnight, where does this aeshyr come from? How did they survive into the present era?
  • The technology of the Aeshyr takes decades or centuries to understand - how will the capability of a living example of their Race fare when easily activating technology around them?
  • The power balance of the rest of the party must try to match the Aeshyr - consider them gaining mutations and additional powers from the sheer proximity of the Aeshyr.

Aeshyr Technology

The Aeshyr have many forms of technology that have yet to be unearthed, and even more that are not understood to their greatest potential. Many of their technologies that have been studied and dissected include weapons, armor, and informational devices. Other forms of Aeshyr Tech that have been seen include ships, structures, and machines that all function very similarly to "Eldritch Machines" or "Infernal War Machines" found in the books: Eberron: Rising from the Last War & Descent into Avernus, respectfully (Stats and Rules for vehicles and ships are listed later in the document).

The following are some of the more common pieces of technology that can be found on the planet of Pryxis - and potentially several other worlds as well. All Aeshyr Tech is considered Exotic. There is no standard cost for Aeshyr Technology, as each piece is considered priceless.

Aeshyr Arsenal
Weapon Damage Weight Properties
Aeshyr Melee Weapons
     Weave Blade 3d8 + 3 force & psychic 2 lb. cosmic bypass, finesse, light, versatile (3d10 + 3), special
Aeshyr Ranged Weapons
     Refraction Pistol 5d4 + 5 force 2 lb. Cooldown (5/1), range (100/200), light, special
     Spectral Particle Rifle 5d10 + 5 (choose: a,c,f,l,t) 10 lb. Cooldown (3/3), two-handed, range (200/800), special
     Annihilation Cannon 10d20 + 10 force 80 lb. Ammo - Bulky Reload, cosmic bypass, heavy, two-handed, range (2000/8000), special
Aeshyr Apparel
Armor Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
     Disruption Shroud +3
Light Armor
     Combat Raiment 15 + Dex Modifier Advantage 5 lb.
Medium Armor
     Semi-Powered Plate 18 + Dex Modifier 10 lb.
Heavy Armor
     Energized Bulwark 21 + Dex Modifier Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.
     Point-Defense Energy Shield +5 1 lb.


The Aeshyr weapons listed should all be considered Exotic Weapons, as per the rules in The Expanded Crafter . While not strictly magical weapons, each of the Aeshyr Weapons listed should be considered magical for the purposes of overcoming magical resistance and immunity.

Aeshyr Weapon Properties

All Aeshyr weaponry is unique in the fact that they are all made of an indestructible alloy of Orichalcum and Adamantium (Orichantium), and powered through a process of self-replicating animite cores - meaning, they never run out of ammo, but require a cooldown period to recharge. The following properties apply to Aeshyr Weaponry:

Ammo - Bulky Reload The only Aeshyr weapon with this property is the Annihilation Cannon - and for good reason. Reloading a massive juggernaut of a weapon requires 1 full minute of reload time in order to properly reload the weapon - this also means that an action must be used every round to ensure reloading - no bonus actions or other actions may be taken (except the move action.)

Cooldown (#/#) An Aeshyr weapon with the cooldown property can only fire the first number of times before it requires the second number in rounds as a cooldown period to charge back up to it's max ammunition level.

For Example: An Aeshyr Refraction Pistol is listed as "Ammo - Cooldown (5/1)" - Meaning that the pistol can be fired 5 times before requiring a 1 round cooldown. If not all shots are fired - but the amount of rounds for cooldown is met - the weapon recharges to full.

Cosmic Bypass No form of resistance or immunity can block the damage from these weapons.

Aeshyr Weapon Arsenal

Although any form of weaponry could be fabricated and utilized by the the Aeshyr, there is a subsection of weapons that are inherently advanced - even by their standards.

Annihilation Cannon

Weapon (sniper rifle), Mythical

Damage: 10d20 + 10 force

The Annihilation cannon is perhaps the most devastating, non-ship-mounted weapon ever utilized by the Aeshyr. Gone is the lightweight innerworkings typical to their artifacts - replaced instead with an extremely dense, heavily plated, and bulky miniature cannon. The weapon itself is a whopping 8 feet long, big enough to tower over the largest of humanoids, and weighing in at about 80 pounds.

The Annihilation Cannon is a marvel of magical and scientific engineering - even by Aeshyr Standards.

The Weapon itself is one of the only Aeshyr weapons that utilizes a from of non-replicating ammo - requiring an energy core of Ferroplasma Infused Animite Coated in a Shell of Entropium - this process scars the Animite black.

When loaded into the Cannon, the animite energy core is subjected to a rapid increase in pressure - which instantaneously evaporates and ionizes the core into a superheated plasma. This plasma is then subjected to even further magnetic and magical manipulation, eventually converting the mass of plasma into a modicrum of antimatter. This antimatter is then suspended in an intense energy field and is ready to fire.

When firing, the Annihilation Cannon must systematically drop it's interior barriers before charging the anitmatter through a chamber of rapidly reciprocating magnetic fields - which makes the antimatter appear to "slide" back and forth down the barrel of the cannon.

When done cycling, the anitmatter is then accelerated to 50% of lightspeed - which is beneficial - because as soon as the antimatter leaves the chamber's barriers, it begins to degrade into an antimatter explosion. If not for this degradation, the shot would go for an eternity.

Titan-Build: The wielder of this weapon must have a Strength Score of 18 to effectively wield it.

Cycling Sequence: To fire this weapon, one must first charge it as an action. If they do not spend their next action as an Attack, it loses its charge.

Destroyer: This weapon deals 3x damage to objects and structures, and ignores all forms of cover - it can penetrate 10 feet of stone, 1 foot of Common metal, or up to 30 feet of wood or dirt.

Radial Destruction: When the target of the attack is hit, the surrounding 50-foot radius around them is subjected to the the same damage. Have all creatures in the area besides the target make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a success.

Antimatter Interaction: If this weapon's damage reduces a target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except for artifacts, are reduced to atoms. A disintegrated creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.

This weapon automatically disintegrates a Large or smaller non-artifact object or a creation of magical force. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, the projectile disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it. A magic item is unaffected by this weapon.

Refraction Pistol

Weapon (pistol), Mythical

Damage: 5d4 + 5 force

  • Orichantium Alloy - Whenever you critically hit with the refraction pistol, reroll the damage roll and keep the higher of the two results. Additionally, when hitting a non-indestructible object, deal max damage.

The most commonplace armament found amongst the Aeshyr. The refraction pistol utilizes energy condensers that harnesses the innate power of the weave. Firing this pistol launches a mote of energy almost exactly in the shape similar to the spell "magic missile" - albeit, in a more concentrated form, yet still seek out their targets.

Unlike the spell "magic missle", the energy motes fired from these weapons exhibit slight changes.

  • Shots fired do not automatically hit their target; however, a creature within 50 feet of the weapon as it's fired will be automatically hit - regardless of cover.

  • If the distance of the target is beyond 50 feet, the shot instead has advantage rather than being an automatic hit, and the target cannot benefit from half or three-quarters cover.

Special: Charged Shot
  • One may charge the Refraction pistol for one full round action. If they do not spend their next action as an Attack, it loses its charge.
    • Upon firing a charged blast, all 5 shots from the pistol are launched at once, but only towards one target. The Pistol must then cool down for 5 rounds before being able to be used again.

Spectral Particle Rifle

Weapon (rifle), Mythical

Damage: 5d10 + 5 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder (choose one)

  • Orichantium Alloy - Whenever you critically hit with the spectral particle rifle, reroll the damage roll and keep the higher of the two results. Additionally, when hitting a non-indestructible object, deal max damage.

A weapon that fits many different niches - the Spectral Particle Rifle (or simply particle rifle) is an elemental energy based weapon that can cycle through several forms of energy. Firing this rifle emits a beam of energy of the chosen element at a single target, dealing massive amounts of damage.

The beam fired by this rifle functions similarly to the spell "witch bolt", and can be sustained for several rounds, increasing the damage done exponentially. The rifle is typically shot in bursts to avoid major cooldown.

  • Before firing the rifle, one must take a bonus action to align the elemental core within the rifle, choosing between acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. Once aligned, the damage type cannot be changed until all charges are replenished.

  • The damage from this weapon can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of Common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt.

  • The critical range of the Particle Rifle is increased by 1 (19-20).

Special: Sustained beam
  • When firing the rifle, the beam may be sustained by using a full round action to continuously fire the weapon at one target - rolling a single attack roll each round.
    • When sustaining the beam, the amount of damage increases by 2d10 + 2 for every round of concentrated fire. The Sustained beam can only be maintained for 3 rounds of continuous fire. The Rifle must then cool down for 6 rounds before being able to be used again.

Weave Blade

Weapon (longsword), Mythical

Damage: 3d8 + 3 force & psychic (half force, half psychic)

  • Orichantium Alloy - Whenever you critically hit with the weave blade, reroll the damage roll and keep the higher of the two results. Additionally, when hitting a non-indestructible object, deal max damage.

One of the rarer weapons found amongst the remnants of the Aeshyr. the Weave Blade is a longsword-like hilt that carries a consistent humming vibration, when a series of pressure plates on the handle are gripped, a blade of psionic force emanates from deep within the hilt itself - seemingly produced by a series of energized fractal crystals within the crossguard area.

These weapons seem to have been associated with high-ranking or heroic Aeshyr combatants, as not many have ever been unearthed.

The blade itself is incredibly powerful - and deadly to the touch. With very unique capabilities.

  • The blade seems to bypass most forms of protection, rendering armor less effective. - Attacks made with the blade treat effective AC as 3 less than normal.

  • The blade can pierce through solid objects - regardless of their material - for the entirety of the length of the blade (5 feet). This also affects creations such as a forcecage, wall of force, prismatic wall, or similar magical creation. You can make attacks through objects at creatures on the other side with disadvantage (unless you see them through the material).

  • While wielding this blade, it seems to psionically move to deflect incoming damage - when you take a hit from any source, ignore an amount of damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus.

Special: Psionic Slash
  • Using an action, you swiftly swing the blade in a wide arc and a psionic slash erupts from the blade. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes damage equal to your weapon damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.


The Aeshyr armor listed are all forms of armor that should be considered Exotic for the purposes of not understanding how to use them effectively. While not strictly magical armor, each of the Aeshyr armor pieces should be considered magical for the purposes of withstanding magical damage and effects.

Aeshyr Armor Properties

In a similar vein to their weaponry, all Aeshyr articles of armor are made of an indestructible alloy of Orichalcum and Adamantium (Orichantium), and any units that may be powering them are done through the same process of self-replicating animite cores - also meaning they never run out of charges or power, but still may require a cooldown period for some of their abilities.

Some articles of Aeshyr armor may have the ability to neurologically link with the individual wearing them - called a "Telesthesian Link" (or a telepathic bond through contact with neurological organs or nerve endings) - this results in the armor seeming to read it's wearer's neural pathways, effectively moving in the same manner as the wearer. This allows dexterity and movement outside the normal range of armor.

The reason for the Telesthesian Link is thought to be attributed to the microweave of Chlorophyte fibers within the armor themselves.

Aeshyr Armor

Although standard armor, clothing, and shields could be fabricated and utilized by the Aeshyr, there is a subsection of apparel that is inherently advanced - even by their standards.

Disruption Shroud

Clothing (cloak), Mythical

Armor Class: +3

  • Orichantium Alloy - Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 1d10. Additionally, critical hits against you are canceled - if an indestructible weapon hits you, reroll the damage dice and take the lower result.

An incredible rarity amongst all other forms of Aeshyr apparel, the Disruption shroud appears to be a weightless cloak consisting of a microweave of the standard Oricanitum alloy, with several fibrous materials laced throughout it's construction.

Worn draped over the shoulders and extending down the back, these shrouds are believed to have been reserved for the highest ranking equivalent of "clergy" amongst the Aeshyr; namely Exemplars - who would lead their people in mass Trances meant to bond with one another and seance with their ancestors.

Their capabilities to absorb magical damage are incredible, as well as their ability to prevent the wearer from fully dying.

  • The shroud projects a personalized energy aura. At the beginning of every turn, you gain temporary hit points equal to 2x one of your Hit Dice + your proficiency bonus. This is the max number of temporary hit points you can gain in this manner.

  • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Special: Nullify Death
  • You are immune to instant death effects. Additionally, If you start your turn with 0 HP, you immediately are healed 1 HP and get back up - you may spend 1 hit die to heal as if you took a short rest.

Combat Raiment

Armor (light), Mythical

Armor Class: 15 + Dexterity Modifier

  • Orichantium Alloy - Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 1d10. Additionally, critical hits against you are canceled - if an indestructible weapon hits you, reroll the damage dice and take the lower result.

The most commonplace set of armor found amongst the Aeshyr, the combat raiment is an unpowered full body suit of Orichantium plating on top of a series of robes that allows the maximum range of movement and dexterity.

Despite being the lowest form of Aeshyr armor that grants protection, it's ability to enhance it's wearer's speed and stealth are iconic facets of it's construction.

  • While wearing this raiment, your speed is doubled.

  • Your stealth checks are made with advantage while wearing this raiment.

Special: Displacement
  • While you wear this raiment, it projects an Illusion that makes you appear to be standing in a place near your actual Location, causing any creature to have disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you. If you take damage, the property ceases to function until the start of your next turn. This property is suppressed while you are Incapacitated, Restrained, or otherwise unable to move.

Semi-Powered Plate

Armor (medium), Mythical

Armor Class: 18 + Dexterity Modifier

  • Orichantium Alloy - Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 1d10. Additionally, critical hits against you are canceled - if an indestructible weapon hits you, reroll the damage dice and take the lower result.

A full body compression suit with an energized animite node located within the center chest piece, the Semi-Powered Plate is the best defense with no sacrifice to dexterity or movement. The suit comes with a half-hood that affixes itself to the temples of the wearer to form a full Telesthesian Link.

With a series of sensors that allow the suit to read it's wearer's movements, eyesight, neural pathways and heart rate, the Semi-Powered Plate allows it's wearer to deliver more powerful blows and coordinated shots.

  • While wearing the Semi-Powered Plate, you reroll any damage die when dealing any form of damage, taking the higher of the two results.
Special: Overcharge
  • Using a bonus action, you can overcharge the system's Telesthesian Link, maximizing the damage dealt by whatever attack you next deliver (melee, ranged, or magical). Doing so gives you two levels of exhaustion, and the Overcharge ability cannot be used again for 24 hours.

Energized Bulwark

Armor (heavy), Mythical

Armor Class: 21 + Dexterity Modifier

  • Orichantium Alloy - Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 1d10. Additionally, critical hits against you are canceled - if an indestructible weapon hits you, reroll the damage dice and take the lower result.

The largest, bulkiest and most intimidating full body armor the Aeshyr have created, the Energized Bulwark is a massive series of interlocking and energized plates overlapping upon a compression suit that form-fits the wearer.

Wearing this suit of armor is bulky, and makes it incredibly difficult to be stealthy due to it's sheer size and weight, but it does not hinder dexterity or movement.

It is thought that these suits of armor were meant to be used as the Aeshyr's "exosuits" - being used in hostile environmental conditions and high stress environments. Mainly due to the fact that the suits themselves have an air filtration system, a pressurization node, an advanced neural net, and a environmental regulation unit.

On top of all the enhancements by the suit, it also shifts to accommodate it's wearer, regardless of size, limbs, or body shape. Donning or Doffing the armor only takes 1 round of action to do so, as it moves and forms itself around it's wearer with intense speed.

  • While wearing the Energized Bulwark, you gain the following benefits:

    • Immunity to disease and poison
    • Immunity the effects of Extreme Heat and Cold
    • Immunity to vacuum
    • Resistance to all forms of damage
    • You have an unlimited amount of breathable air
    • You deal double damage with all attacks.
  • While wearing the Energized Bulwark, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • You gain a form of blindsight for 120 feet, this is a combination of vibrational feedback and low-wavelength echolocation - which allows you to pinpoint your surroundings through feeling.

  • You gain X-Ray vision. This vision has a radius of 60 feet. To you, solid Objects within that radius appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them. The vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of Common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead.

Special: Detonation
  • Using a full round action, while within the suit, you may overload and detonate it's animite and fusion cores, creating a massive explosion and killing you.
    • This ability can only be used once, and it is recommended that it be used only under dire circumstances. The Suit detonates in a 1 mile radius. Dealing 20d20 + 100 force damage. This damage bypasses all resistance and immunities, and deals 3x damage to objects and structures. A creature killed by this explosion is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
    • The area afterwards is subject to an Antimagic Field for 1d100 days.

Point-Defense Energy Shield

Armor (shield), Mythical

Armor Class: +5

  • Orichantium Alloy - Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 1d10. Additionally, critical hits against you are canceled - if an indestructible weapon hits you, reroll the damage dice and take the lower result.

A common piece of apparel utilized by most Aeshyr combat forces, the Point-Defense Energy Shield is a conveniently portable and deployable piece of cover - being able to be used as both a shield, and deployable cover.

When inactive, the shield appears as a simplistic Orichantium Bracelet with a singular fractal animite crystal. When activated, a field of highly condensed energy mirroring Orichantium's natural frequency is emitted from the crystal and forms a reflective, semi-convex surface.

These shields are unique in their ability to reflect and absorb damage from incoming attacks and effects.

You may activate the shield as a bonus action, or reaction to an incoming attack or spell (such as magic missile).

  • When inactive, you gain no benefits, and the shield resembles an elegant - yet indestructible - bracelet.

  • When active, you gain a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws - as well as anyone in an adjacent space 5 feet behind you.

    • You gain the effects of Orichantium only when the shield is activated.
    • Similarly to the spell "shield" - you take no damage from the spell "magic missile"
Special: Reflection
  • Any time you are hit by a ranged attack, a Magic Missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged Attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 4, you are affected normally. On a 5 to 6 you are unaffected, and the Effect is reflected back at the shooter or caster as though it originated from you, turning the shooter or caster into the target.

Aeshyr Equipment

Aeshyr objects outside the normal realm of armor and weapons are included below. As with every other Aeshyr artifact, they are made of the Orichantium, are indestructible, and highly valuable.

Aeshyr Apparel

The items of apparel listed are outside the realm of typical aeshyr armor or apparel, deserving their own descriptions.

Ascension Crown

Wondrous item (crown), Mythical Artifact (requires attunement)

Perhaps the most mythical invention made by the Aeshyr, the Ascension Crown is a helmet-like circlet that carries with it a fragmentary copy of the collective memories, skills, experiences, souls and consciousnesses of all who have worn it before - very similarly to a Metamatrix.

The multitude of consciousnesses all fuse into one singular entity that resides within the crown and mentally communicates with the wearer.

These crowns bestow upon their wearers multiple powerful effects, and when used by several joined Aeshyr bonding with the wearer, it has been told it can ascend the wearer into an incredibly powerful state that rivals the gods themselves.

The crown also functions as an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, Amulet of the Planes, and an Iron Horn of Valhalla (summoning forth Aeshyr Spirits from within the Crown).

Only 1 of these crowns have ever been discovered, although records show that at least 3 exist throughout the multiverse.

Sentience. The Ascension Crown is a sentient neutral circlet with an Intelligence of 30, a Wisdom of 30, and a Charisma of 30. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.

The crown communicates as a disembodied multitude of voices telepathically, and by transmitting emotions, images, feelings, and memories through the wielder's mind. It can speak, read, and understand all languages, and will find the language best suited for the wearer. It allows the individual wearing it to speak, read, and write Aeshyra.

It can communicate more explicitly, through visions or dreams, when the wielder is either in a trance or asleep. Sometimes if the wearer is at 0 HP or dead, it will attempt to continue communications through astral projection.

Personality. Every Ascension Crown seeks to further it's understanding of the worlds around it - satiating the curiosity and drive of the personalities within it. History, religion, science, magic, divinity, and metaphysics are all within what the crown desires to know.

The crown has a nostalgic attachment to the places where the Aeshyr once dwelt. Often times, the crown will attempt to drive it's wearer to seek out more information about the Aeshyr and locate ruins to return to and study.

If the Ascension Crown has a flaw, it is an overabundance and insatiable drive of knowledge. At times, the crown's desire to quench it's thirst of knowledge will drive it's wearer to ignore all else in order to continue it's studies.

Aeshyr Equipment
Item Weight
Aeshyr Apparel
     Ascension Crown 1 lb.
     Energy Manipulation Ring
     Stasis Grenade 1 lb.
Information Devices
     Memory Shard 1 lb.
     Neurocron 10 lb.
     Bond Beacon 100 lb.
     Metamatrix 1,000 lb.
Aeshyr Engineering Kit 10 lb.

Copy Consciousness. To attune to the Crown, one must spend the entirety of a week in a deep trance with the crown on - requiring no need to drink, eat, or sleep while trancing - but you count as taking short rests at the end of each day.

At the beginning of every 24 hour period, the wearer must make a Constitution Saving throw DC 25, to withstand the tumultuous wave of memories, thoughts, and personalities contained within the crown - taking 5d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.

If one fails more than 3 saving throws within the 7 day period, the wearer begins to hemorrhage uncontrollably, taking an additional 10d10 psychic damage, 5 levels of exhaustion and becomes paralyzed indefinitely - requiring a Greater Restoration spell to end the paralysis.

If the wearer survives the 7 day trance, they become attuned to the crown and a copy of their consciousness is absorbed into the personality within.

Aeshyr Transformation. Upon becoming attuned to the crown, if the wearer is not already a memeber of the Aeshyr race, they undergo a transformation over the course of 1d100 days, gradually mutating into a member of the Aeshyr Race at the end of the duration. This transformation functions identically to the spell "reincarnate".

These changes are permanent.


If the wearer is a member of the Aeshyr race they undergo a massive energized transformation of semi-divinity - becoming a demigod - so long as they continue to wear the crown.

Demigod Stats

When becoming a demigod, you are instilled with a variety of effects:

Ascended Mortality. Even though it is your godly parent that makes you special, you still have a mortal parent. You receive all of the racial traits that your mortal parent has - including their subrace - and you physically resemble that race in its most epitomized form.

Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase by 1, and 2 of your choice increase again by 1.

Speed. The base speed of your mortal race increases by 10 feet.

Fated. The threads of fate unravel and tie themselves anew for a demigod. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll.

Deific Tell. Your connection to the divine is strong and its strength gives you away to others. Creatures with the celestial, fey, fiend or undead creature type as well as creatures with a divine connection know you are a demigod. A successful Intelligence (Religion) check can be done against your Charisma (Deception) check to discern whether you are a demigod.

Godhood Information

Information about godhood and divinity can be found in The Path to Godhood

Divine Domain. Your godly nature has bestowed upon you limited access to one of your parent's domains. You gain the level appropriate spells of one of the Domains your godly parent has access to. You always have these spells prepared, and they don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You can cast each of these spells once per day.

These spells are cast using the following:

(Choose your intelligence, wisdom, or charisma to fuel these powers - this choice cannot be altered later.)

  • Spell save DC = 10 + your proficiency bonus + your chosen Modifier.
  • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your chosen Modifier.

Upon your ascension to quasideity, you use the "Domain Powers and Spells" feature of deities.

Divine Feats. Your feats of divine ability have manifested physically. You gain 1 Godly Action.

Choose an option from the Divine Feats that pertains to your parent's divine domain and portfolio. You count as Divine Rank 0 for the purpose of the Divine Feats.

Upon using the Divine Feat, you gain 1 level of exhaustion, and an additional level for each time you use it per day.

Divine Portfolio. You have dominion over a specific portfolio. You gain access to one portfolio that belongs to your godly parent.

Godly Parentage. Unswerving of will and unassailable of mind, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened. In addition, you cannot be aged magically.

Portfolio Sense. Demigods have a limited ability to sense events involving their portfolios. You automatically sense notable events and minor events within 5 miles that involves your portfolio. When a demigod senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. The demigod receives no sensory information about the event.

For example, if a demigod of the nature portfolio was within 5 miles of a forest fire it would become aware of it and where it is happening. If it was 10 miles away it wouldn't have any idea but if that forest fire broke the seal on an ancient evil that their godly parent or some other nature god locked away you would become aware of it as well as the location of the site.

Language of the Gods. All demigods have telepathy out to 120 feet - this telepathy can convey audial, visual, and tactile messages.

Divine Apotheosis If the wearer has met the following requirements:

  • Be a member of the Aeshyr Race
  • Attuned to the Ascension Crown
  • Undergone the Transubstantiation into Demigod
  • Have the Aeshyr Exemplar racial feat
  • Reached level 20

They may go through the final ability of the Ascension Crown - Divine Apotheosis.

By utilizing their Aeshyr Bond Trance, they may link their consciousness with an equal amount of other consciousnesses and become a psion of hundreds, thousands, or millions of other minds - all of which transfer their psionic energy to you, allowing you to become a living embodiment of their will ... effectively becoming a god and gaining a divine rank for as long as the bond is maintained.

This form was utilized by the Aeshyr to facilitate their war against the gods themselves - believing the worship and countless deaths made by gods to empower themselves to be abhorent, they created the Ascension crowns as a means to rival the divine in a way they believed to be superior, and humane.

The Divine Apotheosis can be maintained a number of hours equal to 1 + the Divine Rank produced by the linked consciousnesses (minimum 1 hour).

Upon ending the Apotheosis, the wearer has a 50% chance of hemorrhaging similar to attuning to the crown - taking an additional 10d10 psychic damage, 5 levels of exhaustion and becomes paralyzed indefinitely - requiring a Greater Restoration spell to end the paralysis.

Linked Consciousnesses
Divine Rank Divine Title Consciousnesses
0 Quasideity 500 - 5,000
1 Lesser Deity 5,001 - 100,000
2 100,001 - 250,000
3 250,001 - 500,000
4 500,001 - 750,000
5 750,001 - 1,000,000
6 Greater Deity 1,000,001 - 3,000,000
7 3,000,001 - 5,000,000
8 5,000,001 - 7,000,000
9 7,000,001 - 9,000,000
10 9,000,001 - 10,000,000

When becoming a quasideity, you must pick the Domain which you did not select for your Demigod domain. Then you may choose any domain for any divine rank after 0.

Energy Manipulation Ring

Ring, Mythical (requires attunement)

This ring has 10 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this ring.

While wearing this ring, you may use your reaction to cast the spell absorb elements for 1 charge per spell slot level.

Additionally, you can cast the following spells at will, using the ring as a focus:

  • Control Flames
  • Druidcraft
  • Gust
  • Light (targeting only the ring)
  • Mold Earth
  • Prestidigitation
  • Shape Water
  • Thaumaturgy


All Aeshyr bombs - unlike most other versions of their creations - are not made with the Orichantium alloy, as it would be useless to make an indestructible grenade. They are instead made simply from Orichalcum to ensure a stronger blast.

All Aeshyr versions of bombs double their blast damage, and deal an additional 2d6 force damage.

One bomb was made exclusively by the Aeshyr to subdue creatures for certain periods of time.

Stasis Grenade

Bomb, Mythical

Stasis grenades warp time and space, effectively locking a small area outside the normal flow of time via a series of controlled wormholes and gravitational manipulation.

On impact, the bomb explodes in a 15-foot radius, creatures must succeed on a wisdom saving throw DC 20, taking 6d6 force damage and enter a stasis for 10 minutes, or half damage and no stasis on a success. Multiple grenades exponentially increase the damage, radius, and time in stasis - and increase the DC by 5 for each additional grenade.

A creature in stasis is incapacitated and immune to all damage. It becomes immune to aging, and it's body functions cease. The creature is covered in a static-like aura of energy and seems to be phased out of existence.

Once detonated, a stasis grenade disintegrates due to temporal collapse.

Information Devices

Aeshyr information devices are amongst the most versatile and useful inventions of their people. Literally containing the consciousnesses, experiences, knowledge and memories of dozens to thousands of Aeshyr within an indestructible shell - only able to be opened with their own Tools.

Information devices like these are generally only able to be easily accessed with an Aeshyr Bond Trance, or alternatively, through an incredibly long process of the dissection of it's internal network and telepathically observing it - which doesnt always work. Thus, the best way to use an informational device is by being an Aeshyr ... or an incredibly rich individual with access to magic and technology.

All information devices come with a property:

Link (#/#) An information device has two DCs, the first DC is the DC for an Aeshyr utilizing their Bond Trance (or a creature with the Bond Trance feature) to access the device after attuning. The second DC is for any creature attempting to technologically dissect and telepathically communicate with the device after attuning.

Both DCs are made with Intelligence.

An individual cannot gain info points from the same device more than once.

Memory Shard

Information Device, Mythical (requires attunement)

Link (15/25)

Small rectangular or circular crystalline disks capable of holding the memories of only a handful of individuals - up to 10.

If a successful Link is created, a creature may learn basic knowledge of a singular subject: You gain 1 info point


Information Device, Mythical (requires attunement)

Link (20/30)

Crystalline, three dimensional cubes, tetrahedrons, or spheres that can hold the memories, and skills of up to 100 individual lives.

If a successful Link is created, a creature may learn advanced knowledge of a few subjects: You gain 2 info points

Bond Beacon

Information Device, Mythical (requires attunement)

Link (25/35)

Massive technological objects akin to obelisks, pillars, or small pyramids that can hold the collective memories, skills, experiences, and consciousnesses of a great multitude of individuals. Able to hold up to 1,000 individual's memories.

If a successful Link is created, a creature may learn extensive knowledge of several subjects: You gain 3 info points


Information Device, Mythical (requires attunement)

Link (30/40)

A superstructure of multiple neuro-machines and several other forms of informational devices fused together to create a massive computational storage device. These are incredibly rare, and are estimated to be able to hold up to 10,000 individuals - but no max limit is known.

If a successful Link is created, a creature may learn incredible knowledge of a vast number of subjects: You gain 4 info points

The following table shows the individual costs of information that can be purchased with the info points granted by the above devices - all points must be spent at once. And certain devices can only grant certain abilities.
Information Table
Device Ability Score Feats Boons
Memory Shard 1
Neurocron 1 2
Bond Beacon 1 2
Metamatrix 1 2 4

Aeshyr Engineering Kit

Artisan's Tools, Mythical

These specialized tools are crafted from Orichantium, Chlorophyte, and Fractal Animite, and include the items needed to dissect and dismantle Aeshyr technology.

Because they are crafted with chlorophyte, using the tools grants proficiency in the chosen tool set, expertise for those with proficiency, and savantism for those with expertise.

The tool kit can be used in place of any other form of Artisan's Tools or Thieves Tools.

Using the tools to dismantle Aeshyr technology and objects still requires proficiency in the Tools themselves.

The following tools are included in the kit:

  • Chemical Condenser - This semi-spherical crystal ball has a slight beaker like opening at the top, with a series of intricate switches and levers to determine forms of common chemicals to condense within the apparatus.
  • Energy Hearth - A cubic 6 inch hearth that has a single pressure plate on the side, when pressed, it ignites a self contained plasma fire whose temperature can be regulated.
  • Flow-Ink Pen - This metal, sharp pointed pen has a replicating ink vial on the opposite end, continuously producing ink when pressure is applied to the point. The ink can be changed in color, texture, and consistency.
  • Microweave Silver - A metal spool of incredibly - almost microscopically thin - alchemical silver thread.
  • Plasma Torch - A rod like apparatus that ignites a concentrated beam of plasma from the tip - temperature can be regulated, and the beam reaches up to 5 feet.
  • Resonance Wand - This Orichantium wand has a fractal set of animite crystals on the end. When tapped against a hard surface, the crystals resonate loudly - the resonance can be pitched up to a high vibrational frequency to induce a high impact effect similar to hammering or continuous pressure, or pitched down to a fine frequency meant for fine tuning.
  • Replicator - This small metal chest has a series of runes, switches, and levers on the outside base. When closed, one can input a series of instructions to produce any basic nonmagical substance - then open the chest to retrieve it.
  • Stabilized Pliers - These pliers are gyroscopically stable and allow one to hold onto volatile and fragile substances with ease - or grip them with an incredible amount of force.
  • Starstone Compass - This Orichantium compass holds within it a series of crystalline needles and clockwork - continuously showing the position of the local star, the time cycle of the planet the compass is on, and the current elevation in relation to the core.
  • Vibroknife - A knife with a vibrational frequency that can be controlled to cut through anything from flesh to metal.

All of these individual tools are stored within a glowing Orichantium box 5 cubic feet in diameter, weighing 10 pounds in total. The box itself produces bright light for 10 feet, and dim light for an additional 10 feet - which can be turned off or on.

As an action, the closed box can be shrunken down to a 5 cubic inch box, weighing 2 pounds, resulting in an easily portable tool kit and workbench.

Proficiency Ladder

The Aeshyr Engineering Kit is a set of tools that can fulfill the function of any other set of Artisan's Tools or Thieves Tools, using these tools results in an unskilled user gaining proficiency in the chosen craft, a skilled user gaining expertise in the chosen craft, an expert gaining savantism, and a savant being unparalleled - this is shown below:

  • Unskilled = no proficiency
  • Skilled = add proficiency bonus
  • Expertise = double proficiency bonus
  • Savant = triple proficiency bonus

Using these tools pushes one's proficiency "up the ladder" so-to-speak: resulting in exponential mastery.

Because of this, one must learn to be proficient in the Engineering Kit in order to properly alter, dismantle, or repair Aeshyr Technology - due to how complicated the structure and flow of Aeshyr Tech is, it can only be accessed by an expert level of understanding.


The Following Section lays the foundation for the properties of Aeshyr Vehicles to be found later in this pdf.

Vehicle Properties

A vehicle stat block includes many parts that are similar to creature statistics. They have hit points, armor class, speed, ability scores, and so forth. This section covers the distinctions between vehicles and creature statistics.


Vehicles have size categories similar to creatures, though there is not always a direct correlation between a vehicle's real world size and its catergory.

Instead of thinking of vehicles in terms of absolute lengths, the size categories are meant to be comparative for different classes of vehicles. Some vehicles are clearly larger or smaller than others.

Size is primarily used for determining speed, maneuverability and damage from attacks.

Vehicle Type

A vehicles can be a land, water, air, or space vehicle, depending on the types of special movement available to them. A Land vehicle moves or climbs across solid surfaces, a water vehicle has a swimming speed, air vehicle has a flying or hover speed, and space vehicles have a distinct form of air and vacuum speed. Very rarely, a vehicle may have multiple types of mobility.

If a vehicle has more than one type of movement, then the precedence of the vehicle's type is determined by whether it has a swimming or flying speed. Water takes precedence over land, air takes precedence over land and water, and space supersedes all three - but will normally have a primary air speed.

If a vehicle that lacks a swimming speed enters a liquid substance, it can't move and it begins to sink at a rate of 10 feet per round until it is removed.

If a vehicle that is not a space vehicle is introduced into vacuum or a space-like environment, it does not cease to function, but the occupants inside are still subject to the forces of space & vacuum - essentially killing them. Additionally, in order to move a vehicle in space, the vehicle must have a fly speed.

Driver/Rider Limit

The Driver/Rider limit determines the amount of people that can comfortably inhabit a vehicle without squeezing, or without exceeding the safety equipment of the vehicle. For example, a vehicle - such as a car - might have space for 1 driver and 4 riders, and any additional riders past the limit may have to squeeze in between other riders, sit on their laps, or even try to find space in the trunk.

The DM decides the exact penalty for exceeding the driver/rider limit. For example, a creature squeezing between other riders or in awkward positions may suffer the effects of a creature squeezing into a smaller place: the squeezing creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls against the creature have advantage against the creature. A creature lying in the trunk of a vehicle may have vulnerability to any damage the vehicle would sustain in a crash or outside force.

Cargo Capacity

A vehicle's capacity is the amount of weight a vehicle can carry without penalty. The weight of drivers/riders does not count against a vehicle's capacity, unless the DM decides that a rider is exceptionally heavy for the vehicle.

If a vehicle's cargo capacity is exceeded, its fuel efficiency is decreased, the vehicle consumes 2 miles of range for every 1 mile it travels - essentially cutting its max range in half (but not its speed). If a vehicle is carrying more than twice its cargo capacity, its speed is reduced by half. If a vehicle is carrying more than thrice its cargo capacity, the vehicle can't move.


A vehicle's range is the maximum distance a vehicle can travel on a full tank of fuel. Fuel for a vehicle can be a variety of various forms - such as fossil fuels, electric batteries, crystals, or even a magic engine you must pour spell slots into. Once a vehicle is out of fuel, it can't move, can't take actions or reactions, and if it would explode when it reaches 0 hit points, it does not.

Most types of fuel are easy to purchase at a rate of 1 gold per 5 miles, and fuel stations are readily available in civilizations with like-wise technologies. Some vehicles may use advanced fuel - such as nuclear decay or magical artifacts - which would be much harder to find.

Ability Scores

A vehicles has the six ability scores and modifiers: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

A vehicle's Strength represents a combination of its size, weight, and the torque or power it can bring to bear. A vehicle's Dexterity describes its handling, braking, acceleration, and stability. A Vehicle's Constitution embodies its durability, the sturdiness of its frame, and the amount of damage its internals can sustain before it ceases to function. Constitution also determines a system's internal resilience to meddling from spells and the integrity of its systems.

Vehicles usually have a score of 0 in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, and automatically fail any ability check or saving throw using those scores. One Major exception are sentient vehicles, which typically have non-zero Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.

Hit Points

A vehicle has hit points, and will be destroyed if they are reduced to 0. A vehicle does not have Hit Dice. To restore hit points, the vehicle must be repaired - some vehicles have auto-repair modules that slowly fix themselves over time.

Challenge (CR)

Vehicles each have a challenge rating, similar to monsters or non-player characters. When creating a vehicle, you can use a similar process to the 'Creating a Monster' section of the DMG.

The primary difference comes when calculating a vehicle's offensive challenge rating. Many vehicles don't have weapons included in their stat blocks, since they have no weapons installed by default. For these cases it is recommended to calculate a vehicle's offensive challenge rating as though it has weapons installed; use the statistics for a melee weapon mount if the vehicle has a high Strength score, otherwise use the statistics for a ranged weapon mount.

See the 'Vehicle Weapons and Damage' area later in this section for more information on arming a vehicle.

vehicle Proficiency Bonus

A vehicle's proficiency bonus is determined by its challenge rating, in a manner similar to monsters, as shown in the table below.

Challenge Rating Proficiency Bonus
0-4 +2
5-8 +3
9-12 +4
13-16 +5
17-20 +6
21-24 +7
25-28 +8
29-32 +9
33-36 +10
37-40 +11

A vehicle's proficiency bonus is added to the relevant ability modifier when the vehicle makes ability checks and saving throws with which it is proficient.

It also adds it to ranged weapon attacks that the vehicle makes using its Constitution modifier.

Explosive Death

Almost all vehicles explode when they are reduced to 0 hit points. Typically, targets near the vehicle must make a Dexterity saving throw to reduce the damage. The DC of the saving throw is 10 + the Vehicle's Constitution modifier.

The fire (or force in some cases) damage caused by the explosion is based on its size category, as shown in the Vehicle Explosion table.

Vehicle Explosion
Vehicle Size Damage
Medium (5 x 5) 2d6
Large (10 x 10) 4d6
Huge (15 x 15) 6d6
Gargantuan (20 x 20) 8d6
Colossal (30 x 30) 10d6
*Titanic+ (60 x 60) 12d6+

Some vehicles may be so large and off the scale, that their sizes are dramatically massive - and therefore their destruction would be equally massive.

Actions and Reactions

Vehicles can have many different types of actions and reaction, although they can't use them unless a driver grants the vehicle its action or reaction. A vehicle can only take the Attack, Disengage, or Ready actions.

A vehicle may have weapons installed on it through the melee or ranged weapon mount vehicle modifications. Alternatively, it may have special weapons designed for it that have their own properties. Any weapons and other special actions available to the vehicle fall under the Actions section of the Vehicle's stat block.

Typically, when the vehicle's special actions and abilities, such as a special attack such as a railgun, force a target to make a saving throw, the saving throw DC is determined by using the following formula: 8 + the vehicle's proficiency bonus + the vehicle's Constitution modifier. However, some actions may use other ability modifiers.

Vehicles may also have reactions available to them through modifications or special equipment.

Some vehicles even have legendary actions. Vehicles with legendary actions require a driver that is proficient with the vehicle type to drive them, and can only take legendary actions while the vehicle has a proficient driver that is not incapacitated.

Damage Threshold

Vehicles with a Damage Threshold have immunity to all damage unless the vehicle takes an amount of damage from a single Attack or Effect equal to or greater than its Damage Threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal.

Vehicle Weapons and Damage

Vehicles may be equipped with mounted melee and ranged weapons. They can be standard weapons like those available as vehicle modifications, in the form of the Melee Weapon Mount and the Ranged Weapon Mount. Alternatively, they could be weapons specially designed for the vehicle.

When determining the attack bonus and damage of a vehicle's standard Melee Weapon Mount, use the table below. The weapon usually deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, depending on the nature of the weapon.

Melee Weapon Mount Attacks
Size Attack Bonus Damage
Medium Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 1d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier
Large Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 2d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier
Huge Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 3d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier
Gargantuan Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 4d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier
Colossal Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 5d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier
Titanic+ Vehicle's Strength modifier + proficiency bonus 6d8 + the vehicle's Strength modifier

For the attack bonus of a vehicle's standard Ranged Weapon Mount, the attack bonus depends on whether the attack is made using the driver's Dexterity or the Vehicle's Constitution for the attack roll, as shown in the Ranged Weapon Mount Attacks table (driver chooses when they make the attack). The damage type depends on the weapon and ammunition.

Ranged Weapon Mount Attacks
Size Attack Bonus
Dexterity Driver's Dexterity modifier + proficiency bonus
Constitution Vehicle's Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus

In addition, if the vehicle is Huge or larger, the vehicle also uses more powerful ranged weaponry, and thus can add its Constitution modifier to damage rolls for its ranged weapon attacks.

When creating statistics for a vehicle, it's recommended to use the vehicle's Constitution formula for determining its attack bonus. This makes it easier to standardize the vehicle for challenge rating calculation without having to make assumptions on the statistics of the driver.

Aeshyr Vehicles

The Aeshyr people, having been so technologically and magically advanced, devised several ways to traverse the land, seas, skies, and the spaces beyond.

As most vehicles are incredibly large, requiring vast amounts of material to be constructed - not all vehicles are made of the mythical Orichantium alloy, but are instead plated with it to allow protection, which can still be bypassed when enough force is applied.

As with all Aeshyr Technology made of Orichantium, all attacks and abilities made by Aeshyr vehicles are considered magical and have the Cosmic Bypass feature.

Regardless, many of these vehicles are utter juggernauts of technological prowess.

Aehsyr "Seax" Speeder

These Aeshyr vehicles are the standard all-terrain speeder that allowed quick response to combat scenarios and emergencies - as well as the easy transport of one or two individuals across a variety of terrain.

The Driver and Rider both ride inside a small cockpit at the back of the speeder, where a small floating canopy resides over them.

Despite having a flying hover speed, the vehicle cannot take to the air more than 5 feet above any form of surface below it - as the gravity generators rely upon a form of surface below in order to hover in the first place.

Regardless, this vehicle can function in any form of environment - including underwater and space - provided there is a surface for it to hover across.

Seax Speeder

Medium land vehicle

  • Driver/Rider Limit 1/1
  • Cargo Capacity 500 lbs
  • Range 500 miles
  • Damage Threshold 10

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 100
  • Speed 0 ft., fly (hover) 100 ft (≈ 12.5 mph).

15(+2) 20(+5) 15(+2) 0 0 0

  • Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +4
  • Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +4
  • Damage Resistances all
  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Hovercraft. Designed to hover across any form of terrain, the Seax Speeder cannot take to the air any more than 5 feet above the surface. If no surface is beneath, the Seax Speeder will fall until it reaches a surface.

Environmental. The Seax Speeder can function in almost all environments, including underwater, extreme heat and cold, and space.

Stable Flight. The Seax Speeder has a +5 bonus to ability checks and saving throws against effects that would knock it prone.

Aeshyrite Explosive Death. When the Seax Speeder is destroyed, it explodes. Targets within 10 feet of the Seax Speeder must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 7 (2d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Multiattack. The Seax Speeder makes two rail shot attacks.

Rail Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage.

Skeggøx Mech

Large space vehicle

  • Driver Limit 1
  • Cargo Capacity 2,000 lbs
  • Range 1,000 miles
  • Damage Threshold 25

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 200
  • Speed 100 ft (≈ 11 mph)., fly 150 ft (≈ 17 mph).

21(+5) 17(+3) 21(+5) 0 0 0

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +8, Con +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +10
  • Damage Resistances all
  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
  • Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Armored Cockpit. Bulletproof armor grants total cover to the Skeggøx's rider from attacks or other effects originating from outside the mech, while sensors grant the driver vision and audio feed from the outside. If the mech is opened, this effect is negated.

Environmental. The Ulfberht can function in almost all environments, including underwater, extreme heat and cold, and space.

Walking Colossus. If the Skeggøx is knocked prone, it may spend 5 feet to stand back up.

Aeshyrite Explosive Death. When the Ulfberht is destroyed, it explodes. Targets within 20 feet of the Ulfberht must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 14 (4d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Multiattack. The Skeggøx Mech makes two weapon attacks.

Rail Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage.

Weave Cleaver. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 9) force & psychic damage (half force, half psychic).

The blade can pierce through solid objects - regardless of their material - for the entirety of the length of the blade (10 feet). This also affects creations such as a forcecage, wall of force, prismatic wall, or similar magical creation. You can make attacks through objects at creatures on the other side with disadvantage (unless you see them through the material).

Psionic Slash (Recharge 5-6). Using an action, you swiftly swing the Weave Cleaver in a wide arc and a psionic slash erupts from the blade. Each creature in a 120-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes damage equal to your weapon damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.


Warp Step. When the Skeggøx is attacked by a creature or vehicle, it can cast misty step as a reaction.


Aehsyr "Skeggøx" Mech

These Aeshyr mechs are the main engagement vehicles utilized against high priority threats. Meant to be used in conjunction with strike teams and heavy weapons.

These mechs are mostly piloted by Aeshyr Exemplars donned in Energized Bulwark armor - so if necessary they can eject themselves out of the mech and engage in physical and psionic combat immediately.

Like most Aeshyr vehicles, they are able to be operated in almost every environment.

Ulfberht Dropship

Gargantuan space vehicle

  • Driver/Rider Limit 2/20
  • Cargo Capacity 20,000 lbs
  • Range 5,000 miles
  • Damage Threshold 50

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 300
  • Speed 0 ft., fly (hover) 220 ft (≈ 25 mph).

20(+5) 20(+5) 23(+6) 0 0 0

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +10, Con +11
  • Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +10
  • Damage Resistances all
  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
  • Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Drop-Lift. The Ulfberht is equipped with a gravity field generator from the underside of the dropship, accessible via an opening into the hold. The gravity field can be extended down a height of 100 feet below it.

A creature of large or smaller size riding the dropship, or near the gravity field beneath the dropship, can use its bonus action to begin ascending or descending the gravity field at a speed of 50 feet per turn without taking falling damage if it lands.

The gravity field can be engaged while in the air as one of the Driver's or Riders' actions. It cannot be engaged while landed.

Environmental. The Ulfberht can function in almost all environments, including underwater, extreme heat and cold, and space.

Shielded Riders. Bulletproof windows and armor grants total cover to the Ulfberht's drivers and riders from attacks or other effects originating from outside the dropship. If the windows or doors are opened, this effect is negated on the side they are open.

Stable Flight. The Ulfberht has a +5 bonus to ability checks and saving throws against effects that would knock it prone.

Teleport (1/day). The Ulfberht may cast the spell teleport once a day, targeting itself and all drivers and riders on board - The use of maps and starcharts allows the ship to teleport without failure.

Aeshyrite Explosive Death. When the Ulfberht is destroyed, it explodes. Targets within 40 feet of the Ulfberht must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 28 (8d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Multiattack. The Ulfberht Dropship makes three weapon attacks, and only one of which can be a Particle Ray attack.

Railgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range 200/800 ft., one target. Hit 30 (3d12 + 11) piercing damage.

Particle Ray. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range 300/1200 ft., one target. Hit 38 (5d10 + 11) acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (choose one while firing). This weapon has the "Sustained Beam" property of the spectral particle rifle - with no cooldown period.


Deflector Shield (1/day). When the Ulfberht is attacked by a creature or vehicle, it can deploy a deflector shield that adds +5 to it's AC for 1 round.

Aehsyr "Ulfberht" Dropship

The "Ulfberht" dropship is the main personnel combat transport vehicle utilized by Aeshyr strike squads, able to be deployed with haste and firepower for deadlier objectives.

The "Ulfberht" is heavily armed, armored, fast, and built to withstand most forms of environments and atmospheres. As with most Aeshyr vehicles, they are able to function in both underwater and space.

In addition, the dropship is capable of short distance space travel - intended to be piloted across the world, as well as between worlds for very short periods of time.

Aehsyr "Geirr" Titan Ship

The "Geirr" Titan Ship is a marvel of Aeshyr technological and magical engineering, able to hold a multitude of vehicles and armaments within it's hull, and functioning practically as a city unto itself.

Able to make massive interstellar jumps as well as worldly expeditions in-atmosphere, the Geirr titan ship is the juggernaut that many Aeshyr armies relied upon to travel and discover the stars.

Outfitted with a multitude of armaments, and heavily armored against all forms of damage, the Geirr titan ship can only function when maned by a full crew of a thousand hands.

Aeshyr Persona

The Geirr titan ship is usually equipped with an Aeshyr Persona, which is the equivalent of a Sentient Bond Beacon, taking the form of an AI that manifests as a semi-spectral being that helps coordinate the efforts of the crew on board. Without the Persona on board, the ship takes twice as many people to crew effectively.

The Aeshyr Persona has the capability to monitor all creatures and contents within it's ship, and can inform the operating crew of potential dangers, injuries, and breaches. Additionally, the Persona has the ability to mentally or physically communicate with all creatures on board.

This Persona is effectively the soul of the ship itself, as it cannot manifest outside of it's hulls.

Geirr Titan Ship

Macrolarge sentient space vehicle (aberration), neutral

  • Driver/Rider Limit 1,000/10,000
  • Cargo Capacity 500,000 tons
  • Range 50,000 miles
  • Damage Threshold 100

  • Armor Class 25
  • Hit Points 2,500
  • Speed 0 ft., fly (hover) 1,000 ft (≈ 115 mph).

20(+5) 30(+10) 30(+10) 20(+5) 16(+3) 18(+4)

  • Saving Throws Str +13, Dex +18, Con +18, Int +13
  • Skills Acrobatics +18, Arcana +13, Athletics +13, History +13, Investigation +13, Perception +11
  • Damage Resistances all
  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
  • Senses truesight (within ship) and 500 ft., Passive Perception 21
  • Languages all, telepathy (within ship) and 500 ft.
  • Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)

Articore. The Geirr titan ship is outfitted with a specialized power source called an Articore, which is a magical construct that is composed of an orichantium shell surrounding a large energized core of animite.

This Articore grants enough power for the ship to function for its maximum range as well as three uses of teleport and one plane shift, after which, the core must be ejected and replaced - it is standard practice to carry replacement cores on-board.

Without a functioning core, the ship effectively becomes depowered and none of it's life support, movement, or battle capabilities can be utilized until a replacement is installed. Luckily, backup power remains functional for 24 hours after core failure.

Drop-Lift, Superior. The Geirr is equipped with a massive gravity field generator from the underside of the titan ship, accessible via an opening in it's cargo hold. The gravity field can be extended down a height of 500 feet below it.

A creature of gargantuan or smaller size inside the titan ship, or near the gravity field beneath the ship, can use its bonus action to begin ascending or descending the gravity field at a speed of 100 feet per turn without taking falling damage if it lands.

The gravity field can be engaged while in the air as one of the Driver's or Riders' actions. It cannot be engaged while landed.

Environmental. The Geirr can function in almost all environments, including underwater, extreme heat and cold, and space.

Shielded Hull. Bulletproof vacuum-sealed windows, hulls and armor plating grants total cover to the Geirr's drivers and riders from attacks or other effects originating from outside the ship. If the windows or doors are opened - or if the hull is breached - this effect is negated in the area they are open (minimum 5ft square).

Superior Flight. The Geirr has a +10 bonus to ability checks and saving throws against effects that would knock it prone.

Teleport (3/day). The Geirr may cast the spell teleport three times a day, targeting itself and all drivers and riders on board - The use of maps and starcharts allows the ship to teleport without failure.

Plane Shift (1/day). The Geirr may cast the spell planeshift once a day, targeting itself and all drivers and riders on board - The use of maps and planar charts allows the ship to planeshift without failure.

Articore Meltdown. When the Geirr is destroyed, it explodes. Targets within 5 miles of the Geirr must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 70 (20d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If the Aeshyr Persona is still on board, they may prolong the Articore Meltdown so long as they remain on board the wreckage.

Legendary Resistance. (3/Day, Requires Persona) If the Geirr fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The Geirr Titan Ship makes four weapon attacks.

Railcannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, range 2000/8000 ft., one target. Hit 52 (5d12 + 19) piercing damage.

Cloud Cover (3/Day, Requires Persona). Atmospheric elements heat, cool, or electrify the air around the Geirr, creating a 100-foot-radius sphere of clouds off the hull around it for 1 hour - making the ship appear as a cloud front. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. A wind of strong or greater speed (at least 35 miles per hour) disperses it.

While the Cloud Cover is up, th Geirr gains a +10 to Stealth checks, and all stealth checks are made with Advantage. Wisdom (perception) checks made to determine where the Geirr is located are made with disadvantage and a -10 penalty. Additionally, the sounds and movement of the Geirr are masked by the sounds of thunder or wind.

For 1 minute after this ability is used, creatures caught in the cloud cover 100 feet of the Geirr take 10 (3d6) fire, cold, or lightning damage at the start of each of their turns (your choice when deploying the cloud cover).


Warp Barrier. (Requires Persona) When the Geirr is hit by a ranged weapon attack, the Geirr is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the attacker as though it originated from the Geirr, turning the attacker into the target.

Legendary Actions (Requires Persona)

The Geirr Titan Ship can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Geirr Titan Ship regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Scan. One of the Geirr's drivers makes a Wisdom (Perception) check with advantage.

Railcannon Barrage. (Costs 2 Actions) The Geirr makes two railcannon attacks.

Antimatter Cannon. (Costs 3 Actions, 1/Month) The Geirr fires an antimatter discharge in a 5 mile-long line that is 50 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw, taking 252 (5d100) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage deals 3x damage to objects and structures and ignores all forms of cover. A creature or object reduced to 0 hitpoints by this attack is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except for artifacts, are reduced to atoms. A disintegrated creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.

"Audapaupadopolis" - The Fortress World

Audapaupadopolis - which loosely translates to "City of the First Father"- Is the Aeshyr Fortress World. This "ship" is much less a ship as much as it is a whole planet-sized fortress that the Aeshyr utilized to seed life and magic across the multiverse.

This fortress is known to be the oldest functioning ship of the Aeshyr Armada - and was able to house several thousand Geirr Titan ships as well as a world's population.

The Fortress World itself emits a magical atmosphere and gravity emanating from deep within it's core, and has everything from self-sustaining water sources, oxygen circulation, extravagant state-sized gardens, and a sprawling super-metropolis upon it's upper-most surface - which houses the main control ring; floating above the triple-spired research structure in it's center.

It is thought that this Fortress World was the original means by which the Aehsyr traveled to this multiverse from beyond the edges of reality eons ago.

Secret and Safe

The Fortress World of Audapaupadopolis maintains it's secrecy throughout all time by means of two prime defense tactics: Nullification and Cover.

The process of Nullification allows the Fortress World to remain undetected by any form of scrying, sensors, scanning, teleportation, plane shift, or similar methods to locate it. This is maintained by a series of super structures on the Fortress World that blur it's location to any form of tracking - even by the gods.

The second process is by far the most simple one: Cover. The atmosphere that the Fortress World emits masks it's presence as a Gas Giant planet if ever physically found - casting doubt on those who believe to have deciphered it's location.

The only assured way to locate Audapaupadopolis is to have been there before - that being said, the use of the correct Aeshyr starmaps and planar charts would facilitate easy access. However, many maps and charts are hard to come by, as most were either wiped out to secure the Fortress World's safety, or are hidden - and the Aehsyr hide their secrets very well.

The Astral Forge

Within the sealed off inner layers of the Fortress World lies the largest Aeshyr Information conduit known to exist: The Astral Forge. This massive construct is a series of overlapping, gyrating rings that surround what appears to be a miniature green star. Interestingly enough, the Astral Forge seems to be housed in it's own demiplane within the Fortress World

The size of the Astral Forge is massive - with the largest and outermost ring of the construct having a 37-mile diameter - and the star itself seems suspended in an intricate gravity field. There appear to be 12 rings in total, each having their diameter correspond with the first 12 prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, and 37.

The rings themselves function directly as the Informational Conduits - holding potentially millions of Aehsyr souls per ring - the sum total of all rings being incalculable. The star itself seems to be a power source of some form; presumably powering the rings as well as the Fortress World itself.

Based on records left behind in the libraries of the Aeshyr, the Astral Forge was the means by which the Highest of the Aeshyr were able to psionically construct planes and worlds across the mutliverse - and may be the means by which the Astral Plane was created using the Ascension Crowns - thereby allowing the outer planes to take form eons ago.

Birthplace of the Gods

It is said that the very first Gods and divine entities that lived were birthed in the research facilities on this fortress world. These gods were meant to function as a means to ensure the mortal races that were seeded across the multiverse had some form of guardianship, protection, and oversight where the Aeshyr could not reach or remain in contact.

Unarmed, yet Powerful

The Fortress World of Audapaupadopolis holds no offensive capabilities unto itself, but it does allow for several Geirr Titan Ships to be docked, which when the city is under attack are launched into orbit to deliver retribution to the attackers.

The Fortress World also can deploy a massive energy shield to cover Audapaupadopolis against overwhelming damage - this shield can only be active for a number of hours equal to how many individuals are manning each of the three control spires.

This shield grants immunity to all forms of damage and environmental hazards to the fortress world as well as all creatures or entities within it. Additionally, while the shield is active, no entities or objects can leave the atmosphere of the surrounding area - no matter if they are physical, ethereal, or anything in between or beyond.


Audapaupadolis can teleport and planeshift at will, transporting it and all creatures, objects, and items within it. This transportation can only be utilized if at least one individual is manning one of the control spires.

Additionally, teleport and planeshift can target any number of individual creatures within the fortress world.

Genesis and Temporal Shift

While the Astral Forge is manned within Audapaupadolis, the following can be cast:

  • Genesis (1/month)
  • Time Travel (1/month)

When Genesis is cast, it can be cast within any range - targeting any locale within the current multiverse.

When Time Travel is cast, it targets the fortress world and all creatures, objects, and items within it.

High Magic Spells

The spells of Genesis and Time Travel can be located in the following pdf:

Pryxis's Pages of Pure Magic


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