Rope Dart

by bfreeman

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Rope Dart

finesse, reach (15), two-handed, special
Martial Melee Weapon | Cost: 15 gp | Damage: 1d6 piercing | Weight: 3 lb.

The rope dart consists of a piercing blade affixed to the end of a length of rope. The rope can be swung around the body, using the arms and legs as pivot points to build momentum. As the rope unwinds, the blade can be flung at nearby foes.

You have disadvantage when you use the rope dart to attack a target within 5 feet of you. As a bonus action, you may coil the rope and use this weapon as a dagger with the two-handed property and lacking the thrown property or uncoil the rope and resume its normal use. Additionally, the rope dart can be used as a monk weapon.

Art: Salih Durukan


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