The Sortilegeir v5 . 8 . 0

by Shineko13x

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The Sortilegeir| Introduction & Class Features

The Sortilegeir

The Sortilegeir, unlike the Wizard, does not study magic. Instead, these peculiar casters are dedicated to the study of spellcraft: runes, components, formulas, and all other aspects of casting, both esoteric and formulaic. Although some are mistaken for Wizards or Sorcerers, it should be noted that not all Sortilegeirs are dedicated to magecraft, though all study spellcraft in some manner. Unlike other casters and mages, there are no official “Schools of Sortilege” that can be compared to a Bardic College, a Druidic Circle, or some other categorical practice of magic. Much of the practice is composed of commoners, former charlatans, adventurers, or masters of sleight of hand that accidentally discovered they have some slight spark of arcane talent of enough note to merit pursuit. The very origin of the concept of a Sortilegeir lies within these roots. This name, much like the term brigand or rogue, was a categorical term. It referred to “lesser casters”, the weak, inept, or fraudulent, those that can barely imitate what true casters do. As one might expect, the practitioners of Sortilege are traditionally unorganized or poorly respected. In fact, the modern study of spellcraft known as Sortilege is the result of several small institutions, specific clans, and individual practitioners that had a vested interest in the study of spell formulas and cantrips finally coming together as an official arcane practice. The official practice may still be very young, but the traditional moniker of the Sortilegeir is still alive and well in the form of the many occupations that lead one to study spellcraft, some of which are also beginning to organize as their magecraft-practicing cousins have done.

Creating a Sortilegeir

Regardless of their particular origin, all Sortilegeirs (especially if formally educated) primarily focus on mastering and empowering the most basic and fundamental spells that other casters rarely bother remembering. Rather than amassing arcane power or direct control over magic, the Sortilegeir seeks to harness the principles of magic through the study of spellcraft, allowing for much more robust and efficient casting as opposed to the use of sheer magical power. This often leads to the mistaken impression that Sortilegeirs cannot use the more powerful spells other casters might focus on. In truth, they simply choose to improve their magical prowess through refining their spellcraft instead of recklessly pursuing the greater depths of the Arcane, as other mages are prone to do. Although it is rare for a Sortilegeir to become powerful themselves, this core philosophy allows even practitioners with extremely little arcane potential to cast spells (especially basic or fundamental spells) with a level of efficiency, versatility, and efficacy that is impossible for other casters to reach.

It is important to consider the cultural status of Sortilegeirs and the general practice of Sortilege, especially how other casters may react to a Sortilegeir. The reaction of a traditional Wizard or Sorcerer towards a Sortilegeir may be condescending or even hostile. However, the reaction of an enchanter, craftsman, or merchant, such as a spell scroll vendor or a blacksmith, may be more agreeable than normal when considering the nature of a Sortilegeir’s profession and study.

Of course, Sortilegeirs tend to treat each other favorably regardless of practice, and many Sortilegeirs that are not formally educated are likely to have a good rapport within their original communities, such as a guild or organization related to their original profession. It is also important to remember that many Sortilegeirs have humble origins, especially those that do not directly practice magecraft.

The setting of one’s adventures is also important in deciding what kind of Sortilegeir to be. The concept of this type of caster is flexible and can fit a wide array of settings, regardless of whether the focus is on the modern “emerging practice” or the traditional “charlatan-like” conception of a Sortilegeir. A Sortilegeir can easily be anything from a traveling street magician, a former mage’s apprentice, a hobbyist craftsman, an experienced explorer that picked up a few tricks, a thrifty merchant looking to learn spells for their trade and self-defense, a young noble eager to join a developing field, a serious scholarly researcher of spells, or just an enthusiastic dabbler in the arcane arts.

Build Advice / Recommendations

The most important Ability Score for a Sortilegeir is Intelligence, followed by Constitution and Dexterity. Depending on your Practice, you may also want to consider investing in Charisma or Wisdom instead of Dexterity.

Several of the features and Cantrip Techniques available to you will make certain spells more useful than normal. Many spells that use a D4, such as Healing Word and Magic Missile, will work well with them. It is important to consider the use of certain spells and cantrips such as True Strike or Armor of Agathys if you plan to orient yourself around melee combat. It is important to know at least one spell or cantrip with a Saving Throw. Word of Radiance or Toll the Dead are highly recommended.

Backgrounds such as Charlatan, Sage, Soldier, Merchant, Artisan, Acolyte, or Entertainer work well with the concept of a Sortilegeir. Other backgrounds, such as Noble, Urchin, Hermit, Criminal, or Folk Hero may also fit the concept of the class. However, the concept of this class is flexible enough that most backgrounds can work well enough.

Do not be afraid to experiment with your spell list and Cantrip Techniques! Be creative with your use of cantrips, both in combat and in social encounters! Most of all, do not be afraid to expand your collection of higher level spells!

You are in a unique position to fill all sorts of roles within the party. You can easily optimize yourself for a wide variety of scenarios that this game can offer. Don't be afraid to try new things. This class is built with flexibility in mind. Whether you want to be a specialist or generalist, a strong supporter or highly self-sufficient, this class can handle it. Feel free to experiment with the tools this class provides and find a play style (or styles) that suits you.

The Sortilegeir | Class Features
The Sortilegeir
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spell Charges 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Sortilege Practice 4 2
2nd +2 Fledgling Fundamentalist, Arcane Escamotage 4 4 2
3rd +2 Legerdemain Magecraft 4 6 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 8 3
5th +3 Fully Fledged Fundamentalist 5 10 4 2
6th +3 Hastened Cantrip 5 12 4 2
7th +3 Practice Feature 5 14 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 16 4 3
9th +4 5 18 4 3 2
10th +4 Condensed Cantrip 6 20 4 3 2
11th +4 6 22 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 24 4 3 3
13th +5 6 26 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Arcane Eidolon, Practice Feature 6 28 4 3 3 1
15th +5 6 30 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 32 4 3 3 2
17th +6 6 34 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Lesser Arcana Mastery 6 36 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 38 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Lesser Arcana Resistance 6 40 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As a sortilegeir, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per sortilegeir level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per sortilegeir level after 1st


  • Armour: Light Armor and shields
  • Weapons: Daggers, hand crossbows, light crossbows, rapiers, shortbows, shortswords, quarterstaffs
  • Tools: Two tools of your choice
  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Arcana and your choice of one from among History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) leather armor, or (b) a shield
  • (a) a quarterstaff, or (b) a rapier
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a shortbow and 20 arrows
  • (a) a component pouch, or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) an explorer's pack, or (b) a scholar's pack
  • two different sets of tools you are proficient with

Alternatively, you can purchase your starting equipment with a starting wealth of 10d4 x 10gp.

Optional Rule: Firearm Proficiency

If your Dungeon Master uses the rules on firearms in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, your sortilegeir is proficient with firearms. If you use this optional rule, then multiclassing into the Sortilegeir class also provides proficiency with firearms, and you may choose to start with 20 bullets and either a Pistol or Musket (as described in the DMG) instead of a light crossbow or shortbow.


At 1st level, you gain the ability to cast spells. Unlike other arcane casters, Sortilegeirs do not rely solely on spell slots when casting spells. Instead of internal arcane power, they primarily rely on the innate magical potency of spellcraft itself. Your ability to harness the innate magical power of spellcraft is represented by Spell Charges.

Spell Charges

Spell Charges are a pool of points that are used when a Sortilegeir casts certain spells or uses certain features. 1 Spell Charge is equivalent to 1 Spell Level. The number of Spell Charges you have at any given level is determined by The Sortilegeir Table. You regain all expended Spell Charges when you complete a Long Rest.

Spell List

The Sortilegeir spell list is comprised solely of all Wizard spells. You can gain access to spells from other spell lists through certain class features, Practice features, or by multiclassing.


At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from the sortilegeir spell list. You learn additional sortilegeir cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of The Sortilegeir Table. Casting a cantrip does not require any Spell Charges or spell slots.

Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher

Sortilegeirs learn spells through researching spellcraft. They are able to permanently memorize spells.

At 2nd level, you know four 1st level spells of your choice from the sortilegeir spell list. These selections cannot be changed. Whenever you gain a new level of Sortilegeir, you can learn two new sortilegeir spells that you are capable of casting. These selections cannot be changed. You can also learn sortilegeir spells through Spell Research. You permanently know all sortilegeir spells you learn and you can know any amount of sortilegeir spells, but you can only cast spells that you have prepared.

Spell Research

When you find a spell that counts as a Sortilegeir spell for you that has been recorded in a manner you can study (such as in spell scrolls, spell books, permanent enchantments, or magic items that allow you to cast spells), you can spend time and resources to reproduce the basic form of the spell, which involves understanding the formulas and other elements of spellcraft required to replicate the spell's effects. The process takes a minimum of 1 hour and costs 100gp, with an additional 1 hour and 100 gold spent per level of the spell. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to understand its composition. Once you have spent this time and money, you learn the spell and can prepare the spell if you are able to cast it. If you learn more permanent cantrips than allowed by your level according to the Sortilegeir Table through spell research, you may swap out any number of your permanently known cantrips with other cantrips you permanently know as part of a long rest.

When gaining a new level of Sortilegeir, if you already know the amount (or greater) of cantrips permissible for your level according to the Sortilegeir Table, then you do not gain a new permanently known cantrip at that level(s).

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Sortilegeir Table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your sortilegeir spells. To cast one of your sortilegeir spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare spells from the selection of sortilegeir spells you know. To do so, choose a number of spells that you know equal to your Intelligence modifier + your sortilegeir level (minimum of one spell). You cannot prepare spells of a level for which you do not have spell slots. Casting a spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a Long Rest. Preparing a new list of spells requires time spent recalling, reviewing, and practicing the spellcraft necessary to cast the spell: at least 1 minute for each spell on your list. This is considered part of your Long Rest.

Spellcasting Ability

The spellcasting ability for your sortilegeir spells is Intelligence. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sortilegeir spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Modifier + your Intelligence Modifier

Spell attack modifier = your Proficiency Modifier + your Intelligence Modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast a sortilegeir spell that you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag. You don't need to have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your sortilegeir spells.

Optional Rule: Creating Magic Items

This class provides optional mechanics for the creation of Magic Items. Some of the provided subclasses can make use of or make reference to these mechanics. One can adjust these mechanics or use the mechanics provided on pgs. 94, 128-129, and 284-285 of the DMG in such cases. These mechanics are detailed at the end of the class description.

Optional Rule: Original Spells

This class also provides optional rules for creating and learning original spells. These mechanics are detailed at the end of the class description.

Sortilegeir | Class Features & Practices

Sortilege Practice

At 1st level, you choose a Sortilege Practice, shaping your study of spellcraft through one of the following paths: The Academic, The Acolyte, The Adventurer, The Artisan, The Charlatan, The Dabbler, The Merchant, The Performer, The Tinkerer, The Veteran, The Wanderer, and The Warrior, all detailed at the end of the class description.

Your choice grants you features when you select your Sortilege Practice and again at 7th and 14th level.

Fledgling Fundamentalist

At 2nd level, all cantrips are added to the sortilegeir spell list. Additionally, you can prepare up to 1 additional cantrip. This cantrip will not count against your number of known cantrips. You can prepare any cantrips from your spell list in this way, even if you have not learned them. You can instead prepare 2 cantrips at 7th level, 3 cantrips at 12th level, and 4 cantrips at 17th level. You can change what cantrips you have prepared over the course of a Short or Long Rest.

Arcane Escamotage

At 2nd level, you can prepare 1 Cantrip Technique from the list at the end of this class and gain the listed benefits. You can apply the effects of any number of your prepared Cantrip Techniques to any cantrip you cast, so long as you satisfy the requirements listed by the Cantrip Techniques. You can instead prepare 2 Cantrip Techniques at 8th level, 3 Cantrip Techniques at 12th level, 4 Cantrip Techniques at 16th level, and 5 Cantrip Techniques at 20th level. You can change what Cantrip Techniques you have prepared over the course of a Short or Long Rest.

Additionally, whenever you would cast a 1st level sortilegeir spell, you can cast that spell by expending 1 Spell Charge if you do not have any 1st level spell slots. You can only do so a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Sortilegeir level. You can still cast 1st level spells with 2nd level or higher spell slots as per normal.

Legerdemain Magecraft

At 3rd level, you can cast a cantrip instead of making a melee attack whenever you make an Attack of Opportunity. That cantrip must have a Casting Time of 1 Action or 1 Bonus Action and must have damage di(c)e.

If the cantrip can target more than 1 creature due to causing multiple attacks or instances of damage, all the attacks or instances of damage must be made solely against the target of the Attack of Opportunity or the spell fails. You cannot use cantrips that do not target a specific creature(s) with this feature. Regardless of the cantrip's range, the range of an Attack of Opportunity made in this way is always 10ft. Errata Notes: 5

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose to gain a Feat instead.

Fully Fledged Fundamentalist

At 5th level, all 1st level spells are added to the sortilegeir spell list and you can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands. You can prepare up to 3 additional 1st level spells. These spells will not count against your prepared spells. You can prepare any 1st level spells from your spell list in this way, even if you have not learned them. You can instead prepare 5 additional 1st level spells at 9th level, 7 additional 1st level spells at 13th level, and 9 additional 1st level spells at 17th level. You can change what 1st level spells you have prepared over the course of a Short or Long Rest. Additional spells prepared through this feature cannot be cast with Spell Charges.

Hastened Cantrip

At 6th level, whenever you cast a cantrip with a Casting Time of 1 Action, you can cast it with your Bonus Action instead. If you do so, you can still cast both cantrip and non-cantrip spells with your Action and Reaction. Any cantrips cast through this feature have their Damage Dice and Healing Dice reduced by 1 order of magnitude to a minimum size of d4. Dice listed by the cantrip that are not Damage Dice or Healing Dice are unaffected.

Condensed Cantrip

At 10th level, you can cast the additional spells you prepare through the Fully Fledged Fundamentalist feature as cantrips. When you do so, that spell does not expend a spell slot and its Casting Level is treated as 0 for the purposes of resolving Dispel Magic, Counterspell, and applying any benefits the spell might have for being cast at a higher level than the spell’s level. It also counts as a cantrip for the purposes of applying the features of this class. You cannot use this feature with spells that have Healing Dice or otherwise restore Hit Points when outside of initiative.

Arcane Eidolon

At 14th level, you can prepare sortilegeir spells of 5th level or greater. You can prepare one spell of 5th level or greater that you have learned during a Long Rest. This spell does not count against your prepared spells. Once per Short or Long Rest, you can cast that spell using a number of Spell Charges equal to or greater than the spell's level (to a maximum of 9). You cannot use a number of Spell Charges greater than the Spell Level of this feature. You cannot prepare a spell of a higher level than the Spell Level of this feature. The Spell Level of this feature becomes 6th at 16th level, 7th at 18th level, 8th at 19th level, and 9th at 20th level. *Errata Notes: 1

Lesser Arcana Mastery

At 18th level, you gain expertise with the Arcana skill, allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any Arcana checks you make. If you already have expertise with Arcana, you gain expertise with a different skill or tool you are proficient with. Additionally, whenever you make a Saving Throw to maintain concentration on a spell or if you would make an ability check as part of a spell or magical effect (such as when resolving Counterspell), you may instead replace that roll with an Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Sortilegeir | Class Features & Practices

Lesser Arcana Resistance

At 20th level, all cantrips and 1st level spells that are cast against you automatically do minimum damage to you. You automatically succeed on Saving Throws against spells and magical effects that are 3rd level or lower, even if that spell was cast at a level higher than the spell’s level.


In order to multiclass into or out of the Sortilegeir class, you must have an Intelligence of 13 or higher. When determining multiclass spell slots, you add half your levels in this class (rounded down). When multiclassing into the Sortilegeir class, you only gain proficiency with: Shields, Firearms, the Arcana skill, and two tools of your choice.

The Sortilegeir - Feature Guide

AES Level = Arcane Eidolon Spell Level

CT = Cantrip Techniques

EC = Extra Cantrips

ES = Extra 1st Level Spells

Level AES Level CT Known EC Known ES Known
2nd 1 1
3rd 1 1
4th 1 1
5th 1 1 3
6th 1 1 3
7th 1 2 3
8th 2 2 3
9th 2 2 5
10th 2 2 5
11th 2 2 5
12th 3 3 5
13th 3 3 7
14th 5th 3 3 7
15th 5th 3 3 7
16th 6th 4 3 7
17th 6th 4 4 9
18th 7th 4 4 9
19th 8th 4 4 9
20th 9th 5 4 9

Cantrip Techniques

Cantrip Techniques are alterations you can apply to the spellcraft of your cantrips as you cast them. These alterations allow you to change elements of how your cantrips function, such as their effects, duration, range, or how damage is resolved. Some apply passive effects, either automatically or conditionally. You can apply any number of Cantrip Techniques you have prepared to the cantrips you cast, so long as you meet the requirements to activate their effects.

List of Cantrip Techniques:

For ease of use, the Cantrip Techniques listed in this document are organized by archetype. Note that Cantrip Techniques marked with " ~ " are considered "Ability-like" rather than spell modifications added upon casting. *Errata Notes: 2

Concentration - Passive

These Cantrip Techniques affect your ability to concentrate on cantrips or provide passive effects while you are concentrating. Some can allow you choose between different passive effects. *Errata Notes: 3

Dual Cantrip ~

You can simultaneously concentrate on a cantrip and one other spell or cantrip. Additionally, you can dismiss any number of cantrips or cantrip effects as a Bonus Action, or as a Reaction if it isn't your turn.

Zealous Cantrip ~

Your concentration on cantrips cannot be broken except by being rendered unconscious, petrified, or killed. Sleep (both magical and non-magical) and being incapacitated do not count as being unconscious for the purposes of this Cantrip Technique. You can still willingly end concentration on cantrips. If a cantrip you are concentrating on ends or is dispelled, you still end concentration as normal.

Assiduous Cantrip

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, you cannot be Paralyzed or Petrified.

Audacious Cantrip

While concentrating on at least one cantrip, you cannot be Silenced, Deafened, or Blinded.

Sortilegeir | Class Features & Practices

Auspicious Cantrip

While concentrating on at least one cantrip, you cannot be Flanked (no effect) or Surprised.

Bantam Cantrip

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, you cannot be Stunned and Exhaustion does not affect the casting of cantrips.

Brazen Cantrip

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, you cannot be Poisoned and are immune to Poison and Acid damage.

Dauntless Cantrip

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, you cannot be Slowed, Grappled, Restrained, or unwillingly moved.

Defiant Cantrip

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, your Movement Speeds, Maximum Hit Points, and Ability Scores cannot be reduced and you are unaffected by effects that would reduce or nullify healing.

Enrapturing Cantrip

While concentrating on at least one cantrip, you cannot be Charmed or Confused.

Intrepid Cantrip

While concentrating on at least one cantrip, you are immune to Fear and Sleep effects.

Livid Cantrip

While concentrating on at least one cantrip, you may add your Intelligence modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier to any attack and damage rolls you make with weapons or Unarmed Strikes, and if you add your Proficiency modifier to that attack roll(s), you can add your Proficiency modifier to the damage roll(s).

Mortal Cantrip

If you would be instantly killed by an effect or a spell (such as Power Word Kill) while you are concentrating on at least one cantrip, you are instead reduced to 1 Hit Point. If you would be instantly killed by damage (while conscious), you are instead rendered unconscious (stable).

Temerarious Cantrip

While concentrating on one or more cantrips, you are immune to the effects of Curses and Diseases.

Concentration - Active / Dismissal

These Cantrip Techniques allow you to dismiss cantrips you are concentrating on to activate effects. Most require you to be concentrating on two cantrips (necessitating Dual Cantrip), but some only require you to concentrate on one. Even if you have prepared multiple Cantrip Techniques from this list, you can only activate the effects of one such Cantrip Technique at a time.

Sacrificial Cantrip ~

When an ally within 30 ft of you (that you can see) loses concentration on a spell, if you are concentrating on one or more cantrips, you can dismiss 1 cantrip you are concentrating on to restore that ally's concentration as a Reaction. That ally cannot lose concentration on that spell until the end of their next turn unless that spell is dismissed or dispelled, or that ally is killed or incapacitated.

Strafing Cantrip ~

While concentrating on one or more cantrips, you can use a Bonus Action at the start of your turn to dismiss a cantrip you are concentrating on and gain one of the following benefits until the start of your next turn:

*You gain +2 to AC and Dexterity Saving Throws.

*Your movement is increased by 10ft and is unaffected by difficult terrain.

*You gain advantage on Acrobatics and Athletics checks and leaving the prone state takes no movement.

*Attacks made against you have disadvantage and your movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

Sortilegeir | Cantrip Techniques

Banal Cantrip ~

Whenever you would take damage from a spell or magical effect that would not render you unconscious, if you are concentrating on at least one cantrip, you can dismiss one cantrip you are concentrating on and expend 4 Spell Charges as a Reaction to redirect half of that damage (rounded up) to the source of the damage as non-magical force damage (you take no damage).

Covetous Cantrip ~

While concentrating on two or more cantrips, you can dismiss all the cantrips you are concentrating on as an Action to break the concentration of a target that you can see within 30 ft of you.

Martyr's Cantrip ~

When an ally (that you can see) within 30 ft of you would be rendered unconscious by damage, if you are concentrating on two or more cantrips, you can expend 6 Spell Charges and dismiss all the cantrips that you are concentrating on as a Reaction to allow that ally to remain conscious with 1 Hit Point remaining. For every consecutive use of this feature, you must expend an additional Spell Charge to activate it. The Spell Charge cost of this feature resets upon completing a Long Rest.

Miraculous Cantrip ~

When you would be rendered unconscious by damage, if you are concentrating on two or more cantrips, you can dismiss all the cantrips you are concentrating on and expend at least 6 Spell Charges as a Reaction to remain conscious with 1 Hit Point remaining. For every consecutive use of this feature, you must expend an additional Spell Charge to activate it. The Spell Charge cost of this feature resets upon completing a Long Rest.

Provident Cantrip ~

If you are concentrating on two or more cantrips, you can dismiss all the cantrips you are concentrating on as a Reaction to end 1 condition on yourself or a willing target that you can see within 30 ft of you.

General - Targeting

These Cantrip Techniques affect how you target creatures with your cantrips. They can change the range, the targeting properties, or other such elements of your cantrips.

Duplicitous Cantrip ~

Whenever you cast a cantrip with a duration of instantaneous, if your Attack roll(s) has advantage or the target(s) has disadvantage on their Spell Saving Throw(s), you can instead cast that cantrip twice at the same target(s) with the Attack roll(s) or Spell Saving Throw(s) becoming regular rolls. Both cantrips still count as part of the same casting.

If the cantrip used with this feature would require multiple Spell Saving Throws or Attack rolls, each Spell Saving Throw made as part of the cantrip must be made with disadvantage to apply this feature to that cantrip, and each Attack roll made as part of the cantrip must be made with advantage to apply this feature to that cantrip.

If the cantrip would target more than 1 creature, the conditions of this feature must be met for each target that would be affected in order to apply this feature’s effects. You cannot change your targets or how you targeted them.

When using the "Duplicitous Cantrip" Cantrip Technique in tandem with Cantrip Techniques whose effects would fulfill the activation requirements of this Cantrip Technique, you must resolve the activation requirements and effects of those Cantrip Techniques first.

Echoed Cantrip ~

Whenever you cast a cantrip and critically succeed on an Attack roll(s) against a target(s) and/or the target(s) critically fails a Spell Saving Throw(s) against you (rolls a 1 on the d20), you can immediately cast another cantrip against that target(s). That cantrip must deal damage against a single target upon that target failing a Spell Saving Throw. Cantrips cast as a result of this feature can still trigger the effects of this feature. All cantrips cast through this feature are considered part of the same casting.

Sortilegeir | Cantrip Techniques

Surging Cantrip ~

Whenever you cast a spell of 3rd level or higher, if that spell was cast with a spell slot at least 1 level higher than the spell's level, you can immediately cast 1 cantrip you have prepared against the target(s) of the spell. That cantrip must deal damage to a single target upon that target failing a Spell Saving Throw. You can ignore the range of the cantrip when you do so. If there are multiple creatures that would be targeted by this effect, you must cast the same cantrip against all of them. Any cantrips cast as a result of this feature are considered as part of the spell that activated this feature, and therefore do not count as separate spells or separate castings and remain part of the same Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction used to cast the spell that activated this feature.

Ability-like Cantrip Techniques can't be applied to cantrips cast through the effects of Surging Cantrip.

Beguiling Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip, you can double the range of that cantrip. If the range is Touch, it becomes 10ft. If the range is Self, it becomes Touch. If this feature is used with a cantrip that targets an Area of Effect rather than a specific creature(s), it will only increase any Area of Effect (such as a radius) listed as the cantrip's range. Cantrips cast in this fashion will always affect the target, even if they ordinarily would only affect the caster. Errata Notes: 6

Cunning Cantrip

When casting a cantrip, your Spell Attack rolls are not affected by cover (except Full Cover). You can add your Spell Casting Modifier to any instances of damage caused by a cantrip you cast if you do not already. Errata Notes: 4

Fervent Cantrip

Whenever you would make an Attack roll at disadvantage as part of a cantrip, it becomes a regular roll.

Flippant Cantrip

Whenever you Critically Fail an Attack roll you make as part of a cantrip, call a coin toss. If heads, you can instead treat the Attack roll as a success if the result rolled meets or exceeds the target's AC.

Focused Cantrip

If you only cast 1 cantrip during your turn, that cantrip benefits from one of the following effects of your choosing:

*Your Attack roll(s) has advantage.

*Your target(s) must make their Spell Saving Throw(s) with disadvantage.

You can still cast a non-cantrip spell during your turn if you use this feature, and if you have the ability to do so, you can still cast a cantrip or spell during an Attack of Opportunity.

Harassing Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that can deal damage, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to apply one of the following effects:

*The target(s) is automatically hit

*No Spell Save is required to activate the full effects of your cantrip.

If you apply one of these effects, any Damage Dice listed by the cantrip must be rolled with disadvantage. If used with a cantrip that has multiple Spell Saving Throws or Attack rolls, this feature applies to all of the Spell Saving Throws or Attack rolls.

Homing Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that automatically hits a target(s) without requiring a Spell Attack roll or automatically damages a target(s) without requiring a Spell Saving Throw, you can roll a d20. Upon rolling a 20, you can treat the cantrip as a Critical Hit. If the cantrip would cause multiple instances of damage (such as with Magic Missile, Booming Blade, Green Flame Blade, etc), you must roll a d20 for each separate instance of damage.

Masterful Cantrip

Your cantrip spell attack rolls are unaffected by disadvantage caused by the Dodge action and Prone condition. You can add your Proficiency Modifier to any instances of damage caused by a cantrip you cast if you do not already. Errata Notes: 4

Sortilegeir | Cantrip Techniques

Piercing Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip with a range greater than Touch that can deal damage upon succeeding on a Spell Attack roll(s) against a creature(s), a creature(s) failing a Spell Saving Throw(s), or simply causes instances of damage (such as with Magic Missile), you can treat the range of that cantrip as a line (5 ft wide). All targets within that line will be targeted as if the cantrip was cast against them normally. All targets within the line take the same amount of damage, which is rolled when the cantrip is cast. If the cantrip deals damage upon succeeding on a Spell Attack roll, you make the Spell Attack roll and use that roll for all creatures within the line. If the cantrip involves multiple Spell Attack rolls (or multiple instances of damage, such as with Magic Missile), each instance of damage or Spell Attack roll is considered a new line, and you must roll damage and a Spell Attack roll (if applicable) for each line. You can not use this feature with any cantrips cast as an Attack of Opportunity.

You can not use the "Piercing Cantrip" Cantrip Technique with the "Surging Cantrip", "Stray Cantrip", "Duplicitous Cantrip", or "Echoed Cantrip" Cantrip Techniques.

Stray Cantrip ~

Whenever you cast a cantrip and fail a Spell Attack roll while there is at least 1 other creature within 5 ft of the original target of the Spell Attack roll (except upon Critical Failure), you can add 1d4 to your Spell Attack roll and target a new creature within 5 ft of the previous target (you do not reroll the Spell Attack roll). You can continue to target new creatures (adding 1d4 each time) until you successfully hit a creature or fail the Spell Attack roll without a creature you have not targeted already within 5 ft of the current target. You can not target a creature farther than 15 ft from the original target with this effect. If you use this feature with a cantrip that has multiple Spell Attack rolls, you can apply the effects of this feature to each Spell Attack roll.

Unrelenting Cantrip ~

Whenever a target(s) succeeds against a Spell Save of a cantrip you have cast, you can expend 3 Spell Charges to force the target to fail instead. This does not affect abilities such as Legendary Resistances and can not be used against Critical Successes (rolling 20 on the die roll).

General - Damage / Healing

These Cantrip Techniques affect the effectiveness of the properties of cantrips that deal damage or do healing.

Enforced Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that would deal no damage if the target(s) succeeds its Spell Saving Throw(s), it takes half damage instead. Additionally, whenever you cast a cantrip that would deal damage upon the target(s) failing a Spell Saving Throw(s), you can treat the damage as Critical damage if the target(s) Critically Fail their Spell Saving Throw(s) (roll a 1 on the d20).

Fierce Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that has Damage Dice or Healing Dice, you can treat any roll of 3 or lower on Damage Dice or Healing Dice as 4.

Ravenous Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that can deal damage, you can choose to take any amount of untyped damage that will not render you below 1 Hit Point. You can add a d4 Damage Die (Necrotic or any damage type within the cantrip's description) for every 4 points of damage you take in this way. This damage affects all targets of the cantrip, but each target can only take damage from this feature once during the same casting, even if targeted by multiple Spell Attack rolls or instances of damage.

Salacious Cantrip

When you cast a cantrip that can restore Hit Points, you can add your Proficiency Modifier and/or your Spell Casting Modifier to the healing done by that cantrip if you do not already. If the cantrip can heal multiple targets, you can do so for each target.

Vehement Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip that does not deal damage, you can choose to take any amount of untyped damage that will not render you below 1 Hit Point. You can add a d6 Healing Die to the cantrip for every 4 points of damage you take in this way. This healing affects all targets of the cantrip.

Sortilegeir | Cantrip Techniques

General - Miscellaneous

These Cantrip Techniques affect a wide variety of different elements of your cantrips.

Baleful Cantrip

Solely for the purpose of resolving effects that provide immunity against spells and magical effects of a certain level, the Casting Level of any cantrips that you cast is changed from 0 to 3 + your Proficiency Modifier (to a maximum of 9).

Diametric Cantrip ~

Whenever you take damage, you can use your Reaction to cast a cantrip with a casting time of 1 Action that can deal damage upon the target failing a Saving Throw. You can subtract the damage done by your cantrip from the damage you would have taken. If the amount you subtract is equal to or greater than the damage you would have taken, you take no damage.

Empowered Cantrip

Solely for the purpose of resolving effects that disrupt spells and magical effects (such as Counterspell and Dispel Magic), the Casting Level of any cantrips that you cast is changed from 0 to 3 + your Proficiency Modifier (to a maximum of 9).

Frugal Cantrip

Whenever you cast a cantrip, you can ignore any Vocal and Somatic components. You can ignore the Material requirements of a cantrip even if those components would be consumed or have a gold cost so long as you cast the cantrip with an Arcane Focus.

Presage Cantrip

If a cantrip has a duration of at least 1 minute, you can double its duration (to a maximum of 24 hours) or increase its duration to 1 hour. Additionally, whenever you cast a cantrip whose effects would end upon casting that cantrip again, they instead end when you cast it again while you already have 3 or more instances of that cantrip active.

Tyrannical Cantrip

Whenever you cast a spell as a cantrip through the Condensed Cantrip feature, if that spell would have additional effects (such as additional Damage Dice or targets) upon being cast at a level higher than the spell's level, you can expend at least 4 Spell Charges to forcibly activate those effects. Solely for the purposes of resolving this Cantrip Technique, you can treat the level of the spell as a number equal to half the total number of Spell Charges you expend in this way (to a maximum of 9). You cannot expend an odd number of Spell charges in this way.

Sortilegeir | Cantrip Techniques

Sortilege Practices

A Sortilege Practice is generally not an official organization (except in the case of The Academic). Rather, it is a classification that denotes the origin of a Sortilegeir. Most Sortilegeirs are not highly trained mages. They are typically people that have pursued their arcane talents despite belonging to a different profession. Hence, the wide variety of practices and the even wider variety of individuals that fall under those practices. Each Sortilege Practice contained herein has been listed alphabetically for ease of use.

Sortilegeir | Class Features & Practices

The Academic

The Academic is the only organized Sortilege Practice. Sortilegeirs of this practice are students of magecraft that formally practice arcane magic and gather in schools and academies, much like Wizards. Members of the Academic practice invest a lot of time into studying and improving spell formulas, as well as researching spellcraft. These Sortilegeirs are often part of recently founded fields of study, or are part of organizations that are relatively new. Those that are members of more established organizations may feel a deep sense of rivalry towards Wizards or Sorcerers, whether institutionally or personally, as members of this practice tend to be belittled by traditional organizations of arcane casters.

Mage of Lesser Secrets

Your formal study of spellcraft grants you additional flexibility when casting lesser spells.

Starting at 1st level, you can permanently learn 1 Cantrip Technique. You permanently benefit from the effects of that Cantrip Technique and it no longer counts against your prepared Cantrip Techniques. This selection cannot be changed.

You also permanently learn the following cantrips: Blade Ward, Control Flames, Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Encode Thoughts, Friends, Guidance, Gust, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, Mold Earth, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Shape Water, Shillelagh, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, and True Strike. These cantrips no longer count against your number of Sortilegeir cantrips or the cantrips prepared through the Fledgeling Fundamentalist feature, and you may ignore any Vocal, Somatic, and Material components when you cast these cantrips.

Prodigal Spellcraft

Your understanding of spellcraft is advanced enough to affect far more powerful and complex spells than before.

Starting at 7th level, you can expend 1 Spell Charge as a Reaction to apply a Cantrip Technique you permanently know to a spell being cast within 10 ft of you as if it were a cantrip (including your own spells). You must be aware that the spell is being cast and all requirements to activate the Cantrip Technique must be met by the targeted spell. If the caster of that spell is unwilling, you must make a contested Arcana ability check against them. If the result of their check is higher than the result of your check, you fail to alter their spell. Each use of this feature counts against your uses of Arcane Escamotage.

Greater Mage of Lesser Secrets

Your understanding of both magecraft and spellcraft has become incredibly advanced and profound.

Starting at 14th level, you can permanently learn 1 more Cantrip Technique. You permanently benefit from the effects of that Cantrip Technique and it no longer counts against your prepared Cantrip Techniques. This selection cannot be changed.

Additionally, select any three 2nd level spells. You learn these spells, they become Sortilegeir spells for you if they were not already, they no longer count against your prepared spells, and you can use them with the Condensed Cantrip feature. This selection cannot be changed. You may learn another 2nd level spell in this way at your 17th and 20th level of Sortilegeir.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Acolyte

The Acolyte is a practice formed by mages that were once apprenticed to other casters. Many were Wizard's assistants or the hirelings of Sorcerers. Some may have been in the service of magic item manufacturers. Others may have been low level clergy at some point. Some may still be hirelings, taking odd jobs from other casters in exchange for knowledge and coin. Regardless of their specific circumstances, members of this practice invariably discovered their talent for assisting other casters, be it through work, spellcraft, or combat. Although the raw arcane power wielded by these individuals seemingly pales in comparison to that of the casters they support, Acolytes are not to be underestimated. Be it through bolstering the power of others or through their own cunning, Acolytes are always eager to prove that Sortilegeirs are not to be trifled with.

Apprentice Caster

Your talent with spellcraft allows you to share your arcane power with other casters.

Starting at 1st Level, you can expend any amount of Spell Charges to restore the spell slots of other casters over the course of a Short Rest. The total spell level of the spell slots you restore must be equal to the total spell level of the Spell Charges you expend. You cannot restore spell slots with a level greater than your Proficiency Modifier. Additionally, if you can see, hear, or otherwise perceive a spell being cast, you immediately learn the level the spell was cast at and the school of magic the spell belongs to.

Support Mage

You can apply your knowledge of spellcraft to bolster the power of other casters' spells.

Starting at 7th level, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to reinforce the spell of another caster within 20 ft of you as a Reaction, increasing the level of that caster’s expended spell slot by 1. You must be aware that the spell is being cast, you must be able to see the caster, and the caster must be willing. You cannot reinforce a spell slot if doing so would cause the targeted spell slot’s level to become greater than 9. This feature does not affect spells cast without spell slots.

Miraculous Assistant

Your mastery of spellcraft allows you to expertly defend other casters.

Starting at 14th level, you can use up to 3 Spell Charges with the Support Mage feature. Additionally, when another caster within 20 ft of you would be affected by a spell, you can make an Arcana check with a DC equal to 12 + the level of the spell + the level of the spell slot as a Reaction. Upon success, you learn the level the spell was cast at and you can expend up to 9 Spell Charges to reduce the level of the spell slot of the spell you targeted by an amount equal to the amount of Spell Charges you expended. If the level of the spell slot of the spell you targeted is reduced below the level of the spell you targeted, then that spell instantly fails. However, if this occurs and the level of the affected spell slot is not reduced to zero or lower, you can immediately restore a number of expended Spell Charges and/or 1st level spell slots equal to the current level of the affected spell slot. You cannot gain more Spell Charges or 1st level spell slots than you would ordinarily have in this way.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Adventurer

The Adventurer is a practice composed of, well, adventurers. However, these particular adventurers are not your just your typical mercenaries; they have picked up tons of useful tricks along the way. To the Adventurer, Sortilege is not formal magecraft, but rather useful magical skills they have learned in field. Many Adventurers may not even consider themselves "proper" Sortilegeirs, if there was such a thing. Most were explorers, dungeoneers, treasure hunters, or scouts. They simply learned spellcraft as an extension of their profession, as such abilities helped them with the practical aspects of their fieldwork. If not independent or acting out of personal curiosity, many members of this practice are employees or agents of various guilds involved with the fields of travel, mapping, exploration, and the like. It is not odd, however, for members of this practice to realize the true significance of their arcane prowess and leave their old positions to permanently join adventuring parties or begin studying spellcraft in earnest.

Jack of Many Trades

You have learned how to use spellcraft to enhance your skills in the field.

Starting at 1st Level, you can add half your Proficiency Modifier (rounded down, to a minimum of 1) to any Ability check you make that you are not proficient with. Additionally, you become proficient with any 1 set of tools and any 2 weapons that you are not already proficient with, as well as with Initiative checks and Death Saving Throws, or you gain any 1 Feat of your choice (so long as you are qualified to take it).

Savant Adventurer

You have mastered the spells that aid your ability to safely scout in the field.

Starting at 7th level, you learn the following spells if you do not already know them: Arcane Lock, Borrowed Knowledge, Comprehend Languages, Darkvision, Enhance Ability, Find Traps, Knock, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace, See Invisibility, Sending, Silence, Snare, Spike Growth. These spells become Sortilegeir spells for you if they were not already and you can cast them as a ritual (1 minute) even if they do not have the ritual tag. In order to cast the spells learned through this feature normally, you must have a spell slot of the appropriate level. Additionally, you gain expertise with two skills you are proficient with (except Arcana), allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any checks you make using those skills.

Sage Adventurer

Your scouting abilities become unrivaled due to your masterful spellcraft.

Starting at 14th level, you learn the following spells if you do not already know them: Antilife Shell, Arcane Eye, Catnap, Create Food and Water, Find the Path, Freedom of Movement, Nondetection, Skill Empowerment, Programmed Illusion, Tongues, and True Seeing. Once per Long Rest, you can cast each of the spells learned through this feature as a ritual (1 minute) even if they do not have the ritual tag. Additionally, you can choose any two spells that you are capable of casting that do not list damage dice and are not Sortilegeir spells for you. You learn these spells, they become Sortilegeir spells for you, and you can cast them as rituals (1 minute) even if they do not have the ritual tag. In order to cast the spells learned through this feature normally, you must have a spell slot of the appropriate level. You can choose one more spell in this way when you reach your 17th and 20th level of Sortilegeir.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Artisan

The Artisan practice is composed of artisans and makers of various products that have learned magic to enchant their goods or otherwise improve the application of their trades. These Sortilegeirs are friend to merchant and mercenary alike, as their Sortilege allows them to create useful goods more quickly and inexpensively than ordinary casters, given that they are expert craftsmen. Their professions vary from smithing, woodwork, chemistry, herbalism, weaving, carving, inscribing, brewing, enchanting; many often own or work at workshops that sell magical goods. Despite the sedimentary nature of being a craftsman, an Artisan might take up adventuring in the pursuit of lost techniques of their trade, magical secrets, or even reagents that would be too expensive or cumbersome to come by otherwise.

Magical Craftsman

Your spellcraft greatly improves the efficiency of your craftmanship.

Starting at 1st Level, whenever you make a scroll or imbue an enchantment according to the mechanics provided by the Sortilegeir class, or whenever you create a consumable Magic Item according to the crafting rules in the PHB (pg. 187) or DMG (pgs. 94, 128-129, and 284-285), you can do so in 1 tenth the time normally required.

Masterful Arcane Artisan

Your learn to apply your spellcraft to trades you have not mastered.

Starting at 7th level, whenever you make an ability check using a tool or skill that you are not proficient with while creating any enchanted item, consumable magic item, or true magic item, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to add your Proficiency Modifier to your roll. If you do so, and the tool or skill uses an Ability Score Modifier other than Intelligence, you can use your Intelligence Modifier instead. Additionally, you can attune an additional magic item.

Maker of Mythical Things

You have mastered your trade and spellcraft to a legendary degree.

Starting at 14th level, regardless of which set of mechanics you use when creating any enchanted item, consumable magic item, or true magic item, the worth of the time and material costs you expend is doubled (I.E.- 1 minute spent counts as two minutes, 10 gp spent counts as 20 gp, etc.). Additionally, you can attune another additional magic item.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Charlatan

The Charlatan practice is what most people think of when the word Sortilegeir comes to mind. The word "Sortilege" was originally a colloquial term used to denote lesser or minor magics, those no better than parlor tricks. Likewise, the term "Sortilegeir" referred to inferior or fraudulent casters. Since times immemorial, the members of this practice, the first practice, have lurked in the vestiges of society, ever present within tall tales and rumors, within fables of fancy and truth. Many are street magicians or conmen. Most live a life mired in fiction, be it through a facade or fraud. They are the charming rogues that populate festival booths, facetious wielders of silver tongues, and the grandiose pretenders that turn lies into reality. Whether they are trying to hide behind a persona or truly become someone else is anyone's guess. However, within every great lie lives a sliver of truth. Perhaps there is more to the claims of these Charlatans than meets the eye.

Reflection Cast by a Pretender

Like many before you, you have learned how to deceive others with your spellcraft.

Starting at 1st Level, you gain proficiency with the Deception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skills and with Calligrapher's Supplies, Disguise Kits, Forgery Kits, and Thieves’ Tools. You have advantage on Deception checks you make to disguise your magic as that of another type of caster.

Imitation Arcana

You can put your money where your mouth is when you need to uphold your web of lies.

Starting at 7th level, you gain expertise with the Deception skill and with Disguise Kits, allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any checks you make using that skill or your Disguise Kit. Additionally, you can choose any one Illusion or Enchantment spell that is not a Sortilegeir spell that you are capable of casting; you learn that spell and it becomes a Sortilegeir spell for you. You can choose an additional such spell on your 11th, 15th, and 19th level of Sortilegeir.

Usurper Arcana

You have mastered deception to such a degree that your spellcraft can blur the lines between falsehood and reality.

Starting at 14th level, you can expend 10 Spell Charges when you cast an Illusion spell to cause the spell’s effects to become partially real (if they are not already). Whenever an illusion cast in this manner would affect or interact with a creature, the creature must make a contested Constitution or Charisma check against your Deception (Intelligence) check. Upon failure, the creature can be affected by or interact with your illusion as if it were real. This happens regardless of whether the creature is aware that your illusion is an illusion.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Dabbler

The Dabbler is the quintessential lesser caster. They are not experts in the traditional sense, and they are generally not masters of their craft or serious students of magecraft. Rather, the Dabbler is driven by their passion for knowledge, their curios, their desire to investigate the occult, and to learn interesting secrets. Although Dabblers rarely breach the greater depths of the arcane, they are endlessly fascinated by magic and all things esoteric, and thus pursue such things eagerly. They are hobbyists of the occult, collectors of oddities, and lovers of all things archaic and mysterious. As a result of this pursuit, they amass knowledge of spellcraft and casting despite lacking formal training. Those that are worldly and obsessive enough eventually acquire a breadth of specialized knowledge that is impressive even by the standards of true mages.

Occultic Dilettante

Your interest in the occult has granted you familiarity with esoteric practices.

Starting at 1st Level, you can choose one school of magic. When you learn spells from gaining a new level of Sortilegeir, you can replace one of the spells you learn with a spell from that school of magic and that spell becomes a Sortilegeir spell for you. Additionally, whenever you cast a spell from your chosen school as a ritual, you can apply the following benefits:

*The ritual is completed in half the time it would normally take.

*You can replace any specific material requirements with an Arcane Focus, even if those materials would ordinarily be consumed by the ritual. You must still expend gold equal to the gold cost of any listed material components, which is consumed regardless of whether the material component would have been consumed.

*You can ignore up to half the gold costs of any listed material components, even if those materials would ordinarily be consumed by the spell.

Collector of Lesser Secrets

Your pursuit of the occult has granted you a wide range of knowledge on rituals.

Starting at 7th level, you gain advantage on any Arcana, History, or Religion checks you make for the purpose of identifying the properties or lore of rituals, spell-like effects, magical items, or creatures, places, and objects of magical significance. You can expend 1 Spell Charge to add your Proficiency Modifier to any such check if you are not proficient with that skill (you must do so before you know the outcome of the roll). Additionally, whenever you ritually cast a spell that is not from your chosen school of magic, you can apply one of the benefits of Occultic Dilettante to that ritual as if it was from your chosen school of magic.

Amasser of Endless Secrets

Your intimate familiarity with the occult has granted you mastery over rituals.

Starting at 14th level, all ritual spells become Sortilegeir spells for you. Additionally, whenever the effects of a ritual spell you cast would fail due to spells or effects that negate spells or magical effects (such as Antimagic Field, Counterspell, or Dispel Magic), you can expend 2 Spell Charges to prevent the effects of your ritual spell from failing by succeeding on an Arcana check with a DC equal to 11 + the level of the ritual spell.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Merchant

The Merchant practice is probably the most organized practice outside of the Academic practice. These Sortilegeirs are peddlers, businessmen, and traders that have acquired arcane skills in order to better conduct their business and defend themselves. They tend to work closely with other casters, especially Artisan and Academic Sortilegeirs, as magic is often steeped in the scent of gold. Dealing in magical goods is just good business, and these thrifty casters would sooner fill their wallets than their spell lists. It is not unusual for shops and companies run by Merchants to employ Sortilegeirs, especially Acolytes and Adventurers, or even Tinkerers, and many Merchants often travel and adventure themselves in their pursuit of magic and coin. Across the lands and seas, the wide networks of these practitioners support or influence magic economies in the name of innovation and progress... and profit. Mostly profit.

Purveyor of Magical Goods

Your experience with magical goods allows you to instinctively know their worth.

Starting at 1st Level, you gain proficiency with the Persuasion and Insight skills. If you are already proficient with these skills, you can instead gain proficiency with any tool of your choice for each of these skills you are already proficient with. Additionally, you learn the Detect Magic and Identify spells if you do not already know them. When you Ritual Cast these spells, you can do so within the span of 1 minute and you do not require any components (including materials with gold costs).

Merchant of Mysteries

Your depth of experience with magical goods has affected your use of spellcraft.

Starting at 7th level, you gain advantage on any Persuasion and Insight checks you make for the purpose of buying or selling magical items, spell components, and supplies. Once per Long Rest, you can expend any number of Spell Charges to reduce the gold cost of the consumable material components of a spell you cast, to a minimum of 0 gp. For each Spell Charge you expend, you can reduce the required gold costs by 100 gp. Additionally, you learn the Legend Lore spell if you do not already know it and may cast it as a ritual. When you Ritual Cast this spell, you can do so within the span of 1 minute, you do not require any components (including materials with gold costs), and you will always receive some level of information regardless of the target’s significance, including any 1 desired fact about the target.

Arcane Tycoon

Your unparalleled experience with magical goods has made you a talented negotiator.

Starting at 14th level, you gain expertise with the Persuasion and Insight skills, allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any checks you make using those skills. If you already have expertise with these skills, you can instead gain proficiency with any tool of your choice for each of these skills you are already have expertise with.

If you would fail a Persuasion or Insight check you make for the purpose of buying or selling magical items, spell components, or supplies, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to succeed instead.

You learn the Glibness spell. This spell becomes a Sortilegeir spell for you and does not count against your prepared spells. Once per Short Rest, you can cast this spell as a ritual (1 minute).

Additionally, you learn any 3 spells that have consumable material components with a gold cost and lack the ritual tag. These spells become Sortilegeir spells for you if they were not already and you may cast them as rituals (1 hour). You learn an additional spell in this way at your 17th and 20th level of Sortilegeir. In order to cast the spells learned through this feature normally, you must have a spell slot of the appropriate level.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Performer

The Performer is a practice composed of artists and musicians that have turned to magic to bolster their talents. Some may have tried to learn bardic magic and failed, others may simply be mages with a flair for the dramatic, and occasionally there are those that are interested in exploring the performative elements of casting spells. Regardless of particular origin or purpose, all Performers use their knowledge of performance and spellcraft to control the arcane meaning of the components of their spells. Although they lack the magical inspiration of bards, they still treat their practice as a form of art.

Magical Performance

You know how to use spellcraft to enhance your artwork and performances.

Starting at 1st Level, you gain proficiency with the Performance and Acrobatics skills, as well as any one instrument of your choice. You can add half your Proficiency Modifier (rounded down) to any ability checks you make with instruments or tools you are not proficient with for the purposes of performing or making art. Additionally, all Bard spells become Sortilegeir spells for you.

Artiste of the Lesser Arcana

To you, performance and spellcraft are one and the same.

Starting at 7th level, whenever you would make an Acrobatics, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion skill check or a Charisma, Dexterity, or Wisdom Saving Throw, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to gain advantage on that skill check or Saving Throw. This advantage applies even if you were previously making that skill check or Saving Throw at disadvantage. You must use this feature before you make your roll.

Maestro of the Lesser Arcana

You have mastered the art of combining performance with spellcraft to the degree that you perpetually exude a magical charismatic aura.

Starting at 14th level, you gain expertise with the Performance and Acrobatics skills, allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any checks you make using those skills, and you can use 2 Spell Charges with the Artiste of the Lesser Arcana feature. If you do so, you can instead apply advantage or disadvantage to any Acrobatics, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion skill check or a Charisma, Dexterity, or Wisdom Saving Throw being made within 20 ft of you (you must be aware that the roll is being made). Additionally, whenever an Insight check is made against you or a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom Saving Throw is made against your Spell Save DC, the creature making that roll must roll with disadvantage if they are aware of your presence or if they are within 10 ft of you.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Tinkerer

The Tinkerer is a practice comprised of engineers, inventors, and scientists that have adopted magic as part of their quest to further develop their understanding of technology. They tend to focus on the formulaic aspects of spellcraft, as if they were decoding the laws of existence. Tinkerers are obsessed with innovation and progress. They voraciously seek out new knowledge, especially scientific knowledge. They create for the sake of creating and learn for the sake of learning. Their minds are full of complex designs and theories that even Academics would find difficult to comprehend. Unfortunately, some secrets do not wish to be deciphered, and some are better left unknown. For better or worse, if such a secret exists, there is probably a Tinkerer on the verge of discovering it somewhere out there.

Arcane Engineer

You are able to use the tools needed to experiment with and develop arcane technologies.

At 1st Level, you become proficient with Alchemist Supplies, Healer's Kits, Herbalism Kits, Poisoner’s Kits, Smith’s Tools, and Tinker’s Tools. For each of these tools you were already proficient with, you gain expertise with those tools instead, allowing you to add double your Proficiency Modifier to any checks you make with those tools. Additionally, whenever you make an ability check using a set of Artisan’s Tools that you are not proficient with, you can add half your Proficiency Modifier to that check, rounded up.

Magical Scientist

Your drive to create and innovate allows you to work more effectively.

At 7th level, whenever you use Artisan’s Tools (or an Herbalism or Poisoner’s Kit) that you are proficient with to craft an item, you can complete 500 gp of the item’s worth in an hour (according to the crafting rules on PHB pg. 187). If you have expertise with that tool, you can complete 1000 gp of the item’s worth in that time. If the item you would create is magical in nature, you can double the amount of the item’s gp worth that you complete.

Wizard With Technology

There is no form of magical technology you are unfamiliar with or cannot come to understand.

At 14th level, whenever you encounter (see or touch) a construct, you can make an Arcana check with a DC equal to the construct’s CR as a Reaction. Upon success, you know all details pertaining to its statistics, as well as its means of operation and construction. If you are familiar with a construct in this way:

*You have the knowledge necessary to recreate that construct or create similar constructs. You can do so using the Sortilegeir’s True Magic Item Crafting mechanics. In this case, Item Rarity shall be determined by Spell Level according to the Magic Item Crafting Table, which shall be equal to the construct’s CR divided by 2 (rounded down) or -5, whichever is greater.

*You can make an Arcana check with the same DC by using your Action and expending 10 Spell Charges. If it is unwilling, you must roll with disadvantage (destroyed or inactive constructs cannot be unwilling). Upon success, you magically gain control of that construct for 24 hours. You gain a telepathic link with it while you are both on the same plane of existence. While linked, you can issue commands (both specific and complex or simple and general) to the construct while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. If the construct completes the order and doesn't receive further direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability. If you maintain control of the construct for a number of consecutive days equal to half the construct’s CR (rounded down), you permanently gain control of it. You can only actively control 1 construct at a time. You can only retain permanent control of a number of constructs equal to your Intelligence Modifier. If you gain permanent control of a construct while you already permanently control the maximum amount allowable, you must choose one construct you have permanent control over; that construct is rendered inactive (0 HP) if it has no will of its own, or is set free from your control if it does.

*You can attempt to upgrade a construct you control according to the Magic Items by Rarity Table , the Sortilegeir’s True Magic Item Crafting mechanics, and your DM’s discretion. You can also upgrade inactive constructs if you previously permanently controlled them.

*You can attempt to magically repair the construct with a Tinker’s Tool check with a DC equal to the construct’s CR by using your Action and expending 1 Spell Charge. The DC is increased by 5 if the construct is destroyed. Upon success, you can roll all the construct’s Hit Dice; it regains HP equal to the total roll of those Hit Dice. If you successfully repair an inactive construct that was previously permanently controlled by you, you regain permanent control of that construct.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Veteran

The Veteran is a practice composed of mercenaries and soldiers that have learned practical magic for the battlefield. Some may have originally been ordinary warriors. Some may have been unassuming mages that decided learning martial skills would be useful. Regardless of their origin, all Veterans use spellcraft to enhance their martial combat. Although some are more mage-like than others, no Veteran should be underestimated on the battlefield. Be it through slinging spells or swinging swords, facing a Veteran is akin to facing death.

Magical Combatant

You learn to enhance your attacks with spellcraft.

Starting at 1st Level, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, Spell Attack roll, or Unarmed Strike, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to immediately attack that target again at disadvantage with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike. You can expend an additional Spell Charge with extra attacks made through this feature to attack without disadvantage. When triggered by an attack made as part of a spell, any additional effects granted to the triggering attack by the spell will not apply to the extra attacks of this feature. Additionally, all your weapon attacks and Unarmed Strikes become magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You also gain a Fighting Style of your choice from the Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger class if you do not already have one and proficiency with any 3 weapons and any 1 armor category that you are not already proficient with. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Magical Combat Mastery

You have fully mastered your ability to enhance your attacks with spellcraft.

Starting at 7th level, you can make two extra attacks instead of one when using the Magical Combatant feature, and when you damage a creature or object with magical damage by succeeding on an attack roll, that damage ignores resistance to magical damage and treats immunity to magical damage as resistance. Additionally, when you use the Magical Combatant feature with weapon attacks or Unarmed Strikes made as part of a spell, the additional effects granted to the triggering attack by the spell will now apply to the extra attacks of this feature. You also gain proficiency with the Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, and Medicine skills. For each of these skills that you are already proficient with, you may instead gain proficiency with a different skill, tool, or weapon of your choice.

Mystic Endurance

You can channel your arcane might to triumph over adverse situations.

Starting at 14th level, if you would fail a Saving Throw, you can expend at least 1 Spell Charge up to three times per Short Rest to add +3 to the Saving Throw, possibly turning the failure into a success. If you expend more than 1 Spell Charge at a time, each additional Spell Charge you expend after the first adds +2 to the Saving Throw. If you expend more than 10 Spell Charges at once in this way, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Wanderer

The Wanderer is a practice comprised of incredibly well-traveled individuals. Many are nomadic, others simply enjoy the freedom of meandering about and living life. A few may simply be running away from something - or someone. Members of this practice are not keen to stay tied down to any one place, person, or group. Even in locations where they are well-liked and comfortable, Wanderers rarely stay long. Whether by choice or necessity, these mysterious strangers are always taken by wanderlust. Whatever the purpose of their journeying, Wanderers find many secrets and adventures along the way.

Magical Sojourner

You have traveled far and wide and learned minor magics along the way.

Starting at 1st Level, you gain proficiency with Cartographer's Tools, Cook's Utensils, Navigator's Tools, all Vehicles, and with the Medicine, Nature, and Survival skills, and all Druid and Ranger spells become Sortilegeir spells for you. Additionally, when you first enter a new area, you can (not must) roll a percentile die (d100) according to the Wanderer Table to see if you have been to the area before (be it a small region, a city, or specific locale), and if so, what impression you previously left.

Voyager's Journeyman

You are an experienced traveler and can always return to the many places you have visited.

Starting at 7th level, you learn the spells Find the Path and Transport via Plants as Sortilegeir spells if you do not already know them and can cast them as a ritual (1 minute). When cast in this way, these spells do not require any material components (including those with a gold cost). Additionally, you gain advantage on Survival checks and cannot have your movement reduced or be damaged by difficult terrain and environmental hazards, magical or otherwise. Your walking speed increases by 20 ft, and if you do not already have a Swim Speed or Climb Speed of 30ft or greater, you gain a Swim Speed and Climb Speed of 30 ft. You can swim through viscous or fast moving liquids and climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make any ability checks or saving throws. If you have a fly or levitate speed of less than 30ft, it becomes 30ft, and you can move freely through strong winds or other similar interference without needing to make any ability checks or any saving throws.

Undertaker of Odysseys

There is no path you cannot walk, no destination you cannot reach.

Starting at 14th level, whenever you cast Transport via Plants as a ritual, you can target a wooden, stone, or metal door (including gates or arches) that you are familiar with instead of a plant or tree, and whenever you cast Find the Path as a ritual, you can choose a location (on your current plane) that you are personally unfamiliar with so long as you are aware of its existence and have seen an accurate depiction of it (such as through a drawing or the Scrying spell). You also cannot become blinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, or poisoned from environmental hazards such as climate or weather (magical or otherwise), you can see normally through darkness (magical or otherwise) and areas that are lightly or heavily obscured (magical or otherwise), you can move stealthily at a normal or fast pace, and your Swim and Climb speeds are increased to 40 ft. Additionally, you are permanently under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell, your Travel Pace is doubled and does not incur any negative effects or penalties (such as exhaustion) even at a Fast Pace or when using Mounts or Vehicles, and you can go twice as long without breathing, drinking, eating, resting, or sleeping before suffocating or inducing exhaustion.

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

The Warrior

The Warrior practice is comprised of warriors that lost the magic granted to them by a pact, oath, or deity. In an effort to retain their combat prowess, they turned to arcane magic. Warriors cultivate their arcane power and imbue it into their weapons using spellcraft. In this way, in addition to casting spells as they once did, they are able to simulate some of their lost abilities. Although some Warriors eventually return to their old source of power, many find freedom in attaining and using power that is wholly their own.


You can use spellcraft to imbue your weapons with arcane power.

Starting at 1st Level, when you hit a creature with a weapon Attack, Spell Attack roll, or an Unarmed Strike, you can expend 1 Spell Charge to add 3d4 damage to the attack (the damage must be of a type already listed by the attack). The attack becomes magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Additionally, you gain a Fighting Style of your choice from the Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger class if you do not already have one, proficiency with any 3 weapons and any 1 armor category that you are not already proficient with, and all Paladin spells become Sortilegeir spells for you. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Greater Spellsmite

You have grown accustomed to imbuing your weapons with spellcraft to an almost instinctive level.

Starting at 7th level, the Damage Dice for the Spellsmite feature becomes 4d4 and you can roll your Spellsmite Damage Dice with advantage.

Additionally, you may expend Spell Charges to add your Proficiency Modifier and/or Intelligence Modifier to any attack roll, damage roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw you make if you do not already do so. You may expend 1 Spell Charge to add your Proficiency Modifier or Intelligence Modifier, and 2 to add both. You may do so before or after you know the result of an attack roll, ability check, or Saving throw, possibly turning a failure into a success.

Mastered Spellsmite

You have completely mastered the art of fighting with spellcraft-imbued weapons.

Starting at 14th level, the Damage Dice for the Spellsmite feature becomes 5d4, and you may add 1d4 to all attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, and saving throws you make while in initiative (including initiative rolls). Additionally, when you use the Spellsmite feature with a weapon attack or Unarmed Strike that is made as part of a spell, the damage of your attack ignores resistance to any damage types and treats immunity to any damage types as resistance (including resistance or immunity to magical or non-magical damage).

Sortilegeir | Sortilege Practices

Optional Rule: Creating Magic Items

Your knowledge of spellcraft allows you to easily imbue objects with magical effects, such as with the creation of spell scrolls or the imbuing of enchantments. Spell slots must be used instead of Spell Charges when using the crafting mechanics in the Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) and Player's Handbook (PHB).

Creating Spell Scrolls

You can use any spells you know to create spell scrolls. The creation of a spell scroll requires a number of Spell Charges equal to or greater than the level of the chosen spell, as well as a minimum of 15 minutes and 15gp, with an additional 5 minutes and 5gp spent per Spell Charge used, an additional 10 minutes and 10 gp spent per level of the chosen spell, and the cost of any material components listed by the spell.

Imbuing Enchantments

You can use any spells you know or have prepared to imbue permanent, temporary, and brief enchantments into objects such as weapons, ammunition, mechanisms, mundane objects, and various substances such as reagents or food. You ignore the listed duration and concentration of the spell when you do so.

A brief enchantment only requires a number of Spell Charges with a level equal to or greater than the level of the chosen spell, any material costs listed by the chosen spell, and an Arcana check of DC 2 + the spell's level + the number of Spell Charges used or a DC of 10, whichever is higher. Upon success, the enchantment takes hold. Upon failure, the enchantment fails and the Spell Charges and any material costs expended are lost. Brief enchantments only last for 4 + 1d6 minutes.

A temporary enchantment requires a number of Spell Charges with a level equal to or greater than the level of the chosen spell, any material costs listed by the chosen spell, an additional 1 minute and 1gp spent per hour the enchantment lasts (to a maximum of 24 hours), and an Arcana check of DC 10 + the spell's level + the number of Spell Charges used. Upon success, the enchantment takes hold. Upon failure, the enchantment fails and the Spell Charges and any material costs expended are lost.

A permanent enchantment occurs when a temporary enchantment is cast on an item every day for the maximum duration for a number of days equal to 3 x the level of the chosen spell (or 2 days for a cantrip). However, the enchantment can be automatically destroyed by effects such as dispel magic, anti-magic field, or any effect that would destroy the item itself (the item is considered an enchanted item, not a true magic item). The exact nature of how a permanent enchantment manifests is determined by your DM.

True Magic Items

To create a True Magic Item, please refer to the Magic Item Crafting Table. Additionally, note the following adjusted mechanics: consumable single-use items, such as scrolls or potions, cannot be created in this fashion and must be made with your enchantment mechanics or with the mechanics found in the PHB (pg. 187) and the DMG (pgs. 94, 128-129, and 284-285). When you decide to craft a True Magic Item, your DM must use the table provided herein to determine the minimum amount of work hours, total material costs, and Crafting DC, as well as any other details such as specific tool or material requirements. When working on a True Magic Item, you must work in daily increments with a minimum duration of 1 hour (or the total amount of time in one increment if it is less than 10 hours). You must complete 1 increment every day or the crafting fails.

Whenever you begin an increment, you must state how much of the determined material costs you attempt to use. If you successfully make progress during the increment, the material costs are successfully subtracted from the total cost of the item. Upon failure, the materials are wasted. The success or failure of an increment is determined by the Crafting DC. Upon succeeding, in addition to the hours spent by the increment, you can subtract an additional number hours from the minimum work hours required equal to the Crafting Check - the Crafting DC divided by 3 (rounded up), or divided by 2 (rounded up) upon a critical success.

When crafting True Magic Items of Rare rarity or greater, you can also choose to undertake the crafting all at once during downtime. You must make a number of Crafting Checks equal to the item's Total Spell Level, and the DC of those checks is increased by 5. If you succeed on more than half the checks, the item is crafted. If you fail half or more of the checks, half the Work Hours and Material Costs spent are lost and the item is unfinished. Upon failing all the checks, the crafting fails and all the spent Work Hours and Material Costs are lost. These rules can also be used to upgrade or modify an existing item or completed custom magic item.

Otherwise, the item is completed once both the minimum required Work Hours and minimum required Material Costs have been met. Unless otherwise determined by your DM, there is no limit to the amount of increments you can undertake in the process of completing the crafting, nor are there any limits for the amount of failed increments allowable. Your DM can also decide if the necessary Material Costs or Work Hours must be adjusted outside of the ranges in the provided chart.

The Total Spell Level refers to both a measure of the enchantment's power and the number of Spell Charges that must be expended to attempt an increment. When directly imbuing a spell or spell-like effect as part of the crafting, such as with a Ring of Invisibility or Wand of Fireballs, you must add together the spell level of those effects to determine the Total Spell Level. Cantrips are considered as being 0.5 (rounded down) for this purpose. To determine the Spell Level of effects that are not spell-like (such as a +1), you can refer to the Magic Items by Rarity Table. In order to attempt an increment, you must expend a number of Spell Charges equal to the Total Spell Level + 1.

Additional guidance can be found on pgs. 94, 128-129, and 284-285 of the DMG.

Sortilegeir | Optional Rules

Optional Rule: Creating Original Spells

As you research spellcraft, you will inevitably find novel ways to assemble your research, resulting in the creation of new spells in the form of an intentional breakthrough or a gradual discovery.

Designing and Modifying Spells

You can learn an original spell when you gain a new level of sortilegeir instead of learning two new sortilegeir spells, and you can also intentionally use your spellcraft research to design a spell. The process of designing an original spell takes a minimum of 10 days and costs 1000gp, with an additional 10 days and 1000 gold spent per level of the spell. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the design of the spell to ensure it has the effects you desire. Once you have spent this time and money, you learn the spell and can prepare it as normal. You can not create any spells that you are not capable of casting. You can also choose to modify or combine elements of spells you already know. This process instead takes half the time and gold costs.

Sortilegeir | Optional Rules
Credits - Design
Credits - Art Assets
Errata Notes
  • 1: The Arcane Eidolon feature is included whenever "capable of casting" is mentioned.

  • 2: Most Cantrip Techniques are considered spell modifications; they add effects or change properties of spells and are applied when a spell is cast, even if the effects added are conditional effects that activate after the spell has been cast. "Ability-like" Cantrip Techniques are different; these effects are added to spells after the spell has been cast. You can apply any number of spell modifications when you cast a spell, but this is not the case when dealing with the effects of "Ability-like" Cantrip Techniques. In many cases, you will only be able to apply one such Cantrip Technique at a time as an active effect, although some of these Cantrip Techniques (like Dual Cantrip or Zealous Cantrip) do also provide passive effects. Additionally, "Ability-like" Cantrip Techniques cannot be used with The Academic's Prodigal Spellcraft feature.

  • 3: The Cantrip Techniques that state "While concentrating on at least one cantrip" are each tied to a particular cantrip you have cast, as Cantrip Techniques that add effects to (or change the properties of) spells are applied when they are cast. When you cast a cantrip, you can declare which such prepared Cantrip Technique is applied to that cantrip's casting. You automatically benefit from the effects of that Cantrip Technique so long as you maintain concentration on that particular cantrip. If you lose concentration or otherwise lose the spell, the effects end. Although not stated by these Cantrip Techniques, the Cantrip Techniques listed in the Concentration - Passive section (with exception to Dual Cantrip and Zealous Cantrip) can not be added to the same cantrip. If you have prepared more than one such Cantrip Technique and wish to activate more than one at a time, you must cast and concentrate on another cantrip (such as with Dual Cantrip), which can be the same spell (if the spell does not disallow having multiple instances of it). As these effects are applied when such a cantrip is cast, you cannot change which Cantrip Technique was applied after having cast the cantrip.

  • 4: This applies to all instances of damage caused by the cantrip. For Example; Each target of Word of Radiance would take the additional damage once. Each attack roll of Eldritch Blast would inflict this extra damage. Each dart of Magic Missile would inflict this extra damage. Both the initial damage and the additional instances of damage of spells like Booming Blade, Green Flame Blade, Melf's Acid Arrow, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Heat Metal, Witchbolt, etc, would inflict this extra damage.

  • 5: You may still make Attacks of Opportunity as per normal, using your weapon's range. However, if you choose to make an Attack of Opportunity through this feature, the range of the Attack of Opportunity instead becomes 10 ft regardless of the cantrip's range or your weapon's range. As such, you may only use Legerdemain Magecraft when a creature leaves the 10 ft range of the feature, even if your range for an Attack of Opportunity would otherwise be smaller or larger. You may also use this feature with other abilities or features that allow you to make Attacks of Opportunity with different triggers, such as the Sentinel feat, but the range will always be this feature's range.

  • 6: For example, spells such Word of Radiance will have their radius changed from 5ft to 10ft. Spells like Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade will allow to treat the range as Touch (10ft Radius). Spells like Thunderwave and Fireball will be able to move their point of origin farther away but the amount of space they target remains the same. The only values that are affected are the values listed as the spell's range.

Sortilegeir | Credits & Errata

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