Hidden Blade Rogue

by Idea

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Hidden Blade Rogue

Text description The rogues of the Hidden Blade train with a singular purpose: To appear from and disappear back into the shadows, to be known as no more than a whisper, as mysterious and inevitable as death itself.


Starting from when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can see in dim light as though it were bright light and you can try to hide when you are lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding, which is also considered the disengage action. In addition to this, when you are hidden you do not make sounds and you can use your reaction to attempt to hide again if you give away your position.

Hidden Strikes

Starting from 3rd level, a strike from the shadows becomes your field of expertise. You can always use your sneak attack if you were hidden before the attack, and you don't need another ally within 5 feet of your enemy if you are in dim light.
When you miss an attack or an enemy makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction to drop any weapons you have in one of your hand and make an attack with a weapon you did have equipped that does not have the two-handed or heavy properties. If you hit, you can add your sneak attack die to the damage. Once you do this, you cannot use this feature again until you finish a short or a long rest. You gain one more use of this feature on 17th level.


At 9th level, you learn the trick to creating the perfect conditions to strike. You can cast the spell Fog Cloud once using this feature and can only do so again once you finish a short or a long rest. You gain one more use of this feature at levels 11 and 17.
You may also cast that spell as a ritual using this feature. if you do, you do not spend any uses and the spell no longer requires concentration to maintain.

Trained Instincts

At 11th level, your instincts to fight while hidden have become so honed that they help you perceive the details of the world around you, as well as using them to mask yourself from your enemies. You have advantage on perception checks and can impose disadvantage on a specific creature's perception checks whenever you take another action or you move.
In addition to this, you may add half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, to Wisdom (Insight), Dexterity (Stealth, Sleight of Hand), Charisma (Deception) and Intelligence (investigation) checks. Furthermore, your attacks don't have disadvantage while you are blinded.

Faded One

As you reach 17th level, your stealth capabilities reach their maximum potential. You have advantage on all rolls to hide, and can hide if there is a place you could normally hide in within 5 feet of you, instantly moving to that location. Your presence is no longer detected unless their passive perception is high enough to beat your stealth roll, you successfully attack, or you perform some other obvious action that would reveal you when you are within 5 feet of the creature(s) you are hiding from.

Font of Mists

On 20th level, you can now use the spell Fog Cloud at will, and it no longer requires concentration.


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