Flaming Skeleton

by iXen

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Flaming Skeleton

Born By Flames

Flaming Skeletons Traits

Your Flaming Skeleton character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Choose either Dexterity or Charisma. That ability score increases by two, while the other score increases by one.

Dead Immortality. You do not age. Given time, the necromantic and elemental energies that sustain you will heal most wounds you take at approximately the same rate as a mortal, and your hit dice function as normal.

Alignment. Many Flaming Skeletons cling to the alignment they held in life. For others, flames changes them significantly, and they adopt a new worldview in light of what their death has taught them.

Past Life. Choose another race besides this one, which must be humanoid and lack the Living Construct trait (or similar). Your body were a member of this race and appear as an undead version of it. Your size, height, and movement speed are the same as a typical member of that race. You do not retain special movement speeds from this race (such as swimming or flying) or any of the race’s other racial traits. If your Past Life race has subraces, you can select one, but it confers no benefits.

Restless. As an undead, you very rarely tire. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Unholy. Unlike other undead, you can be restored through healing magic, but it has a significantly dampened effect on you. When you regain hit points from a source that specifies it does not function on undead, you only receive half as many hit points as the source would normally provide, rounded down.

Darkvision. Through the necromantic energy animating you, you are able to perceive with greater clarity that which lurks in the darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Living Torch. Thanks to your elemental awakening you keep burning like a torch. You gain resistance to fire damage and immunity to any damage from your own flames and can consume wood and food by touching it. You also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that and at the start of each of your turns while your flames are lit, you deal 1 fire damage to any creature grappling you or any creature grappled by you. When your flames are lit you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and others have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. Your flames can be extinguished using water for 1 minute and count as fire source for control flame cantrip and other similar spells. When your flame is not lit you have disadvantage on death saving throws.

Bloodless. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Bone Pile. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead and stop burning. If you do, you reduce yourself to a pile of bones, render yourself prone, and are considered to be under a similar effect to the feign death spell. While subject to this condition, you are unable to move or take actions other than using an action to end this effect. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language, typically one available to the race you chose for your Past Life. If your Past Life race has a trait that precludes speech (such as a kenku’s Mimicry), you are still not able to speak and instead gain access to the relevant trait of your Past Life race that substitutes speech.


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