Biolance Setting Deities

by TheTranMan

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Astral Gods

Clerics can choose any Domain they wish, provided they can justify them based on their choice of deity (note, they can choose a spirit, demigod, or celestial/primordial being of a domain to worship).

"My Domain is Life, because I worship Aethon's healing ichors that flow on the astral sea.", or "My Domain is Twilight, because it's broken... erm, I mean, because I worship an elder moon spirit called Illunas, who protected my homeworld."

The core gods of this setting are the Astral Gods, primary deities who inhabit the Astral Sea and retain a physical sanctum somewhere in the universe. Across the cosmos in general, hundreds of gods and lesser demigods exist, separated in their own quadrants and sections of star-space, though perhaps all powers worship the same gods of their Domains, yet interpret and have fashioned differing cultures and especially different names for them.

Religion and Faiths. Religion surprisingly plays an important role in Biolance. The gods have rarely manifested as massive celestial star beings across millennia, but such manifestations have not been seen since. Everyday people of faith and order believe divine or cosmic forces shape everyday life. Shared beliefs unite communities and can provide hope in difficult times, but can also fuel the dangerous rise of conflict.

The Galactic Church of the Trinity. The most popular organized religion in this setting is the Church of the Trinity, who formed around worshipping the God of Lore and Knowledge first, Zoldan, before adding to their roster of worshipping Aethon, God of Water and Life, and Astra Lux, Goddess of Constellations and Light.

Clerical Domains. A Cleric can give worship onto a God, but mostly a Cleric wields and practices the power of their Domain, like a little, super-weaker god effectively. The tactics, power, and will of a Domain and the knowledge of divine spellcraft in such a way, allows them to continue to draw on their deific-originated power even in realms where their Gods do not follow.

The Church of the Trinity

White Scroll of Eternity : Passage 837:9-2

Zoldan grants eternal Wisdom. From the providence of seeking knowledge and pursuing truth, comes Understanding and Prosperity.

The Trinity is the tri-forces of deific power, shared between Aethon, Astra Lux, and Zoldan. Their followers seek to:

  • Provide care for communities and protect the innocent or downtrodden.
  • Navigate the cosmos and carve a path for those who will walk it tomorrw.
  • Pursue the promise of knowledge and use it for the betterment of all.

The most popular Legend amongst the Galactic Community, above the Myth of the Biolance is the story of Luvar, the Immortal Sage and Saint of Zoldan. Zoldan heralded the Age of the Constellation Drive and the Futuristic Era, by unearthing the technology left behind by the Star-Titans.

In the Age during the Constellation Drive, comes the tales of the beginning of the Galactic Community, and Luvar's chronicling of the Three Scrolls of Eternity from the Black Hole Osiras.

Osiras, the Dark Hunger is an ancient and slumbering elder evil of a bygone age. Luvar unearthed a dark plot to awaken Osiras orchestrated by the Cult of the Dark Conquest, who wished to use Osiras to consume the known universe. Luvar unleashed an ancient secret of Zoldan, and quelled Osiras to sleep forever more yet again, and battled the Cult away.

While Osiras slept, Luvar used this time to listen to its whispers, and managed to collect secrets from its body rifted away from reality. He produced his findings into the Three Scrolls of Luvar, and gifted them to his followers before he was killed by his own followers, the Disciples of the Black Scroll of the Void.

The Three Scrolls of Luvar

  • The Black Scroll of the Void. The Black Scroll was the first detailed holy relic Luvar scribed from Osiras. He learned the dark secrets of the void and the far-realm, and the darkest secret of the Black Scroll details the name of the Immortal Evil, whose name pronounces fear.
  • The White Scroll of Eternity. The White Scroll was the second detailed holy relic Luvar scribed from Osiras. Osiras across his existence consumed indefinite amounts of light, worlds, and beings across time and space. The White Scroll details the name of the Engineer of Divinity, whom even Osiras feared with its immortal form. The White Scroll also holds a deific power, to transform a being into a true Astral God. Currently, the White Scroll remains well-guarded and is still researched and scribed to this day, several of its publishings and knowledge are freely revealed to the public.
  • The Gray Scroll of the Mind. The Gray Scroll was the third and final scroll Luvar scribed from Osiras. The final scroll Luvar put into text was, unsettling, for the great elder evil not only slept, but dreamt as it lay adrift in the cosmos, pronouncing its eternal and malevolent thoughts passively. With such knowledge, Luvar divined the identity of consciousness and the forces behind Quintessence. To this day, the Disciples of the Gray Scroll refuse to disclose any of its secrets or publish their findings, and keep the Gray Scroll hidden from reality.


The Symbol of the Church of the Trinity is a stylized triangle-esque set of the other symbols of the Trinity's Gods, commonly worn as a necklace.

Trinity Gods

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Aethon, God of Water and Life LN Arcana, Life A flowing current of water
Astra Lux, Goddess of Constellations and Light LN Knowledge, Light A constellation pointed to a star
Zoldan, God of Lore and Knowledge LN Arcana, Knowledge A cube made of twenty-seven cubes with six sides

Aethon, the Life-Source

God of Water and Life, the source of the domain of most healing spells. Revered by shamans and priests, sooth-sayers and doctors, and farmers and sailors. Aethon's realm and primordial home is the plane of water and the astral sea, which interconnect with one another. The eternal stream provides water and health for the cosmos, and Aethon controls its direction. Keeper of alien worlds, progenitor and protector of all life, and guardian of existence. Though Aethon gathers much attention and prayers across thousands of worlds, Aethon rarely enacts or pronounces devastating wrath against his rivals, merely providing gifts to his followers and countering his immortal rivals when necessary.

Aethon is said to await deceased mortals at the end of all sources, the beginning and the end of the Astral Sea in the Realm of Aethyreum. Aethon's servants, the Aethyr, or Rivergarde guide and assist mortals, and bring life to new worlds.

Depiction. Common representations show the Life-Source as an androgynous, cerulean-bright humanoid being, with an almost youth-like elegance. Swathed in torrents and waves of flowing geysers of water, and holding a ball of perpetually dripping water. Aethon is commonly depicted as delicately fashioned magical statues of water, or parts of fountains with hands clasped to pool and provide water.

Holy Day. Aethon's holy day(s) are the Finale and Conclusion of the Cycle, celebrated either on the first and final day (or the last 12 hours of the final day and first 12 hours of the first day, for only one day) of the cycle when the Universe does a complete 360* spin, or basically the start or end of a cosmic year. Dubbed the day of the Complete Cycle, followers spend the day during the start of the next year by "beginning" new life, mostly in the form of fertility festivals or beginning the planting of new crop or terraforming projects. The Galactic Community capital celebrates with a full day of festivities and the revelry for the next Cosmic Year, being the most prominent celebration in the Galaxy.

Commandments of Aethon
  • Protect and provide for the Youth, assist the poor and sickly, and aid those who are without guidance.
  • Heal those who are suffering, who are without hope, or are without the will to live.
  • Combat and prevent those who would cause destruction or slaughter.

Astra Lux, the Zodiac Master

Astra Lux is the star-shaper and the master of stellar lines, the creator of all star patterns. Widely worshiped by diviners and travelers, her domain is almost closely tied to fate and destiny, fashioning divine fate and potential by fashioning zodiac constellations. Those who work amongst the stars and seek knowledge for their future often ask for her blessing. Without Astra Lux's divine power, the Constellation Engine is practically a worthless device, because they would not travel the stellar lines or star lanes without the aether that courses through them.

Astra Lux is found in the Astral Plane, awaiting its dark borders as if an eternal outsider of the realm of existence. With a touch, she fashions new suns, and with a stroke of her finger, she creates star lanes. Astra's servants, the Twelve of the Zodiac are powerful celestial beings fashioned from star-matter, who protect the stars and the balance of the cosmos.

Depiction. The Zodiac Master's depictions portray her as a being compromised of stars, interconnected by coursing lines of light. The illustrations of her portray as a mirthful, slender woman wrapped in a gown made of sparkling nebulas, with eyes of sparkling specks of light, with golden locks of wisping hair.

Holy Day. Astra's holy day isn't actively celebrated or has a specific date. The Holy Day revolves around the formation of a new star is born from a nebula. Called the Day of Sunbirth, the devout spend their time calculating the exact time when the star is born, and they revel in its creation.

Commandments of Astra Lux
  • Deliver the light of Astra and push back the darkness
  • Protect the stars and carve a path towards tomorrow so others may follow.
  • Provide guidance and offer counsel to the lost.

Zoldan, the Heavenly Professor

The eternal search for knowledge and understanding, the teaching of divinity, and creation of tradition and technology is pioneered by Zoldan. Across all time many have questioned, and the spark of answering was formed by Zoldan's divine essence, his constant gifts given to those who ponder their incomprehension of the realm around them. Zoldan guided the growth of civilization and knowledge, his most deific accomplishment being the creation of the Common tongue, a language almost all conscient beings could speak. Zoldan however, only knows so much, and requires his followers called Seekers, to search and combat against those who would keep secrets or limit knowledge, including Luvar who reverse-engineered the technology of the Constellation Engine, allowing societies to finally progress to the new age. Zoldan's gifts and blessings for such devotion draws many to revere him and praise him for the promise of attaining the truth.

Zoldan sits in a pocket realm of the Eternal Unknown, in his domain of the infinite library that fits in the Singularity Space, Eternity. Zoldan's celestial servants were all once mortals, hand-picked to achieve saint-hood and demi-god form granted for their service and accomplishments in understanding the universe, while he continues to provide guidance and knowledge to those who pray to him for the cosmic truths.

Depiction. Within his temples, he is commonly depicted as a quintessential sage or scholar, draped in celestial white robes with platinum accents. However he does not bear any mortal features other than his head being replaced with his holy symbol, represented by a cube fashioned of smaller cubes, constantly shifting or re-fashioning its design. If he is represented with mortal features, they are shown as covered, almost wrapped mummy-like with book or scroll-paper written upon with ancient knowledge.

Holy Day. Zoldan and his followers do not hold a holy day, and rarely celebrate the unveiling of new or groundbreaking lore with much else than a small effort of revelry or a quick prayer onto Zoldan for his gift. After all, every waking moment must be devoted to research.

Commandments of Zoldan
  • Uphold and teach the importance of Understanding, and always seek your own truth.
  • Always be willing to learn, and always be ready to teach in return. For to be ignorant means to squander your potential.
  • Uphold and revere the progress of technology. Always advance and seek to create a better tomorrow with what you have today.

The Black Scroll's Thousand Elder Evils

"So Zoldan even held on to knowledge like this? Or did he merely not know or not wished to let it be known? A thousand foes we've faced across lifetimes."

~ Luvar, Saint of the Constellation Engine

When Luvar chronicled the Black Scroll of the Void from the mind of Black Hole Osiras, he fashioned the List of the Thousand Elder Evils.

A harrowing understanding and grim detail of One Thousand Elder Evils was placed into the Black Scroll, things Osiras remembered from facing each and every one before he set to slumber for eons, passively learning and deciphering information from the cosmos with its dreams.

The acolytes of Luvar, the Disciples of the Black Scroll who received the titular Black Scroll turned on him, backstabbed him and killed Luvar using the darker powers they had claimed from its use. Luvar had planned for the Disciples of the Black Scroll to act as his agents with forebearing knowledge on how to combat dark or extraplanar forces. Though when the Disciples got their hands on the Scroll, they became warped by its dark potential, as Luvar did not realize each Scroll had its own supernatural gravity to it.

The Disciples of the Black Scroll, now known to the galaxy as the Black Brotherhood, or the Baath, continue to enact dark deeds or command evil plots against unsuspecting worlds.

The Thousand Elder Evils

  1. ___, The Immortal Evil
  2. Zygon, the Incandescent
  3. Gorbak, the Collector of Chattering Heads
  4. Oolooskonengayr, the Hand of Hungers
  5. Gaorbgoolgoldankar, the Stench of Stars
  6. Kabaloktuongo, the Boiling Belly
  7. Zoonlomonogar, the Freezing Liver
  8. C'Thar Kalklognav, the Festering Muscle
  9. Byobalningob, the Maggot Fingerer
  10. Rnyash Rauggolothel, She-Mother that Consumes
  11. Chakcharthes, the World Imprisoned
  12. Ygogool, the Galaxy Below
  13. Haask, the Voice of Torment
  14. Krey-Kreo-Kraw, the Dead Sun
  15. Nassatheumthoon, He who sets Coffins Adrift
  16. Tierthnayre, Tyrant-Storm in the Stars
  17. Uthod, the Predator of Worlds
  18. The Dark Walkers of Ushade
  19. The Thought Borne Wanderer
  20. Kthicti, the Flame-Born Titan
  21. Ytighui, the Egg of Worlds
  22. Haodre, Son of Fathers
  23. Digaal, Tunneler of Wormholes
  24. Ecathus, Destroyer of Planar Barriers
  25. Thuke, He Who Awaits Annihilation
  26. Zaolothfuss, She Who Guides Thought
  27. Inondyl, It Sees You Read This
  28. Druky, Spreader of Time and Space
  29. Vrouthrhaszyl, Prophet of the Skin Cycle
  30. Ghraszoon, He who grafts Flesh and Bone
  31. Ombrex, The Slime given Marriage
  32. Gagaxo, She who is on Vacation from Beyond
  33. Ershethe, He who Loves All
  34. Zos'Zus, Therapist for Cosmic Horrors
  35. Tacignax, General of the Five-Hundreth Unborn Legions
  36. Ogrulakun, Slatherer of the Black Tar
  37. Idolpexarr, He who catches your Attention and Keeps It
  38. Mha'az, She who Wishes She Had a Title
  39. Traub, The Formless and Hearless Horror
  40. Ignolaul, He Entrapped By Time Because of a Clock
  41. Atrex, Warden of the Failed Madmen
  42. Zanklet, She Who Sets All To Rest Just Because
  43. Yobhydra, She With a Thousand Differing but Hungering Heads
  44. Ucnezdathateyr, He Set to List all Actions
  45. Brioc Ody'Dedre, The Flightless Shepherd of Lost Birds
  46. Ivargrid, The Star-Volcano
  47. Odnash, The Odd One Out
  48. Grithictu, The One Adrift in Shadows
  49. Kaalass Tolath, The Thousand Tongued One
  50. Iacxaokl'Ikthouthrless, The Father of Skittering Horrors

~ And Many More


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