Wealdkin: Forest Cousins

by Ogskive

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More Wealdkin Subraces | Ogskive

More Wealdkin Subraces

Wealdkin, warriors of the forest floor, come in all manner of shapes and sizes, though they typically resemble vermin of temperate woodlands. Mouse and raccoon wealdkin are by far the most common, but a slew of other subraces are out there. Each subrace of wealdkin is defined by their fighting style as much as they are by their mammalian appearance.

This document presents several new kinds of wealdkin which your DM may or may not include as subrace options when introducing wealdkin to their campaign. Please note that the lore and traits of these subraces are less developed than the mouse and raccoon wealdkin. These subraces are mutable and you are encouraged to tweak them, completely reinvent them, or simply use them as inspiration for making your own homebrew.

To see the base wealdkin traits, check out Tiny Races Underfoot.

Bushtail Wealdkin (Squirrelfolk)

As bitter rivals of the mouse wealdkin, squirrelfolk are extremely competent warriors. Not only are squirrelfolk able to hold their own against the insidiously ingenious mousefolk, but they're able to project their power. Squirrelfolk regularly show off their might with parades and demonstrations, and they're known for their large egos.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Battle Cry. When you use your Scurry trait, you can choose to command an ally to attack instead of taking the Disengage action. If you do, choose a friendly creature that can see or hear you. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack.

Groundhog Wealdkin (Chuckfolk)

Mighty and reliable, groundhog wealdkin are able to take a punch and keep going. As tenacious as they are stubborn, chuckfolk epitomize petty wealdkin grudges. An insult made at the behest of an ancestor hundreds of years ago may still be relevant conversation between a groundhog wealdkin and their rival.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Robust. When you use your Vermin Recovery trait you don't halve the result.

Weasel Wealdkin (Weaselfolk)

Weasel wealdkin are among the physically weakest of the wealdkin, but what they lack in muscle they make up for with their unique connection to the forest. Nearly all weaselfolk bear an aspect of the forest, unlike other kinds of wealdkin whose members only rarely do so. Weaselfolk take wild beasts as mounts and ride them expertly.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Wild Riding. You can control a beast as a mount as long as it isn't hostile towards you, even if it hasn't been trained to accept a rider. When you use your Scurry trait, your mount also gains the benefits of the Dash, Disengage, and Dodge actions.












































Squirrel by chichapie

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