Bardachev's Atlas of the Greysolon Galaxy

by Quorrhiee

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A Crash Course in Astrophysics

The Greysolon Galaxy is a setting that takes advantage of a couple modern physics concepts that are handy to have some background in before playing. These mechanics are Time Dilation, Megastructures, and the Kardachev Scale.


I am not an astrophysicist, I am simply a nerd who has an interest in the field. That having been said, my undergraduate degree is a B.S in Physics from UW Madison, and I am currently a Masters Student in the Medical Physics program at the same university. Any values used in this document are not the result of any type of analysis or rigorous proof, but rather fun approximations of what could be.

Frames of Reference

When dealing with relativity, it is important to consider the observer's viewpoint from which measurements are made. For example, an observer traveling 95% the speed of light will view the universe very differently than an observer standing still on Earth. The one strange thing to keep in mind in this case is that while time may flow at different rates for these two people, the speed of light always appears constant. Weird, right?

Time Dilation

While it may come as a surprise, the flow of time is not a constant, although it may appear as that from any one observer's frame of reference. As you approach massive objects, the flow of time slows. This is a well documented and studied fact that effects all of us every day.

A common example in Modern Physics is to show that the time dilation between GPS Satellites and our cars on the ground. The result shows that for a clock on a GPS satellite compared to a clock on the surface of the Earth, the clock on the satellite will lose about 7 microseconds per day. This may not seem like much, but nevertheless the GPS system takes this delay into account when calculating your position.

The Berrian

Units of Time dilation are measured in Berrians [B], which base the time dilation off how long it would take for a year to pass on the material plane. For example, time dilation in the City of Dis is 1 kB, or 1000 Berrians, which means that for every thousand years on the surface of that world, one year would pass on the material plane.

An equivalent way to consider this is to think of it as time slowing or speeding up. At 1 kB, time flows 1000 times slower for an observer looking in at the city of dis from the material plane, but from the perspective of the City of Dis, the material plane appears to move 1000 times faster.

The shorthand is that as you approach massive objects, your perception of time does not change, but the rest of the universe will appear to start moving faster and faster due to the fact that you exist in a different progression of time. Avernus has been fighting the blood war for thousands of years now, but to them only about a month has passed since the start of the war. To anyone looking at Avernus from the material plane, the war would appear to be frozen in time, or at best moving very slowly. To the devils of Avernus, however, the universe appears to move incredibly quickly, with the results of centuries of advancement in military aid arriving mere days apart.

Time Dilation the Worlds

World Berrians
Elbaz 1 B
Shadowfell 1 B
Feywild 1 B
The Abyss Undefined
Avernus 10 kB
Dis 1 kB
Minauros 500 B
Phlegethos 250 B
Stygia 250 B
Malbolge 125 B
Maladomini 62 B
Cania 30 B
Nessus 0.9 B
Primus 1.05 B
Acheron Belt 1.05 B
Buxenus 1.05 B
Abellio 1.05 B
World of Fire 2 B
World of Air 2 B
World of Water 2 B
World of Earth 2 B
The Limbo Enigma 1 uB
World Berrians
Pandemonium Observatory 1 mB
Ysgard 5 B
Krigala 10 B
Brux 10 B
Karasuthra 2 B
Hades 10 mB
Gehenna 10 mB
Carceri Archipelago 10 mB
Tarpeia 0.5 B
Lunia 0.5 B
Mercuria 0.5 B
Venya 0.5 B
Solania 0.5 B
Metrion 0.5 B
Jovar 0.5 B
Chronias 0.5 B
Dothion 1 kB
Shurrock 1 kB
Amoria 1 kB
Eronia 1 kB
Belierin 1 kB
Thalasia 1 kB

The Kardachev Scale

The Kardachev Scale is a way to rank civilizations based on their energy use. The basic idea is that the more territory a civilization controls, the more resources they must generate. The scale was originally created by soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardachev. While this system is by no means a perfect approximation, it does serve as a solid structure to base the relative influence of various beings in our galaxy. Below is a brief description of what tiers 1, 2, and 3 may look like.

Tier 1: Planetary Civilization

A tier 1 civilization uses all the energy available to a single planet. In reality, Human Civilization is a little below 1.0, but should reach this benchmark sometime in the next century or so.

Example: A Tier 1 Civilization in Greysolon is the world of Elbaz.

Tier 2: Stellar Civilization

A tier 2 civilization uses all the energy available to their local stellar system. This type of civilization likely has some sort of megastructure to generate power directly from their star.

Example: A Tier 2 Civilization in Greysolon is the Feywild, who not only have a Dyson Swarm, but also a stellar engine.

Tier 3: Galactic Civilization

A tier 3 civilization uses all the energy available to an entire galaxy. This type of civilization is theorized as the highest a civilization can reach, although higher types have been proposed.

Example: There are no true tier 3 civilizations in Greysolon, although the Matryoshka Brain of Primus is estimated to be at 2.9.

The Bardachev Scale

The Bardachev Scale was proposed by the Aasimar Bard Nikolai Bardachev, who traveled the cosmos and recorded his discoveries. It follows the same guiding principles as the Kardachev Scale, where civilizations are ranked on the scale based on their power consumption and influence.

Other Sources of Inspiration

A smart guy named Arthur C. Clarke came up with three laws that many people have heard. They are:

  1. If an old distinguished scientist says something is possible, they’re right. If they say something is impossible, they’re wrong.
  2. Only way to find out the limits of what is possible is to venture slightly into the impossible
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

This set of laws was the core reason I set out to make a ridiculous sci-fi setting like I did. The idea that humanity could one day achieve things like these isn't completely impossible. The most important one is the third law in that respect, since all the magic of D&D could eventually become reality. Except Wish, fuck that spell.

How to Play in Greysolon

While this is still something I am playing with, the biggest factor in the success or failure of something like this is the DM. How do you describe a fireball in a room with no oxygen? For me, its all heat, no flame; but for you it may be a flash of fire, but no lingering flame. As long as the DM has a sense of how the environment affects the little things, it can be immersive and fantastic.

Keep in mind the three laws. Does the old wizard claim that it is impossible to survive the transition between cycles? Does he say its possible? How could somebody say for sure? What Greysolon is all about is seeing what the universe looks like with the answers to questions that we don't quite have right now, so don't feel bad filling in these gaps on your own!

Wait, did you say cycle?

Yes I did, dear reader! The truth that we know in Greysolon is the fate of the universe. Where in reality we do not know if the universe will end in a big rip as space expands faster than gravity can hold it together, a heat death as entropy reaches its maximum, or a big bounce as the expansion of space weakens over time, causing gravity to pull everything in the universe back to a single point.

In Greysolon, there are beings that claim to have survived a big bounce, and have gifted diviners with visions from previous cycles. Because of this link to the past, and the proof that has been uncovered, we now know that the universe exists in a cycle of creation, expansion, contraction, and annihilation. The beings that can survive such a transition are considered gods by some, but are called Tier 3 beings by others. Beings such as Berrian Meliamne, the first of the diviners to be shown this truth. He was one of the latest, and most modern, figures to discover how to survive this transition.

Bardachev's Guide | "Gods" of Greysolon

Chapter 2

"Gods" of Greysolon


Ah! Very astute of you to question why the term "God" is met with suspicion in Greysolon. The answer is simple: trust. How would you feel if an a being that looked exactly like you showed up and started claiming to know secrets of the universe? You are even less likely to believe them if they look nothing like you! Primitive worlds believe that great feast halls sit in the heavens, waiting to welcome them in death to the afterlife. These are people that may hear the truth, but until it is made personal to them, they reject it. They don't want to hear that the being in the sky is simply a devil, preying on the captive souls of generations of their ancestors. They will choose to believe that their ancestors are in eternal bliss, regardless of the proof shown to them. Because of places like these, the gods are known by many names on different worlds, if they are known at all.

What stays constant in each Cycle?

In between cycles, the same civilizations appear, the same biological entities appear, with the same expressed features. This requires some suspension of disbelief, so allow me to explain. The same races appear, but their environments, their customs, their language, etc all change. Elves will always appear somewhere, thanks to their gods desire to continue creating, likewise with dragonborn, humans, and dwarves. But its up to you what they looked like in previous cycles. Maybe your orc cleric of knowledge sees visions of himself in another cycle, so close to discovering the secret of immortality as an alchemist artificer. Perhaps he is looking forward, into a new cycle. If a creature runs in to one of its own kind from a different cycle, they will not be able to tell that the other creature is from another iteration of the universe unless they attempt to speak or otherwise interact somehow. The basic idea here is that based on sight alone, you cannot tell who is and who is not from around here.

Charlatans Paradise

When anyone could be a god in disguise, people tend to take advantage of that fact. Many charlatans have come to power claiming to be a god. The Ansus line of men were built on this fact, using the favor of the lord of the nine to carry messages through time to their heirs.

When a charlatan like this appears, good gods weep. Their work in convincing the masses of their legitimacy, and of allowing others to join them, is made more difficult and risky with each imposter that offers the same. These imposters often become wealthy rulers, sometimes for generations, at the expense of the beguiled masses that they are now parasites of.

A History of the Mirrored Wars

The Blood War

The blood war rages in the axis of evil system. The devils original home system was the nine worlds of hell, which orbited around a red dwarf. Red dwarves are small and cool stars that burn for extremely long lifetimes. The worlds of the nine hells are lead by Asmodeus, the sole inhabitant of Nessus, the ninth world of hell. The exact nature of Asmodeus is unclear because it is as if there are two stories regarding him. Rewrite this all.

The First Myth of Asmodeus

The first story of Asmodeus is the one he tells: a powerful devil of unclear omnipotence. This is the Asmodeus who appeared on the separate system of Mechanus to justify his actions in the Trial of Asmodeus, and fucking won. He is evil, there is no question, but whether or not he supports his purported “laws of the universe” more than his own evil is not clear. This story of asmodeus is one of a being smarter and more charming than everyone else in the room, no matter who is in the room. The Asmodeus of the modern day is a type II despot who successfully mastered his own system of the original nine hells, and used a stellar engine to move the worlds to the black hole nearby of the abyss. Feeding his star to the abyss allows him to feed off the energy created by the Penrose process, making him a type II ruler. Behind the scenes, he is surely amassing more power, and would love to try to ascend further.

The Second Myth of Asmodeus

The second story of Asmodeus is one told by those who knew him before he created the blood war system and became one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. Many stories tell that the first beings to escape the cycle of the universe and achieve godhood were the Koatls. These dragon like beings were the first gods, but they were not a perfect civilization. Koatls disagreed whether or not the universe should stop creating, and instead stay in its current state forever. Those who believed creation should stop believed that by birthing Koatls, the universe had achieved perfection, and therefore its ultimate purpose was fulfilled and the new gods, the koatls, were to take the wheel of destiny from now on.

The second group were humbler, and believed that improvements could be made, even to Koatls, if the universe was given enough time for random chance to take its course. Those who believed in the word of the Koatl called themselves the Law, and those that disobeyed this ruling were called the Chaos. Asmodeus was the leader of the Law, and Odin lead the Chaos. The two groups did battle on a scale unprecedented, for an unknown number of cycles. The war of creation, as it became known, is the source of the blinding light diviners see when they try to gaze back to the first cycle.

Somewhere in this war, Asmodeus was dealt a lethal blow, and he fell, dying into the stars. The story ends there, but for Asmodeus it continued. Being an immortal, he did not die when he fell. Asmodeus drifted for eons, frozen and alone, without air, and with the wound unable to heal without more power. Eventually, he came close enough to a barren rock around a small star to be drawn to it, and he finally gasped once his body entered its atmosphere. It is here that the true body of Asmodeus lies. All his depictions of himself are simply the results of powerful projections or creations, images of himself that he wants us to have. He has never left his world of Nessus, and his true form is still that of a wounded serpent, whos wings were severed by Odin so long ago. It is from Nessus that he has worked his powerful magic to create the asmodeus we know of today.

Asmodeus Today

The second story is much more terrifying, because it hints that he may truly be a god of old already. If the second story is true, then Asmodeus is powerful enough to give the impression of a type II ruler without even leaving his hospital bed. This may make him a very good king with loyal and effective servants, or it could make him the single most powerful being in existence.

Regardless, today, Asmodeus rules the Blood War System by siphoning photons from the accretion disc that he created when he dropped his sun into the abyss. That taste of life is what some believe was the lure that brought the demons out of the abyss, and there are still those who blame asmodeus as the reason the demons ever broke out in the first place.

His argument to Primus in his trial was that he is the reason the abyss has not broken out to the other systems yet, and that his actions to create more devils under him are really efforts to bolster his forces against this destructive power of the abyss. The current state of the system is the demons of the abyss landing on Avernus, the first world of hell. Here they are held by the devilish forces of Asmodeus lead by Zariel, for now.

The Fall of Odin

On the other side of the galaxy, Odin feasted with his allies. The forces of Chaos had triumphed, and they all thanked Odin for their victory. He was soon made their king, a ceremonial title that meant it was he who could sound the horns of war. With this title, Odin traveled, learning as much as he could about the universe. Odin knew that Asmodeus was an immortal, and that unless he fell into the abyss, he would not be destroyed. When Asmodeus reemegred, Odin only became worse. When Asmodeus conquered the nine hells and steered them into the Abyss, Odin became obsessed. The idea kept him awake at night, ever alert to the presence of his ancient foe.

With his descent into paranoia, Odin stood out to the others of the good Koatl. One of them, Juno, Queen of the Gods of Mount Olympus, Swore that the forces of good would not descend into evil, even if it meant stopping Odin from doing something atrocious. Juno soon after took control of Mount Olympus from Jupiter, and relocate their headquarters from the world of Mount Olympus, to a new galaxy on the far side of the galaxy, where Juno rules as the lawful good queen of the gods of mount Olympus and the angels of mount celestia. Quite a mouthful.

Asmodeus was still out there however, and this time he was somehow on the same side as Odin. Odin never trusted Asmodeus given their past, and was still convinced that Asmodeus would betray him. When his paranoia peaked, he traveled down to the root of the world tree to Niflheim in hades. There, odin found the well of knowledge, and sacrificed his eye to know the full story of Asmodeus, including its future. Whatever Odin saw, he has never told. What we do know we recovered from his allies, Baldr and Tyr, who returned him to Ysgard. After his eye sunk into the well, there was a brilliant flash from the well, and Odin’s jaw went slack. He fell immediately into a coma, from which he has not awakened. The people of Ysgard are told that his great power requires great rest, and that this Odinsleep is necessary for their great ruler to return.

The Odinsleep

The realm of Ysgard has been the realm of rebellious, chaotic benevolence. When there is evil, it was their Valkyries who fought it back wherever it may be. Odin himself was a Koatl, a primordial god from the war of creation, which meant that on the Bardaschev scale, he was at least a type II ruler, but likely leaning into type III. Like Asmodeus, Odin too is constantly looking to increase his own power, even while asleep. The dreams of Odin have been known to appear as dancing illusions, or whispers in the wind that tell of Odin’s will. People on Ysgard say that when you hear the wind whisper, it is because you have a role in Odin’s plans, and he needs to protect you. Many suspicious Ysgardians have sworn their lives have been saved because they could have sworn they heard someone say, “stop” just before they would have been beheaded. It is worth noting that Odin and Asmodeus both went by different names before their current forms, and may explain other stories in this way. (make them the twins of iroquois creation).

Grounding a Lightning Bolt

Upon hearing of Odin’s unconscious condition, the forces of Mt. Olympus saw their chance. The angels had attended the trial of Asmodeus, and upon Primus’ ruling, Asmodeus became an asset of the law that would fight back the Abyss, which they now called Chaos as well. Chaos itself was the force of the universe that had to be kept in check, according to primus, and Juno, the ruler of Mt. Olympus agreed.

In an apparent meeting with Asmodeus, Juno had agreed that Chaos was a greater threat to order, than evil was to good. They decided together that they should not rely on their old allies, but rather make new ones. The two had met in battle many times in the past when demons had escaped to other worlds and required Devils to enter other systems and kill them. Juno refused entry to any devil, resulting in a growing conflict as the devils shook warrants at Juno from primus. Inevitably, the devils entered and brought ruin and collateral damage with them, resulting in Jupiter killing them. This cycle continues, as well as the occasional threat or insult hurled between the two.

What Juno didn’t know was that events had played out exactly as Asmodeus had wanted. Asmodeus’s plan was simple. He had a partnership with Pluto that let Pluto offload excess souls to the nine hells, which asmodeus used in the blood war. Pluto got off easy on his Olympian punishment, and Asmodeus gets the souls. It was this partnership that Jupiter discovered, and confronted Pluto on.

Because Pluto had Asmodeus to help him, Jupiter’s Efforts to corner Pluto were fruitless, and the brother’s relationship was strained. Jupiter now sits on mt. Olympus, conflicted between his love for his brother, and his loyalty to his wife, Juno. Pluto tells him to allow the deal to continue, and Juno says to stop it. Paralyzed, Jupiter disappeared to roam the galaxy for insight, leaving Juno to rule in his stead. Juno has ruled ever since, and Jupiter is rumored to have wandered far and wide. Some say he went mad, others say he died. There are even a few who believe that anyone could be Jupiter, and venerate his existence through worship.

Filling the Void

Once Juno heard that Odin was locked in a coma, and that his only influence was from his subconscious, he grinned with sweet righteous smile. Juno marshalled her best men, and lead the small team himself, appearing directly in Odin’s bed chamber. Juno’s spear glowed white, as she prepared to execute the ruler of Ysgard, when she coughed. Never before had it happened, but no matter how hard Juno tried, she could not bring herself to strike Odin down. Something in her very being prevented her from killing Odin. Some say it was the Allfather himself, reaching into the mind of Juno to protect himself. Others say it was Juno, who knew that Odin was a force for good, and that striking him down like this would not only be dishonorable, but an act of evil. Regardless of the reason, Juno left Ysgard with Odin alive, but asleep.

The forces of Ysgard saw her, and saw the destruction Juno left in her wake. She had killed many to reach Odin’s chamber, and despite her sparing Odin, the forces of Ysgard demanded blood. They were allies in the eyes of Odin, and the innocents who guarded them had no reason to defend themselves from the familiar faces of Juno’s forces. They were struck down in surprise, every single one of them. Each of them a good creature, each of them a Valkyrie with years of service. Juno realized her actions on his way back to her mountain, and she shed a single tear for allowing Asmodeus’s corruption to claim Odin’s Forces. She retuned to her tower on Mt. Olympus, and razed it to the ground.

As her first major order as Empress, she created the mirrored star, and the new world of Tarpeia around it. The elven gods were allowed to remain, they largely stuck to their own ambitions, but Juno would rule this new world. Here, she would stand as the center of good in the greysolon galaxy, defending itself from the misguided forces of Ysgard, the devils of Nessus, and the demonic plague that was only spreading around the galaxy.

The Good Guys

The forces of Ysgard, under the rulership of Thor odinson, acting Allfather, now fight against the forces of Juno, who continue to carry out her will in the good planes. This war, bread of misunderstanding and corrupt influence, rages on in the good systems between Juno and Thor. Because of the unreachable nature of the leaders, the forces have grown to resent each other, attacking on sight today because of hundreds of years of war.

Where did Juno Go?

Legend says that Juno remains sequestered because the subconscious of Odin followed her home in an attempt to reason with her, and that the discussion about whether or not it is more important to obey the teachings of Primus the Law or to follow the rules of Avalon, the benevolent voice of the Good Worlds of Elysium, which exist to serve as example of kindness and goodness. Others say that the spirit of Odin attempted to possess Juno, and until one consciousness triumphs over the other, the body of Juno will remain sequestered. These people believe that neither Juno nor Odin’s spirits could ever yield, so the only way the body will reemerge is if the spirits merge, or agree to work together. Should this happen, the being of Elysian prophecy: Bahamut, will be created, and usher in an era of never-ending good and bliss as it wipes the universe of any evil.

Asmodeus’ Game

Shifting back to the evil planes, asmodeus has achieved the setup for his mighty goals. The forces of good are warring, and he is not only accepted, but was given the authority of Law to fight back the demons of the abyss as his new official charge. While this created limits for him, it was manageable, so he did not mind. Asmodeus had secretly conducted two powerful rituals during this uncertain time, with machinations beyond those that any of the others had seen. You may recall that to oppose Asmodeus, Odin entered Niflheim, and severed his eye for knowledge of Asmodeus. The blood of the Allfather, ruler of the Chaotic Good, was shed in the evil world of Hades.

Odin committed a powerfully evil act. Using this act, Asmodeus shattered the first of the four great seals that prevent the summoning of a being of pure evil, a being prophesied as Tiamat’s newest form by the evil souls of Hades. The first seal was in Niflheim at the base of Yggdrasil, and Asmodeus was able to shatter it with the evil act of Odin. Similarly, another great seal lies at the base of Mount Olympus, the old home of Juno’s empire. The peak of the mountain extends beyond the useful limit of gravity for its planet, so people climbing up the mountain trying to reach Mount Olympus have drifted off into space and died for their delusions because of this feature. It was here that Asmodeus shattered the second seal, loosing one more seal on Tiamat’s prison.

The third of the seals is in Oinos, and the seal itself has never even been found. The only way to even search the diseased plane of Oinos is by the river styx, which the Merrenoloths guard zealously. The seal is prophesized to haves something to do with the river styx, and there are rumors of a powerful wizard from the material plane that has found a way to live there. A Witch Queen named Iggwilv.

Chapter 3

Player Options

Artificer Subclasses

The Manhattan

Some artificers have discovered ways of manufacturing items that release a staggering amount of power when activated. These artificers, who are highly sought by states or zealots who wish to use the artificer's creations to further their own violent goals. Are you a manhattan that would go along with their demands? Or would you oppose them? Those good aligned manhattans who wish to keep their discoveries out of the public eye often take incredible precautions to remain hidden, even using their own powerful inventions simply to shield themselves.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one type of artisan's tools of your choice.

Manhattan Domain Spells

Level Loot
3 Alarm, Shield
5 Arcane Lock, Moonbeam
9 Counterspell, Nondetection
13 Private Sanctum, Sickening Radiance
17 Meteor Swarm, Power Word Kill

Radiative Pulse

Starting at 3rd level, you learn about tremors in the weave. As an action, you can use your tinker’s tools to expend a spell slot to emit a magical pulse centered on a point within 60 ft. that radiates outward at 10 ft. per round. The rate at which this wave travels increases by 10 ft. per round at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. You can create the following effects:

Amplification Wave

Creatures who are affected by this wave gain a +1 for every magic item they are attuned to their attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier.

Interference Wave

Creatures who are affected by this wave are under the effect of an Antimagic Field for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier, or until they pass a Constitution save against your Artificer Save DC At Higher Levels: When you cast this effect with a spell slot of 2nd or higher, the DC of the Interference and bonus of the amplification wave increases by half the spell level, rounded down.

Radiation Therapy

at 5th Level, You learn to direct your enhanced magical understanding to bolster your allies. When you cast a spell that targets an ally, that ally gains temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier x the spell’s level.

These temporary hit points last 10 minutes, or until you use this feature again.

Invisible Nature

Beginning at 9th level, you may influence the power source of your infusions. Drawing on the unseen nature of the weave, you may borrow power from your infusions for a short time. As an action, you may render one of your infusions nonmagical and produce one of the following effects:

  • Turn one target invisible and undetectable by divination magic.
  • Grant one target true seeing

These effects last for 1 hour, or until you lose concentration on them as you would concentrate a spell. Your infusions resume being magical 1 minute after the effect ends. You may only use this feature once per infusion per day.

Manhattan Spell Slots
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 9th
1st 2
2nd 2
3rd 3
4th 3
5th 4 2
6th 4 2
7th 4 3
8th 4 3
9th 4 3 2
10th 4 3 2
11th 4 3 3
12th 4 3 3
13th 4 3 3 1
14th 4 3 3 1
15th 4 3 3 2 1
16th 4 3 3 2 1
17th 4 3 3 3 1
18th 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 3 3 3 1
20th 4 3 3 3 1

Quantum Leap

At 15th level, you discover secrets within the weave that could rip apart the fabric of reality. Borrowing from this power, you become more magically gifted. You stop gaining new spell slots. Instead, you gain one 9th level spell slot.

This spell slot functions as normal, returning on a long rest, and upcasting spells as noted in the spell description. The only 9th level spells that are able to be cast are those of the Manhattan spell list, which are learned at level 17.

The Cosmonaut

Some young creatures look up at the stars, and wonder what it would be like to soar through them, exploring the cosmos as a whole. Cosmonauts do not have this wonder, since it is what they see every day. Cosmonaut artificers specialize in vehicles and spaceflight. They are often found in the service of other organisations, as their skills are some of the most valued in Greysolon. Odds are, no matter what barren world you travel to, there are at least one of these artificers somewhere around. These cowboys wander the stars, selling their services to any who can afford them.

Tools of the Trade

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with all vehicles. This includes sea, air, and land vehicles as well as spacecrafts.

Custom Helm

At 3rd level, You have mastered the craft of designing mounts for war, leisure, and comfort. When mounted on this helm, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to the prone condition while mounted. The only way you can be forcibly dismounted is if your mount is moved against its will, which will require a DC 10 Dex save as usual. If your mount is knocked prone, you do not need to expend your reaction to land on your feet.
  • The Saddle is considered Breastplate Armor for your vehicle or mount, and may bear infusions.

Extra Attack

When you take the attack action on your turn, you may make one additional attack.


At 9th level, you have spent considerable time toiling over the minute aspects of your helm. By working on the towing capabilities of your mount, you manage to confer the following benefits to any vehicle or mount that bears your helm.

  • Your mount’s carrying capacity is doubled
  • As an attack, you can force a creature within 30 ft. of your mount to make a grapple check, restraining them with a tether to your mount or vehicle. Creatures grappled in this way cannot move away from you, and are pulled with you as you move. The exact path the creature takes is up to that creature, provided they are not incapacitated or unconscious.
  • You may have a number of creatures tethered like this equal to your mount’s strength modifier. For every additional creature tethered, your mount’s movement speed decreases by 20 ft.

Extra Horsepower

At 15th level, you are most at home while behind the wheel. A career of time spend driving, guiding, and controlling mounts has made you an expert at mounted combat. When you are in your saddle and mounted on a creature, you gain the following benefits

  • Both your mounts and your AC increases by 2
  • When you or your mount is reduced to 0 HP, you may dismount as a reaction and remain at 1 HP
  • When a creature is lassoed to your saddle you may attempt to pull them into melee range with another successful grapple check.

Barbarian Paths

Path of Annihilation

Annihilators are a solid object's worst nightmare. Annihilators are the destroyers of walls, the juggernauts that crash through enemy lines, and the towers that can weather collosal blows.

Siege the Walls

At level 3, Rage empowers your weapons, allowing you to propel them to unbelievable heights. When you are raging, you gain the following benefits.

  • Any weapon you wield gains the thrown property with a range of 30/120 and are thrown with strength. You are proficient with improvised weapons.
  • You gain the siege property
  • If you make multiple attacks, you may roll them separately, adding the damage to a single piece of ammunition, rather than expending additional ammunition for multiple attacks

Strength of Stone

At 6th Level, your study of structures you have reduced to rubble grants you an understanding of them. You are proficient with Mason’s Tools, and you cannot be knocked prone unwillingly.

Proper Construction

At 10th level, you can provide for your allies what standing structures cannot. You learn the Leomund's Tiny Hut spell, but only as a ritual that you may cast once per dawn.

Demolish The Standing

Starting at level 14, you have mastered the teachings of annihilation, and are always a threat to what stands before you. Your weapon attacks now ignore resistance, and treat immunity to their damage type as resistance instead.

Path of the Nova

Some barbarians channel within themselves the power of the cosmos, which is released when they rage. Barbarians of this path are walking cataclysms, capable of leveling the area around them in a flash of brilliant light. They are conduits of cosmic power that reflect the rage of dying stars, and even more powerful objects.

Fusion Rage

At 3rd level, 2hen you rage, you burn with the fire of a dying star. You become Large, if you are not already Large or larger. Additionally, when you begin your rage, a shockwave emanates out from you. All creatures within 5 ft of you must make a Strength save or take 1d12+STR radiant damage and be knocked prone, on a success, creatures take half damage and are not knocked prone. You may designate a number of creatures up to your strength modifier to be unaffected by this.

As a bonus action on your turn, or as a substitute for an attack, you may repeat this effect. Emits bright light for 20 ft and dim light for 20 ft. beyond. As your skin burns with the red and yellow hues of ignited plasma.

Stellar Heart

At 6th Level, your overwhelming energy allows you to become adapted to any environment. You are considered naturally adapted to extreme heat and extreme cold, as well as extreme altitude or pressures. Additionally, you no longer need to breathe.

Solar Flare

Starting at 10th level, as a reaction when an ally within 10 ft. of you is the target of an attack, you can cause a solar flare to erupt from your body, blinding the target. The attack is made with disadvantage, and the attacker must succeed on a CON save vs you CON DC or become blind until the end of its next turn. Use this a number of times per short rest equal to your proficiency bonus.


At 14th level, once per day when you rage, you may expend two rages to become a tiny sized creature surrounded by magical darkness as if cast by the darkness spell at 7th level. You are able to see through the darkness for the duration, and gain the following benefits.

  • The initial explosion is much more powerful than usual. You may roll any amount of hit die, expending them to add to the usual 1d12+STR damage of the explosion. All creatures within 30 ft. of you must make a dexterity save or take the full damage as radiant damage, or half on a success. After the explosion, the darkness coalesces at the end of your turn.
  • The area inside the darkness is a silenced Antimagic field
  • Creatures inside the darkness must expend 4 ft. for every foot of movement, and must succeed on a Str save at the beginning of their turn or have their speed reduced to 0.

Bard Colleges

College of Rock

Bards of the College of Rock are trained to be impossible to ignore as they captivate your attention and reinvigorate their audience, provoking them to near insanity with their music. Be careful when a Bard of Rock is in your presence, as their music has been known to deafen, intoxicate, and drive even the most composed of paladins raving.

Bards of this college release pent up rage and sing of catharsis and relief. Their true allegiance is a life free of rules, where they may do as they please. Because of this belief, many urchins, criminals, and other outcasts find this college as their home, singing of their personal plights.

This college’s members gather in amphitheaters or in underground slums. They carry their atmosphere with them, and as such can transform any venue into their own personal slice of limbo.

Fender Bender

When you join the college of Rock at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill, and you learn the Booming Blade Cantrip.

You may cast Booming Blade on your instrument, treating it as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. When the spell is cast like this, you may use your charisma for the weapon’s attack and damage rolls.

This weapon deals your bardic inspiration die in bludgeoning damage with a range of 5 ft. Additionally, you have advantage against deaf creatures with this weapon.

Fortunate Son

At 3rd level, you learn how to count to 5 for the first time, and discover the power chord. When you cast a spell of first level or higher that deals thunder damage, you may expend a use of your bardic inspiration die causing that spell to be played with a power chord.

You may choose a number of creatures effected by the spell equal to the number rolled on the bardic inspiration die, those creatures are now deaf until the end of your next turn.

Brutal Stage Dive

As a rocker of 6th level, you are well practiced at performing while being overwhelmed and surrounded, or even attacked, by your own fans. You gain the following benefits

  • You gain resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage and cannot be deafened.
  • You may add your charisma modifier to your armor class and concentration checks when concentrating on a spell or magical effect while within 5 ft. of an enemy.
  • You may choose a number of creatures up to your charisma modifier to be unaffected by your spells and magical effects.

Mosh Pit

Starting at 6th level, as an action you play a banger of a song that causes madness all around you, concentrating on it as you would a spell. All creatures that can see or hear you within 30 ft. must succeed on a Wisdom Save against your Bard Spell Save DC. Creatures that fail this save join the mosh are hostile to all creatures. They may repeat the save at the end of their turn.

Battle of the Band

At level 14, your concerts become electric, influencing the very world around you as you play. While you are concentrating, you create an area of pulsing sound in a 15 ft. radius around you with the following effects:

The sound from your instrument and the winds produced from it count as severe distraction for the purposes of concentrating on a spell

Creatures entering the area for the first time or who start their turn in the area must succeed on a Constitution Save against your Bard Spell Save DC or be deafened. Creatures deafened in this way may repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns.

Spellcasters other than you in this area may not cast spells that require verbal components.

Rules Suggestion: Countercharm & Song of Rest

Rules as Written, I don't see either of these mechanics used to their full extent. This is largely due to a difference in how I play the game than how it was likley intended, but that's how games work. Personally, I rule that countercharm grants advantage as well as allows each of those affected to immediately reroll their saving throws. This way it functions as a charm/frighten ward, and introduces a way for other players to still get to use their turn. Song of Rest is also an ability that is far more powerful at lower levels than at higher levels. My solution for this is to allow the bonus short rest healing to come from the bard's hit die. In a short rest, the way I do it, bards can expend their hit die either to heal themselves or others, in addition to the normal added healing die.

College of Signals

Sound does not travel in space, but other signals do. Bards of the college of signals span the gaps between worlds and serve as ambassadors as well as cultural links between distant galaxies. These bards are travelers between worlds, friendly and hostile, and as such serve a variety of purposes. They are spies, merchants, translators, courtiers, and much more. Their magic allows them to communicate with the widest variety of species, making them ideal for cross cultural negotiations of all kinds. These bards are often found at communications arrays, monitoring allies as they carry out their missions.

Rosetta Stone

At third level, the different languages of worlds come quickly to you. You learn 3 additional languages of your choice. If you do not already know it, you also learn the comprehend languages spell. If you do already know it, you may choose any other first level bard spell that can be cast as a ritual to add to your known spells. You may change one of these languages at a time at the end of a long rest, provided you are in an area with at least one other native speaker that you share a language with.

Distant Transmissions

Starting at 3rd level, you are able to track the holders of your inspiration, aiding them with your knowledge and boosting your own spells. While a creature holds one of your bardic inspiration die, it has advantage on all ability checks, and you always know its position relative to your own. Additionally, the range of spells you cast, as well as bard class features, is doubled.

Boosted Signal

You learn to boost your transmissions through space, allowing your to stay in contact with far away worlds, as well as allies. You may ignore the range and vision requirements to cast spells when the target of your spell holds one of your bardic inspiration die. For example, you may cast a touch spell that targets a creature with a bardic inspiration die while any distance away, even while unable to see them.

Familiar Courier

1t 14th level, a career of manning communications and connecting the distant has allowed you to see the world through your connection's eyes.

You learn the spell Find Familiar, which counts as a bard spell for you. Additionally, you gain the ability to cast spells through any creature that holds a bardic inspiration die, as well as your familiar. When you choose to percieve through the senses of your familiar, you may instead choose one of the creatures that holds one of your bardic inspiration dies.

Cleric Domains

Domain of the Godless

Godless clerics believe that there is no immortal divinity, if there is at all. They believe that ultimately, there is no higher being guiding us, so it falls to all living creatures to be the guidance we so desperately need.

Godless clerics are not all depressed madmen raving about the pointlessness of life, many heed the calling by taking agency over their own lives, and making something of themselves, rather than wait for the universe to thrust them into greatness.

For obvious reasons, these clerics no not know of any connection of theirs to the gods. How they are able to cast divine spells is up to you. Do they worship something currently alive? An ancestor? As long as it is mortal, it fills the role this domain is designed for.

Godless Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1 Absorb Elements, Detect Magic
3 Moonbeam, Silence
5 Counterspell, Nondetection
7 Intellect Fortress, Private Sanctum
9 Circle of Power, Dispel Evil & Good

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Heavy Armor, and you learn the Resistance Cantrip. If you already know this cantrip, you may learn an additional cantrip from the cleric list. Additionally, you may use any object made by you as a spellcasting focus.

Alone in the Universe

At 1st level, you grow increasingly self reliant. When you take a long rest, you may spend half of it awake doing light activity.

Channel Divinity: Sever Magic

At 2nd level, you learn to cut off anothers connection to magic. As an action, you present your focus, and attempt to sever one creature within 60 ft. from their source of magic. The creature makes a wisdom save against your cleric spell save DC. On a failure, that creature cannot cast spells for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. This does not effect magic items.

Empty Strength

At 6th level, your spells are empowered. When a magical effect is ended by one of your spells, you gain temporary hit points equal to the spell level + your wisdom modifier.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 force damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Antimagic Savant

At 17th level, you have a firm understanding of the magic of the world, able to quickly snuff out any unwelcome effects. Once per round, you can cast Counterspell without expending a reaction. Additionally, you can cast Dispel Magic as a bonus action. You may cast each of these spells in this way a combined total of no more than your wisdom modifier per day.

Domain of Entropy

The domain of entropy worships the forces of chaos. These clerics are those who worship the forces of chaos as the guiding power of the universe. They draw divinity from the very fact that entropy is always being generated. Their manipulation of these forces is the boon that they recieve for spreading the faith by demonstration.

Entropy Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1 Chaos Bolt, Hideous Laughter
3 Crown of Madness, Pyrotechnics
5 Blink, Hypnotic Pattern
7 Compulsion, Hallucinatory Terrain
9 Contact Other Plane, Reincarnate

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice. You also learn two cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. These cantrips count as Cleric cantrips, but do not count against the number of cantrips known. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.

Channel Divinity: Reversible Process

At level 2, Your study of chaos has shown you how the world can be different. You cause an action to have no entropic generation, operating at perfect efficiency. When a creature within 30 ft. makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you may cause it to be rolled with advantage or disadvantage, or cancel one of these effects.

Entropic Charge

Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that targets an ally, you gain an entropic charge, with a maximum number of charges equal to your proficiency. Whenever you are forced to make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you may expend these charges to roll with advantage. When you expend the charge, you roll on the wild magic table.

Entropy Domain Wild Magic Table

1d20 Effect
1 You are weightless for the next minute, as gravity stops affecting you.
2 The nearest creature to you shrinks 1d4 inches, you grow by the same amount.
3 You are stunned for 1 round.
4 You are confused, as if under the Confusion spell.
5 You regain all expended spell slots.
6 You regain one use of Channel Divinity.
7 Roll again, and the effect targets the most recent target of one of your spells.
8 You combust spontaneously, taking 6d6 fire damage.
9 Gravity is magnified, doubling your weight and halving your move speed for 1 minute.
10 The next d20 you roll is a 10, regardless of the situation.
11 The next conductive object you touch is charged with electricity.
12 You gain the services of an Arcane Eye for the next 1 minute.
13 The next time you are struck with a weapon attack, the weapon becomes silvered
14 You have expertise in the next skill check you roll.
15 All creatures, including you, make a strength save or fall prone.
16 You lose consciousness for a moment, dropping concentration on any current effects.
17 The next spell you cast does not require somatic or verbal components.
18 You have advantage on the next reincarnate roll
19 One creature of your choice gets a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and their armor class AC for 1 minute.
20 You jump forward in time 1 minute. For that time, you cease to exist.

Potent Cantrip

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Thermal Transfer

You may use a reaction to expend entropic charges to allow a creature within 30 ft. to roll an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check with advantage or disadvantage. If the roll already has advantage or disadvantage, you may cancel those effects. As usual, when you expend an entropic charge this way, you roll on the wild magic table.

Druid Circles

Circle of the Monster

Druids of this circle tap into an older source of natual energy, a more primitive source. Druids of this circle connect with monstrosities, feral beasts of immense size and power. Often these monstrosities are magically enhanced versions of beasts, allowing them to accomplish more alone, and even fend off the more dangerous adventurers.

Druids of this circle are luddites. They believe that advancement is the enemy of satisfaction in life, so they revert back to more primal behavior in their wild shape. These druids are not necessarily public proponents of this behavior, but nevertheless they are participants.

More than a Beast

At 2nd level, you develop a connection to monstrosities, and learn how to transform into them as well as the beasts that you have always been able to. You may transform into beasts as normal, but you may also transform into monstrosities. When you transform into a monstrosity, you may do so into a monstrosity of CR equal to one fourth of your level, rounded up.

Friends on the Other Side

Starting at 6th level, When you cast a spell such as dominate beast or animal messenger, you may target a monstrosity instead. Your beast summoning spells may also summon monstrosities.


Starting at 10th level, you no longer require a use of your wild shape feature to transform into a CR 0 creature.

Monstrous Presence

At 14th level, you have become that which you have been connected to for so long: a monster. You gain the following benefits

  • Natural Armor: Your AC increases by 1 in all forms
  • Regeneration: You heal 1 Hp per minute passively
  • Monstrous Speed: Your speed increases by 10 ft, and you gain a burrow speed equal to your speed.

Circle of Gravity

Druids of the circle of gravity are well acquainted with the natural fundamental force they are named for. These druids have an unknown connection to the force of gravity. Some believe the druids serve as focuses for the magic that is behind the force, others believe the druids are simply hoarders of knowledge, and go out to seek that which they keep hidden. Only the elders of the circle know the truth, and they don't share that with many.

Shape of Reality

Gravity is your friend, and you know its inner workings in any form. Regardless of your form, you may walk on any surface as described in the Spider Climb spell, and your movement cannot be hindered, as described in the Freedom of Movement Spell.

Otherworldly Biology

At 6th level, you have studied the creatures of other worlds, and have learned about their biology. Choose 1 non-legendary creature you have seen with a CR less than or equal to 1 third of your druid level. You learn how to wild shape into this creature. You can change this creature with a ritual as part of a long rest, in order to do this, you must not rest for a night.


At 10th level, while wild shaped, you gain the option to choose to become one size larger than normal, but no larger than gargantuan. While wild shaped in this enlarged form, you gain the following benefits:

  • Creatures do not benefit from the disengage action against you.
  • As an action, can attempt to pull one creature that is currently within 20 ft. of you. The chosen creature must pass a Con Save or speed drops to 0 and are pulled 10 ft towards the druid.


At 14th level, you become a well of gravity powerful enough to tear creatures from reality. When a creature first enters your melee range, you may use your reaction to touch the creature and attempt to banish it. The creature must make a charisma save against your druid save DC or be banished to a demiplane for 1 minute. After this time expires, the creature automatically returns to the place it was banished.

Fighter Subclasses

The Starfighter

Starfighters are swashbucklers of the open void. They serve as expert crew on space-fareing vessels, as well as defend these craft with delicate expertise. Starfighters are just as dangerous while weightless as they are on the ground, using the unique battlefield of outer space to their advantage.

Born to Explore

At 3rd level when you adopt this archetype, you gain proficiency in flying vehicles.

Tough to Pin Down

At 3rd level, you learn that the best way to fight an enemy in space is from a distance. When a creature moves within 5 ft. of you, you may use your reaction to move up to half your move speed without taking opportunity attacks.


A starfighter's best tool is the ability to really make their shots count. Starting at 7th level, you can forgo your proficiency bonus to hit and target two creatures within 20 ft. of eachother. Only the first target must be within your weapon range.

Pilot's Resolve

At 10th level, you have become accustomed to the G-forces of flight. You gain the following benefits.

  • Your speed cannot be reduced by magic or magical effects.
  • When you are subjected to an effect that causes you to become grappled, restrained, paralyzed, or prone, you have advantage on the save.

Better Lucky than Good

When your ricochet misses its target, it can still sometimes hit. Starting at 15th level, when you use your ricochet feature but miss the second creature, you may use your reaction to target a different creature within 20 ft. of the first. You make a new attack roll for this target.

Pinned Down, Not Out

You become accustomed to being fired on, nothing to do but wait while the shots rain down all around you. At 18th level, when a creature makes a ranged attack against you, it is made with disadvantage. Additionally, when a ranged attack misses you, you may use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against the creature that attempted to hit you, provided you have seen them and they are within range.

Monastic Traditions

Way of the Adaptable

Monks of the way of the adaptable live in the most remote locations in the galaxy. Rogue worlds or the odd asteroid have been known to have been discovered with a single monk on the rock, meditating and taking in the natural rhythm of all of nature. These monks change their forms to allow them to survive anything, even the cold vaccum of space itself.

Instant Evolution

At 3rd level, you learn to adapt on the fly to any wound, fortifying yourself against future attacks. When you take damage, you may use your reaction to expend one ki point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 minute.

Roll with the Punches

At 6th level, you learn to adapt to creatures with many strikes. When you are hit with an attack, you gain a +4 to AC against all subsequent attacks made by that creature for the remainder of the turn.

Worldy Body

At 11th level, you abandon the need for such things as warmth or comfort completely. You are considered naturally adapted to all environments, including extreme heat, cold, altitude, and the vaccum of space.

Rapid Deconstruction

At 17th level, you learn to tear away the protections others have built up. When you hit a creature with a critical hit, you may spend 2 ki points and choose one damage type from Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder, Poison, or Acid Damage. The target becomes vulnerable to that damage type. If the target was resistant, they lose the resistance, but do not become vulnerable. If the target was immune, the target becomes resistant.

Way of the Endless Void

Monks of the Endless Void become detached from reality, choosing to become one with the endless nothing between worlds. These monks emmulate the void by practicing neutrality on all stances, and are known to ignore even the most immediate of dangers. The void is dangerous, however, and improper treatment reveals the void is as deadly as it is infinite. Monks of this order practice this technique. Inert and stoic from afar, but deadly in close proximity

Newt's Third Law

At 3rd level, you are a master of action and reaction. You gain a special reaction you may take whenever an attack misses you. As a reaction, you may expend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes against a creature who misses you with a melee attack.

Megaton Fist

At 6th level, your stunning strike carrys the weight of a world behind it. When enemies fail your stunning strike save, they are paralyzed instead of stunned.

Holographic Surface

At 11th level, whenever you spend a ki point, your appearance fades slightly, inching closer to nothingness. When you spend a ki point, you become slightly translucent, able to take the hide action while only lightly obscured, and granting resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Step into the Void

At 17th level, you are untethered by the world. You gain a fly speed equal to your move speed with the ability to hover. Additionally, you are unaffected by the vaccum of space.

Paladin Oaths

Oath of Falling Skies

Cataclysmic events often come from the stars. Meteors, invasions, bursts of energy, all of it is deadly to life on the worlds of greysolon, so it falls to these paladins to warn the worlds of incoming events. Paladins of this oath are known as hellsingers, the harbingers of the apocalypse. They are the final warning sign before a world is destroyed, likely with nothing the world can do about it. When an asteroid is about to destroy an inhabited moon, Paladins of the oath of falling skies are the ones who attempt to destroy it, or change its course. Failing that charge, they inform the world of their doom, and move on, answering the far out call of another world in peril. These paladins bind their identities to their weapons, ensuring that the lives of entire worlds may depend on them to do what is needed.

Tenets of Falling Skies

The Tenets of the Oath of Falling Skies are as follows:

  • Mastery: Master your weapon as you master yourself. You will keep it clean, you will ensure it is functional, and you will ensure that none but its creator know it as you do.
  • Decisiveness: If you are to use your weapon, you are to use it well. A missed shot is a gift to your enemies.
  • Respect: My weapons are tools, and they are extensions of myself. I will treat the belongings of others as extensions of them, deserving of the same honor.
  • Peace: Weapons are tools to be used for the greater good. Every shot I fire is to save a life, not necessarily to take one.

Falling Skies Domain Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3 Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns
5 Find Traps, Pass Without Trace
9 Flame Arrows, Clairvoyance
13 Freedom of Movement, Faithful Hound
17 Swift Quiver, Scrying

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following channel divinity options.

  • Targeted Strike: As an action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you, cursing it until the end of your next turn. The next time you or an ally of yours hits the cursed creature with an attack, the creature has vulnerability to all of that attack's damage, and then the curse ends.
  • Watchful Protector: As an action, one creature you touch cannot be surprised until they take a short or long rest. Additionally, this creature adds your CHA modifier to its initiative rolls until it takes a short or long rest

Ray of Light

At 7th level, your oath calls you to support your allies from afar, and your deity obliges you. You lose the ability to smite on melee weapon hits. Instead, you gain the ability to smite on ranged weapon attacks, and your smite dies become d6’s instead of d8’s.

At later levels, your improved divine smite is also a d6 which can only be used with ranged weapon.


Beginning at 15th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Death from Above

At 20th level, you have become a figure in the distance that shadows dread over your targets. Your smites now sunder your enemies defenses when you hit them. When an enemy takes damage from a divine smite, their AC is reduced by the level of spell slot expended to smite them. This can only apply to each creature hit once at a time and does not stack.

Oath of the Algorithm

Primus' call to ultimate order is a powerful suggestion. It is an idea that many support, the complete unity and cohesion of the galaxy. Paladins of this oath swear unquestioning obedience to their leaders, applying a strict set of tenets to any decision they make. These paladins live their oath to the letter, supressing emotion in favor of pure reason as their sole source of motivation in life.

Tenets of the Algorithm

The Tenets of the Oath of Falling Skies are known as "Laws", and are as follows:

  • Zeroth Law: A Paladin may not harm civilized life, or, by inaction, allow civilized life to come to harm.
  • First Law: A Paladin may not injure civilized life, or, through inaction, allow civilized life to come to harm.
  • Second Law: A Paladin must obey the orders given to them by their superiors except where such orders would conflict with the Zeroth or First laws.
  • Third Law: A Paladin must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Zeroth, First, or Second laws.

Falling Skies Domain Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3 Identify, Alarm
5 Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
9 Tongues, Dispel Magic
13 Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
17 Wall of Force, Scrying

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following channel divinity options.

  • Acheron Gavel: As an action, your imbue your weapon with the force of Acheron. Your weapon becomes adamantine for 1 minute. It deals double damage to structures and every hit is a critical hit against structures. Your weapon gains an additional +1, and your armor class increases by 1 as well.

  • Expose Guilt: When speaking with a creature for 1 minute or more, you may force them to make a deception check opposed by your own insight check. If you tie or roll higher, then you become aware of any guilt the creature bears, granting you advantage on ability checks involving the target creature. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Aura of Adamant

Beginning at 7th level, your dedication to law sees benefits in your allies. When an allied creature within 10 ft. is struck by a critical hit, the hit becomes a normal hit.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Ruling of Mechanus

At 15th level, you get the final say when it comes to the fate of your allies. When you or an ally within 5 ft. fails a saving throw, you may reroll the save and must take the new result. You may use this a number of times per long rest equal to your charisma modifier.

Long Arm of the Law

At 20th level, you become an unmistakable agent of Primus, enforcing the will of law over the cosmos. Your skin takes on an adamantine appearance, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You subtract your proficiency bonus from any Deception check. If you are proficient in Deception, you lose this proficiency instead. If you have expertise in Deception, you become proficient instead.
  • If you were not proficient in Insight, you gain proficiency. If you are proficient, you gain expertise.
  • You become tethered to the Mind of Mechanus, and gain truesight 60 ft and preventing you from being surprised.
  • Your adamantine skin grants you an AC of 20 while not wearing armor.

Ranger Conclaves

The Starchaser

Many creatures make the space between worlds their home, and as such there are rangers who exist to understand them. Rangers of this conclave are knowledgeable and helpful guides, who specialize in sharing their power with their allies. Whether these allies are tourists looking to see space for themselves, or a trusted mount that carries the ranger through the stars is up to the ranger. Starchasers are known as ace pilots, masterful fighters, and generous allies.

Through the Stars

At 3rd level, you become proficient with space vehicles, one of many ways that you explore the cosmos.

Partners in the Chase

At 3rd level, you know the best way to pursue any target is with some backup. As an action, you can mark an allied creature within touch range for 1 minute. When you do so, you and that ally gain a +1 to all saves and armor class.

Disciplined Mount

Your time spend on mounted creatures has given you practice controlling them. While controlling a mount, you have advantage on ability checks to control it.

Shared Boons

At 7th level, you share the blessings that are given to you with your fellow hunters. When you are subjected to an ally’s spell that targets only you, you may use your reaction to channel its effects into one creature you can touch, adding that creature to the total number of creatures affected. This creature does not count against the number of creatures targeted by the spell.

Chained Strikes

At 11th level, your weapon attacks improve with familiarity to your target. Whenever you hit with a weapon attack on your turn, you gain a +1 to the next attack against the same creature. At the end of your turn, this counter resets to 0.

Synchronous Shots

At 15th level, you and your fellow hunters feed off eachother's success. When you are bound to an allied creature with your mark, that creature may also benefit from your chained strikes on its turn.

Rogueish Archetypes

The Aristocrat

What separates men from beasts are rules, and there are none finer at exploiting these rules than the aristocrat. An aristocrat knows when it is his time to twist the knife, and when someone else should take their place. Many nobles, con artist, spies, and public speakers follow this tradition and lead lives of manipulation and conspiracy while being beloved by society at large.

Socialite Savant

When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you become a master conversationalist. Whenever you roll Wisdom (Insight) to detect a lie or Charisma (Deception) to tell one, you may treat any roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as 8.

Clean Hands, Clear Conscience

At 3rd level, you master the art of having others do your dirty work. When you take the help action, you may do so on creatures within 60 feet of you. When one of these creatures lands an attack with the benefits of your help, you may use your reaction to add your sneak attack damage to their attack.

Unassuming Appearance

At 9th level, to maintain your well-groomed look, you eschew most armor and weapons. You compensate by learning ways to make up for ignoring these pieces of adventurer’s gear.

  • You gain a new way to calculate your armor class. While not wearing armor, you may calculate your armor class as 10 + Dex + Cha.
  • Additionally, your unarmed attacks become light, finesse weapons, which can sneak attack.

Masterful Advice

At 13th level, you are accustomed to dolling out useful advice in brief. You learn the Guidance cantrip. For you, it has a 60 ft. range and must be cast as a bonus action.

Additionally, you can use the help action as a bonus action.

Faux Pas

At 17th level, your mastery of social cues and influence grant you the power to call out and embarrass those who lack what you have. As an action, you can call attention to a creature claiming they committed a faux pas. This creature loses concentration on any spells or effects it is currently producing and loses its next turn in initiative as it recovers from its gaffe. You may use this no more than once per long rest

The Comet

Comet rogues are the blur in the edge of your vision. They emphasize using their speed and thrown weapons to frustrate, beguile, and ultimately kill their enemies. Comet rogues stay mobile, sitting just outside the reach of their enemies, daring them to get even a little bit closer.

Bonus Proficiencies

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Navigators Tools, as well as Improvised Weapons. For you, all thrown weapons are finesse weapons.

Wind Up

At 3rd level, you gain a new way to use your cunning action. You take a moment to set your stance, using your body to better aim your next throw. Your next thrown weapon attack has its range doubled and deals and extra weapon damage die as it burns with friction. In certain circumstances, may even be sonic boom.

Ion Tail

At 9th level, you are difficult to pin down, your speed leaving a light blue trace behind you. Your speed increases by 10 ft. Additionally, you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Strength (Athletics) to climb, swim, escape grapples, and jump.

Telescopic Vision

At 13th level, you become a master of noticing details at a distance. If you have any vision effects such as darkvision, truesight, or detect magic, their range is doubled for you. Additionally, do not suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks due to light obscurement.

Called Shot

At 17th level, you know how the object you throw will fly, and you can place your shots to achieve additional effects. You gain the following options, which you may use whenever you make an attack roll that can apply sneak attack:

  • Between the Eyes: On hit, the creature makes a Con save vs. your Dex DC. On a failure, the creature is blinded until the end of its next turn
  • Knuckleball: On hit, you strike the creature on its knuckles, causing it to drop whatever item it is holding
  • Curveball: You ignore total cover for 1 creature whenever you make a ranged attack
  • Heater: Your next attack roll crits on a 19 or a 20.
  • Meteor Shower: You make three ranged attacks against different targets. Sneak Attack Damage is divided equally among targets hit.

Sorcerous Origins

Quantum Soul

Sometimes the bright spark that fuels the magic of a creature is unstable, radiating magic as it decays throughout time. This strange magic fills its hosts with the magic to manipulate the very fabric of reality at the smallest of scales.

A quantum soul produces unstable magic that is known to decay and affect other spells around it. Quantum Sorcerers can control this decay, and are acutely aware of their connection to the true nature of matter.

Quantum Soul Spells

Sorcerer Level Spells
1 Faerie Fire, Detect Magic
3 Hold Person, See Invisibility
5 Haste, Blink
7 Dimension Door, Sickening Radiance
9 Telepathic Bond, Passwall

The Strong Force

At 1st level, when you are subjected to an effect that forces you to make a saving throw, you may use your reaction to force any ally within 30 ft. to make the save instead. You must use the result of the ally’s roll. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Radioactive Magic

At 6th level, your spells tend to decay and spread after you cast them. When a creature is affected by a spell that you are concentrating on, you can use your action to attempt to cause the spell to radiate to another target within 10 ft. of the original target. The new target requires its own save or attack roll, but on a hit or failure, the spell spreads to affect the new creature as well.

Quantum Entanglement

At 14th level, as a bonus action, you may trade places with any willing creature within 30 ft. Unwilling creatures make a charisma save against your sorcerer spell save DC. On a failure, you trade places. You may use this feature once per short rest, or by spending 2 sorcery points.

Mutually Assured Destruction

At 18th level, when you are damaged by a hostile creature, you can use your reaction to take half damage. When you take this reaction, the creature that damaged you takes the same amount of damage you took as radiant damage. You may take this reaction once per short rest, unless you spend 4 sorcery points to do so again.

Warlock Patrons

The Inevitable

You have struck a pact with a being of absolute law: an inevitable. Inevitables are responsible for the laws of the universe. For example, one of them, called Marut, is known as the inevitable death. Other inevitables include Justice or Vengeance.

Inevitable Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1 Compelled Duel, Command
2 Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
3 Slow Protection from Energy
4 Freedom of Movement, Summon Construct
5 Commune, Wall of Force
9 Meteor Swarm

Judgment of Mechanus

At 1st level, your patron allows you to impose law on even the most chaotic of systems. You may declare one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check to be a 10 without rolling a die for it. Once you use this ability, you may not do so again until you finish a short rest.

Adamantine Guard

At 6th level, your patron can intervene on your behalf, shielding you and your allies devastating blows. As a reaction, when one of your allies within 30 ft. is hit with a critical hit, you may cause the attack to remain a normal hit.

Buxenus' Executioner

At 10th level, your patron ensures you are well equipped to carry out the order of the law. Whenever you cast a spell that requires an attack roll or attack with a pact weapon, you roll a critical hit on a 19 or 20.

Additionally, your eldritch blast damage now has the properties of the disintegrate spell when dealing damage to structures or constructs of force. When you deal eldritch blast damage to structures, you disintegrate a 5 ft. cube of matter per beam.

Denizen of Abellio

At level 14, Primus recognizes you as an officer of his court, and grants you the following benefits:

  • Your eldritch blast and pact weapon damage die become d12's.
  • You learn the Acheron's Judgment Invocation

Acheron's Judgment

Your pact with the Inevitable has blessed you to see through deceptions. You gain the following benefits:

  • You lose proficiency in Deception, if you are not proficient, you subtract your proficiency modifier from any deception roll. If you had expertise, you are now only proficient.
  • You gain proficiency in Insight, or expertise if already proficient
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (insight) checks to determine if a creature is lying

Wizard Traditions

The Astronomer

Some wizards dedicate themselves to understanding the magic of the cosmos. These are the sages that spend lifetimes mapping the stars, their orbits, their planets, and the magic that connects them all. Wizards of this tradition spend their nights staring into the stars, and their days preparing theories. These wizards toil endlessly to find the few things unknown, and add them to their collections.

Stellar Savant

At 2nd level, you are practiced at watching and waiting for events at any moment. You gain expertise in Navigator's Tools, and are considered proficient in initiative.

Warping Spells

At 6th level, whenever you learn a spell that teleports you, such as misty step, dimension door, or teleport, you may target a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus within 15 ft. of you. These creatures, if willing, are teleported to the destination with you, and appear in the same position relative to you when the spell was cast. These creatures must appear in unoccupied spaces, or the teleportation fails, and each creature that was targeted takes 2d10 force damage.

All Night Long

At 10th level, your study of the cosmos demands you work at night to understand the universe. You gain proficiency in Brewer’s supplies, and can suppress the effects of 1 level of exhaustion with a successful DC 15 Constitution (Brewer’s Supplies) check. Each day, you may make a number of doses up to your constitution modifier of this caffeinated brew, and they expire at the end of every long rest.

Dark Energy

Beginning at 10th level, your time spent scouring the cosmos has shown you secrets of dark energy. You can spend 10 minutes studying your Spellbook and regain one spell slot of a level less than or equal to half your wizard level. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Dilate Spacetime

At 14th level, you can exploit your understanding of spacetime to warp your allies through time, briefly changing places with them. While you maintain concentration on this effect, one creature you touch takes another turn immediately after you in initiative. In essence, you give your turn to another player.

Chapter 4

The Worlds of Greysolon

Varied Systems

The most influential worlds of the greysolon galaxy are known as major class worlds. While there are often many major worlds in a system, that does not mean that other, smaller worlds or moons cannot exist in the same region, or that the entire surface of those worlds are even mapped. Often, worlds will have one or two major centers of population, and the remaining world dedicated to whatever purpose was required. Ultimately, if its a world you can imagine, it exists somewhere in Greysolon.

The Nine Stars

There are nine commonly recognized systems of greysolon, each with its own unique composition and environments. Each of the worlds in these systems has separate customs of their own, and merit further inspection.

The Willing System

The wiling system is named for Greyson Willing, who was the first denizen of Elbaz to discover life on the other worlds. Because of the technology of the elves, the stellar engine can navigate our solar system wherever they so choose, often keeping us out of the influences of outside rulers that seek to expand. Greyson was a personal hero of mine, and it was because of him that I began the process of cataloguing the worlds in the first place.

The Willing System is my home, namely Elbaz. There are a total of three worlds present here: Feywild, Elbaz, and Shadowfell. Each is slightly different than the rest, but there is no doubt that each plane is the way it is because of the powerful influence of the fey courts that rule our solar system.


Elbaz is the world that most humanoids evolved to survive on. Because of the many difficulties of interstellar travel, most remain on their home world their entire lives. Those few adventurers that venture into the galaxy seeking fame and fortune often get their start here, where creatures are free to do as they with without all-powerful despots controlling their very world. That isn’t to say that certain figures have not attempted to grasp such control….


A cold and desolate world, it is no surprise that denizens of this world are largely evil or undead. Keeping all of the feywilds eggs in one rotten basket, the Shadowfell is isolated from the feywild by Elbaz, which has been a contentious battleground between the two forces for ages. While this war is no where near the scale of the others in the system, it does shape the relations between the various races that are born on any of these three worlds. The Shadowfell is the least powerful, and the most chaotic of the planets in this system.


A world of glittering gold and splendor, the elves long lives allowed them to advance far beyond those of the material plane. It was them who constructed the dyson swarm and stellar engine that allows our system to move throughout the system, and it is ultimately them who decide where the wiling system goes. They are wealthy in energy and power, and they generally share it with those who live on Elbaz, even if that is just to keep whatever they put on the Shadowfell in place.

Life as you Know it

The willing system is the "standard" system. Gravity, light, and time all flow here like they do in other places you may be used to. This does not hold true for adventurers that seek out other worlds. Out there, anything is possible.

The Sanguine System

The Sanguine system is many species definition of hell. The nine worlds of this system circle the black hole of the abyss, which is the source of the demonic scourge facing the galaxy today. The abyss contains about 100 million solar masses, but as the demons spread, they will only feed it more. The demons are held back on the world of Avernus, the first world of Hell.

The abyss also affects time dilation on the entire system. The abyss itself is outside of time by definition, but the worlds around it are merely slowed. The actual amount of time dilation is listed in chapter 1.

The Abyss

A primordial black hole left here for some godforsaken reason by a primordial god with a sick sense of humor. It is massive, and stands to consume the entire galaxy due if it merges with the creative chaos of limbo. Asmodeus has taken it upon himself to keep it in check with all of his resources, in exchange for certain… considerations. The abyss is a black hole that the demons emerge from. Beings from a universe with different laws of physics, they often appear grotesque as their biology adapts from whatever twisted world they came from. Asmodeus says that the abyss was a black hole that saw an event of vacuum decay between its event horizon and its singularity, thus, and entire universe was born at a more optimal energy level, but confined to the surface of the event horizon. Occasionally, some are released as the black hole loses energy slowly, resulting in the demonic scourge that we see today.

The mass of the abyss is staggering, and as such the time dilation is extreme around it. It decays rather quickly, but for the worlds near the abyss, the blood war is only just beginning.


The first world of Hell and the front lines against the abyss. This world experiences such severe time dilation that the first battle between devils and demons is still going on. In the eyes of the devils fighting here, mere days have passed since the start of Asmodeus began this war, the dialation this close to the abyss is unknown exactly, but Asmodeus estimates that for every year that passes on this world, 10,000 pass on the material plane.


Dis is the armory of the blood war, and is mining itself hollow in order to fuel Avernus. Dispater, ruler of this realm, operates the autonomous legion of the city of dis, churning out weapons, armor, and vehicles for use against the demons. Due to the transactional nature of his business, Dispater is known to collect leverage whenever he can, and holds the largest collection of blackmail in the nine worlds. Time here flows the same as it does in Avernus, albeit slightly faster. Every eon on the material plane is 1 year here.


Minauros is the bank of the hells. Chosen by asmodeus due to its position near Dispater, who inevitably requires the most funding, Minauros is the rotten and decrepit world of Mammon the greedy. Time here begins to decay back to normal quickly, with 1 year here being equivalent to 500 on the material plane


The molten world of Phlegethos is Asmodeus’ earlies attempt to destroy a world. By turning the surface rock into lava, he sought to prevent retreat from his servants as well as draw a line in the sand against the demons. Effectively the no pass zone, rumor is that if the demons ever crossed Phlegethos, Asmodeus would finally attempt transcendence, ushering in the end of the galaxy as opposed to the demon invasion of the rest of the planes.


The great wall on the other side of the moat that is Phlegethos is the frozen world of Stygia. A barren world that asmodeus stripped of its protective atmosphere, Stygia is an inhospitable world covered in flash frozen acid that makes up its ice. Entombed here is Levistus, ever watchful and overlooking Phlegethos. He remains here by asmodeus’ will, entombed in ice that prevents him from even averting his gaze from his post. Time here flows as it does in Phlegethos, 1 year on its surface sees about 250 pass on the material plane.


The prison of the nine hells, this world is the smallest and least populous. Personally, I believe asmodeus chose this world for his prison explicitly for the reason that he did not intend to take many prisoners. Additionally, due to dialation, every 125 years on the material plane, only 1 passes here. Asmodeus often includes a stay in this world in his contracts. “Only 10 years” he says, with a knowing smirk on his face. What the fine print will tell you is that those 10 years are measured from the surface, and Asmodeus now owns your soul for the next millennia. And he’s all too happy to allow you to serve your sentence on Avernus.


Baalzebul serves here as administrator to the nine hells, coordinating supplies to Avernus, payments to Minauros, and resources to Dis. While bureaucrats are notoriously slow to any system, the time dialation here is 62 years to 1, which means that in the eyes of the worlds he serves, Baalzebul completes his work instantaneously, no matter how long it may appear he takes.


Cania is the private lab of the second most powerful being in the nine hells: Mephistopheles. Mephisto, as he is known among friends, doesn’t give “a flying fuck” about the blood war. When Asmodeus approached his most powerful wizard and offered him the job of doing as much arcane and destructive research as he could to further enhance the arms of the devils, Mephisto thought about it for about a second before he pledged his service indefinitely. Since then, every sick and twisted arm to come out of this world has been sent directly to Avernus for use against the demons. In the eyes of Avernus, this happens continuously, with each weapon provided being generations improved from the last. Mephistopheles could spend a century working on his latest and greatest masterpiece, and Avernus will only have to wait about 3/10ths of a year. For most of his projects, which are completed in a year or so, Avernus only waits hours.


Nessus is the office of Asmodeus himself, and it orbits far away from the black hole of the abyss. Asmodeus placed this world far from any source of gravity in order to optimize the passage of time on his world. It is one of the only known worlds that actually runs time faster than the material plane, and because of this advantage, Asmodeus borders on premonition regarding his affairs in the war, and abroad. The accretion disc is dissipated long before Nessus, so the world of asmodeus sees only the clearest of skies as it gazes into the night, looking for new worlds to corrupt.

The Mechanus System

The AI at 2.9. Unknown who created it, although theories point to either Berrian or another primordial god. A continuously upgrading program that only cares about absolute truth. A literal perfect machine. Primus the AI seeks to control the galaxy, and does so by issuing decrees of law that bear the threat of the wrath of primus. Time flows slightly slower here, with every day here costing about a day and an hour on the material plane. It’s not too surprising however, Primus’s power source is actually a star only slightly larger than that of the material plane. In fact, the entire system may have once very closely resembled the Willing system we see today… what could have happened that lead to the Primus that we have now?

The Matryoshka Brain of Primus

Primus is the name given to itself by the AI that upholds all law in the galaxy. While we don’t know exactly who created him, we know they must have been powerful, since the being that is primus is really an enormous matryoshka brain the size of the willing system. Primus is capable of simulating entire solar systems, and rudimentarily simulating the galaxy, with certain assumptions. Because of this power, Primus follows his directive by issuing decisions that are upheld by threat of his wrath. By either intentional design, or by dumb luck, Primus has access to the deadliest weapon in the galaxy as of now: the Acheron belt.

The Acheron Belt

Belt of chaotic rock and metal leftover from the construction of Primus. Known to prevent access to the brain of primus due to its dense, but extremely uniform motion. Primus wields it by altering the distribution of mass within the brain structure, causing parts of the Acheron belt to slingshot towards wayward targets that have violated his wishes. Due to the sheer size of many of these asteroids, as well as their adamantine composition, a barrage from this asteroid belt is almost certainly the end of anything that gets in their way. Primus assembled the belt by preventing these types of meteor strikes against developing worlds, and over the millennia he has collected uncountable numbers of these asteroids, which are all simply waiting to fall to the galaxy. It is only Primus who suspends them and protects our galaxy from external threats, so it is he who wields them in commanding our respect.

Some of the asteroids are large enough to sustain an atmosphere, leading some creatures to make their homes on the worlds of Acheron.


The second inhabitable world in Mechanus, Buxenus is slightly farther away from Primus than Abellio. Buxenus is the only hint we have at who created primus. The nature of the beings on Buxenus is argumentative. Every decision made by primus is reviewed here at Buxenus by legions of constructs that criticize and seek to weaken Primus. Some believe this is a way of installing an upgrade system that is driven by evolution, others believe it was an outside effort to weaken the AI Primus. Regardless, Buxenus serves as a check against the power of primus, and that check is crucial in maintaining the fairness of law, which is surely why primus keeps it.


On the occasion that living beings must venture to appear before Primus, it is to Abellio that they venture. Abellio has every amenity one could ask for, for any race. Darkness for devils, light for angels. Water for elementals, and a breeze for the birds. It truly is a harmonious place, and it is home to Primus’ court, where trials and decisions are finalized and presented to the galaxy. It was here that Asmodeus famously defended himself against the accusations of the Allfather, and was given the ruby rod. While it is a peaceful place, there is an underlying tension. None venture here that would be tempted to break a law on its surface, even the most chaotic of creatures know that they would be struck down instantly.

The Elemental System

A cloud of pure elemental energy, it radiates outwards, burning hotter than any traditional star. It is a small piece of limbo that must have been ejected at the formation of our galaxy. It burns with chaotic energy that releases bursts of each element into its surroundings, which then condense by heat into the four elemental worlds we all know and love today. It is about 4 times the mass of our star, which translates to a time dilation of about 2 Berrians.

The elemental fusion star gives off a higher energy light spectrum than that of Elbaz. Because of that, the worlds have subtle differences. The sky refracts a different color of light, making it appear a brilliant pale violet on a clear day. Additionally, plants evolved chlorophyll specialized to a different kind of sunlight. Plants here, rare as they are, are often pale in color, trending towards white. These strange hues lead many who wander the wilderness of these worlds to believe they have crossed over into the realm of dreams.

The World on Fire

The closest world to the star is exposed to the most of its heat, igniting the world, and giving it the name the world of fire. The City of Brass gleams at the north pole of this world, while a sprawling underdark lies beneath the surface of the entire world. The City of brass does include this entire underdark, making the plane of fire the single largest city in the galaxy, and the second largest underdark.

The World of Ash

Shielded by a synchronous orbit from the worst of the heat, warm stellar winds blow around this planet, causing violent storms and gales to tear around the surface of the plain of air. Creatures cannot land on this planet, and those with the misfortune to lack wings or other appendages to use to control the glide are simply whisked away in the storm.

The Drowned World

After the most violent of the elements have dissipated, water collects on the planet third from the chaos star. Due to its dense adamantine core, the gravity on the plane of water is strong enough to hold oceans hundreds of miles deep in its gravity. It lacks an atmosphere due to the lack of a molten core, but the heat of the chaos star keeps it liquid until nearly the core itself.

The Petrified World

After nearly all the warmth of the star has faded, there lies one more rock. The furthest from the chaos star, water, fire, and air have not graced this world yet. An Azer from the city of brass who studied the sky here actually shared the truth about this barren rock: it’s hollow. The denizens of the plane of earth are well aware of their distance from their star, and long ago hollowed out their planet, creating the Topopolis of the earth plane. It is a sprawling underdark that mazes its way throughout the entire crust of the planet, all the way to its warm, molten core which sustains the creatures that live there.

The Limbo Enigma

Limbo is the name colloquially given to the mass at the center of the galaxy. The limbo enigma is the unknown body that we know resides within. We know that is it energetic, as it appears to have the characteristics of a supernova of a massive star, but it also keeps going continuously exploding, as it were, and releasing more and more energy. At its core, we see the strange green glow of a new kind of matter, a strange star, that may be so stable that it converts matter around it to strange matter, or chaos matter.

Entropy is theorized to be at its maximum at the core of this star, which accounts for its extreme stability and contagious behavior. For now, the strange matter is burned up as it exits the star into a chaotic, burning nebula racing outwards at the speed of light, but someday the matter may get through, threatening to consume any worlds that stray close enough to become infected with it. Additionally, we know that it must be massive, more so than even the abyss in order to keep the entire galaxy in orbit around it, so time slows to a crawl as any creatures approach it, and none who have ever attempted to enter the region have ever returned.

Based on its mass and my own calculations, Limbo operates at 1 uB of dilation, which could explain why none who have entered have returned. For those poor souls, they may have all entered in their own personal eternity, with a million years passing for them for every year on the material plane.

This is the best candidate we have for a white hole as of now, but due to the presence of strange matter, it has not been confirmed.

Pandemonium Observatory

Established by Primus as a means for other worlds to study the center of the galaxy, the pandemonium observatory orbits the limbo enigma itself. Shielded from the incredible heat and chaotic energy, the station spins to generate its artificial gravity, causing its inhabitants to be able to walk on walls, ceilings, and any other surface. Gravity here simply pulls you to the nearest surface. The station itself is immense, as large as any world, and can support life indefinitely due to the ecosystem on board replacing air and producing food.

The Observatory is crucial to primus’ control over the galaxy, and in order to prevent its loss or damage, it was constructed of pure adamantine from the Acheron Belt. The adamantine can withstand the incredible strain of the limbo enigma’s explosions, insulating its inhabitants from the impacts. Additionally, due to the presence of the limbo enigma, time dilation works in the opposite direction here, with time accelerating as you approach the enigma.

The station itself runs at 0.001 B, or 1 mB. This means that for every thousandth of a year on the observatory, a year passes on the material plane. Researchers often seek immortality before venturing here to ensure that they do not simply whither and die within minutes of landing.

The Bifrost System

Host to two blue giant stars, this solar system spans an enormous area, with each of the stars having 100 and 50 times the mass of our star, approximately. This causes an extremely strange and chaotic system to spring fourth, with two worlds tidal locked and a lemniscate orbit. The result is four worlds in this system that have some of the strangest seasons in the galaxy. The two stars are named Hugin and Munin, “thought” and “memory” respectively. Hugin is the larger of the two, with Munin being the lesser.

The stars contain a huge mass, causing time to flow slower here than in most other systems. Each world is slightly different, however. Additionally, the light emmitted by the twin stars is less luminous than other worlds. Plant life here tends to be dark colored and large, while the skies are a deep azure blue.


A tidal locked planet with three distinct regions. A burning world of fire known as Muspelheim, a frozen world of Ice known as Nidavellir, and a tranquil region along the center axis knows as Ysgard. Ysgard is tidal locked around the smaller of the two stars, Munin, and is home to giants of all variety, as well as the seat of Asgard, and the home of Odin.

Odin currently sleeps due to the events discussed in the mirrored wars. The short version is that he committed a powerfully evil act to oppose his ancient rival, Asmodeus. The strain placed him in a coma, where he has rested ever since, his subconscious mind still wanders, however.

The planet is divided by domain of beings, with the drow inhabiting Svartalfheim, Fire Giants inhabiting Muspelheim, and the frost giants in the frozen Jotunheim.


Krigala is the world of perpetual day. It orbits Brux, which is suspended precariously between the twin stars. Because of its orbit, and the position of the two stars, it is always “high noon” on this world, with the occasional eclipse plunging part of the world into darkness for a brief time.


Brux is a tidal locked world between the two stars, but with a curious relationship to them. Because of the nature of the world, only a small portion of the world that is constantly in the shadow of Krigala is actually inhabitable. This section lives in a permanent dusk like eclipse that is actually quite magical to behold. The remainder of the surface is a barren desert, scorched by the twin suns barren.


Karasuthra is a planet of eternal night. Its orbit is a lemniscate, which causes it to elliptically orbit both stars at different points during its year. Because of its orbit, there are two times per year that the planet is accelerated by the power of both stars and flung back into the darkness of space. These days are the solstices of the planet, and they are a time of fear and hiding as the creatures of the night take shelter for the time of the suns. Its speed of orbit is extremely slow on the outer parts, but accelerates rapidly between the stars, resulting in only a day of transition between nighttime periods. Navigation by the stars is impossible due to the changes in the night sky throughout the year.

The Oblivion System

Discovered by Pluto, Brother of Jupiter during his exile, the worlds of the oblivion system consist of two planetary giants in a binary that carry with them a cloud of smaller rogue worlds that it picked up hurtling through the cosmos. Time here flows relatively quickly compared to the other planes, making it an ideal prison. Inmates serve a sentence here that is multiplied by the hastening of time, so prisoners from the material plane may serve only 10 years, but to them it will feel like a century.

Because the gravity of this system is held together by planets, this system is perpetually in total darkness. Any light reveals a pale reality of albino souls so accustomed to being alone in the darkness that they scatter at the sight of light.


Known as Pluton, Niflheim, or Oinos, depending on who you’re talking to, this world is a barren wasteland of nothingness. Beings in charge of entire planes use the sheer size of this mega planet to store their most egregious offenders, sentencing them to serve out an eternity on a barren world with no chance of escape. The styx comet passes through, marking the only celebrated time in this system, and tempting some to try to latch on, seeking a ride back to civilization.


Gehenna was a world that could have evolved to support life, but was struck with the unfortunate luck of volcanic activity. The entire surface of the world is volcanic rock, with frequent volcanoes erupting. Supervolcanoes the size of smaller worlds are common, and their eruptions spew ash into the atmosphere, plunging the world into a permanent nuclear winter. Denizens of this world have fled the surface, digging a Topopolis that is the single largest underdark in the galaxy, dwarfing even that of the world on fire. Gehenna and Hades are both about a thousand times the size of Elbaz, resulting in an underdark that dwarfs the size of our world, and is largely unexplored.

The Carceri Archipelago

The archipelago is the colloquial name given to the cloud of rogue worlds that collect around the mass of Hades and Gehenna. Some refer to these worlds as Tartarus. The worlds are categorized into six types:

  1. Orthys – Worlds defined by massive mountains or spires
  2. Carthys – Worlds defined by the acidic composition of their inhabitants and plants
  3. Minethys – Worlds of water with little to no land
  4. Colothys – Worlds defined by their many craters, canyons, and gorges cut in its surface
  5. Porphatys – Worlds defined by the acidic composition of their atmosphere and geology
  6. Agathys – Barren worlds with thin atmospheres and frozen cores

Each type can support some life, but it is often inhospitable. These worlds are inhabited by many who were sentenced to Hades but sought escape, only to find themselves trapped again.

The Olympia System

Claimed by Juno when she took control of the throne of Olympus, it was Juno who built the Mirror Star around a forgotten colony of the abyss. By trapping light against the endless void of the abyss, Juno is able to use superradiant scattering to harness nearly unlimited energy of the abyss for her own ends. Juno positioned her world around the creation and dubbed it “Tarpeia”, as a nod to Jupiter’s treason by indecision as well as a threat to all who would serve under her. Capitol Hill is not far from Tarpeian Rock. Her new world sits as the seat of power in the seven heavens, and she rules as a just and good queen, despite her wars against the forces of Ysgard and Odin.

The mirrored star does not emit as much light as a traditional sun, but does emit the heat, allowing worlds here to exist in a nearly permanent dusk while remaining comfortable year-round. Juno controls the power output of the star, making her the de facto ruler of this system.

The mass of the abyssal colony is enormous, and it causes some time dilation in Tarpeia. Be it by design or by accident, Juno placed her world so that time flows identically for herself and Odin. The seven heavens all are much farther away from the mirrored star. In order to avoid absorbing too much of the energy, the seven heavens each orbit extremely far distances from the star. They rely on the extreme heat generated to sustain them. Juno ensures that these paradises are maintained, with some help from the Seladrine as well.


Tarpeia is home to the Olympian gods. Ruled by Juno, this world contains the massive Olympus Mons, a mountain so large that its peak is beyond the atmosphere of Olympus. The opposite side of the world is a smaller mountain which is ruled by the Seladrine, or elven gods. The two mountains grow out of either side of the world, causing the profile of the planet to appear diamond-like with its twin opposite peaks. Between the mountains is a shallow ocean and a barren desert that cover the low altitude regions and are largely uninhabited as far as I could tell…

Juno is the ruler of the realm, but does not impose on elven affairs unless she is invited. The elves likewise stay out of Juno’s business, expecting that when Juno is either victorious or defeated against Ysgard, it is them who will step in to rule the defeated side’s realms.


The silver heaven is a perpetually dark world of water with starlight visible at all times. Beaches of fine sand on sparse islands are the only reprieve from water one may find here, although the oceans are not threatening to most. Creatures here find joy in gazing at the stars and floating without end, but the unexplored nature of the oceans here lead many to believe there is more here than meets the eye.


Gentle hills and lush valleys grace this land, dubbed the golden heaven due to the atmospheric composition twisting most light into shades of yellow and orange. It is always a golden hour here, which makes this world the picturesque home to the armies of heaven who use it as their armory and proving grounds.


Another world of beautiful scenery, the light here is suffused to a soft white, giving it the nickname the pearl heaven. It is a deceptively cold world however, with little heat making it to the surface of the planet.


The electrum heaven is a misty oasis, in which visibility is heavily restricted. Many demigods make their homes here because the worlds mists serve to separate the works of minor deities from another. If all goes well, the creations are removed and born to the universe when they leave, but if things go poorly, one can always erase and start fresh under the cover of the mists.


A bustling world of celestials, empyreans, and the assorted hero, Metrion is the busiest of the seven heavens. It earned the name the platinum heaven due to its bustling economy, which sees more items of legendary renown pass through than any other world known. Because of this prestige, it is heavily policed, and those with malintent will find it impossible to speak on this planet.


The Gemstone Heaven is a dense rainforest dotted with primitive tribes of celestials native to the world as well as other species introduced by Juno. The jungle holds a secret deep within its heart, it is a vault for the riches of Olympus. The world is feral by design, and would be explorers are often destroyed by the defenses. I received countless offers during my journey to scout this world or even take something with me, but I was forced to decline these offers in order to maintain the relevance of this work. Still, the temptation of the one bank in the galaxy that none have ever robbed is not one that I can ignore, thus, its legend will spread until I must revise my entry.


This is a world that I did not dare set foot on. The radiant world of Chronias is known as the Illuminated heaven. Blinding light is emitted from its prismatic surface. The story goes that any creature who sets foot on the world has all evil and chaos burned from their soul as they merge with the perfect world of Chronias. I am not convinced that these poor souls were not simply disintegrated by the powerful radiation of the planet. My theory is that the core of this world is pure liquid radium, heated to the extreme and pressurized. The outer rock of the world may be a sort of magnifying glass, multiplying the light from below until at the surface it burns like a gamma ray burst. Regardless of your beliefs, one thing is sure: if you set foot on this world, none will ever hear from you again.

The Tantyl System

Named for the incredible feeling of attraction one feels to these worlds, the Tantyl system consists of six worlds that are trapped within the powerful field of its magnetar, forcing would be travelers to overcome the extreme magnetic repulsion, or attraction, before they are able to safely land on any of the worlds. The magnetar itself is enormous, thousands of times the size of our star. Because of this size, time flows rather slowly here, allowing the creatures to exist in blissful eternity on each of these magnificent worlds. The time dilation here is rather large as well, with each of the worlds existing at 1 kB. Be warned, many adventurers enter these worlds with an explicit purpose, but find themselves distracted within as their old ambitions fade into memories. Many a quest lies abandoned here.

The magnetar attracts and repels not only metals, but spirits that have a charge as well. Evil intent is repulsed by the star, preventing those with evil in their hearts from entering. Likewise, Good spirits are drawn to this world, even in their sleep. Because of this, dreamers often find themselves on the worlds of Tantyl if they are pure of heart.


The twin worlds of Bytopia were created when the styx comet was first noticed. It was originally a sizeable rogue planet that was attracted by the Magnetar, but when it collided with the world of Bytopia, it split the world in two, resulting in the binary planets of Dothion and Shurrock. The two worlds orbit extremely close to one another, resulting in a transfer of gravity by any who fly more than about a mile into the air. The magnetic field produced by the magnetar causes the two planet cores to bear opposite charges, so although they orbit extremely close to one another, they can never touch.


Dothion is a temperate world of mild seasons and pleasant weather. It is largely uninhabited due to the inaccessible nature of the world, but it really is quite beautiful. Its partnership with Shurrock shifts any of the low-pressure static storms that form on the world to drift to Shurrock, where the storm runs its course. Dreamers here find a simple life of a pioneer.


Due to the positively charged core, thunderstorms rage on this world year round. The weather is extreme in all areas, from barren, blistering deserts to mountainous peaks that could freeze a goliath. Shurrock is curiously appealing to a variety of creatures, and depending on who you talk to, may even be more appealing than Dothion. The two worlds are colloquially known as the Twin Paradises for this reason.


A world of lush forests and fertile grasslands, Amoria is very similar to Dothion. The difference between the two lies in the relationship with the magnetar, which cause extreme winds to carry around the world, rendering conversation difficult, if not impossible even at a close distance. The lush forests and valleys provide some reprieve, and are more breathtaking than any on the material plane. Dreamers who find themselves here typically dream of carefree wandering through the enchanting forests. Druids of the circle of dreams are especially attuned to this plane.


Eronia is a mountainous realm of gorgeous gorges, monumental mountains, and beautiful buttes. The rivers and waterfalls cascade down endlessly, turning to steam often before they ever reach a pool. The high peaks are cold and snowy, but bright. Valleys are inhabited as much as any world here, which is to say not very much. Excellent world to retire on, it is after all extremely secluded. Dreamers here remain in stoic meditation regardless of their environment. Many monks and wizards use the isolation of this realm to continue their meditation and studies as their bodies sleep.


This is my favorite world in this system by far. Many dreams on the material plane are really spiritual projected journeys on this land. The fairy tales told by the most inspired of mortals are often retellings of the events unfolded within the enchanted swamp of Belierin. Ogres find love with princesses here, and dwarves care for lost or injured wanderers. Wicked witches attempt to take control of kingdoms, but are kept in check by the spirits of faithful knights. This world is truly a wonder to behold.


Thalasia is the heavenly world for those who live underwater. Clear seas are illuminated by the magnetar, and are filled with vibrant life, kingdoms of coral and rock, and the echoing songs of the creatures of the deep. Another fairy tale destination, dreamers sometimes see the kingdom of Atlantis here, and pursue its glory in the material plane when they awaken. Mermaids, tritons, and sea elves all make their homes here.