Fully armored Ozen The Immovable

by Wikilast

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Ozen the immovable

Large, Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 22 (Dreadnought Armour)
  • Hit Points 465 (30d20+160)
  • Speed 50 ft. walking, 50 ft. climbing

30 (+10) 17 (+3) 26 (+8) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws STR +19, Dex +12, CON +17, WIS +14, CHA +16
  • Skills +16 intimidation, +28 athletics, +14 insight, +16 deception, +14 nature, +14 survival, +14 perception
  • Damage Resistances all except Force damage
  • Damage Immunities Thunder, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Paralyzed, Charmed, Stunned
  • Senses Passive Perception 24, tremorsense (30 feet).
  • Languages Common, Abyssal, Sylvan, Elvish, Dwarvish
  • Challenge 30 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ozen fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Ozen has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Caveraider. Ozen can climb with no penalty to movement speed or checks as long as the surface isn't flat. Difficult terrain does not limit her movement.

Forged Heart. Ozen's unarmed strikes are considered adamantine weapons and count as magical.

Immoveable. Ozen can’t be knocked down, pushed, trapped, restrained or grappled by physical means under normal circumstances. Additionally, any damage done against her is automatically reduced by 15 and she can treat any roll on a d20 of 9 or lower as a 10 on all strength checks or saving throws.

Unmatched Strength. Ozen count as a gargantuan creature for the purpose of pushing, shoving and for the weight she can push, drag, or lift. In addition the distance of her jump is tripled.

Charge. If Ozen moves at least half her movement in a straight line towards a creature, she can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw with a DC of 25. On a failed saving throw, creature is knocked prone. Ozen can use her bonus action to make an additional Punch/kick attack against that creature.

Shrug it Off. At the start of each of her turns, Ozen can end one condition on herself, provided she has at least 1 hit point.


Multiattack. Ozen makes two melee attacks. She can replace one of those attacks with a Leap attack or Living Trebuchet

Punch/kick. Ozen makes a powerful blow dealing 32 (3d12+12) bludgeoning damage, +19 to hit. She deals doubled damage to objects and structures. When she hits a target with a melee attack, if the attack roll meets or exceeds the target's passive Strength (Athletics) score, Ozen can push it up to 10 feet away

Leap attack. Ozen jumps in the air and lands on a chosen point within 60 feet of her, forcing any creature in the area of 5 feet to make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 38 (4d12+10) points of bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Living Trebuchet. Ozen throws a Huge or smaller creature grappled by her up to 60 feet horizontally. That creature takes 10 (1d12+3) damage per 10 feet thrown and lands prone. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and fall prone. In addition Ozen can use any piece of her surroundings and use it the same way.

Force of nature. Ozen uses a spell like ability.

Legendary Actions (3):

Ozen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Ozen regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.

Tremendous Strength. (Cost 2 actions) Ozen uses the Force of nature action.

Push. Ozen can push someone within 5 feet of her, back 40 feet, or if the victim beats a DC 25 Dex save, only 20 feet.

Devastation The first time Ozen hits with an attack, it will ring with thunder that is audible within 300 feet of her, and the attack will deal an extra 3d12 thunder damage to the target. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone, or grappled.


Adamantine Endurance. When Ozen is subjected to a critical hit she can use her reaction to change that attack into a normal hit.

Walking fortress. Ozen can use her reaction to deflect a missile when she is hit by a ranged weapon or spell attack to mitigate the damage she takes from the attack by an additional 20

Diamond Skin. Ozen can use her reaction to absorb and redirect any line spell fired her way. If she does so, she is unaffected by the spell. Ozen uses her Constitution as the spellcasting modifier DC 25.

Force of nature

Air compression. Ozen claps her hands or snaps her fingers creating a shock wave and forcing a creature within 15 feet of her to make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 4d8+8 thunder damage and be stunned until its next turn.

Seismic shock. Ozen stomps on the ground, creating a cone shaped shock wave within range of 90 feet. Each creature caught in the explosion must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d12+12 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone on a failed save. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain.

Tectonic disturber 1/day. Ozen using all of her might decimates the ground around her creating an effect of the Earthquake spell with added 26d12 thunder damage making a 50-foot-deep, 500-foot-radius crater on impact dealing damage to everything and everyone caught in the blast. On a failed Constitution saving throw, creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, can’t take reactions and are deafened for one minute. Creatures can repeat their saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect DC 25.


Relics of the Abyss

Curse Warding Box. Can bring something dead back to life and reattach limbs.

Thousand Man Pins. Each one of them grants the user incredible strength. By harnessing their power the user can increase tenfold their carrying capacity for one minute.

Nilfont. Provides an infinite drinking source of water.

Star Thread. An unbreakable thread. Thick like a human hair but strong like a thousand steel bars.

Dreadnought Armour. Ozen can use this Relic to as an Action make herself immune to nonmagical damage for 1 hour or until she is no longer wearing the armor. Once this Special Action is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

The armor has 20 charges. While inside of the armor Ozen can cast the following spells:

  • Protection from Evil and Good (1 charge)
  • Jump (1 charge)
  • Dispel Magic (3 charges)
  • Dispel Evil and Good (5 charges)
  • Primordial Ward (6 charges)
  • Antimagic Field (8 charges)

The expended uses are regained the next dawn.

Aspect of a Bull

The white whistle of The Unmovable Sovereign.

The whistle has 16 charges that recharge once a month during the full moon.

  • Seed of Iron (1/year). The whistle holds the power of a strong nature deity. If blown into at a certain frequency it creates an iron tree. In a 2000ft radius, a forest of ironwood trees will begin to grow. They require no water and will dig through anything in their way. When the forest is done growing, a small tree made entirely of iron will appear in the center of the forest. The forest is neither good nor evil, but flows with wild magic and may become home to fey creatures if given time.
The user is immune to the effects of the following spells when they are cast with the whistle.
  • The user can cast Control Weather spell expending 4 charges.

  • The user can cast Storm of Vengeance spell expending 6 charges.

  • The user can cast Move Earth spell expending 3 charges.

  • The user can cast Druid Grove spell expending 3 charges.

  • The user can cast Globe Of Invulnerability spell expending 3 charges.

  • The user can cast Wall of Stone spell expending 2 charges. (Reaction)

  • The user can cast Guardian of Nature spell expending 2 charges. (Bonus Action)

  • The user can cast Wrath Of Nature spell expending 2 charges.(Bonus Action)

  • The user can cast Enlarge/Reduce. at will (Bonus Action)

All spells use Ozen's CON as casting ability DC 25

Credits to the artists!

Ozen The Immovable Autor unknown

Ozen The Immovable by このはな(木野花)ヒランコ (@popopopopoopw)

Ozen The Immovable by ƒօɾí (@didier_sttt) https://www.kaifineart.com/fori


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