Strand Users & Arrows

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Strand Users & Arrows V3.0

Strand Arrow

Wondrous item, rare

An odd golden arrow with many small details engraved into it. Those who are pierced by the Strand arrow must make a saving throw with a DC of 9. Roll 1d20 and add your character level to the result, representing your fighting spirit. If you overcome the DC, you gain 1 level in the Strand user class (see the Strand user class information to find out what to do next), ignoring the Charisma ability score requirement for multiclassing. You retain a coin-sized scar where you were pierced, but are otherwise unharmed. If you fail the saving throw, you immediately die from the virus contained within the arrow that awakens the Strand.

If you have advantage on saving throws against disease, you can reroll the saving throw after a failure. On a success of the reroll, you survive, but remain in a coma-like state due to being unable to handle your awakened Strand. On a failure, you will immediately die. If you are immune to disease, you make the saving throw once, and on a failure, you will fall into a coma-like state.

After falling into a coma, you will reawaken after 50 days, your Strand returning to a dormant state. Once you have awakened, you can try piercing yourself with the Strand arrow once again after a period of 30 days. If you try piercing yourself before the 30 day period is up, you will immediately die, as you are still recovering.

Elegy Arrow

Wondrous item, very rare

A Strand arrow with a much higher concentration of the virus that awakens Strands. Carved into it is the elegy weavebug, an insect known for weaving its strands of silk into beautiful patterns.

The virus concentration in an Elegy arrow is so high that, if one is pierced by it, they will immediately die if they do not have a Strand, even if one has disease resistance or immunity. However, one must pierce themself, and if someone else tries to pierce them with the arrow, it will go right through them, having no effect and leaving no damage.

If one pierces themself with the arrow and has 1 or more levels in the Strand user class, but less than 15, the arrow will move right through their body or Strand and fall to the floor. However, if one has at least 15 levels in the Strand user class, and then pierces either themselves or their Strand with the Elegy arrow, their Strand will evolve into its apex form: an Elegy Strand.

Strand User

Bright clothing, a swagger in his step, and an unexplainable, menacing aura. As the dragonborn walks the streets, a thug jumps in front of him, but is just as quickly launched back with a loud thud, the dragonborn never even raising a finger. "Good grief," he mutters, continuing his stride without even glancing at the bandit now crumpled up in a heap a dozen feet away.

In the midst of a raging battle between two massive armies, an unassuming half-elf fights for her life. A minotaur charges at her, but suddenly the ground turns green and slimy, causing him to slip. Somehow, the floor around him had become acid and is now eating away at his flesh. He tries to stand up, but the half-elf is already standing over him, pointing her spear directly at his forehead. She speaks. "Arrivederci."

A tabaxi walks casually through the streets of a busy city's market. Magical dampeners are in place to make sure no trouble starts. Luckily for the tabaxi, he doesn't use magic. He summons a ring of small, black creatures that revolve around his neck, creatures only he could ever see. Quickly and quietly, the little creatures fly off around the market and stealthy grab small treasures from stands, displays, and even straight from people's pockets. Just as he began to walk off with his small fortune, a dwarf stands in front of him, only a dozen feet away. "Ye're the Strand user what's been stealin' from tha good people o' this city, aren't ya? How 'bout ya give 'em their stuff back?" the dwarf said, a skeletal brute appearing behind him, invisible to the passerby who make no notice of the beast. The tabaxi smirks as his minions surround him and grow to thrice their size. "I refuse."

Wielding a powerful ability hidden deep inside of them, Strand users are as varied as a group of people can possibly be. The one thing that connects them all is the ability to wield a Strand, a manifestation of the user's soul, mental power, and fighting spirit, all weaved into one strand of energy.

Intense Mental Fortitude

Despite the many differences between Strand users, one thing is shared between all of them: fierce mental strength. Because one must be incredibly strong mentally in order to awaken their Strand, all Strand users have that strength, which can manifest in different ways depending on the user. Incredible willpower, courage, and cunning are all ways that a user's strength can manifest. Some don't even know of their strength, as it remains simply as a seed of potential.

Some may notice the similarities between psionics and Strands. Indeed, some scholars have speculated that Strands are simply an extension of one's latent psionic power, but due to the mysterious and rare nature of both Strands and psionics, not much research has been done. However, the fact that psionic individuals can see Strands suggests there is indeed a connection.

Flamboyant or Discreet

Most non-Strand users can't see Strands, and many Strand users take advantage of this in one of two ways: they either make use of their inconspicuity by appearing powerless and completely mundane, or alternatively, they will dress in expensive or ostentatious clothing, whether because they know they don't need to worry about being mugged or getting into fights, or because they actively seek out those things for fun. Although you can stand next to a Strand user in the market and have no idea, when a Strand user decides to stand out, you'll know what they are immediately.

The Strand User
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Strand Power
2nd +2 "Your next line is..."
3rd +2 Pose of Power
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Strand Scene 2
6th +3 Gravity (6d10)
7th +3 Pose of Power Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, "Your next line is..." Improvement
9th +4 Strand Cry
10th +4 Strand Scene 3, Gravity (9d10)
11th +4 Pose of Power Feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 The First Napkin
14th +5 Pose of Power Feature, Gravity (12d10)
15th +5 Strand Scene 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Only The Results
18th +6 Pose of Power Feature, Gravity (15d10)
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Ultimate Lifeform

Creating a Strand User

The first step in creating a Strand user is to decide how they got their Strand in the first place. Remember that there are other ways to get a Strand outside of being pierced by a Strand arrow, including being born with a Strand or having a family member develop a Strand. No matter how someone awakens their Strand, the end result is always the same, so don't worry about having to choose a certain origin in order to use the Strand you want your character to have.

A Strand user must have intense mental strength in order to handle their Strand. Think about how that would manifest in your character. Does their strength lie in their incredible bravery? Their amazing ability to adapt on the fly? Being able to make a well thought-out plan for every situation? The possibilities are endless, making every user unique.

Class Features

As a Strand user, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Strand user level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Strand user level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, flails, rapiers, scimitars
  • Tools: One tool of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose any two


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) studded leather armor
  • (a) two simple melee weapons or (b) one martial melee weapon
  • (a) a shield or (b) a simple ranged weapon with 20 ammunition
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Strand Power

As mentioned, a Strand is one's soul, mental power, and fighting spirit woven into one being. Just as all three of those variables are unique to each person, so too are all Strands unique to their users. A Strand can take the form of a humanoid or an object, or not have a physical form at all, existing solely as an ability or phenomenon. All are equally Strands. Furthermore, Strands are not magic, and are therefore not countered by antimagic.

At 1st level, you get your own Strand, as well as the ability to see other Strands (as they are invisible to most non-Strand users). On your turn, you can command your Strand take an action, which does not require any action from you. It can take one of two actions: Strand Assault, or Strand Ability (both of which will be explained later). Depending on your Strand Type, it may also have extra actions it can take. Once your Strand takes an action, it cannot take another one for 2 more rounds, but this cooldown period can be reduced by increasing the Speed stat.

When you first start out, your Strand will be at its weakest. This is your Strand "Scene 1". At 5th, 10th, and 15th levels, your Strand will gain its Scenes 2, 3, and 4 respectively. It will gain new abilities and become stronger with every new Scene.

Multiclassing and the Strand User

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Charisma score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a Strand user.

Proficiencies Gained. Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, and one skill of your choice.

Because each Strand is unique, there's a lot that goes into them, including their form, appearance, stats, and ability. While creating your character's Strand, think of how to incorporate their personality and backstory into its appearance and abilities. Most Strands have names, the vast majority of which are references to a song, album, or musical artist. You may want to do the same, but remember that your character will likely have no knowledge of the song, album, or artist you chose, so you may want to come up with a reason why your character gave their Strand that particular name.

Strand Attack Ability

Charisma is the ability you use for your Strand Assault and other Strand features, as your Strand is an extension of your force of will and the manifestation of your truest self. Your Charisma modifier is used to set the saving throw DC for your Strand Ability and when you make a Strand attack.

Strand save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Strand attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Strand Type

Your Strand can be one of three types: Warrior, Device, or Anomaly. All three work differently and have unique strengths. Choose one or roll for one to add some intrigue.

d3 Type
1 Warrior
2 Device
3 Anomaly

Warrior. Warrior Strands have physical, (usually) humanoid forms, whether it be a knight, a bear, or a construct of metal and wire. In addition to the usual actions a Strand can take, yours has 2 extra actions: Attack, and Block. When you gain this feature, choose one damage type from bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (this cannot be changed later); when your Strand takes the Attack action, it makes a Strand Attack that deals 2d4 + your Charisma modifier of the damage type that you chose (if it hits), with a range of 5 feet. This attack counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and the damage is increased by raising the Power stat.

If your Strand takes the Block action, your AC is increased by +2 until the start of your next turn.

Device. Device Strands take the form of a nonliving object, such as a sword, a blunderbuss, a pocketwatch, or a floating orb. When you make a weapon attack on your turn, you can use your Strand as your weapon (this does not use your Strand's action nor does this ability need to be used only on a turn when your Strand is active).

When you gain this feature, choose one damage type from bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (this cannot be changed later); when you use your Strand as your weapon, you deal 1d4 + your Charisma modifier of the damage type that you chose (if you hit) with a range of 5 feet, and you can use your Charisma modifier in place of the modifier you would have used for the attack and damage rolls. This attack counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and the damage is increased by raising the Power stat.

Anomaly. Anomaly Strands have no physical form, existing purely as an ability or phenomenon. When an Anomaly Strand uses its Strand Assault, it uses 1 extra damage die. Additionally, the power of your Strand is exerted into the space around you, granting you a permanent +1 AC.

Strand Assault

At 1st level, your Strand can take an action called a Strand Assault. You can't change it later, but it can become more powerful. Your Strand Assault should be flavored to fit your Strand's type, appearance, and any other factor you think you could tie it to.

When you gain this feature, choose the damage type for your Strand Assault from the table or roll for one.

d10 Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Force
5 Lightning
6 Necrotic
7 Poison
8 Psychic
9 Radiant
10 Thunder

Once you have chosen a damage type, choose how the damage is dealt (called the "damage style"), or roll for it. The damage of the assault, its range, and how the enemy defends against it are also determined by its style.

d4 Damage Style
1 Cone
2 Sphere
3 Single target
4 Melee

Cone. Make a Strand attack. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 2d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sphere. Choose a point within 40 feet and make a Strand attack. Each creature in a 10-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 2d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Single target. Choose one creature within 60 feet, then make a ranged Strand attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 2d10 damage.

Melee. Choose one creature within 5 feet, then make a Strand attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 2d10 damage. You have advantage on the attack roll.

Despite Strands not being magic, your Strand Assault counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Strand Ability

As you level up and unlock your Strand's Scenes, you can gain more abilities that your Strand can use as an action. These abilities are called your Strand Ability, and any attack or damage rolls they may make are considered a Strand attack, as well as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. This will be expanded upon more when Scenes are detailed.

Strand Stats

Each Strand has 3 stats: Power, Speed, and Range. Each stat has 3 tiers: 1-point, 2-point, and 3-point, becoming more powerful with each additional point. At 1st level, all 3 stats start out at 1-point, but each time your Strand unlocks a new Scene at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels, you gain 2 points that you can put into any stat, in any combination (+1 Power and Range, or +2 Speed, etc.), with each stat having a maximum of 3 points.

Power. For each point in Power after 1-point, gain 1 extra damage die for any Strand attack it makes, such as its Strand Assault, or if your Strand Type gives it the ability to, its melee attack or its weapon attack. Additionally, for any of your Strand Abilities that grant you the ability to restore hit points, each extra point in Power grants you 1 extra healing die, or 1 extra hit die for hit dice-restoring abilities. This only applies to your Strand Abilities.

Speed. At base, when your Strand takes an action -- whether that action is its Strand Assault or another ability it gains later on -- you must take 2 more turns before your Strand can take an action again. Both you and your Strand can take an action on the same turn. At 2-point Speed, it can take an action on every other one of your turns. At 3-point Speed, it can take an action on all of your turns. For flavor, on the turns that your Strand cannot take an action, you can say it's recharging, reloading, or regathering its energy.

Range. Range, for the most part, works differently for each damage style. At 2-point Range, your Strand Assault has twice its base range, and if your Strand uses the sphere damage style, the radius of the sphere is also doubled, to a radius of 20 feet. At 3-point Range, the new range of the Strand Assault is increased by 1.5x, making it 3x the base range. If your Strand uses the sphere damage style, the radius of the sphere is increased to 30 feet.

If your Strand uses the single target damage style, your Strand Assault can now target 2 creatures in the same action, but not the same target twice. If your Strand uses the melee damage style, your Strand Assault can now target all creatures in range.

"Your next line is..."

In the world of Strands, you have to be extremely attentive and have great skills of prediction in order to survive. Starting at 2nd level, when you are targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to predict what your opponent is going to do next, forcing them to make the attack roll at disadvantage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Starting at 8th level, your abilities of prediction have become accurate enough to use in conversation. You can expend a use of "Your next line is..." to predict what someone will say next, giving you advantage on a Charisma check against them.

Pose of Power

Starting at 3rd level, as a bonus action, you can strike a pose that invigorates your fighting spirit in order to achieve one of several effects. Initially, you can do this twice per long rest, and you gain a third, fourth, fifth and sixth use at 7th, 11th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively, as well as a new pose each time.

Dream Pose

With your right hand, you grab the collar or chest-area of your shirt, tugging it rightwards. Your confident, hopeful aura inspires others, granting you and all creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius advantage on all skill checks, saving throws, and attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Variant Damage Style

If you'd like to customize your Strand Assault even further, then you can replace how enemies defend against it. When you first gain your Strand, choose an ability (Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, etc. This cannot be changed later), and when an enemy is targeted by your assault, they will be forced to make a saving throw using the ability you chose. They will take full damage on a failed save, or half damage on a successful one (if you choose the Melee damage style, the target has disadvantage on this roll). For flavor, make sure to give a reason why they must make a saving throw of the type you chose; for example, if your Strand Assault is a sphere that deals fire damage and requires the enemy to make a Wisdom save, you could say that the fire is a magical illusion that doesn't actually exist, and only burns people who don't see it for the illusion that it is. Or if your assault is single-target, deals cold damage, and requires an Intelligence saving throw, you could say that it's a block of ice that is too fast to dodge, but will fracture if you know right where to hit it.

Menacing Pose

You turn your back to the enemy, looking at them over your shoulder with your hand held in front of your face. Such a show of bravery (or foolishness) to turn your back to your enemy makes them wary of your next move. Each creature that can see you in a 30-foot cone must make a Charisma saving throw, becoming frightened of you on a failure. At the end of each their turns, they can make another Charisma save to end the effect.

Sunlight Pose

Prerequisite: 7th level

You put your hand up to your face, spread your fingers, and gaze through the gaps between them. Mimicking the power of the sun, you grant yourself and each creature of your choice within a 30-foot radius darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, immunity to the blinded status effect, and an additional 2d8 radiant damage on all damage rolls for 1 minute.

Queen Pose

Prerequisite: 11th level

You tuck in all fingers on both hands except your index and little fingers, pointing your left arm down and right arm up, touching at the elbows. Such an explosive display may blind enemies. Each creature in a 20-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw, and is blinded on a failure. A blinded creature can make a Constitution saving throw after each of their turns to end the effect.

Unbreakable Pose

Prerequisite: 14th level

You hold your open right hand next to your face, with your left hand flat below your chin. Your stance gives strength to those who have none. Until the beginning of your next turn, you and each creature of your choice in a 15-foot radius cannot drop below 1 hit point, and creatures of your choice at 0 hit points become stable.

Heavenly Pose

Prerequisite: 18th level

You crouch down slightly, putting your left hand on your thigh and bending your right elbow down, pointing your hand up to the sky. Your righteous stance makes enemies unable to use any special abilities they may have, as if they forgot about them. Each creature that can see you in a 30-foot cone must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed roll, a creature cannot cast spells, use magic items (a magic weapon can make weapon attacks but cannot use any features it may have), or use any actions or features granted to them by their class or race. At the end of each of their turns, creatures affected by this ability can make another Wisdom save to end its effect.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Strand Scene 2

At 5th level, your mental growth causes your Strand to evolve into a new form called its Scene 2. You gain 2 points that you can put into your Strand stats, in any order or combination.

When your Strand unlocks its Scene 2, it gains a new ability, called a Strand Ability. Choose an uncommon magic item from an official source, such as the Dungeon Master's Guide or another D&D guidebook. Your Strand will gain the abilities of that magic item, but make sure to flavor it in an interesting way that fits your Strand's form. Alternatively, you can work with your DM to give your Strand a unique ability approximately on par with the power level of the average uncommon magic item.

If the magic item you choose for your Strand Ability has a certain number of uses -- whether it recharges or not -- it regains all expended uses after a long rest. If the item has a varying amount of uses, you must roll to determine its amount of uses after each long rest. If there is a way to destroy, weaken, or disable the magic item you choose, that weakness is still present in your Strand Ability, with you as the target; once your ability has been weakened or disabled, you will need to complete a long rest to regain your Strand Ability at its regular power level.


Do you believe in gravity? That some things are bound to happen? That two people are fated to meet? Starting at 6th level, whenever you need to find a particular item, know a piece of information, or achieve a certain goal, you can choose to have 'gravity' give you a head start or advantage in doing so. How this happens is decided by the DM, whether it be through a fated encounter, a sudden revelation, or things simply going your way. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, gravity will sometimes work against your opponents. As a bonus action, you can target one creature that you can see within 60 feet. Through sheer chance, that creature will be in danger because of something in the environment, whether it be a falling ceiling, a lightning strike, or a runaway carriage headed right for them -- the DM will decide. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 14 + your proficiency bonus, taking 6d10 damage of the appropriate damage type on a failed save, or half that on a successful one. The damage is increased to 9d10, 12d10, and 15d10 at 10th, 14th, and 18th levels, respectively. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Strand Cry

Starting at 9th level, when your current hit points are at half or less of their maximum value, you can target one creature within 5 feet that has a CR rating equal to your level or lower. If the creature's current hit points are at one quarter or less of their maximum, you can launch a barrage of attacks at them using your Strand, immediately dropping them to 0 hit points. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

When you use this ability, either you or your Strand should yell a war cry, thus the name "Strand Cry". Most cries consist of a short, easily repeatable sound ("Muda muda muda!"), and sometimes end with a word or phrase related to that sound ("Vola vola vola! Volare via!"). Strand Cries usually don't change, so make sure you choose one you like.

Strand Scene 3

At 10th level, your Strand evolves even further into its Scene 3. You gain 2 points that you can put into your Strand stats, in any order or combination. This is additive to the points you previously put into your Strand stats.

When your Strand unlocks its Scene 3, it gains another new ability, in addition to its previous one, or a more powerful version of your previous ability. Choose a rare magic item from an official source, such as the Dungeon Master's Guide or another D&D guidebook. Your Strand will gain the abilities of that magic item. Again, make sure to flavor it in an interesting way. Alternatively, you can work with your DM to give your Strand a unique ability approximately on par with the power level of the average rare magic item. Ideally, it would build off of the ability you chose for your Scene 2.

If the magic item you choose for your second Strand Ability has a certain number of uses or can be forcefully disabled, these limitations work the same way that they do for your first Strand Ability.

The First Napkin

You've come to realize how the world works; those who take what they want first are the victors. Starting at 13th level, you gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can't be surprised while you're conscious.

The first time you move after rolling initiative, your movement speed is doubled for that turn, and you don't provoke opportunity attacks. Additionally, the first attack that you land after rolling initiative deals double damage.

Strand Scene 4

At 15th level, your Strand evolves yet again into its Scene 4. You gain 2 points you can put into your Strand stats, in any order or combination. This is additive to the points you previously put into your Strand stats.

When your Strand unlocks its Scene 4, it gains its third ability. Choose a very rare magic item from an official source, such as the Dungeon Master's Guide or another D&D guidebook. Your Strand will gain the abilities of that magic item. Alternatively, you can work with your DM to give your Strand a unique ability approximately on par with the power level of the average very rare magic item. Ideally, it would build off of the previous 2 abilities you chose for your Scenes 2 and 3.

As with your previous Strand Abilities, if the magic item you choose has a certain number of uses or can be forcefully disabled, these limitations work the same way that they do for your previous Strand Abilities.

Only The Results

Starting at 17th level, the innate link between gravity and Strands has allowed you to bend the course of fate to get the outcome you want. Before you make a decision (which can be an action), you can choose to make two different decisions, and you will see up to 10 seconds into the future to see how both decisions play out. You must choose to go through with one of the two decisions you made. If either or both decisions require a roll, you will not roll and will instead use the highest possible outcome (8 on a d8, 20 on a d20, etc.). If you make an attack using this ability, only the attack roll will be maximized. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Ultimate Lifeform

Starting at 20th level, your soul and mental power have evolved to amazing proportions, affecting your physiology and abilities. You gain 3 new traits:


You stop aging, and you do not suffer the negative effects of old age. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you cannot die of old age.


As an action, you can roll your total number of hit dice and regain hit points equal to the number rolled. Immediately after you use this feature, you regain all expended hit dice. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


You add your proficiency bonus to all damage rolls you make. If another feature allows you to add your proficiency bonus to a damage roll, double your proficiency bonus for that roll.

Elegy Strand

Although Scene 4 is the strongest your Strand can become through leveling up, that's not the strongest it can possibly be. Once your Strand has reached its Scene 4, you can pierce yourself with an Elegy arrow, if you come into possession of one.

Elegy Strands represent the final, most powerful form that a Strand can possibly achieve. Because of this, Dungeon Masters should not let any of their players gain an Elegy Strand unless they are prepared to have an extremely powerful, nigh unbeatable player character.

Because of the very broad, bizarre possibilities for Elegy Strand abilities, you will have to come up with an ability yourself and talk it over with your DM.

Once you have pierced yourself with an Elegy arrow, think about what your character wants or needs most at the moment. Do they want their family back? Do they need to defeat the big bad wizard? The ability of your Elegy Strand will either let you achieve what you want or something close to it, and in a very overkill way. Usually, an Elegy strand doesn't directly give you exactly what you want, but instead has a very powerful, useful, and specific ability that just so happens to also be perfect for your current situation. If you need to defeat a powerful individual with one particularly strong ability, your Elegy Strand's new ability should be a creative way to counter it. For example, if your opponent can achieve effect with no cause, your ability should erase their effect, even with cause.

Because Elegy Strands are the apex of what a Strand user can achieve, don't be afraid to go wild with the ability and make it extremely powerful. Just realize that henceforth, every encounter will likely be extremely hard to balance and will therefore either be easy to the point of boredom or so difficult that you'll die before initiative is rolled.


Brilliant Bombadier

Prerequisite: Device Strand type

You've become exceedingly skilled at wielding your Strand as a weapon, granting you the following benefits:

  • When your Strand is used as your weapon, its range is increased by 5 feet.
  • When you make a weapon attack using your Strand, you gain a bonus to the attack and damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Fantastic Phenomena

Prerequisite: Anomaly Strand type

Your Strand's abilities have become so powerful that they are exerted into you as well, granting you the following benefits:

  • When you make a weapon attack on a turn when your Strand is active, you add 1d6 of the damage type used for your Strand Assault to the damage roll.
  • You are resistant to the damage type used for your Strand Assault.

Menacing Multitasker

Prerequisite: Warrior Strand type

When your Strand is active on your turn, it can take two actions. It cannot take the same action twice on any given turn.

Unclouded Actions

Prerequisite: Strand user class

Your amazing mental fortitude has made your heart and actions utterly unclouded, granting you the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You are resistant to psychic damage.
  • You are immune to any attempt to access or manipulate your mind through magical means, such as thought reading or mind control. Examples include the spells charm person, detect thoughts, and modify memory. You may willingly allow a creature to access your mind.

Art Credits

Cover Art

© David Production Inc.

Strand Arrow

© Hirohiko Araki

Elegy Arrow

© David Production Inc.

Strand User

© CyberConnect2, Namco Bandai Entertainment


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