The Greater Potions and Herb Gardens Alchemy Book

by jentastic

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The Greater Potions and Herb Gardens Alchemical Handbook

A player's recipe guide to the world of Herbalism and Alchemy


From my early days as a budding alchemist, I have looked to the Greater Potions and Herb Gardens pamphlets to guide my studies. They have become my number one reference guide for herbs I can find in the countryside and the potions I can make from them. As an elder, I now have every Greater Potions and Herb Gardens pamphlet ever published, so I contacted the alchemist team and we have compiled them into this, the complete compendium of your most useful herbs and potions available in Lomuna. We have worked with our test alchemical lab and master herbalists to make sure that each of these is as accurate and explanatory as possible.

We this collection of recipes and guides becomes your trusted alchemical companion and brings you joy, good health, and fire breathing fun for the whole family.

Muirín Mcnaughtoni


This compendium of known herbs and alchemical concoctions would not have been possible without the great works of the Sages Dael Kingsmill and Lyydia. All information herein has been gathered from their collective works and compiled for ease of use.

Proficiency information has been expounded upon the teachings of the great trainer VaranSL.

The drawings of herbs herein are provided by or created from the many contributors to the art collections of Lady Google of the Internet.

Table of contents

Skills, Proficiencies, and Expertise

One cannot expect to master Herbalism or Alchemy overnight. The grand masters from whom this collection of recipes was compiled have made it their life's work to fully grasp the recipes they provide for this guide.

In some cases, family knowledge has been passed from generation to generation so that each child knows more than their parents or grandparents.

You may come from such a family and have an innate proficiency in the Herbal or Alchemical arts. Some individuals are lucky enough to have innate proficiency in both!

However, not everyone is so lucky, and even those who are must learn to craft each recipe individually. They may find it easier to begin, but each poultice they make and each potion they brew must be checked against their skill.

If you are not from such a family, do not despair. We are all life-long learners and with hard work, can eventually learn a new skill even better than someone with an innate ability.


The basic skills required for Herbalism are Nature (Intelligence) , Survival (Wisdom) , and Medicine (Wisdom).

There are no basic skills needed for Alchemy, only an Alchemy set (see Alchemy.)

Proficiency and expertise bonuses will ensure more successes in your brewing, but will never guarantee it.

Gaining Proficiency

Individuals who have lower base skills can still gain proficiency with enough hard work and time. Until you reach a +0 modifier, you roll a d20 at disadvantage, meaning you must take the higher of the two checks or progress naturally as explained below.

If you want to dedicate your time and money to only gaining proficiency in skills and/or tools, you can spend 1g for 250 consecutive days of training. This is the most common method for non-adventurers. They may spend several years gaining proficiency.

However, if you are not able to dedicate 250 gold and consecutive days toward your craft, that's understandable. Some can only hope to spend a few hours every week toward their craft.

Skills and Tools

Tool Ability
Alchemist's Supplies Intelligence
Herbalism Kit Wisdom
Poisoner's Kit Wisdom
Apothecary's Kit Wisdom or Intelligence
Skill Ability
Nature Intelligence
Survival Wisdom
Medicine Wisdom

Cost of Training

The cost of training for skills and tools is 2 gp per day. This covers any expenses it may entail. If you are spending this time making a specific potion or herbal remedy or poison, the cost of that item still applies.

Training checks

Once you have determined the key ability your tool or skill requires, you then ascertain what your base or innate abilities already are. Your base modifier counts toward your training checks. In short, if you have a +2 Wisdom modifier, you start at the appropriate advantage. This advantage cannot exceed a +5 on the table below.

After you have completed a training session as described above, you then roll a die according to the chart below. On a 1, you proceed to the next level of understanding. That means that as you proceed in your quest for proficiency, your chance of progressing to the next level of understanding increases.

Once you succeed on a d4 on the table below, you must then succeed an additional number of times equal to your proficiency bonus to be considered proficient. For example, if your proficiency bonus is +2, you must succeed on a d4 3 times to gain proficiency.

Proficiency Die Reference Table

Ability Modifier Proficiency Die
+0 d20
+1 d12
+2 d10
+3 d8
+4 d6
+5 d4
From VaranSL's treatise on Training

You can only make a Training Check once per day. If you practice for an additional 4 hours a day, for a total of 8 hours, on a result of a 1 or 2 on the die, you can make progress and move on to the next die. Spending additional time training has no additional effect on a d4.

Negative skill modifiers

When you have sufficient downtime, you may spend 4 hours honing your skills and then test what you learned to see if you can advance to the next step. Use the tables below to determine the ability your training check uses.

Repeated failures

Sometimes, despite our best attempts and innate abilities, you can't succeed in your training checks. The greatest alchemist in the world is still beholden to the will of the dice.

If you are consistently training (at least twice per in-game week) , and can't succeed at your training check, you can also depend on rote learning to progress your skill checks.

In the case of repeated failures, if you spend a number training sessions equal to 5 days plus the ability modifier on the table above.

If you have a negative ability modifier, add the absolute value of the modifier.

Training with friends

Sometimes, adventures have the same goals, but for different reasons. For an adventuring party to only have one individiual who can make medicine might not make sense all the time. Two heads are often better than one!

Repeated Failure Reference Table

Ability Modifier Days of training before
automatic success
-2 7
-1 6
+0 5
+1 6
+2 7
+3 8
+4 9
+5 10

When two individuals train similar skills together, they learn from each other and gain advantage on their training checks meaning both rolls their respective die twice and takes the lower number.

The cost of training remains the same per person.

Hiring Trainers

Finding a trainer can be the fastest way to gain proficiency for those who can afford it. A master alchemist can guide your actions and improve your chances of becoming proficient.

However, finding a trainer can be quite difficult, and not all trainers are considered equal. Their availability varies based on location, and their cost depends on their abilities.

When you spend time with a trainer, your likelihood of advancing your skill increases. For each level of proficiency a trainer has, the skill die you roll at the end of the session lowers and you succeed on a 1 or a 2. If your skill die is already a d4, you roll with advantage, but only succeed on a 1.

Trainer Improvement Reference Table

Trainer ability Increased
Skill Modifier
Cost per
4 hours
Apprentice +1 2 gp
Journeyman +2 5 gp
Artisan +3 10 gp
Master +4 20 gp

For example, if you currently have a 0 skill modifier, you would typically roll a d20 to advance your skill. However, if you train with an Artisan, you then roll a die equal to an individual with a +3 modifier (a d8) for that session.


You can gain proficiency in recipes in addition to tools and skills. After all, when you've made something enough times, you know its ins and outs and can consistently make it far more often.

Each time you successfully brew a potion or create a salve or poison from herbs, you roll a training die according to the ability modifier table above. For each success, the DC to make the same recipe reduces by 1.

Every recipe starts at a +0 and progresses the same as a skill or tool. For example, if the original DC is 15, when you reach proficiency with the recipe, the DC is 10.

Gaining Expertise

Expertise in skills and tools makes successful checks much easier by doubling your proficiency bonus. Gaining expertise obviously takes more time than gaining proficiency.

Individuals who have the time and money and already have proficiency can spend 1 year's time and 1gp per day to gain expertise.

Training during adventures

Once you've gained proficiency, you begin to work toward expertise. This occurs with an expertise modifier instead of an Ability modifier. Each step toward expertise requires two successes instead of one.

Expertise Progress Reference Table

Expertise Modifier Expertise Die
+0 d20
+1 d12
+2 d10
+3 d8
+4 d6
+5 d4

Training with Friends

An adventurer who already has Proficiency training with another who does not gives the non-proficient character the ability to succeed on their training check on a 1 or a 2. Adventurers who are rolling a d4 do not get this bonus.

A character who already has proficiency training with a non-proficient character gains no bonuses on their expertise checks.

If two characters who are already proficient are training together, they gain advantage on their expertise training checks.

Repeated failures

If you are consistently training (at least twice per in-game week), and can't succeed at a training check, if you spend a number of training sessions equal to 7 days plus the ability modifier, you will progress to the next stage of expertise.

Finding Trainers

Characters who already have proficiency can only train with Artisan or Master trainers. Their price per 4 hours doubles.

Trainer Improvement Reference Table

Trainer ability Increased
Skill Modifier
Cost per
4 hours
Artisan +1 20 gp
Master +2 40 gp


Recipes in which you have expertise have a DC of 1. You can choose not to roll, but you won't have the option to multiply your resulting medicines or potions on a natural 20.

Herbalism and You

The world of herbalism is vast. Most humans cannot hope to learn its full realm of possibilities in their short lifetimes; however, there are herbs all around you which have healing properties, but beware, there are just as many that can bring pain and death. Treat this knowledge with great care, for sometimes, death can be just a flower petal away.

Brewing with Herbs

The right materials

Before you can start brewing your herbs into potions, you must first be able to gather them safely and without causing great damage to the plants.

For this, your local shop can provide you with an Herbalism kit. Some Herbalists prefer to have separate kits to collect and store healing herbs and poisonous herbs apart. However, we at Better Potions and Herb Gardens find they are the same kit, so the Herbalist on a budget can choose only one. Alternatively, an apothecary's kit can keep these separate and keep your workspace neat and tidy


Every shopkeeper is responsible for their own stores; however, after a thorough review of the lands' pricing, these are the average prices a budding herbalist can expect to pay.

Item Cost Weight
Herbalism Kit 5 gp 3 lb
Poisoner's Kit 50 gp 2 lb
Apothecary's Kit 65 gp 4 lb
From Kingsmill Medica

Apothecary's Kit. This kit contains the necessary tools, chemicals and containers for the crafting of medicinal remedies or poisons from raw harvested materials. This includes supplies such as safety gloves, clippers, mortar and pestle, binding agents, distillation equipment, and a small cauldron. It also includes up to 8 containers for the safe storage and preservation of medicines or poisons created using the kit. Proficiency with herbalism kit and poisoner's kit let's you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made to craft or identify medicines or poisons using this kit.

Collecting Herbs

Once you have the right materials, you're ready to begin foraging for herbs. You can find herbs of differing values and rarities anywhere! Even in your own backyard.

Despite the name, herbalism isn't just about plants. You'll find in these pages several animals that can heal or hurt as much as herbs. In order to conserve space and clarity, both animal parts and plants are referred to as herbs in this handbook.

Head out into the wild and begin your search. If you're part of an adventuring party, you should dedicate at least one hour per type of herb you'd like to collect. Each hour you spend collecting herbs will give you enough to make one dose of your finds' most effective medicine or poison.

When you begin your search, you make a Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check to determine what you're able to find. This will vary based on the season and biome you are currently in. The rarity of each herb will determine what you're able to find.

Brewing Herbs

To make a concoction with the herbs you have found, you must use the kit you've chosen from the tools table to spend 1 hour and 1 full dose of the herbs to attempt to make your desired medicine.

In some cases, what you collected may have multiple healing properties. If your plant's leaves have one healing property and its flowers another, you can spend 2 hours to make both types of medicine.

After an hour, make a DC 15 Intelligence (Base stat) check. With a success, you will have created a dose of medicine that holds the properties you intend. With a failure, you produce a useless vial of greenish-brown water.

For each additional hour you spend to create this dose, the DC lowers by 1. For each addtional dose of materials you use, the DC lowers by one; however, you will only create one dose.

Spark of inspiration

When you roll a natural 20 on your skill check you've been hit with inspiration and create 1d4-1 extra doses of your medication.

On a success, follow the Proficiency and Expertise rules set out in Chapter 1 to increase your proficiency of the potion you're creating. Eventually, you'll know how to make it by heart!


Using an herbalism kit, poisoner's kit, or apothecary's kit takes skill and patience, but gaining proficiency in these tools can also add to the skills you use every day. If you are proficient in one of these, you gain advantage on the following skill checks:


Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.


When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.


Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.

Nature & Survival

You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.


Before you can start searching for herbs and animals, you need to make sure you are in the right location to find what you're looking for. You won't be finding Arctic Moss in the middle of the desert.

Herbs in this book will note where they're available. When you are in an area where two biomes overlap, you might find items from both.


Coastal regions are where the land meets saltwater seas and oceans. Beaches are full of unique plants and animals.


Deserts are extremely dry, hot environments that are home to well-adapted plants and animals. Finding water may be difficult, but cures and poisons abound.


Forest biomes are made up of trees and other woody plants. There are many types of forests, but for the purposes of this book, forests are a combination of deciduous and coniferous trees.


Grassland biomes consist of large open areas of grass. Trees can be present, but they are infrequent.


Jungles are another type of forest in hot, wet regions. It rains almost every day in these areas which are located closer to the equator.


They are topographic features that are defined by a high relief, and their most general features are that they encompass a certain elevational range, have steep slopes, and converge toward small summit areas.


A swamp is a wetland that contains trees like a forest. Swamps can most commonly be found where forests line rivers.


For most of the year, the tundra biome is a cold, frozen landscape. This biome has a short growing season, followed by harsh conditions that the plants and animals in the region need special adaptations to survive.


The Drow and Dwarves have settled in tunnels under the earth which has become a vast forest of fungi, moulds and other twisted plants occupying a system of caves.


Perhaps the biome an adventurer spends most of their time in, an urban biome is any area where people have settled.

Healing Herbs of the realm

The healing herbs available to you differ based on your biome and the season. These sections are intended to teach you how to identify each herb available

Alder Trees

Alders can be found in Tundra regions throughout the year. They have gnarled lumpy trunks and uneven branches in what is an otherwise bare landscape.

Given the limited resources of the Tundra, Alders aren't all that common. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 skill check.

Brewing their bark will result in a salve that heals for 4d4 + 4 HP.

Alder branch
Aloe Vera

Aloe is found year round in the desert regions. It appears as a spiked succulent, each fang of which is lined with sharp spines

Desert regions are sparse and dry. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check

The jelly inside the fangs can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP.

Aloe vera

The Amaryllis flower can be found in the mountains during the winter and spring, and in grasslands during the winter. They stand against the snow with their red star shaped flowers that are lightly coloured in the centre.

Despite their ease of identification, the flowers do need to survive in the cold. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The whole plant can be brewed into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP.

Arctic Moss

This moss can be found at the bottom of frozen lakes in the tundra year round. It spreads slowly absorbing nutrients where and when it can.

As this lies under ice and water, A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

The moss can be used as a dressing to cure blindness and restore major wounds.

Arctic moss
Arid Monitor

These large lizards can be found in both deserts and jungles year round. Their colouring is typically mottled grey and they climb trees and cliffs with ease despite their length of almost 1 meter.

The monitor is quick and agile. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Their skin can be brewed into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Arid Monitor

This starchy root grows in the jungle during autumn and winter months. Lush leafy shafts grow straight out of the rainforest floor like a bright green arrow fired directly into the ground.

Jungle floors tend to have a plethora of Arrowroot plants, but given the darkness of the canopy above, low light can make them difficult to identify. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

The roots can be brewed into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP or a poultice that counteracts the Poisoned effect.

Beard Lichen

This fungus is quite the traveller. You can find it in swamps and forests during the winter and spring and on the coast during winter. It's most commonly strung between the limbs of a tree like huge cobwebs.

Though it is quite easy to find, it's more difficult to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Its fungus can be brewed into a tonic that heals 2d4 + 2 HP or a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP.

Beard Lichen

In small streams in the tundra, the observant herbalist may come across a large structure built from branches obstructs the flow of water as round brown rodents with large flat tails busy themselves. These rodents are beavers. Beavers may also be found in forests in the winter.

Beavers are fairly common, but can be quite vicious. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Beaver testicles can be distilled into pill form which heals for 8d4 + 8 HP


While travellilng through the forest, mountains, or even urban settlements during autumn, the buzzing of a hive may draw attention to a partially hollow trunk which will guide the astute herbalist to its golden core.

A hive may be easy to spot, but beware the stingers of the worker bees! A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Beeswax can be used alone or the honey to make a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP.

Big Bluestem

This Tall bunch of reedy grass can be found year round in grasslands bunched into stalks with red, blue, or purple hues when observed from a distance.

Though plentiful, you must have a keen eye to discern Big Bluestem from other high grasses. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Its leaves and roots can be made into a tonic that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Big Bluestem

Found along the coast and in the forest during the spring and summer months, these delicate, vibrant blue flowers hang like bells from an elegant, curved stem.

Bluebells are abundant, but small and hard to notice. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Bulbs of the bluebell can be made into a tonic that heals for 4d4 + 4 HP


Cultivated by individuals in urban settings during the spring and autumn, this group of unusual, purplish spheres, covered in spines, look as though they've been wrapped thoroughly in cobwebs.

First, one must find a garden they can harvest from, then they must avoid the spines. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

The burdock root can be brewed into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Cat's Claw

This woody vine spreads across the path and up the trees in Jungles year round. Its hooked thorns are outstretched ready to catch anything in reach

The Cat's Claw is easy enough to find, but its thorns make it difficult to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Its bark and roots can be made into a powder which will stablize the dying.

Cat's Claw

This herb appears as a careful collection of dead sticks in deserts year round. When the scant rain season appears, it revives, its green body, topped with crimson flowers

Coachwhip is abundant and has few innate defensive capabilities. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 12 check.

The flowers and roots of the coachwhip can be made into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP. Its bark can be brewed into bath salts which relieve one level of exhaustion.

Coastal Jack-Bean

This beautiful plant appears in coastal regions year round. Fleshy vines trail along sand dunes, thick leaves matting the area and pink flowers popping up sporadically.

The plant is easy to find; however, due to the nature of its vine, it can take some effort to collect completely. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The leaves can be brewed into a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Coastal Jack-Bean

Cobwebs are found anywhere you care to look. They are easily found year round in the Underdark, jungles, forests, and urban settings. The best for medicinal use appear as silvery gossamer thread stretched between surfaces and across pathways in elaborate nets

Cobwebs are abundant, but care must be taken to collect them whole. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

Cobwebs make an excellent wound dressing that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Cone Flower

Cone flowers have been domesticated from the mountains, so though you can only locate them in the mountains during the autumn and winter, you can find them in urban areas year round. Wide circles of purple stand tall, holding aloft spiny, conical centres.

These flowers are fairly rare and have spines in their centres. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

The whole plant can be brewed into a tonic that heals 2d4 + 2 HP or a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Coral Branch

Coral can be tropical coastal regions year round. These red, bone-like porous growths settle in tight colonies to enable the formation of marine reefs

Because coral reefs are underwater, home to multiple dangerous animals, and only in tropical regions, a full branch can be quite difficult to find. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

A coral branch can be used as an extra strong splint to aid in the healing of broken bones.

Coral Branch

Subsisting in the coldest areas, this grasslike plant systemgrows in the tundra during spring, summer, and autumn, its fluffy white seed heads buffeted about in the wind

The seed heads can be difficult to see amoung the frost, but there is no difficulty gathering it.A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Its leaves and roots can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP. The seed heads can be made into a dressing that acts as a major wound restorative.

Creeping Charlie

This rambling plant can be found in the forests year round crawling to cover every inch of ground in a blanket of dark, fan-shaped leaves, dotted with the blue of minute flowers.

Though it's easy to find, due to the nature of its vine, it can take some effort to collect completely. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The leaves can be made into a wash that cures blindness or you can extract its oil to cure deafness.

Creeping Charlie
Curly Cup

This Tangled green shrub of spiked bulbs which burst into small, bright yellow flowers can be found throughout the summer in deserts, grasslands, and mountains.

Take care with is spiky flower bulbs. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 12 check.

The flower buds can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP while the leaves can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP.

Curly cup

Exceptionally prevelant in grasslands and urban settings year round, these plants have bright yellow flowerheads and fluffy seed orbs ready to be blown off, lifting up from a bed of weedy jagged leaves.

Dandelions are the opposite of rare. You must be careful when they are in their seed phase to capture all of the plant. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 12 check.

The roots of the dandelion can be brewed to make a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP

Deer Lichen

Found in the Tundra year round, and the mountains in winter, silver green lichen grows in tangled lumps huddling together into larger mounds like nature's dust bunnies.

As its silvery appearance can blend in with the frost below, Deer Lichen can be hard to spot. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

The juice of the lichen can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP. The whole fungus can be distilled into a pill that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Deer Lichen
Dog Violet

This bright purple flower has petals that stand proud surrounded by the hardened grass on coastlines, forest, and grasslands in the spring.

While prominent, Dog Violets are sparse, and a full dose is often difficult to gather in one try. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Its flowers and leaves can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Dog Violet
Dog's Mercury

A green blanket of serrated leaves stretches across the forest floor during the spring and winter months.

Plentiful and easily recognizable, A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

When ingested the leaves of the Dog's mercury produce a draught of sleep.

Dog's Mercury
Enchanter's Nightshade

Deep in the forest in spring and summer stand minute pink and white flowers, barely visible, above dark pointed leaves, close to the ground.

Due to their size, they're very hard to find. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

The whole plant can be brewed into a wash that is a major wound restorative.

Enchanter's Nightshade

During the summer in the mountains and tundra, hardy green stems host small jagged leaves and petit, pale-purple and white flowers, rising above the grass.

Eyebright is reasonably easy to find. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The stems can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP while the leaves and flowers can be made into a wash that cures blindness.

False Earthstar

Like most fungi, false earthstar can grow anywhere that's warm and dark. You can find the small fungal stars on the floor of the Underdark year round, the jungle in spring summer and fallm and the forest in spring and summer. They often trace the path of tree roots beneath the earth.

As the false earthstar is quite small and grows in dark places, it can be difficult to spot. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

The whole fungus can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP or a powder that can stabilize the dying.

False Earthstar

Found in the desert during the spring and winter, this spiny, unfriendly looking shrub is covered in cup shaped orange blooms.

The shrub stands out against the desert, but its spines make it difficult to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The leaves and roots can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP

Heal All

Found in forests and grasslands in the summer and swamps, forest, and grasslands in the autumn, you can identify this herb by its tiny white or purple flowers clustering around a cylindrical core, fringed by a dramatic collar of two pointed leaves

The size of the flowers makes it difficult to gather a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The flowers can be brewed into a tonic that heals 2d4 + 2 HP while the flowers and leave can create a salve that heals 4d4 + 4 HP

Hedge Nettle

Found on the steepest cliffs of mountains in the spring, summer, and winter, this spreading ground covers like an army, raising banners of bold purple flowers

Due to the sheer cliffs this herb prefers, it can be very difficult and dangerous to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 19 check.

The whole plant can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP or a pill that restores 8d4 + 8 HP

Hedge Nettle

Found in jungles in the heat of the summer, these blossoms collect like hummingbirds among the leaves and vines in a variety of bright colours.

The honeysuckle only blooms for a short period which makes identifying them harder. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

The leaves and seeds can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP, and the flowers can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

John's Wort

Found in grasslands in the spring and summer, bright star-like blossoms of yellow and gnarled purple fruit

John's Wort is easy to find. Your only challenge is gathering enough for a dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Its flowers and buds can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

John's Wort
Joint Pine

Found in the desert year round, this shrub is easily mistaken for big, tough clumps of tall, spiny grass

A keen eye is needed to discern this shrub from clumps of grass. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

The stems can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP

Joint Pine

Found in the desert and mountains during the summer, the broad, waxy leaves stick up like the plates on a stegosaurus, guarding egg shaped nuts which brown over time

The jojoba plant is plentiful and easily identified. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

The nuts can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Lachesis Viper

Found in the forests during the summer and the mountains in the summer, spring, and autumn, this orange-brown snake has bold black diamonds, and often shakes its tail like a rattlesnake without a rattle when angry

The snake is relatively easy to find, but can be aggressive. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

A tonic made from the snake's venom restores 2d4 + 2 HP

Lachesis Viper
Mountain Dittany

These velvety silver small, round leaves and pink flowers, grow wild on only the most difficult to reach cliffsides and gorges during the summer.

Due to the great difficulty reaching the flowers, A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 25 check.

The leaves can be brewed into an elixir that restores 10d4 + 20 HP

Mountain Dittany

During the autumn, this broad sprawling ground cover can be found on the coast and in swamps and grasslands. Feathery green leaves with silvery undersides hide dark purplish stems from view.

It is difficult to gather enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

The leaves can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP or a pill that restores 8d4 + 8 HP. The roots can be made into a decoction that relieves 1 level of exhaustion.


The trunk and branches twist unpredictably, the pale bark peeling off in thin, silky sheets. They're found in swamps in summer, autumn, and winter and the mountains in the winter.

It can be difficult to remove the bark in contiguous sheets. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

The bark oil can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Passion Vine

Found in the Jungle in the spring and summer, this leafy climber bears exotic purple and yellow flowers to match its strange bulbous, purple fruit.

These vines are abundant and easy to harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

The flowers can be brewed into a salve which restores 4d4 + 4 HP or injested directly to induce sleep.

Passion Vine

Found inside oysters in the shallow water of the coasts are irregular iridescent orbs in white, gold, black, and any number of other opalesque colours. Pearls can be found year round.

Identifying the correct oysters takes time and effort. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 22 check.

Grinding the whole pearl into a powder that can act as an antidote to contact poisons or blindness.

Pearl Oyster

Found in the forest in late spring and autumn, this plant displays a small dome of green leaves and butter or light pink coloured petals.

It can be difficult to gather enough primrose for a single dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The flowers can be brewed into a wine that acts as a major wound restorative.

Scotch Marigold

Found in urban settlements year round, these brilliant yellow and orange puffballs on weedlike green stems

A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The leaves can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Scotch Marigold
Sphagnum Moss

Found year round in forests and swamps and in wet areas of the tundra in spring, summer, and fall. This moss appears as a thick carpet of green cloaking the tundra or forest floor and envelopes the rotting wood of fallen trees.

A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Once dried, this moss can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP or made into a dressing that is a major wound restorative.

Sphagnum Moss

Found along the coast during the autumn, winter, and spring and in urban settlements during the autumn and winter, these tiny unassuming white flowers stick up from lightly fuzzy stalks.

Given their sparse dispersal, it can be difficult to get enough to make a dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The whole plant can be made into a pill that restores 8d4 + 8 HP

Stone Mint

Found in the forest and mountains during the summer, these winding stalks laddered with even pairs of leaves, giving way to sparks of lilac coloured flowers near the top

With a little work, you can easily collect enough for a dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The leaves can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP

Stone Mint

Found in forests in the autumn, these long, straight stems lift delicate clusters of white flowers above an unassuming leafy shrub.

As the roots are used, it takes effort to retrieve the proper parts of the herb. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The roots can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP or a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP

Tiger's Milk Mushroom

Found in the jungle during the summer and autumn months, this strange looking toadstool has a flattened brown cap sitting atop a thin, squiggly stem.

These toadstools grow sparsely and can be difficult to find. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 22 check.

The whole fungus can be brewed into a pill that restores 8d4 + 8 HP, ingested to counteract ingested poisons or made into a dressing that acts as a major wound curative.

Tiger's Milk Mushroom
Tokay Gecko

These tiny lizards thrive year round deep in the jungles and the Underdark. With a squeaking call, the red-speckled turquoise of its body can change colours to blend in with its surroundings.

Due to its size and camouflage abilities, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

The whole lizard can be distilled into a pill that restores 8d8 + 8 HP or a wine that acts as a major wound restorative.

Tokay Gecko

Found in swamps and urban settings throughout the spring and summer, these multi-flowered elegant violet flowered spikes branch up from thin wooden stems.

The only hindrance to collecting these herbs is their spikes. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The whole plant can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP


Found in tundras and swamps year round, these trees have A\a twisting trunk and blossoms that droop from branches, bursting forth before the leaves grow back in.

Gathering bark can take time and finesse. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The bark can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP


On the coasts and in the grassland in spring, summer, and autume, this sprawling fernlike shrub explodes into bunches of tiny flowers in dozens of colours to form a floral canopy.

A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Gathering enough for a full dose can be difficult. The plant's oil can be brewed into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 HP while the whole plant can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP.


Poisonous herbs

Brewing poisons

Poisons are brewed in the exact same way as Healing Herbs. However, when utilizing the poison, the creature targeted by the poison must succeed at a Constitution check at a DC that is equal to the DC used harvest the herb. +1 for each additional hour spent making the poison.

If the target succeeds at its check, any immediate damage is halved. The target does not suffer any other effects, whether immediate or ongoing. If the target fails its check and the damage is per round or ongoing they continue to make a save on every turn until they are incapacitated. If they have the Poisoned condition, they are at disadvantage for their saving throws. Their death saving throws are at disadvantage.

Weapons coated in a venom or poison must still succeed on a hit before the effects will apply to the target (after a save). Each dose will only activate once per application. You can apply multiple doses to a weapon and each dose will activate on a separate hit.

The saving throw for all poisons made this way is always constitution, regardless of whether the effect may call for a different save.

Angel's Trumpet

Found in the jungle during spring and summer, these fragrant, pale-yellow blooms edged in red hang like pendants from an elegant, winding tree

The blooms can be out of reach. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The seeds can be made into a powder which, when inhaled acts as the spell Suggestion.

Angel's Trumpet
Arsenic Ore

Located throughout the Underdark this flaking silver crystalline rock releases a garlic smell when struck

The ore can easily be mistaken for a rock and vice versa. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 19 check.

The mineral can be made into a powder which, when inhaled causes sleep after 10 minutes and death after 3 days

Autumn Crocus

Found in the forest in late autumn, early fall, these pastel, cup-shaped flowers in pink, white and purple appear out of the ground long before their leaves join them

It can be difficult to gather enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Concoctions made from the flowers and seeds incapacitate the target 12 hours after ingestion.

Autumn Crocus

Found in the forests in the autumn months, this herb's dull purple flowers and large pointed leaves are outshone by juicy, appealing black berries

Great care must be taken when harvesting this herb. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

When concoctions containing the berries are ingested, the target is immediately paralyzed and will die after 4 hours.


Blooming in the grasslands year round and in the tundra in spring, summer, and fall, these spear-like lilac flowers taper to a point above sharp leaves.

Blackroot is plentiful and easy to harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

When ingested, potions made from the root give the target the Poisoned effect.

Blue Ringed Octopus

A small brown octopus hides amongst a reef's rocks and coral year round and will suddenly flare iridescent blue rings

The octopus is a master of camouflage. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 19 check.

Weapons laced with the octopus's venom both paralyzes and suffocates the target.

Blue-Ringed Octopus
Blue Vitriol

Deep in the Underdark, brilliant blue gems growing in tight knit threads from copper deposits, dissolves quickly in liquid

It is very difficult to harvest these crystals without causing oneself to be poisoned. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

Potions made with the mineral give the target the Poisoned effect when ingested.

Blue Vitriol

Often seen from the coast during summer, autumn, and winter floating on the water like a blue bubble with a sail. Under the water, the creature has a translucent body and long stinging tail.

These creatures are often stranded on the beach. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Concoctions made from the tail/tentacles of this creature cause 2d6 damage per round upon contact.

Butterfly Weed

Found in the Desert in summer and autumn, by the cloud of bees and butterflies hovering around the orange and yellow blossoms and long pointed leaves

You must avoid the bees to not get injured. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The plant can be made into a poison that does 1d6 damage per round.

Butterfly Weed

Found in the underdark, nuggets of gleaming red crystal stick out from the other gem clusters in chunks

It is very difficult to collect the mineral without poisoning yourself. herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 22 check.

Poisons made from this mineral will give the target the Poisoned condition upon contact.

Cinnabar Crystal

This mottled brown and black snake can be found year round in jungles and swamps and on the coast in spring, summer, and autumn. It has a habit of baring its fangs and exposing the bright white interior of its mouth when threatened.

Despite its reputation of aggression, the cottonmouth is fairly easy to catch safely. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

Weapons laced with the snake's venom does 5d6 additional damage per round.

Death Adder

Found in the forest and grasslands in the summer and autumn, this thick-bodied snake has bands of black, brown, and orange and is shockingly adept at disappearing into the undergrowth.

The death adder's camouflage is exceptionally good. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Weapons laced with the snake's venom do 1d6 additional damage per round and paralyze the target.

Death Adder

A flattened tan body blends in easily to the sand and stone of a desert year round.

The deathstalker's camouflage is exceptionally good. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Weapons covered in the venom of the deathstalker do 6d6 additional damage.

Desert Rose

As its name indicates, the desert rose is found in the desert during the spring, summer, and autumn. White star-shaped flowers with bold pink borders droop from succulent stems along with leathery, dark green leaves

The sap is difficult to avoid while collecting. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

The sap can be spread on weapons which do 2d6 additional damage and causes 1 level of exhaustion per round.

Desert Rose
Destroying Angel

Found in the forest in the autumn and winter, a city of sweet-smelling mushrooms growing at the base of hardwood trees, some heads rounded, some flat, all stained brown in the centre and paling at the fringes

Destroying angels are abundant. Time is required to collect enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The deathcap can be made into a powder which, when inhaled does 2d6 damage per round. When ingested, potions made from the fungus give the target 1 level of exhaustion every 12 hours.

Destroying Angel
Devil's Fingers

Found throughout the underground, this fungus can be identified by its round white bulb erupting into pale meaty tentacles which attract insects to absorb in their stinking slime.

Due to its sparse dispersal, finding enough for a full dose can be difficult. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The fungus can be ground into a powder which, when inhaled, causes its target to spend its turn retching

Devil's Fingers

Found in urban settlements year round, this snake's black and brown markings are defined into tessellating diamonds by bright white borders and dark spots

The fer de lance is quite aggressive and difficult to catch. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

Weapons coated in the snake's venom do 4d6 additional damage.

Fly Agaric

A wide spread ring of bright red toadstools with white polka dots mark a circle on the forest floor during the autumn and winter months.

As the inhalation of spores can cause harm, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

When potions made with the whole fungus are ingested, the target gains the Poisoned condition and will sleep in 5 minutes. If made into a powder and inhaled, it puts the target directly to sleep.

Fly Agaric

Found throughout coastal regions, forests, grasslands, mountain and the Underdark in spring and summer, these vibrantly coloured and patterned bell shaped flowers bloom by the dozens from a single tall spike.

It can be difficult to gather enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

When concoctions made with the whole plant are ingested they do 2d6 damage.

Funnel-web Spider

Strong, shining legs branch off a fat black body, the spider squeezes itself into a small ground burrow to hide

The funnel web spider can be aggressive. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Weapons laced with the spider's venom do 2d6 additional damage.

Funnel-web Spider
Ghost Fungus

Found in the Underdark year round, the jungle in the autumn and winter, and the swamp in autumn, this funnel shaped mushroom glows brightly in the dark, providing enough light to read by.

This mushroom is plentiful. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

When ingested, potions made with the fungus give the target the Poisoned condition.

Ghost Mushroom
Gila Monster

Found in the deserts and mountains year round, this heavy, sluggish lizard is covered in orange and black markings. It slowly drags itself between places of shade.

The gila monster is very aggressive. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Weapons coated in the gila monster's venom do 6d6 additional damage and 1d6 additional damage per round and give the target the Poisoned condition.

Gila Monster
Golden Frog

A bright yellow amphibian with a black underside, so small that it can still be easily missed in the rainforest where it lives year round.

Due to its small size and the fact that its skin causes harm, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Weapons coated with the venom excreted from the skin of the Golden Frog cause the target to become paralyzed and die in 3 minutes.

Golden Frog

Found in the grasslands in the autumn and winter, these small muted flowers come in pinks, greys, blues and blacks and stand proud from the frost on hardy stems with twisted leaves

This plant is plentiful. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

When ingested, concoctions made with the whole plant give the target the Poisoned condition.

Hooded Shrike

Found in the mountains year round, this bird has a striking combination of black and orange plumage flutters between trees.

Because the shrike is small and capable of flight, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Coating weapons in the poison excreted from the bird's skin and feathers cause 1d6 additional damage per round.

Hooded Shrike
King Cobra

Found in the mountains year round and on the coast in the summer, autumn, and winter. characteristic dramatic hood stretches over the snake's head and part way down its striped body.

Cobras are aggressive and difficult to handle. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Poisons made from the snake's venom blind the target and do 2d6 damage per round. The target will sleep in 1 minute.

King Cobra
Lantern Chilli

Found in the jungle and urban settlements during the autumn and winter. These shining fruits ranging from yellow to red hang like pendants from a low bush.

It can be difficult to gather enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

A powder made from the seeds will blind the target.

Lantern Chilli
Lantern Stinkhorn

Found in jungles year round, this fungus appears as a slimy pink rocket stinking of rotting flesh and excrement gets even worse when it splits into several reaching tentacles

Harvesting this fungus can cause you to retch from its stench. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

When inhaled, a powder made from this fungus causes the target to retch for a full turn.

Lantern Stinkhorn
Lion's Mane Jellyfish

Found off the coast during the autumn and winter, these jellies are a massive, translucent peach presence in the cold waters, thousands of stringy smoky tentacles filling the space

A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Potions made from the jellyfish's venom cause 1d6 damage per round upon contact with the target.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish
Milky Mangrove

Found year round in jungles and swamp and along the coast in summer, autumn, and winter, a tangled root system lifts the tree half out of the water while its heavy leaves dangle into the water's edge

The tree is relatively easy to find and harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 12 check.

Concoctions made with the tree's sap cause the target to go blind upon contact.

Milky Mangrove
Miner's Moonlight

Found in the Underdark year round and in jungle caves during the summer and winter, these flower-like fungi, climb in steps up the cave wall, their half-cup bodies glowing faintly green in the dark.

It can be difficult to gather enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

When ingested, potions made with the fungus give the target the Poisoned condition.

Miner's Moonlight

Found in the forests, jungles, mountains, and swamp in the cold months of autumn and winter and the tundra in the autumn, winter, and spring, these spiked green leaves and blood red berries cluster around and strangle the boughs of a host tree.

Due to the climbing involved, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Potions made from the berries cause 1d6 damage per round to the target.


Found in the jungle in the summer and autumn months these pink pinwheel flowers stand out from dark heavy leaves on a small tree.

Oleanders are plentiful and easy to identify. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Poisons made from the sap of the oleander tree blind the target on contact. Powders made from the wood give the target the Poisoned condition when inhaled.

Pasque Flower

Found in the tundra year round, these stars of pink and purple are often bowed in the frost open to the sunlight to soak up what they can. They have fuzzy fruit that brings to mind an absurd painting.

It can take some work to collect enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

A draught made from the juice of this flower will cause the target to sleep in 1 minute.

Pasque Flower

Found in the jungle during spring and winter, this animal has a tail like a beaver the size of a forearm and a bill like a duck and wide, fanning webbed feet, of which the male's are adorned with venomous spurs.

In order to collect the poison, you must correctly sex the platypus in question. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 25 check.

Weapons coated in the platypus's venom do 5d6 additional damage and incapacitate the target.


Found in the desert and mountains during spring, summer, and autumn, these brown, vicious looking vipers have a hideous rattle for a tail, which they shakes before striking with deadly speed.

The aggressive viper may strike at any moment. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Weapons that are covered in rattlesnake venom both blind the target and give them the Poisoned condition.

Red-Tailed Scorpion

Found in deserts during autumn and winter and in urban settlements during the winter, this nocturnal hunter is difficult to find but easily identified by the bright red sting on the end of its segmented tail

As this scorpion only comes out at night, it is very difficult to locate. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

Weapons coated in venom from the scorpion's sting do 3d6 damage per round and give the target the Poisoned condition.

Red-Tailed Scorpion
Redback Spider

Found in deserts and urban settlements year round, this sharp and threatening looking black spider has a striking red hourglass mark on its abdomen

The redback is notoriously reclusive. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Weapons covered in the redback's venom do 3d6 damage and give the target the Poisoned condition.

Redback Spider
Savin Juniper

Found in the mountains during autumn and winter, this mounded shrub has pine-like foliage in blue-green hues

The bush is easy to identify and harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

Poison made from the oil of the juniper tree doess 1d6 damage per round upon contact.

Savin Juniper
Spitting Fat-Tail

Found in the desert during the spring, summer, and autumn, this scorpion's dark, wide armoured body gives way to small pale pincers at the head

Once located, the scorpion's venom can be moderately difficult to harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

Poisons made from the scorpion's venom blind the target on contact.

Spitting Fat-Tail
Strawberry Dart Frog

Found in the jungle during autumn and winter these tiny amphibians range in colour from vivid blues to greens with polka dots to panda splotches to bright reds with inky black legs.

The skin of the frog itself is poisonous. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Poisons made from the frog's skin blind the target on contact. When ingested, they paralyze the target.

Strawberry Dart Frog
Strychnine Tree

Found in grasslands year round, this tree's trunk is short, thick, crooked, and pale and topped with a full dome of leaves and hard orange fruit

Despite the tree's short trunk, its fruit is kept high off the ground. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 20 check.

A powder made from the tree's seeds does 4d6 damage per round and paralyzes the target.

Strychnine tree
Sulphur Tuft

Found in forests, jungles, and swamps year round, these yellow toadstools clum together to consume the dead matter of stumps and branches

The toadstools are relatively easy to find and collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

When injested, a poison made from this fungus both paralyzes and blinds its target.

Sulphur Tuft

Found in grasslands, swamps, and urban settlements throughout the autumn, these ghostly pinwheel blooms of white distract from jagged, threatening leaves and large, dangerously spiny fruit pods

The thornapple is easy to identify and harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 13 check.

Poisons made from the fruit, seeds, and roots blind and stun the target when injested.


Found in the jungle year round and the swamp during the summer. these long woody vines stretch between trees, bearing heart-shaped leaves and small dark seed pods.

The vines are relatively easy to identify and harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Poisons made from the seeds of the velvetleaf can coat weapons which then stun the target.

Water Hemlock

Found in the swamp during spring and summer, this spindly knee-high plant has distinct tufts of tiny white flowers growing by the waterside

It can be quite difficult to collect the whole plant in order to create a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 18 check.

Concoctions made with the whole plant can be placed on weapons which then give the target the Poisoned condition.

Water Hemlock
White Baneberry

Found only in the forest during the autumn, these white and black berries from from blood red stems by the hundreds

Gathering enough for a full dose can be difficult. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

Poisons made from the berries make the target fall unconscious in one minute and cause death after 6 hours.

White Baneberry
Witch's Heart

Found in the Underdark year round, this supposedly carnivorous hollow cage of pink, fleshy fungus is riddled with holes that resemble bloody wounds

A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

Potions made from the full body of the fungus do 2d6 damage per round upon contact with the target or 3d6 damage when ingested.

Witch's Heart

Found in the mountains during summer and autumn and the tundra during the summer, these dark purple flowers burst and curl, foxglove like, from all sides of a tall central stalk

Wolfsbane is plentiful and easy to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

Poisons made with the whole plant cause 2d6 damage per round upon contact with the target or cause death after 4 hours when ingested.

Yellow-Banded Dart Frog

Found in the jungles during spring and autumn, this frog's bold stripes of black and yellow warn predators of the poison in its slimy skin.

As the frogs are very small and their skin is toxic to the touch, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 19 check.

Weapons coated in the venom from the frog's skin do 2d6 damage per round and paralyze the target.

Yellow-Banded Dart Frog

Found in the desert during the spring and winter, these plants appear as dozens of tiny delicate white or pinkish flowers gathered on stalks with a grassy base forming a natural bouquet

The flowers are plentiful and easy to collect. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

When ingested concoctions made with the whole plant do 1d6 damage per round.


Herbs that heal and hurt

Like people, not all herbs are just one thing. Some herbs heal, others hurt, but the very special herbs in this section both heal and hurt, depending on how you brew them. Take care to brew the proper parts of the plant to get the intended result.

The rules laid out in the Healing Herbs and Poisonous Herbs apply to all of the bellow herbs.

Bark Scorpion

Found in deserts year round and urban developments during autumn, winter and spring, this waxy, yellow scorpion hunts at night holding its stinger high, ready to strike any pray that strays into its path.

These scorpions blend in with their surroundings. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 22 check.

When the scorpion's venom is made into a tonic, it heals 2d4 + 2. If added to a weapon, it does 2d6 additional damage and gives the target disadvantage on their attacks.

Bearberry Bush

These bushes can be found in the tundra year round growing low to the ground to keep out of the wind, bright and shiny red berries attract critters

It can be difficult to gather enough berries for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

When its leaves are made into a tonic, it heals 2d4 + 2 HP. When a concoction containing the berries is ingested it causes the target to become blind and deaf.

Bearberry Bush

Found along the coast, in grasslands, and urban settlements during the winter and spring, these tiny wild pansies form ribbons of violet or blue tucked between the grass

Due to their size, it can be difficult to harvest enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 17 check.

The whole plant can be made into a salve that restores 4d4 + 4 HP. The juice of the plant can be made into Philtre that acts on the target as the Friends spell.

Opium Poppy

Found in grasslands during winter and spring, these flowers grow in vast fields of coloured blooms ranging from white to red to deep purple, the buds and seed pods oozing a potent juice

When blooming, these flowers are plentiful, but it can be difficult to collect enough for a full dose. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 15 check.

The juice of the poppy can be made into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2 health or a draught that forces its target to sleep. Its seeds can be made into a pill that restores 4d4 + 4 HP.

Opium Poppy

Found in grasslands and swamps in the autumn and winter, these plants have rings of fluffy pink or white flowers climb steadily up a sturdy central stem, giving off a minty odor.

Given the heights to which they can climb, a herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.

The leaves can be made into a tonic that restores 2d4 + 2. Potions containing the oil of the pennyroyal do 3d6 damage and incapacitate the target.


Found in forests and swamps during the winter, this lush bush of waxy, oval leaves, bursts with the bright red of shining berries

The bushes are reasonably easy to find and harvestA herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

A poison made with the oil from the bush will deafen and incapacitate the target on contact. A tonic brewed from its leaves will restore 2d4 + 4 HP.


Found in the tundra year round, this plant is a stunted flowering weed low to the ground with round yellow buds not quite open enough to be regarded flowers

The plant is reasonable easy to identify and harvest. A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 14 check.

The leaves can be brewed into a salve that restores 4d4 + HP. A concoction containing the plant's oil does 2d6 damage.


True Alchemy

Alchemy is often seen as Herbalism's "big brother" when in reality, it's simply another side of the same die. Both require distilling ingredients to their bases components then brewing those components into potent elixirs.

The biggest difference between the two arts is their ingredients. Where Herbalism relies complely on the natural world around us, Alchemy requires the slightest touch of magic and products that you can't simply pick up off the ground. It also requires you to combine those components together in the correct ratios to create potions with unique effects that go far beyond healing or harming your target.

Brewing potions

Each potion you undertake requires forthought, work, and gold. You can gain proficiency in herbalism with the herbs you locate on your travels, but alchemical concoctions will require you to go to the secret stalls in every large town and city you visit. It is at these dark, tight alleys that you will find the ingredients for the greatest potions you locate.


As with Herbalism, the first step you must take to mastering alchemical creations is making sure you have the right tools. Your corner alchemist will likely sell you a full set of supplies which includes two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients including salt, distilled alcohol, powdered iron, and purified water.

Tool Cost Weight
Alchemist's Supplies 50 gp 8 lbs
Author's note

These prices are the average for high quality tools. Depending on the size of town and supply and demand, your price may vary. You can always travel to a different town to seek a better price!


Using Alchemist's supplies requires skill and focus, but gaining proficiency in this tool can also aid with your other skills. If you have proficiency, whether it is innate or learned, you gain advantages in the following skill checks.


You can roll with advantage on any arcana check regarding potions or ingredients used therein.


You gain advantage on any Investigation roll where you are looking for chemicals or other substances used in the area.

Potion Proficiency

Refer to Recipe proficiencies in Chapter 1 for rules regarding potion proficiencies. Once you are proficient in a potion it's cost is halved. Once you have expertise, the price is halved again.

Brewing Potions

Similar to turning the herbs in your area into salves and poisons, turning conventional items into great potions requires a skill check. The remaining recipes from this book are divided into different difficulties, and each section will describe the DC required to make each potion. A failure spends the same amount of time and ingredients, but the potion simply does nothing.

Spark of Inspiration

When rolling a natural 20 on your brewing attempt, you've been inspired and produce 1d4-1 extra doses of your potion.

Your first potions

Common Potions (DC 10)

Each dose of the potions below takes 1 day to craft and costs 25 gp in addition to the ingredients listed.

Alchemist's Fire

This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.

Additional Ingredients: Fire Elemental Ember, X Oil

Potion of Climbing

When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb. The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.

Additional Ingredients: Giant Wolf Spider Hair, Earth Elemental Dust

Potion of Swimming

When you drink this potion, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to swim. The potion is separated into teal, light blue, and indigo layers resembling a deep ocean. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.

Additional Ingredients: Quipper Scale (x3), Water Elemental Droplet


As an action, you can throw this smokebomb up to 30 feet away from you. On impact, smoke begins to billow from it, creating a heavily obscured area within a 10 foot radius and a lightly obscured area for a further 5 feet. This smoke dissipates after 1 minute, or until it is blown away by some external means.

Additional Ingredients: Air Elemental Whisp

Vial of Acid

As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.

Additional Ingredients: Gray Ooze Residue

Uncommon Potions (DC 13)

Each dose of the potions below takes 3 days to craft and costs 100 gp in addition to the ingredients listed.

Oil of Slipperiness

This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the container, but it flows quickly when poured. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours.

Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the ground as an action, where it covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the effect of the grease spell in that area for 8 hours.

Additional Ingredients: A gland from a purple worm or the liver from a giant pike.

Potion of Animal Friendship

When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will. Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair.

Additional Ingredients: A fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, and a squirrel hair.

Potion of Fire Breath

After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed. This potion's orange liquid flickers, and smoke fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever it is opened.

Additional Ingredients: Ashblossom, Remorhaz Ichor

Potion of Growth

When you drink this potion, you gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.

Additional Ingredients: mustard seed

Potion of Giant Strength

When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

Additional Ingredients: A toenail clipping of the appropriate giant type.

Giant Type STR Score
Hill 21
Frost or Stone 23
Fire 25
Cloud 27
Storm 29
Potion of resistance

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The damage type depends on the special ingredient added.

Additional Ingredients:

Resistance Type Ingredient
Acid bicarbonate
Cold frost lichen
Fire ashblossom
Force carbon or ceramic dust
Lightning lightning moss
Necrotic healing herb
Poison charcoal
Psychic mindflayer stinkhorn
Radiant zinc
Thunder stinging nettle
Potion of Waterbreathing

You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.

Additional Ingredients: Gillyweed, Hagfinger

Rare Potions (DC 16)

Creation of these potions takes 10 workdays and costs 500 gp in addition to the ingredients listed.

Midnight Oil

A small flask of inky black oil that resembles a night sky when viewed in a certain light. When the midnight oil is used to light a lantern, it emits bright light for 5 feet and dim light a further 5 feet for 8 hours. If a creature stays in the light emitted by this oil for the full 8 hours, they get all the benefits of a long rest without needing to sleep, provided they only engage in light activity such as reading, studying, talking, etc.

Additional Ingredients: black velvet made from silk

Oil of Dragon's Bane

This oil can coat a single weapon for 3 uses, or up to 3 pieces of ammunition can be dipped in the oil for 1 use each. A dragon that takes damage from a weapon or piece of ammunition covered in the oil takes an additional 6d6 damage from the attack. The oil dries after 1 hour and becomes inert.

Additional Ingredients: dragon's Blood, wyvern Poison

Oil of Etheralness

Beads of this cloudy gray oil form on the outside of its container and quickly evaporate. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour.

Additional Ingredients: ectoplasm

Potion of clairvoyance

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the clairvoyance spell. An eyeball bobs in this yellowish liquid but vanishes when the potion is opened.

Additional Ingredients: ground crystal

Potion of Diminuation

When you drink this potion, you gain the "reduce" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear liquid around it. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.

Additional Ingredients: witch hazel

Potion of Gaseous Form

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration required) or until you end the effect as a bonus action. This potion's container seems to hold fog that moves and pours like water.

Additional Ingredients: naphthalene

Potion of Heroism

For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling.

Additional Ingredients: ginseng and guarana

Potion of Invulnerability

For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have Resistance to all damage. The potion's syrupy liquid looks like liquefied iron.

Additional Ingredients: mercury

Potion of Mind Reading

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). The potion's dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink floating in it.

Additional Ingredients: mindflayer stinkhorn

Very Rare Potions (DC 20)

Creation of these items takes 30 workdays and costs 1,000 gp in addition to the ingredients listed.

Oil of Sharpness

This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical and has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Additional Ingredients: Ankheg Ichor, Silverthorn

Potion of Flying

When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you're in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft. This potion's clear liquid floats at the top of its container and has cloudy white impurities drifting in it.

Additional Ingredients: urine of a ginger bull

Potion of Invisibility

This potion's container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell.

Additional Ingredients: fish scales

Potion of Longevity

When you drink this potion, your physical age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years. Each time you subsequently drink a potion of longevity, there is 10 percent cumulative chance that you instead age by 1d6 + 6 years. Suspended in this amber liquid are a scorpion's tail, an adder's fang, a dead spider, and a tiny heart that, against all reason, is still beating. These ingredients vanish when the potion is opened.

Additional Ingredients: imp heart

Potion of Speed

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required). The potion's yellow fluid is streaked with black and swirls on its own.

Additional Ingredients: hummingbird heart

Potion of Truesight

When you drink this potion, you gain truesight for 1 hour.

Additional Ingredients: fairy stool, nothic tears

Increasing your skills

Throughout your adventures, you'll likely find old tomes that contain potions not included in this book. These can be brewed with the same alchemist's supplies as a common healing potion.

However, the more proficient you become with your Alchemist's supplies, the better you'll get at learning new potions. You may be able to discern what a potion is and what its ingredients are, but if you haven't gained the necessary levels of proficiency, it's unlikely you'll be able to produce the potion with any success.

Proficiency Recipe Level Time spent Cost
+2 Common 1 workday 50 gp
+3 Uncommon 5 workdays 100 gp
+4 Rare 10 workdays 150 gp
+5 Very Rare 20 workdays 200 gp
+6 Legendary 30 workdays 300 gp

For each level above your proficiency bonus, you must double the amount of time and money spent learning the potion. You can then add it to your typical brewed potions and roll to create it on any given day. For example, if your Proficiency bonus is +2 and you wish to learn a rare potion, you'll need to spend 40 workdays and 600gp worth of materials.


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