Resting Rules

by TheTranMan

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Drict's Resting Mechanics

As part of this Campaign potentially, how Rests work between Short, Long, and the new Week Rest are different between each.

Take a Breather

After ending Combat, the party can attempt to take a Breather. If they are uninterrupted for 5 minutes, they take a breather and can spend up to half of their Hit Dice total.

Taking a Breather is a short period of downtime, during which a character does nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, tending to wounds, or sitting down / staying in place to rest.

Taking a Breather does not count towards taking a Short Rest for the purpose of regaining other features like the Wizard's Arcane Recovery or the Bard's Song of Rest.

Short Rests

Short Rests remain the same, another version of Resting that allows characters to heal is the Take a Breather rest above.

Take a Rest. The proper Short Rest, the one that remains the same and lasts 1 hour long.

Long Rest

A creature who benefits from a Long Rest recharges everything from their Long Rests as usual (Regaining Full HP, restoring all Hit Dice, and regaining Abilities that need a Long Rest).

However, Full-Casters (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard) only regain Spell Slots equal to only half their maximum spell slots (rounded down) at the end of a long rest, and you can only restore slots of 5th level or lower.

In addition, a creature only regains half their total Hit Dice.

Week Rest

A creature who benefits from a Week Rest recharges all of their Hit Points, Hit Die, Spell Slots, and removes all of their levels of Exhaustion, and anything else they regain from a Long Rest anyways.

Similar to the Relaxation Downtime from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Creatures also have advantage on saving throws to recover from long-acting diseases and poisons, and can end one effect that keeps the creature from regaining hit points, or restore one ability score that has been reduced to less than its normal value. This benefit cannot be used if the harmful effect was caused by a spell or some other supernatural effect with an ongoing duration.

Healer's Kit Dependency

A character can't spend any Hit Dice after finishing a short rest until someone expends one use of a healer's kit to bandage and treat the character's wounds.

Slow Natural Healing

Characters don't regain hit points at the end of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest.

This optional rule prolongs the amount of time that characters need to recover from their wounds without the benefits of magical healing and works well for grittier, more realistic campaigns.


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