Conflicts of 40K (1) The Badab War

by Jackeyblob

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The Badab War

We asked only for what others had.
When you spurned us, we turned only to the path others had walked.
Our destiny was clear...
Your tragedy was in forgetting the lessons so many had died to learn.

Renegade Remorse

How can we pretend, in the light of this great horror, that we speak truly of the divine? How do we defend our piety when so many heroes fall towards the shadow? What do we say when they ask of yet another war by angels against god? We say nothing...

The Badab War is amongst the most devastating conflicts suffered by the Imperium, for though it took place in but a small region of space, the consequences were vast. As always with internecine war, there are no victors, for even in defeat does rebellion light the fires of a thousand more across the galaxy.

Whole Chapters of the fabled Astartes were devastated, countless casualties suffered amongst the Guard, and entire worlds were turned ash and ruin. The might of Imperium would lie crippled, the losses suffered beyond recovery, and once more would the message spread, "Even our angels can fall from grace".

This shock would ripple throughout the demesne
of humanity, for even as they picked through the rubble
in search of something to salvage, the forces of Chaos would find new servants in those that fled, the might of a brilliant mind and the rage he bore inside.

So then is this a story of humanity and its greatest flaws. It is a tale of greed and envy, doubt and betrayal, a lesson to be learned by those with little time left. It is, in essence, no different than all great stories, possessed of heroes and villains...

And the choices by which we decide.

Mise en Scene

Deep within the Imperium lies a threat rarely spoken of... The Maelstrom. It is no terrible secret, nor harboured threat whose knowledge could destroy. Instead, it is but a minor moment of catastrophe when compared to countless dangers facing humanity each and every day.

A Warp Storm most ancient and fell, it had long been the home to pirates and xenos. Were it not for the Eye of Terror it would be amongst the most dangerous areas in space, but fortunately for those within are the eyes of the Imperium forced to look elsewhere.

Negligent they were not however, and unwilling to allow such barren souls as dwell within this Gologthan nightmare free access to their realms. The region around was long fortified, and in 587.M41 were a series of Astartes Chapters mustered and raised, their task to patrol the stygian depths in search of hidden dangers.

This formation of the Space Marines was not decided upon lightly, for long had the High Lords relied upon the defences constructed by Guilliman millenia ago. Unfortunately, even the brilliant mind of the Primarch could not predict the Heresy awaiting his future, nor design protections against those who spat upon their oaths.

It would be the work of an apocalyptic death cult, aided by a Renegade Warband known as "The Reborn", which would force the Imperium's hand. The world of Cygnax, a lynchpin in the networked defence of the sector, would fall, taken from within by dark magic and fell fury. Though the attack would be eventually repulsed, the systems controlling the vast arsenal of missile weaponry would be seized and used to raze the planet, rendering it but ash and shattered ground.

So then were the Astartes called to battle... So then is the scene set for the greatest betrayal since Horus first turned against the Emperor.

Narcissus Am I

To oversee this new formation of Astartes, the High Lords appointed the Astral Claws to prominence above all others. So named the Maelstrom Warders, they would ply their excellence in protection, guarding the paths from the Maelstrom and reacting quickly to threats not foreseen when first the walls were raised.

The Badab System became their home, the Astral Claws claiming the region as their recruitment grounds. They fortified it immensely, housing a sizeable fleet within that proved adept at hunting down the flourishing pirate activity in the sector.

So successful were they in fact that soon the Maelstrom grew quiet. Few were foolish enough to seek battle with the Warders, fewer still capable of proving even a momentary obstacle to their uncontested might. The Imperium prospered, and the High Lords turned their attention to others areas, confident in the ability of the Astral Claws to maintain stability.

Challenge, however, is the greatest weapon against hubris, and without an equal to match them, nor a superior to keep them in check, the Warders grew complacent and arrogant. Deciding to end the horrors of the Maelstrom once and for all, they banded together, the Astral Claws summoning the military might of the entire sector in a vast force designed to crush the tempest enemy still lurking within the storm.

At first, this so called Scourge Campaign proved a great success. World after world was liberated, pirate fleets captured and repurposed, the tides of the Immaterium were thick with those fleeing the relentless onslaught of those once sworn only to wait.

But the higher they flew, the brighter they burned. No sun would claw them back to the bloody earth... Only their pride.


In 651.M41
however, their
imminent victory was torn
away. The Charnel Guard, one
of the Astartes Chapters
tithed to the Warders, were withdrawn
under direct order from the High Lords of Terra.
Other warfronts needed their expertise, the Scourge Campaign beyond the remit of those sworn to defend against the Maelstrom, not tame it.

In response had those who remained within their aetheric realm formed an alliance of their own. The forces of Chaos and ruin abandoned their usual loathing and brought upon the now undermanned Astartes the combined malice of a thousand warlords, veterans each of a land without mercy nor second chances.

The Astral Claws begged for aid, their Campaign foundering against lunatic resistance and feral magick. Their actions had created within the storm that which they feared most, a singular purpose forged from the lightning and the broken roar.

There was no help however, the High Lords perhaps pleased the Astartes would learn their lesson, or perhaps unaware of how dire matters had grown, the borders of the Imperium under constant assault across the galaxy.

The Maelstrom Warders retreated, their passage harried by the legions of the damned. All forces were recalled and a desperate defence was raised in an attempt to stem this tide of darkness.

What had been originally a roaring success soon became a near-certain defeat, the loyalist forces stretched thin and left tired, losing ground as fast as they seized it. The Daemonic foe they faced cared not for their valiance nor for fatigue, and marched on endless as world after world was consumed by the madness.

Even worse, xenos raiders erupted from within the storm, seizing upon the defenders new focus and sudden weakness with glee. In particular were the Orks a problem, their Freebooter Clanz terrorizing vital supply lines and leaving the Warders without support.

The Tragic


In a desperate bid to retain some measure of logistical support, the Chapter Master of the Astral Claws, Rovik Blake, launched a full-scale attack into the Maelstrom. Hoping to sever the xenos threat quickly, his forces found no calm within the eye of the tempest, and Blake was slain by the Ork Warboss, Vorg Manburna, who mounted his skull upon their armour.

Leaderless, attacked on all sides and abandoned by an Imperium more concerned with threats elsewhere, the Maelstrom Warders sold their lives dearly. The sector ran with blood, the Warp-ways littered with the carcass of star-faring vessels and frozen corpses, every world sang to the drums of war and artillery howl.

The 3rd Captain of the Astral Claws was appointed to the role of Chapter Master. Lufgt Huron was his name, and already a legend within the sector. A formidable warrior and sound tactician, his true strength lay in his words, for he was peerless diplomat and leader in a time when hope seemed long lost.

His youth however, earned many detractors, for none had ever born such a responsibility at his age. Those critics were swiftly silenced however, for under his command were the fleets rebuilt, and the Astartes readied for war once more.

The Rot Within

This success came at a dire price however. The ships used were taken from the corsairs, their hulls and spirits rank with dark power and corruption. The worlds returned came in the wake of atomic fire, the victories earned through Exterminatus Weaponry built and deployed with seemingly callous disregard.

In short, Huron instigated a policy of Scorched Earth and Total War. His conquests were barren and hollow, his empire one of rust and bones, but the enemy was so prolific that it seemed only utter annihilation could provide hope.

Perhaps this was required for the threat was equally total in kind. Dissent grew however, and many voices joined those concerned at Huron's eager proliferation of weapons long condemned by the Imperium of Mankind.

Eventually would this erupt into a massive civil war on Badab Prime. A failed coup turned internecine violence rendered the world paralyzed, incapable of providing support even as the Warders desperately battled across a dozen warfronts.

Unwilling to allow such a valuable asset to fall into anarchy, Huron deployed the Astartes and used them as a totalitarian weapon of oppression. The leaders of the rebellion were executed by the Chapter Master personally, and those whose sympathies lay with the rebels were murdered for the crimes of "Moral Deviancy."

Huron then took upon himself the mantle of Planetary Governor, assassinating any who raised complaint, and titled himself as the "Tyrant of Badab". Such a name, he reasoned, would instill fear in the hearts of those who sought dissent when even now the enemy stood at the gates.

Kingdoms of Old

With such measures, the forces of Chaos and abandon were slowly pushed back, the borders once more restored to their original lines. Piracy remained rife however, and sedition an eternal threat that no amount of callous violence could repress.

Seeing the success of Badab Prime, Huron moved then to take control of the entire system. Replacing the noble rulers with Astartes loyal to him, whole worlds were dedicated to the support of his Chapter, and a new force of the Imperial Guard, named "The Tyrants Legion",
was created to provide assistance to the Warders.

Those who raised their concerns at such measures
were met with calm diplomacy, the precedent set
by the Ultramarines used to placate the worries of dangerous overreach. The peace that followed his
usurping of mortal power further cemented these claims, as the enemies of mankind were pushed further and further back into the Maelstrom.

Confident now in his own abilities, and taking advantage of his growing fame throughout the Imperium, Huron requested further Chapters be deployed to the region. Not satisfied with merely defending from its depredations, once again did Huron seek to cleanse the storm of the filth carried upon its tides.

To his chagrin were such requests denied. The manpower and material required for such an endeavour would be immense, and the High Lords saw little reason to expend such precious resources on purging pirates... Not when there were Astartes to hold the line. Instead, Huron was ordered to wait and watch, like a dog on a leash.

To Ask Forgiveness

Increasingly side-lined and feeling neglected as more and more resources were pulled from their defences, the Warders grew bitter. So well had they performed their duty, so admirable and heroic had been their vigil, that rather than reward such talent with the chance to destroy their foe for good, they were instead drained of everything they could offer.

Lap dogs, little better than watchmen upon the wall, the chance for a true victory was within reach and yet the blind Lords of Terra could not see past their own pride and paranoia to seize it. So abandoned and ordered by their masters on high, the Astral Claws chose a second path...

Slowly did the tithes begin to shrink. Less troops and resources available for the greater Imperium, necessary for the Maelstrom it was claimed. More worrying still was the delay in Gene-Seed for analysis, blamed sometimes on the fault of clerical errors, othertimes merely without reason nor excuse.

It was not unheard of for an Astartes Chapter to be late or unwilling with its tithe of genetic material for proof of purity, but slowly did some grow suspicious. More and more had the Maelstrom Warders withdrawn themselves from Imperial society, and further cemented their control over the region.

Such suspicions would later prove valid, for Huron sought to recreate the Legions of old. Step by step, carefully hidden from prying eyes, the Astral Claws grew in number and material. If the Imperium would not send reinforcements, then the Astral Claws would provide for themselves. The Maelstrom would be purged... One way or another.

But still were they denied and Huron, furious now at the disrespect shown to him and his soldiers, decided upon a new plan. An embargo on trade was placed across the Maelstrom region, and those ships daring enough to make the voyage were seized by the Astral Claws, their vessel and resources put to "better" use.

Badab was fortified further, Huron pouring
all of his ill-gotten gains into the
construction of vast
star-holds, terrible defence
arrays and formidable
loyal to
and him alone.

Abandon Thy Duty

With Badab fortified with the newly created "Rings of Steel", a new fortress constructed upon the capital planet, Huron and his Chapter watched from their bastion to see how the Imperium would respond.

No longer would they defend from the Maelstrom, their patrols once constant now entirely gone. The pirates, unsure as to what had happened, took advantage and began their depredations once more.

Trade within the region died, both at the hands of the Astral Claws and renegades eager to claim their bounty. No longer stretched thin, Huron's forces grew faster still, even turning to the dark sciences of cloning long forbidden by Terra in order to further cement their strength.

This did not mean they sat idle, for it was ever the way of the Tyrant to seek battle on his own terms. Even as the Kathargo Sector, once a principal ally of the Astral Claws, screamed for aid, Huron instead turned to glorious war.

Against the Orks of Endymion did the Tyrant of Badab prove his worth, shattering the greenskin tides and slaying their Warboss in personal combat amidst the brutal violence and dying screams that surrounded him.

The Fourth Quadrant Rebellion was also ended by the Astral Claws. An ongoing civil war that had spanned for many decades, it was Huron who led the charge that shattered the recidivists will and ended for good their rebellion against the righteous might of mankind.

So many victories were claimed... But few friends
along the way. Arrogant, entitled, the
Fire Hawks Chapter were but
one amongst many who
were alarmed at the
Tyrant's madness.

Third Times the Charm

In 869.M41, the prayers of Huron were answered. Though his legend had grown as a superlative commander and tireless warrior, the reputation of the Astral Claws in the region had grown dark indeed. His Chapter's involvement in the pirate activity was being noticed, and soon action would have to be taken.

The arrival of a Black Templar's Crusade however, put all other questions to the side. Their target was the Maelstrom, and by flame and the Emperor's light would all within this aberrant gaol be put to the sword and burned.

Aided by the Maelstrom Warders and Huron's own brilliance, the Crusade liberated twenty-three worlds from Chaos and Xenos rule. Battle after glorious battle was waged through nexus damnation, and the dark forces that opposed them shattered before their wake.

Alas, and like before, the Crusade began to founder. The Black Templars were called else, their righteous needed across a thousand worlds, and once again were the Warders forced to retreat before they could claim their prize.

With the arrival of Hive Fleet Behemoth and removal of Imperial support, Huron had little chocie but to watch all that he had achieved fade away. The worlds within the storm were reclaimed by the cockroach scum of Chaos, and soon enough it was as though his grand battles had never happened.

He took to hiding himself away, for long periods would he wander the archives of old, staring into tome and ancient lore. Bitter and morose, the once charismatic leader of the Astral Claws seemed broken.

Consequences Delayed

Worse news was still to come. The High Lords of Terra had finally decided to bring the Astral Claws to heel, their control of Imperial worlds and seeming disregard for the ancient laws no longer tolerated within the Courts of Humanity.

A fleet of the Mechanicum and Administratum was sent to Badab... And promptly destroyed. The Astral Claws claimed they were threatened, and that the envoys had opened fire, leaving them with no choice but to retaliate. Disbelief followed, but the Gene-seed and resources they had been sent to claim were never recovered.

The Governor of the Kathargo Sector was outraged at this blatant act of hostility, and ordered all trade and communication with Badab to be severed. Furthermore, two fleets were sent in order to bring Huron to justice.

They were also destroyed...

Alas, the Astral Claws claimed, the perfidious pirates have once more claimed loyal Imperial vessels. Left destitute now, and without any might to reinforce their demands, the Kathargo Sector plunged into ruin. No trade, no protection, no allies.

So then began a war of propaganda, the Imperial presence within the sector begging any who would hear them to bring aid. The Astral Claws had gone renegade, their masters deluded and their goals abhorrent and dark.

In response, Huron and his allies began preparing for an all-together different kind of war. Their numbers were bolstered further, vast factories churned out ammunition and armament, and all were barred access to the Maelstrom Zone.

No Angel I, Only Death

Requests to the Imperium for aid in dealing with the Astral Claws were denied. Perhaps there is irony in this, but the humour was lost upon the Sector Governor who was told such matters were internal, and not within the remit of the High Lords and their armies.

Even worse, the Maelstrom Warders had finally done away with any pretense of loyalty. Signing the The Articles of Just Secession, the Astral Claws, Mantis Warriors and Lamenters declared independence from the Imperium, refusing to provide tithe nor guaranteed security, instead offering an alliance provided their freedom was recognised.

Realising now that only one force could match the blackguard armies of Huron, the Sector Governor reached out to the Adeptus Astartes. The Fire Hawks, already bitter foes of the Tyrant of Badab, happily answered and replied in force.

The Fire Hawks had a dark reputation, arrogant and brutal, uncaring of the consequences or accidental casualty in pursuit of their work. Such hubris would not serve them well, and without warning nor attempt at diplomacy, they began investigating the disappearance of the Imperial Fleets, entering the Malestrom Zone without care.

Though they had some success targeting pirate fleets and forts that had set up in the cold void between stars, it was in 904.M41 that the Fire Hawks made their first mistake. Under the orders of Knight Commander Stibor Lazaerek, the Red Harbinger entered the Endymion System, long protected by the Mantis Warriors.

It did not take them long to draw attention to themselves, the Mantis Warriors soon surrounded the vessel and informed the Harbinger that it would soon be boarded and searched. Ever proud, the Fire Hawks refused...

Outgunned, outmanned and in hostile space, the ship was disabled in short order, boarded and its crew massacred. Only twenty Fire Hawks survived the battle, taken prisoner instead by their enemy, but not before a warning had been sent back to their Chapter.

Knight Commander Stibor Lazaerek arrived, ready for war.

Fires and Furnace

The fleet of the Fire Hawks soon arrived, ready for battle. In return came the Mantis Warriors and the Astral Claws eager to defend their independence. A stalemate soon occurred with two sides exchanging idle threats and prisoners while they waited for the other to move.

Realising their position was untenable, Stibor Lazaerek pull his fleet back, awaiting the arrival of the The Rapturous Rex, a vast star-fort possessed of terrible firepower. So too did Huron prepare, for this battle would define the future of his kingdom, or consign it to ruin.

The sector waited with baited breath, the air thick with the storm about to break. When the thunder came however, it came without mercy or warning. The Fire Hawks, aided now by the forces of the Kathargo Sector, began a series of probing strikes turn raids against the Warders, leveraging their hard-earned experience into brutal devastation.

Their surprise was great when they discovered that the Warders were more than ready for their advance. Each attack predicted with seeming ease, each engagement matched and made into a pyrrhic war of attrition that the Fire Hawks could not hope to endure.

Desperate to fight their enemy in the open, tired of being outmanoeuvred and battled from the shadows, the Fire Hawks launched a major incursion against the Agri-World of Iblis. Huron had foreseen this however, and while he forced his foe to take part in a brutal guerilla war against a carefully prepared defence, he himself turned his armies to the Sagan System.

While Iblis was of vital importance to his empire, feeding as it did many worlds, the Sagan System was primary staging point of the Fire Hawks. Without it, they would be without supplies or reinforcements, cut off and adrift in hostile space.

Huron's attack was overwhelming. Refusing to be caught up in the same shadow war as the Fire Hawks, he happily employed his well-stocked supply of Exterminatus weaponry to raze the worlds to ash.

First blood had been drawn, and to Huron went the laurels.

The Dominoes Fall

Stranded now with their operations compromised, the Fire Hawks were forced to retreated. Mauled heavily and nowhere near operational strength, they reached out themselves in search of assistance.

The Marines Errant, recognising the danger inherent within Huron's mad rise to power, lent the aid of six entire companies of their Chapter. Such amount of force should have been enough to suppress any amount of resistance, but against the cunning of the Tyrant, it was barely enough to provide obstacle.

The Warders moved fast, recognising that given time, the Imperium's combined forces would crush them. They made parlay with the pirates of the storm, and joined forces in order to raid Imperial shipping.

Forced now to divert significant portions of their armies to maintaining stable trade routes, the loyalists were incapable of mounting a proper defence. Should the pirates be allowed free reign, then untold havoc would spread across the Imperium, their worlds starved and their battlefronts deprived of resource.

Such matters were further complicated by the archaic web of alliances that wound throughout the Adeptus Astartes, for though they faced each other across the battlefield, the Lamenters and the Marines Errant had long enjoyed friendly relations.

Rather than test such ancient friendships, they chose instead to ignore one another, creating chaos and uncertainty amidst both forces as lines were abandoned with little warning. Despite this, the Secessionists continued on, world after world dragged into the conflict as they consolidated their gains.

A King's Ransom

The Loyalists were in disarray, the bitter arrogance of the Fire Hawks leading to misinformation and confused deployments. Even worse, the Executioners Chapter declared their intent to aid the Warders, honouring oaths made long ago by friends upon field.

Despite all this, an insurrection by the Astartes, a war devouring all that came into its path, and an alliance between renegade and holy angel, the Imperium still demanded its tithes. The Kathargo Sector, nearly bankrupt from the conflict, was forced to collect in secret from those worlds far from the reach of their foe.

Huron had spies everywhere however, and was as adept in the shadows as he was amidst the storms of gunfire and blade. When he heard of the tithes location, he assembled a strike force designed to break through the pickets of their foe, and travel fast towards where it would be gathered.

Led by the Tyrant himself, the execution fleet struck hard and fast, engaging the transports without warning. The Imperial Navy was overwhelmed almost immediately, outclassed in both vessel and skill.

Huron lost not a single ship, and in return added over two dozen vessels to his armada. Even worse for the Loyalists was the treasury of the tithe, gleefully taken by the Astral Claws to fund the growing war. Only the Star Jackal, a ship of the Marines Errant, was able to escape, his words more important than the wealth lost that day.

Such was of little concern to the Secessionists, for with this new wealth, their offensive was once more renewed. The Kathargo Sector was beyond crippled, and the Loyalist Astartes found themselves abandoned and adrift, surrounded by an enemy who had outplayed them from the start.

Upon the Precipice

Cut off from allies and supplies, the Fire Hawks were devastated. The Astral Claws hunted them down like dogs, and soon the Chapter was all but destroyed. Only a shadow remained, and one that could no longer fight, even to save itself.

Elsewhere did the Marines Errant face a similar fate. Caught out above Bellerephon’s Fall, the Loyalists were ambushed by the Mantis Warriors, and no survivors were reported from the massacre that ensued. Six Companies destroyed in one fell swoop, the Chapter was forced to retreat, incapable now of continuing even the most minor duties elsewhere.

The Warders seemed in complete control, having ousted their foes from their territory. The High Lords however, would finally intervene. Not only had six Chapters of the Astartes engaged in wholesale slaughter, but now the tithes were being interrupted, the sacred duty of all Imperial citizens jeopardized over pride and political concerns..

The Inquisition was summoned, their task to investigate the ongoing civil war, and to determine fault and remedy.

It did not take long for them to report their findings. Huron was a traitor, he had far exceeded the mandate afforded him by his position as Chapter Master, had increased the size of his Chapter beyond what was tolerated, and had engaged in fell war with the Imperium for personal gain.

However, it was also determined that the Kathargo Sector was equally to blame, their actions having initiated the conflict. The nobility of the Sector was executed for Provocation, their bodies burned and the tithes they had long owed now forcible extracted.

Come Penitence

With Huron now deemed a heretic, his forces renegade in the eyes of the Imperium, a strike force was soon put together under the command of Inquisitor Fain.
Comprised of a variety of Chapters, including the Salamanders, Raptors, Fire Angels, and the surviving elements of the Fire Hawks and Marines Errant, it would be the Red Scorpions Chapter who retained strategic command.

The cohesion of the Loyalist forces was soon tested however, for the tactics employed by their kin raised
many questions. Though High-Commander
Verant Ortys tried to maintain order, his
authority was questioned by those forces not part
of his Chapter.

The most egregious act however, was committed
by the Fire Hawks, who eagerly sought vengeance
for their fallen brothers. On Sacristan did they deploy countless weapons of terror and flame, burning out
the population for no other reason than petty vendetta. Such actions saw censure from the other Loyalists, who accused them of bloodlust and vainglory, but there was little words could do to contain the revenant angels.

So then did the war continue, a matter of minor skirmishes and occasional pitched battle. The Secessionists were unwilling to engage the combined might of the Imperium, and the Loyalists were unable to rally their forces into a single attack.

So then did attrition rule, losses steadily mounting on both sides as nothing changed. A relentless, brutal stalemate... That is, until the Vyaniah System.

Parlays and Ceasefire

The Vyaniah System was a vital part of the Secessionist supply lines, and was instrumental for Huron to maintain his offense. The Loyalist forces aimed to collapse upon it, using its destruction to fragment their foe.

Protected mostly by the Guard elements of the Astral Claws, the Loyalists were surprised at the ferocity of their defence. The Tyrant's Legion were well equipped and trained to find Astartes, and they fought tooth and nail for the glory of their masters.

What was meant to be a surgical strike turned into a brutal and grinding engagement of artillery and trench warfare. The Legion refused to surrender, and though a dozen died for ever marine they slew, there were always more to take up arms against the invaders.

Huron seized upon this once again, taking advantage of the Imperium's continued disrespect of his abilities. The Astral Claws split up, targeting Imperial shipping wherever they could and capturing the Fortress World of Surngraad, left empty of defenders.

Once again the Loyalists began to suffer from crippled supply lines, and the world of Surngraad would require a gruelling siege to retake, populated now as it was by the Tyrant's Legion.

Seeing no other choice, the Loyalists retreated and regrouped, a fresh assessment of their foe and slow realisation that this was no simple rebellion they fought. This brief calm was used by Huron to reach out to Commander Ortys, a ceasefire and parlay in order to end further bloodshed.

Despite the protestation of Inquisitor Fain, who demanded only Huron's head, the Red Scorpion's commander agreed, and the two forces met upon an abandoned space station within the Grief System.

Whatever hopes for diplomacy there might have been were soon dashed. Huron erupted into raved shouts of injustice and overreach by the Imperium. The Mantis Warriors too accused the Fire Hawks of war
crimes, and cruel genocide against worlds under
their protection.

The talks soon collapsed
into argument, and it seemed
that nothing of worth would
be achieved
in these
quiet halls.


As the pointless meeting came to an end, the ceasefire on the verge of collapse, three vessels bearing no colours nor flags emerged into the system. Alarms went off as they opened fire upon the station, raking the battered hull with macro-shot and las-flame.

Hostilities abandoned for the time being, Loyalist and Secessionist fought side by side against these new aggressors, finally fending off the near assassination of both armies high command.

Once the dust had settled, and the losses were counted, it was discovered that Chapter Master Sartaq of the Mantis Warriors and High-Commander Ortys had both been slain. The bodies of the dead were handled with reverence, provided back to their respective homes, as once more the war continued.

Blood had been spilled on sacred ground, the parlay tarnished by betrayal and murder. Both sides blamed the other, both sides accused their foe of consorting with mutant and traitor, for that is who had invaded and lain low the great heroes now counted amongst the dead.

The truth of the Betrayal of Grief will forever be unknown, but suspicion was placed heavily on Huron. The Mantis Warriors had begun to question their choice of side, the censure by both High Lord and Inquisition had left them in debate over whether their cause was noble.

With the death of their Chapter Master at the hands of the Imperium, their doubt was assuaged, and the Loyalists were quick to highlight this "convenient" turn of events. Alas, the time for talk was long over...
Only the victor could decide
the truth, only death could
end this war.


The Secessionists took no time in capitalising upon the Imperial forces disarray. The loss of their high command had left the Loyalists adrift, split up amongst vying lords all certain in their prowess and right to lead.

Huron struck hard against Imperial shipping once again, desperate to ensure that the Imperium remain incapable of leveraging their superior numbers. Rumours soon emerged however of a new thirst to the Astral Claws, their once noble heart now replaced by bloodlust and sadistic abandon.

Things looked dark for the Loyalists, as even the smallest transport required marine escorts to ensure their safe passage. It did not matter that they outnumbered the foe, it did not matter that their guns could blot out the sun... They had no bullets nor blades to fight their wars, nor rest between the grind of battle.

Eventually however did reinforcements arrive in the form of the Howling Griffons, Novamarines and the Sons of Medusa. Their support, specifically in the form of ships to patrol, allowed the Loyalists to once more regain their footing and consolidate their power.

Better still was the fractured unity of the Loyalists put to rest. With the death of their Chapter Master, the Red Scorpions voted upon his replacement, selecting the renowned Carab Culln for the position.

With near unanimous consent was he placed in charge of the Loyalist forces, the only notable disagreement coming from the Fire Hawks. Knight Commander Stibor Lazaerek was insulted at this promotion, claiming that his seniority should grant him the position.

The firebrand actions of his Chapter however, and the devastating failures placed upon him, saw his complaints readily ignored. The Loyalists once more stood ready for battle, and their ships roared towards the fight.

Slow and Steady

The first action of the new commander was to convert an abandoned mining station into a permanent base. A huge amount of material was carefully sent, and in under a year was construction finished. Vengeance Station was its name, and armed and armoured to the teeth by the arcane tools of the Mechanicum, it provided a safe haven from which the Loyalists could stage their assault.

The war now consumed the region, world after world sieged down and fought over to the last. The Loyalists had finally learned their lesons, no longer underestimating the mortal forces that had sworn their oaths to Huron.

By the end of 906.M41, dozens of naval actions had been fought, scores of vessels left abandoned and ruined. The death count was in the millions, and no Chapter was not reeling from the injuries inflicted.

The Secessionists were on the back foot. For the first time in the war, they were matched and equalled across the battlefield, pushed back by the relentless grind of the Imperium, and the furious zeal that drove them onwards.

Imperial shipping began to return to the region, and the supply lines were restored. The advantage created by Huron's raiders was soon mitigated, and countless listening stations set up throughout the void ensured a rapid response to any attempted piracy.

It seemed as though the Imperium had won... All that mattered now was the cost it would incur to claim it.


The first
major conflict
under the Loyalist's new
command would take place
within the Gargathea System.
Within its depths lay a brutal world of
poisonous mire that had long served as a
recruitment center for Maelstrom Warders.

The difficult terrain forced both sides into a complex series of hit and run attacks, striking from the shadows even as the waters reclaimed the dead as their own. The Mantis Warriors, Raptors, Salamanders and Fire Angels soon turned this planet into one of toxic smoke and burned landscape, countless slain by bolter and feral earth.

Unified at last however, the Loyalists were no longer prey to the insidious tactics of their foe. Every bolt-hole was torched, every camp lain waste from orbit, and the Secessionists were incapable of maintaining their guerilla war effectively.

Naval superiority was no longer theirs, and precious with their resources, they withdrew. Gargathea belonged once more to the Imperium, and proof of Huron's defeat served well the morale of an army too used to being outplayed.

With the offensive now firmly in the Loyalist's hands, the Marines Errant and the Fire Hawks were withdrawn from the thick of the fighting. Their losses had been catastrophic, both barely now functioning as rear-guard let alone as noble Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes.

The Marines Errant took such re-position happily, grateful at the chance to recover, for their duties elsewhere had been abandoned and much more conflict would see them condemned to the annals of history.

The Fire Hawks, however, were less graceful. Bitter at their new posting after the perceived slight against their Chapter Master, they began to patrol the trade routes throughout the region with a dedication born from damaged pride. This was no insult against them however, for they proved relentless in their task, even crippling a Lamenters fleet that sought to sabotage a star-fort vital to the region's security.


The recent successes of the Loyalists
were further bolstered by news of reinforcements
ordered by Terra. The armies grew bold in their movements in delight at such advantage but Commander Careb remained calm.

This war was not over yet, and though the Secessionists were reeling, a quick end was needed in order to rescue this campaign from a brutal war of attrition that would bleed both sides to their last.

As such, a plan was put in motion to retake Surngraad. Its existence was an impediment to further offensives and provided far too effective a fall-back point for the rebels.

Unfortunately, its already formidable defenses had been enhanced by Huron, and the Tyrant's Legion that manned it were fanatically loyal and well-trained. The initial assault proved ineffective, and though the Loyalists no longer underestimated their foe, they were still surprised at the vigour shown in repulsing them.

The casualties suffered by the Imperium were unsustainable, and so a covert strike was authorised by the Raptors. Operating from the shadows, disabling vast numbers of the batteries guarding the world, they timed their strike to perfection.

The Salamanders, waiting for a crack, crashed into the world. With armour and artillery did they overrun the defenders, and reclaim the lynchpin for the Imperium.

The Depths of Betrayal

Though the Astral Claws had been known to operate as a larger Chapter, the secrets within Surngraad revealed truly how far they had fallen. Not only had the Gene-Seed meant for tithe been used to enhance existing stock, not only had a number of the Tyrant's Legion proven to be Astartes kept off the roll of records, but so too did those slain bear the Gene-Seed of another line.

The Inquisition was aghast, for this new Chapter lineage was of the Tiger Claws, once a successor of the Astral Claws now returned back to their progenitors ranks. This was proof that the Tyrant sought to rebuild the Legions of old, and introduced the worrying reality that the Loyalists may not have the numerical advantage.

Still, such dark revelations aside, the Imperium felt confident in its victory. Further offensives proved fruitful and the Warders were pushed back further still. That is until the arrival of the Executioners at long last.

Strong allies of the Astral Claws, their reputation was bloody indeed. Ruthless head-hunters, violent psychopaths and loyal to their bonds of honour above all else, this fresh Chapter brought despair to the Loyalists and hope at long last to those tired of the Imperium's shackles.

Their emergence heralded by a surprise attack in the Khymara System, the Howling Griffons set upon by foes they had never known existed. The silent onslaught saw the Loyalist Chapter nearly slain, only the heroic sacrifice by the Confessor Dreadnought Titus buying enough time for the meagre remnants to escape the battlefield.

So impressive was the battle forced upon the Executioners by Titus, that the Secessionists honoured his body in memory of the valiant stand. Broken
weapons were left surrounding the corpse, and a banner
of the Executioners was placed above it.

With that however did they withdraw. Over 70 percent
of the Howling Griffons had been slain, and though Huron demanded they hunt down the rest, the Executioners saw little reason to drive a loyal Chapter to extinction. Faced with an ally of its own agenda, or no allies at all, Huron welcomed them bitterly, extolling their virtues even as they cleaned their armour of the blood of kin.

Welcome to the Hunt

Just in time had the Executioners arrived, for it
was at this point that the Maelstrom erupted
into storm. Fell lightning heralded the coming ruin
of Ork and Pirate Lord. A vast greenskin
warband, 20,000 strong, erupted into Secessionist
space, their goal in loot and fighting, their delight at
the carnage already strewn abundant.

Badab and Endymion fell prey to the wanton hunt, even as the Corsairs of Magog, grown fat upon plunder of carrion crow, grew brave in their piratical search for wealth. Though both forces would be fought off, Magog turned to glass rather than occupied by vital troops, the casualties inflicted were heavy, and each body lost was one the rebels could ill-afford.

Just in time had these matters been resolved however, for though injured mightly by the ancilliary wars, their flanks were secure as one of the most dreaded Chapters in Imperial history arrived.

The Minotaurs had come, servants of the High Lords, answering the call of the Inquisition. They were the final sanction against those who had strayed too far.

No Return

The Minotaurs proceeded with stoic calm, not conquering but annihilating all in their path. Countless fleets and star-forts reduced to ruin, and only after the total destruction of the planet Kyro did they reach out to the Loyalists.

Here they provided their duty, to serve as the Imperium's will upon the field of battle, and so did they follow through. While they would occasionally listen to the orders of Commander Carab, their instructions came from the Inquisition, and their remit was without forgiveness.

The Secessionists were not prepared for this level of total war, far more used as they were to the exchange of vital strongholds back and forth. The Minotaurs were no force nor army, but a disaster that erupted across space, leaving no evidence behind.

The Executioners, themselves also a Chapter renowned for their naval expertise, saw within the Minotaurs a challenge. Soon after, it was rare for latter to arrive without the former soon in tow, and across space did the two sides battle with unseemly relish, waging war for the joy of contest and skill.

Despite the harrying of their foe, the Minotaurs had succeeded greatly in crippling Huron's forces. The Vyaniah and Galen Systems were soon retaken by the Loyalist force, and here did matters further grow complicated.

Enamoured with Darkness

The Cygnax System had long held numerous legends of dark technology and ancient secrets. Huron, well aware of these myths, had deployed many of his mortal troops to the world of Cygnax within, hoping for some advantage or ancient truth in which to turn the tables.

The Inquisition deployed both the Exorcist and Sons of Medusa Chapters to counter such efforts, but the marines soon came into conflict with themselves. The Exorcists accused their counterparts of personal agendas, their loyalty to the mission in doubt as it seemed their goals matched that of the foe.

The two almost came to blows, but the Exoricsts remained clam. Instead, they abandoned the war, unwilling to work with those as questionable as those they fought, and content to leave the battle to more prejudiced minds.

A blow indeed, for any loss of Loyalist allies was grave, but in time were they about to inflict one just as grievous upon their foe. The Sagan System had long proven a valuable redoubt for the Secessionists since first they took it in the opening shots of the war, and now had come the time to remove it from play.

The largest Loyalist army yet fielded was deployed to the system, its numerous Fortress Worlds and logistical dumps the targets to be destroyed. In response did Huron reply in kind, mounting a furious defense that saw the Imperium pay for every inch with a thousand lives.

Still, the Tyrant could not match in numbers, and soon it became apparent that loss was inevitable. Here then did he take his first true step towards madness, as he unleashed a weapon long forbidden upon his foe.

Millions died, devoured whole by the Life-Eater Virus, uncaring of whether friend or foe. Flame followed the desiccation as the very atmosphere ignited in black rage, and the Astral Claws retreated. The Imperium may have won, but at such cost that none cheered the Aquila rising above the palace.

Another to Dust

Forced to recuperate after the tragic losses suffered in Sagan, the Loyalists set the stage for the next push against Huron. Fortunately, their recent conquest had provided them with a new base of operations, as well as a large supply of munitions and fuel for the war-effort.

Even better, the Mantis Warriors in Endymion were now utterly cut off from the Astral Claws. Their fate was now in the hands of history, a fatal last stand from which they saw no chance of escape.

Unfortunately, as has been the custom of this region, the High Lords once again intervened. A new Ork WAAAGH! had arisen elsewhere in the galaxy, and the Secessionists seemed now only a small threat. Many of the injured Chapters were relived of duty, given leave to recuperate and reinforce other elements of the Imperium.

What remained was a smaller force, but one dedicated in its desire to end Huron's reign. New intelligence from the shadows of the Inquisition finally allowed the Loyalists to pin-point the location of the Lamenters.

For the duration of this war had they harried the flanks of the Imperium, constantly raiding and providing rapid-strike potential to the Secessionist forces, as well as guarding their own supply lines. To remove such a threat would be to strike a definitive blow against the enemy.

The Minotaurs, masters of naval war, were sent to deal with this target. Sure enough did the intel prove accurate, and the Battle-Barge of the Lamenters, the Mater Lacrimarum, was soon spotted in the void.

The Minotaurs struck without hesitation, throwing all that they had against the vessel. The void ignited with las-flame and shrieking missile, and thousands died in moments as the artillery hail wreaked a wicked toll upon both sides.

Blood and steel, fuel and flesh, all were sundered in the blinding war within the dark. Unfortunately for the Lamenters, the Minotaurs were fresh to the field, and outnumbered them heavily. Forced to defend the Mater Lacrimarum upon which rested their supply of Gene-Seed, the Lamenters were defeated, killed and captured to a man.

The Tides of Neutrality

The problem, however, with wars within, is the potential for any new entrant to upset the balance carefully made. The Forge World of Angstrom, long neutral, had paid its tithe to whichever Imperial force had come to collect. For the last decade, such had been the Maelstrom Warders, and from this had they prospered.

Wary of angering such a foe as the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Loyalists instead planned a dangerous sabotage. Targeting the rebel convoy as it left with its larders filled with vital resources, the Salamanders and Red Scorpions raided the caravan, destroying the vessels and reclaiming their rightful due.

The Magi of Angstrom however, were aggrieved. The war had reached their borders and their neutrality was now forgotten. In a brief blaze of violence and arcane irritation, the Adeptus Mechanicus waged war on both sides of the fight, inflicting horrific casualties and destroying countless vital systems in their "complaint".

The High Lords eventually intervened, and the Adeptus Mechanicus were finally placated. Though they had caused untold destruction, their refusal now to supply either side in the war was a blow from which the Secessionists could not recover.

With this did the Loyalists now control every route in and out of the Maelstrom Zone, every Warp route guarded heavily, every path through the shrieking void watched for any sign of movement. The siege had begun...

Only the Executioners remained free now, their mobile tactics ensuring no effective counter-measures could take place. Though the Mantis Warriors proved relentless in their guerilla war against the Fire Angels, even seizing one of their Strike Cruisers after luring them into battle with the Orks, they were trapped without hope of reinforcement.

Carab knew, regardless of their successes, that a general of Huron's capacity could not be allowed to recuperate. The next battle must be swift and decisive, and so did the Loyalists move to the Galan System, wherein war had raged non-stop for nearly ten solar years.

The Void Calls

In the year 910.M41, the Loyalist forces turned their full attention to the Galan Conflict. This region had long been contested by both sides, being host to endless skirmishes that had seen countless slain and untold damage inflicted to the planets within.

Most of the natives were now slain, the once verdant lands reduced to barren dustbowls littered with bone and ruined chassis. The Sons of Medusa were deployed, and they approached the conflict with their usual tact.

Huge fortresses were raised across the surface, the few cities still under Huron's control now dark in the shadow of vast metal towers thick with spiked wire and cunning bastions. What followed was a tide of armour that didn't as much siege the capital, as roll over it.

Within the two days, the remnants of the System was securely in the Imperium's hands. It soon became a garrison for the Imperial Guard, and bolstered immensely with supplies and protective equipment, turning the once arid deserts into a citadel impossible to siege.

It was here however, that an unknown vessel, badly damaged, translated from the Warp. The protocols declared and the equipment shown predated any recollection of the Imperium, and the heraldry appeared stricken from all records.

Only after intense examination, and heavy interrogation of these forces proclaiming loyalty to the Imperium, was the truth of their origin revealed. The Carcharodons, amongst the most brutal and near-heretical Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, their legacy was one of blood and carnage so foul that few amongst even the Dark Gods would be ashamed to bear such a past.

Their rampant deviation from the Codex Astartes drew much concern, as well as their "timely" arrival. The Loyalists needed all the help they could must however, and so with the Inquisition's blessing, the Carcharodons joined the hunt.

Commander Carab was concerned however, for
though the advantage was his, a single mistake
could undo all their work so far. The
Carcharodons were fierce,
true, but uncontrollable, more
akin to a natural disaster than
an army to
be deployed.

The Siege Begins

The Badab System was now wholly enclosed, but the Mantis Warriors still remained a threat. Curious to test the mettle of these newcomers, Commander Carab deployed the Carcharodons to deal with this foe.

What followed was genocide, and no other word could describe it. Every world known to harbour the Chapter was put to the flame, every living being found executed for the Emperor who would separate innocent from guilty.

The Mantis Warriors were ill-prepared to deal with such brutality, and desperate to protect their worlds did they meet on Endymion Prime with their opponent. The Carcharodons obliterated them entirely, splitting their fleet up afterwards to aid the Minotaurs in their raids and blockades upon Secessionist supply lines.

At the same time had a rogue Astral Claws warband been discovered leading corsair activity. The world of Rook, long home to a Radical Oblationist Cult, provided intelligence to the Loyalist forces indicating this new alliance between warp dabbler and Astartes.

All of this spread the Loyalist forces thin, battling the war on a thousand fronts. Thus did Commander Carab decide upon a risky gambit. While the Red Scorpions and a collection of Carcharadon frigates sieged the world of Isin, itself formidably guarded by the Tyrant's Legion, the Salamanders would sneak into the Lamptan System, which held one of the few gates leading into Badab.

Unfortunately, Isin became a brutal battleground and, proving themselves masters of defence once more, the Tyrant's Legion took a bloody toll for
their passing to the grave. The
Salamanders, however, had
not moved fast enough...

The Heart of Darkness

Arriving into the Lamptan System, the Salamanders found themselves supported only by the Minotaurs. The war for Isin had drawn far more of the Loyalist in than expected, and forced this expeditionary fleet to fight alone.

Unfortunately, the worst fears of the Imperium were confirmed, for already was another fleet of the Tyrant in construction above its feral lands, crewed by psychotic and brave warriors who craved death in glory.

Striking hard and fast, the Loyalists desperately sought to take the advantage that surprise offered them. The Minotaurs separated to demolish the moored fleet, while the Salmanders descended to the world below, eager to unleash the inferno.

One by one did the Loyalists clash with the training camps scattered below, small skirmishes mounting into vast battles between the Astral Claws and Salamanders, even as the Minotaurs began their descent onto the vast citadels set up within the forests.

Step by step they fought across the land, and then into the tunnels, brutal shadowed war within the tight confines of the earth. The blood-letting was no more or less in glut than elsewhere, but the viciousness and cruelty displayed within the dark was unmatched.

Eventually however, the Salamanders and Minotaurs cleared out the tunnels through flame and relentless violence. Hundreds had died however, and both Chapters were weakened considerably from the fight.

Despite this, the discovery in the ground beneath shook them to their very core, for it was far more disturbing than even such losses as had never been recorded. Labs crewed by Heretek priests of the Dark Mechanicum, the corpses of hundreds of Astartes looted from the field by the
dreaded "Corpse-Taker" Apothecaries of the Astral
Claws... And vast containers, holding the Gene-Seed plundered from the countless dead on the plains of battle.

Alone They Stand

With the Gene-Seed recovered, the rage of the Loyalists was without bounds. Huron had fallen completely, and in one fell swoop had his plans for a Legion been destroyed, and a great crime avenged.

Unfortunately, so much death and ruin had caused turmoil within the Warp. The Salamanders and
Minotaurs were forced to retreat back to the
Maelstrom realspace, fleeing a storm that would
have devoured them whole.

Here were the Astral Claws waiting in the dark,
and with the Executioners in toe did they set upon the
fleet. The Loyalists were tired, broken, battle-weary
and in shock at the discoveries made. Their
resistance was brave, but futile, and soon only the Pyre
of Glory remained.

The Astral Claws boarded the vessel, hoping to claim supplies of Gene-Seed to restart their project, and relics to further augment their armoury. The Salmanders were too few in number but their Captain, Mir'san, realised the Executioners could not be aware that the Astral Claws had looted their Gene-Seed too.

A plea given, a truth revealed... The Executioners were lost to rage. They abandoned the Astral Claws immediately, opening fire upon their once allies, and butchering all that they could find.

A single message was sent... "You Stand Alone."


The Executioners went rouge. leaving the Pyre of Glory crippled but alive, they forswore their oath to the Astral Claws, voided now by the rank betrayal of the Tyrant. They did not, however, relent to be accused by the Loyalists, and instead spread through the Sector, destroying all that crossed their path.

With this was Huron alone, totally and utterly. Realising that his grand ambitions had be returned to dust, he adopted a siege mentality. The enemy would pay for every inch of ground, every wall and broken, blasted piece of earth. This sector, already thick with blood, would drown before the end.

Life for the citizens of Badab changed quickly. Before, they had been mostly unmolested, their faith allowed to continue, their existence but a model of that which they had always endured. Now though, the icons of the Emperor were burned, the laws placed horrific beyond measure.

To place eyes upon a member of the Astral Claws was punished now with blinding, to trespass within the vast citadel constructed by Huron was to meet a death by torture foul and long. The world turned dark, and as the darkness was fed, so too did it grow.

Millions died to petty grievance and dark excess released at last by the existential acceptance that all was lost. Huron was lost to black rages, total and consuming, that frequently spelled the death of any unfortunate enough to stand by him.

What nobility they had once possessed was gone, the angels clamouring for freedom now replaced with demons given no other choice. Hell had been unleashed, and it would consume all before it would bear chains once more.

To Crack a Shell

Though the Imperials tried to vain to end this war at the edge of an assassins blade, such measures saw little success. With grim determination did they realise that only the fall of Badab could end this rebellion.

To this end was the attempt made to seize every Warp Gate in and out of the System. The first target was the Piraeus System, long the target of sabotage efforts by the Red Scorpions, Minotaurs and and Exorcists.

A naval attack against the Industrial World of Piraeus V was launched in concert with an assault of the moon, Kritias, by six companies of the Exorcists. Alas, the endeavour met with total disaster, for the Spear of Menodoza, a capital ship vital to the naval vanguard, suffered a catastrophic gellar field failure, which consigned it and its crew to horrific deaths at the hands of Warp predators.

Furthermore did the Warp itself appear to rebel, the once stable routes to the system turned to cacophony as they lashed against the invaders without restraint. Such a Warp Storm was unprecedented, and forced the remaining vessels to disengage far from the edge of the system, travelling for many days towards their target.

Surprise had been lost, and into the jaws of hell did they fly. The fleet guarding the system acted beyond anything they had expected, hurling itself with suicidal frenzy into the Loyalist ranks, inflicting horrific casualties far beyond any expectation.

Even worse, once the defensive fleet had been destroyed, huge macro-cannon batteries emerged from secret shadows upon the planet, far in excess of any reports they had received, and opened fire without discrimination into the carnage above.


The naval
assault foundered
completely, and began
withdrawing even as the Marine
force, led by Commander Carab,
launched against the moon. Dozens of vessels
had already been reduced to ruin in the skies
above, and lacking air superiority were the Astartes
faced with overwhelming odds.

Despite this, they struck hard and fast, hitting the bastions prepared like thunder. Walls broke, artillery howled, and the Loyalists moved forwards without pause...

But they had been outplayed, for as they reached out towards the heart of the foe, the gates opened like the brazen doors of the damned. With the roar of engine hate, the Astral Claws emerged in their entirety, carefully hidden within bunkers below the earth.

Thousands of the renegades poured forth in a devastating counter-attack that decimated their foe. Worse still, huge artillery platforms, kept quiet until the moment was right, unveiled themselves and delivered death from afar upon the Loyalists.

Thousands of the Guard died in moments, scores of Astartes cut down even as they turned to face this new threat. Recovery was out of the question, and Huron, leading the charge of the Secessionist forces, crashed into his hated foe.

The Imperial army shattered. They had no idea Huron would be here, no clue as to how he had moved his entire Chapter into position, and now they faced total defeat at the hands of the renegade Tyrant.

Like a berserker did Huron cleave through Exorcist and Red Scorpion alike, laughing as blade and bullet bounced from his armoured form, until finally he stood before Commander Carab.

The two engaged in battle, a legendary duel of traitor and loyal son. Alas, Commander Carab was no match for the Tyrant, his blows avoided with ease, his body riddled with wound and after wound. Huron grinned even as he fought, cursed words and filth spoken with every breath.

Pyre Charm

Commander Carab was done, his
soul fleeing the mortal form even as another wound
was torn in his side by the traitor's claws. With his last breath did he spit defiance into the face of the Tyrant, naming him fool and blackguard, espousing his creed as vainglory and pathetic ambition.

Huron snapped. With a roar he charged the dying foe, impaling him upon his claws even as Carab's sword slid through his ribs. To the his horror, Huron did not flinch, and as darkness claimed him, he realised he had failed.

Before Huron could complete the massacre however, his forces in complete control, the sky lit bright like the sun devoured the night. The Navy had been ambushed, much like the Marine forces below the entirety of Huron's fleet had been in hiding within the asteroids.

Though they had suffered fearful harm at the hands of the traitors, the Imperial Navy had managed to disengage and come support the ailing battle of Kritias. Even as they suffered havoc from the guns below, the ships opened fire on Huron's forces, as The Redeemer, Battle-Barge of the Exorcists, dived into the atmosphere.

With skill unknown to even the most talented pilots, it banked hard, arresting its descent towards the earth as the shockwave flattened the battle-field. Thunderhawks were deployed, and the Loyalists began a fighting retreat even as the barrage from the heavens forced the traitors back.

The Ashes of Victory

Due to the frankly lunatic actions of the Imperial Navy, nearly 60 percent of the failed attack were recovered. Countless renegades lay slain upon the field of battle, left open as they were to the assault of naval barrage and ruin storm.

However, the invasion had failed, the Secessionists still in control of a vital Warp Gate. Even worse, the Tyrant's fleet had wreaked havoc amongst the navy attachment, focussing primarily upon transports. Millions of Guard had died, and not a single surviving vessel within the Loyalist armada was not crippled and broken.

The only advantage to be taken away by the Loyalist forces was that the Battle-Barge, Seraph of Judgement, had been destroyed in the fray, leaving the Astral Claws trapped within their small realm.

With pirate activity increasing further, the advantage of the Loyalists was fast fading. A War Council, attended by a grievously wounded, yet still surviving Commander Carab. Information was gathered, and soon the results were plain.

The Fire Hawks, still bellicose, provided little of worth, their actions having only earned disdain from their colleagues. The Inquisition meanwhile, informed the army that no further reinforcements would be coming from the Imperium, for a new Hive Fleet had arrived that required the attention of all spare forces.

Such news appeared grim, but the arrival of a new ally once more bolstered the morale of the Loyalists. The darkling Chapter known only as the Star Phantoms had pledged their sword to the war effort, their entire force at the disposal of the Imperium.

To Rule with Wolves

The lay of the land now understood, Commander Carab began formulating a new plan. Unfortunately, the Executioners had not been idle, their raiding intense and disruptive. To bring them to heel, the Loyalists sent the Salamanders in search of their command.

Deep within the void would they be found, the Salamander fleet interrupting the destruction of two vessels belonging to the Sons of Medusa. Interposing their ships between the two sides, the Salamanders begged the Executioners to stay their hand, to return with them and face judgement in all its fairness for the mercy they had shown the Sons of Vulkan.

The silence reigned, and for a moment it looked as though the renegade Chapter would open fire still. Calmer heads prevailed however, and with grudging bitterness did they accept the offer, and return to the Imperial fold.

Their arrival sparked a heated debate, for there were many who wished to see them slain for their perfidious actions. The Salamanders argued for clemency however, and it was eventually decided that they had committed no direct heresy against the Imperium. Instead of punishment now, they were to leave the battlefield, and await censure at a later date.

With little choice, they agreed, and by spoken word had one of the greatest threats to the Loyalist assault been negated. One obstacle now remained, the Badab System, and with it, the head of Huron the Blackhearted traitor.

The infamous Ring of Steel still protected the Tyrant however, and to counteract this impenetrable defense, the Loyalists engaged in a truly mad, but audacious plan.

Cosmic Fury

With the aid of Angstrom, who had now sided fully with the Loyalists in the wake of Huron's rank heresy, the Loyalist armada gathered together. Eighty vessels formed its fleet, led by six battle-barges... A show of strength near unheard of outside of the days of the Great Crusade.

With these vessels did the Imperial forces tow a nearby star, barely born and weak in its cosmic screams. Slowly did they move it towards Badab, every day picking up speed as the half-formed flamed reached out for fuel to burn.

Once it had reached the necessary speed, the Loyalist forces detached, and watched as it hurtled towards the largest space station guarding the system. Sigma Station, as it was known, was vast, armoured against all forms of attack, and possessed of enough batteries to waste a fleet in moments.

It was not, however, designed to withstand a star...

The piercing light and radioactive rage of the sun blinded the stations auspex, setting the minefields off in haywire as they devoured each other. Moments later did the barreling ball of plasma crash into the heart of iron forged architecture, splitting it in twain as the natural rage of new life erupted with cataclysmic energy.

Sigma Station was gone, the opening volley of this final battle fired. The Loyalists tore into the system, speeding straight towards the remnants of Sigma Station as the system lit up with rage and silent battle-scream.

The first target was the remnants of the station, or rather what was on board. A brutal boarding action commenced as over a hundred ships battled through the abyss. What few Astral Claws that remained however, did not die easy.

The Second Company had been tasked with defence of the station, and their fanatical rage was legendary amongst the Astartes. The Sons of Medusa found themselves overwhelmed by psychotic warriors who cared little for such things as "fire superiority" and "hit by sun".

Unaware of the troubles taking place upon the station, the rest of the assault continued unabated. It was too late to turn back now...

Abominable, Intelligent

The Star Phantoms, proving their worth almost immediately, began to systematically take and destroy every other station in the system. One by one they stormed the iron bastions, and one by one were the defences of Badab left in ruin.

Eventually, the Ring of Steel was broken, and the Minotaurs were deployed. Targetting the outer worlds, they began a rampage that could not relent, the Astral Claws pushed back time and again by the fury of High Lord's Command.

Most notably did the Minotaurs execute the leaders of thsee worlds by throwing them from the tallest spires, and the Chapter Master made his legend burn brighter after impaling the Astral Claws Chaplain, Varna Sabin, on the front of his personal Land Raider as an example.

Their morale shattered, the Astral Claws retreated, and word finally came that the Sons of Medusa had taken Sigma Station. The Loyalist forces once again collected themselves for the final attack on Badab Prime, while Magos Angstrom arrived to study the ruins of their foes greatest work.

Connecting himself to the data-tethers on board the station, he found they were connected to all within the system, a balm for the Tyrant's growing paranoia. To his horror however, he discovered another entity lurking within the system networks and data-screed.

An intelligence, artificial by design, and an abomination to all that the Mechanicus believed. With total prejudice did he scour the network clean, purging all hints of the data-daemon within, as the Ring of Steel finally collapsed.

With the way now clear, the Loyalists set up a blockade to bar all attempts to flee, before turning to discuss who would take the brunt of the initial assault. Fortunately, an answer was soon provided as, for reasons unclear, the Star Phantoms volunteered to venture upon the Forlorn Hope.

The other Chapters, wounded viciously, many near death, accepted this without complaint, and so began the invasion of the Tyrant's Realm.


The forces were determined. The first group would consist of two companies of the Star Phantoms, assisted by the Fire Hawks and the Sons of Medusa. They would target the initial defences and disable the anti-air for later landings.

The second strike would consist primarily of the Carcharodons, their task to subjugate the Hive Cities and ensure no reinforcements would arrive at the Tyrant's Palace. The last formation, containing seven companies of the Star Phantoms, Guard attachments, ancillary Inquisitorial and Mechanicum forces, and support from the remaining Chapters, would strike at the main fortress.

With no fleet left to protect the planet, the Navy opened fire upon the world. In concert with the first wave, the outward defenses of Badab Prime were devastated, their intricate patterns lain to waste by the indiscriminate fire from above and below.

Soon followed the Carcharodons, aided by the Titan Legion, Crucius, as they deployed to the Hives below. The slaughter that followed was beyond description, as all were put to the sword. The Tyrant's Legion responded, but even they paled in comparison to the sons of murder that marched without pause through their streets.

Finally did the main assault begin, and though the defences were crippled, this fortress was not without surprises. Hidden guns opened fire upon the landing craft, and though successful, two hundred marines perished before touching ground.

Immediately were the invaders set upon by the Astral Claws, cunning tunnels and hidden bolt-holes revealing Marines of the Astral Claws in waiting. The fighting turned brutal and bloody, up-close and personal, as the ground grew littered with corpses without pause.

The Tyrant's promise was true, and as armoured vehicles sallied forth from the gates, the Loyalists paid dearly for every inch of ground taken. Dozens died every minute, and carnage ruled unrepentant upon this land of spited iron.

Step by step did they push on, the reapers due
paid by bolt round and chainsword roar.
There would be no victors here
today, only the tallyman and the
count that could not stop.
Death would
be the answer,
one way or

Grind them Down

Despite the horrific cost, despite the relentless defence and endless hail of constant war, the Loyalists began to advance. The arrival of the storm troopers allowed the Star Phantoms to focus their attention upon priority targets, and the deployment of teleport homers allowed the Loyalist terminators to arrive in force.

The massacre soon turned into a stalemate, the sheer weight of fire pushing back the advance. Armageddon laughed loud as the proud sons of the Astartes proved their worth in fruitless murder and endless slaughter.

The Palace stood strong however, the void shields firm against orbital fire and sabotage below. Even the arrival of the Reaver Titans could not break open this bastion, and every moment that passed saw more Imperial dead added to the pile.

Time and again, deep into the night, did the Loyalists storm the walls. Each time were they hurled back, bodies thick upon the floor as even Huron took to the defence. Claws wild with arcane energy, flame pouring from every gap within the defences, he was avatar of murderous betrayal, a black-hearted rogue defiant to the last.

With no retreat available, no hope of mercy at the hands of their foe, the Astral Claws fought to their bloody end. It seemed that such resolute anger could not be conquered, and the Loyalists feared they would be pushed back.

That is until the Carcharodons revealed once again their true colours. Tired of the stalemate, bored of the losses incurred, they descended to the deep hives below the ground... And detonated the
vast generators that powered

The Tyrant of Badab

Uncaring as they were to the casualties inflicted upon their allies, the actions of the Carcharodons sealed the fate of the Astral Claws. As atomic fire tore through the ground, the very planet destabilised, and the shields fell at long last.

Whole hives fell into the earth as the ground collapsed, and the Loyalists charged upwards as nature recoiled from the shock inflicted upon it. Magma broke through the floor, devouring dozens whole, as blade against blade did traitor and angel clash amidst the halls of the Tyrant fallen.

Here they met the most hate-filled sons of slaughter, the chosen butchers of Huron himself, and amidst the most hostile battlefield imaginable did war come without thought. In a split moment had the Carchardons condemned billions to death without thought... And ended the war in one fell stroke.

Finally, the Star Phantoms broke through into the inner sanctum of the palace where Huron and an elite bodyguard sought escape in a hidden craft. No chance was given, no mercy afforded, and Huron rove mad like hurricane awake.

Not a single Star Phantom survived, but as Huron took one moment to gloat, and to stare upon the ruin of all that he had strived to make, a lone Captain, mortally wounded upon the ground, opened his eyes.

A click, a hiss, a roar, the meltagun still clutched in his hands burned into the heart of the Tyrant, and time stood still. Huron held, far longer than should have been possible, but with a creak and groan, his body collapsed to the ground.

The Siege of Badab was over, the Tyrant's rule ended...

Counting the Losses

When finally the remaining Loyalist forces broke through the defences, the Astral Claws killed or captured, they found the wreckage of Huron's last stand. Signs of his death were everywhere, but his body had vanished.

It would later be discovered that Armenneus Valthex, insane Forgemaster of the Astral Claws, had also survived the strife, and with Huron's body had disappeared to parts unknown. Further investigation would prove impractical, as destabilised and groaning beneath unimaginable harm, the planet began to collapse upon itself.

It was impossible to redeploy such a vast assault at speed, pointless to try and save those too far within
the keep. As the dust settled, millions had died,
dozens of ships left in ruin, and well over three
quarters of the Loyalist force had perished upon
the world below.

To their dismay, the confusion provided enough distraction for a single renegade ship to escape,
carrying on board two hundred members of the Astral Claws. Such could not be helped however, and
without the resources nor the leadership of Huron, they would be but just another band of pirates in a galaxy at war.

With the insurrection over then, the Loyalists moved slowly towards restitution. The Chapter Masters were called, and a vast conclave discussed the fate of those traitors who had been captured or crushed into submission.

The debate was bitter, for the Salamanders argued that the Executioners should be given stay considering the circumstances of their allegiance. In stark contrast were the Fire Hawks, who demanded death for every Chapter who had raised a hand against the Imperium.

Judgement and Finality

Finally, as it seemed the differences would lead to another war, a decision was reached. The Astral Claws were declared Excommunicate Traitoris, their actions beyond any forgiveness, and its captured soldiers put to the sword in shame. Those who had escaped would be hunted down, no different than the blasted sons of Chaos or xenos filth they once had fought.

The other Chapters were censured, condemned to serve a century long crusade without recruitment or resupply. In addition, the Mantis Warriors were stripped of their worlds in the Endymion System and the Lamenters were forced to pay hefty reparations in ammo and vessels to the Minotaurs.

The Executioners were treated the most gentle of all, the words of the Salamanders carrying much weight. Their home system was given unto the Sons of the Dragon, to be returned intact should they survive the penance they endured.

In recognition of the Star Phantoms bravery, and vital assistance, were they rewarded with custodianship of the Badab System. Though a somewhat pyrrhic reward, they accepted it gratefully, for they had lost their own world long ago, and were in dire need of stability in which to recover.

Thus was the Badab War resolved, but as the
assembled forces moved to depart, a last crime reached their ears that could not be believed. The Carcharodons, already despised for their reckless actions, had descended upon the Endymion System.

With the Fire Hawks blessing had they gathered up all the surviving natives, pitting them against each other in
a brutal fight to the death. Collecting the survivors,
they soon moved on, leaving but empty worlds
behind them. So barbaric was the practice that
even the Minotaurs were sickened, and the Fire Hawks earned condemnation and enmity for their part in
such a crime.

So ends the story of Lufgt Huron, Master of the Astral Claws. His story was one of hope and ambition, rebellion and dark betrayal... But his legend does not end here. So now begins the tale of piracy and hate, the saga of the Red Corsairs. So now begins the story of the Maelstrom Prince...

Huron Blackheart


Here below will I outline some further details regarding the forces or characters mentioned within the text itself.

The Astral Claws

A 10th Founding Chapter of unknown origins, they were created specifically to guard the borders of the Maelstrom. After the events of the Badab War, they would become known as the Red Corsairs, one of the most powerful traitor warbands operating within the galaxy.

The Mantis Warriors

A White Scars Successor Chapter of the 8th Founding, they were created to provide support to the Maelstrom Warders. They would later survive their Penance Crusade, though too late to receive Primaris reinforcements, and so are currently in dire straits.

The Lamenters

A Blood Angels Successor Chapter of the Cursed 21st Founding, they are renowned for their seeming cure of the Red Thirst and Black Rage. Despite this, they have twice approached extinction, once during the Badab War, and later against fighting the Tyranids during their Penance Crusade.

The Executioners

An Imperial Fist Successor Chapter of the 3rd Founding, they quickly deviated from their forefathers legacy, and soon became renowned for their brutal method of waging war. Eventually becoming a fleet-based Chapter, their skill in boarding actions was without equal.

The Fire Hawks

An Ultramarines Successor Chapter of the Cursed 21st Founding, their dire reputation was infamous throughout the Astartes. They would later go missing, declared lost to the Warp, though some suspect that the mysterious Legion of the Damned are in fact they returned once more.

The Marines Errant

An Ultramarines Successor Chapter of the 23rd Founding, they are entirely fleet-based and known for their adaptability and wide deployment across the entirety of the Imperium.

The Red Scorpions

A Successor Chapter of Unknown Lineage and Founding, the Red Scorpions were fleet-based and notorious for their subservience to Imperial military and religious doctrine, even to the point of madness. Fanatical in their belief of genetic purity, they are famous for adhering to every line of the Codex Astartes, regardless of circumstance.

The Minotaurs

A Successor Chapter of Unknown Lineage of the Cursed 21st Founding, the Minotaurs are a fleet-based Astartes formation known for their loyalty to the High Lords of Terra. Suspected to be a curtail upon rogue Astartes, they are led by Asterion Moloc, a legendary figure or perhaps title passed down to many.

The Salamanders

A First Founding Chapter, they are the sons of the Primarch Vulkan, and renowned for their skill at artifice, love of flame, and general compassion in comparison to other Astartes. Famously, they are possessed of jet black skin and brimstone eyes, a legacy of their dangerous home on Nocturne.

The Howling Griffons

An Ultramarines Successor Chapter of Unknown Founding, the Howling Griffons are known for the strictness with which they keep to their oaths, and the pride they take in maintaing them even unto death.

The Star Phantoms

A suspected Dark Angels Successor Chapter of the 23rd Founding, the Star Phantoms are a Chapter dedicated to preserving the fringe borders of the Imperium against xenos threat. Excessively morbid, even by the grim standards of the Imperium, they accept death willingly, and seem to seek it almost without care.

The Sons of Medusa

An Iron Hands Successor Chapter created through Imperial Edict, the Sons of Medusa are a brutally ruthless organisation formed from the religious schism that tore apart the Mechanicum during the adoption of the Imperial Faith. Believing in a unified Ecclesiarchy and Omnissian cult, they are bitter rivals with their parent Chapter.

The Carcharodons

A suspected Raven Guard Successor Chapter of Unknown Founding, they are a fleet-based Chapter of truly horrific reputation. Relentlessly mysterious, few know anything of this Chapter, even if it is but one Chapter. Instead, their legend speaks only of cruel violence and cold murder.

Legio Crucius

A Loyalist Titan Legion known also as the Warmongers, they are an ancient house whose legacy dates back to the Age of Strife. Based out of the Forge World Ryza, they are known to be amongst the best equipped Titan Legions in the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Lufgt Huron

Chapter Master of the Astral Claws, he was a formidable tactician who eventually sought freedom from the Imperium. After the failure of his rebellion, he would live on as Huron Blackheart, Lord of the Red Corsairs, and master of an army second only to Abaddon the Despoiler.

Carab Culln

A legendary High-Commander of the Red Scorpions, he would later fall in battle during the Indomitus Crusade and be interred within a Relic Dreadnought Chassis. Known now as "The Risen", his focus on purity and hatred of the mutant has only increased.


1: Hive World Defence by Unknown
2: Gildar Rift Cover
3: Unknown
4: Fate's Edge by VookaSheen
5: Lufgt Huron by Paul Bonner
6: Inquisitor: Martyr Wallpaper
7: Black Templar by Andrey Gris
8: WH40K Badab Sector Pre-War by M00nprophet
9: Mantis Warriors by Daandric
10: Lamenters by Daandric
11: Imperial Armour: Volume Nine Badab War Map
12: Unknown
13: Carcharodons by Daandric
14: Imperial Armour: Volume Nine Cover
15: Imperial Armour: Volume Ten Badab War Map
16: Astral Claws by Daandric
17: Executioner by David Sondered
18: Unknown
19: Priests of Mars Cover
20: Outer Dark Cover
21: Adrax Agatone by Miguel Iglesias
22: Unknown
23: Screaming Vortex by Black Crusade RPG Core Rulebook
24: Unknown
25: Unknown
26: Novamarines by Daandric
27: Unknown
28: Huron Blackheart by d1sarmon1a
29: WH40K Badab Sector Post-War by M00nprophet


I hope you all enjoyed this installment of the 40K Lore by Jackeyblob. If you have any feedback or criticism, please don't hesitate to let me know. The next chapter will be taken from the suggestion most interesting to me, so I look forward to hearing from you then.

This work is not an official production by Games Workshop, and is free to use however you see fit.