
by CanceRevolution

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Bandits frequently traverse the countryside, preying on unwary travelers. These groups, usually composed of outlaws, resort to criminality as a means of survival. Their reputation paints them as relentless and perilous, ready to go to any length for their desires. Typically well-armed and coordinated, these bandits present a significant threat.

In numerous regions, the law is either lax or entirely absent, leaving inhabitants vulnerable to criminal acts. This often engenders an atmosphere of lawlessness, allowing bandits to loot and plunder unchecked or even establish their own formidable militias.

Tier 1

Bandit Archer

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 2, XP: 2


AC 15 AP 1
HP 9 Posture 8
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 12
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +1 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +2 CHA +1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (1)

Shortbow Hit +4, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again.

Bandit Brute

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 4, XP: 4


AC 16 AP 2
HP 37 Posture 14
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 20 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +5 DEX -2 INT -2 WIS -2 CHA -1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (1)

  • Great Sword Hit +5, Dmg 1d12 slash or thrust
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to this damage roll. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Heavy: You can gain advantage with this Attack, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage until the start of your next turn after this Attack.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: As an Action, you can swing this sword. All creatures within 10 feet of you must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 13), or take 1 hit from this weapon's Attack.

Bandit Captain

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 8, XP: 8


AC 16 AP 1
HP 51 Posture 29
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 35 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +5 INT -2 WIS +4 CHA +4
  • LU +2: Luck Points: 2; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (1)

  • Light Hammer Hit +5, Dmg 1d6 strike

  • Light Attack You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.

  • Throw Weapon (20/30)

  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore 3 AP

  • Scimitar Hit +5, Dmg 1d6 slash or thrust

  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.

  • Light Attack You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.

  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 13), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Bandit Psycho

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 4, XP: 4


AC 16 AP 1
HP 24 Posture 17
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +5 INT -2 WIS -1 CHA +3
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Insane When you take psychic damage, you regain Posture instead of taking that damage, but you also become Confused after.

Actions (1)

  • Battle Scythe Hit +5, Dmg 1d12 slash
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: As an Action, you can swing this scythe. All creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 13), or take 1 hit from this weapon’s Attack.

Bandit Thief

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 2, XP: 2


AC 16 AP 1
HP 8 Posture 8
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS -1 CHA +3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


Thieves Tools You know the Thieves Tools.

Actions (1)

  • Dagger Hit +4, Dmg 1d4 slash or thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Throw Weapon (20/30)
  • Favorite Weapon: You deal extra 1d4 damage if you Attack with advantage.

Bonus Action

  • Sneak Weapon: Choose 1 target and make a Sleight of Hand Check (DC equal to the target’s Passive Perception). On a success, all your Attacks against that target gain advantage until the end of this turn

Bandit Thug

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 2, XP: 2


AC 14/ +1 Shield AP 3
HP 16 Posture 8
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +2 INT -1 WIS -1 CHA +3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (1)

  • Longsword Hit +4, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again
  • Flail: Hit +4, Dmg 1d10 strike
  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 1 AP.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore the bonuses granted by Cover and Shields with this weapon’s Attacks.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 1, XP: 1


AC 7 AP 0
HP 7 Posture 1
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX -1 INT -2 WIS -1 CHA +1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (1)

  • Brass Knuckles Hit +3, Dmg 1d4 strike
  • Improved Strike: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can reroll the result and choose the highest one, but you cannot reroll it again.
  • Throw Rock Hit +3, Dmg 1d4 strike
  • Throw Weapon (20/60)

Bonus Action

  • Sneak Weapon: Choose 1 target and make a Sleight of Hand Check (DC equal to the target’s Passive Perception). On a success, all your Attacks against that target gain advantage until the end of this turn


  • Lynch When another friendly creature hits an Attack while 5 feet from you, you can make an Attack of Opportunity on the same target

Tier 2

Veteran Bandit Archer

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 2, XP: 4


AC 16 AP 1
HP 13 Posture 12
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +1 DEX +6 INT -1 WIS +5 CHA +1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Sharp Shooter Once per round, if you miss a Ranged Attack, you can add a +2 bonus to the result.
  • In addition, you can also make Ranged Attacks of Opportunity when a creature Posture breaks.

Actions (2)

Shortbow Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Bonus Action

  • Steady Aim (Concentration) You gain advantage on all Ranged Attacks against a creature more than 20 feet away from you.

Veteran Brute

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 6, XP: 12


AC 17 AP 3
HP 55 Posture 22
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 25 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX -2 INT -2 WIS -2 CHA -1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Actions (2)

  • Great Sword Hit +7, Dmg 1d12 slash or thrust
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to this damage roll. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Heavy: You can gain advantage with this Attack, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage until the start of your next turn after this Attack.
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: As an Action, you can swing this sword. All creatures within 10 feet of you must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 15), or take 1 hit from this weapon's Attack.
  • Great Hammer Hit +7, Dmg 1d12 slash or thrust
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to this damage roll. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Heavy: You can gain advantage with this Attack, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage until the start of your next turn after this Attack.
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore 3 AP

Veteran Thief

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8


AC 18 AP 1
HP 24 Posture 18
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +6 INT +1 WIS -1 CHA +4
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Ambusher You gain advantage on all Stealth Checks.
  • Thieves Tools You know the Thieves Tools.

Actions (2)

  • Dagger Hit +6, Dmg 1d4 slash or thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Throw Weapon (20/30)
  • Favorite Weapon: You deal extra 1d4 damage if you Attack with advantage.

Bonus Action

  • Quick Hide You can Hide as a Bonus Action.
  • Sneak Weapon: Choose 1 target and make a Sleight of Hand Check (DC equal to the target’s Passive Perception). On a success, all your Attacks against that target gain advantage until the end of this turn


  • Evasion When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC, potentially making that Attack miss instead.

Veteran Thug

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8


AC 14/ +1 Shield AP 3
HP 30 Posture 14
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +2 INT -1 WIS -1 CHA +4
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Force Attack (2) Once per round, you can make 1 Attack as a Free Action. You can only use this ability 2 times per Short or Long rest.

Actions (2)

  • Longsword Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again
  • Flail: Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 strike
  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 1 AP.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore the bonuses granted by Cover and Shields with this weapon’s Attacks.

Bonus Action

  • Forced Posture You can gain 3 Posture.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.

Tier 3

Crime Lord

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 15, XP: 45


AC 17 AP 1
HP 93 Posture 52
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 35 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +7 INT +2 WIS +7 CHA +7
  • LU +5: Luck Points: 5; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Boss Presence At the start of each round, you can make 1 Hooligan appear on the battlefield.
  • Critical Villainy Once per round, before you Attack, you can automatically score a Critical Hit with it.


  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a friendly creature within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

Actions (3)

  • Falchion Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 15), or start Bleeding (1d6).


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +3 bonus to your AC.

Elite Bandit Archer

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 8, XP: 24


AC 18 AP 1
HP 25 Posture 20
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 18
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 45 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +1 DEX +8 INT -1 WIS +8 CHA +1
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Sharp Shooter Once per round, if you miss a Ranged Attack, you can add a +3 bonus to the result.

  • In addition, you can also make Ranged Attacks of Opportunity when a creature Posture breaks.

  • Piercing Ammo (3) Before you Attack, you can use 1 of your 3 Piercing Ammos. On a hit, that Attack ignores all AP and can deal 1d8 extra damage.

  • Poison Ammo (3) Before you Attack, you can use 1 of your 3 Poison Ammos. On a hit, the target must succeed on an Endurance Save (DC 16), or become Poisoned (1d8, 1 turn).

Actions (3)

Shortbow Hit +8, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Bonus Action

  • Steady Aim (Concentration) You gain advantage on all Ranged Attacks against a creature more than 20 feet of you.

Renegade Goliath

Large, Colossus/ Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 17 AP 3
HP 89 Posture 38
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX -2 INT -2 WIS -2 CHA -1
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Charge If you Dash and move at least 20 feet, you gain advantage on your next attack this turn, and deal an extra 1d12 damage with that same attack.

  • Giga Charge If you Dash, you can pass through the space of any Medium or smaller size creature, without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Those creatures must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 17), or take 1d12 strike damage and become Knocked Prone.

Actions (3)

  • Stone Grip Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 strike
  • Grapple On a hit, the target becomes Grappled by you. You can Grapple 1 Large creature, or 2 Medium or smaller sized creatures at once.
  • 2 Strikes in One Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 strike
  • Grappled Impact You can only use this Attack if you are grappling a creature. On a hit, both the target you hit and the creature you are grappling take the damage.
  • Big Punch Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 strike
  • Smash: All creatures within 10 feet of you must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 17) after you have Attacked. On a fail, a creature takes 1d6 strike damage and becomes Knock Prone.

Elite Thief

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 18 AP 1
HP 30 Posture 23
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 45 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +8 INT +1 WIS -1 CHA +6
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Ambusher You gain advantage on all Stealth Checks.

  • Assassin Once per round, when you hit a Surprised creature, you can deal extra 1d8 damage.

  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Thieves Tools You know the Thieves Tools.

Actions (2)

  • Dagger Hit +8, Dmg 1d4 slash or thrust + 1d4 poison
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Throw Weapon (20/30)
  • Favorite Weapon: You deal extra 1d4 damage if you Attack with advantage.

Bonus Action

  • Quick Hide You can Hide as a Bonus Action.
  • Sneak Weapon: Choose 1 target and make a Sleight of Hand Check (DC equal to the target’s Passive Perception). On a success, all your Attacks against that target gain advantage until the end of this turn


  • Evasion When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +4 bonus to your AC, potentially making that Attack miss instead.

Elite Thug

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 16/ +1 Shield AP 3
HP 47 Posture 22
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Language Common, Thieves' cant


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +2 INT -1 WIS -1 CHA +3
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Force Attack (2) Once per round, you can make 1 Attack as a Free Action. You can only use this ability 2 times per Short or Long rest.

  • Invasive Threat When you hit an Attack against a creature, you can attempt to intimidate it. That creature must then succeed on an Insight Save (DC 15), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.

Actions (3)

  • Longsword Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again
  • Flail: Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 strike
  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 1 AP.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore the bonuses granted by Cover and Shields with this weapon’s Attacks.

Bonus Action

  • Forced Posture You can gain 5 Posture.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.