Fragmancer 2.2.1

by Rutherfordio

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The Fragmancer
The Fragmancer
Level  PB  Features Max Spell Level Max Elements
1st +2 Frangerian Technology 1 1
2nd +2 Trigger Reflex, Philosopher's Notes (x1) 1 2
3rd +2 Fragmancer Paradigm, Rewired Brain (x1) 1 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 2
5th +3 Workaholic, Rewired Brain (x2) 2 2
6th +3 Philosopher's Notes (x2) 2 2
7th +3 Fragmancer Paradigm feature 3 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 2
9th +4 Rewired Brain (x3) 3 2
10th +4 Platinum-Iridium Ward 4 2
11th +4 Philosopher's Notes (x3) 4 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
13th +5 Academic Arcanism, Rewired Brain (x4) 5 3
14th +5 - 5 3
15th +5 Fragmancer Paradigm feature, Philosopher's Notes (x4) 5 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4
17th +6 Multi-Tool 5 4
18th +6 - 5 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 5
20th +6 Scientific Master 5 5

The Land of Understanding

Fragmancers were born in the core of Frangere, a country famous for being driven by technology and science. The Frangerians are people devoted to knowledge and innovation, they try to understand and explain the world. Consequently, they are also known for having the best schools in the world.

Most people in Frangere dream of becoming a Fragmancer, a mage-like scientist that uses technology and science to fight. The Fragmancers are also the ones that lead all the researches that try to determine the rules that govern the universe they live in.

Frangmancers work very hard to explain and understand the entire universe, and their current theory works based on the existence of fragments (or elementary particles) that compose all the matter in the universe. They believe that in an elementary level you are no different from a rock. And using technology they can understand and control these fragments.

Fragmancers have a deep understanding of Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Math. However, as a rule of thumb, Frangerians don't believe in gods or anything that they can't explain, including magic (they refer to some things as magic, but it's actually science for them). However, for the people that live in other countries, they do use a lot of magic, since any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from real magic.

The Elemental Gauntlet

The elemental gauntlets are the current technological wonder, allowing the scholars and scientists to manipulate the fabric of reality, understanding it better and discovering new information. The gauntlets gather elements near to the user, break them into fragments and rearrange them into new elements.

Creating a Fragmancer

When creating a Fragmancer, you might want to define a very curious and skeptical personality. Fragmancers like to learn about everything, they question everything, doubt everything and study a lot. They also aren't afraid of making mistakes, since mistakes are the best way of learning.

Fragmancers are inventive and interested in technology and innovation, an area where they can explore new concepts, make use of their creativity and learn more.

Overall, fragmancers can be varied in several aspects. Some are very shy and introverted, while some are social and know a lot of tricks and cool facts, and some even are assertive and challenge authorities when they believe to be right. Regardless, your character always should look for the truth and their personality traits should be based on knowledge, curiosity and perspicacity.


When creating your character, one of the most important aspects of your upbringing is your education. You can choose a school for your Fragmancer character, that they attended to, and learned about the world and about science and fragmancy. A list of schools in Frangere and their specialties can be found below.

But good schools in Frangere are expensive, and maybe, to follow your dreams of becoming a Fragmancer, you had to accept that your school wasn't good enough and started to take additional courses in other places, or maybe you went to the public library every weekend to research interesting topics. Or even, you went to the cheapest type of school in Frangere, public or institutional schools, a place maintained by the government and/or wealthy filantropes, because everyone deserves a chance for education, and you happened to stumble upon marvelous teachers in your public school, some even better than normal teachers in paid schools.

Finally, maybe you never went to school. Maybe you sat one day with a telescope you built yourself and studied the stars and their movements, and recorded everything in books, experiencing first-hand the knowledge discovered by great scientists of the past and in that way, you taught yourself everything you needed to become a fragmancer.

Wogharts Wizardry School

Degree Elements
Arcanist Veles, Arcana
Invocator Fire, Air, Water or Earth

Excavators University

Degree Elements
Geologist Earth, Metal
Metallurgist Metal

Unuk Alchemy Academy

Degree Elements
Dendrologist Wood
Voxmancer Sound, Lightning

Gnomeway IPD

Degree Elements
Astral Mage Veles, Nug

Quick Build

You can make a fragmancer quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the Sage (or the Cloistered ScholarSCAG) background. Third, choose Fire to be programmed into the gauntlet.

Class Features

As a fragmancer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per fragmancer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: ld8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per fragmancer level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: One type of artisan's tools of your choice, alchemist's supplies, elemental gauntlet
  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon of your choice or (b) a light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's pack
  • Leather armor, alchemist's supplies and an elemental gauntlet

If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the items offered by your background, you start with 5d4 x 10 gp to buy your equipment.

Multiclassing and the Fragmancer

If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know if you choose fragmancer as one of your classes.

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a fragmancer.

Proficiencies Gained. If fragmancer isn't your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a fragmancer: light armor, elemental gauntlet, alchemist's supplies.

Frangerian Technology

The fragmancers use a special item called The Elemental Gauntlet. The gauntlet is a mixture between a tool and weapon used for science. Due to its high level of technology, it looks like a magic item for those that can't comprehend its inner workings. The gauntlet's main purpose is to gather matter around the user and break it into fragments (also called atoms in other worlds) and use these fragments to form other kinds of matter. These kinds of matter are formally called elements.

Using a gauntlet in one hand prevents you from using a weapon or shield on that hand. You can still hold small objects, but not firmly.

The Gauntlet is made of a Platinum-Iridium alloy, being very resistant to several types of corrosion, having a great resistance to impact and a melting point high enough to withstand the creation of fire and plasma without melting.

The gauntlet is used to cast the so called elemental invocations, abilities that use science to control the reality. Elemental invocations are spells for simplicity sake, and the words "invocation" and "spell" might be used interchangeably, but fragmancers always say that "invocations are not magic, but science!". They are spells only for the ignorant folk who doesn't understand enough about the complexity of the tool. You can check all invocations at the end of the class's description. Your fragmancer always knows every invocation.

Initially you are able to use only one gauntlet, but there are features that allow you to use two at the same time. The Off-Hand Gauntlet section details what can be done with a second gauntlet.

If you want to craft an elemental gauntlet, you'll need alchemist's supplies, a workweek and 50 gp worth of material that you buy with a smith and at the market. If you want to buy a gauntlet, you can do so at any government office or school in Frangere for 100 gp.

Fragmancers in Other Worlds

The Fragmancer class is tied to the story of the world of Vifel, but you can change any aspects to fit the story of your own world. For example, to simplify, you can consider the gauntlets as uncommon magic items, and define that they can be found in magic shops.

Preparing and Casting Invocations

Fragmancers don't choose each spell they want to prepare individually like other casters. They program elemental formulas into their gauntlets and each element programmed comes with a fixed list of spells. Fragmancers don't have spell slots, they can only cast each spell in the fixed list once before a Long Rest (except for cantrips). However, you can't cast every spell in the list right at level 1, you can only cast spells that go up to a certain spell level, and this max spell level increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Max Spell Level column of the Fragmancer table.

Additionally, as you progress in levels, you can also have more than one element programmed in the gauntlet, increasing the number of spells you can cast, as shown in the Max Elements column of the Fragmancer table. You can't program the same element more than once.

Example Scenario

As an example, if you are a 6th-level fragmancer, you may program a maximum of 2 elements out of 6 (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Veles and Nug). You also have access to invocations that don't use any elements, which are Unlock, Compass and Clock and Critical Vision. All of those, except for the last one, are cantrips and can be cast at will.

Let's imagine you programmed Fire into your gauntlet. It grants you access to the Fire Bolt cantrip and some fire spells of 2nd-level and lower: Hellish Rebuke (1st), Propulsive Flame (1st) and Continual Flame (2nd). But you can have up to two elements in your gauntlet at this level, so let's imagine you also programmed Earth into your gauntlet, then you also get the Earth Shield cantrip and some earth spells of 2nd-level and lower: Catapult (1st), Fists of Garron (1st) and Maximilian's Earthen Grasp (2nd). And all non-cantrip spells of those lists can only be cast once before a Long Rest.

When you finish a Short Rest, you can choose an element per hour spent resting to be programmed in the gauntlet.

Upon finishing a Long Rest, you can choose as many elements as you'd like to be programmed in the gauntlet. Programming isn't considered a strenous activity.

You can also erase an element programming from your gauntlet as a free action and then spend time to program another element in its place. Programmed elements stay programmed into the gauntlet's system until they are erased (unless stated otherwise).

The Fragmancers need a gauntlet to cast invocations, and it's considered an arcane focus for their fragmancer spells.

Unbound Programming

The group of "Unbound" invocations is a list of invocations that are available for you to cast regardless of the elements programmed.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your fragmancer invocations; your understanding of the scientific theory allows you to wield invocations masterfully. You use your Intelligence whenever a fragmancer invocation refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a fragmancer invocation you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Casting in Armor

Because of the mental focus and movement required when using a gauntlet, you must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to cast an invocation. You are otherwise too distracted and physically hampered by your armor for casting.

Off-Hand Gauntlet

The elements programmed and the invocations that can be cast are tied to a gauntlet. A second gauntlet is treated separately, with its own elements programmed and invocations that can be cast, however your total number of elements programmed counts the number of elements programmed in both gauntlets. With two gauntlets also comes the ability to repeat elemental programmings, as long as they are programmed in different gauntlets. This gives you the ability to cast each spell in that element's list twice before a Long Rest, but also counts as two elements to determine the amount of elements you can program.

Fragmancers usually can only use a single gauntlet, but there are two ways to allow you to use an off-hand gauntlet:

  • The Invocator's Paradigm sub-class;
  • The Dual-Wielder feat (even if the gauntlet isn't a melee weapon, you can consider it counts as one for all effects of this feat).

Gauntlet Information

Sometimes a player may cast an invocation in which the gauntlet gives information to the player. The gauntlet talks through code, using vibrations, shocks, temperature, light, sounds, and other kinds of signal, to convey the information and if the caster has at least 1 fragmancer level they can decipher these signals. This code is called lexi-aurum.

Trigger Reflex

At 2nd level, you can use your reflexes to evade attacks and spells using your intelligence or fast reflexes. When you roll for a saving throw of a spell, you can replace the saving throw of the spell with another saving throw of your choice.

You can use this ability once and you regain its use after a short or long rest.

Philosopher's Notes

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with Navigator's Tools or Thieves’ tools or any type of artisan's tool of your choice.

Also choose one of your tool proficiencies. You create non-magical items two times faster using that tool. If you select a tool that already benefits from this effect, it becomes four times faster, then six, then eight.

At 6th, 11th and 15th levels, you gain both effects again, choosing one more tool proficiency to gain and one more tool proficiency you have to decrease the time of creating items.

Additionally, after you roll for a saving throw, you can just treat the result as being equal to the number of tool proficiencies you have. You must use this feature before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.

Fragmancer Paradigm

At 3rd level, you choose a Fragmancer Paradigm, a philosophical path that shapes how you think and fight. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th and 15h level.

The options of choice are the Paradigms of Virtualization, Purification, the Invocator, Forensics and the Fragmentalist, each of which is detailed at the end of the class's description.

Rewired Brain

Starting at 3rd level, you can understand math and logic beyond language barriers. You gain advantage on Intelligence checks made to decipher codes (written or spoken). And at this level and at 5th, 9th and 13th levels, you learn 2 languages of your choice.

Additionally, you can greatly confuse a creature using words from several languages at once. As a bonus action, choose a creature that can hear you, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw, the DC being 8 + half the number of languages you speak, rounded down. On a failure, the creature becomes incapacitated for 1 round and can't be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

To use this ability you must be able to speak and the creature needs to speak at least one language.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


When you reach 5th level you have spent so many nights working tirelessly that your vigor greatly increases. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can now work or travel 12 hours a day without feeling tired or sleepy, as if you were working or traveling for only 8 hours (i.e. Forced March starts beyond 12 hours for you)
  • You gain all the benefits of a Long Rest with only 4 hours of rest.
  • Finishing a long rest reduces your exhaustion level by 2 instead of by 1.

Platinum-Iridium Ward

Beginning at 10th level, whenever you fail an Intelligence or Constitution saving throw against an effect that would deal damage to you, you can use your reaction to take only half that much damage.

Academic Arcanism

Starting at 13th level, your knowledge of spells and invocations becomes superior. You gain advantage on either Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Nature) checks (your choice).


At 17th level, you add several new features to your gauntlet. You can now cast the following spells at will, while ignoring spell slots and material components:

  • Identify;
  • Knock;
  • Find Traps;
  • Tongues (but only on yourself);
  • Water Breathing.

Scientific Master

Starting at level 20, you are always under the effects of a spell of your choice between Detect Evil And Good, Detect Magic and Detect Poison And Disease. You can change the chosen spell (from the three presented) whenever you finish a Long Rest.

Fragmancer Paradigms

Virtualization Paradigm

Bag of Memories

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this paradigm, you gain the ability to carry objects virtually. Using an action, you can fragment a medium or smaller object, reducing it to dust, and transforming it into information that you store inside the gauntlet. Using another action, you can reconstruct the item again, and remove it from the gauntlet's memory storage. You have to be touching the item with the gauntlet to fragment it and it reappears in the nearest unoccupied space when you reconstruct it.

You can also use an action to gain information from the gauntlet about an object stored in its system, as if you were handling the object physically, but you can consider this manner of getting information much faster. Whenever you handle an object within the gauntlet, reduce the time of the handling to a single action. For example, if you want to flip through all the pages of a book looking for an information, you can do that with an action if the book is stored in the gauntlet.

A gauntlet's total capacity of memory is 45 kg/100 lbs worth of objects. Trying to store an object fails when there isn't any space left; The memory is not stored and the object isn't destroyed.

The information inside a gauntlet has no impact on the weight of its user or the things that they carry whatsoever.

Improved Fragmenter

Starting at 7th level, you gain 3 benefits:

  • The total capacity of your gauntlet triplicates;
  • You can now fragment and store large objects into it;
  • When you recreate objects, they appear in any unoccupied space of your choice up to 18m/60ft away.

Create Replica

At 15th level, you gain the ability to cast the spell Fabricate at will without spending spell slots. However you must use an elemental gauntlet as spellcasting focus and the object that you fabricate must be an identical copy of an object stored virtually inside that same gauntlet.

You can use this ability to fabricate a non-magical replica of a magic item. It will look exactly like the original, but without any magical properties.

Purification Paradigm

Identify Metal

You are on your way to become a master metallurgist. At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armors and in smith's tools.

Also you know the name of any metal just by looking at it, even magic metals and alloys, and you also know whether or not it's magical, and whether or not it's an alloy.

Purify Metal

You start to better understand how to manipulate and refine the element of Metal; you learn how it works and how to best make use of it.

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to purify the metal of an object or surface. You spend the time specified in the table below to purify 4.5kg/10lbs of metal, turning it into a more refined metal. For example, if you use this feature to purify 4.5kg/10lbs of Copper, it purifies into Iron after 4 hours of work. You need to touch the area composed of metal with the gauntlet throughout all of the process.

Up to your GM, this table can be modified and/or improved upon, even including rarer metals and alloys.

Most Common Metals
Metal AC Cost/lb Purifies Into Time required
Lead 14 2 sp Tin 2h
Tin 15 3 sp Copper 3h
Copper 16 5 sp Iron 4h
Iron 19 1 sp Silver 5h
Silver 18 5 gp Gold 6h
Gold 18 50 gp Platinum 7h
Platinum 20 500 gp Mithral 8h
Mithral 21 2500 gp - -

Purify Invocations

At 7th level, one of the elements that you unlock is the element of Metal. Whenever you program it into your gauntlet, the gauntlet interprets it as Lead metal, the least pure of the metals. Any metal invocations that you cast will create objects made of lead.

Much in the same way that you purify actual metals (using the Purify Metal feature), you can purify the programming of the gauntlet. When you do so, the gauntlet interprets the element of Metal as a better metal, and the power of your metal invocations increase.

You use the same table from the Purify Metal feature to see how much time you need to program the gauntlet in order to advance its metal element from one grade of metal to the next.

Purifying the metal programming is irreversible, and to downgrade the metal of your invocations you'll need to erase the metal element from the gauntlet (as a free action) and start the programming over from Lead.

Effects of the purification on each Metal invocation:

Conjure Barrage

Conjure Barrage increases its range by 10 feet for each level of purification after lead.

Heat Metal

Heat Metal deals 3 additional damage to its target for each level of purification after lead.

Metallic Barricade

The wall created by Metallic Barricade has the correspondant metal's AC.

Conjure Volley

Conjure Volley deals 2 additional damage to its target for each level of purification after lead, and if the metal is silver or higher, the damage counts as dealt by a magical weapon.


At 7th level you also add the invocation Armory Confection to the list of Metal spells. Following is a description of how it changes with the Purify Invocations feature.

Armory Confection

The armor created by Armory Confection increases the protection it gives the wearer based on the level of the metal.

Raise Barrier

At 15th level, you also add the invocation Blade Barrier to the list of Metal spells. Following is a description of how it changes with the Purify Invocations feature.

Blade Barrier

Blade Barrier duration increases by 10 minutes for each level of purification after lead, and if the metal is platinum or higher, you can choose to give advantage or disadvantage to any creature that rolls for the saving throw of the spell.

Eldritch Armor

At 15th level, while you have Nug programmed into your gauntlet, you can touch a piece of armor to increase its Armor Class by 1.

Only one piece of armor can have this effect, casting this again ends the effect on the previous armor.

Invocator Paradigm

Invocator's Hand

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this paradigm, you become more attuned to your invocations and to magic.

You can now use an off-hand elemental gauntlet, which means that when choosing the elements you can program in the gauntlet, two of them can be the same element, as long as you program them in separate gauntlets.

You can read more about using an off-hand guntlet in the Off-Hand Gauntlet section at the beginning of the class description.

Scientific Sorcery

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You learn the Metamagic option Quickened Spell. You can only use this metamagic option while you're wearing 2 gauntlets.
  • You gain 4 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any sorcery points you have from another source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.

Invocator's Power

Starting at 7th level, you upgrade your elemental power. Choose one of the four classic elements: Fire, Water, Earth or Air. While you are using 2 gauntlets, the chosen element is always programmed in your off-hand gauntlet and doesn't count towards the number of maximum elements you can have programmed. You can switch this element whenever you gain a level in this class and only to other element of the four presented.


Starting at 15th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You learn two Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. If any of your Metamagic options uses your Charisma modifier, you can instead consider that it uses your Intelligence modifier. You can only use these metamagic options while you're wearing 2 gauntlets.
  • You gain 6 more sorcery points to spend on Metamagic. You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.

Forensics Paradigm

Forensic Investigator

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this paradigm, you become expert at material and chemical analysis, specially when related to crimes. You learn the cantrip Substance Identification and gain proficiency in Investigation.

Criminal Detection

Starting at 7th level, if you have the blood of a creature, your gauntlet can consume it to detect the creature's type and race. This information is given to you through lexi-aurum.

After the gauntlet consumes the blood, you can choose to afflict the creature with the effects of a Hunter's Mark spell. The creature stays under the effects of the spell for the next 8 hours. You can't change the target of the effects. You have until the end of your next Long Rest to afflict the creature, unless you get more of the creature's blood.

You can use this feature once per creature and you restore all uses after a Long Rest.

Lie Detector

Starting at 7th level your senses become better at detecting people's intentions. You gain proficiency with Insight, if you don't already have it.

Veleaic Senses

Starting at 15th level, your senses can't be fooled. While you have Veles programmed into the gauntlet, you gain the following benefits:

  • Whenever you make a check or saving throw related to detecting or resisting the effects of illusions, you make it at advantage;
  • You have immunity to damage dealt by illusions.

Fragmentalist Paradigm

Complex Plasma

Starting at 3rd level, your character has dived deep into the more fundamental studies of the fragments and discovered more complex and advanced elements, that other fragmancers don't know of.

You add one of these 2 new elements to the list of elements that you can choose to program in the gauntlet:

  • Light, the element of vision, illumination and radiance;
  • and Shadow, the element that complements Light, being its opposite, associated with darkness, false images and illusions.

Plasma Studies

Starting at 3rd level, your knowledge of light and shadow gives you the Light cantrip. For you, this cantrip has a range of 9m/30ft and you can have it active on up to 4 objects at a time.

Complex Energy

Starting at 7th level, your character keeps on discovering new elements, and you find out about the constitution of reality itself.

You add one of these 2 new elements to the list of elements that you can choose to program in the gauntlet:

  • Ether, the energy of the planes, that fuels the magic of several creatures and spellcasters;
  • and Cosmos, the energy of the universe, the force that controls gravity, time and space.

Energy Studies

Starting at 7th level, your knowledge of magical energies gives you the Resistance cantrip. For you, this cantrip has a range of 9m/30ft and also grants the target temporary hit points while the spell is active. Roll a number of d3s equal to your proficiency modifier, the result is the amount of temporary hit points granted.

Fundamental Power

Starting at 15th level, your character becomes expert at a certain area of fragment studies. You discovered a new fundamental power that you can control. Choose a spell from any class' spell list of 6th level or lower. You add that spell to your list of Unbound Invocations.

Fundamental Studies

Starting at 15th level, your character has discovered unimaginable knowledge. You learn three pieces of lore about a topic of your choice (XGtE p. 132). Additionally, whenever you make Research as a Downtime Activity, you double the number of pieces of lore you learn.

List of Elemental Invocations

The title on each of the following lists represents the element that has to be programmed into the gauntlet to gain that list of spells (except for Unbound) and the level column indicates the level of the slot used to cast the invocation. The caret indicates that the spell is of a lower level and is being cast with a slot of that level.

Spells marked with one asterisk are new. Spells marked with two asterisks are old spells that have been modified. They can all be found in this link.


Spell Level School
Unlock* 0 transmutation
Compass and Clock* 0 divination
Critical Vision* 2 divination
Neutralization* 4 abjuration


Fire Bolt 0 evocation
Hellish Rebuke 1 evocation
Propulsive Flame* 1 evocation
Continual Flame 2 evocation
Fireball 3 evocation
Wall of Fire 4 evocation


Gust 0 transmutation
Zephyr Strike 1 transmutation
Feather Fall 1 transmutation
Levitate 2 transmutation
Fly 3 transmutation
Freedom Of Movement 4 abjuration


Shape Water 0 transmutation
Fog Cloud 1 conjuration
Water Lash* 1 conjuration
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm 2 evocation
Wall of Water 3 evocation
Control Water 4 transmutation


Earth Shield* 0 conjuration
Earth Tremor 1 transmutation
Fists of Garron* 1 transmutation
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp 2 transmutation
Magnum Stairs* 3 transmutation
Stoneskin 4 abjuration


Detect Magic 1 divinationR
Identify 1 divinationR
Eerie Reacher* 1 conjuration
Mystic Analyzer* 2 divinationR
Klifgatis* 2 abjuration
Bigby's Hand 5 evocation


Tenser's Floating Disk 1 conjurationR
Chaos Bolt 1 evocation
Black Blaze* 1 enchantment
Ray Of Enfeeblement 2 necromancy
Hetrozzis* 2 evocation
Antilife Shell 5 abjuration


Cabalistic Vest* 3 abjurationR
Magic Missiles  3^ evocation
Arcane Eye 4 divination
Teleportation Circle 5 conjuration


Lightning Bolt 3 evocation
Electric Arc* 3 evocation
Storm Sphere 4 evocation
Rampant Fulmen Storm* 5 evocation


Silence**  3^ illusionR
Echoing Noise* 3 evocation
Confusion 4 enchantment
Destructive Wave 5 evocation


Conjure Barrage 3 conjuration
Heat Metal  3^ transmutation
Metallic Barricade* 4 conjuration
Conjure Volley 5 conjuration


Plant Growth 3 transmutation
Ebony Wagon* 3 transmutation
Grasping Vine 4 conjuration
Wrath Of Nature 5 evocation


Stinking Cloud 3 conjuration
Adhesive Goo Cover* 3 conjurationR
Vitriolic Sphere 4 evocation
Cloudkill 5 conjuration

Fragmentalist Paradigm's Elements


Faerie Fire 1 evocation
Healing Word 1 evocation
Moonbeam 2 evocation
Daylight 3 evocation
Mass Healing Word 3 evocation
Sickening Radiance 4 evocation
Wall of Light 5 evocation


Disguise Self 1 illusion
Silent Image 1 illusion
Invisibility 2 illusion
Darkness**  3^ evocation
Shadow Blade  3^ illusion
Shadow Of Moil 4 necromancy
Wall of Shadow* 5 evocation


Absorb Elements 1 abjuration
Protection from Evil and Good 1 abjuration
See Invisibility 2 divination
Blink 3 transmutation
Protection From Energy 3 abjuration
Spirit Shroud  4^ necromancy
Hallow 5 evocation


Catapult 1 transmutation
Jump 1 transmutation
Hold Person 2 enchantment
Haste 3 transmutation
Slow 3 transmutation
Dimension Door 4 conjuration
Telekinesis 5 transmutation



A new challenging and complex class for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Made to fit the story of my world, Vifel.

The class is centered around this object called an Elemental Gauntlet, a state-of-the-art piece of technology, that can cast spells and control the elements. It also comes with brand new spells, and some have a new type of component: proficiencies.

The class also enters in tool usage and crafting, concepts that are strongly linked with technology.

Version 2.2.1
Created by Rutherfordio2

Artist Credits:
Cover: Cory Trego-Erdner
Back: Konstantin-Vavilov
Page 4: Vanaikk (Comissioned)
Page 8: Lunar-N-Strain
Page 10: Mathias Kollros

I'm still new and inexperienced in this homebrew thing, but I want to thank my players for hearing my ramblings about my concepts for 2 years now.


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