Expanded Raptors by Sonixverse Labs

by Sonixerse

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Expanded Raptors


Raptors are one of the smallest of all dinosaur species. Although they lack the titanic proportions of their relatives, they make up for it with their intellect, numbers, and speed. As a result, raptors are notorious pack hunters using skirmishing tactics to bring down much larger prey.

Raptors can be identified by their colorful feathers whose unique individual patterns and colors can often can reveal its age, gender, and gender. Additionally, raptors are known to use their feather to disorient their prey, intimidate their rivals, as well as communicate with other members of its packs.

Blood Raptors

These are the most common of all raptor types and are known for their uncanny sense of smell and ability to track their prey. Their pack instincts and superior sense of smell makes them ideal companions or mounts for many hunters and mercenaries. However, these raptors tend to be especially dangerous and unruly whenever they catch the smell of blood which them to enter in a violent feeding frenzy.

Blood Raptor Tactics

Blood raptors are very aggressive and will not shy away from attacking colossal prey or even other apex predators. They tend to hunt in large packs of about 13(3d8) members. Their favored method of hunting is targeting the weakest member of a group and harrying it with a flurry of bites and claws before fleeing beyond the reach of its prey. When the creature is sufficiently bloodied and injured, the raptors close in for the kill latching onto the prey using its hooked claws to slow it down bleeding its to death. If their target is much stronger than it, it will resort to hit and run tactics draining their foes stamina and then swarming it once it is exhausted.

Bone Raptors

Despite their intimidating appearance, bone raptors are quite peaceful creatures, at least other living beings. Although bone raptors are primarily scavengers feasting on corpses, they do possess an instinctual desire to undead as their primary source of food. Their body has adapted to hunt their undying prey causing them to be immune to poison and necrotic energies. Their innate resistances, bone crushing jaws, and their ability to track under make them ideal mounts used by many holy orders to seek out and exterminate the undead. Many necromantic cults also train these creatures as guardians of temples by keeping a generous supply of undead to feed them.

Bone Raptor Tactics

Since bone raptors pursue a rather unique form a prey, their tactics differ greatly from their kin. Instead of stealthily stalking their prey, bone raptor packs tend to lure to ambushes. Bone raptors know the dangers of their undead prey and will rarely engage large hordes of undead directly rather attempting to divert stragglers away from their hordes. Typically, 2(1d4) bone raptors lure roaming undead away from hordes acting as living bait leading their quarry to an ambush where 5(2d4) raptors lie in wait.

Deep Raptors

Deep raptors have developed an alien appearance due to adaptation to living in the Underdark. No longer relying on sight, deep raptors can sense the footfall of creatures through vibrations in the ground and body heat. Their life in the Underdark has also given them hardened scales and particular resistance against poisons and mind altering effects. However, their most notable adaptations are their elongated claws that allow them to climb subterranean ceiling with ease and a barbed stinger used to incapacitate prey.

Deep Raptor Tactics

Deep Raptors hunt in small packs of 5(1d8). Having adapted to living underground, the deep raptors are able to use the shadows to evade detection even by natural denizens of the Underdark. This allows them to stalk and ambush their prey with ease. They use their environment to their advantage often dropping from the ceiling and lunging from tunnels to strike at their quarry. When they attack, deep raptors tend to target one or two creatures quickly overwhelming them and dragging them off to the safety of the pack's lair where they finish it off.

Devil Raptors

Devil raptors are the largest and most dangerous of all raptors. Their superior size, strength, and speed allows packs of these reptiles to easily dominate the local ecosystem, even driving out much larger apex predators. Despite their large size, devil raptors are unnaturally stealthy allowing them to easily ambush their prey. Thanks to their primitive wings, they are able to jump vast distances in a single bound allowing them to traverse the forest canopies with easy while hunting their prey.

Devil Raptor Tactics

Their versatility is what make devil raptors so dangerous. They will stalk potential prey for hours before making a strike sizing up any strengths and weaknesses. If the targets are smaller than them, the each devil raptor will single out a target quickly overwhelming it and dragging it off into the forest before help can arrive. It uses this tactic to separate prey safely from a group or to lure prey into a bigger ambush. For much larger prey, they are not afraid to use their strength to knock their prey off-balance to provide its ally a window for the finishing blow.


Pseudoraptors are the most peculiar species of raptor. Pseudoraptor exhibits a fantastical array of feathers that shimmer with an otherworldy light. Such an appearance hints at possible exposure that their species experienced to the Feywild. However, the most interesting characteristic is that they never form a pack with their own kind. In fact, outside of mating, when they see their other kin as rival and threats engaging in bloody fights with one another. Instead, pseudoraptors use the magical properties of their feathers to enchant other raptors to believe that the pseudoraptor is actually part of its pack. They typically target pack alphas to enter the pack and eventually gaining acceptance from the rest of the pack. If a creature resists its effect, it does its best to either kill or turn the pack against that creature.

Pseudoraptor Tactics

Pseudoraptors rarely engage directly in combat, rather allowing its pack to hunt for it. However, it still does joins hunts to provide aid or to swoop in for the finishing blow. The pseudoraptor has numerous defense if a creature attempts to target it. The mystical patterns of its feathers often daze and distract enemies long enough for its allies to come to its aid. Thanks to its advanced wings in comparison to the rest of its kin, it is able to glide short distance quickly allowing it to escape from harm. However, if corned, pseudoraptors are still just as dangerous as any other raptor due to its sharp claws and teeth.

Pygmy Raptor

Pygmy raptors are the smallest of their kind as most specimens are tiny enough to fit into the palm of most humanoids. But don't let their diminutive size fool you. Despite the limitations of their small form, they still have an appetite for much larger prey. Instead of directly attack their prey, they let others do the work for them. Pygmy raptors are notorious for luring prey to their deaths by luring them larger predators. After the larger predator has had its fill, the pygmy raptors are content with the leftovers which are oftentimes enough to satisfy their tiny bellies for days.

They accomplish this by harassing or stealing items for larger creatures in an effort for it to pursue them. Oftentimes, their use their natural curiosity to their advantage easily gaining the trust and attention of larger prey even to the point of play games with them. However, this is still a ruse to lure its prey to its doom at the hands of a larger predator.

Pygmy Raptor Tactics

Whenever you see one pygmy raptor, there are probably a dozen more nearby out of sight. Even more importantly, there is a good chance that there is a larger predator in the vicinity. Pygmy raptors rarely engage larger creatures on their own, however they will attempt to harass a creature enough to draw its attention and ire to cause them to pursue. Once a creature is in pursuit, they use their small size to easily stay out of the reach of their opponents luring them to the location of a greater predator.

Sometimes pygmy raptors aid larger predators in its hunt harassing the prey with their tiny claws and teeth while keeping clear of the larger creatures. Whether this is an act of aid or an attempt for a premature chunk of meat remains to be seen.

Wolf Raptors

Wolf raptors are a rare species of raptor that reside in frigid environments. Their thick down feather provide them ample protection against the elements as well as sufficiently camouflage with snow and ice. However, they gain their namesake from their uncanny relationship with wolves wherein packs of raptors and wolves hunt and live together. It is believed that such a symbiotic relationship developed as a survival mechanism to compete in the harsh polar ecosystems dominated by megafauna such as dire beasts, remorhazes, and mammoths

Wolf Raptor Tactics

Wolf rapots often hunt in large packs of 2d6(7) and are often accompanied by a similar amount of wolves. Using their superior strength, the raptors latch onto their prey pinning or slowing it down thanks to their hooked claws. This provides an opportunity for the wolves to close in to rip into and finish off their prey. Interestingly enough, these joint packs are listen to a single alpha regardless if it is a wolf or a raptor.

Pack Alpha

Each raptor pack is led by an alpha. Alpha raptors are often chosen through violent but rarely lethal fights for dominance between members of a pack. Members of the pack show absolute loyalty to the alpha unless one wishes to challenge for that role. Below is a template to add one any raptor statblock to differentiate an alpha from the rest of the pack.

Alpha Raptor


Alpha Superiority You can roll for the maximum value of hitpoints for the raptor. For example, an Alpha Blood Raptor would have 40 hitpoints instead of 26(4d8+8).

Alpha Presence Any allied beast within 60ft. that can see the alpha has advantage on saves against being charmed or frightened.


Rally Screech(5-6) Any allied beast within 60ft. that can hear it must has advantage on any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw until the end of its next turn. If that creature takes the Attack action on its turn, it can make one additional melee attack as part of that action.

Legendary Action (3/turn)

Alpha Strike (1/turn) An allied beast within 60ft. that can see or hear it can make one melee attack against a creature within range using it reactions.

Alpha Maneuver (1/turn) An allied beast within 60ft. that can see or hear it can move up to its movmement speed to a spot that it can see without provoking opportunity attack

Alpha Recovery (1/turn) An allied beast within 60ft. that can see or hear that is suffering from a status effect or spell effect can using its reaction to repeat its saving throw.

Adding this template allows allows alphas to make their packs much more dynamic as dangerous as well as providing a method to distinguish it from the rest of its pack. To help with balancing overall encounters, I have found that raising the alpha's challenge rating 2 effectively accounts for its abilities. However, it is important to note that this only applies when the alpha is with its allies.

Raptor Grappling

Since raptors tend to hunt prey much larger than them, this note provides clarification on this mechanic.

When a raptor grapples a creature one size larger than it, the raptor shares the same space as that creature and halves its movement speed for the duration of the grapple.

If the creature is two sizes larger than the raptor, its movement speed is unaffected and that creature counts as difficult terrain for the raptor to traverse.

It is also important to note that creature size also limits how much "space" there is for a raptor to latch onto a creature. I generally rule that the number of raptors that can grapple in this manner is equal to half of the prey's size space divided by the raptor's size space. This number is always rounded down.

For example, if a blood raptor hunts Huge prey(such as a mammoth), only 4 raptors can latch onto it. If a devil raptor hunted a mammoth, only 2 could latch onto it.

Design Notes

To account for the predatory tactics of raptors, I added new abilities such as ambusher and keen senses as a general template for most of their statblocks. Since raptors tend to be rather small in comparison to their larger and often more dangerous prey, they heavily rely of stealth, numbers, and the element of surprise. I also added darkvision to their statblock as many of these creatures were nocturnal hunters

Although the Monster Manual hardly gives them many skill proficiencies, I felt it appropriate to give all raptors proficiency in Athletics and expertise in Perception and Stealth. Athletics appropriately accounts for their ability to pounce and latch onto their prey while Stealth and Perception exhibits their superior tracking and stalking abilities. The only exception was the Pseudoraptor for its tactics rely more on deceiving other creatures to hunt for it rather than doing the work itself.

The final design goal was their grappling and hooked claw mechanics. Firstly, I added a grapple as an innate effect to their claw attack. I did not add a size limit for it would provide a method for a raptor to climb onto the back of larger creatures. Secondly, the hooked claw mechanic provides a way to account for their ability to latch onto their larger prey during a hunt causing it to bleed out from its wounds.

Although this mechanic drastically increases the raptor's damage each round, especially when in large numbers. I believe this change is still appropriate for it illustrates how dangerous these creatures, especially when in large numbers. As a result, many of these raptors have much higher challenge ratings than in the Monster Manual.

Blood Raptor

medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
  • Speed 40ft.,

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +6, Perception +7
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 17
  • Challenge 3(700 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of a combat, the blood raptor has advantage on attack Rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Blood Sense it always knows the direction of a creature below half its hitpoint maximum within 1 mile. This feature does not work on creatures that do not have blood such as constructs and undead.

Blood Frenzy If the blood raptor makes an attack against a creature with less than half its hitpoint maximum, it can make an additional bite attack against that creature as a bonus action.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The blood raptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce If the blood raptor moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the blood raptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Pack Tactics The blood raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The Bllod Raptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 7(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 6(1d6+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 12) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Bone Raptor

medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
  • Speed 40ft.,

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +6, Perception +7
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 17
  • Challenge 2(450 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of acombat, the bone raptor has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Death Sense the bone raptor always knows the direction of an undead creature within 1 mile.

Death Eater If the bone raptor makes an attack against an undead creature, it can make an additional bite attack against that creature as a bonus action.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The bone raptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Necrotic Adaptation Its hitpoint maximum cannot be reduced

Pounce If the bone raptor moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the bone raptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Pack Tactics The bone raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The Bllod Raptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 7(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 6(1d6+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 12) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Deep Raptor

medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
  • Speed 40ft., 40ft. climb

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +6, Perception +7
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned, blinded
  • Senses blindsight 120ft., passive Perception 17
  • Challenge 4(1100 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of a combat, the deep raptor has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The deep raptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce If the deep raptor moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the bone raptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Pack Tactics The deep raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Spider Climb The deep raptor can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Subterranean Skulker The deep raptor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth and Initiative) checks it makes in rocky terrain with or if it is dim light or dakrness. While either or these conditions are met, it can use its bonus action to Hide.

Umber Walker While in darkness, the deep raptor is invisible to any creature that relies on darkvision to see it in that darkness.


Multiattack. The Deep Raptor makes four attacks on its turn: one with its bite, two with its claws, and one with its sting.

Bite. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 7(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 5(1d6+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 12) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Sting +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+2) piercing damage. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 18(4d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Devil Raptor

large beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 68 (8d10+24)
  • Speed 50ft.,

19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +9, Perception +9
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 19
  • Challenge 6(2300 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of acombat, the devil raptor has advantage on attack Rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Forest Skulker The devil raptor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth and Initiative) checks it makes in any terrain with ample obscuring plant life or if it is dim light or dakrness. While either or these conditions are met, it can use its bonus action to Hide.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 4d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The devil raptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce If the devil raptor moves at least 30 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the devil raptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

False Flight The devil raptor can expend all its movement on its turn to jump up to 120 feet vertically or horizontally, provided that is speed is at least 150 feet.

Pack Tactics The devil raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The Devil Raptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. +7 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 13(2d8+4) piercing damage.

Claw. +7 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 11(2d6+4) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 15) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.


medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
  • Speed 50ft.,

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +9, Intimidation +9, Performance +9, Persuasion +9
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 19
  • Challenge 3(700 XP)

Distracting Plumage When a creature targets it with an attack, it can use its reaction to cause that attack to have disadvantage.

Pacifying Feathers When a creature targets it with a attack roll or a harmful spell effect, it must succeed a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This effect doesn't protect against from area effects. On a success, creatures are immune to this effect from this pseudoraptor for 24 hours.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The pseudoraptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce If the pseudoraptor moves at least 30 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the pseudoraptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

False Flight The pseudoraptor can expend all its movement on its turn to jump up to 120 feet vertically or horizontally, provided that is speed is at least 150 feet.

Glide When the pseudoraptor falls and is not incapacitated, the pseudoraptor can subtract up to 100 feet from its fall when calculating fall damage and can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot it falls.

Pack Tactics The pseudoraptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The Pseudoraptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. +5 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 7(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +5 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 6(1d6+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 13) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Charm(1/day) One beast that the raptor can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or be magically charmed by the pseudoraptor. It can make this saving throw with advantage if it is fighting the pseudoraptor. On a success, the creature regards the pseudoraptor as a member of its pack, family, herd, etc and treats it as one of its own. This effect lasts until the pseudoraptor ends it or does anything harmful to that creature. On a success, creatures are indefinitely immune to being charmed in this manner by this pseudoraptor and the creature knows it was fooled by the pseudoraptor.

Pygmy Raptor

tiny beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 10 (3d4+3)
  • Speed 40ft.,

6 (-2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Stealth +6, Perception +7
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 17
  • Challenge 1/2(100 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of acombat, the pygmy raptor has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d4 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The pygmy has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Tiny Form The pygmy raptor can move through the space of any creature that is Small or larger.

Pack Tactics The pygmy raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Nimble Escape Can use bonus action to Disengage or Hide


Multiattack. The pygmy raptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite, two with its claws

Bite. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 8) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Wolf Raptor

medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 26 (6d8+12)
  • Speed 40ft., 40ft. climb

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +6, Perception +7
  • Damage Resistances Cold
  • Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 17
  • Challenge 2(450 XP)

Ambusher In the first round of a combat, the wolf raptor has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Hooked Claws At the start of its turn, a creature grappled by the raptor takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell: The wolf raptor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce If the wolf raptor moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the bone raptor can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Pack Tactics The wolf raptor has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the raptor's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Ice Walker The wolf raptor can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn't cost it extra moment.

Arctic Skulker The wolf raptor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth and Initiative) checks it makes in snowy terrain with or if it is dim light or darkness. While either or these conditions are met, it can use its bonus action to Hide.


Multiattack. The Wolf Raptor makes three attacks on its turn: one with its bite, two with its claws

Bite. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 7(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Claw. +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 6(1d6+2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 12) The raptor can only grapple one creature at a time in this manner. While grappling a target, it cannot make a claw attack against another creature.

Art Credits

Cover Art: Vargas Ni

Bone Raptor: Alex Konstad

Blood Raptor: Nisachar

Deep Raptor: Raph Herrera Lomotan

Devil Raptor: Ryan Pancoast

Pseudoraptor: SilverstarsAdopts

Pygmy Raptor: Temorali

Wolf Raptor: peacheab

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