Barbarian - Path of the Stormborn v2

by ElderArthur

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Path of the Stormborn

Path of the Stormbringer Features
Level Thunder Seeker Thunder Spirit Cast as Per Rest
3rd 1d6 Thunderwave 1st 1
6th 1d8 Warding Wind 2nd 1
10th 1d10 Thunder Step 3rd 2
14th 1d12 Storm Sphere 4th 3
18th 2d8 Destructive Wave 5th 3

Thunder Spirit

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to channel the forces of storms, casting selected spells (see table). You may instinctively use these powers, even while raging. The strength of the spell is always at the level listed ("Cast as") in the table. You may use these powers once per short/long rest (twice at 10th level, three times at 14th level.)

While raging, checks to maintain spell effect concentration automatically succeed.

Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells and you can cast them even while raging.

Ride the Lightning

While raging, you gain the ability to employ these effects:

3rd Level: Thunder Seeker (Cleric Path of Tempest)

Rage damage takes on an electrical manifestation, discharging as the listed additional lightning damage on the first melee attack on your turn. An opponent (Large or smaller) hit can be pushed up to 10 feet away (unless STR save vs. Spellcasting DC). All other attacks "build up charge".

Resistance At 6th level, while raging you resist thunder.
At 10th level, while raging you gain resist lightning.
At 14th level the resistance to lightning becomes immunity.
At 18th level, while raging you can selectively draw all lightning damage within 15 feet of you to you, effectively giving creatures of your choice immunity within that range.

6th Level: Bring Da Boom You can direct falling damage (which you resist while raging) into bonus thunder damage:

  • either as a STR-based physical melee attack
    (+1d6 thunder damage per 1d6 of the falling damage) or
  • into an area effect like Thunderwave or Destructive Wave
    (+1 thunder damage per 1d6 of falling damage)

You fall prone after the attack or effect unless succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) check vs. DC 8+(1/10ft fallen), which allows you to land in "superhero" weapon-ready stance.

This may only be used once. To be able to Bring Da Boom again, you must complete a short or long rest.

14th Level: Eagle Attunement (Totem Warrior Path)

While raging you have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed. This benefit works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing else is holding you aloft (you can move this way ahead of your attack action to intentionally fall and use Bring Da Boom.)

*See also GMBinder Path of the Stormbringer by DracoDruid.*

Path of the Stormbringer v1.2 | by DracoDruid


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