Fighter Buffs & Changes v2

by TheTranMan

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Drict's Fighter

The Fighter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Maneuvers Known Superiority Die Superiority Dice
1st +2 Fighting Style, Second Wind (x1) --- --- ---
2nd +2 Action Surge (x1), Combat Superiority 3 d6 2
3rd +2 Know Thy Enemy, Martial Archetype 3 d6 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 d6 3
5th +3 Extra Attack (x2) 4 d8 3
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 d8 3
7th +3 Archetype Feature 5 d8 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 d8 4
9th +4 Indomitable (x1) 6 d8 4
10th +4 Archetype Feature 6 d8 5
11th +4 Extra Attack (x3) 7 d10 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 d10 5
13th +5 Indomitable (x2) 8 d10 6
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Second Wind (x2) 8 d10 6
15th +5 Archetype Feature 9 d10 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 d10 7
17th +6 Extra Attack (x4), Indomitable (x3) 10 d12 7
18th +6 Archetype Feature 10 d12 7
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 d12 7
20th +6 Action Surge (x2), Relentless 10 d12 8

Class Features

As a fighter, you gain the following features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Consitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per fighter level after 1st


  • Armor: All armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival.


You start with the following equipment.

  • (a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, a longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Fighting Style

At 1st level, you choose a Fighting Style that best reflects your training. You cannot select a Fighting Style more than once, even if a feature allows you to select another Fighting Style.

You can read all of the Fighting Styles: here or further down in the Document.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can switch your Fighting Style for another Fighting Style of your choice.

Second Wind

Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you do so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.

When you reach 14th level in this class, you can use this feature twice before you must finish a short or long rest.

Action Surge

Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Combat Superiority

At 2nd level, your training sets you apart from other warriors. This skill is represented by Combat Maneuvers that you can use in combination with your attacks, ability checks, and saving throws. They are fueled by a pool of special Superiority Dice.

Superiority Dice

The Fighter table shows how many Superiority Dice you have to perform your Combat Maneuvers. To use a Maneuver, you must expend one of these Dice. You can only use one Maneuver per attack, ability check, or saving throw and you regain all Superiority Dice when you finish a short or long rest. When you are out of Superiority Dice, you can spend your Hit Dice in place of a Superiority Dice.

Maneuvers Known

You know three Maneuvers of your choice from the list at the end of this class description. The Maneuvers Known column of the Fighter table shows when you learn more Maneuvers of your choice. When you gain a level, you can choose one Maneuver you know and replace it with another Maneuver of your choice.

Saving Throws

If a Maneuver requires a creature to make a saving throw, your Maneuver saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Maneuver Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)

Know Thy Enemy

Starting at 3rd level, you can measure the martial prowess of other creatures in comparison to your own. As an action, choose a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You then learn if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regards to one of the following attributes of your choice:

Armor Class Strength Score
Current or Total Hit Points Dexterity Score
Proficiency Bonus Constitution Score
Fighter Class Levels Maneuvers Known

Once you learn something about a creature, you can't use this feature on that creature again until you finish a long rest.

When you reach 14th level in this class, you can use this feature as either an action or a bonus action on your turn.

Martial Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate in you combat styles and techniques. The archetype you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.


Beginning at 9th level, when you fail a saving throw, you can choose to re-roll that saving throw with a bonus equal to your Fighter level, possibly turning a failure into a success. You must use the new roll. If you succeed on the save using this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

As you gain levels in this class, you gain additional uses of this feature; at 13th level (twice), and 17th level (thrice). However, you can only use this feature once per saving throw.


Upon reaching 20th level, your skill in battle rivals that of legendary heroes. When you roll initiative and have no uses of Superiority Dice left, you regain all uses.

Fighter Subclass Buffs

Arcane Archer

Arcane Shot

3rd-level Fighter feature

You have uses of Arcane Shot equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when oyu finish a short or long rest.

Eldritch Knight

War Magic

7th-level Fighter feature

Starting at 7th level, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, you can cast one of your Cantrips in place of one of those attacks.


Fighting Spirit

3rd-level Fighter feature

You gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Level whenever you use Fighting Spirit.

You also have an amount of uses of Fighting Spirit equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Additional Fighter Fighting Styles

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Classic Swordplay

While you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and nothing else (including a shield), you gain a +2 bonus to your damage rolls and a +2 to your Armor Class so long as you are not wearing heavy armor.

Close-Quarters Marksman

When making a ranged weapon attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half-cover and three-quarters cover within 30 feet of you.

Defensive Fighting

While wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Dual-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability score modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack.

Once per turn, when you use two-weapon fighting, you can perform the off-hand attack as part of your Attack action instead of as a bonus action.


When ever you attack with a weapon that has the versatile property in one hand, you can roll damage as if you were holding it in both hands.

Featherweight Fighting

While you are wielding only light weapons, your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you gain a +2 bonus to your damage rolls, so long as you are not wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or wielding a shield.

Great Weapon Fighting

Whenever you attack with a weapon that you are wielding with two hands, if you roll a 1 on the damage die, track those results, and reroll the damage. Additional 1s continue to trigger this Fighting Style, and once you stop, tally the total damage of the attack including the total rerolled 1s. The weapon must have the heavy, versatile, or two-handed property to gain this benefit.

Heavy Fighting

You use your weight and the weight of your weapon to land devastating blows. While you are wielding a heavy weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls and to Strength (Athletics) checks.

Improvised Fighting

You gain proficiency with improvised weapons.

Once per turn, when you hit with a improvised weapon attack, you can roll the damage die twice and take the higher roll. When you do this, the improvised weapon is destroyed and cannot be used for further attacks. The improvised weapon isn't destroyed if it is a magical object.


When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a melee weapon to use this reaction.

Marine Fighting

When you are not wearing heavy armor, or using a shield, you have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Mounted Fighting

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack while riding a mount, you can force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a Large or smaller target is knocked prone.


When an ally that you can see within 5 feet of you is the target of an attack, you can use your Reaction to swap places with that ally, causing the attack to target you instead. You can resolve this reaction whether or not the attack is rolled beforehand, taking the hit if it would hit your AC.

Shield Fighting

You can use your wielded shield as a martial melee weapon. On a hit, you deal 2d4 bludgeoning damage. If you are wielding a shield and no other weapons, you gain a +1 bonus to your damage rolls with shield attacks, and to your Armor Class. A magical shield's +1-3 bonus also counts towards your attack and damage rolls with it, in addition to your AC.

Standard Bearer

When a creature within 30 feet of you makes an attack against a creature you that you can see, you can grant them advantage on their attack roll as a reaction. You must be carrying a banner, flag, or standard in your hand to use this reaction.

Superior Shooting

Whenever you attack with a ranged weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with it.

Superior Technique

You learn one maneuver of your choice from among those available to the Combat Superiority feature. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

You gain one superiority die, which is a d4 (this dice is added to any superiority dice you have from another source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Thrown Weapon Fighting

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon.

In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Unarmed Fighting

Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding any weapons or a shiled when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8.


When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can attempt to grapple that creature as a bonus action on that turn, so long as your have a free hand to do so. Also, you can drag grappled creatures up to your full movement speed.

At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature you're grappling.

Battle-Master Maneuvers

Listed below are the Combat Maneuvers available to the fighter. Each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace one Maneuver you know with another Maneuver of your choice. These maneuvers are presented in alphabetical order.


When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check or an Initiative Roll, you can expend one Superiority Die and add it to the roll, provided you aren't incapacitated.

Bait and Switch

When you're within 5 feet of a creature on your turn, you can expend one Superiority Die and switch places with that creature, provided you spend at least 5 feet of movement and the creature is willing and isn't incapacitated. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Roll the Superiority Die. Until the start of your next turn, you or the other creature (your choice) gains a bonus to AC equal to the number rolled.

Blinding Strike

As a bonus action, you can expend a Superiority Dice and force a creature within 10 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes piercing damage equal to your Superiority Die and is blinded until the start of your next turn.

Brace Attack

When a creature you can see moves into the reach you have with a melee weapon you're wielding, you can use your reaction to expend one Superiority Die and make one attack against the creature, using that weapon. If the attack hits, add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll.

Brace Up

As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend a Superiority Dice to grant yourself temporary hit points equal to your Superiority Die + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Brutal Attack

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to deal additional damage to the target equal to two rolls of your Superiority Die.

Charlatan's Guile

When you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or a Charisma (Deception) check, you can expend a Superiority Dice and add it to the ability check.

Commanding Presence

When you make a Charisma (Intimidation), a Charisma (Performance), or a Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can expend one Superiority Dice and add it to the ability check.

Defensive Stance

As a bonus action, you can expend one Superiority Dice to enter a defensive stance. You gain a bonus to your AC equal to half the rolled result of your Superiority Dice (min 1), until the start of your next turn.

Dirty Hit

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force the creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes additional damage to your Superiority Die, and until the start of your next turn, it cannot take reactions and its movement speed is halved.

Disarming Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes additional damage equal to your Superiority Die, and it drops one item that it is currently holding (your choice) at its feet.

Disorienting Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes additional damage equal to your Superiority Die, and on its next turn its speed is halved, and it can either use an action or a bonus action, but not both.

Distracting Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to temporary weaken their defences. The first attack made against the target before the start of your next turn is made with advantage, and on a hit, the attack deals additional damage equal to your Superiority Die.

Feat of Strength

When you make a Strength check or saving throw, you can expend one Superiority Dice and add it to your roll.

Feinting Attack

As a bonus action, you can expend one Superiority Dice to feint one creature within 10 feet of you. You have advantage on your next attack roll against that creature this turn. If that attack hits, you add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll.

First Aid

When you make a Wisdom (Medicine) check, you can expend one Superiority Dice and add it to the ability check. The target of this check also gains Hit Points equal to the result of the Superiority Die, though Constructs and Undead cannot benefit from this feature.

Grappling Strike

Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack on your turn, you can expend one Superiority Dice and then try to grapple the target as a bonus action. Add the Superiority Die to your Strength (Athletics) check).

Lunging Attacks

When you make melee weapon attacks with the Attack Action on your turn, you can expend one Superiority Die to increase your reach by 5 feet. Your reach is extended by this feature until the end of combat.

Maneuvering Attack

When you hit a creature within a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to maneuver one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. You add the Superiority Die to the attack's damage roll, and you choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Menacing Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to attempt to frighten the target. You add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Mighty Leap

When you make a running or standing jump, you can expend one Superiority Dice to increase the distance of your jump by a number of feet equal to one roll of your Superiority Die + your Strength modifier, even if the distance of the jump would exceed your remaining movement speed for that turn.

Quick Toss

As a bonus action, you can expend one Superiority Dice and make a ranged attack with a weapon that has the thrown property. You can draw the weapon as part of making this attack. If you hit, add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll.


When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice as a reaction to force them to repeat their attack against a target of your choice within their reach.


When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to expend one Superiority Dice, adding it to your Armor Class against that attack. If the attack misses, you can immediately make one weapon attack against the attacker.

Rushing Attack

As a bonus action, you can expend one Superiority Dice to move up to your full movement towards a hostile creature and make one melee weapon attack against that creature. On a hit, you deal additional damage equal to your Superiority Die.

Shield Impact

As a reaction when you are hit by an attack and are wielding a shield, you can expend one Superiority Dice to reduce the damage by an amount equal to twice your Superiority Die + your Proficiency Bonus.

Suppressing Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll, and it is either deafened or it cannot speak (your choice) until the start of your next turn.

Tactical Assessment

When you make an Intelligence (Investigation), an Intelligence (History), or a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can expend one Superiority Dice and add it to the ability check.


As a bonus action, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force a creature within 60 feet of you that can see or hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on any attack roll it makes against a target other than you until the start of your next turn.

Thrusting Attack

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pushed away from you in a straight line equal to a number of feet equal to five times your Strength modifier (minimum of 5 feet).

Trip Attack

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to force it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, you add the Superiority Die to the weapon's damage roll, and it falls prone.

Whirlwind Attack

As an action, you can expend a Superiority Dice to make a melee attack against any number of creatures within your reach, making a separate attack roll for each target. On a hit, targets take damage of your weapon's type equal to your Superiority Die + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

Wild Attack

As part of a weapon attack, you can expend one Superiority Dice to attack recklessly. You have advantage on your attack roll, but you subtract your Superiority Die from your attack roll. On a hit, you deal additional damage equal to twice your Superiority Die.

Time to

Fight Better

The Cover Picture is sourced from Fan Art of Dragon's Dogma, which is one of my most favorite games of all time.

Fighting fighters that aren't like angry fighters (Barbarians) or holy fighters (Paladins) have this niche that's hard to get images for that aren't just Soldier-man.

Version 2.2

Created and Clearly Made Overpowered by /u/tranborg

Most of this Homebrew is sourced from revisions of Laserllama's Alternate Fighter, which is an excellent take on revising the Fighter Class and its Subclasses.

Artist Credits:

Additional Homebrew content by Drict can be found for free on GM Binder.


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