
by CanceRevolution

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Gnolls are hyena-headed, humanoid creatures that stand taller and bulkier than the average human. Their hunched postures, coupled with their lean muscular frames, give them a distinctive and menacing silhouette. Their mottled fur ranges from dark brown to dusty yellow, providing them natural camouflage in the wild. Long, powerful limbs end in sharp claws, and their wide maws boast rows of jagged teeth. Intense, yellow eyes shine with intelligence and a consistent gleam of mischief or malice.

Gnolls are insatiable in their hunger for violence and destruction. Driven by an inherent need for chaos, they roam the lands in marauding bands, pillaging villages and taking prisoners for either slaves or food. Their society is tribal, with a strict hierarchy determined by brute strength and combat prowess. Although often perceived as mere beasts, gnolls possess a cunning intelligence that they utilize in warfare, combining their predatory instincts with calculated strategy. Ritualistic and superstitious, they are known to offer sacrifices to their demonic patron, hoping to gain favor and blessings for their bloodthirsty endeavors.

Tier 1


Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 1, Challenge Point 1, XP: 1


AC 9 AP 0
HP 7 Posture 4
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 12
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 25 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +1 INT -3 WIS +2 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

Actions (1)

  • Bite Hit +3, Dmg 1d6 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 11), or start Bleeding (1d4)

Trained Gnoll

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 1, Challenge Point 4, XP: 4


AC 12 AP 0
HP 19 Posture 12
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 12
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +4 INT -3 WIS +2 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

Actions (1)

  • Bite Hit +4, Dmg 1d6 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 12), or start Bleeding (1d6).
  • Scimitar Hit +4, Dmg 1d6 slash or thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 12), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Tier 2

Gnoll Pack Leader

Large, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 8, XP: 16


AC 16 AP 1
HP 38 Posture 20
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +4 CHA +2
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3

Villain Action

  • Boss Presence At the start of each round, you can make 1 Gnoll appears on the battlefield.


  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a friendly creature within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

Actions (2)

  • Bite Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Starving Gnoll

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 1, XP: 2


AC 8 AP 0
HP 6 Posture 1
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 25 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +0 INT -2 WIS -2 CHA -4
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

Actions (1)

  • Bite Hit +4, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 12), or start Bleeding (1d6).


  • Blood Feast As a Reaction, you can make 1 Attack when a creature takes bleed damage.

Gnoll Hunter

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8


AC 16 AP 1
HP 22 Posture 12
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +4 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.
  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +6, Spell DC (14)

Actions (2)

  • Bite Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).
  • Longbow Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 +2 thrust.
  • Ranged Weapon (120/300)

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast following spells:
  • At will: Hunter's Mark

Gnoll Warrior

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8


AC 14/ +1 Shield AP 3
HP 22 Posture 12
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +4 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

Actions (2)

  • Bite Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).
  • Macuahuitl Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 slash
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Bonus Action

  • Forced Posture You can gain 4 Posture.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.

Gnoll Shaman

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 2, XP: 4


AC 12 AP 0
HP 12 Posture 10
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 16
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 25 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +6 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.
  • Spell Skill: Spell Hit: +6, Spell DC (14)

Actions (1)

  • Bite Hit +4, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 12), or start Bleeding (1d6)
  • Cast Spell You cast the following spells:
  • At will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, Fire Orb,
    Frost Bite, Minor Lightning.

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • At will: Hex

Gnoll Cleaver

Medium, Monstrosity

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8


AC 16 AP 1
HP 20 Posture 14
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +6 INT -1 WIS +4 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

  • Cleaver If you deal slash damage with an Attack, you can choose 1 other creature within your reach. That creature must succeed on a Agility Save (DC 14), or also take 1 hit from that same Attack.

Actions (2)

  • Bite Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).
  • Scimitar Hit +6, Dmg 1d6 slash or thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Tier 3

Two Headed Gnoll

Large, Monstrosity

Tier 3, Challenge Point 15, XP: 45


AC 14 AP 4
HP 98 Posture 53
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 18
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +8 DEX +6 INT -1 WIS +8 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

  • Double Heads You gain advantage on all your Perception Checks, and you also have 2 Reactions, but cannot use all of them at once.

  • You also gain advantage on all Saves that would make you become Blinded, Deafened, Surprised, Confused, Scared, or Enchanted.

Actions (2)

  • Bite Hit +8, Dmg 1d12 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 16), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Reactions (2)

  • Blood Feast As a Reaction, you can make 1 Attack when a creature takes bleed damage.

Gnoll Cerberus

Enormous, Monstrosity

Tier 3, Challenge Point 28, XP: 84


AC 14 AP 4
HP 177 Posture 93
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 19
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX +6 INT -1 WIS +9 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Bite 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.

  • Triple Heads You gain advantage on all your Perception Checks, and you also have 3 Reactions, but cannot use all of them at once.

  • You also gain advantage on all Saves that would make you become Blinded, Deafened, Surprised, Confused, Scared, or Enchanted.

Actions (3)

  • Bite Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 17), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Reactions (3)

  • Blood Feast As a Reaction, you can make 1 Attack when a creature takes bleed damage.