
by CanceRevolution

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Wights are formidable undead entities trapped between realms, unable to find peace and transition to the next plane of existence. Often enveloped in mist, their eerie presence can send shivers down the spines of the living.

Traditionally, wights are thought to dwell in places saturated with death, such as burial mounds, graveyards, and other sites tied to the deceased. They are most active at night, particularly between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice, a period referred to as the "wild hunt." During these shadowed months, wights are believed to traverse the land, pursuing and terrorizing those unlucky enough to cross their path.

Yet, not all wights emerge from tormented spirits. Some are conjured through arcane magic to serve powerful spellcasters. These magically-created wights often guard sacred sites, treasured relics, or pivotal figures. However, when such wights break free from their bindings, they are feared for their volatile and unpredictable nature.

Tier 3

Wight Assassin

Medium, Undead

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Dark Cursed Weapon (Rare Weapon)


AC 18 AP 1
HP 64 Posture 37
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Dark, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Senses Dark Vision
  • Language Dark Common


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +7 INT +0 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Assassin Once per round, when you hit a Surprised creature, you can deal extra 2d12 damage.

  • Undead Plague When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive.

  • Undead Mind You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared.

Actions (2)

  • Scimitar Hit +7, Dmg 1d6 slash or thrust + 1 dark
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 15), or start Bleeding (1d6).

Bonus Action

  • Quick Hide You can Hide as a Bonus Action.


  • Evasion When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +3 bonus to your AC, potentially making that Attack miss instead.

Wight Berserker

Large, Undead

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Dark Cursed Weapon (Rare Weapon)


AC 16 AP 3
HP 90 Posture 38
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Dark, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Senses Dark Vision
  • Language Dark Common


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +10 DEX -2 INT +0 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Frenetic Rage On the end of each creature turn, you can make 1 Attack against it if possible.


  • Undead Plague When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive.

  • Undead Mind You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared.

Actions (2)

  • Colossal Hammer Hit +10, Dmg 2d8 strike + 2 dark
  • Heavy: You can gain advantage with this Attack, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage until the start of your next turn after this Attack.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet
  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore all AP. You also deal extra 1d8 damage against creatures with Posture.

Wight Knight

Medium, Undead

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Dark Cursed Weapon (Rare Weapon)


AC 16 / +3 Shield AP 3
HP 67 Posture 34
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Dark, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Senses Dark Vision
  • Language Dark Common


Base 30 Climb/Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +3 INT +0 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make an Undead creature within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.
  • Great Shield While wielding the Great Shield, you are also in harsh terrain.

  • Undead Plague When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive.

  • Undead Mind You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared.

Actions (2)

  • Longsword Hit +7,Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust+ 2 dark

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12 slash or thrust

  • Lance Hit +7, Dmg 2d6 thrust + 2 dark

  • Heavy: You can gain advantage with this Attack, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage until the start of your next turn after this Attack.

  • Wide Reach: The reach of this weapon is 15 feet, but you cannot Attack creatures within 10 feet.

  • Mount Weapon: Needs two hands to be wielded, unless you are mounted.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you Dash and move at least 20 feet, you can add 1d6 to the next damage roll you make with this weapon this turn, ignoring all AP.

Wight Mage

Medium, Undead

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Dark Cursed Wand (Rare Wand)


AC 18 AP 1
HP 44 Posture 24
Mana 20
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Dark, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Senses Dark Vision
  • Language Dark Common


Base 30 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +4 INT +8 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Dark Cursed Wand Once per round, when you deal cold or dark damage, you can deal extra 1d8 dark damage.

  • Undead Plague When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive.

  • Undead Mind You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared.

  • Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:

  • Create Simple Undead, Create Undead, Fake Terrain, Divination, Identify Object, Locate, Invisible Eye, Talk to the Dead, Zone of Truth

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)

  • Necromancer You don't lose HP when casting Necromancy spells that drain your own HP.

Actions (1)

  • Cast Spell: You can cast the following Spells:
  • At will: Dark Orb, Sense Good & Evil, Frost Bite
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Dark Pulse, Cold Whisper,
    Poison Person, Putrid Flesh
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Frost Wind, Shadow Ball,
    Poisonous Spray, Revive
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Dark Ray, Freezing Weather


  • Cast Spell: You can cast the following Spells:
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Counter Spell

Nightmare Ride

Large, Undead

Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15


AC 14 AP 1
HP 48 Posture 28
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Dark, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Senses Dark Vision
  • Language None


Base/Fly (Hover) 30 Climb 0/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +8 DEX +4 INT -3 WIS +4 CHA -2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Fast You are always on Fast Terrain

  • Undead Plague When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive.

  • Undead Mind You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared.

Actions (2)

  • Hooves Hit+8,Dmg 1d10 strike + 1d6 fire
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 16) or be Ignited (1d6).
  • Knocker: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 16), or become Knocked Prone. This Attack deals double Posture damage


  • Relentless If you would be reduced to 0 HP by a damage that isn't Fatal, you can use your Reaction to make an Endurance Save (DC 15). On a success, you are reduced to 1 HP instead.