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### Meat Blob "Meat blobs are a grotesque and unsettling type of undead creature, typically encountered in dark, forgotten locations such as crypts, dungeons, and catacombs. These entities are composed of reanimated pieces of flesh and organs, magically forged into a writhing, decaying mass that moves with a nauseating, jerky motion. Despite their repellent appearance, meat blobs are surprisingly durable and challenging to obliterate. Their only discernible weakness is their sluggish movement. Furthermore, they possess the extraordinary ability to regenerate damaged tissue, making them a formidable adversary even for the most accomplished warriors. The most disturbing feature of meat blobs is their capability to assimilate other beings into their mass. They can engulf smaller animals and even other undead creatures, absorbing their flesh and integrating it into their own undulating mass. Those unfortunate enough to be ensnared by a meat blob are gradually dissolved and incorporated into the creature's body, becoming an indistinguishable part of the undead mass forever. Few who encounter a meat blob survive to recount the tale, and those who do are frequently traumatized for life by the experience." \pagebreak ### Tier 3
___ ___ > ## Meat Blob >*Medium, Undead* > >*Tier 3, Challenge Point 3, XP: 9* > > ### Attributes >|**AC** 4 |**AP** 4 | >|:-|:-| > |**HP** 39 | **Posture** 12 | > - **Damage Immunities:** Acid, Poison, Psychic > - **Passive Insight/ Perception** 6 > - **Language** None > ### Movement >|**Base** 15 | **Climb/Swim** 25 | **Dash** 50| >|:-|:-:|-:| > ### Stats + Skills >|**STR** +9 |**DEX** -4 |**INT** -5 |**WIS** -4 |**CHA** -4| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| > - **LU -4:** Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 4 > > > ### Villain Action > > - **Carnage** When you kill a creature, you regain 20 HP. > >\columnbreak > > > ### Abilities > > - **Dark Regeneration** You regain 1d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any light damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn. > > > - **Undead Mind** You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared. > > - **Prone Persistance** You are always Knocked Prone > > ### Actions (2) > - **Phagocytose** *Hit* +9, *Dmg* 1d8 strike + 1d8 acid > - *Corrosion:* Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage. > - *Grapple:* On a hit, the target becomes Grappled by you. You can Grapple 1 Medium or smaller creature at once. > ### Reactions > - **Relentless** If you would be reduced to 0 HP by a damage that isn't Fatal, you can use your Reaction to make an Endurance Save (DC 15). On a success, you are reduced to 1 HP instead. \pagebreak ___ ___ > ## Acid Meat Spitter >*Medium, Undead* > >*Tier 3, Challenge Point 3, XP: 9* > > ### Attributes >|**AC** 4 |**AP** 4 | >|:-|:-| > |**HP** 33 | **Posture** 8 | > - **Damage Immunities:** Acid, Poison, Psychic > - **Passive Insight/ Perception** 6 > - **Language** None > ### Movement >|**Base** 15 | **Climb/Swim** 25 | **Dash** 50| >|:-|:-:|-:| > ### Stats + Skills >|**STR** +9 |**DEX** -4 |**INT** -5 |**WIS** -4 |**CHA** -4| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| > - **LU -4:** Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 4 > > ### Villain Action > > - **Carnage** When you kill a creature, you regain 20 HP. > > ### Abilities > > - **Dark Regeneration** You regain 1d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any light damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn. > > > - **Undead Mind** You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared. > > - **Prone Persistance** You are always Knocked Prone > > ### Actions (2) > - **Acid Spit** *Hit* +9, *Dmg* 2d6 acid > - *Acid Trace:* Regardless of whether you hit the Attack, the target and every creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 17) or take 1d6 acid damage. > - *Corrosion:* Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage. > - *Ranged Weapon (30/60)* > ### Reactions > - **Relentless** If you would be reduced to 0 HP by a damage that isn't Fatal, you can use your Reaction to make an Endurance Save (DC 15). On a success, you are reduced to 1 HP instead. \pagebreak ___ ___ > ## Meat Core >*Enormous, Undead* > >*Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60* > > ### Attributes >|**AC** 4 |**AP** 4 | >|:-|:-| > |**HP** 211 | **Posture** 96 | > - **Damage Immunities:** Acid, Poison, Psychic > - **Passive Insight/ Perception** 6 > - **Language** None > ### Movement >|**Base** 30 | **Climb/Swim** 30 | **Dash** 60| >|:-|:-:|-:| > ### Stats + Skills >|**STR** +11 |**DEX** -4 |**INT** -5 |**WIS** -4 |**CHA** -4| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| > - **LU -4:** Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 4 > > > ### Villain Action > > - **Carnage** When you kill a creature, you regain 20 HP. > - **Meat Born** For every 50 HP you lose on a round, you can give birth to 1 *Meat Blob* or *Acid Meat Spitter*, which takes its turn after you. > > ### Abilities > > - **Dark Regeneration** You regain 2d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any light damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn. > > - **Heavy Impact** When you hit an Attack against a Medium or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 19), or be pushed 20 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone. > - **Undead Plague** When you kill a creature, it turns into an Undead with the same Tier it had while alive. > > - **Undead Mind** You are immune to being Confused, Enchanted or Scared. > > - **Prone Persistance** You are always Knocked Prone > > ### Actions (2) > - **Phagocytose** *Hit* +11, *Dmg* 2d8 strike + 1d8 acid > - *Corrosion:* Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage. > - *Grapple:* On a hit, the target becomes Grappled by you. You can Grapple 1 Large or smaller creature at once. > - **Acid Blob Spit** *Hit* +11, *Dmg* 1d8 strike + 1d8 acid > - *Acid Trace:* Regardless of whether you hit the Attack, the target and every creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 19) or take 1d8 acid damage. > - *Corrosion:* Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage. > - *Ranged Weapon (30/60)* > ### Reactions > - **Relentless** If you would be reduced to 0 HP by a damage that isn't Fatal, you can use your Reaction to make an Endurance Save (DC 15). On a success, you are reduced to 1 HP instead.