Hags are malevolent, witch-like creatures steeped in dark magic and ancient curses. Drawing from the blackest corners of folklore and nightmare, these crones are embodiments of malevolence and corruption. They vary in appearance, often taking the form of grotesque, aged women with withered skin, elongated fingers, and twisted features that hint at their supernatural origins. Whether lurking in the foul marshes, dense woods, or near crumbling ruins, a hag's lair is always filled with eerie trinkets and the remnants of dark rituals. The very air around them is thick with menace, and the night soundscape is tainted with their cackling laughter or haunting lullabies.
Tier 2
Young Hag
Medium, Fey
Tier 2, Challenge Point 2, XP: 4
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 12 AP 0 HP 7 Posture 8
- Passive Insight/ Perception 14
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +2 WIS +4 CHA +1
- LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +4, Spell DC (12)
Action (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, False Life, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Medium, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 12 AP 0 HP 15 Posture 14 Mana 4
- Passive Insight/ Perception 16
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +3 WIS +6 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +6, Spell DC (14)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate
Action (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, False Life, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals
Level 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness,
Dark Pulse,Hypnotize, Putrid Flesh, Red MetalBonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Tier 3
Necromancer Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Undead
Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory),
Dark Cursed Wand (Rare Wand)Attributes
AC 14 AP 1 HP 59 Posture 38 Mana 20
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Dark Common, Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
Horrifying Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become completely Blinded and Scared of you for 1 turn.
Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Dark Cursed Wand Once per round, when you deal cold or dark damage, you can deal extra 1d8 dark damage.
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Necromancer You don’t lose HP when casting Necromancy spells that drain your own HP.
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Talk to the Dead, Create Simple Undead, Create Undead, Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye
Action (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb,
Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to AnimalsLevel 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse,
Hypnotize, Red Metal, Putrid FleshLevel 2 (2 Mana): Blood Drain, Create Fear, Dispell, Revive, Shadow Ball
Level 3 (4 Mana): Dark Ray, Natural Decay
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Green Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Plant
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 14 AP 1 HP 29 Posture 23 Mana 20
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Elvish, Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, ScryingAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, False Life, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals
Level 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Cure Wounds, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Red Metal
Level 2 (2 Mana): Plant, Growth, Revive
Level 3 (4 Mana): Mass Healing
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Clay Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Construct
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 16 AP 2 HP 46 Posture 26 Mana 4
- Passive Insight/ Perception 16
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 25 Climb/ Swim 20 Dash 40 Stats + Skills
STR +6 DEX -1 INT +4 WIS +6 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +6, Spell DC (14)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Tiny Doll Servant
Action (1)
Clay Strike Hit +6, Dmg 1d12 strike
Burrowed Mass: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 14), or become Contained and Immobilized for 1 turn.
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Alter Body, Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals
Level 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness,
Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Red MetalBonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Sea Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Beast
Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 18 AP 1 HP 59 Posture 38 Mana 10
- Passive Insight/ Perception 28
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base/ Swim (Breath) 25 Climb 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +8 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
Horrifying Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become completely Blinded and Scared of you for 1 turn.
Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Blood Frenzy: Once per round, you can Attack 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.
Electrical Sensors Your Passive Insight/ Perception is increased by 10, but you become completely Blinded for 1 turn when you take electric damage.
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Water Ambusher You gain advantage on Stealth Checks while underwater. In addition, creatures that are not fully submerge in water are considered completely Blinded when interacting with you.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Rain DanceAction (1)
Shark Bite Hit +8, Dmg 1d10 thrust
Bloody Hit: If you deal damage to the HP of a creature, it starts Bleeding (1d6).
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals, Water Dart
Level 1 (1 Mana): Blood Skull, Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Putrid Flesh
Level 2 (2 Mana): Blood Drain, Hydro Pump
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Level 2 (2 Mana): Force Bleed
Illusionist Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 14 AP 1 HP 58 Posture 38 Mana 30
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language All Languages
Base 25 Climb/ Swim 5 Dash 10 Stats + Skills
STR -2 DEX +4 INT +6 WIS +8 CHA +8
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
Enchanted Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become Enchanted by you for 1 turn.
Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Fake TerrainAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, Hologram, Invisibility, Minor Illusion, Sense Good & Evil,
Sense Magic, Talk to AnimalsLevel 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse,
Fake Pressure, HypnotizeLevel 2 (2 Mana): Psychedelic Colors, Psychic Illusion
Level 3 (4 Mana): Grand Illusion, True Invisibility
Level 4 (6 Mana): False Identity
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex, Restoration
Level 3 (4 Mana): False Self
Chronomancer Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 14 AP 1 HP 29 Posture 23 Mana 10
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +8 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Invisible Eye, FlashbackAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Dark Orb, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic
Level 1 (1 Mana): Grow & Shrink Body, Levitate, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Red Metal
Level 2 (2 Mana): Accelerate, Slow
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Wood Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Plant
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 16 AP 2 HP 29 Posture 23 Mana 10
- Damage Weakness Fire
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Plant Regeneration You regain 2d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any fire damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Find Familiar
Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Oak ArmorAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb,
Minor Illusion, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to Animals, Thorn StrikeLevel 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Red Metal
Level 2 (2 Mana): Poisonous Spray
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Level 2 (2 Mana): Conjure Sentient Vine
Burning Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend/ Elemental
Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 18 AP 0 HP 38 Posture 28 Mana 20
- Damage Immunities Fire
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Elemental Speech (Ignan), Sylvan
Base/ Fly (Hover) 30 Climb/ Swim 5 Dash 10 Stats + Skills
STR -2 DEX +8 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
Horrifying Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become completely Blinded and Scared of you for 1 turn.
Spread Fire When you deal fire damage, you also regain HP equal to half fire damage dealt
Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fire Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 16) or take 1d6 fire damage and become Ignited (1d6).
Fire Form Any creature that touches you directly (like grappling or mounting) becomes Ignited (1d6). You also take 10 cold damage for every 5 feet you move on water, or whenever you take damage from a spell or similar effect that splashes a lot of water.
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, ScryingAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb, Fire Orb,
Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to AnimalsLevel 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Hypnotize
Level 2 (2 Mana): Fireball
Level 3 (4 Mana): Fire Barrier
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Blight Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 14 AP 1 HP 29 Posture 23 Mana 10
- Damage Immunities: Acid, Poison
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Invisible Eye
Action (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Dark Orb, Minor Acid Spray, Minor Illusion, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Poison Sting
Level 1 (1 Mana): Acid Spits, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Red Metal, Scorpion's Tail
Level 2 (2 Mana): Acid Spray, Poisonous Spray
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Blood Hag
Medium, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 14 AP 1 HP 29 Posture 23 Mana 10
- Passive Insight/ Perception 18
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language Sylvan
Base 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20 Stats + Skills
STR -1 DEX +4 INT +4 WIS +8 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
- Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Blood Curse: You are always Bleeding (1d4), but any bleed damage you take is first reduced by 4.
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Invisible Eye
Action (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Blood Slash, Dark Orb, Minor Illusion,
Sense Good & Evil, Sense MagicLevel 1 (1 Mana): Blood Skull, Darkness, Hypnotize
Level 2 (2 Mana): Blood Drain
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Level 2 (2 Mana): Force Bleed
Tier 4
Ancient Hag
Large, Fey/ Fiend
Tier 4, Challenge Point 40, XP: 160
Special Loot: Sabbath Ring (rare accessory)
AC 15 AP 1 HP 250 Posture 130 Mana 50
- Passive Insight/ Perception 20
- Senses Dark Vision
- Language All Languages
Base 35 Climb/ Swim 20 Dash 40 Stats + Skills
STR +10 DEX +5 INT +10 WIS +10 CHA -3
- LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1
Villain Action
Call Hags When you roll for Initiative, you can create any Hag of your choice.
Horrifying Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 18), or become completely Blinded and Scared of you for 1 turn.
Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells.
Villain Mana When you start your turn with 0 Mana, you can regain 1d4 Mana.
Curse Immunity You are immune against all Curses
Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.
Spell Skill Spell Hit: +10, Spell DC (18)
Necromancer You don’t lose HP when casting Necromancy spells that drain your own HP.
Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:
Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate,
Create Simple Undead, Create Undead,
Talk to the Dead, Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye,
Circle of TeleportationAction (1)
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Conjure Minor Vines, Dark Orb,
Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Talk to AnimalsLevel 1 (1 Mana): Conjure Vines, Darkness, Dark Pulse, Hypnotize, Putrid Flesh
Level 2 (2 Mana): Dispell, Shadow Ball, Revive
Level 3 (4 Mana): Natural Decay
Level 4 (6 Mana): Banishment
Level 5 (10 Mana): Black Plague, Disintegrate
Level 6 (14 Mana): Forced Polymorph
Bonus Action
Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
At Will: Hex
Level 5 (10 Mana): Danse Macabre
- Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
- Level 3 (4 Mana): Counter Spell