Embodiment of the Dracolich

by Atrox_Primus

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Embodiment of the Dracolich

A Subclass for chimericWilder's Demi-Dragon Homebrew

Embodiment of the Dracolich

Your transformation into a demi-dragon was tainted by the introduction of necrotic energies. A dark power has festered inside of you, only just recently bubbling to the surface and manifesting itself. Perhaps you shall come to smell of gravedirt and decay, perhaps you shall slowly rot until only bones and sinew remain, animated by malign power. Whatever your appearance, and however you came to be this way, the path of the Dracolich is the only path left to you.

Soul Cage

At 3rd level, your soul has become untethered from your body, forcing you to construct a magical artifact known as a Soul Cage to house it. The Soul Cage can be any tiny nonmagical object, and has an AC of 20, a number of hit points equal to your own hit point maximum, and resistance to all damage. While wearing or carrying it, the Soul Cage is immune to damaging area of effect spells and abilities, such as fireball, and if destroyed, a new Soul Cage can be made during a week's worth of downtime.

Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points and the creature dies as a result, or as a reaction when a creature within 30 feet of you dies, if you are on the same plane of existence as your Soul Cage, a portion of its soul is siphoned and your Soul Cage gains 1 charge. The souls of creatures with a CR less than 1/8 are not great enough to charge your Soul Cage, which can hold 3 charges. The minimum CR required to charge your Soul Cage, as well as the amount of charges it can hold, increases at levels 5 (1/4 CR and 5 charges), 11 (1/2 CR and 7 charges) and 17 (1 CR and 9 charges).

Your Soul Cage's nature is unclear to casual observation, and a creature must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against your Dragon Spark DC in order to identify your Soul Cage.

If you are slain while on the same plane of existence as your Soul Cage, you are reanimated within 5 feet of your Soul Cage 1d6 days later, though spells and effects targeting your corpse can bring you back sooner, as normal.

You can expend your Soul Cage's charges in the following ways.

  • As an action, you can expend any number of charges to gain 1d8 temporary hit points per charge spent.
  • Whenever you damage a creature with a natural weapon, you can expend a charge to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can roll a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the Poisoned condition on itself.
  • As an action, you can expend any number of charges to animate large or smaller corpses within 60 feet, animating one per charge spent. You can choose to summon spirits with any of your charges rather than animate corpses, and if you do so, the spirits manifest within 10 feet of you. The corpses or spirits immediately stand, move up to 30 feet towards targets of your choosing, and make a single melee spell attack using your Dragon Spark modifier against their target, dealing 1d10 + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage on a hit. Hit or miss, any spirits fade, and corpses drop lifeless in whatever space they occupy.


Also at 3rd level, your creature type becomes undead. Spells and abilities that affect undead of a specific CR have no effect on you. If a spell or ability that restores hit points specifies that it has no effect on undead, it can effect you, though you gain temporary hit points instead. If you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall unconscious as a result, any healing you receive will bring you to 1 hit point. Additionally, you stop aging, are immune to any effect that would age you, and you cannot die from old age. You do not require air, food, drink or sleep.

Pale Master

At 6th level, the necrotic energy that empowers you has grown strong enough to permanently animate others. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can animate a Skeleton (PHB pg. 152) from bones you summon to your location from the earth.

This skeleton follows your orders (no action required) and is considered an ally. It uses your Dragon Spark modifier for it's attack and damage rolls, and takes it's turns in initiative immediately after yours.

You can have only 1 skeleton animated at a time. You increase the number of skeletons you can animate at a time and control by 1 at level 10, and by 1 again at level 17, for a total of 3.


The dark power that animates you can be made to hang about you like a shroud, sapping life from those nearby.

At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can create a shroud of necrotic power that extends 15ft from you until you are incapacitated or you deactivate it as a bonus action. When a creature enters the shroud for the first time on a turn or starts its turn within the shroud, they take 1 point of necrotic damage, unless they are undead or a construct. For each point of damage inflicted this way, you regain 1 hit point.

Additionally, when you use your Dragon's Breath feature, you can change its damage type to necrotic. If it's damage type is already necrotic, then creatures that fail their saving throw against your Dragon's Breath have their maximum hit points reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.

Undying Will

Not even the destruction of your body can halt your plans.

At 17th level, you can cast the Magic Jar spell once per long rest, using your Soul Cage to fulfill the spell's material components. You may cast this spell even if you are dead, though not if your Soul Cage has been destroyed, ignoring the need for Verbal and Somatic components. Ending the Magic Jar spell does not destroy your Soul Cage.

You maintain the benefit of class features even if your body type would not normally allow their use, summoning spectral versions of your own natural weapons, wings, or whatever else is required to use your features.

If you die while using Magic Jar, you cannot cast it again until your body reanimates via your Soul Cage feature. If your body reanimates while you are possessing a creature via Magic Jar, you can return to it instantly at any time as a reaction.