Revised Flying Races

by Carreau

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Revised Flying Races
Why reworking those races?

Flying races are really often seen as overpowered, and so they are frequently banned from dnd tables. And that's a shame because they are so cool! The issue that is generally discussed is their flight feature that is seen as too powerful in combats in early levels, as nearly no other option let you fly before the level 5. So here are some ideas to fix them and make them less obnoxious in fights while keeping their cool ability to fly.


  • Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. However, as your hands are on the extremities of your wings (your wings are your arms), you can't use actions or bonus actions that require you to use your hands when you are flying such as casting a spell with somatic or material components, attacking with a weapon or using an object.

  • Talons. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit. In addition, you can use your talons to make special grapple or shove attacks when you fly.

Art Credit : Wizards of the Coast


  • Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. However, as your hands are on the extremities of your wings (your wings are your arms), you can't use actions or bonus actions that require you to use your hands when you are flying such as casting a spell with somatic or material components, attacking with a weapon or using an object.

Fairies, Avariel Elves and Winged Tieflins

  • Wings. (replaces the trait Flight.) Your wings can help you to propulse yourself through the air, but they are too weak to maintain you in flight for an extended period of time. Your jump distance is equal to your walking speed, even without a running start.

Homebrew lovingly made by LeRoiDeCarreau

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