Battle Potioner (40 potions)

by Hyperdrift

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Battle Potioner

With a bandolier of elixirs at the ready and pouches of obscure catalysts, you charge beside barbarians and fighters into the fight.

Your team is outnumbered ten-to-one.

The battle rages. Your warriors begin to fall. But the survival of the fort depends on slowing the the enemy. You choose a vial of a vibrant green elixir, add your arcane catalyst, and toss your volley potion into the enemy ranks. Immediately, you turn your attention to a fallen comrade as your thrown vial explodes into a numbing fog. Confused, the enemies slow. You administer a healing draught in time to face even more enemies. Coating your blade in the uncture of radiance, you charge into the fray. Enemies fall to your weapon's alchemically-infused divine power, only to reveal more foes. You are surrounded. There is no escape, until you splash a salve of phasing over your armor. Swords, pikes, arrows assail you in vain as you fight your way free.

Phase spider blood was a brilliant addition to your elixir.

Then, seeing your enemies in a group, you select a red vial of invigorating elixir, add a precise amount of arcane catalyst, and shake the bottle twice. You toss the volley into the group and crouch as a 30 ft. wide eruption of eldritch power decimates the group.

The fighter you've healed climbs to her feet, facing the enemy, weapons at the ready. "So, which of you dies first?"

A dozen foes raise their weapons in answer.

"Quick makeover?" you suggest, tossing her a draught of infernal transmutation.

She downs the darkly pulsing purple liquid like a shot of whiskey, wincing at the acrid smell. Immediately, her skin and eyes turn red, a tail lashes behind her, and a greedy grin spreads across her lips. Enemies charge, but their attack turns into a hasty retreat when your ally lets loose a torrent of flame from her mouth, torching the battlefield with a devastating breath attack. She stands over you, deflecting blows with her tail as she parries strikes with her twin swords. She takes a mortal mound, falling to the ground, lifeless. But as a massive warrior looms, readying your own death-blow, your comrade rises in her pool of blood and stabs the enemy in the back. The draught of undead fortitude—it was a good thing you gave her a dose just as the battle began.

But there is no time left. Your backs are to cliff. Enemies press from all sides. There is no escape.

But there is one vial of curious elixir left. You spike it with a glowing white powder–an expensive divine catalyst made from sacred relics you stole from a temple. You have only one pinch of the glowing dust, but it is enough to complete the draught of celestial transmutation. The potion burns your throat as your nose fills with the mingled scents of brimstone and incense. A surge of magic swells within you, impossible to contain. Massive, white-feathered wings unfold from your back, deflecting arrows and spells. To your enhanced perception, the dim early morning light swells into glorious brightness as if the sun were high in the sky. But you can't enjoy the view. The effect only lasts one minute. You grab your comrade and leap from the cliff, gliding back to the safety of the fortress walls.

As you land on the parapet, your glorious wings spread wide. With your be-deviled companion by your side, you strike quite a dashing figure.

Your team's bold strike into the heart of the enemy ranks stalled their attack, focusing their entire force on one a small group. They never saw your wizards stepping through dimension doors behind their own line of battle casters. In storm of fireballs that backlights your wings in a perfect fiery silhouette, the battle suddenly turns.

Victory is near.

And you need a drink. But perhaps something a little less potent this time.

You are the battle potioner. What other alchemists fear–the dangerous transient effects of mixing volatile ingredients–you have mastered. Your potions last only minutes, but the tales of your brilliance and bravery endure.

You know your alchemy. But you also have the precision and the panache it to pull off this kind of madness in the heat of battle. Dang. You are good.

Creating a Battle Potioner

Choose a race with a bonus to Intelligence like high elf, human, gnome, or hobgoblin. Set your Intelligence as your highest ability, followed Constitution, then Dexterity and Wisdom. Accolyte, cloistered scholar, guild artisan (alchemist), haunted one, hermit, sage, or soldier are relevant backgrounds.

The battle potioner's flexibility makes you a great addition to a campaign with only a few players.

Hit Points

    Hit Dice: 1d8 per level

Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

Hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per level after 1st


Battle Potioners have the following proficiencies at 1st level.

Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields

Weapons: Simple weapons and light and hand crossbows

Tools: Alchemist's tools, glassblower's tools

Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence

Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana, Stealth, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Survival, Perception

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • alchemists’s tools and an explorer’s pack
  • 2 simple weapons of your choice
  • light or hand crossbow with 20 bolts
  • your choice of studded leather armor or scale mail
  • potion bandolier with 10 corked flasks and catalyst pouch


To multi-class into this class you must have Intelligence of at least 13.

Class Features

As a battle potioner you gain the following class features.

Battle potion breakthrough

1st-level battle potioner feature

As an battle potioner, you have studied intense reactions of alchemical mixtures, perfecting flexible elixirs that be turned into one of several potions with the addition of special catalysts. The effects are short lived, but potent.

As an action on your turn, you can spend a number of potion points up to your proficiency bonus to select a vial of your prepared elixirs and add an available catalyst to create an activated battle potion. At 1st level you know how to craft one elixir and one catalyst which you can blend using either the suffused or shaken method, for a total of two unique battle potion options.

Concentrated Elixir

1st-level battle potioner feature

Your elixirs used as draughts are potent in small doses. Any of your vials can be handed to another player as a bonus action. Creatures with hands and Dexterity of 8 or higher can use their reaction to receive a potion, and can drink one of your battle potions as a bonus action.

At 1st level, pouring unctures, applying salves, uncorking a self-dispensing vapor, or lobbing a volley potion requires a full action.

Choose one new elixir at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 13th levels.
Elixir Color Suffused catalyst Shaken catalyst
Volatile Red Invigorating Evocation
Mystical Blue Divination Enchantment
Harmonious Green Conjuration Illusion
Quickened Silver Resistance Abjuration
Curious Purple Transmutation Necromancy
Choose one new catalyst at 2nd, 5th and 8th levels.
Catalyst Description
Divine Radiant damage, healing
Unnatural Necrotic and psychic damage, occult effects
Natural Plant and animal effects, ability enhancement
Arcane Force damage, magical resistance

Using battle potions

Potions follow these rules unless specified in the potion description.

  • Activating a potion costs 1 or more potion points and requires two hands
  • At 1st level you can activate potions requiring 1 potion point
  • The throwing range for volley potions is 75 ft.
  • The DC for saves against effects of your potions is 8 + your proficiency + your Intelligence.
  • Effect duration is 1 minute, except damage dealing volleys which are instantaneous and perfumes which last 10 minutes.
  • Potions are single use, except perfumes which can have multiple doses.
  • Potions expire after 10 minutes and become mundane after 1 hr, except perfumes which expire after 1 hour and become mundane after 2 hours.
  • If a person is under the influence of an expired potion, potion of questionable quality, or under the influence of more than one potion at a time, the DM rolls on the unintended potion effects table to determine a potential side effect of the expired or additional potion.
  • The effects of a potion can be dispelled using the spell dispel magic or similar abilities or spells that end magical effects. A potion's number of potions points is its equivalent spell level for determining whether its effects are ended by such a spell or ability.

Battle Potioner Table

Level Prof. Bonus Elixirs Catalysts Potions
1st +2 1 1 2 3 Battle Potions, Concentrated Elixir
2nd +2 1 2 4 6 Fast Hands
3rd +2 2 2 8 9 Battle Potioner Specialty, Alchemical Recovery
4th +2 2 2 12 12 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 2 3 12 14 Bolstering Brew
6th +3 3 3 18 17 Make That Two
7th +3 3 3 18 19 Specialty Feature
8th +3 3 4 24 22 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 4 4 32 24
10th +4 4 4 32 27 Mixologist
11th +4 4 4 36 29 Specialty Feature
12th +4 4 4 36 32 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 5 4 40 34
14th +5 5 4 40 37 Double Jeopardy
15th +5 5 4 40 39 Specialty Feature
16th +5 5 4 40 42 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 5 4 40 44
18th +6 5 4 40 47 Specialty Feature
19th +6 5 4 40 49 Ability Score improvement
20th +6 5 4 40 52 Alchemical Resonance

Battle potion stats block

Type Use Duration Doses Effect Radius
Draught drink 1 min 1 self
Uncture pour 1 min 1 object
Vapor uncork/
1 min 1 10 ft.
(damage dealing)
toss instant 1 15 ft.
toss 1 min 1 15 ft.
Perfume pour/dab 10 mins 1/pt. 5 ft.

Making vials

Using glassblower's tools and sand/glass and coal/charcoal, you can craft up to 10 x your proficiency corked vials for your potions in one hour of work. You can prepare charcoal using wood and an improvised earthen mound with 1 hr. of labor and 8 hours of smolder time (e.g. long rest).

Unintended potion effects table

Where unintended effects may occur, as specified in the using battle potions section, roll 1d4 and apply the effect.

Roll Effect
1 * Potion backfires. For draught, salve, or vapor: Con save; 1d4 poison dmg on fail.
* For uncture, attempt Dex save; 1d4 fire dmg on fail.
* For volley, targets have advantage on saving throws.
2 Potion has no effect.
3 Potion duration is halved.
4 Potion has the normal effect.

Elixir and Catalyst Preparation

Elixirs and catalysts have indefinite shelf life. Preparing new elixirs requires empty vials, specialized ingredients, alchemist's supplies, and a stable environment. See the battle potions section for details on elixir and catalyst ingredients.

Fast Hands

2nd level Battle Potioner feature

Your training and experience give you exceptionally nimble fingers. As a bonus action you can uncork and strap a vaporizing potion to your bandolier, splash a salve, pour an uncture, toss a vial up 20 ft. to an ally, or lob a volley potion.

Battle Potioner Specialty

3rd-level battle potioner feature

Being vulnerable on the battlefield has led your penetrating intellect to ingenious solutions. Your alchemical invention becomes your signature on the battlefield. Choose from the alchemical firearms or alchemical shields specialties. You gain specialty features at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels.

Alchemical Recovery

3rd-level battle potioner feature

When you finish a short rest you recover a number of spent potions points up to your intelligence modifier. You cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Bolstering Brew

5th-level battle potioner feature

When a creature uses one of your draughts, salves, or perfumes, they gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Creatures and swarms conjured by potions also gain the temporary hit points. The temporary hit points last for the potion's effect duration.

Make that two

6th level battle potioner feature

At 6th level your potion mixing skill is enough to activate two potions in a single action (2 potion points). They must share either the same elixir, or the same catalyst, or both. You can use one of those potions as a bonus action. In addition, you can be under the influence of two battle potions without suffering unintended effects.


10th level battle potioner feature

At 10th level your skill is enough to activate two potions in a single action which can be a different elixir and catalyst. You can use one of those potions as a bonus action.

Double Jeopardy

14th level battle potioner feature

At 14th level you have perfected versatile poisons that don't interfere with your battle potion effects. When you activate a volley potion that causes a creature to make a saving throw against damage, you can spend 2 potion points to add poison, which forces the target(s) to make an additional Constitution saving throw, suffering 1d6 poison damage per total number of potion points spent.

Alchemical Resonance

20th level battle potioner feature

At 20th level your body has developed a unique adaptation to alchemical influences. You are now immune to adverse effects of alchemical interactions. Also, whenever you are under the influence of more than one of your battle potions, your body merges the ingredients in alchemical resonance, which doubles the duration of both effects.

Battle Potioner Specalities

Alchemical Firearms Specialty

Building on the principles of battle magic, you have developed your own custom alchemical firearm. You are proficient with firearms. You can use Intelligence as the ability modifier for your firearm attack rolls and damage bonus.

Raw materials for ammunition are 2 sp per shot. You can create 4d4 shots after a long rest. You can also create 1d4 shots after a short rest if you have the materials and a suitable work area. Spent ammunition is nonrecoverable.

Alchemical firearms have damage, range, misfire and reloading characteristics below, from the Gunslinger class.

Quick trigger

7th level alchemical firearms specialty feature

Your fast hands come in handy in a fight. When you use an action to attack with your firearm, you may make an additional attack with your firearm, ignoring the loading property.

Spellshot Firearms

Name Ammo Damage Weight Range Properties
Palm Pistol 2g (20) 1d8 piercing 1 lb. (40/160) Light, reload 1, misfire 1
Pistol 4g (20) 1d10 piercing 3 lb. (60/240) Reload 4, misfire 1
Musket 5g (20) 1d12 piercing 10 lb. (120/480) Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 2
Pepperbox 4g (20) 1d10 piercing 5 lb. (80/320) Reload 6, misfire 2
Blunderbuss 5g (5) 2d8 piercing 10 lb. (15/60) Reload 1, misfire 2
Bad News 10g (5) 2d12 piercing 25 lb. (200/800) Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 3

Incendiary shot

11th level alchemical firearms specialty feature

Prior to a firearms attack you can spend a bonus action to spend potion points to add a conflagrant. A hit adds 2d6 fire damage per potion point spent , plus 1d6 fire damage per potion point at the end of the target's next turn.


15th level alchemical firearms specialty feature

You aren't the only smart alchemist on the battlefield. You've learned a thing or two and are ready to try to something new.

You gain the 3rd level feature of the alchemical shields specialty: expanding shield. You include a slot in yours that you can shoot through.

Prismatic shot

18th level alchemical firearms specialty feature

Inspired by the spell prismatic wall, you created the ultimate alchemical munition: the prismatic shot, a hand-sized cartridge you attach to the front of your firearm.

Preparation of the prismatic shot is a detailed and time consuming task and you can maintain, at most, two shots. Making a new shot requires 1 hour of alchemical labor, and the materials cost is 100 gp per shot.

When fired, the prismatic shot activates alchemical reactions in seven chambers.

Each chamber emits a corona of color that expands outward from the shot, accelerating the shell and shaping into a 10ft radius cone of color. Creatures in the line of the shot must make seven Constitution saving throws. Each fail causes 4d6 damage of the type specified by the color; half on each success.

Once a target fails a saving throw, they have disadvantage on remaining prismatic shot saving throws until they succeed.

If any saving throws are failed, the target is knocked 15 ft. in the direction of the shot and falls prone. Range is 200 ft.

  • Red: fire damage
  • Orange: acid damage
  • Yellow: lightning damage
  • Green: poison damage
  • Blue: cold damage
  • Indigo: force damage
  • Violet: psychic damage

Alchemical Shields specialty

Prerequisite: battle potioner with curious elixir and natural catalyst

Expanding shield

3rd level alchemical shields specialty feature

You have crafted a unique shield powered by alchemical charges. Strapped to your arm, it provides the usual +2 bonus to AC. When you activate your shield as bonus action on your turn by spending 1 potion point, your shield rapidly expands in a web of twisting vines and branches into a semicircle arc.

A variant of the uncture of plant growth powers the transformation. The shield roots in the ground and curves around you to provide 1/2 cover (+2 AC), and free use of both hands.

When you take the hide action, the shield provides 3/4 cover (+5 AC).

If the shield sustains 100 HP of damage, the wooden structure collapses, leaving only your shield, which you can don as a bonus action. After one minute the structure's HP reduces by 50 HP and it disintegrates after 2 minutes.

At any time on your turn you can detach your shield from the structure as a free item interaction.

You may use this action a number of times equal to your proficiency. Uses recover after a long rest.

Massive shield

7th level alchemical shields specialty feature

At 7th level you have improved your alchemical shield to expand to provide 3/4 cover (+5 AC) with 2 potion points. Another medium creature may occupy the space behind the expanded shield, or up to two small or four tiny creatures. The durability has increased to 150 HP.

Reactive shield

11th level alchemical shields specialty feature

At 11th level you develop a reactive shield. When carrying your shield in its compact form or in its expanded form, when a melee attack against you or a ceature behind your shield fails or you or that creatures make a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to spend a potion point. The shield's reactive alchemy erupts with a power burst. The attacking creature attempts a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail they suffer (prof)d6 force damage and are pushed 5 ft. away from you.


15th level alchemical shields specialty feature

You aren't the only smart alchemist on the battlefield. You've learned a thing or two and are ready to try to something new.

You gain the 3rd level feature of the alchemical firearms specialty: alchemical firearm. You now include a slot in your shield that you can fire through.

Instant Fortress

18th level alchemical shields specialty feature

Your expanding shield has greatly improved. By spending 6 potion points, you can expand your shield to form a fortress of vines, roots and branches occupying a ten by ten foot space with a domed roof ten feet high. The fortress completes growing in round round and has 150 HP. During the next round, it petrifies and its HP increased by 300. The fortress includes several slots to fire or lob potions out of. Creatures in the fortress gains 3/4 cover from outside attacks and full cover when they take the hide action. The fortress lasts indefinitely. You can detach your shield from the inside of the fortress using a bonus action on your turn.

You can create an exit in the fortress by spending a potion point as a bonus action to pour splash a salve on the fortress which weakens a portion that you can remove with a DC 10 strength check as an action.

DM's guide to potion ingredients and cost

Playing the battle potioner is exciting because, like the wizard class, the player can use their creativity to find solutions to many kinds of problems.

But don't worry about the potioner being overpowered. You can reign that in easily because you control the supply chain for a potioner's power: obscure ingredients.

Alchemy is expensive. There is no way around that. The potioner's lifeblood is a scant supply of rare, hard-to-get things that raise eyebrows when characters ask around for them and invite people to charge ridiculous amounts of money because they are clearly desperate.

This plays right into your hands as the story crafter, offering plentiful opportunities to derail the players' quest with XP- and RP-rich side adventures that involving checking mushrooms to see if they are poisonous or swimming in shark-infested waters to gather sea anemones.

A part of each campaign sessions could involve the challenge of getting ingredients and making potions. If so, the team should have skin in the game, namely if the potions fail, the next encounter will be deadly.

Ingredients could be stolen, spoiled, or dropped down a chasm. A vendor could refuse to sell unless the players solve a problem for them first. Excursions to get ingredients lead players to take detours to visit towns or obscure places that are certain to offer dangerous monsters or backstabbing villains. A player might have to try to craft potions while hidden, without making any noise, or need the team's sorcerer to cast a spell to generate cold for making the quickened elixir while in a hot cavern–while potentially taking damage from the wizard's spell.

Battle potions


When players lack an ingredient, they should be encouraged to attempt to make replacements and sell you on the rationale. Lacking powdered drider chitin, a player might substitute a dwarf's beard dandruff, reasoning that both are unliked and spend too much time crawling around in caves.

Alchemy supplies skill check

When a player attempts to make elixirs or catalysts, they make a skill check with their alchemy tools, adding their proficiency and intelligence modifier.

The base DC for elixir or catalyst creation is 8. Assuming a player has introductory proficiency of +2 and modifier of +3, they have a 10% chance of failure. The DC increases by +2 for each substituted ingredient or +3 for each missing ingredient and +2 for nonideal conditions such as fluctuating temperature, dust/contamination or being in a rush.

When a batch fails, roll 1d4 on the low quality potion table, but do not inform the players of the result until a potion is used. For example, if the low quality potion will only last half the duration, the players will find that out when their potion effect suddenly goes away.

With only enough ingredients for a single batch, the survival on the team can depend on the success of the elixir and catalyst preparation, which should encourage lots of "backseat" drivers commenting on what substitute ingredients should, or should not be used, or, when critical, guidance from a cleric.

Player input

Not all ingredients are specified here. The first time a player needs to craft more elixrs or catalysts you can ask them what ingredients they will use. Likely they will choose something convenient, which you can make less convenient in the near future with a change of scene to a cave or a mountain top.

Battle potion formulations (* = min 2 potion points)

Effect Elixir Activation Divine Catalyst Unnatural Catalyst Natural Catalyst Arcane Catalyst
Invigorating volatile suffused draught of healing draught of undead fortitude draught of vigor drought of arcane recovery
Evocation volatile shaken radiant volley* volley of deathly chill* thunder volley* eldritch volley*
Divination mystical suffused draught of guidance volley of faerie fire draught of alacrity uncture of forensics
Enchantment mystical shaken vapor of valor perfume of wrathful aura perfume of charm volley of drunken swagger
Conjuration harmonious suffused uncture of radiance volley of screams* volley of swarms* uncture of elementals*
Illusion harmonious shaken vapor of heavenly cloud volley of uncanny voices salve of leopard skin uncture of untruth
Resistance quickened suffused draught of divine constitution salve of phasing draught of dwarven constitution draught of magical resistance
Abjuration quickened shaken uncture of sanctuary salve of Agathys vapor of warding antimagic vapor
Transmutation curious suffused draught of celestial transmutation* draught of infernal transmutation* uncture of plant growth uncture of animate object
Necromancy curious shaken salve of radiant aura volley of darkness uncture of necroting blade* vapor of false life


As a minimum, the price of a potion should not be less than 1 gp per vial and catalyst should be 1 gp per pinch. These prices are rated for entry level players and could get much higher, especially if the players chance into a lot of money that you need to get out of their hands to make the campaign harder.

A potioner will discover, by attempting to go without and failing at their potion crafting, that they need things like a workbench and a tent in order to make potions, and that becomes an expense and a burden for the team to carry.

Learning recipes through encounters

Encounters become an excellent opportunity for the battle potioner to learn from NPCs. You can reward the player with a new recipe for such interactions, when it is close to their next level-up. Natural advancement through game play is always funner and more believable than canned advancement through leveling up.

Crafting potions

Concept ingredients for elixirs and potions are sketched below. Battle potioners are encouraged to document the details of their recipes to prevent the DM from getting to make up things you need that require killing a red dragon.


Volatile elixir

Apple red liquid with a glossy sheen and low viscosity. Ingredients include brimstone, ash, bat guano, charcoal, red ochre clay, extract of fire beetle, extract of medicinal plants and red flowers. A drop of this liquid will bead up on any cool surface and wet to any hot surface. Its odor is sharp and invigorating, like the poke of dagger.

Mystical elixir

Deep blue liquid that swirls slowly and endlessly with mingled veins of white. Ingredients include powdered glass, lime, copper, extract of ash, mixed at extreme heat, quicksilver, lead, and then at lower temperature the addition of numerous fragrant plant extracts. THe elixir is corked immediately to retain the vital aromatics.

Harmonious elixir

A vibrant green liquid that stills immediately after being disturbed with a subtle earthy scent. Ingredients include powdered copper prepared in a vat of fermenting wine or powdered green minerals heated with sulfur, dissolved in spring water, dried moss, and poisonous mushrooms. Alchemist scholars debate whether the addition of spiders legs and bats wings are necessary, but field battle alchemists know such details are critical to shelf life and consistent performance.

Quickened elixir

The silvery liquid is indistinguishable from quicksilver, its primary ingredient, to the naked eye. However, it is repelled by anything dead. The elixir is prepared mixing powdered minerals and salts into quicksilver at low temperature in a crucible of bone marked with proprietary glyphs and a drop of phase spider blood.

Curious elixir

The purple liquid behaves erratically, sometimes clinging to the bottle as a thick violet sludge and other times appearing to be water with a vague lavender tint. As such, it's preparation is notoriously difficult. Ingredients include powedered chitin of drider or giant spider (drider can be used in smaller quantities), chuul tentacles–frozen, denatured cockatrice venom, water of a bitter spring, vinegar, extract of crushed beetles, and powdered sea anemone.


Divine Catalyst

A catalyst made from ingredients touched by divine power: holy symbols, relics, religious texts, holy water, unicorn horn, priest's bones, incense, etc. This catalyst produces radiant damage in offensive potions, as well as providing healing. A character with a background as an acolyte might have had access to such ingredients.

When the catalyst is suffused (stirred) into an elixir, the activated potion gives off a steady white glow. When the catalyst is dropped into an elixir and the vial shaken, the potion gives up a pulsing glow.

Unnatural Catalyst

A catalyst made from ingredients touched by occult power: skulls, haunted relics, cursed items, preserved remains of undead creatures, blood, ash, bone, planar relics, etc. This catalyst produces necrotic or psychic damage in offensive potions, conjures profane auras and powers infernal transmutations. When the catalyst is suffused (stirred) into an elixir, the activated potion dims light in the vicinity of the vial.

When the catalyst is dropped into an elixir and the vial shaken, the potion pulses, drawing away nearby light in intermittent pulses of darkness.

Natural Catalyst

A catalyst made from ingredients touched by nature or fey influence. Rare plants, poisons and brews, exotic animal parts, water from the Feywild, pixie dust, shed antlers of a seelie fey, flowers, seeds, nectar, etc. This catalyst can always benefit from classic potion additives like tongue of newt or eye of toad. Haunted one or hermit is an appropriate background for a character with expertise in this catalyst. When the catalyst is suffused (stirred) into an elixir, the activated potion bubbles softly and evenly. When the catalyst is dropped into an elixir and the vial shaken, the potion bubbles violently.

Arcane Catalyst

A catalyst made from objects with arcane power: arcane focus, fragments of enchanted gems and amulets, stone from ancient rune circles or portals, items with magical charges, herbs and ritual ingredients, paints, etc. Sage is a relevant background for a character with initial expertise in arcane catalysts.

When the catalyst is suffused (stirred) into an elixir, purple arcane energy crawls over the surface of the vial like the shadow of a passing bird. When the catalyst is dropped into an elixir and the vial shaken, bright violet sparks of arcane energy crackle within the potion.

Battle Potion Descriptions

Antimagic Vapor

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: shaken

When potion is uncorked or the vial breaks, the potion vaporizes to form waving ribbons of purple energy that disrupt magical effects to a radius of 10 ft. for the potion's duration of 1 minute. Within the antimagic vapor, the effect of any spell with level up to the number of potion points spent, is canceled. Spells of that level or below directly targeting creatures in the vapor have no effect. Area effect spells which affect an additional area outside the antimagic vapor behave as normal, including concentration spells. Magical items within the antimagic vapor have their functions temporarily disrupted, unless they are of very rare or legendary type.

Draught of Alacrity

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused

The creature that drinks this potion has advantage on Dexterity saves, skill checks and initiative roles for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Draught of Arcane Recovery

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: suffused

When a spellcaster drinks this potion, they immediately recover a spell slot up of level equal to the potion points spent.

Draught of Celestial Transmutation

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused
  • Potent Potion: min 2 potion points

When creature drinks this potion they grow large white-feathered wings. The wings grant the feather fall ability (no fall damage) and the ability to glide a distance equal to the height they fall from. Gliding speed is 40 ft. The wings also grant +2 AC to ranged weapon and magical attacks. The creature also gains darkvision to 60 ft., seeing dim light as bright light and darkness as dim light. The effects last for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Draught of Divine Constitution

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused

When a creature drinks this potion, they gain resistance to necrotic damage for potion's duration of 1 minute. For each additional potion point spent the creature gains additional resistances, first to cold, then pyschic, then radiant damage.

Draught of Dwarven Constitution

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When a creature drinks this potion, they gain advantage on Constitution saves for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Draught of Guidance

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused

The creature that drinks this potion adds 1d4 plus the number of additional potion points spent to skill checks for the potion's duration of 1 minute, or to at least one skill check if the task is begun during the potion's duration and takes longer than 1 minute.

Draught of Healing

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused

When creature drinks or is fed this potion, they recover 4 hit points per potion point spent up to its maximum hit points.

Draught of Infernal Transmutation

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: suffused
  • Potent Potion: min 2 potion points

When creature drinks this potion they turn red and grow a tiefling's tail. Once, during the potion's effect the creature can make a fire breath weapon attack in a 15 ft. cone. Creatures in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail they suffer 2d6 fire damage per potion point spent; half on a success.

When a foe declares a melee attack on the transmuted creature, the transmuted creature can use their reaction to attempt to parry a melee attack with their tail, with the tail adding a +2 to their AC for that attack.

The effects last for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Draught of Magical Resistance

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When a creature drinks this potion, within the potion's duration of 1 minute, they gain advantage on a chosen saving throw type (Str, Dec, Con, Int, Wis, Cha) of their choice against magical attacks. Gain advantage on additional save types for each additional potion point spent.

Draught of Undead Fortitude

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When creature drinks this potion, they obtain the zombie's undead fortitude ability, namely if they drop to 0 HP, they make a constitution saving throw of DC 5 + (the damage dealt since their last turn), unless the damage is radiant or a critical hit. On a success they drop to 1 HP instead. The effect last for the potion's duration of 1 minute. The creature gains +1 to their saving throw roll total for each additional potion point spent.

Draught of Vigor

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When a creature drinks the potion, for up to the potion's duration of 1 minute their speed increases by 10 ft, unless they have exhaustion, in which case the potion removes one level of exhaustion per potion point spent.

Eldritch Volley

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: shaken
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion erupts in a burst of purple arcane energy. Creatures in a 15ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail they suffer 2d6 force damage per potion point spent minus 1; half on a success.

Radiant Volley

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: shaken
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion erupts in a burst of holy light. Creatures in a 15ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail they suffer 2d6 radiant damage per potion point spent minus 1; half on a success.

Perfume of Charm

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: shaken

The vial contains a number of doses equal to the potion points spent. A creature can apply a few drops of the vial at a time to their neck or face, which consumes one dose. Perfumes expire after one hour and become mundane after 2 hours. A creature wearing the perfume has advantage on persuasion skill checks and advantage on charisma checks against being persuaded.

Perfume of Wrathful Aura

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

The vial contains a number of doses equal to the potion points spent. A creature can apply a few drops of the vial at a time to their neck or face, which consumes one dose. Perfumes expire after one hour and become mundane after 2 hours. A creature wearing the perfume has advantage on intimidation checks and advantage on charisma checks against being intimidated.

Salve of Agathys

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the salve is poured over a creature it gains a protective icy aura. For the potion's duration, when the protected creature suffers damage from a melee attack, it may use its reaction to reduce that damage by 1d4 per potion point spent, and deal an equal amount of cold damage to the attacking creature. The effect lasts for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Salve of Leopard Skin

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the salve is poured over a creature its appearance is altered to match its environment for the potion's duration of 1 minute. The difficult-to-perceive creature gains advantage on stealth checks that rely on not being seen. For an additional potion point the user gains +1 AC.

Salve of Phasing

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When the salve is poured over a creature it gains the ability to partially pass through weapons and attacks. For the potion's duration, when the creature takes bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, it may use its reaction to reduce the damage by a number of d4's equal to the potion points spent.

Salve of Radiant Aura

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the salve is poured over a creature it gains a radiant aura that extends to a range of 10ft. Any undead or fiend starting their turn in the area, or attempting to enter the area, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or the only action it can take on its turn is to dash, and it must end its movement farther away from the aura.

The creature using the salve may add 1d4 per additional potion point spent to saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition.

Thunder Volley

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: shaken
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion erupts thunderous explosion. Creatures in a 15ft radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail they suffer 2d6 thunder damage per potion point spent minus 1; half on a success.

Uncture of Animate Object

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: suffused

When the potion is poured onto an object, it animates, with properties and abilities as described by the animate objects spell. The object will obey verbal commands from the first creature to touch it. The object's maximum size is determined by the number of potion points spent:

  1. Tiny
  2. Small
  3. Medium
  4. Large
  5. Huge

Uncture of Elementals

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: suffused
  • Potent potion minimum 2 potion points

When the potion is poured onto a surface it conjures vengeful elementals that are friendly to the pouring creature and its allies and which last for the potion's duration of 1 minute, or until they are destroyed. The elementals follow the pourer's instructions, which does not require an action unless the instructions are detailed. The potion conjures a number of mephits of CR 1/2 equal to the number of potion points spent minus 1, or twice that for CR 1/4 mephits. If there is more than one creature the elementals target different creatures. Mephit type most closely represents the surface on which the uncture is poured. Mephits of CR 1/4 (mud, smoke, and steam) arrive and attack in pairs.

Terrain Mephit type
dirt or earth dust mephit
snow or ice ice mephit
fire or lava magma mephit
mud or plants mud mephit (x2)
carved stone or ashes smoke mephit (x2)
liquid steam mephit (x2)

Uncture of Forensics

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: suffused

When the potion is poured onto an object or marking such as a footprint or blood stain, the potion vaporizes, forming a ghostly image of the last creature to touch it. The image lasts for one minute.

Uncture of Necroting Blade

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: shaken
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is poured onto a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage, hits with the weapon deal 1d6 additional necrotic damage per potion point spent minus 1. This damage is dealt on the first successful attack made with the weapon on the bearer's turn. The effect lasts for the potion's duration.

Uncture of Plant Growth

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused

When the potion is poured onto earth, it rapidly grows into a large plant which lasts for the potion's duration of 1 minute, before rapidly disintegrating. When poured onto a surface without any walls within 5 ft. a bush grows that provides half cover for a medium or smaller creature, or 3/4 cover to a medium creature taking the hide action or a smaller creature.

When the uncture is poured within 5 ft. of a wall, it sprouts into vines that rise up to 25 ft. The vines are climbable by up to large creatures.

When the uncture is poured within 5 ft. of the edge of a cliff it will attempt to bridge a gap of up to 15 ft., and failing it will grow down a distance of 25 ft. The vines are climbable by up to a large creature.

Uncture of Radiance

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused

When the potion is poured onto a melee weapon (or hand/foot/tail used for unarmed strikes), it glows with divine radiance for the potion's duration of 1 minute and successful melee attacks with the weapon deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage per potion point spent.

Uncture of Sanctuary

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: shaken

When potion is poured onto a surface, it vaporizes into a faint, almost imperceptible mist of sanctuary that extends to a radius of 5ft for the potion's duration of 1 minute. In order to attack a creature in the sanctuary, a foe must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. The sanctuary's radius expands by 5 ft. for each additional potion point spent up to 15 ft. radius.

Uncture of Untruth

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is poured onto creature up to large size, the target's aura is altered to hide its true nature for the potion's duration of 1 minute. Creatures examining the object make a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, a magical object appears mundane. Objects of value greater than 50 gp appear to be worthless imitations. Objects of value less than 50 gp appear to be of ancient or auspicious origin and potentially valuable to collectors. An item being sought-after is dismissed as recognizably different. A creature under the influence of the potion has advantage on deception skill checks regarding their identity and characteristics toward creatures that fail the Wisdom saving throw.

Vapor of False Life

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is uncorked or the vial breaks, the potion vaporizes and is inhaled by creatures within a 10 ft. radius. The number of creatures that can inhale the vapor equals the number of potion points spent. The vapor vanishes immediately. Creatures that inhaled the vapor gain 4 temporary hit points for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Vapor of Heavenly Cloud

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: suffused

When potion is uncorked or the vial breaks, the potion vaporizes to form a dense white cloud of fog of 10 ft radius. Ranged attacks requiring an attack roll on creatures in the fog have disadvantage. Each 5 ft. of intervening fog adds +2 to the DC of a perception check to spot a creature. This vapor can be moved by wind or a gust spell.

Vapor of Valor

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: divine
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is uncorked or the vial breaks, the potion vaporizes and is inhaled by creatures within a 10 ft. radius. The number of creatures that can inhale the vapor equals the number of potion points spent. The vapor vanishes immediately. Creatures that inhaled the vapor gain advantage to Wisdom and Charisma saving throws for the potion's duration of 1 minute.

Vapor of Warding

  • Elixir: quickened
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is uncorked or the vial breaks, the potion vaporizes to form a sparkling mist of 10 ft radius for the potion's duration. When any undead, monstrosity, ooze, aberration, fey, fiend, or celestial attempts to enter the warded area or begins its turn there, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or suffer 1d6 psychic damage per potion point spent; half on a success.

Volley of Drunken Swagger

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: arcane
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion expands in a burst of vapor to a 5ft radius, plus 5 ft. for each additional potion point spent up to 15 ft. The potion slows the reactions of creatures in range when the potion effect began. Affected creatures must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail they suffer disadvantage on Dexterity-based attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws for the potion's duration of 1 minute. Affected creatures can attempt a saving throw at the end of each turn. On a success they are no longer affected.

Volley of Uncanny Voices

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion's alchemical magic summons voices that call to creatures in a 15ft radius, plus 5 ft. for each additional potion point spent. Creatures that can hear must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail they are distracted and have disadvantage on attack rolls and perception checks. The voices continue for the potion's duration of 1 minute. At the end of each turn an affected creature can attempt a saving throw. On a success they are no longer affected by the voices for the duration.

Volley of Darkness

  • Elixir: curious
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion consumes all light in a 10 ft. radius. Light cannot be generated by any means and creatures are blinded unless they have blindsight. The darkness lasts for the potion's duration of 1 minute. The potion's radius can be extended to 15 ft. with the expenditure of an additional potion point.

Volley of Deathly Chill

  • Elixir: volatile
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion erupts in a cloud of grasping etherial hands. Creatures in a 15ft radius of that point must succeed on Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage per potion point spent minus 1; half on a success.

Volley of Faerie Fire

  • Elixir: mystical
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: shaken

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion erupts into a fog of unnatural light for the duration, outlining objects with a ribbons of blue light that dance around their silhouettes. Creatures entering a 15 ft. radius gain no advantage from invisibility. On entering the fog, and at the beginning of its turn in the fog, a creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to make their profile less visible, or attacks against it have advantage.

Volley of Screams

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: unnatural
  • Mixing type: suffused
  • Potent potion: min 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion's essence summons spirits that errupt in mind-rending shrieks. Creatures in a 15 ft. radius must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a fail they suffer 2d6 psychic damage per spell point minus 1; half on a success.

Volley of Swarms

  • Elixir: harmonious
  • Catalyst: natural
  • Mixing type: suffused
  • Potent potion minimum 2 potion points

When the potion is tossed at least 10 ft, the vial breaks on contact with a creature, surface, or object and the potion conjures vengeful swarms of beasts that last for the potion's duration of 1 minute, or until they are destroyed. Any creature that was within a 15 ft. radius of the potion when the effect began can be targeted, even if it moves more than 15 ft. away. The number of swarms is equal to the number of potion points spent minus 1. If there is more than one creature the swarms target different creatures. Roll 1d4 to determine the type of swarm, with statistics as described in the monster manual.

  1. Swarm of bats
  2. Swarm of insects
  3. Swarm of rats
  4. Swarm of ravens

Battle Potioner NPCs

Ally Battle Potioner

Battle Potioners are well-suited as ally characters for a small party. Their variety of buff, debuff, utility and attack potions can fill in gaps in a team's competencies.

Consider choosing the divine catalyst for a support ally character for lots of buff spells, including the draught of healing.

Choose the alchemical shields specialty for a support character.

Ranged attacker

For melee-focused teams that need damage at range, choose a battle potioner with the volatile elixir which offers the widest variety of damage dealing volley potions.

Choose the firearms specialty for longer range attacks.

Annoying Foe

For a tricky enemy, stock up on potions that conjure additional enemies. Choose the harmonious elixir with the natural and arcane catalysts to give the villain access to volley of swarms and uncture of elementals. Consider adding the volatile elixr and unnatural catalyst for access to draught of undead fortitude to grant the zombie's annoying ability to come back from near death, as well as a potent area attack volley of deathly chill. Adding salve of phasing will damage from melee weapon attacks and uncture of necroting blade boosts melee weapon damage. A villain (or minions) with the ability to see in magical darkness would be very dangerous with the volley of darkness

Also, draught of arcane recovery can be nasty to pair with a warlock foe. Just when you thought they were out of spells...

Tuning enemy difficulty

If it looks like an easy fight or potential TPK, tuning the difficulty of a foe is done on the fly, by simply increasing or decreasing the number of points a foe uses in their potions, or limiting the number of potion points. Once they run out of potion points (or ingredients), the battle potioner is kaput.

See below for example enemy NPCs, which are characters with boosted HP to make them useful enemies.

Battle Potioner Infiltrator 4

Human, Neutral

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 48 (6d8+12)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • Potion points 14

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

  • Saving throws Con +4, Int +4
  • Skills Stealth +5, Perception +4
  • Languages Common, Elvish
  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Challenge 2 (450 xp)

  • Concentrated Elixir Taking a potion requires only a bonus action for any creature. Passing a potion to another creature is a bonus action.
  • Potent potion Max 2 points per potion
  • Fast Hands Battle Potioner can use a potion with a bonus action.
  • Alchemical Firearms Specialty Use Int for firearm attack and damage


Elixirs volatile, curious
Catalysts unnatural, natural


Draught of Undead Fortitude (volatile, unnatural) when reduced to 0 HP, returns to 1 HP with Con save of DC 8+1/2 damage taken
Draught of Infernal Transmutation (curious, unnatural) 2 potion pts, 1 min, breath weapon: 2d6 fire damage/pt., 15 ft. cone (single use), reaction: +2 AC against a melee attack using tail to defend


Volley of Darkness (curious, unnatural) 2 potion pts., 60 ft. range, 10 ft. radius, 1 min. magical darkness (15 ft. radius w/2 pts.)


Uncture of Plant Growth (curious, natural) 20 vine to climb/descend or 15 ft. vine bridge, last 1 min.


Volley of Deathly Chill (volatile, unnatural) 2 potion pts., 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, 2d6 cold damage/pt. (half with Con save)
Uncture of Nectroting Blade (curious, natural) 2 potion pts, +1d4 nectrotic damage/pt. to attacks with treated weapon for 1 min.


Mix Potion 1 potion, max 2 potion points
Rapier +4 to hit, 1d8+2 slashing (+1d4/pt. with uncture of necroting blade)
Pistol +5 to hit, 1d10+3 piercing, reload 4, misfire 1, ammunition 20, range 60/240

Bonus Actions

Pass potion hand or toss a potion to ally within 10 ft. Use potion drink draught, uncork fog, lob volley, splash salve, pour uncture


Tail defense with infernal transmutation active, +2 AC against a declared melee attack

Battle Potioner Investigator 6

Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 70 (10d8+20)
  • Speed 30
  • Potion points 17

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

  • Saving throws Con +5, Int +5
  • Skills Medicine +6, Perception +5
  • Languages Common, Elvish
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 xp)

  • Concentrated Elixir Taking a potion requires only a bonus action for any creature. Passing a potion to another creature is a bonus action.
  • Potent Potion max 3 pts per potion
  • Fast Hands Battle Potioner can use a potion with a bonus action.
  • Alchemical recovery recover Int mod potion points on a short rest.
  • Make that Two Can mix two potions in one action (same elixir or catalyst); can be under the influence of two battle potions without unintended effects
  • Alchemical Shield specialty Expanding shield (+2 AC, hands-free potion mixing)


Elixirs volatile, mystical, quickened
Catalysts divine, unnatural, arcane


Vapor of Valor (mystical, divine) pt. number of creatures within 10 ft. gain advantage on Wis and Cha saving throws for 1 min.
Draught of Guidance (mystical, divine) +1d4+pts. to skill checks for 1 min.
Draught of Healing (volatile, divine) recover 4 HP/pt.
Draught of Undead Fortitude (volatile, unnatural) when reduced to 0 HP, returns to 1 HP with Con save of DC 8+1/2 damage taken.
Drought of Arcane Recovery (volatile, arcane) recovers a spell slot of level equal to the potion points spent (for ally)
Draught of Divine Constitution (quickened, divine) for each extra potion pt. gain resistance to first necrotic, then cold, psychic and radiant damage for 1 min.
Uncture of Sanctuary (quickened, divine) attack must make a Wis save or attack fails and spell slot and/or ammunition is wasted

Salve of Phasing (quickened, unnatural) reaction to reduce bludgeoning, piercing, slashing by pts. d4's Draught of Magical Resistance (quickened, arcane) 1 min, for each potion point, gain advantage on one saving throw type against magical attacks
Salve of Agathys (quickened, unnatural) 1min, reaction to reduce melee damage by #pts d4's and deal that much cold damage to attacking creature. Antimagic Vapor (quickened, arcane) 1 min, spells of up the number of potion points are cancelled in the 10 ft. radius where the potion is released


Volley of Drunken Swagger (mystical, arcane) 60 ft., 15 ft. radius, disadv. on Dex saves and checks for 1 min. unless Con save


Uncture of Forensics (mystical, arcane) reveal smoky image of last creature to touch an object
Perfume of Wrathful Aura (mystical, unnatural) 10 min, adv. on Intimidation checks and Charisma checks vs. intimidation (1 dose/pt.)


Eldritch Volley (volatile, arcane) min 2 potion pts, 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, 2d6 force damage/potion pt. (half with Dex save)
Radiant Volley (volatile, divine) min 2 potion pts.,60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, 2d6 radiant damage/pt. (half on Dex save).
Volley of Deathly Chill (volatile, unnatural) min 2 potions pts, 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, 2d6 cold damage/pt. (half with Con save).
Volley of Faerie Fire (mystical, unnatural) 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, invisible creatures revealed and adv. to hit unless Dex save


Mix Potion 1 potion, or 2 w/shared ingredient, max 3 pts. per potion
Rapier +5 to hit, 1d8+2 slashing
Light Crowsbow +5 to hit, 1d6+2 piercing, 20 bolts

Bonus Actions

Pass potion hand or toss a potion to ally within 10 ft. Use potion drink draught, uncork fog, lob volley, splash salve, pour uncture
Expanding shield spend 1 potion point to plant expanding shield in the ground. Provides half cover (+2 AC) while mixing potions with two hands

Crazed Potioner 6

Human, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 70 (10d8+20)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • Potion points 17

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

  • Saving throws Con +5, Int +5
  • Skills Nature +5, Perception +5
  • Languages Common, Elvish
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 xp)

  • Concentrated Elixir Taking a potion requires only a bonus action for any creature. Passing a potion to another creature is a bonus action.
  • Potent potion max 3 pts. per potion
  • Fast Hands Battle Potioner can use a potion with a bonus action.
  • Alchemical recovery recover Int mod potion points on a short rest.
  • Make that Two Can mix two potions in one action (same elixir or catalyst); can be under the influence of two battle potions without unintended effects
  • Alchemical Firearms specialty Use Int for firearm attack and damage bonus.


Elixirs volatile, mystical, quickened
Catalysts unnatural, natural, arcane

Buff/Defense (* = min 2 potion pts.)

*Salve of Phasing (quickened, unnatural) 1 min,reaction to reduce bludgeoning, piercing, slashing by pts. d4's
Salve of Agathys (quickened, unnatural) 1min, reaction to reduce melee damage by #pts d4's and deal that much cold damage to attacking creature. Draught of Infernal Transmutation (curious, unnatural) 1min, 1 breath weapon: 2d6 fire damage/pt., 15 ft. cone, reaction: +2 AC against a melee attack using tail to defend
Salve of Leopard Skin (harmonious, natural) 1 min, 1 pt.: adv on stealth checks; 2 pts.: +1 AC
Draught of Dwarven Constitution (quickened, natural) 1 min, adv. on Con saving throws
Vapor of Warding (quickened, natural) 10 ft. radius, undead, nonhumanoid, and extraplanar creatures entering or starting turn in area take 1d6 psychic damage/pt. unless Cha save
Draught of Magical Resistance (quickened, arcane) 1 min, for each potion point, gain advantage on one saving throw type against magical attacks

Vapor of False Life (curious, arcane) 1 creature/pt. in 10 ft. radius gains +4 temp HP for 1 min

Debuff (* = min 2 potion pts)

*Volley of Darkness (curious, unnatural) 60 ft. range, 10 ft. radius, 1 min. magical darkness (15 ft. radius w/2 pts.)
Volley of Uncanny Voices (harmonious, unnatural) 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, disadv. on attacks and perception for 1 min or until Wis save
Antimagic Vapor (quickened, arcane) 1 min, spells of up the number of potion points are cancelled in the 10 ft. radius where the potion is released


Uncture of Plant Growth (curious, natural) 20 vine to climb/descend or 15 ft. vine bridge, last 1 min.
Uncture of Untruth (harmonious, arcane) 1 min, alter an aspect of an object or person such as its apparent value or identity

Buff/Offense (* = min 2 potion pts)

Uncture of Animate Object (curious, arcane) animate object for 1 min, size/pt. increases from tiny to huge (see spell animate objects for stat blocks)
*Volley of Screams (harmonious, unnatural) 60 ft. range, 15 ft. radius, 2d6 psychic damage/pt. (1/2 on Int save)
*Volley of Swarms (harmonious, natural) range 50 ft., 15 ft. radius, conjure random swarms/pt.; roll 1d4: 1 = bats, 2 = insects, 3 = rats, 4 = ravens
*Uncture of Nectroting Blade (curious, natural) +1d4 nectrotic damage/pt. to attacks with treated weapon for 1 min.
*Uncture of Elementals (harmonious, arcane) conjure a number of mephits/pt. for 1 min, type determined by pour surface (see potion desc)


Mix Potion 1 potion, or 2 w/shared ingredient, max 3 pts. per potion
Rapier +5 to hit, 1d8+2 slashing (+1d4/pt. with uncture of necroting blade)
Pistol +6 to hit, 1d10+3 piercing, reload 4, misfire 1, ammunition 20, range 60/240

Bonus Actions

Pass potion hand or toss a potion to ally within 10 ft.
Use potion drink draught, uncork fog, lob volley, splash salve, pour uncture


Tail defense with infernal transmutation active, +2 AC against a declared melee attack

Assault Battle Potioner 8

Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class No shield: 15, Shield/half cover: 17; 3/4 cover shield: 20
  • Hit Points 130
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • Potion points 22 (max 3 pts per potion)

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving throws Con +6, Int +7
  • Skills Stealth +5, Perception +5
  • Languages Common, Elvish
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 xp)

  • Concentrated Elixir Taking a potion requires only a bonus action for any creature. Passing a potion to another creature is a bonus action.
  • Fast Hands Battle Potioner can use a potion with a bonus action.
  • Alchemical recovery recover Int mod potion points on a short rest.
  • Make that Two Can mix two potions in one action (same elixir or catalyst); can be under the influence of two battle potions without unintended effects
  • Alchemical Sheilds specialty Expanding Shield (1 pt, +2 AC, hands-free potion mixing), Massive Shield (2 pts, +5 AC, hands-free potion mixing)


Elixirs volatile, harmonious, curious
Catalysts divine, unnatural, natural, arcane

Buff/Defense (* = min 2 potion pts)

Draught of Healing (volatile, divine)
Draught of Undead Fortitude (volatile, unnatural)
Draught of Vigor (volatile, natural)
Draught of Arcane Recovery (volatile, arcane)
Uncture of Radiance (harmonious, divine)
Vapor of Heavenly Cloud (harmonious, divine)
Salve of Leopard Skin (harmonious, natural)
*Draught of Celestial Transmutation (curious, divine) *Draught of Infernal Transmutation (curious, unnatural) Salve of Radiant Aura (curious, divine)
Vapor of False Life (curious, arcane)

Debuff (* = min 2 potion pts)

Volley of Uncanny Voices (harmonious, unnatural)
*Volley of Darkness (curious, unnatural)


Uncture of Untruth (harmonious, arcane)
Uncture of Plant Growth (curious, natural)

Buff/Offense (* = min 2 potion pts)

*Radiant Volley (volatile, divine)
*Volley of Deathly Chill (volatile, unnatural)
*Thunder Volley (volatile, natural)
*Eldritch Volley (volatile, arcane)
*Volley of Screams (harmonious, unnatural)
*Volley of Swarms (harmonious, natural)
*Uncture of Elementals (harmonious, arcane)
Uncture of Animate Object (curious, arcane)
*Uncture of Nectroting Blade (curious, natural)


Mix Potion 1 potion, or 2 w/shared ingredient, max 3 pts. per potion
Rapier +5 to hit, 1d8+2 slashing (+1d4/pt. with uncture of necroting blade)
Pistol +5 to hit, 1d10+2 piercing, reload 4, misfire 1, ammunition 20, range 60/240

Bonus Actions

Pass potion hand or toss a potion to ally within 10 ft.
Use potion drink draught, uncork fog, lob volley, splash salve, pour uncture


Tail defense with infernal transmutation active, +2 AC against a declared melee attack

Contribution Credits

Type Source
Art Alchemist, Gary Dupuis, used with license.
Art Library, Erique Meseguer, pixabay noncomercial license.

Change Log

Date Change
2023.02.19 minor clerical, made volley of darkness 1 potion point
2022.05.03 added note about the fact that dispel magic can end potion effects
2922.03.19 * nerfed a bunch of potions equivalent to 2nd level spells to requie a minimum of 2 potions points and reduced their damage output by one potion point
* limited level 1 potioners to 1 potion point per potion
* removed martial weapon proficiency (chemistry nerds don't swing battleaxes)
2022.03.11 Awdde), NPCs, changed Dwarven Constitution, nerfed Necroting Blade, nerfed Leopard Skin, improved descroption of magical resistance, improved explanation of uncture of sanctuary, changed save type on a few potions to better match analogous spells
2022.02.16 Swapped illusion and enchanting elixir types
2022.02.15 Added image. Formatting.
2022.02.13 Initial draft, no art. All original content.
2022.12.08 playtest feedback: changed firearms specialty 7th level feature to not use bonus action, added 3rd level feature--alchemical recovery, allowed firearms specialty to use Int as attack ability, renamed experimental alchemist specilaty to Battle Potioner specialty, shield detatch moved to free item interaction, 5th level draughts, salves, and perfumes grant temp HP., buffed radiant salve and made it upcastable, salve of phasing clarified and made up-castable, clarified vapor of warding, made volley of uncanny voices scale, nerfed salve of agathys to be a reaction effect, typo in potioner table spells known

Feedback Please!

Have questions, comments, playtest feedback, or requests for additional content or changes?
Need more encounters, NPCs, or maps?
Missing attribution?
Broken ability that needs nerfing?
Did you enjoy this supplement?
I need your feedback!
Contact Dan at

Balancing strategy notes

  • Potion points are roughly equivalent to the sum of a full caster's (spell slots x spell levels) plus socercy points and/or arcane recovery.
  • Potioners gain 3 potion points per level up to 12 and then 2.5 points per level thereafter.
  • The key effect of a potion such as number of affected creatures, range, and damage scale with the potion points spent such that 1 potion point effects match 1st level spells, 2 potion point effects match 2nd level spells, etc.
  • Potioners can only spell potion points in one potion up to their proficiency, which limits their affects to appropriate levels.
  • Damage for area effect spells is 2d6 per potion point, with a save for half damage. At full power (6 spell points), damage is 12d6, available at 17th level and above, which is a little less than the breath weapon of a young dragon at CR 6 or 1.5x the damage of a fireball spell at much shorted maximum range, so not OP, and maybe typical of a 5th level spell * With 52 spells points, a level 20 potioner could do 8-9 maxed out spells, equivalent to the spell slots of a wizard from 5th-9th level.
  • The only really big weapon is the prismatic shot, which deals a lot of damage, but also has a lot of chances for saves. And that is no where near a meteor swarm for damage.
  • This character can be easily buffed or nerfed by changing the potion point scaling, with no need to alter ability descriptions or features.
  • Low potential for broken abilities since potions aren't conjuring large numbers of things. For instance, conjure elementals can summon 12 CR 1/4 mephits (working in pairs for easy of DM management) which attack 6 different targets if they are available. Mephits deal 1d4 damage so each round they are dealing 12d4 (i.e. 8d6 damage tops), which no where near an animate objects spell.
  • DM has hooks to slow the potioner's control of the game by limiting supply of ingredients. It a character has an innate ability, that is much harder to nerf.
  • Potion making takes actions so that helps nerf the character a bit–a tradeoff for lack of concentration.
  • Potions don't require concentration, so many of the potion abilities are somewhat lower than equivalent spells.
  • Potion abilities depend on the chosen elixirs and catalysts, so players can't just cherry pick from the entire list and choose the most OP potions every time they advance. They get a little of everything, from utility options, to buffing, to attack, which will encourage balanced play.
  • The firearm specialty is mainly to give the player a ranged weapon with damage that doesn't scale with advancement. It provides a consistent combat option that fits with the genre of alchemy, and addresses the range limitation of potions. Notably, the potioner is not given a separate powerful melee ability. Potions that buff weapon attacks do this.
  • The shield specialty is meant to address the challenge of making potions on the battlefield. If the player wants to be in a support role, they can hunker down and not be super squishy. Unlike a cleric, they can't use their primary ability with a shield in hand—potions take two hands.
  • The potioner's fast hands and concentrated elixir abilities are the most high-powered features. They grant players the ability to use potions without using a full action. This nearly creates a level of parity with spellcasting, which operates up to larger ranges, and requires nothing of the player being buffed by a spell.
  • Some notable things the potioner can't do, which helps with class balance: martial weapons, heavy armor, cantrips, theives' tools/lock pick, ascending flight, any form of teleportation/misty step, stun a creature (debuffs are always a step or two below stunning), poison a creature (debuffs are always a step or two below the poisoned condition), induce sleep, permanently imbue magic, create scrolls, any type of long-term magical effect, generate or purify food and drink, talk to or control animals
  • the limited range of potions (75 ft.) forces the battle potioner to be at the front lines of the fight, which justifies the medium armor and shields.
  • Potions with 2 point minimum: 1st level spells can either do damage at range to a single player, or deal cone damage to multiple players are short range. Accordingly, the potent potion ability was defined to prevent 1st level battle potioners from lobbing lots of area affect attacks at range. 2 potion points, equivalent to casting a 2nd level spell deals 2d6, half on a save. There are no area affect damage 2nd level spells. Then at 3rd level suddenly people are casting fireball (8d6 per target!). So battle potioner has a more graded level up profile, meaning they aren't as vulnerable at low level or as OP at high level. So, useful, even critical, but not totally dominant at any level.
  • Reaction usage. Potions that grant damage reduction require the user's reaction to activate, which prevents a potion from turning a player into a barbarian or granting a feat like heavy armor master for the price of a few potion points.

Uniqueness/utility notes.

  • The battle potioner overlaps with cleric, wizard, and warlock and replaces the lame artificer class whose abilities don't scale to higher levels of play. With five or more players at the table, the battle potioner may find some of their skills redundant. But on a team with only 2-4 players, the battle potioner can serve as a multipurpose wizard/cleric/warlock. Also, when you have players that are picky or stubborn about which class they want to play and a team is unbalanced, or players are frequently absent due to conflicts, the battle potioner works well to round out the team and maintain survivability. Also, because wizards are so squishy they necessitate having a good healer, while not being able to heal. This lends itself perfectly to parties with four to six players, where we need as many unique niches as possible. On the other end of the spectrum, small parties with a wizard that goes down quickly, will be facing many TPK situations early on. However, without a wizard, they won't stand a chance at higher levels. That's where battle potioners can help. Nobody wants to play a character for several months and then die to an ooze or a spectre at 7th level because their caster was down.

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