
by CanceRevolution

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Soldiers are meticulously trained individuals committed to safeguarding their nation or kingdom. Proficient in combat and tactics, they often collaborate in vast units to fulfill strategic goals. Typically arranged in a hierarchical order, the chain of command flows from officers to their subordinates, ensuring clarity in roles and streamlined execution of directives.

Emphasizing discipline and teamwork, soldiers are conditioned to execute orders unflinchingly and to have unwavering trust in their superiors' decisions. Cohesive teamwork is essential to attain their goals, coupled with the agility to respond to evolving battlefield scenarios. Equally vital is their discipline, enabling them to manage emotions and maintain unwavering focus on their mission.

Tier 1


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 2, XP: 2


AC 16 AP 3
HP 16 Posture 9
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 13
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +0 INT +0 WIS +3 CHA -1
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

Actions (1)

  • Longsword Hit +4, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Archer Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 2, XP: 2


AC 16 AP 2
HP 16 Posture 9
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 13
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +0 INT +0 WIS +3 CHA -1
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

Actions (1)

  • Longbow Hit +4, Dmg 1d8 + 2 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (120/300)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Volley Attack If there are at least 1 other Archer within 20 feet of you, you can use this Action. Choose 1 point within 120 feet of you.

  • All creatures within 10 feet of that point must make an Agility Save (DC 12), taking 1d8 + 2 thrust damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.

Scout Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 1, XP: 1


AC 14 AP 1
HP 8 Posture 7
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 19
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +2 DEX +4 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA -1
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Explorer Your Passive Insight/ Perception is increased by 5, and you gain advantage on Insight and Perception Checks or Saves.

Actions (1)

  • Falchion Hit +4, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 12), or start Bleeding (1d6).

  • Shortbow Hit +4, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Field Medic

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 1, XP: 1


AC 11 AP 0
HP 6 Posture 2
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +2 DEX +2 INT +5 WIS +4 CHA -1
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Medic When you fail a Medicine Check, you can add a +1 bonus to the result, potentially turning it into a success.

Actions (1)

  • Quick Bandage Choose 1 creature within 5 feet of you. That creature gains 5 Posture


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 4, XP: 4


AC 16 AP 3
HP 37 Posture 19
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 13
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +5 DEX +3 INT +1 WIS +3 CHA +2
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Not allowed to die! Once per round, when you see a Soldier within 30 feet being reduced to 0 HP, you can make that Soldier be reduced to 1 HP instead


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a Soldier within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

Actions (1)

  • Longsword Hit +5, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

  • Spear Hit +5, Dmg 1d10 thrust

  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.

  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.

  • Throw Weapon (20/60)

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: If a creature within reach moves without Disengaging, you can use this weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against it.

Shield Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 1, Challenge Point 3, XP: 3


AC 16/ +3 Shield AP 3
HP 28 Posture 15
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 13
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX -1 INT +0 WIS +3 CHA -1
  • LU -1: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.
  • Great Shield While wielding the Great Shield, you are also in harsh terrain.

Actions (1)

  • Spear Hit +4, Dmg 1d10 thrust
  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.
  • Throw Weapon (20/60)
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Favorite Weapon: If a creature within reach moves without Disengaging, you can use this weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against it.

Tier 2

Veteran Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 3, XP: 6


AC 16/ +1 Shield AP 3
HP 23 Posture 13
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +5 DEX +0 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA -1
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

Actions (2)

  • Spear Hit +5, Dmg 1d10 thrust

  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.

  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.

  • Throw Weapon (20/60)

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: If a creature within reach moves without Disengaging, you can use this weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against it.

Bonus Action

  • Forced Posture You can gain 3 Posture.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 5, XP: 10


AC 16 AP 3
HP 36 Posture 19
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +3 INT +1 WIS +4 CHA +5
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Not allowed to die! Once per round, when you see a Soldier within 30 feet being reduced to 0 HP, you can make that Soldier be reduced to 1 HP instead


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a Soldier within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

  • Inspiring Presence All friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are immune against being Confused, Enchanted, and Scared.

Actions (2)

  • Longsword Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

  • War Javelin Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 thrust

  • Aquatic: Being Underwater does not impose disadvantage on the Attacks.

  • Throw Weapon (30/120)

  • Favorite Weapon: You gain advantage to all Attacks you make when throwing this weapon.

Veteran Scout

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 3, XP: 6


AC 16 AP 1
HP 21 Posture 15
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 20
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 35 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +6 INT +0 WIS +5 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Explorer Your Passive Insight/ Perception is increased by 5, and you gain advantage on Insight and Perception Checks or Saves.

  • Fancy Footwork When you Disengage, you become in fast terrain until the end of your turn.

Actions (2)

  • Falchion Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 14), or start Bleeding (1d6).

  • Shortbow Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Bonus Action

  • Quick Hide You can Hide as a Bonus Action.


  • Evasion When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC, potentially making that Attack miss instead.

Field Surgeon

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 2, XP: 4


AC 11 AP 0
HP 11 Posture 9
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +3 DEX +2 INT +6 WIS +5 CHA +1
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Medic When you fail a Medicine Check, you can add a +2 bonus to the result, potentially turning it into a success.

Actions (1)

  • Quick Bandage Choose 1 creature within 5 feet of you. That creature gain 10 Posture

Veteran Shield Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 4, XP: 8

Special Loot: Tower Shield (Uncommon Shield)


AC 16/ +3 Shield AP 3
HP 38 Posture 20
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX -1 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Great Shield While wielding the Great Shield, you are also in harsh terrain.

  • Protector When a friendly creature within 5 feet of you would be hit by an Attack, you can transfer that Attack to you instead.

Actions (2)

  • Flail: Hit +6, Dmg 1d10 strike

  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 1 AP.

  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore the bonuses granted by Cover and Shields with this weapon’s Attacks.

  • Shield Bash: Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 strike

  • Knocker: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 14), or become Knocked Prone.

Bonus Action

  • Tower Shield As a Bonus Action, you can place this Great Shield in front of you and use it as a Full Cover, but you become Immobilized while doing so. You can stop this effect as a Free Action

Veteran Archer Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 2, Challenge Point 3, XP: 6


AC 16 AP 2
HP 24 Posture 13
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 14
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +6 DEX +3 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.
  • Sharp Shooter Once per round, if you miss a Ranged Attack, you can add a +2 bonus to the result.
  • In addition, you can also make Ranged Attacks of Opportunity when a creature Posture breaks.
  • Piercing Ammo (2) Before you Attack, you can use 1 of your 2 Piercing Ammos. On a hit, that Attack ignores all AP and can deal 1d4 extra damage.

Actions (2)

  • Longbow Hit +6, Dmg 1d8 + 2 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (120/300)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Volley Attack If there are at least 1 other Archer within 30 feet of you, you can use this Action. Choose 1 point within 120 feet of you.

  • All creatures within 10 feet of that point must make an Agility Save (DC 14), taking 1d8 + 2 thrust damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.

Bonus Action

  • Steady Aim (Concentration) You gain advantage on all Ranged Attacks against a creature more than 20 feet of you.

Tier 3

Elite Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 18 AP 3
HP 47 Posture 25
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +1 INT +1 WIS +5 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

Actions (3)

  • Halberd Hit +7, Dmg 2d6 slash, strike or thrust
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.
  • TwoHanded: Needs both hands to make an Attack.

Bonus Action

  • Halberd Hit +7, Dmg 1d6 slash, strike or thrust
  • Follow-up: You can only use this Attack after you Attack with the Halberd.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet.


  • Reactive Attack When a creature within 10 feet of you Attacks without Disengaging first, you can use your Reaction to make 1 Attack of Opportunity against that creature.

Elite Archer Soldier

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 16 AP 2
HP 37 Posture 20
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +1 INT +1 WIS +5 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Sharp Shooter Once per round, if you miss a Ranged Attack, you can add a +3 bonus to the result.

  • In addition, you can also make Ranged Attacks of Opportunity when a creature Posture breaks.

  • Piercing Ammo (3) Before you Attack, you can use 1 of your 3 Piercing Ammos. On a hit, that Attack ignores all AP and can deal 1d4 extra damage.

  • Forced Critical (1) Before you make an Attack with advantage, you can automatically score a Critical Hit with that Attack. You can only use this ability once per Short or Long rest

Actions (3)

  • Longbow Hit +7, Dmg 1d8 + 2 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (120/300)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Volley Attack If there are at least 1 other Archers within 30 feet of you, you can use this Action. Choose 1 point within 120 feet of you.

  • All creatures within 20 feet of that point must make an Agility Save (DC 15), taking 1d8 + 2 thrust damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.

Bonus Action

  • Steady Aim (Concentration) You gain advantage on all Ranged Attacks against a creature more than 20 feet of you.


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 6, XP: 18


AC 17 AP 2
HP 41 Posture 23
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +5 DEX +5 INT +1 WIS +5 CHA +7
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Banner Presence At the start of the round, 1d4 Soldiers appear on the battlefield.


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Inspiring Presence All friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are immune against being Confused, Enchanted, and Scared.

Actions (2)

  • War Inspiration Choose 2 friendly creatures within 30 feet of you, except yourself. Those creatures gain 2d6 Posture


Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Wall Breaker (Common Weapon)


AC 16/ +3 Shield AP 3
HP 87 Posture 46
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 16
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 30 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +2 INT +4 WIS +6 CHA +7
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Pride Action Once per round, you can use 1 Action anytime that you want.
  • Not allowed to die! Once per round, when you see a Soldier within 30 feet being reduced to 0 HP, you can make that Soldier be reduced to 1 HP instead


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a Soldier within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

  • Great Shield While wielding the Great Shield, you are also in harsh terrain.

  • Inspiring Presence All friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are immune against being Confused, Enchanted, and Scared.

Actions (3)

  • War Hammer Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 strike or thrust
  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.
  • Special Effect: When you deal extra +2 damage to any Constructs or objects.
  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore 3 AP

Elite Shield Bearer

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30

Special Loot: Tower Shield (Uncommon Shield)


AC 18/ +3 Shield AP 3
HP 47 Posture 25
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 15
  • Language Common


Base/Climb/Swim 25 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX -1 INT +0 WIS +5 CHA +0
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Great Shield While wielding the Great Shield, you are also in harsh terrain.

  • Protector When a friendly creature within 5 feet of you would be hit by an Attack, you can transfer that Attack to you instead.

Actions (3)

  • Flail: Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 strike

  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 1 AP.

  • Favorite Weapon: You ignore the bonuses granted by Cover and Shields with this weapon’s Attacks.

  • Shield Bash: Hit +7, Dmg 1d8 strike

  • Knocker: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 15), or become Knocked Prone.

Bonus Action

  • Tower Shield As a Bonus Action, you can place this Great Shield in front of you and use it as a Full Cover, but you become Immobilized while doing so. You can stop this effect as a Free Action

Scout Mastermind

Medium, Humanoid

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 18 AP 1
HP 64 Posture 38
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 22
  • Language Common and 3 Languages


Base/Climb/Swim 45 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +4 DEX +8 INT +8 WIS +7 CHA +2
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Assassin Once per round, when you hit a Surprised creature, you can deal extra 1d12 damage.

  • Athletic You gain advantage to all your Athletics and Endurance Checks or Saves.

  • Detective When you fail an Investigation, Insight, Memory or Perception Check, you can add a +3 bonus, potentially turning it into a success.

  • Explorer Your Passive Insight/ Perception is increased by 5, and you gain advantage on Insight and Perception Checks or Saves.

  • Fancy Footwork When you Disengage, you become in fast terrain until the end of your turn.

Actions (3)

  • Falchion Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 slash or thrust

  • Versatile: If you Attack with both hands, the damage roll of this weapon becomes 1d12.

  • Favorite Weapon: On a hit, the target of the Attack must then succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 15), or start Bleeding (1d6).

  • Shortbow Hit +7, Dmg 1d8 thrust

  • Ranged Weapon (60/120)

  • TwoHanded: Needs two hands to be wielded.

  • Favorite Weapon: If you miss an Attack with this weapon, you can reroll that result. You must use the second result and you cannot reroll it again

Bonus Action

  • Quick Hide You can Hide as a Bonus Action.


  • Evasion When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +4 bonus to your AC, potentially making that Attack miss instead.